1 Effects of harvest intensity and organic matter removal on nitrogen availability and leaching at a high productivity coastal Douglas-fir site Barry Lynn Flaming 2001 2 Effects of harvest intensity and organic matter removal on nitrogen availability and leaching at a high productivity coastal Douglas-fir site Barry Lynn Flaming A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Washington 2001 Program Authorized to Offer Degree: College of Forest Resources University of Washington Graduate School 3 This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a master’s thesis by BARRY LYNN FLAMING and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final examining committee have been made. Committee members: Robert B. Harrison Charles L. Henry Robert L. Edmonds Thomas A. Terry Date: July 26, 2001 4 Master’s Thesis In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Master’s degree at the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this thesis is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Any other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be allowed without my written permission. Signature Date 5 Abstract: The effects of harvesting-related nutrient losses on sustained forest productivity are not clearly understood. The removal of logging residues from a site following intensive biomass utilization may impact the rate at which nutrients are made available to seedlings and alter leaching losses of dissolved nutrients. The objectives of this study were to examine the impact of intensive harvesting on nitrogen availability and leaching at a high productivity (Site Index 42 m in 50 years) coastal Douglas-fir site in southwestern Washington. Nitrogen concentrations in soil solution were monitored at 0.2- and 1.0-m depths during the 8- to 12-month period following four experimental harvesting treatments: bole-only harvest; total-tree harvest; total-tree plus harvest; and nonharvested forest. During the study period (March to June 2000), intensive harvesting was found to significantly increase N availability (nitrification) in the 0.2-m depth (p=0.06). Total N concentrations at 0.2m depth in March 2000 were 1.7, 2.6, and 3.0 mg L-1 in bole-only, total-tree, and total-tree plus harvesting treatments, respectively. These concentrations increased to 5.6, 8.2, and 6.8 mg L-1 in June 2000. Lower N concentrations in the bole-only treatment were due to the presence of logging slash, which acted as a net sink for N. Total soil solution N concentrations decreased on the order of 1 to 4 times as solution passed from 0.2- to 1.0-m depths, indicating the high buffering capacity of these volcanic soils. There were no treatment differences in total N leaching at 1.0-m depth (p=0.24), and total N leaching was estimated at 3 to 4.5 kg ha-1 6 mo-1. Nitrogen losses were primarily in the form of nitrate in the harvested treatments but dissolved organic N in the nonharvested forest. While harvest intensity was found to affect short-term soil N availability, it is not yet clear if these differences will affect seedling growth rates. 6 Chapter 1. Introduction The sustained productivity of intensively managed forests has been the subject of considerable concern (Ballard and Gessel 1983; Dyck and Mees 1990). Management efforts aimed at increasing the amount of woody biomass produced and utilized from a forested site may potentially lead to a reduction in the productivity of subsequent stands as a result of nutrient depletion (Weetman and Webber 1972). Practices such as whole-tree harvesting increase the biomass yields capable from a given area but remove a larger quantity of nutrients compared to conventional bolewood harvesting, as foliage, branches and bark generally have higher nutrient concentrations. In addition, site preparation practices intended to enhance seedling establishment, such as windrowing and the piling and burning of logging residues (branches and foliage) may also displace organic matter and nutrients. Nutrient cycling studies have indicated that typical bolewood harvesting generally causes nutrient losses from the forest ecosystem at rates that are comparable to rates of natural nutrient inputs (Keenan and Kimmins 1993). However, harvesting on short rotations and biomass harvesting may cause removals that exceed rates of natural replacement (Wells and Jorgensen 1979). While evidence of forest productivity declines following intensive management have been reported (Stone and Will 1965; Keeves 1966), they are often associated more with the removal of topsoil or from repeated removals of forest floor organic matter than from increasing harvest intensity itself (Fox 2000). 7 Retaining logging residues on site has been suggested as a means to sustain long-term forest productivity (Balneaves and Dyck 1992). The potential of this organic matter in supplying nutrients to the regenerating forest will depend on the quantity and rate at which this material decomposes and releases nutrients following harvesting. In addition to its role as a source of nutrients, logging residues may also have many indirect effects on the physical environment. Residues may act as a mulch, retaining soil moisture over longer periods in the spring and early summer, and as an insulator buffering soil temperature fluctuations. In covering the mineral soil, logging residues may reduce erosion and influence the establishment of competing vegetation, which can impact seedling growth and survival. These influences on the physical environment will in turn affect the activity of soil microorganisms and the rate at which organic matter is decomposed and nutrients are made available to the regenerating forest. Nitrogen (N) is particularly important since it is the availability of this element that commonly limits forest productivity in the Pacific Northwest (Gessel et al. 1973). While soils in this region generally contain large amounts of N, it typically exists in an organic form that is unavailable to plants. The release of mineral (available) N from decomposing organic matter is a complex and dynamic process that is controlled primarily by the activity of microbial decomposer organisms, which in turn is governed by the chemical constituents of the organic matter and by environmental factors such as temperature and moisture. The contribution of logging residues to forest productivity therefore depends on their effects on soil temperature 8 and moisture as well as the N dynamics of the decomposing organic matter. In addition, the timing of N mineralization and availability to coincide with the nutrient demand of the subsequent stand is of considerable concern. Nitrogen that is available in excess of vegetative uptake may be leached to the groundwater as nitrate, contributing to soil acidification and downstream eutrophication, while an insufficient supply of available nutrients may limit tree growth or cause a nutrient deficiency in the regenerating stand. While these processes have been investigated in low and medium productivity Douglas-fir stands (Bigger 1988; Compton and Cole 1990), little information exists concerning the response of high productivity sites to intensive management. 9 Chapter 2. Study Objectives and Hypotheses OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to examine how the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal affected soil nitrogen dynamics on a highly productive coastal Douglas-fir site. Soil nitrogen availability, leaching, and rates of decomposition and N release from forest floor organic matter were estimated during a four-month period (March to June, 2000) 8 to 12 months after the installation of several treatments. The treatments investigated included: (1) a conventional, bole-only (BO) harvest where only merchantable tree stemwood was removed, with branches and foliage (logging slash) being retained on the site; (2) a total-tree (TT) harvest where the entire aboveground tree biomass was removed; (3) a total-tree plus (TP) harvest where aboveground tree biomass was removed in addition to coarse woody debris and some residual organic matter; and (4) an adjacent 47-year-old nonharvested reference stand (FT). 10 HYPOTHESES Hypothesis 1: Null hypothesis: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on the availability of nitrogen during the 8- to 12month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Alternative Hypothesis: Increasing harvest intensity may decrease (or increase) the availability of nitrogen during the 8- to 12-month period after harvest. The mineralization of N from decomposing logging residues (branches and foliage) depends on the chemical nature of the organic matter, as well as soil temperature and moisture conditions. Generally, it is believed that organic substrates with a carbon:nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) between 20 and 30:1 will mineralize N, while ratios higher than this (>30:1) will immobilize N in microbial biomass (Edmonds 1991). However, some forest residues may exhibit mineralization at C:N ratios as high as 50 to 100:1 (Paul and Clark 1996). Logging residues contain relatively high concentrations of N relative to other woody tree components and can act as a source of nutrients as they decompose. The retention of logging residues on site also conserves moisture and its physical presence may stimulate N mineralization (Emmett et al. 1991a). Harvesting of the entire aboveground tree biomass removes this organic matter from the site, therefore eliminating its potential as a nutrient source. Drier surface conditions following slash removal may also limit rates of decomposition and N mineralization. On the other hand, microbes in decomposing logging residues may immobilize N making it temporarily unavailable for plant growth, thereby temporarily reducing N availability. 11 Hypothesis 2: Null hypothesis: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on the leaching of nitrogen during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Alternative Hypothesis: Increasing harvest intensity may decrease (or increase) the leaching of nitrogen during the 8- to 12-month period after harvest. The quantity of N that is leached deeper in the soil profile and below the seedling rooting zone is expected to be proportional to the quantity present (available) in the surface soil horizons. Therefore, if the removal of logging residues during intensive harvesting leads to reduced N availability (as proposed in Hypothesis 1), then reduced N leaching will also be expected. Alternatively, if intensive harvesting leads to an increase in N availability, then increased leaching may be observed. Hypothesis 3: Null hypothesis: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on decomposition rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Alternative Hypothesis: Increasing harvest intensity may decrease decomposition rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period after harvest. Organic matter with high N concentrations and low C:N ratios (<30:1) generally decompose faster than materials with low N and high C:N ratios (Edmonds 1991). The residual forest floor organic matter left on site following intensive harvesting consists primarily of nutrient-poor, high C:N ratio (>50:1) woody material, 12 which decomposes slowly, while logging residues, with greater N concentrations and lower C:N ratios, are expected to decompose more rapidly. In addition, removing logging residues may result in drier moisture conditions in the residual organic matter, thus limiting the activity of decomposer organisms. Hypothesis 4: Null hypothesis: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on net N mineralization rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Alternative Hypothesis: Increasing harvest intensity may decrease (or increase) net N mineralization rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period after harvest. Logging residues act as a source of nutrients and will release (mineralize) N as they decompose. Intensive harvesting removes this potential N source from the site and the nutrient-poor (high C:N ratio) organic matter that remains will tend to immobilize N or to release it more slowly. On the other hand, microbial populations may temporarily immobilize N in their biomass as they decompose the logging slash, thereby reducing rates of net N mineralization. 13 Chapter 3. Literature Review 3.1 Organic Matter and Forest Productivity Soil organic matter has a major influence on plant growth because of its beneficial effects on the physical, chemical, and biological properties and processes occurring in soil (Chen and Aviad 1990). Its presence greatly modifies soil structure and increases water infiltration and the water holding capacity of soil. Organic matter also has a high cation exchange capacity and is a source of nutrients and energy for microbial and plant growth. In the cool, moist climate of the Pacific Northwest where decomposition rates are slow, large amounts of organic matter may accumulate on the soil surface. Gessel et al. (1973) estimated that the forest floor of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) stands in western Washington contain between 15 and 30 Mg ha-1 of organic matter, emphasizing the important role of the forest floor in regulating nutrient supply in these ecosystems. Soil organic matter and its influence on the productivity of Pacific Northwest forests has also been the focus of numerous symposia (Grier et al. 1989; Perry et al. 1989; Gessel et al. 1990). The relationships between organic matter and forest productivity are still not well understood (Edmonds and Chappell 1994), but there is evidence to suggest that the removal and depletion of soil organic matter and its associated nutrients may have negative impacts on sustained forest productivity. Early observations of productivity declines came from intensively managed pine forests in Europe in the late 19th century. Ebermeyer (1876) noticed that in areas where continued litter raking and 14 removal had occurred over long periods of time, tree growth was greatly reduced compared to areas where this practice did not occur. He associated this decline in forest productivity with nutrient depletion caused by litter removal and stressed the importance of retaining the litter layer as a source of nutrients for tree growth. More recently, productivity declines have been observed in second rotation Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) plantations grown on sandy, infertile soils in Australia and New Zealand. These declines have been attributed to a deficiency in nitrogen (N) caused by the loss of organic matter during harvesting and site preparation (Stone and Will 1965; Keeves 1966). Studies of successive rotations of Radiata pine have led to practices that conserve organic matter in logging residues and the litter layer on site in order to improve N and moisture availability to seedlings (Squire et al. 1979; Squire 1983; Balneaves 1990). The impact of intensive harvesting and organic matter removal on the sustained productivity of Douglas-fir stands has recently been the focus of investigation (Bigger 1988; Compton and Cole 1990). In western Washington, three experimental levels of harvesting intensity were studied at both a high productivity (Site Class II; site index 36 m in 50 years; King 1966) and low productivity (Site Class IV; site index 25 m in 50 years; King 1966) Douglas-fir site. Harvesting treatments involved (i) a conventional, bole-only harvest where logging slash (branches and foliage) was left on the site; (ii) a whole-tree harvest where the entire aboveground tree biomass was removed; and (iii) a complete removal treatment in which all aboveground tree biomass and forest floor material was removed. Ten 15 years after harvesting and replanting, researchers observed that seedling growth strongly reflected the intensity of organic matter removal, with a 40% height reduction in the complete removal treatment relative to the bole-only harvest. On a parallel set of plots, the addition of 200 kg N ha-1 of urea fertilizer at year 5 completely eliminated these growth differences, indicating that amendments of limiting nutrients may be able to ameliorate the negative impacts of intensive harvesting (Cole 1995). Results from numerous studies have shown that the harvest and utilization of the entire aboveground tree biomass (whole-tree harvesting) may greatly improve the biomass yields from a given site (Weetman and Webber 1972; Keays and Hatton 1975). Whole-tree harvesting has recently become more common in the south and southeast regions of North America (Kimmins 1977) and whole-tree yarding with cable systems is routinely practiced in the Pacific Northwest (Terry 2001). In wholetree yarding, harvested trees are processed at a central landing where branches and tops are cut. Logging slash is therefore removed from the site, but this practice is not entirely efficient as limbs may break when the trees hit the ground and some of the slash remains on the site rather than being transported to the landing. Site preparation practices such as windrowing or slash piling, which are often utilized to aid in seedling establishment, also resemble whole-tree harvesting in terms of removing logging residues from the site but in addition may inadvertently displace topsoil. The importance of slash and litter to the total N reserves of a site may be substantial. On a high productivity Douglas-fir site in Washington (site index 36 m at 16 50 years), the N content of slash and litter was estimated at 464 kg N ha-1 and was equivalent to the quantity of N removed during conventional bolewood harvesting (Bigger and Cole 1983). The impacts of intensive harvesting may also depend on the quantity of total nutrient reserves present at a site. Whole-tree harvesting of a low productivity site removes a proportionately greater amount of total ecosystem nutrients than on a high productivity site since more of the total ecosystem nutrients are tied up in aboveground biomass. For example, bole-only harvesting of a 53-yearold Douglas-fir site removed 16% of total ecosystem N from both high- (Site Index II) and low-productivity (Site Index IV) sites. However, whole-tree harvesting increased these removals to 32% of total N on the low site compared to 24% on the high site (Edmonds and Bigger 1983). While the retention of logging residues following harvesting has been promoted as an operational practice to maintain forest productivity (Weetman and Webber 1972; Balneaves and Dyck 1992), conflicting results reveal that the importance of slash retention may be specific to the local environmental conditions present at a given site. Some studies have supported the findings of Compton and Cole (1990) with observations that seedlings grown in logging slash had better growth rates than where this material had been removed, whether by harvesting or site preparation. Ballard (1978) reported that Radiata pine trees in New Zealand growing on harvested areas where slash was retained had 40% greater volume than trees growing between windrowed areas, but 19% less volume than trees growing within the windrows. The biomass of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) seedlings after 17 15 months of growing in slash was twice that of seedlings growing where slash was removed and also had greater foliar N concentrations (Emmett et al. 1991b). Titus and Malcolm (1987) also observed that height growth of Sitka spruce seedlings in Scotland was greater when planted in slash and attributed this to improved microclimatic conditions, as growth was higher than in whole-tree harvested areas that were amended with NPK fertilizer. On the other hand, some studies have observed increased growth rates following slash removal. Valentine (1975) found that Douglas-fir seedling growth in scarified plots where organic matter had been removed from the surface were actually better than where slash was retained. Logging residues act as a barrier to energy and water exchange between the soil and atmosphere and their removal led to warmer soil temperatures and subsequently improved root growth of seedlings grown in the scarified plots. Clearly the effect of retaining logging residues on tree growth involves complex interactions between soil processes that influence nutrient availability, temperature regimes, and soil moisture dynamics. 3.2 Organic Matter Decomposition Decomposition is the physical and chemical breakdown of organic materials by soil organisms, primarily fungi and bacteria. Temperature, water availability, and the quantity and quality of organic substrates have a substantial influence on the rate at which organic matter is decomposed and nutrients are released. In general, organic substrates with high N concentrations and low C:N ratios decompose more rapidly than substrates with low N concentrations and high C:N ratios (Edmonds 1991). 