DRAFT Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction and Landscape Interactions in Lake Clark and other Southwest Alaska Lake Systems, Southwest Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network Module I Paleoecology and Vegetation History Lake Clark and Katmai Regions Patricia A. Heiser UA Geography Program University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775 September 2007 National Park Service Southwest Alaska Network Inventory and Monitoring Program Project / Task Agreement No.: J9W88030009 CESU Cooperative Agreement No.CA9088A0008 DRAFT Paleoecology and Vegetation History Lake Clark and Katmai Regions Patricia Heiser, UAF Geography Program and Nancy Bigelow, Alaska Quaternary Center Introduction The Southwest Area Network (SWAN) park units of Southwest Alaska encompass an extensive range of geographic physiographic, climatic, and ecologic provinces and gradients. Ecosystem types show strong variation across the landscape including relatively dry interior boreal forest, alpine herb tundra, shrub tundra lowlands, and cool coastal forests. Some park units such as Lake Clark are located in transition zones between these major ecosystem types (Spencer 2001). As glaciers retreated and climate ameliorated during the Holocene, significant changes have occurred in the dominant vegetation assemblages in the area. Likewise, Little Ice Age moraines are prominent in many valleys and suggest there might also be detectable records of shorter-term Holocene climatic events. The study of pollen assemblages recorded in lake sediments is one of the most widely used indicators of past environmental changes. Recent studies have shown that late Quaternary vegetation of Alaska and the Bering Strait region http://www.nature.nps.gov/im/units/swan has been “marked by great spatial and Figure 1. Location of SWAN parks and study areas. temporal variability” (Brubaker 2001), and defining patterns of vegetation change through time and at different spatial scales has become critical in determining causal factors and driving forces for landscape change (Bartlein et al 1998). Few studies of vegetation change have been conducted in southwest Alaska. Two pollen records obtained from Idavain and Snipe Lakes in Katmai and Lake Clark National Parks respectively, record distinctive changes in dominant vegetation type over the last ~12,000 years. These cores were compared with records obtained on a transect running from Interior Alaska to Bristol Bay (Brubaker et al 2001). While the information in these cores is valuable to understanding regional landscape dynamics surrounding SWAN systems, it is important to compliment these results with more local, and perhaps higher resolution, and better dated records from transition areas like Lake Clark, and from areas with unusual vegetation patterns such as near Nonvianuk Lake in Katmai National Park (Fig X). Additionally, vegetation studies around lakes from which historic records of salmon abundance are being obtained may be valuable to the interpretation of those records. Salmon history is reconstructed using nitrogen isotopes, and appearance of nitrogen fixing plant species (e.g. alders) may potentially influence the N record used as a proxy for salmon abundance. Vegetation change is also an important component in efforts to understand timing of colonization, succession, and nutrient cycling in riparian habitats and lake systems. This study will complete the picture of landscape change and freshwater ecosystem development in the Southwest Network parks. DRAFT Study Areas Two lakes were selected for this paleoecological study across SWAN units. Informally named “Tommy Lake” in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve and “Pikelet” Lake near Nonvianuk Lake in Katmai NP&P were cored in the summer of 2005. The study lakes were chosen for their geomorphic position and surrounding plant communities . Tommy Lake LACL Pikelet Lake KATM TOMMY LAKE Tommy Lake Figure 2. Satellite image showing location of