The Impact of Twitter on Lawmakers’ Decisions Reza Mousavi & Bin Gu Arizona State University {mousavi,} Abstract Organizations have used social media extensively to engage customers, but little is known if such engagement truly influences organizations’ decisions to make them closer to their customers. This paper studies this question in a unique context – the impact of U.S. Representatives’ Twitter engagement on their voting behavior in The Congress. In particular, we consider whether the adoption and frequent use of Twitter make Representatives to vote more in line with the political orientation of their constituents. We constructed a panel data for 445 Members of the 111th U.S. House of Representatives across a period of 24 months. We exploit the variation in joining Twitter across Representatives to identify the impact of joining Twitter on voting behavior. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we found that the adoption of Twitter makes Representatives to vote more in line with their constituents. That is, in districts where Representatives are more conservative than the constituent, Twitter adoption results in less conservative votes by Representatives. Similarly, in districts where Representatives are more liberal than the constituent, Twitter adoption results in less liberal votes by the Representatives. We also found evidence that Representatives who generate more contents on Twitter platform tend to vote closer to the political orientation of their constituents. Keywords: Online Social Networking, Societal Impact of IS, Decision-Making in Politics, U. S. House of Representatives, Difference-in-Difference Model 1 1. Introduction Online social networking (OSN) platforms are profoundly changing the way we communicate, collaborate, and make decisions. The enormous impacts of these platforms on the societies can be observed in numerous examples: microblogging platforms such as Twitter which have been widely credited as a key enabler of Arab Spring, Spain and Portugal movements in 2011, and more recently Turkey and Brazil movements in 2013. Moreover, OSN platforms facilitate the participations of consumers and the public in business (Edvardsson et al. 2011; Mousavi and Demirkan 2013) and government decision making processes (Bertot et al. 2010; Linders 2012). However, little is known about the degree to which such participations truly affect decision outcomes. While organizational decisions are often not observable to the public and difficult to quantify, the U.S. political system provides a rare exception where the most important decisions taken by U.S. politicians – voting decisions – are observable to the public and have been carefully analyzed and quantified by political scientists. Additionally, the low cost of adoption and the wide reach of OSN platforms have convinced almost every American politician to be active on these platforms. A 2012 study by Greenberg revealed that nearly 98% percent of the U.S. Representatives are active users of online social networks (Greenberg 2012). Moreover, the analysis of the contents of the posts by Representatives revealed that the majority of them are position taking posts. Furthermore, online social media not only help lawmakers to communicate their messages to the constituents, but also provide the constituents with a channel to interact with their representatives in a convenient and casual way. In addition, the fact that these conversations are publicly available to other constituents creates a dynamic system that facilitates transparency and accountability. Hence, the adoption of online social networks by politicians could facilitate the influence of constitutes on 2 the political process. Therefore, in this research, we use the U.S. Representatives’ voting decisions to assess to what degree the public influences organizational decisions through OSN platforms. Specifically, we examine how the adoption and the use of OSN platforms influence politicians’ political orientations. In particular, we examine whether the adoption of online social networking moves politicians’ voting orientations closer to the views of their constituents. The organization of this paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature of online social networking and its impact on decision making. We present our data and variables in Section 3. The focus is on our empirical model in section 4. In Section 5, we present descriptive statistics along with the results of our analyses. We discuss our findings and conclude with limitations and potential extension of this study in the subsequent sections. 2. Literature Review The interest of IS researchers in the realm of online platforms during last few years provided the IS literature with rigorous examples of research studies in social media domain. The objective of these studies, in a broad sense, can be divided to two categories: studies that focus on consumer activities in social media, and studies that focus on how social media influences firm and organization decisions. Yan and Tan (2010) studied the impact of involvement in an online healthcare social community on patients’ mental health. Their results suggested that patients who are active on the OSN platform gain benefits from learning from other users. Learning from other patients helps the users in the self-management processes and therefore is associated with better health outcomes. Wu (2013) found that information-rich networks can influence the decisions made by 3 users. Burt (1992) theorized that three distinct information benefits drive this effect: access, timing, and referrals. An information-rich network would allow the users to access more information in a timely manner. Furthermore, the users can obtain recommendations from trusted acquaintances. These mechanisms may change the users’ decisions and, therefore, their performance (Wu 2013). These findings are in line with similar studies in other disciplines. Marketing literature, for instance, hosts extensive research studies