Faculty Meeting Minutes College of Forest Resources Anderson Hall Room 22


Faculty Meeting Minutes

College of Forest Resources

Anderson Hall Room 22

Monday, October 2, 2006, 9:30 a.m.


The meeting was called to order at 9:34 a.m. by Gordon Bradley, College of Forest Resources

Faculty Chair.


Agee, James

Allan, G. Graham

Bakker, Jonathan

Bare, Bruce

Brown, Sally

Bura, Renata

Davis, Amanda

Smith, Nevada

Eastin, Ivan McKenzie, Donald

Edmonds, Robert Valsta, Lauri

Bolton, Susan

Bradley, Gordon

Briggs, David

Doty, Sharon

Ettl, Gregory

Fridley, James

Ewing, Kern

Ford, E. David

Franklin, Jerry

Gara, Robert

Glawe, Dean

Greulich, Frank

Gustafson, Richard Halpern, Charles

Harrison, Robert Hanley, Donald

Hodgson, Kevin

Lippke, Bruce

Manuwal, David

Moskal, Monika

Paun, Dorothy

Peterson, David

Reichard, Sarah

Ryan, Clare

Hinckley, Thomas

Johnson, Jay

Kim, Soo-Hyung

Lee, Robert

Mabberley, David

Marzluff, John

McKean, William

Perez-Garcia, John

Schiess, Peter Raedeke, Kenneth

Schreuder, Gerard Turnblom, Eric

Sprugel, Douglas Vogt, Dan

Strand, Stuart

Torgersen, Christian

Wott, John

Vogt, Kristiina

West, Stephen

Zabowski, Darlene

The attendance reflects a quorum of the voting members of the faculty.




Accomplishments of members of the Faculty: a.

John Marzluff, State Book Award for In the Company of Crows and Ravens:

In the Company of Crows and Ravens, John M. Marzluff and Tony Angell, Yale

University Press, 2006 b.

Kern Ewing, Science article on interdisciplinary teaching:

Gold, W., K. Ewing, J. Banks, M. Groom, T. Hinckley, D. Secord and D. Shebitz. 2006.

Collaborative Ecological Restoration. Science 312:1880-1881


CFR Faculty Meeting

Page c. Darlene Zabowski proclaimed that Rob Harrison has been voted a Fellow in Soil Science

Society for outstanding service.

2. Faculty Bus Tour and Introduction of New Faculty and Staff a.

The Faculty Orientation Bus Tour was a success. The tour took participants to the

University of Washington Botanic Gardens, The Center for Sustainable Forestry at Pack

Forest, The Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility where all who cared to were given a lift, NORPAC (North Pacific Paper Corporation) in Longview, Washington, and the Olympic Natural Resources Center on the Olympic Peninsula. New faculty in attendance were introduced: Jon Bakker, Sharon Doty, Greg Ettl, Monika Moskal, and

Christian Torgersen. Renata Bura and Soo Kim teach on Monday mornings so were not present. It was noted that Dean Glawe is the cooperative WSU faculty member. New faculty member Josh Lawler’s appointment will not begin until March 1, 2007. b.

Lauri Valsta was introduced. He is a Visiting Scholar from Finland. He is working with

Bruce Lippke until February 2007. c.

Nevada Smith, new assistant to the Faculty Chair was introduced.

3. Resolution of Appreciation. Herewith the Resolution of Appreciation for Richard R.


WHEREAS , Richard R. (Rick) Gustafson tirelessly served the College of Forest Resources as

Division Chair from June 1997 to December 2003, and as Faculty Chair from January 2004 to

June 2006; and

WHEREAS , he took on the significant task of managing the consolidated divisions of the

College; and

WHEREAS , he provided leadership and administration that contributed to a friendly and collegial working environment; and

WHEREAS , he successfully presided over the transformation of our educational programs at both the graduate and undergraduate level; and

WHEREAS , above all, in his terms as Chair, Rick Gustafson kept the best interests of the college community at heart;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the College of Forest Resources Faculty extend their sincere appreciation to Rick Gustafson;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Dean of the College of Forest Resources commends and thanks Rick Gustafson for his service to the College and the University.

Resolution was approved through acclamation by a rousing spontaneous round of applause.


Faculty Meeting Agenda forward planning calendar: Nevada Smith

Nevada has been at the University of Washington for nearly 20 years. Most recently she worked as Grants Manager in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck

Surgery. She has also worked for Financial Management in the UW’s administration and for the Board of Regents. She said that the Faculty Office is hoping to distribute the CFR

Faculty Meeting Agendas and agenda action items ahead of time as they did for this


CFR Faculty Meeting

Page meeting. They also plan to distribute the Minutes of each meeting for Faculty review as soon after each meeting as possible.

