HTML Basics BCIS 3680 Enterprise Programming

HTML Basics
BCIS 3680 Enterprise Programming
Web Client/Server Architecture
Your browser (the client) requests a Web page from a
remote computer (Web server).
The Web server locates the requested page and, if the
requested page is a dynamic page, executes programming
The Web server sends the resulting page to the client
that requested it.
Each resource (a web page, a JPG file, a downloadable
EXE file, etc.) on the Web server is uniquely identified by
its Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
What’s In a URL
Web Root
If you just enter the domain name, e.g.,,
the Web server assumes that you want to access the Web
root directory.
Since only domain name is entered, there won’t be a
directory for sure. In this case, you will get the default
page in the root directory.
They usually go by the name default.htm,
default.html, index.htm, index.html, etc., as
defined by the admin., and will all bring up the
same index.php file in the root directory.
CoB Default Page: No File Name in URL
CoB Default Page: File Name in URL
Default Page in a Subdirectory
If you don’t specify any file name, the Web server assumes
that you want to access the “default page” in that
directory. and both will bring up
the page called index.php in the itds directory.
Note this file is different from the index.php in the
CoB root directory.
In the Tomcat jargon, a default page is a “welcome file”.
ITDS Default Page
Static Web Pages
A Web page author composes an HTML page, and saves it
as an .htm or .html file.
A user types a page request via URL into the browser,
and the request is sent from the browser to the Web
The Web server receives the page request and locates
the .htm/html page in local file system.
The Web server sends the HTML stream back across the
Internet to the client browser.
The browser interprets the HTML and displays the page.
HTML is not case sensitive.
Two main components of an HTML page
HTML defines how text should be displayed on Web
pages by using tags. The text enclosed between an
opening tag and its matching closing tag is controlled by
the tag.
Writing HTML with Notepad
Add “html” or
“htm” file
Change type to
“All Files”
HTML Elements
An element (“tag”) consists of an opening tag (e.g., <h1>)
and a closing tag (e.g., </h1>).
Both contain a tag name between angled brackets. The only
difference is the forward slash in the closing tag.
An element defines either the structural role or
formatting instruction for the portion of the text
between the opening and closing tags, e.g.,
<h1> for level-1 heading
<b> for boldface
HTML Elements
Header section of HTML
Text to display as title of page, used as child of <head>
Defines a table, parent of <th>, <tr>, and <td>
Table row
Column headings (bold, centered), used as child of <tr>
Table data (cell), used as child element of <tr>
Unordered list
List item (bullet), used as child of <ul>
Headings (# being a number between 1 and 7)
Horizontal bar
Line break
Well-Formed Documents
Some elements do not enclose any text. They usually are
structural elements, e.g., <br> for break, <hr> for
horizontal bar.
Only the opening tag is really needed for these elements.
However, there is a trend toward “well-formed” markup
documents. To be compliant, it’s a recommended practice
to add a matching closing tag any ways.
A shorthand is to insert a space and a forward slash after
the tag name in the opening tag, e.g., <br />. This is
considered a well-formed element, even though there is
only one tag.
HTML Element Example
Each attribute is a name=value pair.
Quotation marks in the attribute are optional but often
An element can have multiple attributes, e.g.,
<a href="" target="_blank">
Closing tag is the same as opening tag, with a “/” added to the
Not every element has attributes, e.g., the <i> element
Table HTML
Note how the use of
non-breaking space
( ) adds borders
to an empty cell.
Dynamic Web Pages
In a dynamic page, certain contents do not exist before
the page is requested.
The dynamic contents are generated upon request and
often related to input provided by the user.
For example:
The current time on the Web server.
Page contents that show the current user’s username, first
name, etc.
Creating Dynamic Web Pages with JSP
JSP is a way to generate dynamic contents in Web pages.
It is a server-side scripting language.
You can mix regular HTML tags with JSP script in the
same JSP page.
The JSP scripts, if any, are interpreted on the Web server
(in fact, the application server does this).
The content generated by the execution of JSP code is
integrated with HTML code and the resulting page is sent
to the client browser.
HTML Formatting
Instructs the browser on how to format and display
HTML tags (elements).
HTML defines the structure of a document, e.g., <H1> to
<H7> for headings of different levels; <p> for paragraph.
Although you may add attributes to these tags to define
their formatting, there are shortcomings to this method:
The coding is fixed to the tag. Style defined in an <p> tag is
good only for that particular instance of <p>. Any other <p>
tags on the SAME document will not take on the same look.
If you want to update the looks of your page, you have to
search the page, and find and fix every single instance of the
tag you want to update.
Don’t even think about reusability on other pages.
Cascading Style Sheets
The trend is to move toward the CSS.
If you define styles for the current sheet, you only need to
define a style for a particular tag once. All instances of that tag
within the page gets the same look.
If you define styles as a separate CSS document, you can link
any number of pages to that document. All instances of a
particular tag in all pages will look the same. This facilitates
uniform looks across all pages on a site.
Updating only needs to be done at one spot.
A top-level style is inherited downwards unless overridden,
e.g., <table> background will be inherited by <tr> and <td>.
This is what “cascading” in the name means.
Defining a Style
For styles defined within the page, use the <style> tag and
put it in the <head> section.
A style name starts with a period (well, it’s fact more
complex than that, but this is good enough for this
course), followed by the name of the style.
A style can be composed by more than one aspect, e.g.,
font, font-size, font-style, background, foreground, etc.
Each of these is defined in the form of
attribute_name:attribut_value. Use
semicolon to separate different name-value pairs. The
semicolon after the last name-value pair is optional.
Using a Style
To format an HTML tag using a defined style, add a namevalue pair as an attribute of the tag in the format of:
style = style_name