about the influence of wordof-mouth in online social networking platforms on the consumer purchasing decisions. Through a unique natural experimental setting resulting from information policy shifts at, Chen et al. (2011) studied the impacts of online reviews on consumer choices and revealed that word of mouth and observational learning may influence consumer behavior. In another study, Goh et al. (2013) found that engagement in social media brand communities leads to a positive increase in purchase expenditures. By analyzing the communications among the users, Goh and colleagues concluded that social media contents could impact consumer purchase behavior through embedded information and persuasion. The influence of social media activities on consumer behavior has also been studied by Rishika et al. (2013). The results of this study further supported the positive influence of customer participation in a firm's social media efforts on the frequency of customer visits and, therefore, firm’s profitability. It is worth noting that, although the majority of the studies in this area provide evidence for the intended outcomes of online platforms, scholars have also found evidence for some unintended outcomes relevant to these platforms. For instance, Chan and Ghose (2014) studied whether the entry of Craigslist, a major online personals ad site designed to facilitate consumer to consumer transactions, increases the prevalence of HIV in the United States. Their results indicate that the entry of 4 Craigslist is related to a 15.9 percent increase in HIV cases. Intended or unintended, the main findings of these studies support the impact of online platforms in a variety of contexts. The second stream of studies emphasizes on the influence of social media on firm and organization decisions. Wu (2013) revealed that the adoption of a work-related social networking tool may impact employees’ decisions and performance. By studying the changes in employees’ networks and performance before and after the introduction of a social networking tool, she revealed that the adoption influenced the quality of the decisions and, therefore, employees’ performance. Luo et al. (2013) studied the relationship between social media and firm equity value using vector autoregressive models. Their results suggested that social media-based metrics (web blogs and consumer ratings) are significant leading indicators of firm equity value and have a faster predictive value than conventional online media. These findings support the transformative power of social media as noted in (Aral et al. 2013). Overall, the majority of studies in this area have focused on the network attributes of social media or the flow of information within the networks. A new user who joins a network has the opportunity to seek new information within the network. Whether the user is a patient who seeks relevant information to deal with the illness, or a buyer who seeks information about a certain type of product, information-rich networks could help her in achieving her goals. For politicians, an information-rich network is a network that allows them to seek information about the citizens. After all, politicians are representing the citizens and need their votes to sustain. We believe that OSNs can be regarded as information-rich networks for politicians since these networks contain overwhelming information about the citizens, their behaviors, and their preferences. 5 3. Data To study the impact of the adoption of OSN on the voting behavior of politicians, we constructed a panel data for 445 Members of the 111th U.S. House of Representatives across a period of 24 months using 3 disparate datasets. Summary statistics of the dataset are represented in Table 1. Spanning the 111th Congress, we estimate the monthly measure of Representatives’ political orientation based on votes cast by each Representative in a given month. We use Weighted Nominal Three-Step Estimation (WNOMINATE), a widely used estimation model in political science, for our estimation (Poole et al. 2011). 1 WNOMINATE is “a scaling procedure that performs parametric unfolding of binary choice data.” (Poole and Rosenthal 1985) Given a matrix of binary choices by individuals (for example, Yea or Nay) over a series of Parliamentary votes, WNOMINATE produces a configuration of legislators and outcome points for the Yea and Nay alternatives for each roll call using a probabilistic model of choice. WNOMINATE creates a spectrum of scores ranging from -1 to +1, with -1 representing the most Liberal Representative and +1 representing the most Conservative Representative (Figure 1). It is worth mentioning that the WNOMINATE scores have been employed by numerous social scientists to study the behaviors of the politicians based on their voting records (Aldrich and Battista 2002; Aldrich et al. 2014; Lupu 2013). 1 Please refer to Appendix A for further information about WNOMINATE and our estimation procedure. 6 To capture the dates Representatives adopted Twitter, we made API calls to Twitter API and Sunlight Foundation’s Congress API, which helped us to link Representatives’ Twitter accounts to their legislative data. Out of 445 Representatives, 246 had Twitter accounts by the time we made the calls. Among the 246 Representatives, 189 joined Twitter during the 111th Congress (January 2009 – December 2010). With this data, we constructed a binary twitter adoption indicator for a Representative for a given month. For every month, the value of this binary variable is 1 if the Representative joined Twitter before or during that month and zero otherwise. We adopted Cook’s partisan voting index (PVI) developed and introduced by Charlie Cook in 1997 as a measure of constituents’ political orientation. Cook’s PVI is a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole. Cook employs the last two presidential election results as a baseline for gauging the political orientation of each congressional district (Cook and David 7 2014; Nunnari 2011). We obtained Cook’s PVI for each congressional district during 111th Congress. Cook’s PVI for the 111th Congress ranges from 0 to 29 for Republican states and from 0 to 41 for Democrat states. During the 111th Congress, New York's 15th and 16th districts with a PVI score of D+41 were the most liberal districts while Alabama's 6th and Texas's 13th districts with a PVI of R+29 were the most conservative districts. We rescaled Cook’s PVI to match our WNOMINATE measures. In our dataset Cook’s PVI ranges from -1 to +1 with -1 being the score for the most liberal congressional district and +1 being the score for the most conservative district. 