Exam 1 Study Guide

BCIS 3680 Enterprise Programming
Instructor: Dr. Andy Wu
Exam 1 Study Guide
1. Java Basics
1.1 What is the file extension for Java source code file? For the compiled file? Which command is used to compile Java source code? To run a compiled file? Know syntax of the commands. 1.2 Know the reason and syntax of using import statements. 1.3 Know how to store source and compiled files in folder hierarchies that mirror package name hierarchy. 1.4 Be able to describe and use members of a class: instance variables, static variables, instance methods, static methods, constructors. 1.5 Know the correct syntax to instantiate an object. 1.6 Be able to declare instance variables in line with the encapsulation OOP principle and to write setter and getter methods for them. 1.7 Know the correct syntax to write the class header of a subclass. 2. Methods
2.1 What is a void method? What is a value‐returning method? 2.2 Know what are included in method header, method signature, and parameter list. 2.3 Know the syntax for calling a method properly. 2.4 Be able to use JOptionPane and DecimalFormat. 2.5 Know how to use the parse method of a wrapper class to convert strings into numeric values. 2.6 Describe method overloading and how to determine which version of an overloaded method is run. 3. Arrays
3.1 What is an array? Know array terminology. 3.2 Know the syntax for creating arrays and how array elements are initiated. 3.3 Be able to assign values to elements in an array using various techniques. 3.4 Be able to use for loop to work with array elements. 3.5 Know how to use arrays correctly in method definition and method calls. 4. Strings
4.1 Know how the positions of characters in a string are indicated by indexes, as well as the related methods: length(), charAt(). 4.2 Be able to use the method involved in string extraction: indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), substring() (the two overloaded versions we covered). BCIS 3680 Enterprise Programming Exam 1 Study Guide