18 Temperature has a profound effect on rates of chemical and physiological reactions. Rates of microbial activity exponentially increase with rising temperature, approximately doubling for every 10oC increase. This pattern holds until the upper limit of thermotolerance is reached, typically about 35-400C. When temperatures reach levels below 50C, soil microbial activity and organic matter decomposition virtually cease (Brady and Weil 1999). At a given temperature, microbial processes attain maximum rates when soil is at or near field capacity (i.e., at a matric potential of –0.01 MPa) and decline linearly as soil matric potential becomes more negative (Barnes et al. 1998). In addition, interactions between temperature and moisture also affect microbial processes. For example, Zak et al. (1999) reported that high rates of microbial activity at warm soil temperatures (e.g., 250C) are limited by the diffusion of substrate to active cells, but that this limitation lessens as substrate demand and physiological activity decline at cooler temperatures (e.g., 50C). The retention or removal of logging residues will have important implications in terms of the temperature and moisture conditions at a site and therefore will affect the activity of soil organisms. Logging residues may act to retain soil moisture and buffer against soil temperature fluctuations, and its ability to do this is largely a function of the thickness of the organic layer on the soil surface. In one study, clearcutting a Radiata pine plantation in Australia increased evaporation by 295% and dried the litter layer at most times of the year where slash had been removed. Where slash was retained, the organic matter had a mulching effect causing increased water contents in litter and soil during the summer months (Smethurst and Nambiar 1990). 19 Drier surface conditions resulting from direct exposure to wind and sunlight also contributed to the reduced decay rates of pine needles in whole-tree harvested plots in the Rocky Mountains (Hendrickson et al. 1985). Entry et al. (1986) reported that whole-tree harvesting reduced microbial biomass pools in summer and winter and they were positively correlated with moisture and negatively correlated with soil temperature. Soil temperatures and diurnal temperature fluctuation are typically higher where slash is removed due to the direct exposure of mineral soil to solar radiation. Whole-tree harvesting of a Douglas-fir site led to mean maximum soil temperatures at 5-cm depth that were about 4-50C greater in mid-spring compared to bole-only harvesting and 9-100C higher in mid-summer (Valentine 1975). At another site in Oregon, the diurnal temperature range 5-cm below the soil surface was two times greater (17 versus 80C) under bare mineral soil compared to soil under slash (Hermann 1963). Soil temperatures at this site reached a maximum of 430C in exposed mineral soil but only 320C where litter was present. Despite high temperatures, summer drought conditions (i.e., low soil moisture) common in the Pacific Northwest may be more important in influencing litter decomposition rates than temperature (Edmonds 1979). It is often assumed that decomposition rates of organic matter on the soil surface will increase following harvesting compared to nonharvested stands due to increased surface temperatures following removal of the forest canopy and increased moisture conditions associated with reduced evapotranspiration. However, results from many studies have found that rates are highly variable and have been found to 20 either increase (Gadgil and Gadgil 1978; Edmonds 1991; Prescott et al. 1993), decrease (Whitford et al. 1981; Binkley 1984; Prescott 1997; Prescott et al. 2000), or remain unchanged (Will et al. 1983; Wallace and Freedman 1986) compared to adjacent forested stands. Analyses by Yin et al. (1989) suggested that the effects of harvesting on decomposition rates depended primarily on the regional and local temperature and moisture regimes and are therefore site specific. In cold climates (high latitudes) decomposition may increase in response to increased temperatures following harvest, but temperature increases may be so extreme as to inhibit decomposer activity in warm climates (low latitudes) (Seastedt and Crossley 1981). Even if the decomposition potential of a site increases due to improved temperature and moisture conditions following harvesting, decomposition rates of organic matter may still be primarily limited by the chemical nature of the material (Prescott 1997). The elimination of litterfall inputs following harvesting causes a reduction in the supply of a readily available carbon (C) source to decomposers, and organic matter decomposition rates may be slower than in the standing forest where C is continuously added in fresh litter and canopy throughfall (Yin et al. 1989). The effects of clearcutting on environmental conditions may also influence decomposition rates differently depending on the depth in the forest floor at which they are measured. Binkley (1984) found no difference in cellulose weight loss between clearcut and nonharvested sites on Vancouver Island, British Columbia near the forest floor surface at the interface of litter and fragmented organic layers. However, decomposition rates were 3 to 5 times greater deeper down between the 21 fragmented and humified layers and between the humified layer and mineral soil. This was attributed to the more favorable moisture conditions found there. 3.3 Nitrogen Mineralization The dynamics of organic matter decomposition influence the rate at which nutrients are released and made available to plants. Forest growth in the Pacific Northwest is typically limited by the availability of nitrogen (Gessel et al. 1973), even though large quantities (from 2000 to >9000 kg N ha-1) and up to 85% of the total amount of N in a forested ecosystem are stored in soil (Cole et al. 1967; Edmonds and Chappell 1993). Soil N exists primarily in an organic form in a wide range of chemical compounds, such as plant and animal detritus, living biomass of soil microorganisms, and stable organic matter and humus. At any given time, only a very small fraction (about 1-2%) of this soil N exists in an inorganic, mineral form that is available for plant uptake (Cole 1995). Soil microorganisms have a major effect on soil N availability because their growth and maintenance requirements affect the amount of inorganic N that is released from soil organic matter. Nitrogen is made available to plants through a process called mineralization or ammonification. This process involves the enzymatic digestion of simple organic compounds (proteins, amino sugars, and nucleic acids) by microbes and the subsequent release of the ammonium (NH4+-N) ion into the soil solution (Paul and Clark 1996). In N limited systems such as forests in the Pacific Northwest, there is fierce competition between plant roots, heterotrophic decomposers and autotrophic 22 microbes for available forms of N. Once ammonium is released through mineralization, there are many processes that control its fate. It may be rapidly incorporated by plant roots or microbes (immobilized), chemically fixed into humus or clays, or nitrified. While heterotrophic decomposer organisms are generally thought to be the most efficient competitors for NH4+, their growth and maintenance requirements are primarily governed by a continual supply of energy in the form of labile C (Johnson 1992; Hart et al. 1994). 3.4 Nitrogen Immobilization and C:N Ratio Whether soil microorganisms release nutrients into or assimilate them from the soil solution depends on the chemical constituents of the plant litter and their suitability as an energy substrate. In addition to a labile source of C as an energy supply, heterotrophic decomposer organisms also require external sources of N for their growth and metabolism. The uptake and assimilation of NH4-N by microbes into organic compounds is referred to as immobilization since ammonium is removed from the pool of N that is potentially available for plant uptake. The degree to which mineralized N will be available for plant uptake or immobilized by microbes can generally be predicted by the C:N ratio of the substrate being decomposed. Soil fungi have a C:N ratio ranging from 15:1 to 5:1 whereas those of soil bacteria range from 5:1 to 3:1 (Paul and Clark 1996). Since leaf litter has a C:N ratio much wider (e.g., 50:1) than that of microbial cells, its decomposition requires the presence of an additional source of N, and immobilization of available N typically characterizes the initial stages of litter decomposition (Edmonds 1991). In 23 general, a high C:N ratio indicates that microbes will immobilize nearly all mineralized N. It is for this reason that the retention of carbon-rich coarse woody debris has been proposed as a means of conserving N on site (Entry et al. 1986). A low C:N ratio indicates that available N exceeds microbial requirements and mineralized N will be available for plant uptake. In general, net mineralization of needle and leaf litter is thought to occur at C:N ratios between 20 and 30:1, while net immobilization occurs at C:N ratios above 30:1 (Paul and Clark 1996). However, this boundary is dependent to a large extent upon the quality of the substrate (Edmonds 1991). Since forest residues often have a high lignin content that degrades slowly and is not substantially incorporated into microbial biomass, they can often show net mineralization at C:N ratios as high as 50:1 and even 100:1 (Paul and Clark 1996). For woody substrates, this range may be much higher [i.e. >100:1 for twigs and branches and >300:1 for large logs (Edmonds 1987; Sollins et al. 1987)]. In addition to N immobilization by microbial uptake and assimilation, Johnson (1992) argued that N retention in soils might also be affected by nonbiological immobilization of N into soil humus. Humic substances may react with N to form recalcitrant N compounds that are very slow to decompose. The dissolution and release of organic N compounds from soil humic fractions may therefore be an important process of the N cycle in temperate forest soils (Hedin et al. 1995). Both of these processes are poorly understood. 24 3.5 Nitrification When ammonium is present in excess of plant and microbial requirements, chemautotrophic bacteria may utilize it as a source of energy in a process known as nitrification. The oxidation of ammonium to nitrate (NO3-) is a two-step process whereby ammonium is used as an energy source to fix CO2 from the soil atmosphere, according to the following biochemical reactions: NH4+ + 1.5O2 NO2- + 2H+ + H2O NO2- + H2O NO3- + 2H 2H + 0.5O2 H20 The nitrifying bacteria Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter that perform this transformation are sensitive to pH, water potential, and aeration. While a soil pH of 6.0 is the ideal range for nitrifying bacteria, nitrification in acid forest soils may occur at pH values of less than 4.0. Nitrification rates are most rapid at matric potentials of –0.01 to –1.0 MPa, and require the presence of O2 (Paul and Clark 1996). Nitrification occurs most readily at temperature near 300C and is negligible at low soil temperatures, below about 8 to 100C (Brady and Weil 1999). Compared to microbial heterotrophs, nitrifying bacteria are generally believed to be poor competitors for NH4+ and consequently their populations are typically low in N limited systems (Fisk and Fahey 1990). However, nitrifiers may be successful competitors under conditions of stationary or declining populations of heterotrophs (Hart et al. 1994), as may occur following clearcutting and the removal of tree nutrient uptake (Entry et al. 1986; Emmett et al. 1991b). Net nitrification in many 25 acid forest soils is not frequently observed but an active nitrifier population may still be present and high rates of gross nitrification may be taking place with rapid assimilation of nitrate by plants and microbes (Stark and Hart 1997). Like ammonium, nitrate may also be utilized as a source of available N by plants and microbes for growth and metabolism. Nitrate may also be denitrified and lost as a gas or leached with groundwater. Nitrification results in the production of H+ ions and therefore contributes to soil acidification (Johnson and Lindberg 1991). The release of hydrogen ions in the formation of nitrate and the high mobility of the nitrate anion itself also promotes the mobilization and loss of base cations from the soil exchange complex. The leaching of nitrate with groundwater represents a loss of available nutrients (both N and cations) and is also a cause for concern over the degradation of water quality (Marco et al. 1999). 3.6 Nitrogen Availability The net availability of nitrogen in the soil solution is a complex interaction between many processes that either add or remove nutrient ions to solution (Fig. 1). Nutrients are added through atmospheric deposition, throughfall, weathering, and mineralization, and removed via plant and microbial uptake (immobilization), leaching, or gaseous losses (denitrification). The microbially mediated processes of N mineralization and immobilization control the transfer of N from soil organic matter to the soil solution where it is available for uptake up by plant roots. Plants absorb mineral elements mostly in the form of ions from the soil solution and directly 26 Figure 1. Generalized fluxes of nutrient elements to and from soil solution. Source: Swift et al. 1979. from soil colloids (Cole 1995). Douglas-fir trees are capable of absorbing and assimilating both ammonium and nitrate ions (Radwan and Brix 1986), and recent evidence also suggests that some plant species may be able to directly utilize some simple forms of dissolved organic N (DON, e.g., amino acids) through symbiotic associations with mycorrhizal fungi (Nasholm et al. 1998). Increases in the availability of N and other nutrients are commonly reported after forests are clearcut (Bormann and Likens 1979; Vitousek et al. 1979; Smethurst and Nambiar 1990) and this has been a well-known phenomenon supplying shortterm increases in soil nutrient availability to traditional slash and burn cultivation. After clearcutting there are often changes to populations of soil invertebrate fauna and of fungal and bacterial decomposers due to changes in the soil environment (Seastedt 27 and Crossley 1981; Maybury 1993). Moisture stress is often diminished due to reduced transpiration rates and increased temperatures near the soil surface stimulate the activity of soil organisms. Large quantities of organic matter in logging residues and dead roots supply a source of energy and nutrients to these organisms. In the absence of plant uptake, a flush of available nutrients typically begins during the year or two following harvest and continues until the readily decomposed organic matter has been immobilized by microbes, mineralized, or converted into stable humus (Kimmins 1997). At a site on Vancouver Island, clearcutting of mixed conifer forest led to the accumulation of 7 to 20 times more inorganic N on ion exchange resins than in nonharvested sites, reflecting a combination of reduced uptake, increased mineralization rates, and/or the increased mobility of ions associated with moister soil (Binkley 1984). Elevated concentrations of mineral N may persist in clearcuts for several years after harvesting even despite leaching losses (Smethurst and Nambiar 1990). Decomposition and mineralization of the residual organic matter following harvesting are often observed and may contribute to improved N availability, but this is not always the case (Covington 1981; Kimmins 1997). Reduced plant uptake of mineral N following clearcutting may by itself explain observations of increased nitrogen availability, even if mineralization rates remained unaltered by cutting. Where increased mineralization rates have been reported, they were attributed to physical changes following harvesting, such as warmer and wetter soil conditions (Marks and Bormann 1972; Stone 1973) and increased frequency and intensity of 28 wetting and drying cycles in the forest floor (Campbell et al. 1971). Inputs of readily decomposable organic matter in branches, foliage, and roots combine to produce a more beneficial environment for microbial activity (Edmonds and McColl 1989). Increased rates of N mineralization after clearcutting have also been attributed to decreased competition between saprophytic microorganisms and mycorrhizae (Gadgil and Gadgil 1978). Two contrasting theories have been described to predict the implications of retaining logging residues on the availability of nutrients and their subsequent losses. Wells and Jorgensen (1979) speculated that removing logging residues that would be subject to decomposition and nutrient release would lead to decreased N mineralization rates relative to bole-only harvesting, decreased pools of available N, and therefore decreased leaching. On the other hand, Vitousek (1981) proposed that slash removal would decrease the potential for microbial immobilization, thereby increasing net N mineralization, available N pool sizes, and leaching losses. Many studies have supported the theory of Wells and Jorgensen (1979) with observations of greater nutrient availability where slash has been left to decompose (Vitousek and Matson 1985a, 1985b; Hendrickson et al. 1985, 1989; Rosen and Lundmark-Thelin 1987; Smethurst and Nambiar 1990). Soluble nutrients may be leached from slash and the physical presence of organic matter may also stimulate mineralization (Emmett et al. 1991a). Increased mineralization was observed under slash for three consecutive years (17%, 17%, and 32% greater than slash removal) following clearcutting of Radiata pine stands and was attributed to higher rates of 29 mineralization in the litter layer which was wetter under slash (Smethurst and Nambiar 1990). Vitousek and Matson (1985a) also observed higher rates of mineralization in soil under loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) slash (65 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in bole-only harvest compared to 55 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in whole-tree harvest), but changes in soil temperature and moisture after clearcutting could not account for these differences. Slash retention also increased overall microbial biomass pools, stimulated microbial activity and the decomposition of organic matter, as well as the nitrification rate and subsequent release of nitrate. Removing slash reduced nitrification rates and nitrate losses (Emmett et al. 1991b). However, other studies have supported the theory of Vitousek (1981). Higher N availability in clearcuts may be related more to the reduced assimilatory capacity of microbes in the absence of labile C sources (litterfall and root exudates), rather than faster N mineralization rates per se (Prescott 1997). A reduced input of fresh carbon in litter after clearcutting may reduce microbial biomass and its capacity for immobilizing N. Reductions in soil microorganisms have been reported after clearcutting of forests (Vlug and Borden 1973; Sundman et al. 1978; Seastedt and Crossley 1981), but retaining slash has been shown to increase microbial biomass pools relative to whole-tree harvesting (Hendrickson et al. 1985; Entry et al. 1986; Emmett et al. 1991b). Vitousek and Matson (1985a) reported that immobilization of N in microbial biomass was the major process retaining N after clearcutting loblolly pine forests and that retaining residues as substrates for microbes increased N retention. A diminished capacity for microbial immobilization was found where 30 intensive site preparation had occurred (Vitousek and Matson 1985b) and has been implicated as a cause of elevated N losses (Stark and Hart 1997). The importance of N immobilization was further demonstrated in a tracer study in a loblolly pine ecosystem, where 60-85% of added 15 N-ammonium sulfate was held in microbial biomass after one growing season (Vitousek and Matson 1984). 