Stand Management Cooperative


Stand Management Cooperative

2012 SMC Annual Report

University of Washington

School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

4000 15


Ave NE-Box 352100

Seattle, WA 98105-2100

206-543-9744 phone

206-685-0790 fax

Director Gregory Ettl

2012 SMC Annual Report


Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 4

2012 Highlights

....................................................................................................... 7

Mission and Organization ............................................................................................................. 9

Financial Management .................................................................................................................14

Field Work and Database Report ................................................................................................ 18

Research ..................................................................................................................................... 25

Silviculture Project Progress Report

................................................................... 26

Wood Quality Project Progress Report

.............................................................. 29

Modeling Project Progress Report

...................................................................... 29

Nutrition Project Progress Report

..................................................................... 30

CAFS ………………………………………………........................................................................ 34

Technology Transfer .................................................................................................................. 42

Publications and Reports .................................................................................... 43

Bylaws ................................................................................................................... 49

Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops .................................................................................. 55

Education and Outreach ............................................................................................................ 56

Staff ......................................................................................................................................... 58

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2012 SMC Annual Report

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2012 SMC Annual Report

From the Director

Greg Ettl

T he SMC transitioned Directorship in 2012.

That transition required several meetings to reorganize SMC and solidify our research agenda.

I thank Dave Rumker for help transitioning and

Dean Stuck for serving as the new Policy Chair and

Candace Cahill as the Vice Chair.

I made good progress on my goal to meet one-onone with each stakeholder to examine how we can continue to work together to strengthen the SMC.

Below is the list of questions I sent each member prior to the meetings to facilitate the discussion.

Our conversations were an integral part in educating me on the work of SMC and the research needs for the future. I was impressed by the commitment of members, and their desire to work collaboratively to find solutions. I thank all of the people who made time in their busy schedules to discuss the needs and goals of SMC.

In order to understand member needs I posed the following questions:

• What are the main benefits you receive from belonging to the SMC?

• How does your group use the data? Is there specific output that would be the most useful for your research or planning efforts?

• Which types of plots are most important to your group?

• What research efforts are of the greatest interest or use to your group? Think through the work of the Technical Advisory Groups; how have their respective efforts helped your group through the years?

• Planning for the next 10 years how secure do you think your group’s membership in the SMC is? What can we do now to help secure your future membership?

• Are there any ways that the SMC has not lived up to your needs or expectations?

• Our discretionary budget after collecting and processing the data is small, maybe $25,000-

$40,000. What would be the most effective way for us to use that money?

Most of the information provided by members will remain confidential as the information was for me to help guide SMC into the future. However, there were many common themes, and I used this information to begin refining our research program to better meet member needs. This process will take time as we look for the best way to meet our collective needs.

I provide answers to the following question so all members can see the common themes:

Question 1: List one research question you would like SMC to focus its efforts. Leave behind any past ideas and temporarily suspend any question of funding or the way we are set up as an organization.

• Analyze young stand data to determine when to conduct PCT, to what residual tpa, including thresholds of what should be thinned and what does not need it.

• Focused data analysis and/or synthesis of existing research needed for understanding the biological and economic effects of

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2012 SMC Annual Report intensive silviculture practices and associated risk and uncertainty (especially with respect to climate change and forest health).

• The need to know what the response to fertilizer is in plantations. We are now starting to get results as to where we get a response, now we need to know how much that response is.

• What are optimal initial planting density, incorporating good site prep and control of competing vegetation, and fertilization regimes as influenced by soils, local climate, and other location-specific factors for DF,

HM, Mixed DF/HM.

• In essence, with the right outputs, across a range of treatments, cooperators could determine optimums based on their own criteria – costs, revenues, MAI’s, PAIs etc.

• Assessing maximum productivity and mapping it across the landscape.

Question 2: List one tool that you would like to see SMC produce. For tools we can think more broadly as well.

• A PCT decision making support system that provides recommendations and expectations based on site specific inputs.

• Synthesis of existing research for field staff; perhaps revise the old manual

“Regenerating Oregon’s Forests” to

“Regenerating Coastal Forests (Oregon to


• SMC needs to be able to take research data and turn it into practical applications. Develop procedures for doing this based on cooperators need for knowledge.

• A growth and yield model that fully exploits the existing SMC research and that is designed to incorporate ongoing SMC research as that work is completed.

• Working collaboratively with CIPS to build the next-generation model.

Actions Taken to Respond to Member


• Began redefining research agenda

• Began redefining how we accomplish SMC business

• Began review of measurements and installations


2012 Minutes are available online: SMC web site: es/publications.html

• 3 Policy Advisory Committee

• 4 TACs

• 2 Installation Review Committee (IRC)

• 2 Review Measurements Approach (RMA)

• Spring and Fall Annual Meeting

Committee to Review Measurements


We established a committee to review how we take measurements to explore all possible approaches to acquiring data from installations. The RMA committee was formed to develop a plan for future data collection and quality assurance as a proactive step to plan for the future.. The SMC data is an important asset to members. The committee focused on “How do we continue the data acquisition/maintenance needs, and also retain the flexibility to complete more analyses of the data.”

Installation Review Committee (IRC)

The IRC was tasked to review all installations, rank the installation measurement priorities and develop a tactical plan for sun-setting or decreasing the frequency of measurements on priority installations. Some progress was made on these issues but the work is ongoing.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

2012 Highlights

W e put the vast majority of our resources into measuring plots and maintaining the SMC database. The research efforts are led primarily by the Technical Advisory

Committees (TACs): Wood Quality: Eini Lowell;

Modeling: Dave Marshall; Nutrition: Rob Harrison; and Silviculture: Eric Turnblom. The silviculture and nutrition TAC leaders receive the equivalent of 2 months of salary support each for research efforts.

The wood quality and modeling TAC have without steady funding for a number of years.

2012-2013 Completed Measurements

(Table 1 page 20 )

• Type I: 10 installations (111 plots) remeasured; 4 installations (5 plots) thin check

• Type III: 6 installations (65 plots) re-measured; 3 installations (3 plots) thinned;

• Type IV: 3 installations (66 plots) re-measured

• Type V: 33 installations re-measured

Breakdown of Data Collection

40% Scheduled measuring Type I, II, III, IV, and

V plots

10% Mid cycle RD checks and marking for thinning

5% Plot Maintenance 10% Foliage/soils collections

10% Plot treatments (thinning, pruning, fertilizing)

75% Subtotal Remeasurements and dormant season work

10% New plot establishment (includes site location, surveying, tagging, etc.)

10% Special projects

5% Graduate student support

25% Subtotal of other work

100% Total



• 4 articles in print,

4 review, 9 in preparation and 5 technical reports have been completed, 3

Master’s thesis and 1 PhD

• We now have

73 paired-tree fertilization installations

• Updates of ORGANON and CONIFRS Models

• NSF Center for Advanced Forestry Systems

Annual Meeting

• SMC Strategic Planning Committee Meeting

• Installation Review Committee (IRC)

• Committee to Review Measurements (RMA)

• SMC Silviculture, Wood Quality and

Nutrition TAC Meeting

• SMC Spring and Fall Policy Committee


• Invited Presentations

Potential Future Research Questions

• Analyze young stand data to determine when to conduct PCT, to what residual TPA, including thresholds of what should be thinned and what does not need it.

• Focused data analysis and/or synthesis of existing research needed for understanding the biological and economic effects of intensive silviculture practices and associated risk and uncertainty (especially with respect to climate change and forest health).

• The need to know what the response to fertilizer is in plantations. We are now starting to get results as to where we get a response; we need to know the magnitude of the response. What happens if we add ½ or ¼ as much fertilizer as we have been

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2012 SMC Annual Report applying? Move beyond N fertilization to

N,P,K and/or micronutrients.

• What are optimal initial planting densities, incorporating good site prep and control of competing vegetation, and fertilization regimes as influenced by soils, local climate, and other location-specific factors for DF,

HM, Mixed DF/HM?

• Post thinning responses. How does height: diameter ratio change after thinning? How long does it take for canopy closure to be reached post thinning (e.g., from 400 TPA to

250 TPA)? Should we use downed material from thinning to measure taper?

• Assessing maximum productivity and mapping it across the landscape.

• Do we want to increase our efforts in understanding mixed species stands? Do we want stands of different species mixtures added as new installations?

• Should we study understory response to overstory retention (e.g., the small tree models are a known weakness, could we improve them?) little tree?