Tommy Lake in Lake Clark National is located along the Park (LACL) and Pikelet Lake in Katmai National Park (KATM). southwest shore of Lake Clark approximately 500 meters inland and 40 meters above the current shoreline elevation of Lake Clark. “Tommy Lake” is actually a small pond ~ 2500 m2 with a maximum depth of 2.5 meters. It is one of a series of ponds formed in a covering of thin glacial till over bedrock. Outcrops of bedrock and large erratics influence the elevation and position of Tommy and surrounding lake and ponds. The vegetation in the Lake Clark region is highly varied due to topographic variation and strong climatic gradients (wetter to east, drier to the west). The western side of the park is dominated by a series of linear lakes dammed by terminal moraines that mark the extent of glacial ice from Alaska Range valleys to the east. Low ridges and subdued mountains between these lakes are host shrub/alpine tundra and occasional scattered spruce in the valley floors. The northern part of the park, by the Stony River, is boreal in character, with black spruce, muskeg, aspen and Figure 3. Vegetation classification around Lake Clark. birch, and subject to wildfire (NPS Ecological Profile). Further south, and around Lake Clark itself, topographic relief is high (250-3500 ft) with steep valley walls and deep glacially carved valleys. Lake Clark occupies a very deep fault controlled glacial valley. Vegetation is a mosaic of spruce and mixed spruce/birch or cottonwood forests, paper birch, low shrubs dominated by dwarf birch, dwarf shrub tundra with ericaceous DRAFT shrubs, scattered wetlands, and alpine tundra. Dense alder zones cover alluvial and scree slopes between the mixed hardwood spruce forests around the lake, and the higher alpine zones (NPS Ecological Profile). In general Lake Clark valley is located at an ecological intersection between interior boreal forest, upland shrub tundra, mixed spruce/birch forest of glaciated valleys, and humid coastal forests along Cook Inlet on the east side of the Alaska Range. Of interest. is the timing of the arrival of spruce trees, and the likely ‘source’ for spruce expansion into the Lake Clark valley after deglaciation. Also of interest is the timing and nature of the arrival of alder, which shows dramatic increases in abundance ~7,000 cal yr BP in Snipe Lake and in other pollen records in SW Alaska. Tommy Lake Figure 4. Vegetation classification and satellite image of landscape around Lake Clark and Tommy Lake. The vegetation at the shoreline and adjacent to the pond is a mixture of sedges (Carex sp. and Eriophorum sp.), horsetail (Equisetum sp.) and shrubs such as Myrica gale [sweetgale], shrub birch (both Betula glandulosa and B. nana), willows (Salix sp.) and ericads (Vaccinium vitis-idaea [lowbush cranberry], Vaccinium sp. [blueberry], Empetrum hermaphroditum. [crowberry], Ledum decumbens [narrow leaf Labrador tea], and Andromeda polifolia [bog rosemary]). Interestingly, no Alnus (alder) was encountered near Tommy Lake, although the mountainside above the lake and the slopes descending to Lake Clark have abundant alder. Spruce are present a short distance (<20 m) from the shoreline, mainly Picea mariana (black spruce). White spruce (P. glauca) was not seen at the lake, but probably grows on well-drained sites above the lake. The emergent vegetation within the pond includes buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), pondweed (Potamogeton sp.), and possibly water milfoil (Myrophyllum sp.). Hippuris (mare’s tail) was probably also present, but not emergent. Methods: Approximately 5.5 meters of sediment were retrieved from Tommy Lake in overlapping cores. The lake was cored in the deepest basin in approximately 2.5 meters of water. Overlapping drives were aligned using numerous and distinct volcanic ashes and ash sequences present through the cores. Cores were split, described, and sampled for tephra analysis, radiocarbon dating, and pollen analysis. For the pollen study, volumetric