Workplace Quality Committee May 10, 2002 Minutes Members attending: Lynn Catlett, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (chair), Dave Manuwal, Cecilia Paul, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau, Leslie Wall; Absent: Beth Dolan, Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Sally Morgan Agenda topics included: • task group status reports 9 recognition event 9 measuring workplace quality 9 meeting effectiveness 9 consensus brown bag 9 CFR Forum 9 • year-end status report needs • head start for Autumn 02 agenda and other new business Minutes of the 4/24/02 meeting were approved. Recognition event. The task group reported that planning was well underway, with response to the fact sheet competition, the recognition awards, and the silent auction coming in. The committee agreed that frequent advertising should occur, particularly in connection with silent auction items. It agreed that it would be preferable not to have a single master of ceremonies but to have several individuals acting in this role, “passing the baton.” Measuring workplace quality. B. Lippke reported that Dean Bare had allocated $1,000 for preliminary survey analysis to be accomplished in Summer 02. A very preliminary report with simple averages of question responses would be the goal for the end of the academic year, with work on analysis in the summer and beyond. The committee discussed how comments about named individuals would be handled; it was agreed that names would not be reported, but the behavior or attitude prompting the comment should be included in some meaningful way. It was agreed that in order to encourage survey response, a series of drawings of survey cover sheets would occur, with the 1st name drawn (May 13) winning a $50 UW Bookstore gift certificate; the 2nd (May 15), a $25 certificate; and the 3rd (May 17) a bottle of wine. 1 Meeting effectiveness. Agenda materials contained additional information on a School of Public Health Seminar on “Effective Meetings” that may be available in future to UW faculty/staff. It was also suggested that facilitated role-playing exercises might be a useful way to model good (or disruptive) meeting behaviors. The “meeting effectiveness task group” (C. Paul, M. Trudeau) displayed posters it developed with the rules developed by the committee. Posters will be made available to committee chairs and be posted in meeting rooms. Consensus brown bag. It was reported that feedback on this session was very positive. The consensus task group (C. Paul, L. Wall) was charged with exploring follow-up activities, including a second brown bag and/or an expanded presentation to a larger audience. CFR forum. The committee discussed the postponement of the forum on restoration – whether to redevelop it for Autumn 2002 or to explore an alternative subject matter. The committee agreed that for a forum such as the one initially envisioned by the committee to work, we would need to come up with a contentious but manageable topic in which participants would agree to engage with conviction and energy . Some on the committee expressed doubts that this is currently possible at CFR. It was suggested that the consensus topic had seemed to engage people’s interests and perhaps we should put committee energies into developing this expanded presentation to a larger audience rather than to continue pursuing the forum at this time. Committee members present agreed that a higher priority would be to work on the consensus topic in a forum format. Year-end status report. The committee agreed to take up the topic of the 02-03 work plan at its next meeting. WQC membership. The committee agreed that rotating membership on College committees was healthy and would increase opportunities for participation. It was also agreed that some continuity is important, and that some members serve by function of their administrative positions (e.g., division chairs, associate dean). The committee decided to poll its own members for desire to serve a second year and to recommend to the CFR Management Council that a combination of continuing and new members constitute membership for next year. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee Minutes, April 24, 2002 Members attending: Lynn Catlett, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Bruce Lippke (chair), Cecilia Paul, Michelle Trudeau; Absent: Beth Dolan, Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Becky Johnson, Dave Manuwal, Sally Morgan, Geetha Sukumaran, Leslie Wall Agenda topics included: 2 • Review of 4/10/02 minutes • Task group reports (1) Measuring workplace quality (2) Meeting effectiveness (3) Consensus brown bag (4) CFR Forum Minutes of the 3/19/02 meeting were as amended. Measuring workplace quality. The committee discussed a revised version of the workplace quality survey. Modifications and clarifications to the definitions of work unit and working circle were proposed, including stating clearly those definitions on the face of the survey. The committee agreed that the "working circle" and "type of work" identification of survey respondents, as they appeared in the draft, was appropriate. The committee also reviewed the draft cover letter, which would accompany the survey and be addressed from the Dean, the Division Chairs (after review by dean and chairs), and the WQC to CFR faculty and staff. The committee agreed that because of possible glitches in using a web-based survey instrument, the "tried and true" paper method would be used. Meeting effectiveness. The task group working on this project reported that posters were being prepared that would be placed in CFR meeting/conference rooms and that would be made available, upon request, to any committee chair. Consensus brown bag. The task group reported that the brown bag was scheduled for April 30, that it had been announced via the Straight Grain and email, and that an advertising poster would be placed in several CFR locations. CFR forum. No members of the forum task group were present at the meeting. The committee discussed the efficacy of trying to complete this task during the current academic year, given the incomplete state of planning at this time. Members present agreed that there was probably not enough time remaining in Spring '02 to do justice to such an event and recommended that it be postponed to a later date. It was decided that the committee would ask Sally Morgan to contact other members of the task group to get their thoughts on postponing the forum to Autumn 2002. