
Agreement for Alcohol and College Life
Abbreviated Title: ACL
Course Title: Alcohol and College Life
Department: HLTH 1124
Total Credits: 1
Catalog Description:
This course provides first year students with unbiased factual information about how
alcohol and drug use affects college life. It reinforces personal prevention strategies as
well as aims at maximizing student and campus safety. Practical hints and tips about how
to succeed socially and academically are presented in the context of research and
personal experiences by other students. Although you can complete the course at your
own pace there are due dates for the assignments and quizzes.
Prerequisites: None
1. The student will be able to discuss basic scientific and medical aspects of alcohol
as it relates to college students.
2. The student will be able to discuss the socio-cultural aspects of alcohol as it
relates to college students.
3. The student will be able to describe personal prevention skills regarding alcohol
and college students, which maximize safety, academic achievement, and selfgrowth.
4. The student will be able to discuss expectations regarding alcohol from a personal
viewpoint as well as the viewpoints of other students, parents, and the College.
Outcome Measures
Five online quizzes
One written assignment
Fifteen discussion assignments
Learning Management System: Desire2Learn
Semester and year class initially offered: Fall 2006
Terms of Agreement: The term of this Agreement is from the date of last signature until
the last day of Inver Hills Community College’s Spring 2011 term, unless extended or
terminated in accordance with this Agreement.
Compensation and Payment:
Accountant: Soehardi “Hardi” Wangsabesari
Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
School of Public Health
1300 South Second Street, #300
Minneapolis, MN 55454
E-mail: wangsabesari@epi.umn.edu
Key Personnel:
University of Minnesota
Faculty: James Rothenberger
Staff: Tayne DeNeui
Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
School of Public Health
1300 South Second Street, #300
Minneapolis, MN 55454
Facsimile No: (612) 625-8950
E-mail: rothenberger@epi.umn.edu
Inver Hills Community College
Instructor of Record: Beth Jansen-Bonde
E-mail: bjansen@inverhills.edu