School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting Minutes

School of Forest Resources
Faculty Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2010 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Anderson Hall Room 22
The meeting was called to order by Tom Hinckley, Interim Director at 10:33a.m. Bob Edmonds moved and
Aaron Wirsing seconded the motion that the faculty approve the minutes of the April 13, 2010 Faculty Meeting.
The faculty voted to approve these minutes by a vote of 36 Approve, 0 Oppose, 7 Abstain.
Allan, Graham
Briggs, David
Doty, Sharon
Edmonds, Robert
Ettl, Greg
Ewing, Kern
Franklin, Jerry
Fridley, Jim
Gustafson, Rick
Halpern, Charles
Harrison, Robert
Hinckley, Thomas
Johnson, Jay
Paun, Dorothy
Schiess, Peter
Sprugel, Douglas
Turnblom, Eric
Wirsing, Aaron
Zabowski, Darlene
Agee, James
Fink, Lois
Asah, Stanley
Trudeau, Michelle
Alvarado, Ernesto
Bakker, Jonathan
Bare, Bruce
Bolton, Susan
Bradley, Gordon
Brown, Sally
Bura, Renata
Eastin, Ivan
Ford, E. David
Gara, Robert
Glawe, Dean
Greulich, Frank
Hodgson, Kevin
Kim, Soo-Hyung
Lawler, Josh
Lippke, Bruce
Manuwal, David
Marzluff, John
McKean, Bill
Moskal, Monika
Perez-Garcia, John
Peterson, David
Rabotyagov, Sergey
Reichard, Sarah
Ryan, Clare
Strand, Stuart
Torgersen, Christian
Toth, Sandor
Vogt, Dan
Vogt, Kristiina
West, Stephen
The names that are grayed out are not eligible to vote during Spring Quarter 2010.
• On April 23, 2010, there will be a Distinguished Alumni talk by Gary Machlis from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. in
the Forest Club Room. Gary (’75) is Professor of Conservation at the University of Idaho, and the first fulltime Science Advisor to the Director of the National Park Service. Gary was instrumental in developing the
Park Service’s social science program and the National Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Network,
which he coordinated from 1998-2006. The title of Gary’s talk is “On the Shoulders: An Interdisciplinary
Life in Conservation, Science, and Politics.” There will be an informal reception following the talk.
• Sharon Doty’s lab has moved and the renovation of the lab should be completed by mid July.
School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting
April 20, 2010
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• The Dean is still in Switzerland.
• No presentations were scheduled.
• Proposal to Reorganize the Staffing of Pack Forest
Greg Ettl distributed a handout that outlined the reasons for the reorganization. Pack Forest is a selfsustaining unit with limited state funding and the majority of income coming from timber revenue, which
has been halted, so there is currently no revenue from that source. State funding is minimal so the unit is
running on reserves. The question became how to best reorganize to meet Pack Forest’s mission. The main
goal of the reorganization is to more closely align the activities of forest operations with the mission of the
School of Forest Resources, which will result in an increase in student involvement in sustainable forest
stewardship of university property. The primary aim is to increase the hands-on training of our students.
Current staff activities-writing timber contracts, thinning and weeding stands, leading forest tours, and
planting trees, will be shifted to students and volunteers. Under the Director’s guidance, students will be
expected to fill most of the above roles performed by staff. A second goal of the proposal is to more fully
integrate faculty into research at and the management of Pack Forest by offering undergraduate internships
and Graduate Research Assistantships which will support the ongoing management needs of the forest.
An unfortunate consequence of the proposal will be a decrease in professional and classified staff employed
at Pack Forest. A reduction in staffing will have the benefit of lowering the dependency of Pack Forest’s
operations on harvesting timber. Restructuring will allows Pack Forest to reduce expenses thereby
decreasing harvest pressure. Pack Forest is currently preparing to sell ecosystem services tied to competing
management plans; a hiatus on harvesting allows more flexibility in decisions as they move toward an
auction in 2012. The plan for the coming year is to use RA appointments to help with forest management
needs of the forest.
The objective of the proposal is to reorganize Pack Forest Operations and the Center for Sustainable
Forestry at Pack Forest (CSF-PF) away from professional and classified staff with timber-oriented
management, to one of a more student-based sustainable forest management. With the exception of road
repairs, which will be reduced by keeping roads closed to traffic and reducing the heavy weight of logging
trucks, students are expected to fill most of the roles currently filled by staff. Positions to be eliminated and
how they will be managed under the reorganization were listed on the back of the handout.
Questions from faculty ranged from what had been done in the past related to harvest levels, who will
supervise the RA’s, and how often RA’s would be hired, and finally, will the RA’s be the face of Pack
Forest. The latter is no; that will still be Greg Ettl or Pat Saunders. Even if RA’s are hired every quarter,
there would still be a cost savings.
The Conference Center is separate from this reorganization, but they are not totally self sufficient; the
economic downturn has negatively affected them.