3.7 Nitrogen Leaching The high demand for growth-limiting nutrients such as N by overstory trees typically maintains low concentrations of these elements in soil solution. In nondisturbed forests, nitrogen losses are small and occur primarily as dissolved organic matter or soil suspended in streamflow (Fredriksen 1971). Nitrate concentrations in streams draining mature Douglas-fir stands may average only 0.002 mg L-1 and represent annual losses of 0.04 kg N ha-1 (Fredriksen 1972). Following harvesting, nutrient uptake by vegetation is reduced or nearly eliminated (particularly when combined with herbicide treatments) while decomposition and mineralization may continue or increase, thus increasing the amount of dissolved inorganic nutrients in solution. Decreased evapotranspiration causes greater soil water movement, and along with increased ion concentrations leads to increased ion transport to streams. The high mobility of nitrate in combination with the low anion exchange capacity of most soils makes nitrate the form of N most often leached from terrestrial ecosystems. The most well-known and controversial evidence of increased nitrate leaching following clearcutting came from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New 31 Hampshire (Likens et al. 1970; Bormann and Likens 1979). Clearcutting of a northern hardwoods watershed followed by complete herbicide control of regrowing vegetation for three years led to a dramatic loss of up to 105 kg NO3-N ha-1 yr-1 (a 65 fold increase over an uncut reference watershed) and created much concern for the effects of clearcutting and herbicide application on water quality. When vegetative regrowth in this hardwood ecosystem was not controlled, NO3- concentrations in streamwater still increased substantially after clearcutting, from 1 mg L-1 to a high of 23 mg L-1 (Pierce et al. 1972). Subsequent studies have rarely reported leaching losses of the magnitude seen at Hubbard Brook, but some have demonstrated that the leaching of inorganic N may be slightly elevated in recently clearcut forests compared to mature reference stands (Fredriksen 1971; McColl and Grigal 1979; Sollins and McCorison 1981; Stevens and Horung 1990). Other studies have reported that clearcutting had no significant effect on N leaching losses (Cole and Gessel 1965; Aubertin and Patric 1974; Silkworth and Grigal 1982). In a series of watershed studies in Oregon, Fredriksen et al. (1975) reported very small increases in streamwater nitrate concentrations after clearcutting, with a typical delay of one to two years. Feller and Kimmins (1984) observed that losses of dissolved nitrogen in streamwater in British Columbia were approximately 4 times greater than pre-harvest levels the first year after clearcutting and 14 times greater during the second year. This lag period has been attributed to several factors, including low summer rainfall, decomposition products are not flushed out of the soil 32 until midwinter, and because it usually takes at least one summer before appreciable mineralization can occur. In addition to the leaching of inorganic forms of nutrients, dissolved organic N (DON) also represents an important form of N and generally comprises most of the total N leaching from the forest floor of intact forests (Sollins et al. 1980; Emmett et al. 1991a; Johnson and Lindberg 1991; Qualls et al. 1991). DON has been reported to be the most important form of N (over 95%) in streamwater draining from many mature undisturbed or aggrading forested watersheds (Sollins and McCorison. 1981; Hedin et al. 1995). Dissolved organics may originate from many sources, including the leaching of tannins from dead and fragmented bark, the leaching of soluble organics from increasingly porous and fragmented decaying wood, the dissolution of lignin and other constituents by microbial enzymes, and the leaching of microbial biomass such as that of shelf fungi (Qualls et al. 2000). The slow gradual release of potentially soluble organics from detritus may also be an important mechanism controlling N losses (Vitousek et al. 1979). DON concentrations may increase following disturbance in some forests (Sollins and McCorison 1981) but usually not to the very high levels of nitrate observed (Vitousek and Melillo 1979). While many studies have focused on the leaching of inorganic nutrients, the importance of DON in solution transport in intact forests and the sudden inputs of potentially soluble nutrients in logging slash suggest that organic forms may also be important in the retention or loss of nutrients after clearcutting. Bormann and Likens (1979) estimated that a large amount of N lost from the forest floor after clearcutting at Hubbard Brook 33 could not be accounted for in either streamwater, inorganic N, or in vegetation regrowth, and they hypothesized that it may have been translocated to deeper soil horizons and stored. The relative importance of logging residues in contributing to nutrient losses or retaining nutrients on site remains uncertain. It has been suggested that forest floor disturbance be minimized and organic matter (including woody debris) retained during logging to provide for nutrient retention and N fixation (Harvey et al. 1980; Entry et al. 1987; Jurgensen et al. 1992). Nutrient availability has often been reported to be greater under patches of slash (Vitousek and Matson 1985a; Hendrickson et al. 1985, 1989; Smethurst and Nambiar 1990; Emmett et al. 1991a), leading to greater hydrologic losses of nutrients with conventional harvesting compared to whole-tree harvesting (Rosen and Lundmark-Thelin 1987). Despite larger microbial N pools where slash is retained, increased rates of microbial turnover and the stimulation of nitrification may lead to increased nitrate leaching losses (Emmett et al. 1991b). Other studies have observed no differences in nitrate leaching between bole-only and whole-tree harvesting (Johnson et al. 1982; Bigger 1988). Data from 11 different forest types across the U.S. indicated that the differences in nitrate losses between these two harvesting types were small (Mann et al. 1988). Several well-known retention mechanisms explain the buffering capacity of soils and why leaching losses rarely approach the potential losses represented by increases in N availability. Mechanisms controlling nitrate loss are primarily biological and hydrologic, while the loss of DON is controlled by geochemical and 34 hydrologic mechanisms. Nutrient uptake by vegetation and microbial decomposers and denitrification remove ammonium, the energy supply for nitrifiers, from the soil solution. Competition between nitrifiers, decomposers, and plant roots prior to disturbance may cause low initial populations of nitrifying bacteria (Vitousek et al. 1979; Fisk and Fahey 1990), and in combination with allelochemical inhibition of nitrifying bacteria (Vitousek et al. 1982), may keep nitrification rates low or delayed. Nitrate and DON adsorption on anion exchange sites and by iron and aluminum oxides may also remove these constituents from soil solution as it moves through the soil profile. A lack of percolating water, particularly in dry summer months, also reduces leaching losses. In the Pacific Northwest, large amounts of carbon-rich organic matter on the forest floor and less active nitrifier populations in these N-limited systems ensure that annual leaching losses are typically low (Vitousek et al. 1982). Leaching losses following harvesting are reported to be quite small, on the order of <5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (Bigger 1988; Compton and Cole 1990; Johnson and Lindberg 1991) and probably do not have a long-term detrimental effect on site productivity (Cole 1981). Leaching losses are often short-lived and negligible when compared to the total losses associated with nutrient removals that occur during harvesting (Sollins and McCorison 1981; Mann et al. 1988; Hendrickson et al. 1989). Natural inputs in atmospheric deposition and free-living N2 fixation over the course of a year (1 to 6 kg N ha-1 yr-1) may generally balance the loss of N from leaching (Vitousek and Melillo 1979; Hornbeck et al. 1986; Tiedemann et al. 1988). 35 Chapter 4. Materials and methods 4.1 Site The site investigated in this study was a high productivity (Site Index II+) Douglas-fir stand located in Pacific County, southwestern Washington (46o43’N, 123o36’W) on Weyerhaeuser Company’s McDonald Tree Farm. The Boistfort soil series found in this area is a very deep, well-drained, medium- to moderately-fine textured silt loam developed from Eocene basalt with 5–20 % volcanic ash in the surface horizon (Steinbrenner and Gehrke 1973). It is classified as a mesic Typic Fulvudand and has a dark brown (7.5 YR 3/2) A horizon about 15-20 cm deep with a mean bulk density of 0.50 g cm-3 and pH of 4.2. The site is gently sloping with an elevation of 300 m and a west aspect. This region experiences a maritime climate with cool dry summers and moderate wet winters. During 1999, the mean annual temperature at the study site was 9.4oC, with an average monthly temperature of 3.3oC in January and 15.6oC in July (Davis Instruments). Mean annual precipitation in 1999 was 210 cm and occurred as rain mainly from October through March. The study area was in the western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) zone described by Franklin and Dyrness (1973). The second-growth stand of planted Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and naturally regenerated western hemlock that existed on the study site had previously received a cumulative urea fertilizer application of 1800 kg N ha-1 over the course of the second rotation. The stand was clearcut harvested during April to July of 1999. Stand age was 36 approximately 47 years and estimated mean height was 40 m (Site Index II+ to I, site class 41-43 m in 50 years; King 1966). Control of competing vegetation was performed on March 6-7, 2000 by herbicide (Oust and Accord) application. The site was subsequently planted with 2-year-old (1+1) Douglas-fir seedlings selected for minimum height variability on March 20-21, 2000 at 1600 trees ha-1 (2.5 * 2.5 m spacing). 4.2 Experimental Design The experiment was established in 1998 to examine the impacts of intensive forest management practices on a high productivity coastal Douglas-fir stand. It was installed as a randomized, complete block design experiment (Fig. 2) with a total of twelve treatments (Table 1) replicated in four blocks at one study site. Treatment plots were 0.25 ha (30 m x 85 m) in size, with central assessment plots of 0.10 ha (15 m x 70 m) surrounded by a buffer zone. The specific focus of this study was on three organic matter removal levels only: bole-only harvesting, total-tree harvesting, and total-tree plus harvesting. These treatments had all received herbicide application in order to eliminate potential differences caused by competing vegetation, which might confound the study results. 37 Figure 2. Map of study site showing four randomized blocks, three levels of harvesting, boundaries of nonharvested reference stands, lysimeter sampling points, and weather station locations. 38 Table 1. Experimental treatments in the complete randomized block design study. Treatments 1, 5, and 7 were the focus of this investigation. Treatment Organic Matter & Nutrient Treatments Compaction Treatments Harvest Nitrogen Vegetation Soil Soil a Level Fertilization Control Compaction Tillage 1 Bole-only ---b +b --- --- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bole-only Bole-only to 5 cm top Bole-only to 5 cm top Total-tree Total-tree Total-tree plus Total-tree plus Bole-only Bole-only Bole-only Bole-only + --+ --+ --+ --+ + + + + + + + + + ----+ + ------------------+ + --------------------+ a Fertilization treatment (rate and timing) to be determined when there is a difference in tree growth among organic matter treatments or at time of crown closure, whichever occurs first. b Treatment applied = (+); Treatment not applied = (---). 4.3 Treatment Installation The second-rotation stand that existed at the study site was clearcut harvested from April to July 1999 using a conventional cable system with a CAT 330L 2-drum shovel yarder. All trees on the study site were hand-felled so that the tops remained within the boundary area of the treatment plots. Harvesting treatments involved three levels of organic matter removal: 39 (1) Bole-only (BO) harvest. Fig. 3. In the conventional, bole-only harvest treatment, only the bolewood was removed from the plot. All butt cuts and nonmerchantable wood were left in place. Logging slash (foliage and branches) was retained and distributed uniformly across the plot. (2) Total-tree (TT) harvest. Fig 4. In the total-tree (or whole-tree) harvest treatment, all aboveground tree biomass was removed from the plot, including all live limbs and most large dead branches greater than 2.5 cm in diameter. The majority of remnant old-growth logs, coarse woody debris and dead limbs were retained on the plot. (3) Total-tree plus (TP) harvest. Fig. 5. In the total-tree plus treatment, all aboveground tree biomass was removed as in the TT harvest treatment. In addition, all coarse woody debris, old-growth logs, and dead limbs greater than 0.6-cm diameter were removed from the plot. Forest floor material was retained on all of the plots, although there was some inadvertent displacement and mixing with mineral soil on the TT and TP plots during mechanical removal of the logging slash and coarse woody debris. Total-tree and TP harvesting treatments were not expected to represent standard operational harvesting practices but were designed to investigate the relationships between organic matter and subsequent forest productivity. Future rotations of intensively managed forests may lack substantial inputs of coarse woody debris, and the role of this ecosystem component in forest productivity is not well understood (Maser and Trappe 1984; Stevens 1998). 40 Figure 3. Conventional, bole-only (BO) harvesting retained branches, foliage, and tops on site following removal of merchantable bolewood. Figure 4. Total-tree (TT) harvesting removed the entire aboveground tree biomass but retained most coarse woody debris. 41 Figure 5. Total-tree plus (TP) harvesting removed all aboveground tree biomass in addition to most coarse woody debris. Figure 6. Nonharvested forest (FT) where no harvesting treatment occurred served as a reference stand. Note lysimeter sampling tubes. 42 In addition to the three harvesting treatments described above, four test plots were located in the adjacent nonharvested forest (FT, Fig. 6) that surrounded the south and west sides of the study site (Fig. 2). These stands were similar in age and species composition to the study-site stand that was harvested. Although this was not part of the original study design, it provided a useful comparison between harvested and nonharvested treatments. This treatment is hereafter referred to as “nonharvested forest” or “forest”. 4.4 Soil solution collection Tension lysimeters (Lajtha et al. 1999) were used to collect and monitor soil solution chemistry at 0.2-m and 1.0-m depths. Tube lysimeters (Fig. 7) were constructed from PVC pipes and porous ceramic cups (Soilmoisture Equipment Company, Santa Barbara, CA, model 653X05-B01M3). The standard 0.1 MPa (1 bar), round-bottom, neck-top cups used had a maximum pore size of 2.5 m and were 6.5 cm long, with a 6.1 cm outside diameter. Lysimeters were installed in October 1999 in nested pairs in the BO, TT, and TP treatments. For each treatment plot, one lysimeter pair was randomly located under organic matter coverage most frequently occurring within that treatment. Holes were dug using either a hand or gas-powered auger such that lysimeters were angled into the ground at approximately a 35o angle in order to minimize disturbance to the soil profile above the ceramic cups. Soil was packed in around the sides of the tubes, a plug of bentonite clay was poured around the tube at the soil surface to limit 43 subsurface flow into the lysimeter channel, and the forest floor was replaced. In December 1999, a total of four more lysimeter “nests” were installed in the same manner in the adjacent nonharvested stands (FT) and were located more than 40 m inside the forest boundary in order to minimize potential edge effects. A total of 32 lysimeters were installed and monitored during the study period. Figure 7. Lysimeter “nest.” Adapted from Harrison 1999 (not to scale). 44 During December 1999 to February 2000, lysimeters were prepared for sampling by repeatedly pulling soil solution (approximately 1.0 L total) through the ceramic cups in order to equilibrate their exchange sites with the soil-water solution. Following lysimeter preparation, soil solution samples were collected on March 3, May 4, and June 26, 2000. Several days before each collection, a vacuum of approximately 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar) was created in the tubes using a two-way hand pump. Soil solution that accumulated in the tubes was collected and stored at 2oC for up to several days until analyzed. Soil solution pH was determined using a pH meter (Orion Research Model 230A, 1997). Ammonium (NH4+-N) concentrations in the soil solutions were determined colorimetrically using a modified indophenol blue method (Mulvaney 1996) and a spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Model 55E, Norwalk, CT). Nitrate (NO3--N) concentrations were determined on an autoanalyzer (Perstop Analytical 500 Series Flow-injection). Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was determined as the difference in NH4+-N concentrations before and after digestion in a mixture of H2SO4/H2O2 (Allen et al. 1974). Lysimeters installed at the 0.2-m depth were approximately at the same level as the seedling rooting zone, and therefore ionic mineral forms of N (NH4-N and NO3-N) found in soil solutions collected here were assumed to be available for root uptake. Lysimeters at a depth of 1.0 m in the soil profile were well below the seedling root zone, and therefore nutrient elements sampled here were assumed to be unavailable for seedling uptake. Monthly nitrate and DON leaching rates (kg ha-1 45 mo-1) during the sampling period (February to July, 2000) were estimated based on solution concentrations at the 1.0-m depth. Precipitation and air temperature were recorded at 30-minute intervals by two weather stations (Davis Instruments, Inc., Weather Monitor II) located to the east and southwest of the study site (Fig. 2). Thornthwaite’s equation, based primarily on mean monthly air temperatures, was used to calculate net monthly evapotranspiration rates (Dunne and Leopold 1978). Net monthly water flux was calculated by subtracting this evapotranspiration estimate from mean monthly precipitation. Monthly leaching rates were then calculated according to the equation: Leaching (kg ha-1 mo-1) = net water flux (cm mo-1) * [NO3--N] (mg L-1) * water density (1000 kg m-3) * 10,000 m2 ha-1 * 10-6 L mg-1 * 10-2 m cm-1 4.5 Forest Floor Collection On March 21, 2000, forest floor organic matter was sampled from each of the four treatments (BO, TT, TP, and FT). Forest floor material was collected from a 0.25-m2 area (0.5 x 0.5 m) in three randomly located subplots in each plot. Only undisturbed, intact forest floor was sampled. Forest floor that had experienced considerable mixing with mineral soil or that had large amounts of rotting wood present were not sampled. Live vegetation and woody material greater than 0.6-cm diameter was removed before collection. Forest floor samples were sieved with an 11.2-mm (7/16”) sieve to remove moss and twigs. Wet weights of sieved samples were recorded in the laboratory. Moisture content (water weight * oven-dry weight-1) 46 of each sieved forest floor sample was determined by oven-drying a subsample at 70oC, and total forest floor dry weight (kg ha-1) was calculated. Field-moist forest floor samples were then combined by treatment and carefully homogenized to obtain a single, uniform composite sample. Three subsamples of each composite material (BO, TT, TP, and FT) were then taken for determination of initial characteristics. A pH meter (Orion Research Model 230A, 1997) was used to measure pH on field-moist samples using a 5 parts (by weight) deionized water to 1 part forest floor ratio. Concentrations of inorganic N were assessed on 15 g of field-moist material by extraction with 100 mL 2M KCl. The resulting extract was analyzed for NH4+-N colorimetrically using a modified indophenol blue method (Mulvaney 1996) and a spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Model 55E, Norwalk, CT). Nitrate concentrations were determined on an autoanalyzer (Perstop Analytical 500 Series Flow-injection). Subsamples were oven dried at 70oC, ground to 1 mm in a Wiley mill, and analyzed for total C and N contents using a CHN analyzer (Perkin Elmer 2400, Norwalk, CT). Percent organic matter (volatile solids) was determined by weight change of ovendried material following combustion in a muffle furnace at 500oC for 4 hours. Estimates of water holding (field) capacity were determined on cores of field-moist forest floor samples using a pressure plate apparatus as described by Cassell and Nielsen (1986). 