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee April 10, 2002 Minutes 3 Members attending: Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Rick Gustafson, Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair, Sally Morgan, Cecilia Paul, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau, Leslie Wall; Absent: Bob Edmonds, Dave Manuwal; also attending: Kern Ewing Agenda topics included: • Review of 3/12/02 minutes • CFR Forum • Measuring workplace quality Minutes of the 3/12/02 meeting were approved. CFR forum: It was reported that the forum on restoration, originally scheduled for April 12, with J. Fridley as moderator, had been postponed due to a conflict in the moderator's schedule. A new date of April 26 was proposed. Kern Ewing, a forum task group member was present at the meeting, along with WQC/forum task group member Sally Morgan, and they led a discussion of the forum, which included the following questions/comments: • The forum as had been announced earlier was organized as a journal club discussion of several papers on restoration. K. Ewing said that 5 papers were available on the restoration web page. He said that all the papers presented an essentially positive view of restoration and discussed several aspects of restoration work. He wondered whether, as presently envisioned, the restoration forum would provide a framework for participants to discuss a "contentious" issue. • The committee once again discussed the purpose of the forum: to stimulate learning and discussion across a broad cross-section of the College and engage a diversity of opinions on some of the contentious issues in natural resources -- with a goal of providing a forum for the free and honest exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of respect for intellectual and emotional differences. • It was suggested that existing differences of opinion re: the value of ecological, economic, and social tradeoffs involved in restoration should be able to generate such a discussion and that there certainly must be differences of opinion among faculty, students, and other researchers in CFR. • It was suggested that perspectives on restoration open to debate also include the preexisting state to which restoration aspires, the ethical/moral questions it may raise, and other more philosophical, rather than scientific, inquiries. • The task group, as now constituted, includes S. Bolton, K. Ewing, J. Fridley, B. Johnson, and S. Morgan. It was suggested that additional faculty input be sought and perhaps additional papers be included in the readings for the forum. Suggestions included B. Lippke, from the perspective of riparian rules; D. Sprugel, from the perspective of determining which preexisting condition to restore (and author of paper on that topic); [Molly Hammond?, UW School of Law] 4 • It was suggested that in order to generate a more wide ranging discussion, several different viewpoints/perspectives on the value/tradeoffs of restoration might each be represented by a journal article or other paper or report. The WQC asked how it could assist the forum task group in organizing an event that would attract participants and generate good discussion. S. Morgan and K. Ewing said they would work on recruiting additional perspectives to be represented in the forum and would call on the WQC when they needed further assistance. Measuring workplace quality: The committee discussed the draft survey developed by the measurements task group (Ivan Eastin, Darryll Johnson, Anne Kearney, Clare Ryan). Comments and questions on the draft survey included: • The committee agreed that the survey task group had come up with a very useful instrument in a short time, and expressed appreciation for their work. • The rationale of having two separate surveys, one for staff and one for faculty, was questioned. It was suggested that changing the wording slightly to accommodate replies from staff or faculty on the few questions that varied for these groups would be possible. Simply allowing respondent's to answer N/A to questions dealing only with staff or faculty could accomplish this. • Committee members' comments suggested that identification of the respondent's work group seemed problematic and inconsistent, and survey questions' perspective seemed to jump randomly from unit to unit with no apparent rationale. Some suggested changes in work unit identification included: principal affiliation with teaching, research, or outreach; identifying centers as work units; identifying program areas as work units; how to deal with respondents who identify with multiple work units? L. Catlett agreed to summarize the committee's questions and concerns and relay them to the measurement task group. • R. Gustafson said that input from the point of view of divisional unit would be very useful to M&E. • It was agreed that support for the survey and some sense of how the survey results would be used to improve CFR workplace quality would need to be articulated by the Dean. • It was also agreed that maintaining the confidentiality of respondents was extremely important, and this would need to be considered in devising a method to analyze responses. Other items: It was announced that a staff potluck lunch was scheduled for April 18th at the Washington Park Arboretum. The committee briefly discussed a request re: diversity training at Pack Forest. It was agreed that this request should be relayed to Karen Russell. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee 5 March 12, 2002 Minutes Members attending: Susan Bolton (co-chair), Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Bob Edmonds, Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair), Dave Manuwal, Sally Morgan, Cecilia Paul, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau, Leslie Wall; Absent: Rick Gustafson Agenda topics included: • Review of 2/26/02 minutes • follow-up on CFR-Training topics • task group status reports 9 CFR Forum 9 recognition event 9 measuring workplace quality 9 participation by off-campus sites 9 consensus brown bag Minutes of the 2/26/02 meeting were approved with corrections. The committee discussed follow-up on proposed training topics (email etiquette, meeting effectiveness, and faculty governance and how it works. Email etiquette: Agenda materials included C&C's web information on "guidelines for using email." The committee agreed that this information was a sufficient guideline. It was suggested that a link to this information might be a useful item in the CFR User's Guide, currently under development. Meeting effectiveness: Agenda materials included reference and summaries on meeting effectiveness from various UW and web sources. The committee agreed to review the material for the next meeting. C. Paul agreed to follow up on a UW source (in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine) for a seminar or additional materials on running effective meetings. M. Trudeau and C. Paul agreed to work on making posters with WQC-recommended meeting guidelines for use in CFR meeting rooms. Faculty governance: It was reported that Steve West, EFC chair, is working on this issue as one of CFR's six-month objectives. Members of WQC task groups then reported on their activities to date: CFR forum: It was reported that the forum has been scheduled for April 12, with J. Fridley as moderator. 6 Recognition event: It was reported that the first task group meeting had been held (notes from the meeting included in agenda materials). The event objective proposed by the task group was "Recognition for exemplary achievements by individuals and teams as they respond to CFR performance objectives (short and long term), vision, and core values," with a secondary objective of "building a more positive work climate with broader recognition of all the roles important to the success of CFR." Ideas for attracting attendance proposed by the task group included: free food and drink, door prizes, silent auction with proceeds to benefit CFR scholarships, quiz show, and competition for best recruiting pitch for new curriculum options (juried by students). It was noted that the event was tentatively scheduled for 5/31/02, to take place in the Lockwood Forest Club Room. It was suggested that scheduling the recognition event on the same day as the work plan meeting to be scheduled for spring quarter might increase opportunity for participation by faculty and staff from off-campus sites. Measuring workplace quality: A draft survey developed by the measurements task group (Ivan Eastin, Anne Kearney, Clare Ryan) was included in the meeting agenda, and committee members were asked to review it and send comments/corrections to Ivan Eastin, who is heading the task group. Off-campus site participation. S. Morgan reported that the Urban Ecology Initiative group is purchasing conference phones that will work well in Anderson 22; they are willing to share with CFR whenever possible. It was suggested that this equipment might be reserved for either the forum or the consensus brown bag, or that equipment might be reserved through UW telecommunications. The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee February 26, 2002 Minutes Members attending: Susan Bolton (co-chair), Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Linda Hegrenes, Dave Manuwal, Sally Morgan, Cecilia Paul, Michelle Trudeau, Leslie Wall; Absent: Fred Hoyt, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair), Geetha Sukumaran Agenda topics included: • Review of 2/12/02 minutes • Follow-up on CFR guiding principles/core values • Follow-up on topics for CFR-wide training opportunities • Task group and other reports Minutes of the 2/12/02 meeting were approved. 7 The committee discussed the draft guiding principles/core values proposed by L. Catlett and distributed to the committee for review via email. One suggested amendment related to the implementation suggestion of recognizing behavior that does not forward the core values; it was suggested that the behavior and not the individual should be the focus, and that preserving confidentiality of the “whistleblower” should be the goal. L. Catlett agreed to amend the recommendation. It was agreed that the co-chairs would forward the recommendation to the Dean, in completion of the six-month objective assigned to the committee at the 12/10/02 strategic planning retreat. The committee discussed the potential topics for CFR-wide training opportunities. It was agreed that the three proposed topics – (1) how to run meetings, (2) email etiquette, and (3) faculty governance and how it works -- were a useful place