Five main over-reaching research needs

• Determine utility of installations and data collection efforts

• Summarize growth and yield responses from SMC data

• Use data to compare to and refine growth model outputs

• Identify potential new installation needs

• Channel funding to much needed analyses

At the 2012 Fall Meeting members broke out into

TACs to identify and vote on research needs and priorities for SMC over the next 1, 3, 5, and 10 years. Analysis of SMC database received the most votes (12) followed by short term PCT analysis (9) and lastly, extensions and expansion of the pairedtree project (7). RFP will be submitted to the TACs and PAC for review and editing, final proposals will be voted on at the 2013 Annual Spring Meeting.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

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2012 SMC Annual Report


To provide a continuing source of high-quality information on the long-term effects of silvicultural treatments and treatment regimes on stand and tree growth and development and on wood and product quality.


The SMC is composed of forest industry, state, provincial, and federal agencies, suppliers, and universities and other institutions who commit resources and expertise to the mission. The voting Policy Committee, composed of dues-paying members, controls policy with the goal of establishing the highest possible technical standards in carrying out its mission. Technical Advisory Committees (TAC’s) in Silviculture, Nutrition, Wood Quality, and

Modeling, comprised of leading scientists, have been created to develop plans for research projects that are approved by the Policy Committee. The SMC is headquartered at the School of Environmental and Forest

Sciences, University of Washington, which provides administration and staffing.

Policy Committee Chair

Dean Stuck

Hancock Forest Management

Vice Chair

Candace Cahill

Rayonier, USFR

Field Crew, Database

B. Gonyea, B. Hasselberg, R. Collier

Nutrition Project Leader

R. Harrison, UW/SEFS

Silviculture Project Leader

E. Turnblom, UW/SEFS


Gregory Ettl



Technical Advisory Committees

Wood Quality Project Leader


Administrative Staff

M. O’Shea

Modeling Project Leader

D. Marshall, Weyerhaeuser NR

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2012 SMC Annual Report

SMC Members and Policy Committee


Land Managing Organizations

Bureau of Land Management

The Campbell Group

Cascade Timber Consulting

Green Diamond Resource Co.

Hampton Resource, Inc.

Hancock Forest Management

International Forestry Consulting, Inc. (INFO)

King County Department of Natural Resources

Lone Rock Timber Company

Longview Timberlands, LLC.

Olympic Resource Management

Oregon State Department of Forestry

Pacific Denkman

Plum Creek Timber Company

Port Blakely Tree Farms

Quinault Department of Natural Resources

Rayonier Forest Resources

Roseburg Resources

Stimson Lumber Company

TimberWest - Coast Timberlands

Washington State Department of Natural Resources

West Fork Timber Company

Weyerhaeuser NR Company

George McFadden

Dave Rumker

Bill Marshall

Randall Greggs

Dennis Creel

Dean Stuck

Jesse Saunders

Roberta King/Peggy Leonard

Chris Sexton

Andy Hopkins

Scott Holmen/Sean Garber

Tod Haren/Jeff Brandt

Allen Staringer

Conner Fristoe/Steve Gravelle

Mike Mosman

Jim Plampin

Candace Cahill

Tony Powell

Margaret Banks

Andres Enrich

Scott McLeod

Gene McCaul

Greg Johnson

Analytic Organizations

Flewelling Biometrics Consultant

Mason, Bruce, & Girard


Koch Agronomic Services (KAS)

Dyno Nobel


B.C. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch

Canadian Wood Fibre Cente

Oregon State University

University of British Columbia

University of Washington

U.S. Forest Service PNW Research Station

Jim Flewelling

Steve Fairweather

Ben Thompson

Robert Handford

Louise de Montigny

Cosmin Filipescu

Doug Maguire

Bruce Larson

Greg Ettl

Gretchen Nicholas

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Technical Advisory Committees

Modeling Project

Project Leader, David Marshall, Weyerhaeuser

Wood Quality Project

Project Leader, Eini Lowell, USFS PNWRS

Burt Dial, Hancock Forest Management

Andres Enrich, TimberWest-Forest Corp.

Greg Ettl, University of Washington

Jim Flewelling, Biometric Consultant

Sean Garber, Olympic Resource Mngt

Randall Greggs, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Dave Hamlin, Campbell Group

David Hann, Oregon State University, retired

Scott Holub, Weyerhaeuser NR Company

Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

Dave Lortz, Campbell Group

Steve Loy, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Doug Maguire, Oregon State University

John Paul McTague, Rayonier, USFR

Dave Rumker, Campbell Group

Chris Sexton, Lone Rock Timber Co.

Eric Turnblom, University of Washington

Larry Wiechelman, Quinault Indian Nation

Silviculture Project

Project Leader, Eric Turnblom, UW SEFS

Jerry Anderson, Hancock Forest Management

Louise de Montigny, B.C. Ministry of Forests

Candace Cahill, Rayonier, USFR

Burt Dial, Hancock Forest Management

Alex Dobkowski, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

Andres Enrich, TimberWest-Forest Corp.

Greg Ettl, University of Washington

Sean Garber, Olympic Resource Mngt

Randall Greggs, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Dave Hamlin, Campbell Group

Connie Harrington, USFS PNWRS

Rob Harrison, University of Washington

Denny Hill, Campbell Group

Keith Jayawickrama, NWTIC, OSU

Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

Mark Kincaid, Lone Rock Timber Management

Eini Lowell, USFS PNWRS

Steve Loy, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Gene McCaul, West Fork Timber Co.

George McFadden, Bureau of Land Management

Scott McLeod, Washington DNR

Dave Marshall, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

Mark McKelvie, Hancock Forest Management

Brandon Mohler, International Forestry

Mike Mosman, Port Blakely Tree Farms

Bryan Nelson, Lone Rock Timber Management

Jim Plampin, Quinault Indian Nation

Bruce Ripley, Hancock Forest Management

Dave Rumker, Campbell Group

Jim Vander Ploeg, Hancock Forest Management

Chris Sexton, Lone Rock Timber Management

Allen Staringer, Pilchuck Tree Farm

Gareth Waugh, Port Blakely Tree Farms

Neris Biciunas, Rayonier, USFR

Jeff Brandt, Oregon Department of Forestry

Brian Carbaugh, Campbell Group

Jeff DeBell, Washington DNR

Louise de Montigny, B.C. Ministry of Forests

Burt Dial, Hancock Forest Management

Greg Ettl, University of Washington

Cosmin Filipescu, Canadian Forest Service

Jim Flewelling, Consultant

Sean Garber, Olympic Resource Mngt

Randall Greggs, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Jim Goudie, B.C. Ministry of Forests

Tod Haren, Oregon Department of Forestry

Connie Harrington, USFS PNWRS

Rob Harrison, University of Washington

Denny Hill, Campbell Group

Glenn Howe, Oregon State University

Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

Ross Koppenaal, Canadian Forest Service

Doug Maguire, NWTIC, Oregon State University

Doug Mainwaring, Oregon State University

David Marshall, Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

George McFadden, Bureau of Land Management

Brandon Mohler, International Forestry

Dave Rumker, Campbell Group

Chris Sexton, Lone Rock Timber Co.

Eric Turnblom, University of Washington

Nutrition Project

Project Leader, Rob Harrison, UW SEFS

Jerry Anderson, Hancock Forest Management

Candace Cahill, Rayonier, USFR

Louise de Montigny, B.C. Ministry of Forests

Andres Enrich, TimberWest-Forest Corp.

Greg Ettl, University of Washington

Sean Garber, Olympic Resource Mngt

Randall Greggs, Green Diamond Res. Co.

Denny Hill, Campbell Group

Scott Holub, Weyerhaeuser NR Company

Keith Jayawickrama, NWTIC, OSU

Greg Johnson, Weyerhaeuser NR Company

Mark Kincaid, Lone Rock Timber

Steve Loy, Green Diamond Resource Co.

Doug Maguire, Oregon State University

Mark McKelvie, Hancock Forest Management

Brandon Mohler, International Forestry

Mike Mosman, Port Blakely Tree Farms

Bryan Nelson, Lone Rock Timber Management

Bruce Ripley, Hancock Forest Management

Dave Rumker, Campbell Group

Brian Sharer, Hancock Forest Management

Chris Sexton, Lone Rock Timber Co.