samples were collected from the core and processed using slightly modified techniques outlined in Faegri and Iversen, 1989. This includes additional washes in hot KOH to remove lignins and in some cases, a DRAFT slightly longer soak in a boiling water bath during acetolysis. Prior to analysis, a known quantity of exotic spores (Lycopodium) were added to the samples. Lycopodium exotics were counted in tandem with the pollen, so that the pollen concentration can be assessed. Pollen grains were identified based on comparison with the reference collection at UAF’s paleocology laboratory or with various published atlases and keys, such as Faegri and Iversen, 1989; McAndrews et al., 1973; Moore et al., 1991. Pollen frequencies were calculated on a variety of pollen sums. Trees, herbs and forb frequencies are based on a sum of those taxa (= Pollen sum); spore frequencies (Pteridophytes) are based on the pollen sum plus the spore sum; aquatic frequencies are based on the pollen sum plus the aquatic sum, and the Pediastrum frequency is based on the pollen sum plus the Pediastrum sum. This method of calculation prevents the non-terrestrial and non-seed producing plants from overwhelming the terrestrial pollen signal. Tommy Lake / Lake Clark Pollen History Four major pollen zones are preserved in the Tommy 05 core (Figure 5). Herb zone (547-530 cm). The basal two samples represent the final stages of the herb zone, when graminoids (grasses and sedges) and forbs dominate the landscape. The transition to the birch zone occurred about 14,500 cal yr Bp (12,000 14C BP), when Betula (birch) pollen frequencies abruptly increase from about 20% to nearly 70%. Birch zone (530- 410 cm). The birch zone encompasses more than 1 m of sediment, spanning from about 14,500to 10,000 cal yr BP (12,000 to 7000 14C BP). While birch pollen dominates, willow, ericads, graminoids and some forbs are also present. The concentration (# pollen grains/cc of sediment) of herbaceous pollen does not markedly decrease with the birch rise, indicating that these taxa (grasses, sedges, Artemisia, and other forbs) continued to be a significant part of the vegetation. The vegetation was probably a birch shrub tundra, with occasional herbs, willows, and ericads, especially at the end of the zone. When it was possible to identify the ericads to the species level, Empetrum (crowberry) and Ledum (Labrador tea) were also probably present. Monolete spore (ferns) frequencies present an interesting picture. Ferns are sensitive to warmth and moisture; an increase in spore frequencies may indicate climatic amelioration. Two fern peaks are present in the birch zone, separated by a period of low spore frequencies. This may correlate with the “fern gap as noted by Peteet and Mann, 1997 in their work from Kodiak Island. However, the current chronology for Tommy places the onset of fern dip at about 13,500 cal yr BP, about 700 years before the Kodiak record. Fern spores and Pediastrum nets (an alga) are abundant towards the end of this zone, Pediastrum may be an indicator of overall lake productivity. Both taxa may be responding to increasing early Holocene warmth, but the Pediastrum peak is slightly earlier than the fern peak, indicating other factors may also be important. Alder zone (410-170 cm). The alder zone includes more than 2 m of sediment, from about 10,000 to 3800 cal yr BP (7000 to 3400 14C BP). Alder frequencies increase rapidly from less than 5% to over 70% over the space of 10 cm. The frequencies are highest at the onset of the period (ca. 80%), decreasing to about 50% by the period’s end. Alder is a prolific pollen producer and the pollen frequency over-represents the actual plant abundance on the landscape. 