47 4.6 Decomposition and net N mineralization rates of forest floor organic matter In order to examine rates of decomposition and net N mineralization of forest floor organic matter in the field, an incubation technique using porous ceramic cups was utilized (Henry et al. 2000). This method has been used extensively in biosolids mineralization studies and the hydrophilic porous ceramic maintains moisture equilibrium with the soil, as well as allowing for the transfer of gases and leachates. However, the small pore size of the ceramic cups (2.1 m) has been found to limit microbial exchange with the surrounding environment (Krejsl et al. 1994). Because of the ability to transfer water and dissolved compounds, mineralization estimates from ceramic cup incubations were expressed as a change in the mass of organic nitrogen, rather than as a change in inorganic N concentrations. The standard 0.1 MPa (1 bar) cups (Soilmoisture Equipment Company, Santa Barbara, CA, model 653X06-B01M1) used in this study measured 3.6 cm outside diameter by 9.5 cm in length. Cups were partially filled with 8 g of field-moist material (approximately 3 g oven-dry weight basis), capped, weighed, and installed on March 28, 2000 in the same treatment from which the material originated. In each plot, a set of 3 cups were randomly placed beneath the organic layer in close contact with mineral soil at a representative site within a 10-m radius of the lysimeter nests. In addition, blank cups were also included to adjust for weight changes to the cups themselves due to soil adhesion or precipitation. For each treatment, two temperature data loggers (Hobo H8, Onset Computer Corp., Pocasset, MA) placed adjacent to the 48 cups monitored temperatures at the forest floor/mineral soil interface (approximately 3-cm depth). At intervals of 4, 8, and 12 weeks (on April 25, May 26, and June 19, 2000), one set of cups was removed from each plot (n=4), cleaned, and dried to constant weight at 70oC. Dry weight of incubated material was recorded for each collection period. In addition, changes in moisture content (water weight * oven-dry weight-1) of forest floor organic matter over time were determined on additional samples collected adjacent to the cups at each collection period by drying them to constant weight at 70oC. For incubated samples collected at 12 weeks, a subsample of fieldmoist material was removed from the cup before drying, extracted in 2M KCl and analyzed for NH4+-N and NO3--N, as above. Oven-dried material was ground to 1 mm and analyzed for total C and N contents on a CHN analyzer (Perkin Elmer 2400, Norwalk, CT). Decomposition rates for each collection period were calculated as the percent of initial mass lost, according to the following equation: Percent mass loss = (Initial weight - Final weight)/(Initial weight) * 100 Net N mineralization rates were calculated as the change in organic nitrogen content after 12 weeks of incubation, according to the following equation: 49 ON mineralization = [(Mi * ONi) - (Mf * ONf)] / (Mi * ONi) * 100 Where: Mi = initial mass of material Mf = final mass of material ONi = initial concentration of organic N ONf = final concentration of organic N [Where ON = total N – inorganic N (NH4+-N + NO3--N)] 4.7 Statistical Analyses The overall effects of harvesting treatment and collection date (and their interaction) on concentrations of N species in soil solution were tested for each sampling depth separately using a two-way multivariate ANOVA. The overall effects of harvest intensity and sampling depth (and their interaction) on N concentrations were also tested for each collection date separately by using a two-way multivariate ANOVA. Where significant differences occurred (p<0.10), a univariate ANOVA for each treatment, depth, and date combination followed by a Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post-hoc test was used to separate effects. A significance level of 0.10 was chosen due to the low number of replications in this study and the high variability expected, and this level may be more appropriate than 0.05 for biological investigations (Conquest 1998). The effect of sampling depth was also tested for each treatment and date combination separately using an independent samples t-test. In addition, comparisons between the nonharvested forest (FT) and each harvested treatment were performed separately for each date and depth combination using an independent samples t-test since FT was not part of the randomized complete block design. It is recognized that 50 the FT treatment was not blocked as the harvesting treatments were, but stand conditions in FT were similar in species composition and age relative to the study site. The initial characteristics of the forest floor organic matter collected from the harvesting treatments were compared using a one-way multivariate ANOVA statistic, and where significant differences occurred (p<0.10), a Tukey’s HSD post-hoc test was used to separate effects. The results of these analyses were then used as the initial conditions of the forest floor materials in the field incubation. The overall effects of harvesting treatment and time (and their interaction) on decomposition rates of forest floor organic matter and moisture content of fieldincubated materials were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Where significant differences occurred (p<0.10), a one-way univariate ANOVA for each treatment and time combination followed by a Tukey’s HSD post-hoc test was used to separate effects. The effects of harvest intensity on field net N mineralization rates after 12 weeks were analyzed with a one-way univariate ANOVA. In addition, comparisons between nonharvested forest (FT) and each harvested treatment were performed separately using an independent samples t-test. All statistical analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS v. 8.0) (Nie et al. 1975). 51 Chapter 5. Results and Discussion 5.1 Soil solution chemistry 5.1.1 Nitrogen availability at 0.2-m depth Forms of nitrogen In soil solutions collected from lysimeters at 0.2-m depth on March 3, May 4, and June 26, 2000, nitrate (NO3-N) was the dominant form of N in the harvested treatments and represented from 55 to 96% of the total N in solution (Fig. 8). The remainder existed mostly as dissolved organic N (DON), with ammonium (NH4-N) representing only a few percent of the total. Large concentrations of NH4-N were not expected to be present in soil solution. The positively charged NH4+ ion is typically bound to negatively charged particles in the soil exchange complex and exists in equilibrium with soil solution concentrations. For this reason, soil solution concentrations of ammonium reflected this equilibrium rather than representing an absolute amount of exchangeable or available ammonium. Competition for ammonium between plant roots, heterotrophic microorganisms, and nitrifying bacteria further ensures that levels generally remain low. As an anion, NO3- is not held strongly in the soil exchange complex and typically exists as a free ion in solution. Although NO3-N concentrations reached rather high levels (about 7 to 9 mg L-1) during the June 26, 2000 sampling date in the TT and TP treatments, the mean concentration was still below the drinking water quality standard of 10 mg L-1 (FWPCA 1970). 52 12.00 NH4-N DON NO3-N N concentration (mg L -1) 10.00 8.00 * * 6.00 * 4.00 2.00 * * * b ab a * 0.00 3/3/00 5/4/00 Bole-only 6/26/00 3/3/00 5/4/00 Total-tree 6/26/00 3/3/00 5/4/00 6/26/00 Total-tree plus 3/3/00 5/4/00 6/26/00 Forest Figure 8. Concentrations (mg L-1) and forms of N in soil solution collected at 0.2-m depth. Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. Different letters represent significant differences between harvesting treatments (p<0.10, ANOVA, Tukey's). An asterisk (*) represents a significant difference from nonharvested forest (p<0.10, t-test). Effect of harvest intensity Results from the two-way ANOVA analyzing the effects of harvesting treatment and time on soil solution chemistry at 0.2 m (Table 2) showed that there was a significant overall treatment effect on concentrations of NO3-N (p=0.06), total inorganic N (p=0.07), total N (p=0.05), and pH (p=0.04). There were no significant effects of harvesting treatment on ammonium or DON concentrations, but there was a significant interaction effect between these two variables. 53 Table 2. Overall effects of harvesting treatment, time, and their interaction on N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution by sampling depth. Values are significance levels from multivariate two-way ANOVA. Harvesting Treatment Effect Sampling Depth a Time Effect Trt * time Interaction 0.2 m NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N DONa total N pH 0.06+ 0.28 0.07+ 0.21 0.05+ 0.04* 0.00** 0.27 0.00** 0.59 0.00** 0.04* 0.89 0.08+ 0.88 0.06+ 0.57 0.99 1.0 m NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N DONa total N pH 0.27 0.75 0.26 0.62 0.24 0.95 0.87 0.20 0.85 0.78 0.76 0.36 0.76 0.84 0.76 0.76 0.62 0.67 DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level, ANOVA * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level, ANOVA ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level, ANOVA There was a very clear trend between nitrate levels and harvesting treatments (Fig. 8). For a given sampling date, nitrate concentrations typically followed the pattern BO<TT<TP. However, one-way ANOVA results (Table 3) showed that this treatment effect was only significant on March 3, 2000 (p=0.04). This was mainly due to the greater variability of NO3-N concentrations over time and low sample size. It was determined that increasing the number of lysimeters to between 8 and 10 per treatment would allow for the detection of most of the differences between treatments 54 Table 3. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected at 0.2-m depth from harvested treatments by sampling date. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis. Date NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N DONa total N pH a Bole-only Total-tree Total-tree plus significance level March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 0.93a 2.85 (0.29) (1.02) 2.00ab 3.12 (0.99) (0.24) 2.30b 3.87 (0.33) (0.54) 0.04* 0.17 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 5.28 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.97a 2.92 5.32 0.73 0.46 0.26 1.71a 3.38 5.58 5.59 4.78 5.49 (1.61) (0.01) (0.07) (0.02) (0.30) (0.96) (1.62) (0.27) (0.29) (0.19) (0.19) (1.00) (1.68) (0.66) (0.94) (0.61) 7.14 0.07 0.02 0.04 2.99ab 3.14 7.18 0.54 0.55 1.05 2.61ab 3.69 8.23 5.13 4.45 5.31 (3.04) (0.02) (0.03) (0.00) (2.68) (0.21) (3.04) (0.31) (0.27) (1.02) (1.03) (0.48) (2.02) (0.78) (0.32) (0.02) 6.65 0.05 0.00 0.05 2.35b 3.87 6.70 0.61 0.59 0.14 2.96b 4.46 6.83 4.64 4.05 4.91 (2.05) (0.03) (0.00) (0.00) (0.33) (0.54) (2.05) (0.15) (0.24) (0.16) (0.45) (0.49) (2.20) (0.61) (0.86) (0.61) 0.38 0.60 0.18 0.68 0.04* 0.17 0.38 0.51 0.63 0.15 0.02* 0.23 0.22 0.25 0.51 0.27 DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values in each row followed by different letters are significantly different (p < 0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 55 that were seen in May and June (at =0.10 level). Since nitrate was the predominate form of N in soil solution, the same pattern of treatment effect existed for concentrations of total inorganic N as well as total N in soil solution, but was also only significant for the March sampling date (p=0.04 and p=0.02, respectively). Soil solution pH values appeared to be inversely related to nitrate concentrations and followed the pattern BO>TT>TP (Fig. 9), but this relationship was not very strong over all sampling dates (r2=0.15). While there was a significant overall treatment effect on pH (p=0.04, Table 2), for a given sampling date this trend was not statistically significant (Table 3). 7.00 Bole-only Total-tree plus 6.00 * * * * pH Total-tree Forest 5.00 * * * 4.00 3.00 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 Figure 9. Soil solution pH at 0.2-m depth. Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. Different letters represent significant differences between harvesting treatments (p<0.10, ANOVA, Tukey's). An asterisk (*) represents a significant difference from nonharvested forest (p<0.10, t-test). 56 Lower pH values in the soil solution resulted from nitrification in which two hydrogen ions were produced for every molecule of ammonium that was oxidized. The higher nitrate concentrations and lower pH values associated with increasing harvest intensity were evidence of increased nitrification rates in these treatments. Although nitrifying bacteria are generally believed to be poor competitors for NH4+ (Fisk and Fahey 1990), a reduction in plant nutrient uptake following harvesting decreases competition for ammonium, allowing populations of nitrifiers to multiply (Jones and Richards 1977). The results of this study were in direct contrast to the theory proposed by Wells and Jorgensen (1979). In the absence of nutrient-rich logging residues, wholetree harvested plots were expected to experience reduced nutrient availability as a result of reduced mineralization rates. Vitousek and Matson (1985b) reported that intensive harvesting and site preparation practices decreased potential soil N availability in 1- to 5-year-old loblolly pine plantations. Smethurst and Nambiar (1990) also found that concentrations of soil mineral N after clearfelling a Radiata pine plantation were lower where slash was removed. The alternative theory proposed by Vitousek (1981) suggested that in the absence of organic matter inputs in logging residues or litterfall, microbial populations would be limited by the supply of available C, therefore reducing their capacity to immobilize N and leading to greater nutrient availability in whole-tree harvested treatments. Emmett et al. (1991a) observed in a Sitka spruce plantation that inorganic N concentrations were initially lower where slash was retained 57 (supporting Vitousek’s theory), but after 6 months this pattern was reversed (supporting Wells and Jorgensen’s theory). It therefore seems important to consider the timing of when nutrient availability assessments are made when evaluating the impacts of intensive harvesting. Observations in this study occurred from approximately 8 to 12 months (March to June 2000) following harvesting and treatment installation. During this time, logging residues were likely supplying a source of labile C to growing microbial populations and N immobilization was expected as predicted by Vitousek (1981). Immobilization of N would explain the lower nutrient availability observed in the BO treatment and evidence of this was found in this study (see Section 5.2.5. Net organic N mineralization rate). In addition, observations of increased nitrification due to increasing harvest intensity may also be attributed to the reduced capacity for N assimilation by microbes. Effect of time Results from the two-way ANOVA (Table 2, page 48) showed that there was a very significant overall effect of time on concentrations of nitrate (p=0.00), total 7inorganic N (p=0.00), total N (p=0.00), and pH (p=0.04). There were no significant effects of time on ammonium or DON concentrations, but there were significant interaction effects between treatment and time for these two variables. Concentrations of nitrate ranged from about 1 to 7 mg L-1 over the entire study period and increased linearly over time (Fig. 8, page 47). An analysis of variance for 58 Table 4. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected at 0.2-m depth with respect to time. Significance levels are from one-way ANOVA results for each treatment. total Treatment Date NO3-N NH4-N --------------------------------- inorganic N mg L-1 DONa total N pH ----------------------------------- Bole-only March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 0.93a 2.85b 5.28c 0.00** 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.60 0.97a 2.92b 5.32c 0.00** 0.73 0.46 0.26 0.15 1.71a 3.38a 5.58b 0.00** 5.59a 4.78b 5.49a 0.06+ Total-tree March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 2.00 3.12 7.14 0.18 0.07 0.02 0.04 0.12 2.99 3.14 7.18 0.18 0.54 0.55 1.05 0.73 2.61a 3.69a 8.23b 0.08+ 5.13 4.45 5.31 0.12 Total-tree plus March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 2.30a 3.87a 6.65b 0.00** 0.05a 0.00b 0.05a 0.02* 2.35a 3.87a 6.70b 0.00** 0.61a 0.59ab 0.14b 0.03* 2.96a 4.46ab 6.83b 0.01* 4.64a 4.05b 4.91a 0.01* Forest March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 0.85 0.31 0.38 0.36 0.06 0.01 0.04 0.44 0.91 0.32 0.51 0.30 1.00 0.92 0.32 0.34 1.92 1.25 0.82 0.19 6.23a 5.51b 6.48a 0.00** a DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level For each treatment, values in each column followed by different letters are significantly different (p < 0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test 59 each treatment separately (Table 4) showed that nitrate concentrations increased significantly over time in the BO (p=0.00) and TP (p=0.00) harvesting treatments. The same trend was apparent but not significant in the TT treatment (p=0.18) due to high variability and small sample size (n=2). Variability also increased over time (Table 3, page 49). The increase in nutrient concentrations in solution over time may be explained by increased rates of nitrification (and mineralization) in response to increased soil temperatures as soils warmed up over the spring (see Section 5.2.4. Temperature). However, it was not expected that nitrate concentrations would continue to increase over time indefinitely as dry soil conditions in the summer months may inhibit nitrification (see Section 5.2.3. Moisture content). Comparing harvested treatments to nonharvested forest Process rates were different in the forested stand in relation to the harvested treatments. Concentrations of total N in solution were typically about 2 to 8 times lower in the forest (Fig. 8, page 47). There were significant differences in nitrate and total N concentrations between FT and BO and between FT and TP and these differences increased over time (Table 5). In the nonharvested stands, total N levels tended to decrease over time presumably as a result of tree uptake, but this decrease was not significant (Table 4). Another difference between harvested treatments and nonharvested stands was that DON represented an important form of N in the forest, accounting for about 50% of total N found in solution, whereas in the harvested treatments, relative amounts of 60 Table 5. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected at 0.2-m depth from all treatments by sampling date. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis. Significance levels are from separate t-test comparisons of harvesting treatments to nonharvested forest. Forest mean stdev mean Bole-only stdev sig. level mean March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.85 0.31 0.38 0.06 0.01 0.04 (0.66) (0.39) (0.50) (0.07) (0.02) (0.02) 0.93 2.85 5.28 0.05 0.08 0.04 (0.29) (1.02) (1.61) (0.01) (0.07) (0.02) 0.84 0.00** 0.00** 0.67 0.14 0.95 2.00 3.12 7.14 0.07 0.02 0.04 (0.99) (0.24) (3.04) (0.02) (0.03) (0.00) 0.17 0.00** 0.01* 0.88 0.63 0.79 2.30 3.87 6.65 0.05 0.00 0.05 (0.33) (0.54) (2.05) (0.03) (0.00) (0.00) 0.01* 0.00** 0.00** 0.75 0.39 0.53 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.91 0.32 0.51 1.00 0.92 0.32 1.92 1.25 0.82 6.23 5.51 6.48 (0.71) (0.39) (0.57) (0.39) (0.66) (0.41) (0.86) (0.59) (0.43) (0.12) (0.21) (0.16) 0.97 2.92 5.32 0.73 0.46 0.26 1.71 3.38 5.58 5.59 4.78 5.49 (0.30) (0.96) (1.62) (0.27) (0.29) (0.19) (0.19) (1.00) (1.68) (0.66) (0.94) (0.61) 0.88 0.00** 0.01* 0.32 0.24 0.81 0.65 0.01* 0.01* 0.16 0.22 0.04* 2.99 3.14 7.18 0.54 0.55 1.05 2.61 3.69 8.23 5.13 4.45 5.31 (2.68) (0.21) (3.04) (0.31) (0.27) (1.02) (1.03) (0.48) (2.02) (0.78) (0.32) (0.02) 0.17 0.00** 0.19 0.18 0.51 0.49 0.42 0.01* 0.11 0.01* 0.08+ 0.00** 2.35 3.87 6.70 0.61 0.59 0.14 2.96 4.46 6.83 4.64 4.05 4.91 (0.33) (0.54) (2.05) (0.15) (0.24) (0.16) (0.45) (0.49) (2.20) (0.61) (0.86) (0.61) 0.02* 0.00* 0.00* 0.12 0.39 0.44 0.09 0.00** 0.01* 0.01* 0.02* 0.01* Date NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N DONa total N pH a DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.10 level, t-test * denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.05 level, t-test ** denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.01 level, t-test Total-tree stdev sig. level Total-tree plus mean stdev sig. level 61 DON ranged from about 5% to about 50% of total N (Fig. 8, page 48). However, absolute levels of DON were not significantly different between treatments (Table 5). The nonharvested forest may have also had additional sources of DON from the leaching of foliage in throughfall and root turnover. The lower concentrations of inorganic N (particularly NO3-N) in the nonharvested forest were no doubt due to vegetative uptake and assimilation. Rates of nitrification were lower in the forest, presumably due to rapid uptake and assimilation of ammonium (the energy supply for nitrifying bacteria), and were supported by the consistently higher solution pH ranges (Fig. 9). The elevated pH of soil solution in the nonharvested forest was generally statistically different from harvested treatments during the study period (Table 5). Hypothesis testing Null Hypothesis 1: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on the availability of N during the 8- to12-month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Results from soil solution sampling at 0.2-m depth from March to June 2000 led to the rejection of this hypothesis. Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal was found to significantly affect N availability during this period (= 0.10 level). In particular, concentrations of NO3-N increased significantly (p=0.06) over bole-only harvesting with increasing harvest intensity. There were no significant differences between treatments for ammonium or DON concentrations however. Increased rates of nitrification were also supported by decreases in pH associated with increasing harvest intensity. Vegetative uptake of inorganic N led to 62 significantly lower levels in solution and were associated with consistently higher soil solution pH values. Increased mineralization rates in response to warmer and wetter soil conditions and/or decreased capacity for microbial immobilization of N may explain the increased availability of N following intensive harvesting. 5.1.2 Nitrogen leaching at 1.0-m depth Forms of nitrogen In the harvested treatments, nitrate was the predominate form of N in solution at 1.0-m depth (Fig. 10) representing from 52 to 79% of total N, while DON comprised most of the rest. Concentrations of ammonium were low and represented only a few percent of total N in solution. While this pattern was similar to that observed at 0.2-m depth (Fig. 8), the magnitude was quite different, with concentrations of total N in solution on the order of 0.5 to 4 times less at 1.0 m than at 0.2 m. Changes with depth The decrease in soil solution N concentrations with depth was supported by a two-way AVOVA for the overall effect of treatment and depth by sampling date (Table 6). Over all three sampling dates, there was generally no overall treatment effect on N concentrations when both sampling depths were combined, nor were there generally any significant interaction effects between treatment and depth. There was 63 3.50 NH4-N DON NO3-N -1 N concentration (mg L ) 3.00 2.50 2.00 * 1.50 1.00 * * * * 0.50 * 0.00 * Bole-only 3/3/00 5/4/00 6/26/00 3/3/00 5/4/00 Total-tree 6/26/00 * Total-tree * plus 3/3/00 5/4/00 6/26/00 3/3/00 5/4/00 6/26/00 Forest Figure 10. Concentrations (mg L-1) and forms of N in soil solution collected at 1.0-m depth. Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. Different letters represent significant differences between harvesting treatments (p<0.10, ANOVA, Tukey's). An asterisk (*) represents a significant difference from nonharvested forest (p<0.10, t-test). however a highly significant effect of sampling depth for nearly every variable measured. Concentrations of nitrogen in soil solution typically decreased from 0.2- to 1.0-m sampling depths. For each treatment and sampling date, an independent samples t-test was performed to evaluate differences in N concentrations between depths (Table 7). In the BO and TP treatments there were significant differences between 0.2 and 1.0 m for NO3-N, DON, and total N concentrations during some or 64 all of the sampling dates. These differences were not significant in the TT and FT treatments however. A decrease in nutrient concentrations as soil solution passes through the soil profile was consistent with the findings of many studies. Qualls et al. (2000) reported that over 99% of the organic and inorganic N released from a deciduous forest floor after clearcutting was removed from solution by the time it had reached the C horizon (90 to 120-cm depth). It was unlikely that this was due to decomposition in the dissolved phase since DON was found to be very slow to mineralize (Qualls and Haines 1991). Many well-known mechanisms have been described to explain the efficient buffering capacity of soils against nutrient losses through leaching. Uptake by plant roots, biological immobilization by microbes, and geochemical adsorption to iron and aluminum oxyhydroxides and clays can all act to remove nutrients from soil solution as it moves through the soil profile (Johnson and Cole 1977; Fahey et al. 1985). 65 Table 6. Overall effects of harvesting treatment, depth, and their interaction on N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected from 0.2- and 1.0-m depths by sampling date. Values are significance levels from multivariate two-way ANOVA. Date March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 a NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N Harvesting Treatment effect 0.09+ 0.77 0.09+ DONa total N pH NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N 0.98 0.14 0.20 0.28 0.15 0.29 0.01* 0.00** 0.11 0.00** 0.67 0.00** 0.42 0.17 0.60 0.17 0.87 0.18 DONa total N pH NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N 0.95 0.32 0.56 0.73 0.78 0.73 0.07+ 0.00** 0.01* 0.00** 0.16 0.00** 0.59 0.11 0.56 0.36 0.27 0.35 DONa total N pH 0.04** 0.38 0.96 0.87 0.00** 0.05+ 0.99 0.33 0.15 DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level, ANOVA * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level, ANOVA ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level, ANOVA Depth Trt * Depth effect Interaction 0.01* 0.06+ 0.02** 0.77 0.01* 0.05+ 66 Table 7. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected from each treatment with respect to depth. Significance levels are from t-test comparison between 0.2- and 1.0-m sampling depths. NO3-N Trt Depth (m) March 3 0.93 BO 0.2 0.95 1.0 sig. level 0.93 May 4 DONa NH4-N June 26 March 3 May 4 June 26 2.85 1.49 0.10+ 5.28 1.37 0.01* 0.05 0.09 0.01* 0.08 0.07 0.93 total N June 26 March 3 May 4 pH March 3 May 4 June 26 March 3 May 4 June 26 0.04 0.04 0.82 0.73 0.15 0.01* 0.46 0.31 0.50 0.26 0.23 0.79 1.71 1.19 0.09+ 3.38 1.88 0.08+ 5.58 1.63 0.01* 5.59 5.84 0.52 4.78 5.44 0.26 5.49 5.72 0.57 5.31 ----- TT 0.2 1.0 sig. level 2.00 0.57 0.15 3.12 0.46 0.08+ 7.14 ----- 0.07 0.08 0.79 0.02 0.07 0.30 0.04 ----- 0.54 0.34 0.64 0.55 0.33 0.63 1.05 ----- 2.61 0.90 0.29 3.69 0.37 0.11 8.23 ----- 5.13 5.57 0.48 4.45 5.61 0.21 TP 0.2 1.0 sig. level 2.30 0.83 0.00** 3.87 1.12 0.00** 6.65 1.52 0.04* 0.05 0.07 0.51 0.00 0.03 0.34 0.05 0.03 0.61 0.23 0.05* 0.59 0.20 0.02* 0.14 0.09 0.82 2.96 1.32 0.02* 4.46 1.35 0.00** 6.83 0.48 0.08+ 4.64 5.68 0.10+ 4.05 4.91 5.44 5.68 0.04* 0.25 FT 0.2 1.0 sig. level 0.85 0.05 0.17 0.31 0.04 0.26 0.38 0.06 0.30 0.06 0.11 0.34 0.01 0.09 0.44 0.04 0.05 0.55 1.00 0.82 0.77 0.92 1.16 0.59 0.32 0.43 0.77 1.92 0.98 0.22 1.25 1.29 0.92 0.82 0.54 0.46 6.23 5.60 0.42 5.51 5.30 0.71 a DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level, t-test * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level, t-test ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level, t-test BO= bole-only harvest; TT= total-tree harvest; TP= total-tree plus harvest; FT= forest. 6.48 5.88 0.33 67 Effect of harvest intensity and time Results from the two-way multivariate ANOVA testing the overall effects of harvesting treatments and time on N concentrations at 1.0-m showed that there was no significant effect of treatment or time, nor were there any significant interactions between the two (Table 2, page 48). Clearly, differences seen in the surface horizon were reduced by the time soil solution had passed though the soil profile to a depth of 1.0 m. 7.00 Bole-only Total-tree plus Total-tree Forest pH 6.00 5.00 4.00 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 Figure 11. Soil solution pH at 1.0-m depth. Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. 68 There were no significant effects of harvesting treatment when sampling dates were looked at separately (Appendix A). There was a weak trend of nitrate concentrations increasing over time, similar to what was observed at the 0.2-m depth, but this was not significant (Appendix B). The patterns in solution pH seen at 0.2-m depth also seemed to be absent at 1.0 m (Fig. 11). Comparing harvested treatments to nonharvested forest In general, there were few significant differences in N concentrations at 1.0-m depth between the harvested treatments and nonharvested forest (Table 8). Concentrations of total N in solution were similar across all treatments and ranged between 0.6 and 1.8 mg L-1 (Fig. 10, page 58). Nitrate concentrations appeared to be much greater in harvested treatments, representing from 50 to 80% of total N, compared to less than 15% in the nonharvested forest. These differences in nitrate concentrations between harvested treatments and nonharvested stands were only significant in March and May 2000. In June, the relative difference in nitrate concentrations between harvested treatments and nonharvested forest was much greater (harvested treatments being about 20 times higher), but variability was also much higher and differences were therefore not significant. As was observed in the 0.2-m depth samples, DON was a significant component of the total N in the nonharvested forest and represented about 80% of total N at 1.0 m (Fig. 10). While both relative and absolute concentrations of DON appeared to be much greater in the nonharvested stands than in harvested treatments, 69 these differences were only significant in May 2000 in the BO (p=0.03) and TP (p=0.03) treatments. DON losses have been reported to account for over 95% of total N losses in streams draining from non-polluted old-growth conifer forests in Chile, emphasizing the importance of DON in the movement and loss of N from forested ecosystems (Hedin et al. 1995). Forest harvesting in general has also been reported to increase losses of both inorganic N and DON to streamwater (Bormann and Likens 1979; Sollins and McCorison 1981; Qualls et al. 2000), but total N leaching was not increased by harvesting during the period sampled in this study. Several geochemical mechanisms leading to the retention of dissolved organic matter in soils have been described and include: the release of potentially soluble dissolved organic matter by slow dissolution, equilibrium controlled desorption from organic surfaces, the gradual exposure of surfaces to percolating water during fragmentation, and the equilibrium adsorption to Fe and Al oxyhydroxides and clays (Qualls et al. 2000). The ability of a given soil to buffer against nutrient losses depends to a large extent on the depth of the soil profile, the nature of the soil (particularly texture and mineralogy), and the presence of organic matter and vegetation. The Boistfort soil series found at this study site has a deep soil profile, which may extend to greater than 2-m deep. In addition, it has a considerable amount of volcanic ash, which contributes to its ability to adsorb nutrient ions. The presence of noncrystalline imogolite clay minerals with a high surface area may also be extremely important as a source of anion exchange capacity, but the ability of these 70 Table 8. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected at 1.0-m depth from all treatments by sampling date. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis. Significance levels are from t-test comparison of harvested treatments to nonharvested forest. Forest mean stdev mean March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.11 0.09 0.05 (0.08) (0.04) (0.05) (0.03) (0.19) (0.02) 0.95 1.49 1.37 0.09 0.07 0.04 (0.45) (0.98) (1.28) (0.02) (0.08) (0.01) March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.82 1.16 0.43 0.98 1.29 0.54 5.60 5.30 5.88 (0.11) (0.18) (0.03) (0.83) (0.49) (0.48) (0.88) (0.52) (0.48) (1.20) (1.07) (0.92) 1.04 1.56 1.41 0.15 0.31 0.23 1.19 1.88 1.63 5.84 5.44 5.72 (0.44) (1.04) (1.27) (0.10) (0.28) (0.19) (0.47) (1.00) (1.12) (0.31) (0.19) (0.44) Date NO3-N NH4-N total inorganic N DONa total N pH a Bole-only stdev sig. level Total-tree mean stdev sig. level Total-tree plus mean stdev sig. level 0.03* 0.06+ 0.13 0.46 0.83 0.32 0.57 0.46 --0.08 0.07 --- 0.00** 0.53 --0.32 0.85 --- 0.83 1.12 1.52 0.07 0.03 0.03 (0.44) (0.66) (1.63) (0.04) (0.04) --- 0.09+ 0.02* 0.43 0.26 0.50 0.40 0.02* 0.07+ 0.14 0.20 0.03* 0.47 0.69 0.35 0.15 0.71 0.81 0.76 0.64 (0.11) 0.52 (0.68) ----0.34 --0.33 ------0.90 --0.37 ------5.57 --5.61 ------- 0.01* 0.57 --0.64 0.23 --0.94 0.22 --0.98 0.81 --- 0.90 1.15 1.96 0.23 0.20 0.09 1.32 1.35 0.48 5.68 5.44 5.68 (0.48) (0.63) (2.21) (0.18) (0.08) --(0.67) (0.58) --(0.74) (0.58) (0.78) 0.11 0.02* 0.45 0.25 0.03* 0.58 0.67 0.88 0.92 0.92 0.82 0.81 DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.10 level, t-test * denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.05 level, t-test ** denotes significantly different from Forest at p < 0.01 level, t-test (0.14) (0.64) --(0.02) (0.04) --- 71 soils to buffer against leaching losses, in particular by adsorbing anions (especially NO3- and organic acids), needs to be investigated. Estimates of N leaching at 1.0-m depth—nitrate and DON Monthly estimates of nitrate and DON leaching were calculated based on concentrations found at 1.0-m depth and an estimate of monthly water flux using Thornthwaite’s equation (Dunne and Leopold 1977). This method for calculating evapotranspiration utilized mean monthly air temperatures and monthly precipitation, which are shown in Figure 12. Sampling events occurred approximately every two months and concentrations of nitrate and DON from each sampling date were used to estimate leaching over the two-month interval surrounding each sampling date. Since there was no effect of harvesting intensity or time on N concentrations at 1.0-m depth (see Section Effect of harvest intensity and time), estimates of N leaching also showed no statistical difference with harvesting treatment. However, there were significant differences in N leaching between the harvested treatments and nonharvested forest (Table 9). 72 20.0 Rainfall and net water flux (cm); 0 and mean temperature ( C) Rainfall (cm) Net water flux (cm) 15.0 Temperature (*C) 10.0 5.0 0.0 -5.0 Feb March May April June July 2000 -10.0 Figure 12. Mean monthly rainfall (cm), net water flux (cm), and mean air temperature (0C) during the study period. 73 Table 9. Monthly leaching estimates of NO3-N and DON (kg ha-1). Values are means followed by standard deviations in parenthesis below. Harvested treatments were compared by ANOVA and were compared separately to “Forest” with a t-test. Bole-only month, 2000 mean SD mean SD Feb March April May June July Total -1 (kg N ha * 6 mo Total-tree -1) a Total-tree ANOVA plus significance mean SD level Forest mean SD t-test significance level BoleTotalTotal-tree only tree plus NO3-N 0.8 (0.4) 0.5 (0.1) 0.7 (0.4) 0.82 0.0 (0.1) 0.03* 0.00** 0.09+ a DON NO3-N DON NO3-N DON 0.1 1.3 0.2 1.0 0.2 (0.1) 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 --- 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.8 0.1 (0.2) 0.96 0.82 0.96 0.65 0.72 0.7 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.8 (0.7) 0.20 0.03* 0.20 0.06+ 0.03* 0.64 0.00** 0.64 0.53 0.23 0.25 0.09+ 0.25 0.02* 0.03* NO3-N DON NO3-N DON NO3-N DON 0.8 0.2 0 0 0 0 (0.5) 0.6 0.1 0 0 0 0 (0.3) 0.65 0.72 --------- 0.0 0.6 0 0 0 0 (0.0) 0.06+ 0.03* --------- 0.53 0.23 --------- 0.02* 0.03* --------- NO3-N 3.9 1.8 3.2 0.1 DON 0.7 1.2 0.6 3.2 Total 4.6 3.0 3.8 3.3 (0.6) (0.1) (0.7) (0.2) (0.1) --------- 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0 (0.2) --(0.4) --(0.3) ----------- DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level, t-test * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level, t-test ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level, t-test (0.6) (0.2) (0.4) (0.1) (0.0) --------- (0.1) (1.1) (0.0) (0.3) (0.3) --------- 74 There were no significant differences in nitrate leaching between harvesting treatments for any sampling date, but nitrate leaching was significantly greater in harvested treatments than in nonharvested stands during the months February to May 2000 (Table 9). In the FT treatment, leaching of nitrate to 1.0-m depth was very low and amounted to a total of only 0.1 kg NO3-N ha-1 over the 6-month study period compared to 2 to 4 kg NO3-N ha-1 in the harvesting treatments (Table 9). Nitrate leaching peaked in March 2000 when net water flux was greatest (Fig. 12). In June and July, evapotranspiration exceeded precipitation and no leaching occurred. Leaching of DON however followed a different pattern and was much higher in the nonharvested forest (Table 9). During the 6-month study period, approximately 3.2 kg N ha-1 as DON was leached to 1.0-m depth in the FT treatment, compared to only 0.6 to 1.2 kg ha-1 in the harvested treatments (Table 9). Differences in DON leaching between the nonharvested forest and harvested treatments were significant during April and May 2000 for the BO and TP treatments (p<0.03). When leaching losses of nitrate and DON were combined, there was no difference in total N leaching between harvesting treatments nor between the nonharvested forest and harvested treatments (Table 9). Total N leaching to 1.0-m depth represented approximately 3 to 4.5 kg N ha-1 during the 6-month study period. Leaching values over the 6-month study period were converted to annual estimates based on the work of Sollins and McCorison (1981). After clearcutting an old growth Douglas-fir watershed in Oregon, they observed that leaching losses of nitrate and DON showed a bimodal pattern, where concentrations of N in soil solution 75 peaked in the early fall at the time of the first rains and again in the late spring and early summer just before saturated flow ceased. Cole and Gessel (1965) also observed a similar bimodal pattern in N leaching. Approximately 53% of the annual amount of nitrate leached to 1.0-m depth occurred during the same time period investigated in this study (February to July), while DON leaching during this period represented about 58% of the annual rate (Sollins and McCorison 1981). When these percentages were used to estimate annual leaching rates in this study, annual nitrate leaching was calculated to be 7.4, 3.4, 6.0, and 0.2 kg NO3-N ha-1 yr-1 for BO, TT, TP, and FT treatments, respectively. Annual DON leaching was calculated to be 1.2, 2.1, 1.0, and 5.5 kg DON ha-1 yr-1 for BO, TT, TP, and FT treatments, respectively. Combined annual leaching losses of total N therefore ranged from 5.5 to about 8.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Other studies have also reported that harvesting in general, or increasing harvesting intensity in particular, did not affect N leaching rates. Johnson et al. (1982) observed no difference in leaching for 1.5 years following bole-only and whole-tree harvesting of an upland mixed-oak forest in Tennessee. Vitousek and Matson (1985a) also observed no difference in leaching in intensively harvested loblolly pine plantations despite increased mineralization and nitrification rates. Clearcut harvesting of a Douglas-fir stand in the Cedar River watershed in western Washington did not alter leaching losses (Cole and Gessel 1965). Silkworth and Grigal (1982) observed no increase in streamwater nutrient losses following clearcutting of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) watersheds and similar results 76 were found in mixed hardwood stands in West Virginia (Aubertin and Patric 1974). In some cases forest cutting caused only modest increases in streamwater nitrate concentrations with values averaging about 1 mg L-1 or less (Fredriksen 1971; Fredriksen et al. 1975; Feller and Kimmins 1984). In a study similar to this one investigating the effects of harvest intensity on leaching losses in Douglas-fir stands, Bigger (1988) reported that harvesting did not significantly alter leaching losses during the first three years regardless of harvesting intensity. At a high productivity Douglas-fir site (site index 36 m at 50 years), inorganic N losses were estimated to be less than 1 kg N ha-1 yr-1 during the first three years following harvest while leaching of total N was only slightly higher (<5 kg N ha-1 yr-1). At a low productivity site (site index 25 m at 50 years), nitrate leaching increased with harvest intensity only during the first year (from <1 to 3 and 5 kg NO3-N ha-1 yr-1 in bole-only, total-tree, and complete removal treatments, respectively) but was not statistically significant. In 50-year-old nonharvested reference stands, annual N leaching losses were on the order of less than 3 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (Bigger 1988). Similar leaching rates of 0.6 to 4.0 kg N ha-1 yr-1 have been reported for Douglas-fir stands ranging from 36 to 95 years old (Turner 1975). Leaching losses estimated in this study ranged from approximately 5.5 to 8.