Eric Turnblom, University of Washington

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Policy Advisory


SMC Director, Greg Ettl

BC Ministry of Forests, Louise de Montigny

Bureau of Land Management, George


Green Diamond, Randall Greggs

Hancock Forest Management, Dean Stuck

Lone Rock Timber, Chris Sexton

Longview Timber, Andy Hopkins

Olympic Resource Management, Scott Holman

Plum Creek Timber Company, Steve Gravelle

Port Blakely Tree Farms, Mike Mosman

Rayonier Forest Resources, Candace Cahill

Roseburg Forest Products, Mark Wall

SMC Staff, Megan O’Shea

Washington DNR, Scott McLeod

West Fork Timber Company, LLC, Gene McCaul

Weyerhaeuser Company, Greg Johnson

Budget Finance


SMC Director, Greg Ettl

Green Diamond, Randall Greggs

Hancock Forest Management, Dean Stuck

Plum Creek Timber Company, Conner Fristoe

Port Blakely Tree Farms, Mike Mosman

SMC Staff, Megan O’Shea

Washington DNR, Scott McLeod

West Fork Timber Company, LLC, Gene McCaul

Weyerhaeuser Company, Greg Johnson

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2012 SMC Annual Report

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Financial Management and Administration

A lthough member dues were at 95% of full funding we lost Renewable Resources, LLC

($8,442), but picked up $12,500 from separate contracts with King County ($7,500) and

Pacific Denkman ($6,000).

At the 2012 Annual Fall Meeting Greg Johnson informed members Weyerhaeuser NR’s 2013 dues

($79,517) would drop by $7,834 due to a decrease in land holdings. This impacts BLM’s dues,

(currently $79,517) as their dues are capped to the largest landholders’ dues. The net loss for 2013 will be $15,668. At time of press there are no additional contracts scheduled for 2013.


2012 dues were calculated from the following formula approved fall 2004; started in 2006.

If acres > 100,000 dues = $12,274 + $0.035675 Acres

If acres ≤ 100,000 dues = $ 6,137 + $0.035675 Acres

Dues cap = $79,517

In-Kind BC Ministry of Forests, ($27,800 others

(PNW and OSU). Dues in 2012 totaled $608,105, which includes $12,500 from separate contracts and less $600 Weyerhaeuser in-kind credit. $70,000 from CAFS and a negative 2011 balance forward

($8,657), brings total funds available in 2012 to

$599,448 (Table 1 and 2)

Budget Breakdown (Table 2)

• UW Facilities, Accounting, and Administrative overhead: $98,245 (26% as per agreement)

• Data Collection: $153,682 (Bob, Bert, 3rd person salaries and benefits); $63,465 (travel expenses and maintenance equipment)

• Data processing and administration: $116,681,

Megan (1/2 on PFC) and Randy’s salaries and benefits

• Faculty Salaries and Benefits: Ettl, Harrison,

Turnblom for between 1.5 and 2 months/y


• CAFS ($58,000 after indirect costs) supported students and equipment purchases. Up for renewal in 2 years but not at full amount; opportunity for new research initiatives

• The remaining $29,000 was spent on Other

Contractual Services, Supplies and Material

• A number of research assets have been involved in ongoing SMC research efforts, faculty direct student research

• Teaching Assistantships (3-5 graduate students of funding--$120,000 in kind)

• Corkery Chair (Ettl), $50,286 spent in 2012

• Outside contracts: $12,500 for 2012 from King

County and Pacific Denkman

• Other outside funding can dovetail w/ SMC priorities

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Table 1: 2012 Financial Support



Bureau of Land Management

Campbell Group

Cascade Timber Consulting


$ 79,517

$ 25,697

$ 17,411

Forest Capital Partners

Green Diamond Resource Co.

Hampton Affiliates

Hancock Forest Management

International Forestry Consultants, Inc

Lone Rock Timber Company

Longview Timberlands LLC

Olympic Res. Mgt/Pope Res.

Oregon Dept. Forestry

Pacific Denkman

Plum Creek Timber Co.

Port Blakely Tree Farms

Quinault Dept. Nat. Res

Rayonier Forest Resources

Roseburg Resources.

TimberWest-Coast Timberlands

Stimson Lumber

Washington DNR

West Fork Timber Co. LLC

Weyerhaeuser NR Co.

$ 17,248

$ 22,727

$ 9,455

$ 34,130

$ 7,615

$ 16,650

$ 35,620

$ 18,618

$ 37,517

$ 6,672

$ 27,052

$ 17,338

$ 8,387

$ 24,582

$ 22,869

$ 36,553

$ 18,441

$ 24,581

$ 8,008

$ 79,517


Member Contracts, Grants, Adjustments.


Less in-kind credits

$ 596,205

$ 12,500

$ 608,705

$ (600)

























Net Cash Contributions


External Funds (Grants & UW)


$ 608,105

$ -

$ 608,105

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Table 2: 2012 Budget


Formula Funding

Contracts (King County and Pacific



In-kind credits (Weyco)


Net Cash Contributions

2011 Ending Balance Forward

Total Funds Available





Equipment & supplies

Contract Services




Total Direct & Indirect

Research Contracts

Total Expenditures

2012 Ending Balance

Total Funds Available


$ 596,205

$ 12,500

$ 70,000

$ (600)

$ 678,705

$ 608,588

$ (8,657)

$ 599,448


$ 270,999

$ 72,110

$ 63,465

$ 12,000

$ 24,000

$ 4,616

$ 447,190

$ 98,245

$ 545,435

$ -

$ 545,435

$ 54,012

$ 599,448
























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2012 SMC Annual Report


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2012 SMC Annual Report


T he 2012 version of the SMC database was shipped in mid-June to all cooperators. This version of the SMC database contains information from 527 installations. Of these installations there are 163 currently active – 145

Douglas-fir, 13 western hemlock, and six mixtures or other species. In total, these installations contain

3382 plots (excludes single tree plots - 2,861 SMC

Type V and 1540 RFNRP Phase V). These plots contain a total of

289,488 trees which in aggregate have been measured 1,729,561 times.

The database also contains many other types of information as well. To name a few, there is stem sectioning information, soil information, nutrient analysis, vegetation and habitat sampling as well as photographs and maps.

Contact Randy Collier for a copy,

Table1. Number of times that plots have been measured by installation type; through the 12/13 field season.

# of Type I 1 Type II 1 Type III 2 Carryover 3 GGTIV 2 Type V 3

Measures # plots % # plots % # plots % # plots % # plots % # inst %


2 1% 4 1%


0 0% 19 5% 39 47%


0 0% 16 5% 66 50% 34 53%


4 1% 5 10% 32 5% 66 50%


14 7% 15 15% 73 15% 2 7%


186 40% 24 33% 50 21% 0 0%


172 26% 15 28% 107 32% 6 21%


0 0% 0 0% 9 7% 9 31%


0 0% 0 0% 9 31%


0 0% 0 0% 3 10%




378 100% 60 100% 310 100% 29 100% 132

1. Number of full measurements at establishment and every 4th year thereafter

100% 73 100%

2. Number of full measurements at establishment, every 2 years until 30 ft in height, & every 4 years thereafter

3. Number of full measurements at establishment and every 2 years thereafter

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Table 2 Table 2. Field activity workload 2010/2011 through 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 plan.


Type I

Type II


Full Measurement

Thin check




Stem analysis

Foliage samples

Full Measurement

Thin check


2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013













12 163 12 163 11 111

16 28 12 21 12 19

8 13 7 9 6 13

2 10

1 6

Type III

Stem analysis

Full Measurement

Thin check


Pruned measured


Stem analysis


























Carryover Full Measurement

Type IV GGT Full Measurement

Type V Full Measurement


Foliage samples

Contracts Full Measurement



Full Measurement












66 a a b





66 a b



54 275 57 250c 58 234c 53

All activity 89 355c 138 306c 90 258c 63 a = individual trees; approx.20 tree pairs per installation b = 6 control and 6 fertilized trees foliage sampled per installation c = does not include Type V trees



2013/2014 Plan



No. Plots





66 a





Table 3: Count of plot treatments by Installation type








Fert 5













Prune 3

























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2012 SMC Annual Report

2012-2013 SMC Field Measurement Schedule

Type I

Inst. Inst. Name







Job Date Status Comments

Longbell Road Rd check plot


Ostrander Road RD check plot 3, 9

Copper Creek

10/1/2012 Finished Plot 4 RD 54.5., marked Plot 10 RD

53.2, wait


2/15/2013 Finished

Plot 3 likely, 9 not likely (logging site in 2015)

Mill Creek


Trail Creek

Kitten Knob



RD check plots




RD check plots






RD check plot 2

1/17/2013 Finished

2/21/2013 Finished

2/1/2013 Finished

Plot 3 RD 53.3 marked, Plot 4 54.3, marked

Plot 7 RD 55.3 marked, Plot 8 55.6, marked

Plot 4 RD 54.5, marked Plot 5 RD 50.4, marked *

Plot 2 not likely

712 Prather Creek






Sauk Mt.