to start. Meetings. It was agreed that there was room for improvement in the general level of efficiency and professionalism, in both process and content, of CFR meetings, and that such improvement would contribute to workplace quality. The different types of meetings in CFR were discussed – decision-making, brainstorming, information transfer, etc. -- which may require different processes and rules. And, although some meetings may be largely of one type, many contain elements of all these types. It was pointed out that WQC had already forwarded to the Dean a set of guidelines for committee process; isome follow-up should be expected from that recommendation. M. Trudeau and C. Paul agreed to research resources for running meetings, including training opportunities and helpful reference materials. B. Dolan said that students would also benefit and should be included in any training opportunities. Email etiquette. It was agreed that there was also room for improvement in CFR in email etiquette. It was pointed out that use of email has become more sophisticated over the years and that etiquette is generally improving. S. Morgan agreed to provide the committee with the general guidelines for using email prepared by UW Computing and Networking. Faculty governance. It was pointed out that one of the six-month objectives developed at the 12/10/01 strategic planning workshop was that *By April 15, 2002, the EFC (Steve West-lead) will develop a plan to improve faculty involvement and use of faculty governance and distribute to the faculty.” It was agreed that the completion of this objective would be the first step in providing training on faculty governance. WQC task groups reported on their progress: CFR forum. S. Bolton and S. Morgan reported that the task group had met and that a date of 4/12/02 had been set for the first CFR forum, which the committee had earlier agreed would focus on restoration. A general discussion about the purpose of the forum (how to help CFR community to “agreeably disagree” about contentious topics) elicited varying degrees of confidence that the objectives can reasonably be achieved. However, it was agreed that taking a first step, however small, was important. The format of the first forum is planned to be a journal club discussion of two or three papers on the philosophy of restoration. Abstracts of the papers, to be selected by S. Bolton and K. Ewing, would be made available. It was also possible that the Forest Resources Library could post copies of the papers in advance of the forum. 8 Recognition event. C. Paul reported that the first meeting of this task group had been scheduled. Measuring workplace quality. Although no member of the task group was present, it was noted that work on this project was progressing and that the CSA union rep for CFR (L. Catlett) would be assisting in the project. Remote site participation.S. Morgan agreed to follow up on the conference call demo phones. C. Paul agreed to email off-campus sites to solicit input on what technology could best increase their participation in CFR meetings and other events. Consensus brown bag. L. Wall reported that the consensus brown bag had been set for 4/9/02, with panel participation by M. Bean, J. Agee, and C. Ryan [This has subsequently been rescheduled to 4/2/02]. The committee briefly discussed ways to market the event to ensure a good turnout. The chairs agreed that in upcoming division meetings, they would encourage faculty to attend and to have faculty announce the brown bag in classes. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee February 12, 2002 Minutes Members attending: Susan Bolton (co-chair), Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Bob Edmonds, Fred Hoyt, Dave Manuwal, Cecilia Paul, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau, Leslie Wall; Absent: Rick Gustafson, Linda Hegrenes, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair), Sally Morgan Agenda topics included: • Review of 1/29/02 minutes • Recommendation re: CFR guiding principles/core values • Task group and other reports • Implementation of committee decisions Minutes of the 1/29/02 meeting were approved. Guiding principles/core values. The committee continued a discussion of CFR guiding principles/core values [accessibility, accountability, communication, inclusion and consensus, integration, preeminence, respect, timeliness] begun at the previous 9 meeting. WQC had been given the following charge at the Strategic Planning Workshop of 12/110/01: By February 1, 2002, the Workplace Quality Committee (Lynn Catlett-lead) will review the draft core values and input from students, staff, faculty, alumni and advisory board and make a recommendation to the Dean. Committee members had been asked to review L. Catlett’s summary of survey responses to questions re: current CFR guiding principles and to suggest revisions, if appropriate. Committee discussion included the following comments: • The current list was deemed by most to be too long with some redundant “principles” • It was agreed that of all the current principles the most common negative survey response was to the notion of “preeminence.” It was pointed out that this was more appropriate in a vision statement than as a core value or guiding principle. • Additional core values suggested included: coordination, interdisciplinarity, cooperation, high quality (teaching and research) • It was noted from survey responses, and committee members present agreed with this assessment, that core values/guiding principles have little utility if there are no formal and informal mechanisms to encourage their embrace by CFR members. • It was suggested that single words perhaps do not adequately