School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes

School of Forest Resources
Faculty Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2009 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Anderson Hall Room 22
Call to order by Tom Hinckley, Interim Director.
Alvarado, Ernesto
Asah, Stanley
Bare, Bruce
Bradley, Gordon
Briggs, David
Ewing, Kern
Fridley, James
Greulich, Frank
Gustafson, Richard
Harrison, Robert
Hinckley, Thomas
Hodgson, Kevin
Lawler, Joshua
Marzluff, John
Paun, Dorothy
Perez-Garcia, John
Rabotyagov, Sergey
Ryan, Clare
Sprugel, Douglas
Turnblom, Eric
Vogt, Daniel
Vogt, Kristiina
West, Stephen
Wirsing, Aaron
Zabowski, Darlene
Agee, James
Allan, G. Graham
Bakker, Jonathan
Bolton, Susan
Brown, Sally
Bura, Renata
Doty, Sharon
Eastin, Ivan
Edmonds, Robert
Ettl, Gregory
Ford, E. David
Franklin, Jerry
Gara, Robert
Glawe, Dean
Halpern, Charles
Johnson, Jay
Kim, Soo-Hyung
Lippke, Bruce
Manuwal, David
McKean, William
Moskal, L. Monika
Peterson, David
Reichard, Sarah
Schiess, Peter
Strand, Stuart
Torgersen, Christian
Toth, Sandor
Fink, Lois
Smith, Nevada
Trudeau, Michelle
The names that are grayed out are not eligible to vote during Autumn Quarter 2009.
• The School of Forest Resources Holiday Party will take place on December 9, 2009 from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
• Jim Fridley announced that the selection of the architect for the Anderson Hall renovation was decided at
the Architectural Commission meeting on December 7, 2009. The choice will not be made public until the
next Board of Regents meeting in January. The “predesign phase” must happen before the end of June.
School of Forest Resources community input will be sought in January and February 2010.
• Senior Capstone presentations take place on Thursday 12/10/09 12:30 p.m. and Friday 12/11/09 10:30 a.m.
in Anderson 207.
• Conservation in Practice - A College of the Environment Colloquium will take place Wednesday, March 3,
2010 in the HUB Ballroom. The event is free, but registration is required. Presentation Proposals are due
January 8, 2010. The event is sponsored by the UW Conservation of Living Systems Graduate Program
within the College of the Environment and made possible through the generous support of Harriet Bullitt.
Jon Bakker and Doug Sprugel are part of the planning committee.
• There will be an open meeting regarding the Dean’s search on Friday December 11, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
106B HUB
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December 8, 2009
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• No presentations are scheduled.
• Atmospheric Sciences joint position. This is a state funded tenure track position given by provost to CoEnv
Program on Climate Change. If we say no to this position ESS will jump on it. With very little certainty for
future, this is certain. This person would fit into NSF funding categories. We had such a position
historically. Dr. Hinckley sees a strong reason to do this. He has gotten thoughtful comments from a
number of folks who should voice concerns now. Faculty are worried about mortgaging the future and
balancing the emphases of the school. Yet, faculty believe there are a lot of reasons to support this. The
CoEnv was meant to bring together many groups on this campus under one umbrella. In order to that we
must have collaboration. We should take advantage of this. We don’t know what will happen with this
position, but it’s a sure thing. Faculty questioned what are implications 5 years from now for this person?
If the person is hired tenure track, but there is no state support in five years, what does that mean? Faculty
are wondering if or how a tenured position would continue without funding. Provost and Cheryl Cameron
said recently that it is no longer about positions anymore, it’s about money. We think about positions as a
valued commodity. Money will come from somewhere. It will not be a finite number of positions that get
allocated but a finite amount of money. If we advertise as tenure track position, then must give tenure if
they are qualified. In 5 years this will be a Dean’s decision. The faculty want proportional representation
on search committee believing this would ensure a positive outcome to the process. Faculty wonder who
pays for start-up noting this person will have at least $100K or more for start-up. Faculty also want to know
how the advertisement for this position will be presented and want to be sure that SFR approves the position
description. They also want to know where the person will be house, how promotion and merit issues will
be handled, and other complicated issues. Will there be more clarification on joint appointment
management any time soon?
• Dr. Hinckley provided an update on the Dean’s search. About 108 people have been nominated. These
people are being contacted. If you want to nominate someone you can go through Parker, the search
company, or leave Dr. Hinckley or someone else on the committee a note. Or, you can add comments or
nominations via this Catalyst website:
Emailing is discouraged.