Mahatta River

Davie River

Quilla Creek




RD check plot 1





Plot 1 RD 56.2, marked





RD check plots






RD check plot 3





Plot 3 RD 73.5, thinned Plot 5 RD

73..1, thinned






Plot 3 RD 53.8, wait

RD check plot 1,8 1/15/2013 Finished Plot 1 RD 49.1, wait




Gnat Creek

Dingle 4

Upper Canada


Twin Peaks

RD check plot 1, 4 10/1/2012 Finished Plot 1 RD 54.0, wait Plot 4 RD 52.4, wait

Rd check plot 4

RD check plot 5 1/18/2013 Finished Plot 5 RD 53.9, wait

736 Full


RD check plot 8


737 Allegany Full



*Gray Highlighted installations in BC and Canadians will do



Plot 8 not likely

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2012 SMC Annual Report

2012-2013 SMC Field Measurement Schedule cont.



Inst. Inst. Name








Job Date

King Creek

Grimm Road A







Mosquito Rocker Full


Forks #3


Thin plot 11, 18 4/1/2013

Ames Creek 5/1/2013

Grimm Road B

Cat Ballew











Inst. Inst. Name





Donkey Creek 2 Full measurement

Donaldson Creek Full measurement

Crane Creek 2 Full measurement



Inst. Inst. Name










Bunker Creek

Grants Pass







Weikswoods Flat Full



Ranchera PP



Clarke Creek PP Full


Clarke Creek DF Full














Finished Thin plot 10

Finished Prune 7,8,9 (Didn't need 3rd lift)

Finished Prune 7,8,9,13,14,15,20,21 Thin


Finished UW measures this year




Finished Collect Weather data

12/19/2012 Droppe d

Collect Weather data, Ice storm damage

10/30/2012 Finished Collect Weather data






Finished UW measures this year

Finished UW measures this year

Finished Collect Weather data

Finished Collect Weather data

Finished Collect Weather data

Finished Collect Weather data

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2012 SMC Annual Report

2012-2013 SMC Field Measurement Schedule cont.



Inst. Inst. Name

834 Dudley




Full Measurement 835 Weikswoods






Rabbit Creek

Mill Creek #2

Star Lake

Russel Ranch

840 Coyote Ridge

841 Cascadia Tree






842 Scott Mountain Full


843 DeVore


844 Brush Creek













845 Hanes Ranch

846 Armstron-Janicki Full


847 Victoria



848 McKinely





849 Pender Harbor Full


850 Steel Creek

851 Upper Campbell Full


852 Fanny Bay



853 Copper Canyon






883 Alderbrook C.C. Full


Date Status Comments

10/30/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/19/2012 Dropped Collect Weather data, Ice

Storm damage

12/13/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/13/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/13/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/7/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/16/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/29/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/29/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/28/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/28/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/28/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/26/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/26/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

12/26/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/1/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/2/2012 Finished Collect Weather data

11/3/2013 Finished Collect Weather data

1/11/1900 Finished Collect Weather data

1/15/1900 Finished Collect Weather data

1/11/1900 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

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2012 SMC Annual Report

2012-2013 SMC Field Measurement Schedule cont.




884 Carson Lake




Inst. Name


Beeville rd.


St. Helen's













888 Fall River


889 Deadhorse


890 Ditch creek road Full

891 Red Hill





Castle Rock

Frozen Creek






Date Status Comments

1/22/1900 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

1/12/1900 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

12/12/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

11/26/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

12/19/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

11/27/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

10/31/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

11/1/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

11/02/12 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

11/1/2012 Finished Foliage, Core, Weather data

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2012 SMC Annual Report

25 | P a g e

2012 SMC Annual Report

Silviculture TAC

Eric Turnblom

University of Washington Graduate Students: Jed Bryce

(MS completed 2012), Kevin Ceder (Ph.D. 2014), Jeff

Comnick (Ph.D.), Nai Saetern (MS completed 2012)

T he 2012 growing season measurements included

13 Type I installations (117 plots), 6 Type III installations (67 plots), and three GGTIV installations (66 plots). Though plot maintenance usually occurs during the summer months, some maintenance was conducted on the three GGTIV installations measured this season during the measurement season namely moving tags from branches to stems and stapling them.

Project Leader Turnblom presented a progress report to

Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS) members at the fifth annual CAFS meeting in Orono, Maine, June

2012 on the assessment of wood quality in GGTIV installations at age nine years. There, impacts of genetic gain, weed control, and spacing on growth and survival were discussed and while the field measurement season had not yet begun, plans were laid out for the sampling and measurement. This project is being conducted collaboratively with David Briggs (UW), Keith

Jayawickrama (OSU), Eini Lowell (USFS), and J. Brad St.

Clair (USFS). The CAFS UW Site Director allocated

$20,000 the total UW CAFS funding to this project for


In August, the Installation Review Committee (IRC) chaired by Turnblom met to discuss the value of retaining the current re-measurement cycle on all SMC installation types or whether some subsets could be found that might either be dropped or put on a less frequent measurement cycle. A detailed report was produced containing a summary of all the information in the SMC Database pertaining to the currently active set of installations.

Collaboration with the Precision Forestry Cooperative resulted in the publication of a paper on tree species recognition with LiDAR. Turnblom also served on the guiding committees of three graduate students (MS and

PhD) associated with the SMC

Nutrition Project to provide silvicultural and statistical advice and instruction, as well as chairing the committees of

Graduate Students: Jed Bryce

(MS), Kevin Ceder (Ph.D.), Jeff

Comnick (Ph.D.), Nai Saetern


The Effects of Planting Density on Branch Size:

Linkages to Wood Quality

As branches grow and develop they become knots in wood, which are the primary structural features that diminish the quality of lumber and manufactured wood products. Recent decades have seen a decline in the quality of lumber in part due to lower density planting that promotes greater branching and crown development. Previous SMC studies into the effects of branches on product quality often utilized metrics involving averaging branch sizes within whorls. This proved an effective link between knot size and potential product recovery; however, due to the lengthy time investment required to measure multiple branches on a single whorl, the SMC is now simply studying the diameter of the largest limb at breast height (DLLBH), which serves as a good predictor of LLAD and wood quality. The objective of the study was to develop models that predict DLLBH based on tree- and stand-level metrics, as well as evaluate how the six planting densities of the Type III installations affect the branch size and thus potential product recovery. Graduate research assistant

Jed Bryce was the analyst on this project and it became the subject of his Master’s thesis, which was completed in June 2012. The Corkery Family Chair was the sole source of funding for the project.

Yield Performance of SMC Type I, II, and III


Progress continued on the “Silvicultural Manipulations

Consequences in Stand Management Co-op installations”

(or “(SMC) 2 Report”). The objectives of this project are to i) Summarize into a report how SMC Silviculture Project

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2012 SMC Annual Report models for Douglas-fir in a project funded by another

McIntire-Stennis grant. These models use the data from all the Type I, II, and III installations and follow the Ssystem modeling framework used by Turnblom and Burk

(2000. Can. J. For. Res. 30:1410-1418), Gehringer (2001.

PhD Dissertation, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington), and Pittman and Turnblom (2008. Can. J.

For. Res. 33:1661-1669), but include refinements such as enforcing biological constraints on growth by way of maximum size-density relationships that change as stands develop. Results from this study will be published as a chapter in Kevin’s PhD dissertation, as well, and in a follow-in journal submission.

Understory / Overstory Vegetation Dynamics in

Young, Managed Stands of Western Washington and Oregon

Type I, II and III installations have performed in terms of yield and increment, ii) Produce accompanying Fact

Sheets, and iii) Produce web-based calculator that is useful for practicing forest managers.

After receiving feedback from a few Modeling TAC members and others at SMC meetings held in 2011 and throughout 2012, graduate research assistant Kevin

Ceder, chief analyst for summarizing the Type III yields, re-parameterized and re-fit the Type III Chapman-

Richards-based yield models, which improved the fit.

Kevin presented the finalized models at the fall 2012 SMC

Fall Meeting. Following the meeting Kevin conducted a rigorous residuals analysis, as well as tested their extrapolative behavior, re-checked parameter estimates and finalized the models. He began writing up the results, which will be a chapter in his PhD dissertation.

Most of the support for this project has come from the

Corkery Family Chair, the balance from McIntire-Stennis.

Kevin took a job as a consulting analyst with Cramer Fish

Sciences in the third quarter of 2012.

Graduate research assistant Nai Saetern completed her

M.Sc. Thesis titled “Multiple Regression Inference of Yield for Douglas-fir Plantations in the Pacific Northwest,” focusing on Type I installations. Support for this component of the analyses came from Teaching

Assistantships (75%, contributed by SEFS) and the

Corkery Family Chair (25%). Semi-final results of the

Type I model analyses were presented at the Fall 2012 meeting. Given the similarity that treatment regimes in

Type II installations have with those being followed in the

Type I installations, it was decided to refit the Type I models using both Type I and II data, thus producing one set of models for both installation types. Graduate research assistant Jeff Comnick assisted with this effort.