20% frequency probably indicates local presence of the plant (Anderson et al., 1991). Low 2605+110 5840 +80 6455 +40 15270 +140 4000 150 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 550 Age Calendar years BP 4000 550 20 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 20 Pteridophytes 20 40 20 20 40 43 0 0 0 9 327 317 1000 50 5 14 336 314 2000 100 85 3000 150 20 40 60 80 50 hr ub s H er bs In de and P term For ol l e in bs a n s u ble m 100 3000 S 2000 d 50 an 0 1000 Tr ee s 0 ic e a s al ix ln u un di ff. a op M ul u yr s ic un a d iff V . ib ur S nu am m A bu rc c u V tos t s ac a p Le c in hy d i um lo E um - t s m - t yp y E petr pe e ri c u m a C l e - ty yp s er un pe ac di e a ff. e P oa ce a A rte e m es ia A co A ni tu ne m Th nom a e A l ic t -ty st ru p r O aga m e xy l u R tr o s-t um pi y p s e D ex ry -O a R s- t xy r ub yp i a P us e ot c h S enti am an ll a a R gui -ty em os so pe o ru P ac e rba s ar a n e S as u ax s nd i S i fra a i ff. ax g a Tu i fra tr i b ga c u P uli f ce sp ol l o ae i d e r a c f mo ae un ta. B n u d ty n d i ff p i u u A p m if . e pi le f. a u c f c e rum . S ae C we un ar rt d B y op i a iff. ra h y E ss ic ll a pi a ce l o ce a G bi a e al um e u iu nd m iff . P S A un di ff. ic e P ag ic l a e B a m uca et a ul ri a a n P P Age Calendar years BP Ly c Ly opo c o di Ly po um c di a Ly opo um nno c o di cl ti Ly po um ava num c di co tu Ly opo um m p m c o di se la S po um l ag na e l d o o tu a i m B gin um bs c ot e u u S ryc h l lac ndi r um ph iu e ff ag m ae . un nu di m Tr ff. il e D te ry un o M pte di ff on r i . ol s et e un di ff. E nc al E yp qu t a N ise u p tu m h M a yr r P iop ot hy C amo l lum al g M li tric eto exa en h n l b es P ya e ce ed nt i a he ns st s r u tr m i fo li a ta 15270 +140 5000 Depth (cm) 2605+110 Depth (cm) 6455 +40 Calibrate yr BP 5840 +80 Calibrate yr BP Tommy Lake 05 T rees and Shrubs Subshrubs, Herbs, and Forbs 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 20 20 Aquatics 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 8 6 6 3 14 27 14 13 3 7 31 7 8 23 3 5 7 8 11 16 6 10 11 9 16 17 322 316 329 41 334 4 367 307 9 370 2 325 3 346 307 306 326 312 321 343 323 334 354 314 358 310 314 315 317 330 311 306 330 304 332 311 313 310 October 13, 2006 NH Bigelow DRAFT frequencies of Populus pollen (probably cottonwood) are present at the onset of the zone, indicating scattered trees may have grown as gallery stands along stream margins. Ericaceous, graminoid, and forb pollen, while present, are less abundant than the preceding zone. Sweet gale (Myrica gale) appears in the pollen record at about 240 cm (ca 5200 cal yr BP). Myrica is not common in boreal pollen records from Alaska; its presence here suggests the plant has grown around the lake (as it does today) since the mid-Holocene. The vegetation during the alder zone was a mixed alder and birch shrub tundra (including Myrica at the lake) with minor amounts of cottonwood, willow and other shrubs. Spruce zone (170-0 cm). This zone encompasses 3800 cal yr BP. to the present. Spruce (Picea) pollen is present at low frequencies prior to this zone; the taxon may have been present in the region at this time, but probably was not growing near Tommy Lake until roughly 3000 cal yr BP. Like alder, spruce is an abundant pollen producer. As a rule of thumb, 5% to 10% spruce frequency indicates it was growing locally.( Anderson et al., 1991; Hu et al., 1993). After about 3000 cal yr BP the vegetation was probably not markedly different from today’s vegetation. Towards the end of the zone, ericads, Sphagnum, and monolete spores increase, probably indicating increasing soil moisture. Snipe Lake Tommy Lake Spruce expansion. The late arrival of spruce to the Lake Clark area (at ca. 3500 cal yr BP) is consistent with its ultimate migration from the north, where spruce was present by at Snipe Lake (about 40 km to the north) by about 5800 cal yr BP (Brubaker et al., 2001). Trees may have crossed the low passes separating the two lakes. Some of the passes are about 300 m in elevation and today spruce are present in scattered localities which increase in density towards the approaches to the Lake Clark basin. In any case, the current chronology suggests the migration from Snipe Lake took more than 2000 cal yr. . PIKELET