4. Empirical Methodology The adoption of Twitter by Representatives over time creates a natural experiment setting that allows the comparison of difference in voting behavior before and after joining Twitter. We exploit the variation in joining Twitter across Representatives as the basis for identifying the impact of adopting Twitter on voting behavior. This strategy has been implemented in numerous research studies including (Chan and Ghose 2014; Dranove et al. 2003; Jin and Leslie 2003). To assess the effect of Twitter adoption on Representatives’ voting behavior, we employ the following fixed effect model: π¦π¦ππππ = π½π½π₯π₯ππππ + πΌπΌππ + πππ‘π‘ + π’π’ππππ Specification (1) where i is the index for Representatives and t is the index for time, t = 01-2009, 02-2009, … , 122010; π¦π¦ππππ is Representative i’s political orientation at time t; π₯π₯ππππ is the binary variable for adopting Twitter, meaning that π₯π₯ππππ = 1 if Representative i has a Twitter account at time t and zero otherwise; πΌπΌππ is the fixed effects for Representative i, T is a vector of time fixed effects. In this model, β is the difference-in-difference estimate of the impact of adopting Twitter on voting 8 behavior of Representatives. If β>0, then joining Twitter has made the Representatives to vote more conservatively. If β<0, joining Twitter has made the Representatives to vote more liberally. The Representative fixed effects control for observed and unobserved variations across Representative such as age, gender, longevity of service, and constituents’ characteristics. To assess whether the adoption of Twitter makes Representatives to vote more in line with the political orientation of their constituents, we add a moderating variable (Figure 2) to Specification (1) to measure the political difference between each Representative and his constituents: π¦π¦ππππ = π½π½1 π₯π₯ππππ + π½π½2 π₯π₯ππππ × ππππ + πΌπΌππ + πππ‘π‘ + π’π’ππππ Specification (2) where ππππ is the political difference between Representative i and her constituent. We obtained ππππ by calculating the difference between the mean of WNOMIATE scores of Representative i over time periods t = 0 , 1, …, π‘π‘ ∗ − 1 and her district’s PVI. Here, π‘π‘ ∗ is the time period during which Representative i joined Twitter. In other words, ππππ is the difference between political orientation of Representative i and that of her constituent prior to joining Twitter. A positive ππππ value denotes that Representative i is more conservative than her constituent, and a negative ππππ denotes that Representative i is more liberal than her constituent. Therefore if π½π½2 is negative and significant, the Representatives’ political orientation moves closer to that of their constituents and if π½π½2 is significant and positive the Representatives’ political orientation moves further away from that of their constituents. For instance if Representative i is less conservative than her constituent before the adoption, the political difference (ππππ ) would be negative. In this case if π½π½2 is negative and significant, Representative i becomes more conservative after the adoption and therefore moves closer to the constituent. 9 5. Results Table 1 presents the summary statistics for the dataset. The mean and standard deviation for Representative’s political orientation is consistent with prior studies (Poole et al. 2011). The positive mean of Representative’s political orientation denotes that the 111th Congress was slightly leaned toward conservative side of the political spectrum. Twitter adoption is a binary variable and equals to zero if the Representative does not have a Twitter account and 1 otherwise. Table 1. Summary Statistics Observations Mean Std. Dev. Min Max 10680 0.011 0.547 -1 1 Twitter adoption 10680 0.404 0.491 0 1 Constituent’s political orientation (Cook’s PVI) 10680 0.039 0.414 -1 1 Political difference 10680 -0.045 0.266 -0.658 0.507 Representatives’ political orientation (WNOMINATE) 10 As explained earlier, we employed Cook’s PVI as a measure of constituent’s political orientation. Cook’s PVI has been rescaled to match WNOMINATE scores. Similar to WNOMINATE, Cook’s PVI ranges from -1 to +1 with -1 being the most liberal district and +1 being the most conservative district. The positive mean of constituent’s political orientation denotes that the constituents were slightly leaned toward the conservative side of the political spectrum during the 111th Congress. Political difference is obtained by subtracting constituent’s political orientation from the temporal mean of Representative’s political orientation before the Twitter adoption. The negative mean of this variable denotes that the Representatives were slightly less conservative than the constituents. Political difference ranges from -0.658 to +0.507. As noted earlier, the larger the political difference value, the more conservative the Representative as compared to the constituent. The smaller the political difference value, the more liberal the Representative as compared to the constituent. According to Table 2, the constituents of Representatives who adopted Twitter during the 111th Congress had a mean political orientation of 0.028. The constituents of Representatives who did not adopt Twitter at all during the 111th Congress had a slightly higher mean political orientation (0.053) meaning that the adoption of Twitter by Representatives from less conservative districts was slightly higher than that of Representatives from more conservative districts. 