Further, due to continued interest in how well Type III stands are lining up with Type I stands as they mature, while re-fitting the Type I, II models, the Chapman-

Richards model form was used in place of multiple regression, so when comparisons might be made, the potential effects of having fit different equation frameworks would be removed.

Finally, on a related note, Kevin Ceder also developed a framework for a set of whole-stand, dynamic, growth

The objectives of this study funded by NCASI are to i) develop overstory / understory predictive relationships in young, managed Douglas-fir stands by major life form, eg., grass, fern, forb, shrub; by guild, eg., shade tolerance, leaf retention; by species (nine most prevalent), and ii) develop dynamic models of vegetation change. Graduate student Kevin Ceder is the main analyst on this project with results destined to become a chapter in his PhD dissertation.

Kevin Ceder completed the development of a set of understory vegetation “growth” models. These models predict the dynamic changes in the understory cover and community composition using logistic competition models that are often used for wildlife populations.

Understory cover and composition in stands, which may be needed for habitat analyses or sustainability assessments, can be modeled using understory cover estimates and output from forest growth model simulations. The models will be published as a chapter in his PhD dissertation and a journal submission.

Logging Residue Ratios Update

In this study, funded by the USFS through agreement with the Olympic Natural Resources Center, biomass residue produced by timber harvest operations is estimated for the Olympic and Kitsap Peninsulas, Washington.

Scattered residues were sampled in 53 harvest units and

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2012 SMC Annual Report piled residues were completely enumerated in 55 harvest units. Production is based on 2008 and 2009 data and is stratified by forest location, ownership type, harvest intensity, and harvest method. An additional sampling was taken to ascertain the mass of wood present in a pile of biomass: 20 piles of biomass were measured for gross volume, processed into hog fuel, and remeasured for volume; five samples were drawn from each pile and examined for volume, green mass, and bone-dry mass.

An equation relating mass of wood in a pile to the gross biomass volume is derived. Finally, the availability and average delivered cost per ton of biomass is calculated for five delivery centers on the Olympic Peninsula. The final report for this study was accepted for publication this year.

New or Initiated Publications and Theses

Bryce, J. 2012. Bryce, J. 2012. Nonlinear approaches to predicting diameter of the largest limb at breast height in young, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel)

Franco) plantations growing in the Pacific Northwest.

M.Sc. Thesis, School of Environmental and Forest

Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

Cross, J., E. Turnblom, J. Calhoun and G. Ettl. (Accepted for publication 2012). Biomass production on the Olympic and Kitsap peninsulas, Washington: Updated logging residue ratios, slash pile volume-to-weight ratios, and supply curves for selected delivery centroids. USFS GTR

PNW – nnn.

Saetern, N.K. 2012. Multiple Regression Inference of Yield for

Douglas-fir Plantations in the Pacific Northwest. M.Sc.

Thesis, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

Suntana, A., K. Vogt, E. Turnblom, D, Vogt and R. Upadhye.

2012. Non-Traditional Use of Biomass at Certified

Forest Management Units: Forest Biomass for Energy

Production and Carbon Emissions Reduction in

Indonesia. Int. J. Forestry Research. 2012: 1 – 12.

Turnblom, E., B. Gonyea, others. 2012. Silviculture Project

Installation Review Summary. Stand Management

Cooperative, School of Environmental and Forest

Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

18 p.

Vaughn N.R., Moskal L.M., Turnblom E.C. 2012 Tree Species

Detection Accuracies Using Discrete Point Lidar and

Airborne Waveform Lidar. Remote Sensing 4(2):377-


Turnblom, E.C., J. Bryce, K. Ceder, J. Comnick, N. Saetern. (IN

PREPARATION). Silvicultural Manipulations

Consequences at Stand Management Cooperative Sites

Part I: The effects of initial density in Type I, II, and III installations through growing season 2010. SMC

Working Paper No .

Himes, A.J., R. Harrison, D. Zabowski, E. Turnblom, D. Briggs, W.

Devine, K. Hanft. (IN REVISION). Predicting risk of long-term nitrogen depletion under whole-tree harvesting in the coastal Pacific Northwest. For. Sci. vv: pp – pp

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Wood Quality

Eini Lowell

W ood quality TAC members participated in the

Installation Review Committee meeting in Vancouver, WA (July 26, 2012). Input was provided to strategic plan and research needs at the fall annual meeting.

Projects :


Filipescu, C., Koppenaal, R., Lowell, E., Briggs, D. 2012.

“Assessment of wood quality and fibre properties in intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations using NDT tools.” A presentation by Filipescu at the IUFRO All-Division 5

Conference, Estoril, Portugal (7/8-13/2012).


Todoroki, C.L., Lowell, E.C., Dykstra, D.P. and Briggs, D.G. 2012.

Maps and models of density and stiffness within individual Douglas-fir trees. New Zealand Journal of

Forestry Sciences. 42:1-13 .

• Measurement Procedures were developed for the project “Impact of Genetic Gain, Weed Control, and Spacing on Wood Stiffness, Density and Knot

Index in a Large-plot trial of Coastal Douglas-fir”.

Field work assessment of these procedures was conducted at Donkey Creek Installation in July.

This is a CAFS funded project.

• Discussion on field procedures for the Type V wood quality measurements began.




I n 2012 the Modeling TAC participated in CIPs

Technical Reviews

(collaboration with SMC)

• CIPS N-Fertilization and Thinning proposals

• Conifers-PNW modeling

Facilitated FVS-ORGANON collaboration (BLM funded).

Last TAC meeting was August 25, 2011.

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2012 SMC Annual Report


Rob Harrison

University of Washington Graduate Students: Kim Littke

(PhD completed 2012), Austin Himes (MS completed

2012), Betsy Vance (MS, 2013), Erika Knight (MS, 2013),

Stephanie Michelsen-Correa (PhD started 2012),

Marcella Menegale (PhD started 2012), Jason James (MS started 2012) T he major SMC-related work on nutrition completed in 2012 included the following:

Final establishment (to 73 total current) and continuous monitoring of Type V Paired-Tree fertilization studies including preliminary analysis of results, publication of a dissertation and a journal article in the

Canadian Journal of Forest Research and dissertation by

Kim Littke, and installation of an NSF-funded study of the fate of N-15 fertilizer applications at 10 Type V sites.

Continuing reports on progress were presented at Spring and Fall 2012 meetings, and presentations made at CAFS,

Soil Science Society, and North American Forest Soils conferences. An additional article on deep soil properties of these sites was submitted to the Soil Science Society of

America Journal.

Additional work on the Fall River/ Matlock/ Molalla research studies including publishing several papers, one comparing nitrogen leaching at Fall River and Matlock, another characterizing current biomass at Fall River, and another evaluating the potential impacts of additional biomass harvesting on N stocks. An additional article is being prepared for the Soil Science Society of America

Journal by MS student Erika Knight.

Fate of Nitrogen N-15 studies of the Paired-tree


Project Description: Previous research indicates that current uptake of fertilizer nitrogen is as low as 10-25% in crop trees. Nitrogen that isn’t taken up by the trees is either distributed to other ecosystem components or lost from the system via leaching or volatilization.

This particular project is part of a larger effort examining the overall fate of fertilizer nitrogen in forest plantations of commercially important timber species. This component of the study is to examine Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest, specifically, to determine both the uptake of nitrogen as well its environmental fate using enhanced fertilizers labeled with

0.5 atom % 15N applied at 224 kg/ha within a 100m 2 area.

Primary objectives of the study include quantifying the amount of fertilizer taken up by the tree, how much fertilizer nitrogen is tied up in other ecosystem components and how much is

Figure 1: Location of study sites in OR d WA lost from the system through volatilization or other gaseous loss. This study will provide valuable insights into appropriate fertilizer investments that will contribute to a better understanding of the uptake of fertilizer nitrogen. It will also provide information on any potential negative environmental impacts associated with fertilization.

Experimental Design:

This study is a completely randomized block design with a total of 10 installations, with each installation being one block. Installations were established in the spring of 2011 and 2012 and were selected from a subset of the SMC’s Paired-tree study representing the different parent materials of the Pacific

Northwest (Figure 1). Each installation is made up of five unfertilized, 2nd rotation Douglas-fir trees between 14-24 years old with each tree being the center of a 100m 2 circular plot. Within each plot four target trees were randomly selected to receive one of the four enhanced fertilizer treatments (urea, polymer coated urea,

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2012 SMC Annual Report urea+NBPT, monoammoinum phosphate coated urea) and one tree was designated as the control.