LAKE Pikelet Lake (58o58’36.43”N, 155o39’33.19”W) is a small pond located at the south end of Pike Lake, approximately 6 km southwest from the outlet of Nonvianuk Lake, in Katmai National Park and Preserve. The basin is separated from the larger lake by a 2-4 meter gravel ridge. The surface of Pikelet is slightly higher than Pike (<20cm) and a 2m wide wet spot, with very little water exchange evident, may join the lakes at higher water levels. Pike Lake, Pikelet and surrounding small lakes are kettles formed in glacial till of a recessional moraine deposited by a glacier flowing NW out of the Coville valley. The lakes are located just behind the crest of the terminal moraine that appears contemporaneous with the moraine bounding Nonvianuk Lake. These moraines are assigned to the Iliamna Stade of the Late Wisconsin glaciation (~18 k yr ago) (Reihle and Detteman 1993). DRAFT The topography surrounding Pikelet Lake is more subdued than the relief around Lake Clark and Tommy Lake. Nonvianuk Glacial valleys carved by Lake ice flowing from the east and southeast are moraine crests occupied by Kulik and moraine dammed Nonvianuk Lake just to the northeast of the study site. The morianal topography in which Pikelet Pikelet Lake has formed was deposited by ice flowing from the south thorough valleys now occupied by Grosvenor and Colville lakes. While peaks between the glacial valleys reach to 3500 feet, the lowlands in front Figureand 6. Pikelet Lake location and terminal fromatCoville and Nonvianuk. subdued relief. Pike Lake is at moraines an elevation 584 feet, of the lakes, are of lower elevation with the moraine crest at about 600 feet. The low moraines and outwash plains slope to near sea level along the Alagnak and Kvichak Rivers, which empty into Bristol Bay about 75 kilometers to the west. Vegetation around Nonvianuk and Kukaklek lakes is dominantly shrub tundra on the low-relief hills. Thin bands of alder are present on steeper slopes at the head of Nonvianuk and Kulik lakes and the Coleville valley to the south, alder is otherwise scattered on the landscape. An interesting and somewhat anomalous ‘tongue’ of spruce and mixed forest extends from the south, up the Coleville into the Nonvianuk / Alagnak drainage. The pattern of boreal / mixed a. b. Kukaklek Nonvianuk Idavain Coville Figure 7. Pikelet Lake study area including nearby lakes and vegetation cover. forest corresponds very closely to the moraine crest, with the mixed forest zone occupying the moraine crest. The location for this study was chosen because of the unusual pattern of spruce in the area. To the south and around Naknek Lake, treeline reaches to elevations of 900-1000 feet. DRAFT To the north and west, spruce is much more scattered, and does not reach above 600 feet around Illiamna and Kukaklek Lakes. Field studies of tree rings at Nonvianuk Lake revealed that most of the trees were approximately 90 years old , and may have germinated shortly after the 1912 Katmai eruption. This site was specifically chosen for its potential in evaluating some of the factors influencing spruce treeline, distribution on the landscape, and colonization events. Previous studies (Tae, 1997) have suggested that volcanic eruptions or other geologic disturbance events may induce changes in plant communities or colonization. The emergent vegetation at Pikelet includes water lily (Nuphar polysepalum) and mare’s tails (Equisetum sp.). Sedges (Carex sp.) and mare’s tails (Equisetum sp.) dominate the shoreline vegetation, though marsh cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris) and Rubus sp. are also quite common. Ridges and slopes descending to the lake have vegetation typical of somewhat betterdrained settings, including abundant willow shrubs (Salix sp.), shrub birch (Betula glandulosa) and heath vegetation. Alder (Alnus incana) is present in patches. White spruce trees (Picea glauca) are widely scattered, separated by birch, alder, and willow shrubs on the western shore and mare’s tails and