School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting Agenda May 28, 2013, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Anderson Hall Room 22 CALL TO ORDER 10:30 • Call to order by Associate Director Steve West at 10:35 a.m. Bruce Bare moved and John Marzluff seconded the motion that the faculty approve the minutes of the May 14, 2013 Faculty Meeting. The faculty voted to approve the minutes by a vote of 31 Approve, 0 Oppose, 5 Abstain of 40 eligible to vote faculty. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10:35 • SEFS Graduation is on Friday June 14, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in Kane Hall Room 120. A reception will follow in the SEFS Courtyard. • The meeting schedule for the 2013-2014 Academic Year is: MEETING DATE LOCATION (BLDG. & ROOM #) TIME October 8, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. October 22, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. November 12, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. November 26, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. December 10, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. December 17, 2013 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. January 14, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. January 28, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. February 11, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. February 25, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. March 11, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. March 25, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. April 8, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. April 22, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. May 13, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. May 27, 2014 Anderson Hall Room 22 10:30-11:30 a.m. FACULTY ACTIONS 10:45 • Proposed Curriculum Change Doug Sprugel moved and Eric Turnblom seconded the motion that the faculty consider the recommendation of the SEFS Curriculum Committee to approve changing the name of SEFS 529 “Water Center Seminar” to “School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Seminar.” With the closing of the Water Center several years ago, the content of this seminar has changed. A title that reflects our School name would be appropriate for this course. Also, because of the content shift, we are requesting to remove the joint listings with the School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences and the Evans School of Public Affairs. The faculty voted to approve this change by a vote of 31 Approve, 0 Oppose, 5 Abstain of 40 eligible to vote faculty. • Proposed Curriculum Change It is the recommendation of the SEFS Curriculum Committee that the faculty approve combining two options in the Environmental Science and Resource Management Major. The Landscape Ecology and Conservation Option has been poorly enrolled and has significant overlap with our Wildlife Conservation Option. We would like to combine these two options and rename it “Wildlife Ecology and Conservation.” Consideration of this recommendation was dropped because the proposed change requires the Reorganization, Consolidation, or Elimination of Programs (RECP) process to be undertaken. • Proposed Elected Faculty Advisory Council (EFAC) Members Bruce Bare moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty consider the following nominations for Elected Faculty Advisory Council (EFAC) membership: Susan Bolton, Clare Ryan Ivan Eastin, Sandor Toth John Perez-Garcia, and Aaron Wirsing. Clare Ryan and Aaron Wirsing were elected to serve. • Proposed Curriculum Committee Members \\\main\Groups\Dept\Chairs\FACULTY MEETINGS\Faculty Meeting Minutes\2013\05-28-13 Faculty Meeting Minutes.doc Faculty Meeting Minutes Page 2 • • • • • • Bruce Bare moved and Sarah Reichard seconded the motion that the faculty consider the following faculty nominations for Curriculum Committee membership: Renata Bura, Fernando Resende, Kern Ewing, Aaron Wirsing, and Rob Harrison. Renata Bura and Kern Ewing were elected to serve. Proposed Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee (PMT) Members Bruce Bare moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that the faculty consider the following nominations for Promotion, Merit, and Tenure Committee membership: Rob Harrison, Sandor Toth, Josh Lawler, and Kristiina Vogt. Josh Lawler and Sandor Toth were elected to serve. Proposed Adjunct Associate Professor Appointment Rob Harrison moved and Eric Turnblom seconded the motion that David Stokes be appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor. This appointment is sponsored by Sarah Reichard. Dr. Stokes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington, Bothell. Dr. Stokes received his Ph.D. from the Department of Zoology at the University of Washington in 1994. Dr. Stokes began his career at Sonoma State University and returned to the University of Washington in 2006. He has lectured in SEFS and provided information to a graduate student. He would like to begin advising more graduate students, which is difficult to do at the Bothell campus. He would like to become involved with the Restoration Ecology Network and continue to work on invasive English holly. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. Proposed Affiliate Assistant Professor Appointment Bruce Bare moved and Doug Sprugel seconded the motion that Ryan Haugo be appointed as an Affiliate Assistant Professor. This appointment is sponsored by Charlie Halpern. Dr. Haugo is a Forest Ecologist with the Nature Conservancy in Yakima, Washington. Dr. Haugo received his Ph.D. from the School of Forest Resources at the University of Washington in 2010. Dr. Haugo hopes to facilitate student access to hands-on learning with projects that are in place near Yakima and also coastal Washington. He would like to lead field tours and facilitate senior capstones or graduate thesis research. He also hopes to provide students access to internships, assistantships, and mentoring opportunities in the Nature Conservancy. He would also like to serve on Graduate Student Committees. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. Proposed Emeritus Professor Faculty Appointment Steve West moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that the faculty approve the appointment of Douglas Sprugel as Emeritus Professor. Dr. Sprugel received his Ph.D. in 1974 and has been at the University of Washington since 1983. He began as a Senior Research Associate, in 1987 became a Research Associate Professor, and finally a Professor WOT in 1990. During his career at the University of Washington he carried out research on a wide range of topics including disturbance ecology, physiological ecology, paleoecology, and restoration ecology. He collaborated with many SEFS faculty and was awarded grants from NSF, USDA, EPA, and several smaller agencies. He has published over 50 articles in refereed journals. Although his position did not require formal teaching, he has taught a variety of seminar courses such as SEFS 567 Topics in Advanced Ecology and he has served on numerous graduate student committees. He has served the University in the Faculty Senate and on the Graduate School Council and he served on the College of the Environment College Council. On the national level he served on the grant review panel for the USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Ecosystem Science Panel and has been an officer in the Ecological Society of America. He currently serves on 3 Ph.D. committees and will continue to be involved with the Master of Science in Biology for Teachers program as it transitions to a program in the College of the Environment. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. Graduate Faculty Appointment Ivan Eastin moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that Professor Doug Sprugel be appointed as a member of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Graduate Faculty with endorsement to chair supervisory committees. This appointment will begin on June 16, 2013, the day after Dr. Sprugel’s retirement. The appointment will be for five years with the option to renew. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. Proposed Emeritus Professor Faculty Appointment \\\main\Groups\Dept\Chairs\FACULTY MEETINGS\Faculty Meeting Minutes\2013\05-28-13 Faculty Meeting Minutes.doc Faculty Meeting Minutes Page 3 Ivan Eastin moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that the faculty approve the appointment of Steve West as Emeritus Professor. Dr. West arrived at the College of Forest Resources in June 1979 as a Research Assistant Professor. He moved to tenure track in 1985, and was promoted to Professor in 2002. His research has focused on the responses of wildlife communities to timber harvest. He worked on the Forest Service’s Old-Growth Forest Project and subsequent Forest Ecosystem Management deliberations, and continued with Washington State’s Timber, Fish, and Wildlife riparian management zone and landscape projects, and culminated with the Forest Service’s Demonstration of Ecosystem Options project. These large scale projects informed forest management on federal as well as state and private lands, notably the “President’s Plan” for federal lands and Washington’s Forests and Fish regulations. He began teaching the field-oriented course Wildlife Research Techniques in 1990 which continues to this day, contributed to team-taught courses over the years, and offered many guest lectures in a variety of courses. His 40 graduate students now hold academic positions nationally and internationally, leadership positions in local, state, and national agencies, and in private enterprise. He has had memberships in several organizations and held leadership roles in the Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society, American Society of Mammalogists, and the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, and has had consultancies with 21 organizations. His primary service, however, has been with the School: CFR Associate Dean 2002-04, CFR Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 2004-09, SFR Associate Director 2009-12, and SEFS Interim and Associate Director 2012-13. He also served as the inaugural Chair of the College of the Environment Curriculum Committee from 2009-11. The faculty voted to approve this appointment. The results of the vote are on file in the Director’s office. • Graduate Faculty Appointment Ivan Eastin moved and Bruce Bare seconded the motion that Professor Steve West be appointed as a member of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Graduate Faculty with endorsement to chair supervisory committees. This appointment will begin on October 2, 2013, the day after Dr. West’s retirement. The appointment will be for five years with the option to renew. PRESENTATION • The Curriculum Committee has developed a list of courses with recommended core course prerequisites. The list is attached. The Curriculum Committee is recommending the prereqs so that students take the core courses first. ESRM 200 and 201 have been listed for appropriate courses. Core courses are limited to our program but students in other programs can still register for SEFS upper level courses. Prereqs are required now at UW for 400 level courses. Faculty expressed the desire to customize the lists. If a faculty member has a different idea of what he or she would like listed for one of their 400 level courses, please let Michelle Trudeau know. This is an information item. If there are no issues with this, student services will go ahead and enter the listed prerequisites. If issues arise then the Curriculum Committee will take them up. DISCUSSION 11:00 • No discussions are planned. UPCOMING MEETING 11:25 There is a special meeting on June 11, 2013. The next regular School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Faculty Meeting will be on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Anderson Hall Room 22. ADJOURNMENT 11:30 The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. \\\main\Groups\Dept\Chairs\FACULTY MEETINGS\Faculty Meeting Minutes\2013\05-28-13 Faculty Meeting Minutes.doc