Prior to fertilization each installation was sampled to determine background levels of δ 15 N in each of the ecosystem components. The aboveground component includes foliage (taken from the top 1/3 of the tree), branches, bark, and bole of the fertilized tree as well as any competing woody and herbaceous plants within the plot. The belowground component consists of the forest floor, roots (both coarse and fine), and mineral soil sampled from 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-45cm, and 45-60cm.

Following fertilization, foliage is sampled at 4 and 6 weeks after fertilization and then every 6 weeks after that until the end of the growing season. Final sampling occurs one year after fertilization and includes sampling of all of the ecosystem components.

Volatilization is determined via loss tubes installed at each site. Tubes are fertilized with each of the four treatments with a control included. Loss tubes are collected immediately following fertilization and then every two weeks after for a total of six weeks. Once the last of the loss tubes is removed, a core is taken from the bottom of each tube to determine if there is any leaching of fertilizer nitrogen below the rooting zone.

Results from the C, N, and δ 15 N analysis will be used to determine the contribution of fertilizer nitrogen to each component pool. Total nitrogen uptake is determined for each installation by calculating the both the mass and concentration of nitrogen found in each of the ecosystem components using the results from the C, N, and δ 15 N analysis. Aboveground biomass of crop trees on the plot is estimated using species-specific allometric equations based on DBH, which is measured for all trees larger than

3cm in diameter inside each plot. Coarse root biomass will be estimated using species-specific allometric equations.

To date, sampling has been completed for the five sites installed in the spring of 2011 and the 2012 sites have been fully installed and are currently being sampled.

Additionally, collection of the loss tubes has been completed for these five sites. All of these samples are currently being processed and prepared for analysis with the help of both graduate and undergraduate students alike. Foliage will continue to be collected every six weeks throughout the remainder of the growing season. Final sampling of all of the ecosystem components is scheduled to take place during the spring of 2013.

Preliminary results from the loss samples collected in

2011 have been received and will be analyzed over the summer of 2012. At the current schedule, we anticipate preliminary results for the one-year sampling from 2011 sites to become available during the mid-to-late fall with analysis taking place during the fall and winter.

As of January 2012, we have begun processing samples collected during the previous spring and summer. The samples that we are currently working on are from the sites installed in 2011 as well as the volatilization losses and foliage samples for 2012.

Anticipated work for 2013 includes sampling the 2012 installation sites, processing of the 2012 and remaining

2011 samples, and preliminary analysis of 2011 data.

A paper was presented at the North American Forest Soils

Conference. A copy is available at: MichelsenStephanie-


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2012 SMC Annual Report

Deep Soil Carbon and Nitrogen


• To determine the effect of systematic sampling to variable depths on estimates of forest soil C and N.

• To evaluate the ability of mathematical models to accurately predict total soil C and N in soil layers below 1.0 m.

• To assess which soils are most important to sample more deeply.


Sampling at 22

SMC Type V installations took place in mid-July to September, 2012, led by Bob Gonyea and Bert Hasselberg. An excavator was used to dig soil pits to at least 2.5 m. Bulk density samples were taken between the surface and 0.1 m, 0.1-0.5 m, 0.5-1.0 m, 1.0-

1.5 m, 1.5-2.0 m, and 2.0-2.5 m.

Sample processing began in early August by

Erika Knight and was continued by

Jason James after his arrival in mid-

August. During late summer and the fall quarter

2012, all samples were sieved, weighed, pulverized for analysis, and analyzed for C and

N using a

PerkinElmer CHN analyzer.

Figure 1 Soil pit for Red Hill Inst. 891, pit reached 3.5 m depth.

Preliminary analysis showed an average of 24% of soil C below 1.0 m. A large degree of variability both in total soil

C and the distribution of that C in the profile was observed between sites (Figure 1). The deep soil layers contribute significantly to total soil C in the forest soils of the Pacific Northwest. The role of this deep soil in forest productivity and potential impacts on response to fertilization and nutrient management are still to be determined. This data will be incorporated into the overall analysis of the Type V sites.

A paper was presented at the North American Forest Soils

Conference. A copy is available at:


A journal article submission has already been made to the

Soil Science Society of America.

Fall River/Matlock/Molalla LTSP:

We now work on the Fall River, Matlock and Molalla

LTSP's as an integrated project, with decisions on what to do at each site aimed at maximizing the overall usefulness of the work. Work emphasis was actually shifted to

Matlock and NCASI funded the project $40,000 for 2012.

The re-sampling of Fall River soil was completed and a poster presented at the North American Forest Soils

Conference in 2012. A journal article is nearing completion to be submitted to the Soil Science Society of

America for the project. Graduate student Erika Knight

MS thesis will be available in 2013.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Soil C (Mg ha-1) within each sampled depth interval for 22 forest soils in western Washington and Oregon. † Soil pit excavation impeded by compacted glacial till at 2.0 m. ‡

Soil pit reached igneous bedrock at 1.0 m.

Locations of 22 soil series sampled in the

Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir Zone of

Washington and Oregon. One soil profile was excavated at each site.

New or initiated Publications and Theses

Devine, WD, P.A. Footen, B.D. Strahm, R.B. Harrison, T.A. Terry and T.B. Harrington. 2012. Nitrogen leaching following whole-tree and bole-only harvests on two contrasting

Pacific Northwest sites. For. Ecol. Mgt. 267:7-17.

Available at:

Littke, Kim Ph.D. 2012. The Effects of Biogeoclimatic Properties on Water and Nitrogen Availability and Douglas-Fir

Growth and Fertilizer Response in the Pacific Northwest.

PhD Dissertatoin, School of Environmental and Forest

Sciences, College of the Environment, University of

Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Available at: m-Dissertation-2012.pdf

Himes, Austin. M.S. 2012 Risk to Long-term Site Productivity

Due to Whole-tree Harvesting in the Coastal Pacific

Northwest. MS Thesis, School of Environmental and

Forest Sciences, College of the Environment, University of

Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

Available at: stin-Thesis-2012.pdf

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2012 SMC Annual Report

National Science Foundation

Industry-University Cooperative

Research Centers (I/UCRC) Center for Advanced Forest Systems


T he UW proposal to join CAFS was approved in

February 2009. We received $70,000 NSF/CAFS funding in 2009 and again in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

This level is contingent on the total amount of funding in each year from UW industry supporters who wrote letters that they wished to join the UW CAFS site; the total support must exceed $300,000 for UW to receive the

$70,000 from NSF. In 2009 three projects were initiated and continued through 2010 with one essentially finished.

In 2010 three projects were initiated and continued through 2011 with two essentially finished. In 2012 two projects were initiated and continued. resources into sites most likely to respond. A third objective would be to provide a field laboratory for additional work. Studies of forest fertilization in the

Pacific Northwest, which is a major timber-producing region for the United States, are now relatively rare and these studies have the potential to answer some extremely important questions about forest fertilization impacts


Research installations are located across the major geologic parent materials/soils and climate zones in the western Douglas-fir region of Oregon and Washington.

Initially, with SMC cooperator input, we picked the strata with the most land coverage ensuring that each cooperator was included, but also included minor strata that could provide meaningful information about response diagnostics. Stands are 15-30 yr-old Douglas-fir plantations not previously fertilized.



Understanding Site-Specific

Factors Affecting the Nutrient Demands and Response to

Fertilizer by Douglas-fir

The experimental design (an "installation") is a randomized complete block with two treatments and nominally 20 paired-tree blocks at each location. The experimental unit consists of a 1/50th acre circular plot centered on a single subject tree. Each block consists of two experimental units selected to make the paired-tree block as uniform as possible. Even though these 'blocks' will not be physically contiguous, the matching of similar trees reduces variation, thereby increasing the probability of detecting small differences in response. INVESTIGATOR(S): R. Harrison, S. Holub, D. Maguire, D.

Mainwaring, D. Briggs, E. Turnblom, K. Littke, A. Himes, P.

Footen (many others also participating)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: T his project is a paired-tree fertilization study designed to measure general response to N fertilization and identify specific site characteristics that may predict productivity and response. The primary objectives of the proposed study are to evaluate the potential for response of 15-30 year-old stands to N fertilization within a given vegetation/geology type.

Secondary objectives include being able to predict potential response from site and stand variables such that cooperators would be able to focus scarce fertilization

At each location up to 48 1/50th acre circular plots are established on a 50-foot square grid starting from a welldefined and marked reference point. Trees are paired based on similarity of DBH and live crown height, and known environmental gradients. Treatments consist of N applied as urea at two levels: 0 lbs N/acre and 200 lbs

N/acre broadcast as urea.