convey a core value; it was suggested that the use of a succinct defining sentence might either accompany or take the place of the single word concept. • The agreed that it would recommend a proposal for three core values: open communication, respect, and accountability. L. Catlett agreed to send committee members a draft sentence via email defining each proposed core value. • The committee agreed that it would also recommend that implementation of the core values should include their being part of evaluation processes and in shaping formal and informal awards/incentives mechanisms. Task group reports: • S. Bolton reported that the first meeting of the CFR forum task group was scheduled for 2/25/02. • C. Paul/L. Wall reported that meetings re: the consensus brown bag had been scheduled and that a date would be set soon. Recognition event: The committee had a general discussion on the concept of recognition of staff, students, and faculty in its various levels of formality and scope. Comments and questions on this topic included: 10 • Recognition ranges from individual to work unit to CFR-wide to UW-wide. Anything beyond informal recognition by one individual may involve questions of equity and in relation to staff must be guided by standard UW policies requiring equity. • It was suggested that meaningful recognition was a component of workplace quality and culture – WQC involvement in this must be pragmatic and take into account that changing the organizational culture is a work in progress and that recognition is only one part of the mix. Individual committee members appeared to give variable priority to this topic, but it was suggested, and generally agreed [?] that it would be good to start somewhere. Implementation of WQC decisions. The committee discussed how to implement decisions and recommendations. • Re: recommendation for committee process -- It was pointed out that the WQC does not always follow its own recommended committee guidelines – how to encourage other committees to use this as a model? S. Bolton agreed to once again forward the proposed guidelines to the Dean as a committee recommendation. [The guidelines are available on the web at] • Re: recommendation for training and professional development. It was pointed out that the recommendation and report developed by the training task group with input from the whole committee had not been forwarded to the Dean and Management Council. \ S. Bolton agreed that the WQC co-chairs would formally forward this recommendation to the Dean. • It was suggested that the committee might compile a list of topics on which it might be useful to have CFR-wide training (possibly in house), including how to run efficient meetings and how to implement decisions.. L. Catlett agreed to send a draft list to committee members via email for further discussion. The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Workplace Quality Committee January 29, 2002 Minutes Members attending: Susan Bolton (co-chair), Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair), Dave Manuwal, Cecilia Paul, Leslie Wall; Absent: Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau Agenda topics included: • Review of 1/15/02 minutes 11 • Task group and other reports • Review/confirm current task group membership Minutes of the 1/15/02 meeting were approved with one correction. Training/Professional Development task group. L. Catlett provided copies of and discussed a report of this task group. The report referenced a 12/00 report by the ORT task group on training/development/performance reviews in which perceived training needs were identified. The report proposes a budget request of $18,000 as a baseline figure, based on two courses (averaging $75/course)/person/year for approximately 100 permanent CFR employees. The report discusses sources of training (T&D, C&C, department workshops, in-house training and self-service library of manuals, among others) and methods of delivery (ranging from on-line tutorials, traditional classroom discussion, to self-service library). The report proposes assessment of training needs as an integral part of annual performance reviews. Committee questions/comments on the report included: • UW policy is that staff should receive training when requested within a reasonable period of time • Training and assistance in developing and maintaining budgets may be forthcoming with access to downloading financial data from UW databases • Assessment of individual training needs can become integral part of performance reviews only upon completion of individual job descriptions, as recommended by ORT • A number of staff salaries (how many? -- this information should be available) are paid by research grants or self-sustaining budgets and some of these could support training -- however, money available from this source varies widely among work units • Source of information about training/development opportunities -- should it be the administrator, a committee, CFR user's guide/handbook, the Straight Grain, all of these? (This comment prompted a question re: the status of the user's guide; B. Edmonds said that it is still being compiled and that there will be both a printed and web version.) A motion was made and seconded that the WQC should recommend to the Dean and the Management Council that (1) a budget of $18,000/year for staff training be appropriated, noting that centers and self-sustaining budgets may be able/willing to take on a share of these costs, and (2) a committee (probably including, even headed, by Karen Russell) be appointed to implement the suggestions outlined in the task group report. Report on WQC task re: CFR core values. L. Catlett provided copies and discussed