School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting Minutes CALL TO ORDER

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
Faculty Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Anderson Hall Room 22
Call to order by Tom Hinckley, Interim Director. Rick Gustafson moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion
that the faculty approve the minutes of the April 24, 2012 Faculty Meeting. The faculty voted to approve these
• Tuesday, May 15, 2012, UW Botanic Gardens, NHS, 1-5:30 p.m., Denman Forestry Issues Series, “Forests
and Carbon.” See
• Friday, May 18, 2012, Mary Gates Hall, 12-5:30 p.m., UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. See
• Please hold these dates:
o May 23, 2012, All School Meeting, Recognition Event, and Reception to honor retirees
o SEFS Graduation is June 8, 2012. Bob Edmonds will be the speaker.
o Graduate Student Orientation is September 20, 2012
o October 3, 2012, Welcome Back Salmon BBQ
o December 5, 2012, Holiday Party
o September 21, 2012, Strategic Planning Retreat at the Mountaineers Club.
• Reminder that Autumn Quarter starts on September 24, 2012 (a Monday). (It was originally scheduled to
start on 9/26).
• Proposed Emeritus Professor Faculty Appointment
Darlene Zabowski moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty approve the appointment
of Thomas Hinckley as Emeritus Professor. Dr. Hinckley received his PhD from the University of
Washington in 1971. He was on the faculty at the University of Missouri-Columbia from 1971-1979. Dr.
Hinckley came to the University of Washington College of Forest Resources as an Associate Professor on
January 1, 1980. He has taught many courses including courses in Forest Ecology and for the Silviculture
Institute. He advised 49 graduate students. He served as acting Dean (1984-85), Chair of the Division of
Ecosystem Sciences (1997-2000), Director of the Center for Urban Horticulture (1999-2004), and most
recently as Interim Director of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (2009-2012). The faculty
voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Emeritus Professor Faculty Appointment
Darlene Zabowski moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty approve the appointment
of Robert Edmonds as Emeritus Professor. Dr. Edmonds began his career in 1964 as a Research Forestry
Officer in the Forest Research Institute in Canberra, Australia. He then went on to the University of
Washington where he completed his MS (1968) and PhD (1971) degrees. After his postdoctoral experience
he became an assistant professor in the College of Forest Resources and Director of Pack Forest in 1976. In
total he has spent 39 years on the faculty at the University of Washington. As well as conducting research
he has had considerable administrative experience, serving as chair of the Ecosystem Sciences and
Conservation Division (1993-97), Chair Ecosystem Sciences Division (2000-01)and Associate Dean for
Research (2001-2009). He has also been very active in outreach, especially organizing the Denman
Forestry Issues program for the last 10 years. He also served on the Campus Landscape Committee for
many years. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the
Director’s office.
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
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Proposed Visiting Associate Professor Faculty Appointment
Rob Harrison moved and Rick Gustafson seconded the motion that the faculty approve the appointment of
Luiz Carlos Araujo dos Anjos as Visiting Associate Professor. This appointment is sponsored by Fernando
Resende. Dr. dos Anjos obtained his PhD from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil in
Chemical Engineering in 2010. Currently, Dr. dos Anjos is an Associate Professor at the Federal Institute of
Science and Technology (IFPE) in Ipojuca, Brazil. Dr. dos Anjos’ appointment is the first step of a broader
effort to increase research collaboration on biofuels with Brazilian institutions. His institution will continue
to provide his full salary during this appointment. He will not require any additional funds or resources.
The dates of this appointment will be 12/01/12 to 11/30/13. The faculty voted to approve this appointment.
The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Promotion to Adjunct Professor
Steve West moved and Bob Edmonds seconded the motion that the faculty approve the promotion of Glenn
VanBlaricom to Adjunct Professor. Dr. VanBlaricom has been approved as Professor in School of Aquatic
and Fishery Sciences. In order for his adjunct appointment to continue the SEFS faculty must approve his
promotion to Adjunct Professor. Dr. VanBlaricom has held an adjunct appointment in SEFS since 1993.