coltsfoot (Petasites sp.) on the eastern shore. No black spruce (Picea mariana) or birch trees (Betula neoalaskana) were noted in the vicinity of Pikelet. Pikelet Lake Pollen History A 2.8 m long piston core was retrieved from Pikelet lake in the summer of 2005. Core drives were offset in to ensure overlapping drives. Both core holes ended in sandy pebble gravel at approximately 560 cm. Pollen analyses for Pikelet follow the same methods as outlined for the Tommy Lake core above. Pikelet Lake does not exhibit pollen zones as distinct as those present in Tommy Lake to the north. The alder rise, so abrupt at Tommy Lake, is more gradual in Pikelet and is not accompanied by a significant drop in birch. We define zones for Pikelet Lake nonetheless, to help aid discussion and interpretation of the core (Figure 8). Birch Zone (276-235 cm). The basal date for Pikelet Lake, and the beginning of this pollen zone is 11006+40 cal yr BP (~10,000 14C yr BP) and it runs to 9400 cal yrBP (8400 14C BP). Pollen from the bottom of the core shows relatively abundant amounts (70%) of Betula (birch) pollen, with ~20% graminoids. Ericads, willows, and Artemisa are also present. These relative percentages are similar to the Birch Zone identified in the Tommy core and is is likely correlative. The lack of an earlier Herb zone, as seen in Tommy, may be a result of a later date of lake formation (11,000 at Pikelet vs 15,000 cal yr BP at Tommy). Whether this indicates a later glacial advance/retreat in the Katmai area vs. Lake Clark, or simply a late forming lake in a terminal moraine will be discussed in a following paper on glacial histories of the region. Populus-Willow Peak (240 cm). At 240 cm (ca. 9800 cal yr BP), there is a small peak in Salix (willow) and Populus (cottonwood or aspen). This is the local expression of the widespread Populus zone that is well-developed to the east (c.f. Wein and Farewell lakes), but is less important in southwest Alaska (Brubaker et al., 2001). At Pikelet, this brief shift probably reflects expansion of cottonwood and willow along streams and perhaps lake shores. As in other regions, this expansion may reflect the Holocene Thermal Maximum, which in Alaska is dated between about 12,000 and 9000 cal yr BP (Kaufman et al., 2004). Alder-Birch Zone (235-10 cm). Alder and birch pollen dominate the record after about 9400 cal yr BP. At this time, the relative amounts of Betula (birch) and Alnus (alder) increase as amounts of Salix (willow), Poaceae (grasses), Cyperaceae (sedges), Artemesia, and Apiaceae (umbels) 1912 Katmai Ash 2808 +40 4196 +90 9231 +40 11006 +40 2000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10,000 11,000 280 0 0 1000 20 40 2000 280 20 40 60 20 20 40 60 Pteridophytes 20 40 20 40 20 20 40 60 rb Ba s a sic nd po Fo lle rbs n su m 3000 60 80 100 120 3000 140 160 180 200 220 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 240 260 9000 20 20 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 304 317 312 363 317 329 325 333 314 360 307 316 340 316 318 355 327 353 329 310 315 329 325 312 339 325 358 357 338 318 336 311 336 338 343 323 80 100 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 20 40 Aquatics 0 1000 2000 Sept 8, 2007 N.H. Bigelow 14C yr BP iff . Lil ia ce ae Sa lix cf. M Pop y u Vi rica lus bu Er rn und i Va cale um iff. c s Le cin un d i d c.f umum iff. . EmArc -typtyp to e e p Ra et st r a Acnun um phy c o Th nit ula typ los u c e Poalic m eae l tr Ru ygo um und n iff Romex um . s c.f ace/Ox bis . R a yr to Po ub e u ia rta -ty Sa tent us c ndi pe f n c.f gu illa- hamf. . S iso typ a Tu ax rb e em b i or Ar uli frag a us te flo a Sa m ra fo us es e lio Po su ia un sa Polem rea diff -typ . e o Aplem nia o c Ca iace niu eae Chryopae um un di ff. Br eno hyl ndi as p lac ff. o Cy sic d ea pe ac -A e r e m Ep ace ae ara a i nt Ga lob e h iu l i u Po m m ac ea e nd su Al nu Pi ce Pi a u ce nd Pi a gl iff. ce au B e a m ca tu ar la ian a Trees and Shrubs 14C yr BP Age Calendar years BP 1000 He 11006 +40 0 20 40 