2. Calendar: Amanda Davis

Amanda will be updating the Internal CFR Event Calendar with items of interest to the

Faculty. Please let her know if you would like anything put on the calendar. The calendar is located at this URL: http://www.cfr.washington.edu/events/internal.asp


Review Fall Quarter Agenda Items: Gordon Bradley a.


Dean Bare has appointed a Curriculum Committee to consider several issues. The members of the Curriculum Committee are Stephen West (co-Chair), Clare Ryan (co-

Chair), James Agee, Rick Gustafson, Rob Harrison, John Marzluff, Gordon Bradley, (ex officio), Michelle Trudeau (ex officio). It is expected that the Committee will bring forward recommendations regarding undergraduate and graduate curriculum issues. The

2006-2007 charge to the Committee may be reviewed at this URL: http://faculty.washington.edu/bare/cfrcurriccom2006.html

Steve West noted that we are preparing for the Graduate School Review, which was scheduled for 2006 but was deferred to 2007. This review examines curricula, policies, and procedures at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. b.

Data Base Development

A search is underway for a Database Specialist/Web Programmer. It is hoped that the

Database Specialist will assist the PMT process and the database will provide an ongoing reliable central system to handle PMT information and annual reporting requirements.

The job description also requires web programming skills. The position is listed on the

UW Hires website and applications are coming in. c.

Peer Review of Teaching

Wayne Jacobson, Associate Director of CIDR (Center for Instructional Development and

Research) has been invited to present at the next Faculty Meeting on October 16, 2006. It was noted that the Promotion Packets forwarded to the Provost’s Office must include a

Peer Evaluation of Teaching. Wayne will discuss approaches to peer-review of teaching as well as other ways that CIDR can assist faculty. d.

Elected Faculty Council (EFC) By-Laws

Dave Manuwal, Chair of the Elected Faculty Council reported that the Faculty Senate is working to assure that all Schools and Colleges on campus have updated by-laws on file with the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate provided a blue-print for the by-laws, which the EFC will be considering and then revising for CFR. When EFC’s work is complete the proposed by-laws will be distributed to the Faculty for review, discussion, and approval.

Dave also brought forth that the EFC is considering the Dean’s recommendations regarding the Denman Professorship. e.

Work Planning

Gordon addressed the issue of Work Planning with the faculty and pointed out that while the previous chair Rick Gustafson had recently met with most of the faculty, it is his intention to schedule meetings with all faculty in the coming Academic Year. He plans to meet with new faculty during Autumn Quarter and then schedule with remaining


CFR Faculty Meeting

Page faculty during Winter and Spring Quarters. The Faculty Office staff will be contacting the faculty to schedule these meetings.


Program Information to be presented in future faculty meetings a.

Student Services

Michelle Trudeau has been invited to present at the next Faculty Meeting. b.

Development Office

Tom Mentele has been invited to present at the next Faculty Meeting. He has invited

Alvin Kwiram to attend as well. Dr. Kwiram will make a presentation on the

Development program that matches UW Faculty gifts made to the UW. c.

Computer Support

Marc Morrison has been invited to present at a future Faculty Meeting. New computer programs are now available, some of which are because we have new faculty. Marc will provide an overview of what is available. He will also talk about other new technology or equipment available for faculty and students. d.

Center for Quantitative Sciences in Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife (CQS) (located in 5

Anderson Hall)

The new director of CQS, Vincent Gallucci, has been invited to present at a future

Faculty Meeting. It is anticipated that Dr. Gallucci will provide an overview of the

Center’s services and encourage faculty to support the Center by teaching courses offered by CQS.

Library Services

Maureen Nolan, new Natural Sciences & Resources Librarian, has been asked to present at a future Faculty Meeting.



Promotions, Merit, and Tenure (PMT) Committee changes.

Gordon introduced the idea that the PMT committee might have too many members and hopes that the Faculty will consider going back to a six-member committee structure. Dave

Manuwal, who served as Chair of the PMT committee last year, pointed out that he found it difficult to get people together. Gordon talked about the current PMT Committee structure.

The members are elected from the individual identified interest groups in the College. The committee currently has 8 or 9 members. It was mentioned that a couple of them will be leaving the Committee. Doug Sprugel suggested that perhaps it would work to have a reasonable representation of each kind of interest group or a broad representation across the disciplines. Rob Harrison commented that the larger committee structure was part of the bylaws. Gordon said the by-laws would be researched and what is currently on record would be communicated to the Faculty. Gordon hopes that the faculty will consider having a PMT

Committee that is made up of six members who are nominated from the Faculty at large, and that the members of the PMT Committee would be voted on by all members of the Faculty.