He works with the wildlife faculty and teaches the marine mammals’ course during spring quarter. He has
served on many SEFS graduate student committees. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The
results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed College Council Members
Bruce Bare moved and Susan Bolton seconded the motion that the faculty consider the nominees for
College of the Environment College Council membership:
Rick Gustafson
Kristiina Vogt
Sarah Reichard
John Marzluff
Rick Gustafson had the most votes and thus will be the representative to the council. Sarah Reichard was
the runner-up and thus will serve as alternate.
Run-off election of third seat on PMT Committee
At the April 24, 2012 Faculty Meeting Tom Hinckley moved and Dorothy Paun seconded the motion that
the faculty consider the nominees for Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee membership. The results of
the vote revealed Renata Bura and Charlie Halpern each received the same number of votes and a run-off
election is being held. Renata Bura was elected to serve on the PMT Committee.
Proposed Renewal of Adjunct Appointments
Doug Sprugel moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that the faculty consider the renewal of the
adjunct appointments of the faculty listed below.
Erica Cline, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma, Edmonds
Warren Gold, Adjunct Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell, Ewing
Christian Grue, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Iain Robertson, Adjunct Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture
Craig Thomas, Adjunct Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Affairs
Glenn VanBlaricom, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Joseph Ammirati, Adjunct Professor, Biology
Loveday Conquest, Adjunct Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
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Vincent Gallucci, Adjunct Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Roger Rosenblatt, Adjunct Professor, Department of Family Medicine
John Skalski, Adjunct Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Elizabeth Van Volkenburgh, Adjunct Professor, Biology
Richard Horner, Adjunct Research Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering
The faculty voted on these appointments. The results are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Instructor Appointments
The faculty are asked to consider the renewal of the affiliate instructor appointments of the faculty listed
Robert McGaughey, Affiliate Instructor
Stephen Reutebuch, Affiliate Instructor
The faculty voted on these appointments. The results are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Assistant Professor Appointments
The faculty are asked to consider the renewal of the affiliate assistant professor appointments of the faculty
listed below.
Hans Andersen, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Richard Bigley, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Lee Cerveny, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Robert Fimbel, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Bradley Gaolach, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Perry Gayaldo, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Rolf Gersonde, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Evan Girvetz, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Anne Kearney, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Willis Littke, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Don McKenzie, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Brad McRae, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Cara Nelson, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Toral Patel-Weynand, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Mark Petruncio, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Marco Restani, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Regina Rochefort, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Nathan Schumaker, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Daniel Smith, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Steven Trudell, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Robert Van Pelt, Affiliate Assistant Professor
Kevin Zobrist, Affiliate Assistant Professor
The faculty voted on these appointments. The results are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Associate Professor Appointments
The faculty are asked to consider the renewal of the affiliate associate professor appointments of the faculty
listed below.
Steve Acker, Affiliate Associate Professor
Joseph Antos, Affiliate Associate Professor
Jamie Barbour, Affiliate Associate Professor
Dale Blahna, Affiliate Associate Professor
Linda Chalker-Scott, Affiliate Associate Professor
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
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Robert Deal, Affiliate Associate Professor
William Fuller, Affiliate Associate Professor
Chih-Lin Huang, Affiliate Associate Professor
Darryll Johnson, Affiliate Associate Professor
Peter Kiffney, Affiliate Associate Professor
Narasimhan Larkin, Affiliate Associate Professor
Chris Lauver, Affiliate Associate Professor
John Lehmkuhl, Affiliate Associate Professor
Nalini Nadkarni, Affiliate Associate Professor
Scott Pearson, Affiliate Associate Professor
Todd Pearsons, Affiliate Associate Professor
Zinovy Royzen, Affiliate Associate Professor
Kenelm Russell, Affiliate Associate Professor
Matthew Vander Haegen, Affiliate Associate Professor
Amar Yahiaoui, Affiliate Associate Professor
The faculty voted on these appointments. The results are on file in the Director’s office.