M y Po riop Catam hyl o lu M llitri ge m en ch to ex Pe ya e n al be di nt as he sc tru s en s m Tr ee sa nd Sh ru bs 9231 +40 0 Ly c Ly op co od Ly p iu c o m Ly op diu u c o m n Ly op diu an diff c o m . Tr op diu co not ile od m m in Sp te iu se p um ha un m la lan g d o g a Bo nu iff. bsc o/lu tum m ur ci t Cy ryc um du hi s lu t W op um m o M od teri on sia s ol et e un di ff. Eq Spuise t Nuarga um Isopha niu et r mTy es ph a 1912 Katmai Ash Core Depth (cm) Age Calendar years BP Core Depth (cm) 4196 +90 Calibrated yr BP 2808 +40 Calibrated yr BP Pikelet Lake Herbs and Forbs 0 1000 2000 DRAFT decrease. The reduction of alder pollen between about 9300 and 8000 cal yr BP is unusual and difficult to explain, unless alder was in fact less common on the landscape. After 8000 cal yr BP, the pollen frequencies of all the taxa fluctuate slightly, but without any clear pattern. Alder-Spruce zone (10-0cm). The top 10 cm (ca. 100 yrs ago to the present) of the Pikelet pollen diagram records small but significant changes (increases in spruce and alder) in the pollen record. Spruce was probably present in the region much earlier, by about 2500 cal yr BP (as indicated by persistent, but low frequencies [<5%] of spruce pollen). However, spruce was probably not growing locally (and only as widely scattered trees as they are today) until possibly as early as about 500 years ago (when pollen percentages first cross the 5% threshold [Hu et al., 1993]). An increase in spruce pollen to 10% indicates the forest spread, or increased in density after the 1912 Katmai eruption. This expansion may have been due to ash-induced release of the existing spruce, as has been suggested for Kodiak Island at the same time (Tae, 1997). However, climatic factors such as post Little Ice age amelioration can not be excluded. The spruce pollen, where identifications are possible, is nearly all from white spruce (P. glauca). This is unusual, as black spruce pollen (P. mariana) is present (sometimes abundant) in all Alaska boreal pollen cores where the identifications have been made. The dominance of white spruce pollen at Pikelet is consistent with the local vegetation, which is all white spruce. Alder pollen frequencies also increase after the 1912 Katmai eruption, suggesting alders grew more abundantly then than for much of the Holocene. A post 1912 Katmai alder rise is also seen at Little Takli island, off the Figure 9. Pikelet core top showing Katmai ash and pollen changes. south coast of the Alaska Peninsula (Bigelow, 2004). The Katmai ash is low in nitrogen (Shipley, 1919), which may have favored nitrogen fixers such as alder or other legumes. However, like the spruce above, climatic factors cannot be excluded Discussion Climate vs. ash fall effects on the vegetation The presence of the 7 cm-thick 1912 Katmai ash in the Pikelet pollen core provides an excellent opportunity to asses climate vs. tephra affects on the vegetation. Prior to the 1912 eruption, the Little Ice Age (LIA) was the dominant factor affecting the climate in the region. The LIA is a widespread period of cooling which in Alaska dates generally from about AD 1700 to about AD 1900. Ice advances in coastal areas (Wiles, Kaufman), narrow tree rings (Darrigo Jacoby) and possibly intensification of the Aleutian low (Darrigo) all suggest climate deterioration, probably cooler summers. The amount of cooling was probably small (ca. 0.5° C), but would have been significant in areas where cool summers already limited tree growth. At Pikelet, the brief reduction (as measured in only one sample) of spruce pollen just prior to the Katmai ashfall may reflect spruce retraction due to LIA cooling. The question remains however whether the spruce and alder increases after the eruption are due to the ashfall itself or to post LIA climate amelioration and glacial retreat. DRAFT References Cited Anderson, P. M., Bartlein, P. J., Brubaker, L. B., Gajewski, K., and Ritchie, J. C. (1991). 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