11 Table 2. Comparison of means between eventual adopters and non-adopters Variable Representatives’ political orientation (WNOMINATE) Constituent’s political orientation (Cook’s PVI) Difference between means of political orientation of Representatives and constituents Period Adopter Before adoption -0.229 (0.521) After adoption 0.141 (0.545) Throughout th 111 Congress 0.028 (0.425) Before adoption -0.257 Nonadopter -0.029 (0.525) 0.053 (0.399) -0.082 After adoption 0.113 Table 2 also reveals interesting information about the Representatives’ political orientation. Compared to non-adopters, eventual adopters had much lower mean political orientation before they adopted Twitter. However after the adoption, they had a higher mean political orientation. That is, adopters became more conservative after joining Twitter. Comparison of the means between Representatives and constituents in adopters’ districts reveal that the difference between Representatives and their constituents diminished after the adoption. According to Table 2, however, the absolute value of the difference is still smaller in the nonadopter districts. Table 3 represents the results of our empirical analysis. Model 1 and Model 2 are based on Specification (1). The difference between Model 1 and Model 2 is the inclusion of time-fixed effects in Model 2. Twitter adoption is positive and significant in both models. That is, joining Twitter is associated with the Representatives becoming more conservative. 12 Table 3. Impact of Twitter adoption on Representatives’ left-right political orientation (dependent variable = Representative’s political orientations) Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 0.029 0.135*** 0.034** 0.112** Twitter adoption (0.030) (0.015) (0.014) (0.016) Twitter adoption × political -0.204*** -0.194*** difference (0.048) (0.039) Robust √ √ √ √ Cluster √ √ √ √ Time-fixed effects √ √ Adj. R-squared 0.017 0.489 0.024 0.516 N 9724 9724 9724 9724 Specification FE FE FE FE * Significant at 0.05, ** Significant at 0.01, *** Significant at 0.001 Model 3 and Model 4 are based on Specification (2) in which we included the interaction term between Twitter adoption and political difference. We included the time-fixed effects in Model 4 but not in Model 3. Although Twitter adoption is not significant in Model 4, the interaction between political difference and Twitter adoption is negative and significant. That is, political difference moderates the relationship between Twitter adoption and Representatives’ political orientation. Model 4, which includes the interaction term and the time-fixed effects, is the research model of this study as represented in Figure 2. According to the results of Model 4, Twitter adoption is not significant anymore. Instead, the interaction between twitter adoption and political difference is significant and negative. This means, after Twitter adoption, the political difference between Representatives and the constituent shrinks. Put it differently, Representatives behave (make decisions) more in line with their constituents after adopting Twitter. To test for heteroskedasticity we exploited modified Wald test for group-wise heteroskedasticity in fixed effects regression model. Since we identified the presence of 13 heteroskedasticity, we employed Eicker-Huber-White robust standard errors in all models. To decide between random and fixed effect models, we employed Hausman test. The result was in favor of the fixed effect model (Prob>chi2 = 0.072). We also tested for the time fixed effects and identified the presence of time fixed effects. Therefore we generated time dummies to obtain the two level fixed effects estimators (Model 2 and Model 4). We also tested for cross-sectional dependence using Breusch-Pagan LM test of independence and Pesaran cross-sectional dependence. Pesaran cross-sectional dependence test is used to test whether the residuals are correlated across subjects. Cross-sectional dependence can lead to bias in tests results (also called contemporaneous correlation). The results of our tests did not signal the presence of cross-sectional dependence. We further employed Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data; which signaled the presence of serial correlation. Therefore we used clustered errors in all models. Moreover, instead of the binary Twitter adoption variable, we employed a variable called Twitter experience. Twitter experience is simply equal to the common logarithm of the number of days the Representative has been active on Twitter plus 1 (ranges from 0 to 2.844 with a mean of 1.453 and 1.165 standard deviation). We replicated our analysis by replacing Twitter adoption with Twitter experience in Specifications 1 and 2. Table 4 represents the results of the analysis. According to Model 8 in table 4, Twitter experience is not significant in our full model. The interaction between Twitter experience and political difference is significant and negative. This means that the difference between political orientation of the Representatives and that of their constituents shrinks as Representatives gradually gain experience using Twitter. 