a report she had prepared in response to her assignment at the 12/10/01 CFR strategic planning workshop as the lead in coordinating a WQC review of draft core values. She said the core values had originally been developed at the Pack Forest retreats, and had 12 been included in the material CFR students, faculty, and staff were asked to evaluate in the 10/01 survey. The report contained all survey responses re: the values and summarized suggested additions, deletions, and edits. Committee questions/comments on the report included: • How can these values be meaningful, i.e., what happens if they are not observed? • They are a commonly used strategy of organizations/corporations to succinctly communicate basic operating principles -- they may be a useful place to start in framing discussion of contentious issues • Majority of survey respondents liked the values -- although some edits were suggested -- but many saw the need for "follow-through" The committee agreed to review the report and based on this review to propose a recommendation to the Dean, as requested, of a statement of CFR's core values. Staff brown bag lunches. B. Johnson reported that a number of staff were interested in resuming the staff lunches begun under the previous WQC. The committee agreed that this was a project that could go ahead on its own initiative. Consensus brown bag. C. Paul reported that the brown bag, which in original discussions with Clare Ryan was to have included participation by faculty from the Evans School, would need to go ahead without this participation if planned for Winter '02 because of time constraints on those faculty. The committee agreed that this is a needed discussion and could be a two-part series, with CFR participants in Winter, expanded to some external participation in Spring. Measuring workplace quality. B. Lippke reported that a task group including he, Ivan Eastin and Anne Kearney would begin working on developing a survey/measurement tool for assessing workplace quality. UW Human Resources has just begun developing assessment tools in this regard. CFR forum. B. Lippke reported that he had contacted Kern Ewing and that Kern had agreed to work on the initial forum topic, restoration. The Winter Quarter forum task group was expanded to include S. Bolton; it now includes Bolton, Borsting, Ewing, B. Johnson, Morgan. The committee agreed that the group needed to pick a date and coordinate the forum with the Winter '02 restoration course. Annual recognition event. The committee discussed briefly how criteria would be developed for recognition, but agreed that a task group should be assigned to further develop the event concept and organization. R. Gustafson said that he was currently working on "citizenship" as a criterion in M&E PMT discussions and that he would also like to see this as part of recognition. Committee members R. Gustafson, B. Johnson, and B. Lippke and C. Paul volunteered to work on the project. B. Dolan agreed to help provide student input to criteria for recognizing student contributions. It was suggested that Ann Corboy be asked to join the task group. The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:40 p.m. 13 Workplace Quality Committee January 15, 2002, Minutes Members attending: Susan Bolton (co-chair), Lynn Catlett, Beth Dolan, Bob Edmonds, Rick Gustafson, Linda Hegrenes, Fred Hoyt, Becky Johnson, Bruce Lippke (co-chair), Dave Manuwal, Sally Morgan, Geetha Sukumaran, Michelle Trudeau Absent: Cecilia Paul, Leslie Wall Agenda topics included: · Review of 12/6/01 minutes · Task group status reports Minutes of the 12/06/01 meeting were approved, with one correction. CFR Forum. The committee discussed who will be in charge of the Winter 2002 Forum. It was suggested that those in charge should include: M. Borsting, K. Ewing, S. Morgan, and B. Johnson (willing to help the day of the event). B. Lippke offered to call Kern. It was also suggested that the date of the forum be left up to those listed above. L. Catlett reported on the Training/Professional Development topic. She indicated that she and M. Trudeau had not yet had a chance to meet to discuss this, but would set up a meeting sometime this week. She said she had done some research and that the topics that people seemed most interested in learning about were: Access, reconciling budgets, web tools, etc. She suggested that those who have knowledge of these areas teach those who are interested in learning. Training and Development could then be hired to do a two-hour "tips and tricks" course. For each staff person to take one course per year would cost the CFR approximately $9,000. M. Trudeau offered to teach an Access class. Lynn said that she hadn't done research on outside resources, but they would be much more expensive. It was suggested that research grants should have money to pay for classes. 14 S. Morgan reported on remote site participation. She checked into the purchase of equipment (phone with good microphone, good speakers, filters, etc.). They run between $500-$900 to purchase. The other option is to rent this equipment at $30 per use from UW Telecommunications. It was suggested that we contact the representative and ask to try out the equipment before deciding to rent or purchase. It was recommended that CFR replace the Dean’ s birthday lunch with a social. M. Trudeau volunteered as lead on this event. B. Johnson and L. Hegrenes offered to help out. Measurement of work place quality. B. Lippke said he would talk to Darryl Johnson, Clare Ryan, Ann Kearney, and Ivan Eastin in regards to metrics to measure improvement in workplace quality. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Submitted by M. Trudeau and L. Hegrenes 15