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 and were slightly higher compared to observations from other studies. Estimates of leaching losses in this study may not accurately reflect actual losses in the field. Lysimeters were installed at 1.0-m depth as this was the maximum practical sampling depth. However, the soils at this study site may extend at least another 0.5- 77 m deeper or more before weathered parent material is reached (Steinbrenner and Gehrke 1973). Nutrients may be removed from soil solution below 1.0-m depth due to adsorption, immobilization, or uptake by plant roots. In addition, the Thornthwaite equation tends to underestimate evapotranspiration compared to other methods (Dunne and Leopold 1987), resulting in a higher estimate of net water flux. Thornthwaite’s method uses air temperature as an index of the energy available for evapotranspiration and does not correct for different vegetation types nor distinguish between clearcut and forested sites. It is expected that water flux in the forest (FT) treatment was actually lower than estimated due to evapotranspiration by the standing trees and therefore leaching losses were most likely overestimated in this treatment. On the other hand, the ability of soils to buffer against leaching losses is also influenced by site quality (Vitousek 1981), and the higher leaching losses observed in this study may be valid. In a regional study, Vitousek et al. (1982) reported that more fertile sites lost nitrate most rapidly following trenching treatments. Greater leaching losses might be expected at the site investigated in this study since it was more fertile than Bigger’s (1988) high site. At this site, site index (tree height at 50 years) was 41-43 m compared to only 36 m at Bigger’s site. In addition, this study site had been fertilized a total of four times over the previous rotation with a total of 1800 kg N ha-1 as urea, which no doubt had an important effect on the N status of the site. 78 Hypothesis testing Null Hypothesis 2: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on N leaching during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June 2000) following harvest. Based on the results from soil solution sampling at 1.0-m depth from March to June 2000, this hypothesis could not be rejected. Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal was found to have no significant effect on N leaching during this period (= 0.10 level). Concentrations of inorganic N and DON at 1.0-m depth were not affected by harvesting intensity. Statistically significant decreases in nitrate and DON concentrations as soil solution passed though the soil profile from 0.2- to 1.0-m depths provided evidence of the capacity of these volcanic soils to buffer against N losses, but their specific ability to adsorb anions still needs to be quantified. Harvesting in general did not affect total N leaching, but the relative contribution of NO3-N and DON to total N leaching was different between the harvested treatments and nonharvested forest. Nitrogen leaching in the harvested treatments was dominated by nitrate, but DON dominated leaching in the forest. This may be due to continual uptake of inorganic N by vegetation and inputs of DON in throughfall and root turnover in the forest. From February to July 2000, estimates of nitrate leaching in the harvested treatments ranged from 2 to 4 kg N ha-1 but only 0.2 kg N ha-1 in the forest. During the same period, DON leaching was about 1 kg N ha-1 in the harvested treatments compared to over 3 kg N ha-1 in the forest. Total N leaching from February to July 2000 was between 3 and 4.5 kg N ha-1 for all treatments. When these values were pro-rated based on the work of Sollins and 79 McCorison (1981), annual leaching of total N was estimated to be about 5.5 to 8.5 kg ha-1 yr-1. 5.1 Forest floor organic matter decomposition and net N mineralization 5.1.1 Initial forest floor characteristics The physical and chemical characteristics of intact forest floor organic matter collected from the harvesting treatments are summarized in Table 10. Estimates of forest floor biomass (<1-cm diameter) strongly reflected the intensity of harvesting removals with the pattern BO>TT>FT>TP, but these differences were not significant. In general, properties of organic matter were similar between the BO and FT treatments and between the TT and TP treatments. Lower percent organic matter (percent volatile solids) in the TT and TP materials (about 60 to 70%, compared to about 80% in the BO and FT) was most likely due to mixing with mineral soil that occurred during mechanical slash removal. This difference was also reflected in the water holding (field) capacity of the materials. Statistical differences existed in N concentrations, which followed the pattern FT>BO>TT>TP and ranged from about 1.4% in FT to about 0.9% in TP material. Carbon concentrations ranged from 29 to 37% among forest floor materials, but were not significantly different. C:N ratios ranged from a low of 32% in FT to 45% in TP. 80 Table 10. Characteristics of forest floor materials collected on March 21, 2000 (< 1-cm diameter) prior to field incubation. Values are means of 3 subsamples, except for biomass (n=8) and field capacity (n=1), and are followed by standard deviation in parenthesis below. Bole-only Total-tree Total-tree plus Forest significance level 20.5 14.4 12.0 12.8 0.11 (Mg ha ) (5.5) (6.8) (11.2) (4.8) pH 4.17a 4.12b 3.67c 3.63c (0.02) (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) % organic matter 83.2a 59.2b 69.3c 78.9a (3.8) (2.7) (1.0) (0.8) NH4-N 10.6ab 8.4b 13.1a 6.4b (mg kg ) (2.68) (2.77) (0.71) (0.93) NO3-N 0.0 0.2 0.9 1.0 (mg kg ) (0.00) (0.16) (1.47) (0.83) %N 1.04ab 0.97ab 0.87b 1.42a (0.13) (0.06) (0.02) (0.41) 32.6 29.4 33.5 37.4 (5.75) (4.37) (2.26) (2.28) 36.5ab 35.2ab 44.8b 32.2a (2.61) (3.22) (2.74) (8.34) 2.56 1.56 1.77 2.63 Forest floor biomass -1 -1 -1 %C C:N ratio field 0.00** 0.00** 0.02* 0.43 0.06+ 0.18 0.06+ -1 capacity (g g ) + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values in each row followed by different letters are significantly different (p < 0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 81 5.2.2 Forest floor decomposition rate After incubating organic materials in porous ceramic cups in the field for 12 weeks (March 28 to June 19, 2000), decomposition rates of forest floor followed the pattern BO>TP>FT>TT (Fig. 13). Forest floor in the BO treatment lost about 8% of its original mass after 12 weeks, compared to about 4% for TP, and 1.5 to 1% for FT and TT respectively. The effect of harvesting treatment was significant (p=0.00) after 12 weeks of incubation (Table 11). At this time, only the decomposition rate of BO was significantly different from that of FT (p=0.02). Based on the variability found in this study, it was determined that the mean detectable difference in decomposition rates was 1.7, 3.3, and 2.4% in April, May, and June 2000, respectively (at =0.10 level). In western Washington Douglas-fir stands ranging from 11 to 97 years of age, needle litter lost between 18 to 22% of its initial mass during a time period similar to this study (February to May) (Edmonds 1979). In an intensive harvesting study similar to this one, decomposition rates of Douglas-fir needles in a low site (Site Class IV) were highest in the nonharvested reference stand during the first year, but after two years needles in the bole-only treatment had the highest decomposition rates (Edmonds and Bigger 1983). However, in an adjacent high site (Site Class II), decomposition rates after one year were highest in the bole-only treatment but there was no difference between wholetree harvested plots and nonharvested reference stands, as was found in this study. After 2 years, needles in the bole-only treatment still were decomposing at the fastest rate, but this was no longer significantly different from whole-tree or nonharvested 82 treatments. Gadgil and Gadgil (1978) proposed that litter decomposition rates in clearcuts are often greater than in nonharvested stands because of reduced mycorrhizal competition for organic substrates. Mycorrhizae were found to inhibit decomposition by accessing organic nutrients directly and bypassing microbial mineralization processes. 12.0 a* Bole-only 10.0 Total-tree Total-tree plus Percent mass loss 8.0 Forest b 6.0 4.0 ab a b -- -- b 2.0 0.0 -2.0 April 25, 2000 (4 weeks) May 26, 2000 (8 weeks) June 19, 2000 (12 weeks) -4.0 Figure 13. Decomposition of forest floor during field incubation, March 28 to June 19, 2000. Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. Different letters represent significant differences between harvesting treatments (p<0.10, ANOVA, Tukey's). An asterisk (*) represents a significant difference from nonharvested forest (p<0.10, t-test). 83 Table 11. Decomposition (as percent of initial mass lost) of forest floor during field incubation period, March 28 to June 19, 2000. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis below. Harvested treatments were compared by ANOVA and were compared separately to nonharvested forest with a t-test. Date, 2000 April 25 (4 weeks) Boleonly Total- Total-tree tree Plus 3.3a 0.3b 2.2ab (0.28) (2.28) (1.42) May 26 (8 weeks) 4.5 0.8 2.3 (4.65) (3.76) (1.45) June 19 (12 weeks) 7.6a 0.8b 3.8b (2.22) (2.46) (1.77) ANOVA sig. level Forest 0.07+ 2.3 t-test significance level BoleTotal- Total-tree only tree plus 0.21 0.17 0.87 0.41 0.50 0.98 0.02* 0.85 0.16 (1.76) 0.39 2.3 (1.27) 0.00** 1.7 (1.56) + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values within a row followed by different letters are significantly different (p<0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. Decomposition rates are a function of substrate chemistry, temperature, and moisture. Substrates with a low C:N ratio are expected to decompose more rapidly (Edmonds 1991). Based on the initial C:N ratio of organic materials used in this study, the pattern in decomposition rates expected was FT>TT>BO>TP, corresponding to C:N ratios of 32, 35, 37, and 45:1, respectively. However, this pattern was not observed in this study, and C:N ratio may not be a good indicator of the inherent decomposability of a given substrate as C may exist in recalcitrant forms 84 (Paul and Clark 1996). It may be that other factors, such as temperature and moisture, also had a significant influence on decomposition rates. Hypothesis testing Null Hypothesis 3: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on decomposition rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June 2000) following harvest. Decomposition rates of organic matter from the four treatments after incubating the field for 12 weeks (March 28 to June 19, 2000) led to the rejection of this hypothesis. After 12 weeks of incubation, there was a significant effect of harvesting treatment on decomposition rates (p=0.00), with the pattern BO > TP > TT. Only the decomposition rate of BO was significantly different from that in the nonharvested reference stands (p=0.02) after 12 weeks. These decomposition rates represented the combined effects of differing substrate quality as well as temperature and moisture conditions. Patterns in decomposition as predicted by C:N ratio alone did not explain the observations in this study. Moisture and temperature factors must also be considered. 5.2.3 Moisture content Forest floor Moisture content (proportion of water weight to oven-dry forest floor weight) of forest floor organic matter was determined on additional samples collected adjacent to the incubation cups during each collection event. There was a statistically significant effect of harvesting treatment during all sampling dates over the 85 incubation period (March 28 to June 19, 2000) (Table 12). Organic matter in the BO treatment always had higher moisture contents than that in the TT and TP treatments. Moisture content in FT closely resembled that in BO. Moisture contents generally decreased for all treatments over time, but this decrease was most rapid in the TT and TP treatments (Fig. 14). On April 25, 2000 (after 4 weeks), moisture content for all treatments ranged from 2.4 to 1.6 g g-1. By the June 19 collection (12 weeks), forest floor in the TT and TP treatments had dried considerably and had very Table 12. Moisture content (g g-1) of forest floor during field incubation period, March 28 to June 19, 2000. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis below. Harvested treatments were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s HSD post hoc test, and were compared separately to nonharvested forest with a t-test. Boleonly Total- Total-tree tree plus April 25 (4 weeks) 2.39a 1.65b 1.59ab (0.43) (0.26) (0.46) May 26 (8 weeks) 2.15a 1.28b 0.13c (0.42) (0.36) (0.22) June 19 (12 weeks) 1.61a 0.32b 0.36b (0.73) (0.11) (0.28) Date, 2000 ANOVA sig. level 0.03* Forest 1.90 t-test sig. level Bole- Total- Total-tree only tree plus 0.11 0.45 0.39 0.18 0.00** 0.00** 0.28 0.00** 0.00** (0.22) 0.01* 2.34 (0.23) 0.00** 1.27 (0.10) + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values within a row followed by different letters are significantly different (p<0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 86 low moisture contents of only 0.3 g g-1, while that in the BO and FT remained considerably higher (1.6 to 1.3 g g-1). The treatment effect was statistically significant over all sampling dates and may be attributed to increased evaporation rates in the intensively harvested treatments (see Section 5.2.4. Temperature, below). The thick layer of logging residues retained in the BO treatment (about 5- to 15-cm deep) most likely acted as a mulch and buffered against evaporational water losses. Litter thickness in the TT and TP treatments was much less (about 3 cm) and would not have had as strong a buffering effect. Even despite water uptake by trees in the FT treatment, moisture content in the forest floor remained about the same as in the BO treatment due to the shading effect of the forest canopy in reducing evaporational water losses and to fog drip from the forest canopy. The drying out of the forest floor in the TT and TP treatments likely had an important effect on the slower decomposition rates of these materials relative to the BO treatment (Fig. 13). In another study, decomposition rates of organic matter were primarily correlated with minimum litter moisture content (Fogel and Cromack 1977). In the Pacific Northwest, Edmonds (1979) felt that moisture would be a more important factor than temperature in influencing litter decomposition rates because of the summer drought conditions that typically occur. However, it is still not clear why TP had a significantly faster decomposition rate than TT (3.8 versus 0.8% after 12 weeks; Table 11), despite a higher initial C:N ratio (45 versus 35:1) and similar moisture contents. 87 3.00 a Bole-only Total-tree Total-tree plus Forest a Forest floor moisture Content (g g -1) 2.50 a ab 2.00 b b* 1.50 1.00 c* 0.50 b* b* 0.00 April 25, 2000 May 26, 2000 June 19, 2000 Figure 14. Moisture content of forest floor during field incubation (March 28 to June 19, 2000). Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. Different letters represent significant differences between harvesting treatments (p<0.10, ANOVA, Tukey's). An asterisk (*) represents a significant difference from nonharvested forest (p<0.10, t-test). 88 Mineral soil (0- to 10-cm depth) Samples of surface soil (0 to 10 cm) were also collected during each sampling event to estimate changes in soil moisture content over the incubation period. Gravimetric soil moisture content was about 0.9 g g-1 on April 25 and decreased to about 0.7 to 0.8 g g-1 by June 19, 2000 (Fig. 15). This decrease over time was consistent in all treatments and there were no significant treatment effects (see Appendix C), implying that even small amounts of organic matter on the surface (as in TT and TP treatments) could effectively buffer against evaporational losses from the underlying soil. 1.20 Bole-only Total-tree Total-tree plus Forest Mineral soil Moisture Content (g g-1) 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 April 25, 2000 May 26, 2000 June 19, 2000 Figure 15. Moisture content of mineral soil (0 - 10 cm) during field incubation (March 28 to June 19, 2000). Error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean. 89 5.2.4 Temperature (Forest floor/mineral soil interface) Temperatures at the forest floor/mineral soil interface were recorded at 30- minute intervals in the various treatments from March 29 to May 26, 2000. Mean temperatures during this measurement period followed the pattern TP>BO>FT (Fig. 16). Data logger failure in the TT treatment eliminated the ability to compare this treatment, but temperatures are assumed to be very similar to those observed in TP since the depth of the residual forest floor was approximately the same (about 3 cm). Mean temperatures over the study period were highest in the TP treatment (11oC), intermediate in BO (10oC), and lowest in FT (70C). Minimum and maximum temperatures ranged from a low of 2oC to a high of 30oC in TP, from 3 to 18oC in BO, and from 3 to 14oC in FT. Mean daily temperatures increased more rapidly in the more intensive harvesting treatments (Fig. 16), indicating that the soils in these treatments warmed up more quickly in the spring. In the TP treatment, mean daily temperatures increased from about 5oC in late March to about 15oC by late May. During this same time period, mean daily temperature in the BO treatment increased from 5 to 12oC and in FT from 4 to 10oC. While mean temperatures only varied several degrees between treatments, a closer look at diurnal fluctuations revealed a more profound treatment effect (Fig. 17). Over a three-day period from May 20 to 22, 2000, temperatures reached a maximum at about 1 p.m., and were about 5 - 8oC warmer in the TP than in the BO, Temperature ( 0C) 1 0 89 1805 1849 1893 1937 1981 2025 2069 2113 2157 2201 2245 2289 2333 2377 2421 2465 2509 2553 2597 2641 2685 2729 2773 1805 1849 1893 1937 1981 2025 2069 2113 2157 2201 2245 2289 2333 2377 2421 2465 2509 2553 2597 2641 2685 2729 2773 1629 1585 1541 1497 1453 1409 1365 1321 1277 1233 1189 1145 1101 1057 1013 969 925 881 837 793 749 705 661 617 573 529 485 441 397 353 309 265 221 177 1761 10 1761 20 1717 30 1717 mean 7.2 (SD 1.9) 1673 Forest (block 2) 1673 1629 1585 1541 1497 1453 1409 1365 1321 1277 1233 1189 1145 1101 1057 1013 969 925 881 837 793 749 705 661 617 573 529 485 441 397 353 309 265 221 177 133 89 45 1 0 45 1 89 45 2773 2729 2685 2641 2597 2553 2509 2465 2421 2377 2333 2289 2245 2201 2157 2113 2069 2025 1981 1937 1893 1849 1805 1761 1717 1673 1629 1585 1541 1497 1453 1409 1365 1321 1277 1233 1189 1145 1101 1057 1013 969 925 881 837 793 749 705 661 617 573 529 485 441 397 353 309 265 221 177 133 0 Temperature ( C) 0 133 Temperature ( 0C) 90 Bole-only harvest (block 2) mean 9.3 (SD 2.8) 30 20 10 Total-tree plus harvest (block 4) mean 11.1 (SD 5.1) 30 20 10 Figure 16. Temperatures at forest floor/mineral soil interface during field incubation (March 29 - May 26, 2000). 