14 Table 4. Impact of Twitter experience on Representatives’ left-right political orientation (dependent variable = Representative’s political orientation) Variables Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Twitter experience 0.065*** (0.006) 0.033*** (0.009) Twitter experience × political difference 0.064*** (0.007) 0.020 (0.010) -0.110*** (0.019) -0.101*** (0.017) Robust √ √ √ √ Cluster √ √ √ √ √ Time-fixed effects √ Adj. R-squared 0.054 0.491 0.063 0.532 N 9724 9724 9724 9724 FE FE FE FE Specification * Significant at 0.05, ** Significant at 0.01, *** Significant at 0.001 To further examine the impact of Twitter adoption on Representatives’ political orientation and the political difference between Representatives and their constituents, we performed another set of analyses based on Sun and Zhu (2013). We use the following specification to determine the impact of Representatives’ Twitter adoption on political orientation: π¦π¦ππππ = π½π½0 + π½π½1 ππππ + π½π½2 ππππ × π₯π₯ππππ + ∑24 ππ=1 πΎπΎππ ππππππππβπ·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·π·ππ + ππππππ Specification (3) where ππππ is a dummy that takes the value of 1 if Representative i is an eventual adopter, and 0 otherwise. We call this variable “Adopter”. π½π½2 is our difference-in-differences estimator that captures the adoption’s effect on political orientation of the Representatives. π₯π₯ππππ is the binary variable for adopting Twitter, meaning that π₯π₯ππππ =1 if Representative i has a Twitter account at 15 time t and zero otherwise (This variable is the same as in Specifications 1 & 2, but this time instead of “Twitter adoption” we call it “Twitter status” to prevent confusion with variable “Adopter”). We run the model in Specification (3) with two different response variables. For the first response variable, we use Representatives’ political orientation (the same as Specifications 1 & 2). For the second response variable, we use a variable called political misfit. To construct this variable, we calculate the Representatives’ mean political orientation before the adoption and after the adoption. Then we subtract Cook’s PVI from each of these two values. Therefore, we will have one value for the political difference before the adoption and one value for the political difference after the adoption. Then, we calculate the absolute values of these values and call this variable political misfit. Political misfit, simply, measures the absolute difference between Representatives’ political orientation and their constituents’ political orientation before and after the adoption. A decrease in political misfit means that Representative is more aligned with his constituent in terms of political orientation. We employed Eicker-Huber-White robust standard errors in all models. We also included dummies for each month from January 2009 to December 2010 to control for changes in all Representatives’ propensity to shift in the Liberal- Conservative spectrum through changing their voting behavior. We further employed Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data; which signaled the presence of serial correlation in models 9 and 10. Therefore we clustered the error terms at the Representative level in models 9 and 10. We introduced Representative-level fixed effects to control for time-invariant, unobserved Representative characteristics. Fixed effects allow us to focus on changes in behavior over time for any given Representative, rather than the absolute levels. Fixed effects, however, do not control for time-variant unobservables that may be correlated with the decision to adopt Twitter. These time-variant unobservables could lead, 16 for example, to different trends over time for adopters and non-adopters. Therefore, we construct a time-variant instrumental variable to account for the effects of time-variant unobservables. Valid instruments need to correlate with the decision to adopt and affect the dependent variable only through the adoption decision. We construct the instrumental variable by counting the number of peers from Representative i’s state who joined Twitter at each time period. The idea is that the choice to use Twitter among Representatives from the same state may be correlated (Golbeck et al. 2010; Peterson 2012). We call this variable ππππππππβππππππ_πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈππππ and incorporate it in Model 11 and Model 14 by using both fixed effects and 2SLS specifications. It is worth mentioning that this variable is not correlated with neither political orientation nor political misfit (p-value>0.05). However, it was correlated with the regressor in both models (pvalue<0.001). Table 5 reports our regression results. Model 9 reports the results based on ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. On average, a Representative who adopts Twitter during 111th Congress is less conservative than a Representative who does not by 18.8 percentage points. However after the adoption, the Representative’s political orientation shifts toward the conservative edge of the spectrum by 35 percentage points on average. Model 10 reports the results with the fixed effects (FE) specification. The results are similar to those in Model 9. The variable Adopter drops from the regression, because its value does not vary over time. In both models 9 and 10, the coefficients of the interaction variable, Adopter × Twitter status, reflect the average effect of the adoption on the treated group. Model 11 reports the results with both fixed effects and instrumental variables using two-stage least-squares (2SLS). 17 Table 5. Impact of Twitter on Representatives’ political orientation and political misfit (DV=Representative’s political orientation) Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 (DV=political misfit) Model 12 Model 13 Model 14 Adopter -0.188*** (0.054) -0.017*** (0.005) Adopter × Twitter status 0.353*** (0.047) 0.045*** (0.009) 0.120* (0.056) -0.031** (0.005) -0.038*** (0.002) -0.037** (0.013) Robust √ √ √ √ √ √ Cluster √ √ Time-fixed effects √ √ √ √ √ √ Adj. R-squared 0.873 0.489 0.496 0.018 0.019 0.019 N 9320 9320 9320 10537 10537 10537 Specification OLS FE FE/2SLS OLS FE FE/2SLS Variables Note 1: We employed Eicker-Huber-White robust standard errors in all models. Note 2: Within panel R-squared are reported in FE models. * Significant at 0.05, ** Significant at 0.01, *** Significant at 0.001 The results in Model 11 show that the adoption’s effect becomes stronger after we correct for endogeneity with the instrumental variable. Similar to Model 9, Model 12 reports the results based on ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. However, the dependent variable in Model 12 is political