2ND STATISTICAL CHALLENGES IN E-COMMERCE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Management Information Systems Research Center Schedule for Monday, May 22, 2006 Sudipto Banerjee, Biostatistics, School of Public Health Mark Bergen, Marketing and Logistics Management, Carlson School of Management Robert J. Kauffman, MISRC and Information and Decision Sciences, Carlson School of Management Shashi Shekhar, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology University of Minnesota Last revised: May 18, 2006 TIME 8:00-8:30 8:30-8:50 ACTIVITY BREAKFAST Welcome 8:50-9:30 1st Keynote 9:30-9:50 9:50-10:20 BREAK Paper Slot 1,2 10:20-10:50 Paper Slot 3,4 10:50-11:20 Paper Slot 5,6 11:20-11:50 Paper Slot 7,8 11:50-13:10 13:10-14:00 LUNCH 1st Panel MAIN EVENT ROOM 2-260R In the Executive Training Center Lobby, nearby 2-260R John Fossum, Acting Associate Dean of Faculty & Research, Professor of Human Resources & Industrial Relations, Carlson School of Management, UMN The Evolution of E-Commerce: Will We Need Statistics? A. Odlyzko, Director, Digital Technology Center, UMN EVENT ROOM 2-207 Is Consumer Demand Kinked? Estimating Menu Costs and Search Costs in Electronic Markets (A. Ghose, NYU and B. Gu, UT Austin) Price Points and Price Rigidity (D. Lee, Korea University; D. Levy, Bar-Ilan University; A. Chen, U Miami; R. Kauffman, MISRC/IDSc, UMN; and M. Bergen, Marketing, UMN) Do Market Characteristics Impact the Relationship between Retailer Characteristics and Online Prices? (R.Venkatesan, K. Mehta and R. Bapna, U Connecticut) Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small and Rational Inattention (A. Chen, U Miami; D. Levy, Bar-Ilan U; S. Ray, McMaster U and M. Bergen, Marketing, UMN) Carlson Private Dining Room, Lower Level Explanatory Vs. Predictive Modeling in Electronic Commerce (R. Bapna, U Connecticut and Indian School of Business; O. Koppius, Erasmus U; G. Shmueli, U Maryland) Quantifying Bid Shading in Online Auctions via a Functional Approach (G. Shmueli, W. Jank, U Maryland; and R. Bapna, U Connecticut and Indian School of Business) Maybe Enough Data: Short-Term Speculative Risk and Return in Online Coin Auctions (C. Wood, U Notre Dame) Dynamics and Evolution of Bidder Networks in Online Auctions (M. Dass and S. Reddy, U Georgia) Towards a Theory of Bidding Dynamics (W. Jank, S. Mithas, G. Shmueli, U Maryland; J. Jones, U South Florida, O. Koppius, Erasmus U) TIME 14:00-14:30 ACTIVITY Paper Slot 9 14:30-15:00 Paper Slot 10 15:00-15:15 15:15-15:45 BREAK Paper Slot 11,12 Paper Slot 13,14 15:45-16:15 16:15-16:45 Paper Slot 15,16 16:45-17:00 17:00-18:00 BREAK Tutorial 18:00-18:30 18:30-20:00 RECEPTION DINNER MAIN EVENT ROOM 2-260R Network Structure and the Long Tail of E-Commerce Demand (G. Ostreicher-Singer, A. Sundararajan, NYU) Competing with Free: Impact of Movie Broadcasts on DVD Sales and Digital Piracy (M. Smith, R. Telang, Carnegie Mellon U) EVENT ROOM 2-207 Flexible Modeling of Large Multivariate Spatial Datasets (S. Banerjee, Statistics, UMN) Impacts of Internet Technologies and Digital Economy on the Agglomeration of IT Industries: A Knowledge Spillovers Approach (R. Kauffman, A. Kumar, MISRC and IDSc, UMN) The Impact of Location on Consumer Purchases in Digital Markets (C. Forman, Carnegie Mellon U; A. Ghose, NYU; A. Goldfarb, U Toronto) From Clicks to Bricks: CRM Lessons from E-Commerce (S. Mane, P. Desikan, J. Srivastava, Computer Science, UMN) Ant Swarm Reinforcement Learning for Formulating Online Promotion Strategies (T.S. Chung, P.K. Kannan, U Maryland) Strategic Sales Management Guided by Economic Regimes (W. Ketter, J. Collins, M. Gini, P. Schrater, Computer Science, UMN; A. Gupta, IDSc, UMN) What’s Special about Mining Spatial Data? (S. Shekhar, Computer Science, UMN) Carlson School Dining Room on the lower level Carlson School Dining Room on the lower level NONE STATISTICAL CHALLENGES IN E-COMMERCE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Schedule for Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Sudipto Banerjee, Biostatistics, School of Public Health Mark Bergen, Marketing and Logistics Management, Carlson School of Management Robert J. Kauffman, MISRC and Information and Decision Sciences, Carlson School of Management Shashi Shekhar, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology University of Minnesota TIME 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 8:30-9:00 9:00-10:00 ACTIVITY BREAKFAST Paper Slot 17,18 MAIN EVENT ROOM 2-260R In the Executive Training Center Lobby, nearby 2-260R Price Adjustments for Multi-Component Systems Sold Online: Rational Inattention and Implications for Firm Performance (S. Ray, McMaster U, C. Wood, U Notre Dame; P. Messinger, U Alberta) Paper Slot 19,20 2nd Keynote Estimating Demand from eBay Prices (C. Adams, Federal Trade Commission) The importance of web2.0/3.0 for e-business Andreas S. Weigend, (Weigend Associates LLC) (P. Messinger, U Alberta, discussant) 10:00-10:20 10:20-10:50 BREAK Paper Slot 21,22 10:50-11:20 Paper Slot 23, 24 11:50-12:40 2nd Panel 12:40-13:00 6:00-close CLOSE Hierarchical Cure Rate Models for Survival Data under Latent Activation Schemes (S. Banerjee, F. Cooner, Statistics, UMN) Time Changes Everything, Even Our Coefficient Estimates: Time-Varying Coefficients in E-Commerce Research (E. Overby, and B. Konsynski, Emory U) Computational Statistics and Its Challenges in ECommerce (S. Banerjee, Biostatistics, UMN; W. Jank, U Maryland; G. Jones, Statistics, UMN) Lunches offered for people who want to stay or leave Optional dinner if you’re staying; excellent Korean food at a local restaurant; not covered by conference fees; carpools available EVENT ROOM 2-207 Costs and Benefits of Fraud Detection in a National Health Information Network (S. Parente, Finance, UMN; K. Mandelbaum, HIS Network LLC; S. Hanson, TerraStar Consulting Services; B. Cassidy, Cassidy Associates; D. Simborg, MD) An Industry Level Analysis of the Potential and Realized Value of IT (K. Goh, R. Kauffman, MISRC, IDSc/ UMN) NONE Estimating Trading Risks in the Presence of Reporting Bias: Identifiability: Problems in Online Feedback Mechanisms (C. Dellarocas, U Maryland and C. Wood, U Notre Dame) The Dimensions of Reputation in Electronic Markets (A. Ghose, P. Iperiotis and A. Sundararajan, NYU) NONE NONE