Workplace Quality Committee Minutes 1998-1999

Workplace Quality Committee Minutes
January 21, 1999
Members attending:
Bev Anderson, Scott Bodien, Gordon Bradley, Becky Johnson, Cecilia Paul.
The committee discussed the Distinguished Lecture Series and the Research Showcase Series, tasks assigned to it in
the CFR Work Plan, and made the following recommendations:
* The committee recommends that planning go forward on the Distinguished Lecture Series. Input from committee
members, including student input from S. Bodien, was that such a series, with speakers in a broad range of highlevel corporate and public policymaking positions, would help CFR "improve visibility." It would provide a
valuable opportunity for students, faculty, staff, the UW community, and the public to hear corporate and
governmental leaders' views on current forestry and natural resource issues. It is recommended that a list be
formulated and that letters of invitation and scheduling begin. Student member S. Bodien will provide some broader
student input on prospective speakers.
* The committee recommends that research showcases be scheduled for Spring and Autumn '99 Quarters.
* It recommends that the Spring Showcase be held at CUH in conjunction with the CUH Open House on May 7.
This showcase would feature research on restoration/invasive nonnative species with participation from among the
following: K. Ewing, S. Reichard, L. Chalker-Scott, M. Wecker and associated graduate students and staff.
* It recommends that the Autumn Showcase be held in conjunction with the Alumni Association Annual meeting (as
in Autumn '98). This showcase would feature research on carbon storage/global warming/climate change issues with
participation from among the following: L. Brubaker, T. Hinckley, J. Perez-Garcia, and D. Peterson and associated
graduate students and staff.
The committee discussed the rewards framework task and makes the following recommendations:
* "Dean's Dollars" redeemable at the espresso cart in the Health Sciences 4th floor lobby be made available for
faculty, staff, and students to show appreciation and recognition of another's special efforts. The "dollars" have been
designed; details of the distribution mechanism will be worked out as soon as procedural details are confirmed by
Housing and Food Services.
* A larger award, in the form of cash or equipment be announced annually by the Dean, with clearly defined
objectives and criteria that are related to CFR goals and targets and clearly defined means to determine progress or
results. The committee recommends that the Operations Committee assist the Dean in formulating these objectives
and criteria.
The committee briefly discussed ideas relating to standard operating protocols for CFR committees in order to
promote more efficient and effective committee work.
B. Anderson said that UW Training and Development has requested time to present its programs and resources to
the College. The committee recommends that this be a framework for one or a series of "brown bag" get-togethers,
perhaps on focused topics, during Winter and Spring Quarters. The committee will follow up on scheduling these
December 29, 1998
The Workplace Quality Committee had its initial meeting on Thursday, January 29, from 2-3 p.m. All members
were present: B. Anderson, G. Bradley, R. Johnson, C. Oliver, C. Paul, and L. Soderquist.
The committee's discussed three topics:
(1) Procedural questions. The committee agreed on a biweekly meeting schedule, Thursdays, 2-3 p.m., unless
otherwise notified. By consensus, the committee decided that it would work as a group, without a chair, until the
need for this formal structure arises.
(2) General workplace quality issues. The committee discussed, in very broad terms, the issues of workplace quality
in CFR as it relates to opportunities for collegial interaction. Topics discussed were: the use of the Anderson Hall
Commons as a resource for a wider group, including faculty, staff, and students; ways to promote communication
and collegial interaction among faculty members and between research labs; ways to enhance collegiality and
recognition of achievements-- for example, having the Anderson hall copy center/mailroom office serve as a place
for displaying photos of College personnel and a display case for achievements (i.e., book and publication displays,
news articles).
(3) Dispute resolution training for CFR Ombudsmen group and CFR administrators. The committee reviewed the
materials gathered previously by the Ethics Committee on possible providers of such training. The question of Ahow
large a group "CFR administrators" included was discussed in relation to the logistics involved in ensuring
participation in full-day, or Blonger, training sessions. There was a consensus that the CFR Ombudsmen group
should be provided this training at the earliest opportunity, perhaps in a smaller group session with "core"
administrators. B. Anderson agreed to call the providers to get their advice and input on the relation between size of
trainee group, length of training session, and benefits gained from the training.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- The Workplace Quality Committtee met on 2/26/98.
Present: Anderson, Johnson, Soderquist Members present reviewed proposals from two consultants (out of three
contacted) for conflict resolution/mediation training for administrators and ombudsman group (task #25 on work
plan). "Conflict = Opportunity" provided the preferred package for the following reasons: a) they provide a short
initial meeting of trainees to ensure that all are getting something worthwhile; b) they schedule the training over
time for better retention; c) they provide the same training to the whole group. Copies of proposals will be sent to
missing members for their opinions, which are requested by 3-5-98. The group to be trained was expanded to
include those in high-conflict positions and members of WQC not otherwise included. The current list of proposed
trainees includes: Anderson, Baerwald, Bash, Bradley, Brubaker, Catlett, Cone, Gorelik, Gustafson, Hamilton,
Hinckley, Johnson (B.), Lippke, Norton, Oliver, Paul, Peterson, Soderquist, Thorud.
After the meeting, the third consultant called to decline.=> Other topics covered: Code of Ethics (task #32 on work
plan). We developed a working definition of a code of ethics: "a common set of behavioral and professional
expectations." We agreed that we already had material to work with, including "Richard's Rules," UW Policy in the
Handbook, and guiding principles that are part of our strategic planning. Other ideas may emerge as well from
conflict/mediation training. Uses of code will include: handout to new employees, posting on Web for reference. B.
Anderson will do a web search for codes from other organizations by the next meeting. Rewards/recognition models
(task #33 on work plan). In a very brief discussion, we agreed that recognition can take many forms, ranging from
day-to-day acknowledgements of appreciation by colleagues and supervisors to more formal models of substantial
rewards. Rewards, particularly formal College-wide rewards, should tie in with accomplishment of UW/CFR goals
and objectives. Discussion will continue at next meeting. User's Guide to CFR (task #43 on annual work plan). An
internal web site an addition to that or an organizing tool for it. We looked at Engineering's "Catalog of Services" as
one example of organization. We discussed that a FAQ section would be useful and that an interactive page for ongoing questions would help keep the guide relevant. Discussion will continue at future meetings.