misfit. On average, the political misfit for a Representative who adopts Twitter during 111th Congress is around 2 percentage points less than that of a Representative who does not. This percentage further decreases by an additional 3 percentage points after the Representative adopts Twitter. Model 13 reports the results with fixed effects (FE), which are similar to those in Model 12. The variable Adopter drops from the regression, because its value does not vary over 18 time. In both models 12 and 13, the coefficients of the interaction variable, Adopter × Twitter status, reflect the average effect of the adoption on the treated group. Model 14 reports the results with both fixed effects and instrumental variables using two-stage least-squares (2SLS). The results in Model 14 show that the adoption’s effect does not change much after we correct for endogeneity with the instrumental variable. To further study the impact of Representatives’ Twitter activities on their voting decisions, we replace the variable Twitter status with the log transformed number of tweets posted by each Representative during each month (ranges from 0 to 5.956 with a mean of 0.751 and 1.295 standard deviation). This variable would inform us in understanding to what extent the use of Twitter would impact Representatives’ roll call votes. Table 6 represents the estimation results. Table 6. Impact of Representatives’ Twitter activity on political orientation and political misfit Variables Adopter (DV=Representative’s political orientation) Model 15 Model 16 -1.117*** (0.069) (DV=political misfit) Model 17 Model 18 -0.243*** (0.013) 0.020** (0.007) 0.020* (0.009) -0.022** (0.007) -0.022*** (0.005) Robust √ √ √ √ Cluster √ √ Time-fixed effects √ √ √ √ Adj. R-squared 0.879 0.488 0.920 0.011 N 9320 9320 10537 10537 Specification OLS FE OLS FE Adopter × log number of tweets Note 1: We employed Eicker-Huber-White robust standard errors in all models. Note 2: Within panel R-squared are reported in FE models. Note 3: Standardized variables are employed in all models. * Significant at 0.05, ** Significant at 0.01, *** Significant at 0.001 19 According to the results in tables 4, 5, and 6, the use of OSN platforms by Representatives is associated with more conservative votes. More importantly, Representatives who adopted Twitter during the 111th Congress move closer to the political orientation of their constituents. Table 7 provides first-stage estimation results for models 11 and 14 in Table 5 to illustrate the instrumental variable’s relevance. In Model 19, we did not include the time-fixed effects. In Model 20, we added the time-fixed effects to the model. We find that the instrument is highly correlated with becoming a Twitter adopter, and these results are statistically significant at the 1% level in both models. The overall Wald chi-squared test or F-test for the instrument in each model is also highly significant. Table 7. First-stage regressions and instrument relevance (DV = Adopter × Twitter status) Model 19 Model 20 0.033*** 0.015*** Neighbor Effect × Twitter status (0.003) (0.003) √ Robust √ √ Time-fixed effects Adj. R-squared N Specification 0.02 0.05 10680 10680 FE FE *** Significant at 0.001 The instrumental variable approach that we have taken to address the selection problem relies on validity of our instrument. Because we are unable to empirically evaluate the exogeneity of the instrument, we also undertake a propensity-score matching approach (DiPrete 20 and Gangl 2004; Leuven and Sianesi 2014; Sun and Zhu 2013) to evaluate the impact of potential selection effects. The instrumental variable approach and the propensity-score matching approach rely on different sets of assumptions. The instrumental variable approach relies on exogenous variables to purge the effects of unobservables on the decision to adopt. Propensityscore matching corrects for selection bias by matching adopters with non-adopters based on observables. Under propensity-score matching scheme, we used Representative’s age, gender, seniority in Congress, percent of party-favored votes, number of sponsored bills, number of cosponsored bills, percent of missed votes, and constituent’s mean household income, percent of high school graduates, percent of white population, and political orientation as attributes to be matched upon. Samples are matched based on the nearest neighbor algorithm within a caliper size of 0.05, with replacement. Table 8 provides the descriptions and summary statistics for these variables. Table 9 reports the results of our models under the propensity-score matching scheme. Twitter status estimate in Model 21 remains positive and statistically significant. In particular, this estimate indicates that a 12.9 percentage point increase in Representatives’ political orientation follows Twitter adoption. Twitter status estimate in Model 22 remains negative and statistically significant. In particular, this estimate indicates that a 1.7 percentage point decrease in political difference follows Twitter adoption by Representatives. It is worth mentioning that in Model 22, political difference for Representative i at time t is obtained by calculating the absolute value of the arithmetic difference between Representative i’s political orientation at time t and his constituent’s political orientation. 