• Proposed Procedure to Consider Alternative Names to the School of Forest Resources
Sharon Doty moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty consider the procedure by
which an alternative name for the School will be brought forward.
The process considered was this:
The faculty were asked to vote for one name from a list of 5 names as an alternative to the name "School of
Forest Resources". Alternate names were determined by these methods: the most recently hired pool of
faculty met and determined these two names for consideration: "School of Natural Resources" and "School
School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting
April 20, 2010
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of Ecology, Society, and Bioresources". The students were polled and the top two names they chose by
ballot are "School of Natural Resources" and "School of Ecology and Natural Resources". Two names
emerged from mid- to late-career faculty and these are: "School of Ecology, Society, and Natural
Resources" and "School of Environmental and Forest Sciences". The top vote getter of the 5 alternate
names will be voted on against the current name, "School of Forest Resources". The name chosen in this
last vote will be the name for the School that will be forwarded to University of Washington Administration
for consideration.
The faculty voted to approve the process stated above by a vote of 24 Approve, 12 Oppose, 5 Abstain.
Because the process was approved, two more votes were polled.
In the second vote, the faculty were asked to vote for one name from the list of five names.
The five names and results of the vote are:
School of Natural Resources received 8 votes
School of Ecology, Society, and Bioresources received 5 votes
School of Ecology and Natural Resources received 2 votes
School of Ecology, Society, and Natural Resources received 0 votes
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences received 26 votes
In the third vote, the faculty were asked to vote for one name between School of Environmental and Forest
Sciences and School of Forest Resources. The results of the vote are School of Forest Resources received
12 votes and School of Environmental and Forest Sciences received 25 votes.
The number of eligible to vote faculty was 48.
Proposed SFR PCMI in Natural Resource Management
Rob Harrison moved and Darlene Zabowski seconded the motion that the faculty consider the
recommendation of the Curriculum Committee to approve the proposal to establish a School of Forest
Resources Peace Corps Master’s International Program in Natural Resource Management. The faculty
voted to approve this Program by a vote of 40 Approve, 0 Oppose, 3 Abstain of 49 eligible to vote faculty.
Proposed SFR Minor in Ecological Restoration
Sharon Doty moved and Bob Edmonds seconded the motion that the faculty consider the recommendation
of the Curriculum Committee to approve the proposal to establish a minor in Ecological Restoration. The
faculty voted to approve this Program by a vote of 38 Approve, 1 Oppose, 4 Abstain of 49 eligible to vote
Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE (Paper Science and Engineering) Curriculum to BSE
(Bioresource Science and Engineering) Curriculum
Tom Hinckley moved and Jerry Franklin seconded the motion that the faculty consider the recommendation
of the Curriculum Committee to approve revising PSE (Paper Science and Engineering) Curriculum to BSE
(Bioresource Science and Engineering) Curriculum. This proposal was considered along with the following
specific changes to the program. The faculty voted to approve these curriculum changes by a vote of 38
Approve, 0 Oppose, 5 Abstain of 49 eligible to vote faculty.
Proposed Curriculum Change to Drop PSE 404
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve dropping PSE 404 from the
Proposed Curriculum Change to Drop PSE 402
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve dropping PSE 402 from the
Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 450 to BSE 150
School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting
April 20, 2010
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It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 450 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 406 to BSE 406
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 406 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 476 to BSE 420
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 476 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 477 to BSE 430
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 477 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 478 to BSE 426
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 478 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 479 to BSE 436
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 479 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 480 to BSE 422
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 480 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 481 to BSE 421
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 481 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 482 to BSE 480
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 482 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 487 to BSE 481
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 487 to BSE
• Proposed Curriculum Change to Revise PSE 490 to BSE 490
It is the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve revising PSE 490 to BSE
• The next Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson Hall
Room 22.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
• Minutes of the March 16, 2010 Faculty Meeting
• Proposal to Reorganize the Staffing of Pack Forest
• Two SFR Name Change Documents
• PCMI Natural Resource Management Proposal
• UW 1503 Change Form for Ecological Restoration
• Ecological Restoration Minor Curriculum
• UW 1503 Change Form to Change PSE to BSE
• PSE to BSE Catalogue Guide
• UW 1503 Change Form to Drop PSE 404
UW 1503 Change Form to Drop PSE 402
UW 1503 to Change Form PSE 450 to BSE 150
BSE 150 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 406 to BSE 406
BSE 406 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 476 to BSE 420
BSE 420 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 477 to BSE 430
BSE 430 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 478 to BSE 426
School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting
April 20, 2010
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BSE 426 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 479 to BSE 436
BSE 436 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 480 to BSE 422
BSE 422 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 481 to BSE 421
BSE 421 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 482 to BSE 480
BSE 480 Syllabus
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 487 to BSE 481
UW 1503 Change Form PSE 490 to BSE 490