The following site properties/ parameters are sampled for each installation, where possible and/or available: 1) site index, 2) needle area, 3) slope, aspect, slope position, 4) age, 5) elevation, 6) precipitation (measured using tipping-bucket rain gauges and dataloggers), 7) aboveground temperature, daily-average, including degree-day

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2012 SMC Annual Report type calculations, 8) relative humidity, 9) soil moisture and temperature (moisture will be sampled continuously using in-ground equipment with data loggers), and 10) stand history (including genetic variables, seedling fertilization treatments, and anything done up until the time of the initiation of the fertilization study).

Centrally located soil pits are dug and the soil profile includes all of the horizons described as per Soil Survey

Manual (1993). The minimum depth of this soil pit is onemeter or to the depth of bedrock or till obstruction. Each pit is excavated so that an undisturbed 0.5-meter wide face is exposed for sampling. The forest floor is sampled at each location. At a minimum, soil sampling provides the following measurements: 1) soil depth (depth of horizons and total depth to restrictive layer or bedrock),

2) bulk density (total and <2-mm), 3) soil structure, 4) soil texture (<2-mm), 5) rooting depth or depth to root restrictive zone, 6) total weights of soil horizons/layers, 7) carbon, nutrients and toxic elements, total and

"available" forms, including calculations such as C/N ratio,

8) CEC and pH, 9) daily average soil temperature, and 10) soil moisture with on-site measurement at two depths (5 and 50 cm).


This project is different from current forestry projects in that similar fertilization studies have not been carried out in the region. By cooperating and installing a large number of research studies, the hope of being able to predict site-specific response to fertilization, a long-term need, may be realized. This is particularly important, as N fertilizer has increased rapidly in cost as the cost of natural gas and oil have increased, and the potential environmental impacts of fertilizer applied to stands that do not bind the N into biomass are significant. For instance, in Washington State, forest N fertilization has been considered as a factor in the hypoxia issues of Hood

Canal. Fortunately, research has shown that if N is applied to limited stands and they respond, the loss of N from the ecosystem into water isn't a major concern. If successful, this project will greatly enhance fertilization in the region by reducing these two current hindrances to wider utilization of N fertilization.


Forest projects companies are funding a major part of the cost of this study. This study is the only significant forest fertilization study of the Stand Management Cooperative

(SMC) for over a decade. This study took about 15 years to design and approve, and meets the needs of SMC members at costs that are being funded. Part of the reluctance to invest in fertilization research in the Pacific

Northwest has been the scale of research needed to answer the really important question of site-specific response in a practical way. If this tool is provided by the proposed study, it could revolutionize the use of N fertilizer in the entire Douglas-fir region by removing the major barriers to use, namely, having an estimate of the potential for response at a particular site and stand and being able to demonstrate that environmental problems can be avoided. Shifting actual forest fertilization to the highest-responding sites in the region could give a much bigger "bang-for-the buck", including an estimated 50% increase in productivity with the same amount of fertilizer currently applied by selecting highly responsive stands and avoiding unresponsive ones.


1) Installation: 73 sites fully installed with monitoring continuing, 2) one journal articles published in the

Canadian Journal of Forest Resources, 3) another journal article prepared and submitted, 4) four other articles on the effects of soil and climate properties on Douglas-fir growth and fertilizer response were prepared for a dissertation and will be submitted to journals.

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2012 SMC Annual Report


The primary initial deliverables of this study were the creation of a network of paired-plot fertilization studies as proposed above. This matrix of studies covers the major range of company-owned production lands, as each site was selected based on company preference as well as fitting into the overall study plan. As growth response is compared to site characteristics, we expect to be able to derive a model that can both be used on its own, and potentially integrated into the major growthand-yield models. Presentations have been and are currently being made in several appropriate meetings, and we are working on a range of published papers from these studies. installations at the two depths of soil moisture sampling.

Year-long soil moisture and temperature data have been measured on 73 installations. N-15 tracer studies (a new

CAFS project) have been added to ten of the paired-tree installations.





Total of $214,069 from landowner contribution of cash, professional time, timber and logistical support. For next year, $60,185, for 100% Jason James (M.S.) and 50%

Marcella Menegale (Ph.D.), Graduate Assistantship, from

UW scholarships.


Data from continued monitoring and growth of 73 main installations; journal article on effects of climate and site properties on soil productivity in these ecosystems; installation of second year of 15N sites.



Use of Stable Isotopes to Trace the Fate of Applied Nitrogen in Forest Plantations to

Evaluate Fertilizer Efficiency and Ecosystem Impacts:

Douglas-fir Region Studies-University of Washington PROJECT TIMELINE:

Current Paired-tree installations will be managed as before over the next year. Installation weather stations

(including soil moisture and temperature, air temperature and relative humidity, and rain gauges) must be inspected at least twice a year to fix malfunctioning and disturbed sensors and dataloggers. Maintaining weather stations requires frequent travel throughout the Pacific

Northwest. Two- and four-year growth measurements and post-fertilization analyses will occur on 39 installations this fall. Post-fertilization analyses involve determining carbon and nitrogen concentration in foliage.



D., STAPE, J., others also participating

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: P revious research indicates that current uptake of fertilizer nitrogen is as low as 10-25% in crop trees.

Nitrogen that isn’t taken up by the trees is either distributed to other ecosystem components or lost from the system via leaching or volatilization. By achieving a better understanding of how fertilizer nitrogen moves through a given system, valuable insights will be gained concerning both production and environmental management.


A total of 73 installations are currently in place with 60 installations fertilized 2-5 years previously Two years after fertilization, foliage was sampled and composited by treatment to determine the effect of fertilization on these components. Similarly, 11 installations will be measured for two-year growth response the fall of 2012. Soil nitrogen and carbon data from 73 installations have been analyzed down to one-meter. Soil texture has been determined by the hydrometer method on 69

This particular project is part of a larger effort examining the overall fate of fertilizer nitrogen in forest plantations of commercially important timber species. This component of the study is to examine Douglas-fir in the

Pacific Northwest, specifically, to determine both the

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2012 SMC Annual Report urea) and one tree was designated as the control. Each fertilizer is labeled with 0.5 atom % 15N.

Prior to fertilization each installation was sampled to determine background levels of δ15N in each of the ecosystem components. The aboveground component includes foliage (taken from the top 1/3 of the tree), branches, bark, and bole of the fertilized tree as well as any competing woody and herbaceous plants within the plot. The belowground component consists of the forest floor, roots (both coarse and fine), and mineral soil sampled from 0-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-45cm, and 45-60cm. uptake of nitrogen as well its environmental fate using enhanced fertilizers labeled with 0.5 atom % 15N applied at 224 kg/ha within a 100m2 area. Primary objectives of the study include quantifying the amount of fertilizer taken up by the tree, how much fertilizer nitrogen is tied up in other ecosystem components and how much is lost from the system through volatilization or other gaseous loss.

Following fertilization, foliage is sampled every 2 weeks for the first 6 weeks and then every 6 weeks after that until the end of the growing season. Final sampling occurs one year after fertilization and includes sampling of all of the ecosystem components.

This study will provide valuable insights into appropriate fertilizer investments that will contribute to a better understanding of the uptake of fertilizer nitrogen. It will also provide information on any potential negative environmental impacts associated with fertilization.


This study is a completely randomized block design with a total of 10 installations, with each installation being one block. Installations were established in the spring of 2011 and 2012 and are located in the coastal region of the

Pacific Northwest. These sites are a subset of the Stand

Management Cooperative’s Paired Tree Study, funded by

CAFS, and extend from southern Oregon up into northern

Washington and represent the various soil parent materials typical of this range. Each installation is made up of five unfertilized, 2nd rotation Douglas-fir trees between 14-24 years old with each tree being the center of a 100m2 circular plot. Within each plot four target trees were randomly selected to receive one of the four enhanced fertilizer treatments (urea, polymer coated urea, urea+NBPT, monoammoinum phosphate coated

Volatilization is determined via loss tubes installed at each site. Tubes are fertilized with each of the four treatments with a control included. Loss tubes are collected immediately following fertilization and then every two weeks after for a total of six weeks. Once the last of the loss tubes is removed, a core will be taken from the bottom of each tube to determine if there is any leaching of fertilizer nitrogen below the rooting zone.

Once collected, samples are stored and prepared at the

University of Washington. Composite samples from the forest floor and each soil depth are pulverized and prepared for C, N, and δ15N analysis with an elemental analyzer interfaced to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer at Virginia Tech’s Forest Soils and Ecology Lab. Roots, foliage, branches, bole/bark, woody competing vegetation, and herbaceous competing vegetation

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2012 SMC Annual Report samples are weighed and stored in a cold room. A composite subsample of each will be oven dried at 65°C to determine moisture content and oven dry weight. Part of the dried sample will be ground and prepared for C, N, and δ15N analysis.