21 Table 8. Summary Statistics for Matching Variables Variable Description Age Representative's age Gender Seniority Party Vote Sponsorship Cosponsoriship Missed Votes Household Income High school Graduate White Political Orientation Observations Mean Representative's gender (1 if male) The number of years Representative has been in the body (House or Senate) of which he or she is currently a member. The percentage of votes in which the Representative's position agreed with the majority position in his or her party. The number of bills sponsored by the Representative while in that particular role. The number of bills cosponsored by the Representative while in that particular role. The percentage of votes in which the Representative was eligible to vote but did not. Mean logarithm household income in Representative's district. % of high school graduates in Representative's district % of white population in Representative's district Constituent’s political orientation 22 Std. Dev. Min Max 10680 57.164 10.293 28 86 10680 0.829 0.376 0 1 10320 11.935 9.130 1 56 10320 94.12 4.369 10320 18.997 13.348 0 84 10320 339.691 144.759 0 966 0 93.4 70.83 99.09 10320 4.693 6.990 10680 10.827 0.252 10.084 11.532 10680 85.028 6.761 10680 76.529 17.667 16.04 98.12 10680 0.039 0.414 55.1 -1 96.2 1 Table 9. Regression results under propensity-score matching scheme Model 21 Model 22 DV: Representative’s DV: Political Political Orientation Difference 0.129*** -0.017* Twitter status (0.008) (0.007) Robust √ √ Time-fixed effects √ √ Representative-fixed effects √ √ 0.96 0.83 N 10320 10320 Specification OLS OLS Adj. R-squared *** Significant at 0.001 * Significant at 0.05 Note: Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses below coefficient values. 6. Discussion Social influence network theory suggests that a social network user’s initial opinion or behavioral assessment might change due to the information cascaded in the social network (Friedkin 1998). Furthermore, by communicating and interacting with one another, people create social inο¬uences that affect their opinions, attitudes, and behaviors (Fang et al. 2013; Iyengar et al. 2011). In this study we find that Representatives’ presence in Twitter platform directs them toward the conservative side of the political orientation spectrum. According to figure 3, although the politicians became more conservative due to their presence in Twitter sphere, their average political orientation has shifted toward the middle of the spectrum, which signals a higher political balance in the 111th House of Representatives. The comparison between the mean political orientation of the constituents with that of the adopters shows that Representatives who adopted Twitter during the 111th Congress moved closer to their constituents in terms of political orientation. 23 The main finding of this study relates to the interaction between Twitter adoption and political difference (Model 4). This variable is significant and negative in our model. This means that in districts where the Representative is more conservative than the constituent Twitter adoption results in less conservative voting behavior by Representative. That is, the Representatives adjusts their political orientation according to the constituents’ political orientation. Similarly, in districts where the Representative is more liberal than the constituent, Twitter adoption results in less liberal behavior by the Representative. Again, the Representatives are adjusting their political orientation according to the constituents. As nicely coined by Bartels (2013), “the public tends to act as a thermostat”, as OSN platforms enable the constituents to be heard by their representatives in the Congress. Our findings in Model 4 and Model 8, have been supported by the results of models 9 through 18 and models 21 and 22. According to the results of Model 11 in table 5, Representatives who eventually adopted Twitter tended to shift toward the conservative spectrum even when we corrected for the endogeneity of adoption. Furthermore, the results of 24 models 12 and 13 in table 5 reveals that the political misfit between Representatives and their constituents shrinks as they adopt Twitter platform. The results of Model 14 in table 5 and Model 18 in table 8 support this finding even when we correct for the endogeneity of the adoption. Our results also suggest that not only the adoption of Twitter by Representatives may impact their voting decisions, but also the extent to which they generate content in OSN platforms would influence their voting decisions. It is worth mentioning that although we do not have an estimate for political orientation of Twitter users, studies show that Americans deviated from liberalism and became more conservative during the 111th Congress (Bartels 2013; STIMSON 2013). As figure 4 illustrates, American’s liberalism policy mood declined from 62.6% from 2008 to 58.2% in 2011. Meanwhile according to Figure 5, the conservatism policy mood among Americans has been on the rise during the same period. 25 7. Conclusion Previous studies suggest that online social networking has caused numerous societal, economic, and cultural changes. However, the impact of online social networking activities on politics and policy making has not been adequately tapped. To pursue the goal of studying the impact of online social networking on the voting behavior of politicians, we constructed a panel data for 445 Members of the 111th U.S. House of Representatives across a period of 24 months using three disparate datasets. We collected the voting records of the Representatives, the date they created their Twitter accounts and their constituent’s political orientation. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we revealed that the adoption of Twitter by Representatives directs them toward the conservative side of political spectrum. Furthermore, we found that the relationship between adoption and orientation shift is moderated by the political difference between Representatives and their constituents. That is, in case of a Representative whose political orientation is more conservative than that of her constituent, the adoption directs her 26 toward the liberal side to be more aligned with the constituent. In case of a Representative whose political orientation is more liberal than that of her constituent, adoption leads her to a more conservative point in the spectrum so that the Representative and the constituent are further politically aligned. We also found evidence that Representatives who create more content in Twitter sphere move closer to their constituents in terms of political orientation. More analysis supported our finding that Representative’s voting behavior becomes more aligned with the constituent’s political orientation after the adoption of Twitter by Representative. 