2001-03-01 Kristian Sandahl 013-28 75 34 Written exam TDDB02, HIIC01 Software Quality

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Kristian Sandahl 013-28 75 34
Written exam TDDB02, HIIC01 Software Quality
Answers to the questions should be returned to Helene Nordahl, G-house before Wednesday 2001-03-07 at 13:00.
The answers should be written manually in well readable text. Questions
should be answered on separate sheets of A4 paper. Write only on one side of
the paper and label all papers with name and personal number. You are free to
use either English or Swedish, no Swenglish please.
You can use any publicly available written material and your own notes when
answering the questions. You are not allowed to ask any person anything about
the course. This also includes sending mail or taking other initiatives from your
You are requested to sign a written assurance ”försäkran” about not using prohibited material.
Plan for about 4 effective working hours.
Answer as many as possible of the questions 1-10. They probably require only
a few lines answer. Each of the questions can give you 1(one) credit.
Answer no more than two of the questions 11-15. They require a thorough answer of a few pages each. Each of the questions can give you 5(five) credits.
5 (tekn fak)
VG(fil fak)
4(tekn fak)
no pass(all)
Good luck!
Department of Computer and Information Science
Mail address:
Department of Computer
and Information Science,
Linköpings universitet,
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden.
Phone +46 13 2875 34
Telefax: +46 13 284499
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Answer as many as possible of questions 1-10. Each question gives maximally
1 credit. The answers should be focused and short.
1. Write down the levels of CMM. Give a one-sentence characteristic of each
level. The characteristics do not have to completely define the levels.
2. What is the difference between a toll-gate and a mile-stone in Ericsson’s
project management model?
3. What is the role of experiments in Software Quality? What is the difference
between a controlled experiment and a quasi experiment?
4. Define cohesion and coupling. Describe a good design in terms of cohesion
and coupling.
5. Define the terms error, fault and failure.
6. What is the difference and connection between Quality Management and
Quality Assurance?
7. Give an argument of why ”Quality is for free”, that is increased Quality
gives increased profit.
8. Give a short definition of the activities in the PDCA (or PDSA) cycle?
9. Give an example of a volume metric for software. Give an example of a
complexity metric for software.
10.What is the difference between Tolerance Limits and Control Limits?
Answer no more than two of the questions 11-15. Each question gives maximally 5 credits. The answers should be thorough and complete.
11.Create your own quality factor catalogue. Identify and define at least 13
unique factors. Suggest how each of the factors can be measured.
12.Define all constituent parts of the CMM structure. Give examples of each
13.Create an inspection process. Write down arguments for using it. How can
the process be validated?
14.Write down a manuscript for 3-4 OH-slides describing the AMI method.
Discuss how AMI can be seen as a combination between CMM and Experience Factory (or Quality Improvement Paradigm)
15.Explain the difference between the waterfall process model and a more
incremental, evolutionary process model. Discuss how the evolutionary
process model can contribute to better quality than the waterfall model.
What are the hardest issues to solve for increased quality in evolutionary
Linköpings universitet Department of Computer and Information Science SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Phone: +46 13 281000