BCIS 4620 DEMO How to CREATE a new database in a new LOCATION MF NetExpress PE 5.0 [or 5.1] 1. Create New Location on C: or on your portable F: Drive (for example): a. F:\ITDS4620\ b. Store the ERROR LOG file in same directory location, when asked. 2. SET NX LOCATION: ITDS4620 (Logical Name in SQL Wizard Environment) 3. Add a new Table to LOCATION: ITDS4620; SQLID: ASSIGN a. QBE view or Design view; or b. SQL view c. SAVE d. REFRESH 4. Enter data into table; Edit data [Record/Allow editing…] a. Table View b. Form view 5. Run Batch to load EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT tables 6. Create a Query (QBE) 7. Create Query (SQL) 8. SELECT01, SELECT02, etc. 9. Comment Lines in NX SQL queries: a. /* ….comment here… */ b. -- comment option How to MOVE a database to a new LOCATION 1. Close MF NetExpress down completely, STOP SERVER, and Exit NetExpress. 2. Locate the subdirectory of the database that you wish to move to a different location. a. E.g. F:\ITDS4620\ b. Error log file will also be in this directory, so no additional copying is required. 3. Remove storage device and transport to new location. 4. Start MF NetExpress, START SQL Server, and SQL Wizard in the new environment. 5. If a LOCATION ITDS4620 already exists in the SQL database, proceed to step 8. 6. Create New Location on C: (for example): a. C:\ITDS4620\ b. Store the ERROR LOG file in same directory location, when asked. 7. Close MF NetExpress down completely, again, STOP SERVER, and Exit NetExpress. a. IMPORTANT: Copy the complete directory F:\ITDS4620\ to C:\ITDS4620\ making sure to REPLACE the entire directory and all contents of C:\ITDS4620\ b. You may “Copy and Paste” file folder. 8. Start MF NetExpress, START SQL Server, and SQL Wizard in the new environment 9. Examine contents of the ITDS4620 database in SQL Wizard environment to verify that the tables and data dictionary were all relocated.