91 and about 8 – 13oC warmer in the TP than in the FT treatment. Differences between BO and FT were about 3 - 5oC during this same time period. This pattern was even more apparent when a temperature histogram was plotted for the treatments (Fig. 18). Only about 8% of the time during March 29 to May 26, 2000 did temperatures exceed 100C in the FT treatment. In the BO and TP treatments however, this frequency was about 50% and 55% respectively. Temperatures in the TP treatment also had greater fluctuations, with frequencies in both the highest and lowest temperature classes. Temperature has an important effect on the activity of microorganisms and therefore on rates of decomposition and mineralization. The ideal temperature range for microbial activity is between 5 and 35-400C, and rates of biochemical reactions exponentially increase with rising temperature (approximately doubling for every 10oC increase) until the upper temperature limit is reached (Brady and Weil 1999). The cooler temperatures (4 to 10oC) found in the FT treatment may have kept decomposition rates low despite favorable moisture conditions and a relatively low C:N ratio (32:1). On the other hand, the stimulation of decomposition by the warmer conditions in the TP and the TT was most likely offset by unfavorable moisture conditions. Warm temperatures combined with favorable moisture and a source of labile C in fresh logging residues most likely accounted for the higher decomposition rates in the BO. Other studies reported that whole-tree harvesting caused reduced microbial biomass pools and organic matter decomposition, which was attributed to decreased moisture content of underlying soil (Edwards and Ross-Todd 1983; 92 25 Temperature ( C) B o le-o nly To tal-tree plus Fo rest 0 20 15 10 5 00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 0: 4 9 13 18 22 3 7 12 16 21 1 6 10 15 19 Figure 17. Diurnal temperature fluctuations during May 20 - 22, 2000. 45 Bole-only Total-tree plus Forest 40 Frequency (%) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.0 2.5 2.6 5.0 5.1 7.5 7.6 10.0 10.1 12.5 12.6 15.0 15.1 17.5 17.6 20.0 20.1 22.5 22.6 25.0 Tem perature class ( 0C) Figure 18. Percent of time forest floor/mineral soil interface temperature was in a given temperature class (by 2.50C classes) during the measurement period March 29 to May 26, 2000. 93 Jansson 1987) and/or temperature fluctuations (Bjor 1972). Entry et al. (1986) also found that whole-tree harvesting reduced microbial biomass pools in summer and winter, and this was positively correlated with moisture and negatively correlated with soil temperature. 5.2.5 Net organic N mineralization rate After 12 weeks of incubating forest floor in the field (March 28 to June 19, 2000), there was a significant effect of harvest intensity (p=0.01) on net organic N mineralization rates (Table 13). In the TT and TP treatments, initial organic N mass decreased (mineralized) by approximately 12 and 8% respectively, but these differences were not significant. However, in the BO treatment the mass of organic N increased by about 18% relative to the initial mass and was significantly different from TT and TP. Thus, net N immobilization rather than mineralization characterized the behavior of the organic matter in the BO treatment. In the nonharvested stands net N mineralization during the incubation period was about 31% of initial organic N, and this was significantly higher than all three harvesting treatments (p<0.01, Table 13). In a similar study of the effects of intensive harvesting on Douglas-fir stands in Washington, the percent mass of N mineralized after two years of needle decomposition in a high productivity site (Site Class II) was reported to be 20, 13, and 23% for BO, TT, and FT treatments, respectively (Edmonds and Bigger 1983). Faster mineralization rates in the nonharvested stand were attributed to more intact microbial and mycorrhizal communities in the forest in 94 Table 13. Net organic N mineralization of forest floor after 12 weeks of field incubation (March 28 to June 19, 2000). Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis below. Harvested treatments were compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test and were compared separately to nonharvested forest using a t-test. Boleonly Total- Total-tree tree plus mineralization -17.7a (% organic N) (9.4) 12.0b 7.9b* (6.6) (8.1) 40.5a 25.4b 35.4c (2.11) (3.79) (1.75) 1.33a 0.87b 0.84b (0.13) (0.09) (0.07) 35.6a 33.8a 49.0b (1.9) (1.6) (2.3) %C %N C:N ratio ANOVA sig. level Forest 0.01* 30.9 t-test sig. level BoleTotal- Total-tree only tree plus 0.00** 0.00** 0.01* 0.01* 0.00** 0.80 0.00** 0.04* 0.01* 0.00** 0.00** 0.00** (1.5) 0.00** 35.0 (1.744) 0.00** 1.00 (0.04) 0.00** 41.0 (1.5) + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values within a row followed by different letters are significantly different (p<0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 95 combination with wetter surface soil conditions and less extreme temperature fluctuations. The high estimate (31%) observed in this study was not expected, particularly since the decomposition rate in FT was relatively low (1.7%), and is not believed to reflect an actual in situ field mineralization rate. The process of collecting forest floor material and incubating it in ceramic cups was a dramatic disturbance that severed the supply of photosynthate to root-associated microorganisms. In the absence of an energy source, it is hypothesized that microbial biomass could not be sustained and N was released following microbial death and decay. In addition, the sudden death of active fine roots also contributed to a source of readily mineralizeable N. This effect was not as important in the harvested treatments since harvesting occurred more than 6 months prior to the incubation experiment, giving microbial communities more time to adjust to the altered organic matter inputs and microclimatic changes. The initial stages of litter decomposition are typically associated with an increase in N content of the decomposing substrate (Aber and Melillo 1980). N immobilization may occur via translocation by fungal hyphae, but since this could not occur through the walls of the ceramic cups, increases in N in BO organic matter were attributed to leachate from the forest floor carrying dissolved N into the cups. Douglas-fir needles generally immobilize N during the first three months of decomposition, after which time they begin mineralizing N (Edmonds 1991). However, in this study N immobilization by logging residues in the BO treatment was 96 still occurring from 8 to 12 months after harvesting. Percent N in organic matter increased in the BO treatment over the 12 week incubation (from 1.0 to 1.3%), but decreased in the other treatments (from 1.0 to 0.9, 0.9 to 0.8, and 1.4 to 1.0% for TT, TP, and FT respectively, Table 14). Percent C also increased in the BO treatment (from 33 to 41%) but generally decreased in the other treatments. The C:N ratio decreased in BO organic matter as microbes respired CO2 and immobilized N, but generally increased in the other treatments as N was mineralized. Such results indicated that microbes were utilizing the logging slash retained in the BO treatment as a source of C and that the microbial biomass pool was increasing in size, although this was not directly measured. The rapid decomposition of organic matter in the BO treatment further supports the assumption of more active microbial populations acting on a favorable substrate. Lundgren (1982) also reported that bacterial biomass tends to increase during the first two years following clearcutting. The C:N ratio of organic matter is often used to predict whether net mineralization or immobilization will occur, with net mineralization generally occurring in Douglas-fir needles when C:N ratios are between 20 and 30:1 and immobilization occurring at ratios greater than 30:1 (Edmonds and Bigger 1983). Based on this assumption, the pattern in mineralization expected in this study was FT > TT > BO > TP (corresponding to C:N ratios of 32, 35, 37, and 45:1, respectively). In general, this pattern was observed in this study with the exception of the BO treatment, which immobilized rather than mineralized N. The absolute C:N ratio does not consider the relative decomposability of the C substrate to microbes, and for this 97 reason forest residues may exhibit mineralization at C:N ratios as high as 50 to 100:1 (Paul and Clark 1996). Therefore, the C:N ratio may be of little value in predicting when the switch from mineralization to immobilization will occur. For example, net N mineralization from needles occurred in 24- and 97-year-old Douglas-fir stands when the C:N ratio was greater than 34:1, while it occurred in a 75-year-old stand when the C:N ratio was 23:1 (Edmonds 1979). Other studies have reported increased microbial biomass and microbial activity under slash (Hendrickson et al. 1985; Entry et al. 1986; Emmett et al. 1991b) due to the large amount of easily degradable organic matter remaining. Removal of the organic matter substrate in whole-tree harvesting has been found to reduce the biomass of both fungi (Baath 1980) and bacteria (Lundgren 1982). The immobilization of N in microbial biomass is an important mechanism for the retention of N on site (Vitousek 1981). In a loblolly pine ecosystem that had been bole-only harvested, more than 90% of added 15 N was immobilized by microbial biomass in 28 days, while only 70% was immobilized in whole-tree harvested plots (Vitousek 1984). Emmett et al. (1991b) found that microbial biomass at a Sitka spruce site represented 2.1% of the total organic N pool where slash was removed, but 3.2% where slash was retained. In addition to a reduced microbial biomass pool, organic matter decomposition rates and N losses were also reduced following wholetree harvesting. During the 12-week incubation period (March 29 to June 19, 2000) it was estimated that forest floor organic matter from the TT treatment mineralized 98 approximately 17 kg N ha-1, compared to 8 kg N ha-1 in the TP treatment, and 56 kg N ha-1 in the FT treatment. The BO treatment was estimated to immobilize approximately 38 kg N ha-1 (Table 14). Nitrogen mineralization is a very dynamic process and throughout the course of a year may show periods of net immobilization as well as net mineralization. Seasonal patterns in mineralization may be a function of changing moisture and temperature conditions, but data describing seasonal mineralization rates in Douglas-fir clearcuts is rare. Barg and Edmonds (1999) estimated seasonal soil N mineralization rates in a Douglas-fir clearcut in western Washington over the course of a year using consecutive 2-week buried bag incubations. Net N mineralization rates were positive during July to August but were followed by a period of net immobilization in September. Net immobilization also occurred during the late spring and early summer seasons, with the highest mineralization occurring during the winter. White et al. (1988) observed that soil from two Douglas-fir stands in New Mexico showed net mineralization over a twoyear period. However, forest floor was found to act as both a potential source as well as a sink for inorganic N at different times in the year, but seasonal data was not presented. Vitousek and Matson (1985a) reported that in situ mineralization rates in a loblolly pine plantation reflected seasonal variations in climate and increased from March to June as soil warmed up but then declined as soil dried out during the summer. 99 Table 14. Forest floor chemical characteristics before and after 12-week field incubation (March 28 to June 19, 2000). %N Treatment %C initial final C:N ratio percent mineralization percent mass loss initial forest floor N pool net N mineralization initial final initial final after 12 weeks after 12 weeks (kg ha-1) (kg ha-1 *6 mo-1) Bole-only 1.04 1.33 32.6 40.9 36.5 35.6 -17.7 7.6 213 -38 Total-tree 0.97 0.87 29.4 25.4 35.2 33.8 12.0 0.8 140 17 Total-tree plus 0.87 0.84 33.5 35.4 44.8 49.0 7.9 3.8 104 8 Forest 1.42 1.00 37.4 35.0 32.3 41.0 30.9 1.7 182 56 100 It was difficult to estimate annual mineralization rates for this study due to the highly variable results from other mineralization studies. As Barg and Edmonds (1999) showed, the patterns of net mineralization or immobilization observed during the spring season cannot necessarily be assumed to continue throughout the entire year. Frazer et al. (1990) reported that about 14% of total annual mineralization from soil in mixed-conifer stands in northern California occurred during March to June (the same time period investigated in this study). When this value was used to pro-rate the mineralization data reported in this study, annual mineralization rates of 121, 57, and 400 kg N ha-1 were estimated for TT, TP, and FT, respectively, but these rates seem high. In a loblolly pine plantation in North Carolina, about 56% of annual mineralization occurred during the spring season (March to June), which would correspond to 30, 14, and 100 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for TT, TP, and FT, respectively. These latter estimates appear to be more realistic, but are probably not very meaningful since they are based on the assumption that net mineralization will continue throughout the entire year. Average annual rates of N mineralization typically range from 30 to 120 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (Barnes et al. 1998), but it was difficult to estimate annual rates in this study. This study was conducted during a 12-week period in the spring (March 28 to June 19, 2000) when moisture and temperature conditions were favorable for mineralization. As organic matter began to dry out in the summer (see Section 5.2.3. Moisture content, above) mineralization may be inhibited, but may increase again in the fall with the onset of more frequent precipitation. In addition, organic matter 101 decomposes and mineralizes differently at different depths in the forest floor (Binkley 1984). Therefore it is not reliable to extrapolate rates measured at the forest floor/mineral soil interface to the entire mass of logging residues that remain on site since surface conditions may be much drier and warmer than deeper down. Also, the estimates in this study were based only on material less than 1-cm in size and ignored interactions with branches and larger coarse woody debris, which are expected to immobilize substantial amounts of N as they decompose. Hypothesis testing Null Hypothesis 4: Increasing the intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal will have no significant effect on net N mineralization rates of forest floor organic matter during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June, 2000) following harvest. Net N mineralization rates of organic matter from the four treatments after incubating the field for 12 weeks (March 28 to June 19, 2000) led to the rejection of this hypothesis. After 12 weeks of incubation, there was a significant effect of harvesting treatment on mineralization rate (p=0.01), with the pattern TT > TP > BO. The FT treatment showed the highest mineralization rate (31%), while organic matter in the BO treatment actually showed net immobilization of N. Even though there were differences in temperature and moisture conditions experienced by the various treatments, it appears that substrate quality was the most important variable in explaining the mineralization results. However, C:N ratio did not seem to be an effective measure of substrate quality since immobilization was observed in the BO treatment, which had a C:N ratio that was intermediate (37:1). Mineralization in the 102 other treatments did seem to be consistent with the pattern predicted by C:N ratio however, with FT > TT > TP (corresponding to C:N ratios of 32, 35, and 45:1). 5.3 Net N mineralization and nitrogen availability The field incubation experiment provided additional support for the observations made during the soil solution monitoring. From 8 to 12 months after harvesting, the availability of nitrogen in soil solution at 0.2-m depth increased with increasing harvest intensity (TP>TT>BO). Immobilization of N by microbial biomass in decomposing foliage in the BO treatment contributed to the lower N availability and reduced rates of nitrification compared to TT and TP treatments. These results supported the theory of Vitousek (1981) who proposed that slash removal would decrease the potential for microbial immobilization, thereby increasing net N mineralization and N availability. This was in contrast to the alternative theory of Wells and Jorgensen (1979) who proposed that the removal of nitrogen-rich logging residues in whole-tree harvesting would lead to decreased N mineralization rates relative to bole-only harvesting and therefore decreased N availability. Results from a number of studies have suggested that patterns in nutrient availability are highly variable over time and reflect the changing dynamics of decomposing organic matter. In a Sitka spruce plantation, concentrations of inorganic N following harvest were initially lower where slash was retained, but after 6 months organic matter began mineralizing N and this pattern was reversed (Emmett 103 et al. 1991a). In 1- to 5-year-old loblolly pine plantations, the N mineralization potential of the top 15 cm of soil was 117 kg N ha-1 in the first year following a boleonly harvest compared to 107 kg ha-1 in a whole-tree harvest treatment. During the second year, this pattern was reversed and N mineralization potential was 127 and 92 kg ha-1 in bole-only and whole-tree harvested treatments respectively (Vitousek and Matson 1985b). Retaining slash after harvesting supplies a source of labile C to microbial populations, which immobilize N as they decompose the residual organic matter. As heterotrophic decomposers continue to utilize the available C in the logging residues over time, at some point they will eventually run out of this energy supply and will begin to release N. It therefore seems plausible that the theories put forth by Wells and Jorgensen (1979) and Vitousek (1981) to predict the consequences of slash retention on nutrient availability may both be correct depending on when assessments are made. The timing of when the transition from net immobilization to mineralization will occur depends on the dynamics of the decomposing organic matter. It may occur after a short period of time, such as 6 months to one year (Emmett et al. 1991a; Vitousek and Matson 1985b) or may take much longer and will depend on the quantity and quality of the C substrate remaining after harvest and the prevailing environmental conditions. Edmonds (1979) found that Douglas-fir needles in a number of stands ranging from 11- to 97-years-old typically immobilize N for about the first three months (February to May) following litterfall. In a 44-year-old stand, 104 mineralization occurred between 6 and 12 months, and needles in all the stands showed an absolute N loss by 24 months. Covington (1981) investigated the dynamics of forest floor organic matter in a clearcutting chronosequence of northern hardwoods. In this ecosystem, the forest floor acted as a major source of nutrients during the first 15 years after harvesting, releasing a net amount of 800 kg N ha-1, but as much as half of this was immobilized by microbes in decaying logging residues. After 15 years the forest floor began to act as a sink for nutrients as organic matter began to accumulate on the soil surface again and logging slash shifted from being a sink to a source of nutrients. At the site investigated in this study, logging residues in the BO treatment immobilized N for a period of at least one year following harvesting, and it is not yet clear when this N will begin to be mineralized. The peak nutrient demand for regenerating Douglas-fir stands reaches a maximum at or shortly after crown closure (typically at 20- to 30-years-old or earlier depending on stand density) (Cole and Bledsoe 1976), and therefore the timing of when slash begins to release N has important management implications. Nitrogen fertilization is typically applied at the time of crown closure, and if the net mineralization phase coincides with this peak nutrient demand then slash retention may provide a cost-effective nutrient management option. On the other hand, if the net mineralization phase occurs when nutrient demand is low, such as in the first few years of stand establishment, then increased leaching losses may result. In this study there were to date no differences in N 105 leaching attributable to harvesting treatments, but it is not clear how this may change in the future. Vitousek and Matson (1985a) also observed no difference in leaching during the first few years following bole-only and whole-tree harvesting of loblolly pine plantations in North Carolina, despite higher mineralization and nitrification rates associated with bole-only harvesting. It seems that the ability of soil to buffer against leaching losses is an effective mechanism to retain nutrients on site. Continued monitoring of soil solution chemistry and the N dynamics of decomposing logging residues are necessary to evaluate the potential contribution of organic matter retention to sustained forest productivity. 