• Jim Fridley provided an update on the state budget situation. The Governor’s budget is coming out next
week. It is expected that state need-based money financial aid will be eliminated. If you have students that
may be able to tell to tell legislature stories, Jim can get them before legislature. He also suggested sending
letters to editor.
• Dr. Hinckley wants suggestions from faculty about who should be selected to present the lecture for the
winter quarter lecture series. He would like an engaging speaker who’ll pull folks in.
• College of the Environment advisory committee needs good stories that are readily transferrable to the
membership of the advisory committee. SFR Fact Sheets are good, but other kinds of information are
• Proposed Curriculum Change
Rick Gustafson moved and David Briggs seconded the motion that the faculty approve the Curriculum
Committee recommendation regarding how new courses are added to the curriculum. The faculty voted to
approve the policy by a vote of 20 Approve, 5 Oppose, 8 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty which
constitutes a quorum majority.
School of Forest Resources
New Course Approval Policy
Specialty or Upper Division Courses: Faculty interested in offering a permanent new specialized or upper
School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting
December 8, 2009
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division course must follow the following procedure:
1. Offer the course as a “special topics” for the first year;
2. Have the course evaluated by students;
3. Show a level of student interest and quality of teaching (# enrolled/# on evaluation) that is at a level
demonstrating student interest and teaching quality.
4. Faculty can choose to try offering the course again if the first offering does not go well before
coming forward for approval.
5. The course must demonstrate reasonable enrollments (minimum 13 for Undergrad, 9 for Grad) and
be well received by students before requesting a permanent course number.
6. The new course must be proposed via a New Course Application Form with a syllabus and go
through the School of Forest Resources/College of the Environment/University of Washington
approval process.
Service or Lower Division Courses: Faculty interested in offering a permanent new service or lower division
course must follow the following procedure:
1. Submit a new course application, with the addition of the following:
a. Documentation demonstrating a lack of overlap with other course offerings on campus;
b. Sustainability of the course offering, including resources needed (instruction, teaching
assistants), student interest, budgetary requirements, etc.
2. The School of Forest Resources Curriculum Committee will review and follow established course
approval procedure.
• Proposed Adjunct Associate Professor Appointment
Kern Ewing moved and Jim Fridley seconded the motion that the faculty approve John “Buck” Banks,
Ph.D. for Adjunct Associate Professor. This appointment is sponsored by Kern Ewing. Dr. Banks is an
Associate Professor in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at University of Washington Tacoma. He has
been the UW Tacoma campus coordinator for the tri-campus UW Restoration Ecology Network (UWREN)
for the past 10 years. He anticipates that this adjunct appointment would open up other avenues of
collaboration, including more involvement with graduate student advising. The faculty voted to approve
this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the School of Forest Resources Director's office.
• Proposed Affiliate Assistant Professor Appointment
Josh Lawler moved and John Marzluff seconded the motion that the faculty approve Evan Girvetz, Ph.D. for
Affiliate Assistant Professor. This appointment is sponsored by Josh Lawler. Dr. Girvetz received his
Ph.D. in Ecology from University of California (UC) Davis in 2007. He has been a Research Associate in
Dr. Lawler's lab since 2007 and recently moved to a position with the Nature Conservancy. He hopes to
continue working with Dr. Lawler's laboratory and plans to secure funds to support a student to continue the
development of the ClimateWizard. In addition, his research lends itself well to short-term undergraduate
student projects and he will continue to provide guest lectures in Dr. Lawler's courses. The faculty voted to
approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the School of Forest Resources Director's
• Proposed Research Associate Appointment
Monika Moskal moved and Dave Briggs seconded the motion that the faculty approve Diane Styers, Ph.D.
is proposed for Research Associate. This appointment is sponsored by Monika Moskal. Dr. Styers received
her Ph.D. in 2006 from Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama in Forest Ecology, Urban Ecology, and
Human-Environment Interactions. Dr. Styers will conduct research related to urban forest health, ecosystem
health, and human health. She will be funded by a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with the U.S. Forest
Service Pacific NW Research Station from January 2010 through December, 2011. The faculty voted to
approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the School of Forest Resources Director's
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December 8, 2009
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• The next Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, January 5, 2009 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson
Hall Room 22.
SFR New Course Approval Policy
John “Buck” Banks Appointment Package
Evan Girvetz Appointment Package
Diane Styers Appointment Package