Proposed Renewal of Affiliate Professor Appointments
The faculty are asked to consider the renewal of the affiliate professor appointments of the faculty listed
Keith Aubry, Affiliate Professor
John Banks, Affiliate Professor
Robert Bilby, Affiliate Professor
Peter Bisson, Affiliate Professor
Peter Dunwiddie, Affiliate Professor
James Flewelling, Affiliate Professor
Donald Hanley, Affiliate Professor
Constance Harrington, Affiliate Professor
Paul Hessburg, Affiliate Professor
Mack Hogans, Affiliate Professor
Rachel Kaplan, Affiliate Professor
Douglas Martin, Affiliate Professor
Lynn Michaelis, Affiliate Professor
Edwin Miyata, Affiliate Professor
Chadwick Oliver, Affiliate Professor
Kenneth Raedeke, Affiliate Professor
Martin Raphael, Affiliate Professor
Thomas Terry, Affiliate Professor
Daniel Underwood, Affiliate Professor
Charles Wurster, Affiliate Professor
The faculty voted on these appointments. The results are on file in the Director’s office.
• No presentations are scheduled.
• College of the Environment Dean Lisa Graumlich led a discussion of the College of the Environment draft
Strategic Plan. The CoEnv Strategic Plan offers broad mandates to communicate common goals and a
common vision so that we can be more efficient and effective with the resources we have. The Provost was
very pleased with the draft strategic plan because of its focus on cross unit and cross college collaboration
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
Faculty Meeting Minutes
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and its undergraduate teaching relevance. One faculty commented on using the term “external
communities” and moving away from the term outreach. Another faculty stated he’d like to see the College
of the Environment become the “English” department for the environment meaning the College could be the
center of environmental learning for everybody on campus. Another faculty wondered how we are going to
accomplish interdisciplinary teaching if there are no incentives to do so because of the ABB budgeting
system. The Dean said that her office retains a small percentage of the ABB funds to distribute for
interdisciplinary teaching initiatives that could include College-wide courses, team teaching with two in the
classroom together, or teaching outside the College. She does not want ABB to be the shackles that keep us
from doing important work. One faculty member wanted to know how this plan ties to SEFS, he sees
bioenergy featured in the plan, but is wildlife, conservation, or resource management represented here? We
appear to be left out on some level. The Dean said that the version that will be posted on the internet will be
a much richer version. The document presented to the faculty is a wrap up of something that is much more
detailed. Another faculty wondered why there are five objectives that list “why” and “how” but there are no
deliverables. This faculty member said every time he writes a grant he has to put in deliverables, the plan
would get attention if there were deliverables listed. The Dean was reluctant to specify outcomes in the
current funding climate. She mentioned the interdisciplinary initiatives that are available to units, and she
would like the plan to provide guidance about how to move forward when those are funded. The audience
for the plan is internal, the provost, and donors.
The Dean also mentioned that David Schimel is coming to campus on May 14, 2012. He is currently the
Chief Science Officer to NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). He will be presenting a
Mary Lidstrom, Vice Provost for Research, has renegotiated a new agreement with Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL). The Dean hopes that this will help open up opportunities for faculty in the
CoEnv to work with the PNNL.
The Dean announced that she hopes to bring back two of the Director’s Candidates for a second visit. Her
intention in doing this is to look more carefully at two people who are very different but also very qualified
for the position and determine who would be the best person for the job. She requests that SEFS faculty
engage with these people to help them understand why they would want to lead SEFS at this important time.
Faculty were disgruntled that the outcome of the faculty votes on the candidates will not be shared. The
Dean stressed that this is a very sensitive hire and that official policy is to keep the votes confidential. The
Dean understands that there was a very vigorous discussion at the faculty meeting and urges the faculty to
continue their enthusiasm for getting the best candidate for the Director’s job that we can by participating
fully in this next step. She understands that she may be viewed as being overly cautious, but she is well
aware of the importance of this decision and wants more information in order to make the best decision to
provide SEFS with the best person who will serve SEFS for the foreseeable future.
The next School of Forest Resources Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 10:30 to 11:30
a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 22.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Attachments: Minutes of the April 24, 2012 Faculty Meeting
Hinckley Emeritus Professor appointment package
Edmonds Emeritus Professor appointment package
Dos Anjos Visiting Associate Professor appointment package
VanBlaricom CV
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Faculty Meeting Minutes
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Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty appointment renewal matrix
College of the Environment draft Strategic Plan