School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting Minutes October 23, 2012, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Anderson Hall Room 22 CALL TO ORDER 10:30 Call to order by Associate Director Steve West. Graham Allan moved and Kristiina Vogt seconded the motion that the faculty approve the minutes of the October 9, 2012 Faculty Meeting. The minutes were approved by a vote of 31 Approve, 0 Oppose, 5 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10:35 • Reminder of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Grant Proposal Policy • The Institute of Forest Resources has announced a call for pre-proposals. The proposals must address certain criteria and have a budgetary limit. The pre-proposal must be no more than 3 pages and is due on November 15, 2012. This funding is made available through MacStennis moneys. • If you are interested in teaching Summer Quarter, please contact Nevada. • Ernesto Alvarado has been invited by the Provost to serve on the Faculty Advisory Committee for the Pacific Northwest Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PNW LSAMP Alliance). The PNW LSAMP is a five-year NSF grant. Dr. Alvarado will serve a two year renewable term. • An Ecological Letters article by John Withey, et al., who was a Research Associate with Josh Lawler received mention in the Editor’s Choice section of the September 28, 2012 issue of Science. • Scheduling for annual Work Planning sessions will begin very soon. Please update your teaching profiles through Spring Quarter 2014 as soon as possible. You may access the database here: To log in you must enter cfr\user-name • Vince Gallucci announced that the College of the Environment and the College of Arts and Sciences (Jackson School) is working on a “cluster” hire of 4-5 new faculty to work on arctic changes. The title of the initiative is “Future of Ice: a polar sciences and policy initiative.” FACULTY ACTIONS 10:40 • Proposed Research Associate Appointment John Perez-Garcia moved and Ivan Eastin seconded the motion that The faculty approve the appointment of Alicia Robbins as a Research Associate. Dr. Robbins received her Ph.D. from the School of Forest Resources at the University of Washington in 2011. The title of her dissertation was “China’s Forest Sector: Essays on Production Efficiency, Foreign Investment, and Trade and Illegal Logging.” Dr. Robbins will work on USFS projects examining the economics of urban ecosystem services and restoration economics. No additional resources are required for Dr. Robbins. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. • Proposed Changes to School of Forest Resources Bylaws Frank Greulich moved and Rick Gustafson seconded the motion that the faculty approve the recommendation of the Elected Faculty Advisory Council regarding the revised School of Forest Resources Bylaws. The changes to the bylaws were approved by a vote of 30 Approve, 2 Oppose, 4 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. • Proposed Curricular Change Clare Ryan moved and Graham Allan seconded the motion that the faculty approve changing the name of ESRM 429 from Water Seminar to Environmental Science and Resource Management Seminar. This course has rotating instructors. The faculty voted to approve this curricular change by a vote of 33 Approve, 0 Oppose, 3 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. • Proposed Curricular Change Jon Bakker moved and Rick Gustafson seconded the motion that the faculty increasing the credits from 3 to 4 of SEFS 502, Analytical Techniques for Community Ecology. This course is taught by Jon Bakker. The faculty voted to approve this curricular change by a vote of 32 Approve, 0 Oppose, 4 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. \\\main\Groups\Dept\Chairs\FACULTY MEETINGS\Faculty Meeting Minutes\2012\10-23-12 Faculty Meeting Minutes.docx School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting Minutes Page 2 • Proposed Curricular Change Doug Sprugel moved and Graham Allan seconded the motion that the faculty approve increasing the credits of SEFS 535, Fire Ecology, from 3 to 4. This course is taught by Ernesto Alvarado. The faculty voted to approve this curricular change by a vote of 33 Approve, 0 Oppose, 3 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. • Proposed Curricular Change David Ford moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty approve changing the catalog description of SEFS 541, Advanced Landscape Ecology, to more accurately reflect the content of the course. This course is taught by Josh Lawler. The faculty voted to approve this curricular change by a vote of 33 Approve, 0 Oppose, 3 Abstain of 45 eligible to vote faculty. PRESENTATION • No presentations are scheduled. DISCUSSION • No discussions are scheduled. UPCOMING MEETING The next School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 22. ADJOURNMENT 11:30 The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. \\\main\Groups\Dept\Chairs\FACULTY MEETINGS\Faculty Meeting Minutes\2012\10-23-12 Faculty Meeting Minutes.docx