106 Chapter 6. Summary and Conclusions 6.1 Summary The relationships between organic matter and sustained forest productivity are not well understood (Edmonds and Chappell 1994). Nitrogen is the nutrient element most limiting to tree growth in Pacific Northwest forests (Gessel et al. 1973), and large amounts accumulate in soil organic matter in a form that is unavailable to plants. Intensive harvesting practices may alter the inputs of organic matter into forest ecosystems by removing large amounts of organic matter and nutrients from a site. Such practices may also alter the environmental conditions that influence nitrogen cycling processes, thereby affecting the rates at which N is made available to plants or lost from ecosystems. This study investigated the influence of intensive harvesting practices on soil nitrogen dynamics at a high productivity (Site Index II+) coastal Douglas-fir site in western Washington. The specific focus was on the effects of bole-only (BO) harvesting, total-tree (TT) harvesting, and total-tree plus (TP) harvesting on N availability, N leaching, organic matter decomposition, and N mineralization during the 8- to 12-month period following harvesting. In addition, comparisons were made with adjacent areas representative of the original stand conditions that were left as nonharvested reference stands (FT). Analysis of soil solutions collected from suction lysimeters at 0.2-m depth from March to June 2000 revealed that nitrate was the dominant form of N in the 107 harvesting and organic matter removal treatments. Concentrations of dissolved organic N (DON) represented a small but statistically significant (α= 0.10 level) portion of total N, while ammonium concentrations were negligible. There was a significant treatment effect with concentrations of nitrate increasing with increasing intensity of harvesting and organic matter removal. Nitrate concentrations also increased over time, presumably due to increased microbial activity and nitrification in response to increasing soil temperatures. Evidence of nitrification in the harvesting treatments was also supported by changes in soil solution pH, which decreased with increasing harvest intensity. In the nonharvested reference forest, nitrate concentrations were 2 to 8 times lower than in the harvested plots and decreased over time, presumably due to vegetative uptake and assimilation of ammonium. Higher pH values in soil solution from the forest also supported the observations that nitrification rates were lower compared to those in harvested treatments. In the forest, DON was the dominant form of N rather than nitrate. However, DON concentrations in solutions collected at 0.2-m depth were not significantly different among all treatments. These findings support the theory of Vitousek (1981) in which increasing harvest intensity leads to increased N availability. This has been attributed to the reduced capacity of microbes to immobilize N in the absence of logging slash. Soil solutions collected from suction lysimeters located at 1.0-m depth from March to June 2000 showed a somewhat different pattern to that found at the 0.2-m depth. Nitrate was still the dominant form of N in the harvested plots, but concentrations of total N were 0.5 to 4 times less at 1.0-m depth. Concentrations of 108 both nitrate and DON decreased significantly from 0.2- to 1.0-m depths in the harvested plots, presumably due to the removal of N from soil solution via plant uptake, microbial immobilization, and/or geochemical adsorption to iron and aluminum oxyhydroxides and clays. However, nitrate and DON concentrations in the forest did not change significantly with depth. There were no overall effects of harvesting treatment or time on N concentrations in soil solution at 1.0 m, indicating that the slight treatment differences observed at 0.2-m depth were eliminated by the time soil solution reached 1.0-m depth. While nitrate levels at 1.0-m depth were significantly less in the forest than in harvested plots, concentrations of DON were several times greater in the nonharvested stands. Nitrogen concentrations in solution collected at 1.0-m depth and an estimate of monthly water flux were used to calculate estimates of N leaching on a unit-area basis. Since there were no statistical differences in N concentrations at 1.0 m, there were also no corresponding statistical differences in leaching estimates. From February to July 2000, a total of 3 to 4.5 kg N ha-1 were leached below the seedling rooting zone to 1.0-m depth. Leaching of nitrate in the harvested treatments peaked in March when net water flux was the greatest. The forest experienced very low levels of nitrate leaching and quantities were significantly less than in the harvested treatments. However, this pattern was completely reversed with respect to DON leaching, which was greater in the forest but consistently lower in the harvested treatments. The combined result was that there was no treatment effect on total N 109 leaching losses during the sampling period. Annual estimates represented total leaching losses of about 5.5 to 8.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Forest floor organic matter was collected from the harvesting treatments and incubated in porous ceramic cups in the field for 12 weeks from March to June 2000. Initial characteristics, such as percent organic matter and water holding capacity, were similar between organic matter from BO and FT treatments and between TT and TP treatments. After 12 weeks of incubation, decomposition was greatest in the BO treatment, followed by TP, FT, and TT and corresponded to a mass loss of 8, 4, 1.5, and 1% respectively. This pattern was not explained by differences in initial chemical characteristics (C:N ratio). Differences in gravimetric moisture contents may help explain the slow decomposition rates observed in TP and TT since these treatments dried out more quickly during the spring. In addition, mean temperatures at the forest floor/mineral soil interface were warmest in the TP treatment (11oC) and were on average about 2oC warmer than BO and over 3oC warmer than FT. The range of temperature extremes was from 2 to 30oC in the TP treatment but only 3 to 18oC and 3 to 14oC for BO and FT, respectively. Net N mineralization rates from forest floor organic matter were also estimated after 12 weeks of field incubation in porous ceramic cups and showed a significant treatment effect. During the period of March to June 2000, organic matter in FT lost 31% of initial organic N, while TT and TP lost 12 and 8%, respectively. In contrast, the quantity of organic N in forest floor material in the BO treatment increased by an estimated 18% of the initial amount. In this study, forest floor 110 organic matter immobilized N during the 8- to 12-month period following harvesting, supporting the theory of Vitousek (1981). Retaining logging slash on site provided a source of carbon for decomposer organisms, which assimilated N into microbial biomass. Organic matter retention has been proposed as a means of conserving N on site and evidence of this effect was found in this study. Nitrogen immobilization by microbes in decomposing logging residues also supports the observation of reduced N availability as seen in the lysimeter sampling of soil solution from 0.2-m depth. Once the labile C in logging slash is completely utilized by microbes, it is expected that N mineralization will begin to occur and N availability will increase in the BO treatment relative to the more intensive harvesting removals. The timing of when the transition from net N immobilization to mineralization will occur remains uncertain and will depend on environmental factors and the quantity and quality of organic matter that is retained, as well as interactions with coarse woody debris and other high C:N ratio organic matter that remains on site. 6.2 Management Implications and Future Work Intensive harvesting of the high productivity coastal Douglas-fir site investigated in this study appeared to have only minimal effects on soil N dynamics during the 8- to 12-month period (March to June 2000) following harvesting. While increasing harvest intensity caused statistically greater nitrate concentrations in the surface soil (0.2-m depth), the magnitude of these differences was rather small (i.e., 1 to 2 mg L-1), and their effect on seedling growth rates and foliar N concentrations is 111 not clear. In addition, elevated nitrification rates and lower soil solution pH values were associated with intensive harvesting, but the persistence and duration of these changes is uncertain. These small differences should also be seen in the context that the experimental treatments investigated in this study do not mimic operational harvesting practices. For example, in typical whole-tree yarding practices, branches and foliage frequently break off and remain on the site, while much effort was made to manually remove them for the purposes of this study. The short-term effects of removing logging residues did not appear to be detrimental, but instead actually increased N availability to seedlings during the study period. Since it is the availability of N that typically limits forest growth in the Pacific Northwest, whole-tree harvesting may improve short-term N availability by removing the organic barrier on the soil surface, leading to warmer soil temperatures and increased rates of mineralization. Valentine (1975) reported that Douglas-fir seedlings grown in scarified plots where logging slash was removed grew better after the first growing season compared to where this material was retained. This was attributed to better root growth in response to warmer soil temperatures in the scarified plots. Tree growth is also dependent on water availability in addition to nutrients and temperature, and removing logging residues was found to lead to much drier forest floor conditions. Soil moisture retention may be of particular importance in the Pacific Northwest, which typically experiences summer drought conditions that may limit tree growth. However, it was found in this study that even small amounts of organic matter on the surface, such as that present in whole-tree harvested 112 treatments, could effectively buffer against soil moisture losses. In evaluating the potential effects of intensive harvesting on sustained productivity, it is therefore important to consider the combined effects of slash retention on nutrient cycling and availability, and temperature and moisture conditions. The leaching of total N to 1.0-m depth was not significantly affected by intensive harvesting or from harvesting in general. Quantities of N that leached to 1.0-m depth were estimated to range from 5.5 to about 8.5 kg N ha-1 yr –1 and losses of this magnitude may be replaced over the course of a rotation through natural atmospheric inputs and free-living N2 fixation (from 1 to 6 kg N ha-1 yr-1) (Vitousek and Melillo 1979). However, nitrate leaching may experience a lag period and may be substantially greater during the second year following clearcutting (Sollins and McCorison 1981; Feller and Kimmins 1984). This lag period is frequently attributed to low summer rainfall, decomposition products have time to build up in the soil but are not flushed out until midwinter, and because it usually takes at least one summer before appreciable mineralization can occur (Vitousek et al. 1982). While total N leaching did not differ between the harvested treatments and nonharvested forest, the proportion of N leaching as NO3-N was much greater in the harvested treatments. Nitrate leaching has important implications in terms of water quality, cation leaching, soil acidification, and downstream eutrophication. However, NO3-N leaching at this site was quite low (about 3 to 7 kg ha-1 yr-1) and therefore not expected to pose a significant detrimental effect. The ability of a given soil to buffer against leaching losses depends to a large extent on the soil profile depth and nature 113 and mineralogy of the soil. The Boistfort soil series at this site is greater than two meters deep, so estimates of leaching taken from 1.0-m depth samples are not considered to be lost from the system as nutrients may be stored at depth and taken up by roots at a later date. In addition, the presence of volcanic ash in this soil gives it an unique anion exchange capacity, but further work needs to be done to quantify this. Even if leaching losses were greatly elevated, they rarely approach the magnitude of losses associated with the removal of harvested biomass. For example, bole-only harvesting of a high productivity 50-year-old Douglas-fir site (Site Index 36 m at 50 years) removed 478 kg N ha-1, while whole-tree harvesting increased this to 728 kg N ha-1 (Bigger 1988). Nutrient losses in harvested biomass were therefore two orders of magnitude greater than that of leaching losses. These harvesting removals represented losses of 15 and 22% of total ecosystem N for bole-only and whole-tree harvesting, respectively (Bigger 1988). The proportion of total ecosystem nutrients that are removed under various harvesting strategies depends to a large extent on the proportion of nutrients that are retained in aboveground tree biomass and this varies with the productivity of the site. Calculations of nutrient budgets for a given site are useful in evaluating the impacts of nutrient removals (e.g. harvesting or leaching) on total ecosystem nutrient pools, and a nutrient budget is currently being developed for the site investigated in this study so that similar comparisons may be made. 114 The mineral soil pool often contains much larger stores of nutrients than in tree biomass and may represent up to 85% of total ecosystem N (Cole et al. 1967). This corresponds to about 5000 to 9000 kg N ha-1 in coastal Douglas-fir forests (Edmonds and Chappell 1993), but this generally tied up in soil organic matter, which is only made available to plants on the order of 1 to 2% annually. This phenomenon explains why N is the element most often limiting plant growth in the Pacific Northwest, and it is for this reason that N fertilization of forests is a common practice. The stand investigated in this study was fertilized a total of four times over the previous rotation with a cumulative total of 1800 kg N ha-1 as urea. Practices such as clearcutting and whole-tree harvesting often lead to increased N availability in the short-term. The impact of such practices on long-term sustained productivity is particularly important to address in relation to high productivity sites since it is these areas where management practices are likely to intensify in the future. In order to evaluate the impacts of intensive harvesting on soil N dynamics and sustained forest productivity in a meaningful way, it is important that continued, long-term monitoring occur. In particular, the role of logging slash as a source or a sink for nutrients has not been fully evaluated in this study. It was determined that retaining logging slash on site temporarily immobilized N for up to one year following harvesting as microbes utilized the available carbon in the organic matter. This period of immobilization was still occurring from 8 to 12 months after harvesting, but it is not clear when the source of available C will be completely utilized. Once this happens, it is expected that microbial biomass will begin to 115 mineralize and release N, and slash will start to act as a source of nutrients. The timing of this transition should also have important implications for seedling growth, particularly if it coincides with periods of high seedling nutrient demand. Measurements of seasonal changes in N mineralization rates combined with more intensive temperature and moisture monitoring over a longer time period will provide valuable information to evaluate the role of slash retention on tree growth. In addition, the role of high carbon woody substrates and decomposing logs was not addressed in this study, but may have a considerable influence on dynamics of N immobilization, N fixation, and moisture retention. The mineralization of soil organic matter has the potential to contribute substantially more inorganic N to the regenerating stand than the forest floor does (White et al. 1988), and current efforts at the study site should supply valuable information concerning the effects of intensive harvesting on soil nutrient availability. Lastly, there is a substantial lack of information concerning the effects of intensive harvesting on the cycling of other nutrient elements and on populations of soil organisms, warranting further investigation. 116 6.3 Conclusions Results from soil solution monitoring and field incubations of forest floor during March to June 2000 (8 to 12 months following harvesting) indicated that increasing harvest intensity from bole-only to total-tree harvesting affected the N dynamics of a high productivity Douglas-fir site in the following ways: Increased N availability (nitrification) at 0.2-m soil depth as harvest intensity increased from bole-only to total-tree to total-tree plus harvesting. No difference between treatments in total N leaching at 1.0-m soil depth. Total N leaching was estimated at 3 to 4.5 kg ha-1 6 mo-1 and existed predominately as NO3-N in the harvested treatments but as DON in the nonharvested forest. 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Date Bole-only Total-tree Total-tree plus significance level NO3-N March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.95 1.49 1.37 (0.45) (0.98) (1.28) 0.57 0.46 --- (0.14) (0.64) --- 0.83 1.12 1.52 (0.44) (0.66) (1.63) 0.82 0.65 0.94 NH4-N March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.09 0.07 0.04 (0.02) (0.08) (0.01) 0.08 0.07 --- (0.02) (0.04) --- 0.07 0.03 0.03 (0.04) (0.04) --- 0.62 0.13 --- total inorganic N March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 1.04 1.56 1.41 (0.44) (1.04) (1.27) 0.64 0.52 --- (0.11) (0.68) --- 0.90 1.15 1.96 (0.48) (0.63) (2.21) 0.79 0.66 0.86 DONa March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.15 0.31 0.23 (0.10) (0.28) (0.19) 0.34 0.33 --- ------- 0.23 0.20 0.09 (0.18) (0.08) --- 0.96 0.72 --- total N March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 1.19 1.88 1.63 (0.47) (1.00) (1.12) 0.90 0.37 --- ------- 1.32 1.35 0.48 (0.67) (0.58) --- 0.90 0.68 --- pH March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 5.84 5.44 5.72 (0.31) (0.19) (0.44) 5.57 5.61 --- ------- 5.68 5.44 5.68 (0.74) (0.58) (0.78) 0.93 0.64 0.54 a DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level Values in each row followed by different letters are significantly different (p < 0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 130 Appendix B. N concentrations (mg L-1) and pH of soil solution collected at 1.0-m depth with respect to time. Significance levels are from one-way ANOVA results for each treatment. Treatment Date NO3-N NH4-N ------------------------------------- total inorganic N mg L-1 DONa total N pH ----------------------------------- Bole-only March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 0.95 1.49 1.37 0.31 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.44 1.04 1.56 1.41 0.37 0.15 0.31 0.23 0.54 1.19 1.88 1.63 0.12 5.84 5.44 5.72 0.18 Total-tree March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 0.57 0.46 --- 0.08 0.07 --- 0.64 0.52 --- 0.34 0.33 --- 0.90 0.37 --- 5.57 5.61 --- Total-tree plus March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 0.83 1.12 1.52 0.86 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.72 0.90 1.15 1.96 0.13 0.23 0.20 0.09 0.86 1.32 1.35 0.48 0.35 5.68 5.44 5.68 0.18 Forest March 3, 2000 May 4, 2000 June 26, 2000 sig. level 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.89 0.11 0.09 0.05 0.77 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.90 0.82 1.16 0.43 0.20 0.98 1.29 0.54 0.15 5.60ab 5.30b 5.88a 0.02* a DON=dissolved organic nitrogen + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level For each treatment, values in each column followed by different letters are significantly different (p < 0.10) using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD test. 131 Appendix C. Moisture content (g g-1) of surface soil (0-10 cm) during field incubation period, March 28 to June 19, 2000. Values are means followed by standard deviation in parenthesis below. Harvested treatments were compared by ANOVA and were compared separately to nonharvested forest with a t-test. Date, 2000 April 25 (4 weeks) May 26 (8 weeks) June 19 (12 weeks) Boleonly Total- Total-tree tree plus 0.94 0.93 0.85 (0.09) (0.13) (0.10) 0.92 0.79 0.82 (0.16) (0.13) (0.10) 0.79 0.73 0.78 (0.14) (0.07) (0.17) + denotes significance at p < 0.10 level * denotes significance at p < 0.05 level ** denotes significance at p < 0.01 level ANOVA sig. level Forest 0.46 0.93 t-test significance level BoleTotal- Total-tree only tree plus 0.95 0.38 0.42 0.96 0.73 0.76 0.30 0.98 0.57 (0.11) 0.40 0.82 (0.12) 0.84 0.72 (0.08)