2 8. Limitations and Future Research One of the limitations of this study is related to the sample. U.S. Representatives are elite politicians whose decision making in politics would differ from regular citizens. Thus, generalizability of these findings shall be limited to the elite politician population. To better extend the realm of this research, one may study the dynamic network of politicians in social media. Such network can be built based on friendships or conversations in online social networking platforms. A dynamic network analysis may shed more light on the underlying mechanism that causes the change in political orientation. Moreover, we only extracted and analyzed data from Twitter platform due to its popularity in political domain. A good extension of this study would be studying the impact of adoption of other OSN platforms by politicians on their political orientation. Although Twitter is sometimes perceived as a broadcasting medium rather than a social network, it shares certain features with other OSN 2 It is worth noting that in a separate study we found that Representatives who adopted Twitter by the end of The 111th Congress had a higher chance for being re-elected in The 112th Congress. We studied the impact of Representatives’ social media adoption on the results of the next election by collecting data about Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube adoption by Representatives. After controlling for a number of Representative-specific and constituent-specific factors, we found that Twitter and Facebook adoption are positively associated with the Representative being elected for the next term. Youtube adoption however, did not yield any significant results. The results of this study will be reported and discussed in a separate paper. 27 platforms. For instance, Twitter enables the users to follow and be followed by others. Or, a Twitter user only receives the tweets from her following list on her home page. While some users might decide to only broadcast their own ideas, prior studies show that Twitter users read tweets posted by people they follow. For instance, a study by Liu and colleagues (2014) shows that during the 111th Congress (from January 2009 to December 2010), more than 30% of the posts on Twitter were either replies or retweets. Twitter also recommends out of network users based on the current network of followers/ followings. According to Mousavi and Gu (2014), a strong relationship exists in the following/ follower network of Representatives in 113th House of Representatives in Twitter platform. Replicating this study in other OSN platforms with different set of features may enable the researchers to examine information-richness of the networks and thus elaborate on the mechanism of influence on greater detail. Another interesting extension of this study would be the study of the posts by Representatives. A granular dataset that includes the actual social networking activities (e.g. tweets, number of friends, number of followers, …) would allow the researchers to elaborate on the underlying mechanism of social media influence on political orientation and decision making. Last but not least, a dynamic monthly measure for constituents’ political orientation could have helped us to construct a more accurate measure for political difference and political misfit. However, to our best knowledge, all of the measures developed for constituents’ political orientation are for four years or more time periods. 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It is assumed that the Representatives have an ideal point of each of these two dimensions. As explained in Poole and Rosenthal (2007) and widely used in political science literature (Aldrich and Battista 2002; Aldrich et al. 2014; Lupu 2013), the first dimension can be interpreted as the LiberalConservative spectrum. The second dimension picks up social issues such as civil rights for African- Americans during. According to McCarty et al. (2008), this dimension is no longer important. Therefore, the estimates on the first dimension were used in our study. Since we need WNOMINATE scores for each Representative during each month, we created roll call matrices with Representatives’ votes cast during each month of the study. Legislators who voted fewer than twenty times during each month were excluded from estimation and were treated as missing observations. Along with the roll call matrix WNOMINATE program requires other inputs, most of which are set by default as reported in (Poole et al. 2011). The only thing that needs to be set is the argument polarity, which is used to direct the results in the desired direction. The polarity is set by specifying a Representative to be positive in each dimension. Since in general researchers wish to orient Conservatives on the right and Liberals on the left, positive in this case refers to Conservative side of the spectrum. Since there are two dimensions, the polarity needs to be set for each dimension. Therefore, we need one fiscally Conservative Representative (Republican Representative) to set the polarity on the first dimension and one socially Conservative Representative on the second dimension. We decided to use Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA 7th district) for the first dimension and Representative Walter Jones, Jr. (R-NC 3rd district) for the second dimension. The reason is that Representative Cantor 32 has high score on the first dimension (fiscally Conservative) but low scores on the second dimension. In contrast, Representative Jones has low score on the first dimension but high scores on the second dimension (socially Conservative). Using these settings we estimated first dimension scores for each Representative for each month and used as a measure for ideological polarization as reported in the manuscript. 33