Mentoring Workshops.

Workshops on teaching, research, and technology are general topics under consideration.

Some of the ideas brought forward thus far are a brown bag research forum to introduce faculty members to each others’ research by Doug Sprugel and Bob Edmonds. Monika

Moskal suggested a technology session for all faculty to find out about new software and perhaps have a demonstration session to showcase what’s available. It was brought up that the Monday morning 9:30-10:30 a.m. timeframe on the Faculty Meeting off-weeks might be a good time to schedule some of the workshops, although it was noted that some of the


CFR Faculty Meeting


Faculty are not available due to teaching commitments. The ideas that have already been suggested will be distributed and Gordon asks that you send him other ideas.


College Faculty Meetings with the Dean

The Dean has been invited to the final Faculty Meeting of Autumn Quarter, 12/11/06. It is hoped that this meeting in addition to providing the Dean with a forum to provide information to the Faculty, will also be an opportunity for the Faculty and the Dean to have a back and forth exchange regarding important issues facing the college. If you have ideas or input regarding the format or content of this meeting, please let Gordon know.

Jim Agee reminded the Faculty that the Dean’s 5-year review is underway. Jim is a member of the committee conducting the review. The first meeting of the review committee is

Wednesday (10/4/06). The report is due to the Provost in early January. Jim said he will be getting back to the Faculty for input. Jim stated there will be opportunities for everyone to participate.


1 . Proposed Courtesy Faculty Appointments a.

Lawrence Lam, PhD, Electronics Program Chair, DeVry University, Seattle, proposed for

Affiliate Professor associated with PSE by Graham Allan.

Graham Allan spoke to this proposed appointment. Dr. Lam is on the faculty at DeVry

University. He is an Electrical Engineering graduate of the UW. Graham mentioned that their collaboration could help bring pulp and paper products into the electronic age. They are working to raise research funds. He asks that the Faculty approve this affiliate appointment.

Jim Agee noted that Dr. Lam’s appointment at DeVry University is as Associate

Professor and, thus, his affiliate appointment at the UW should be the same rank. Dr.

Allan agreed to change his recommendation memo to reflect this change and the faculty moved forward with the vote.

Jim Agee moved and Susan Bolton seconded that this appointment be considered. The

Faculty voted to approve the appointment of Lawrence Lam as Affiliate Associate

Professor. The results of the vote are recorded in the Faculty Office. b.

Hans Andersen, PhD, Research Forester, USFS/PNW, Anchorage, proposed Affiliate

Assistant Professor associated with Precision Forestry Center by David Briggs and

Gerard Schreuder.

David Briggs spoke to this proposed appointment. Dr. Andersen was recently a research scientist here in Precision Forestry Coop. He received his PhD from the UW. He now works for the USFS in Anchorage, AK. He remains actively involved with graduate students in UW CFR. In order to continue his role with the students and the Coop, it is requested that the faculty approve this appointment.

Jim Agee moved and Darlene Zabowski seconded that this appointment be considered.

The Faculty voted to approve the appointment of Hans Andersen as Affiliate Assistant

Professor. The results of the vote are recorded in the Faculty Office.


Proposed Course Name Change

Change Streamside Studies Seminar to Water Center Seminar.

Gordon spoke to this proposed course name change. The Provost approved changing the

Streamside Studies Center to the Water Center in mid-2005. This course name change would bring the name of the Seminar in alignment with the new name of the Center.


CFR Faculty Meeting


David Briggs moved and Jim Agee seconded that this change be considered. The Faculty voted to approve changing the name of the Streamside Studies Seminar to the Water

Center Seminar. The results of the vote are recorded in the Faculty Office.



Next Faculty Meeting: Monday, October 16, 2006; 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in Anderson Room

22 .


College Barbeque: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Courtyard.

Sally Morgan recently sent out an email regarding the type of salmon to be served. It’s a potluck and everyone is encouraged to come and have a good time.


Urban Ecology Annual Symposium: Friday, October 13, 2006 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in

Anderson 207. Gordon explained that CFR exchanges with colleagues at Humboldt

University in Berlin—we go there, they come here. For this Symposium 30 colleagues from

Berlin will be here the week before the Symposium to interact with students and faculty. The

Symposium provides a capstone to this week of interaction.


Dave Manuwal announced that the EFC would be meeting in Anderson 22 directly after the

Faculty Meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m.