Results from the C, N, and δ15N analysis will be used to determine the contribution of fertilizer nitrogen to each component pool. Total nitrogen uptake is determined for each installation by calculating the both the mass and concentration of nitrogen found in each of the ecosystem components using the results from the C, N, and δ1 5N analysis. Aboveground biomass of crop trees on the plot is estimated using species specific allometric equations based on DBH, which is measured for all trees larger than

3cm in diameter inside each plot. Coarse root biomass will be estimated using species specific allometric equations.


1) Nitrogen uptake efficiency following fertilization with urea fertilizers will be determined allowing CAFS members to more accurately and effectively apply fertilizers in their current management practices.

2) Changes in nitrogen uptake efficiency following fertilization with enhanced efficiency fertilizers (polymer coated urea, urea+NBPT, monoammoinum phosphate coated urea) will be determined in Douglas-fir plantations. This data will allow CAFS members to determine whether the use of enhanced efficiency fertilizers are a viable economic alternative to traditional fertilization techniques.

3) The amount of nitrogen lost to volatilization following fertilization with urea and enhanced efficiency fertilizers in Douglas-fir plantations. This data will allow CAFS members to assess the impact of volatile losses and the financial returns from treatments that reduce these losses.


Part of what makes this project unique is its size and scale. The use of these enhanced fertilizers haven’t been tested yet in forest ecosystems on a scale of this magnitude. Furthermore, this project as a whole provides a unique approach that will capitalize on already existing research efforts supported by CAFS members through the use of stable isotope 15N.


Intensive management of forest plantations which including the use of fertilizers can increase overall production significantly. Achieving a better understanding of the uptake of nitrogen by trees and the ultimate fate and cycling of nitrogen within a forest ecosystem is critical to accurately predicting fertilizer response within these systems to further investigate both the uptake efficiency and overall fate of fertilizer nitrogen.


1) Establishment of all 10 installations completed. 2)

Completion of sampling for installations established in

2011. 3) Beginning sampling of installations installed in


4) The amount of nitrogen lost below the rooting zone via leaching will be accounted for. This will aid CAFS members in determining the environmental fate of applied fertilizer and the potential for off-site environmental movement of nitrogen following fertilization.


1) Calculated loss of fertilizer nitrogen due to volatilization for the five sites installed in the spring of


2) Analysis of the uptake efficiency for the four different enhanced fertilizer treatments for the five sites installed in the spring of 2011.

3) Completion of sampling for newly installed sites completing overall sampling for this portion of the study.

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2012 SMC Annual Report


Over the next year we will continue sampling the five installations established in the spring of 2012. Foliage and soil will be collected in addition to environmental data including soil moisture and air temperature. Final, oneyear sampling will take place during the spring of 2013 which will include sampling of competing understory vegetation, target tree bark and bole. When not in the field, the majority of time will be spent processing these incoming samples and preparing them for analysis in

Virginia Tech’s Forest Soils and Ecology Lab. Analysis of incoming results from 2011 installations concerning the uptake efficiency and overall distribution of fertilizer nitrogen will continue.


As of spring 2012, all 10 of the installations have been established (Figure 1). The five installations established in spring 2011 have been completely sampled. Samples collected from these sites this spring for the final sampling are currently being processed. Pre-fertilization data for the newly established sites has been collected.

Additionally, all of the soil for the volatilization component of the study has been collected as well.

Results from the loss of fertilizer nitrogen due to volatilization have been received and will be analyzed this summer.


$12,000, primarily for travel, per diem, supplies and sample analysis, some hourly help.



$60,185, for 100% Betsy Vance (M.S.) and 50% Marcella

Menegale (Ph.D.), Graduate Assistantship, from UW scholarships.



: Impact of genetic gain, weed control and spacing on wood stiffness, density, and knot index in a large-plot trial of Coastal Douglas-fir

INVESTIGATOR(S): Eric C Turnblom & David W Briggs

(UW), Keith JS Jayawickrama & Terrance Z Ye (OSU), Eini

Lowell & J Bradley St Clair (USFS-PNWRS)

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: O btain acoustic velocity, wood density, and knot index of Douglas-fir at three genetic gain levels

(elite and intermediate gain, woodsrun), two weed control levels (5 years control vs. 1 year control) and three spacings (7’, 10’ and 15’).


The Genetic Gain

/ Type IV trial was established over two years

(2005 and 2006) at six locations in the Grays Harbor vicinity, western

Washington (see

Figure 1) as a joint project between the




(SMC), the

Northwest Tree

Figure 1


Cooperative (NWTIC), and the USFS PNW Research

Station. A total of 132 square plots, comprising 14,800 measured trees were established with containerized seedlings in fenced plantations.

The three sites planted in 2005 will be measured at the end of the 2012 growing season when the trees will be nine seasons from seed with an anticipated average height of 18-20 feet. Acoustic velocity, an indicator of stem stiffness, resistance, an indicator of wood density, and diameter of the largest branch in the BH region, which is correlated with a log knot index commonly used in product recovery studies, knot index will be assessed in the BH region of trees. Acoustic velocity will be measured using the TreeSonic with accompanying SD-02 sensors,

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2012 SMC Annual Report resistance with a Resistograph F400S, and knot index with the Stand Management Cooperative’s breast height branch measurement protocol. The field measurements will be repeated at the end of the 2013 growing season on the three sites planted in 2006. Analysis leading to completion of a Masters thesis will be conducted in year

3. This project sets the stage for future re-measurement of these characteristics and assessment of the ability of early measurement of these properties to predict values at later ages.


The impact of both genetic selection for growth rate and intensive early weed control, on wood stiffness and knot size in operational plantations of coastal Douglas-fir in western Washington and Oregon is very poorly understood. The information we have is obtained from single-tree-plot progeny tests. There is better information on the effect of spacing; but there is no previous information in the public domain on the interactions of spacing, genetic gain, and weed control intensity on these traits.


Wood stiffness, density, and knot size have substantial impacts on log and wood quality and product yield in

Douglas-fir, and can be limiting in intensively-managed short-rotation plantations. Previous studies have shown that wood stiffness and density are strongly inherited at the family level, with a modest adverse correlation with diameter growth rate. Wide spacing and growth acceleration from weed control can also be expected to have some impact on wood stiffness, density, and knot size. Thus we can expect all of these silvicultural treatments to cause some reduction in stiffness and density and to increase knot size, but it would be extremely valuable for members to know the exact extent of that reduction (singly and together) in operational plantations. This will allow them to modify their silvicultural treatments as needed. Another benefit to members would be the incorporation of wood quality traits into selection criteria.


Acoustic velocity measurement tool is selected and purchased. Study plan is complete, including measurement data collection protocols. By end of 4th quarter, data will be collected, analyzed, and reported on the Grays Harbor GGTIV sites planted in 2005 (age-9 yr.).


These and other measurements will greatly improve our understanding of the effects of genetic gain, spacing, and weed control on tree, log, and wood quality over time in

Douglas-fir plantations.


By the end of 2012, data will be collected on the three

Grays Harbor Genetic Gain / Type IV sites planted in 2005, providing age-9 acoustic velocity, resistance, and knot index on Douglas-fir trees of three genetic gain levels, planted at three spacings, and treated with two weed control levels. Analyses will provide information on the relationship between these variables and key growth and stem form variables (height, dbh, volume index, forking, ramicorn branching and stem sinuosity) that are routinely measured on these trials.


Data collection: Autumn 2012 and 2013, Analysis and reporting: Spring 2012 and 2013

Completion of Masters Thesis and submission of journal article: 2014


As of June 2012, the study plan is completed and the equipment is purchased. As of 4th quarter 2012, data is collected, analyzed, and reported on the three Genetic

Gain / Type IV sites planted in 2005.


$25,000 in 2013 (2014 would be similar)


INCLUDING SITE-SPECIFIC: $ 15,000 in 2013 contributed by SMC for field measurements.

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2012 SMC Annual Report


Data collection: Autumn 2012 and 2013, Analysis and reporting: Spring 2012 and 2013

Completion of Masters Thesis and submission of journal article: 2014


As of June 2012, the study plan is completed and the equipment is purchased. As of 4th quarter 2012, data is collected, analyzed, and reported on the three Genetic

Gain / Type IV sites planted in 2005.


$25,000 in 2013 (2014 would be similar)



$ 15,000 in 2013 contributed by SMC for field measurements.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Technology Transfer

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2012 SMC Annual Report

A. Meeting, Workshops, Lectures,

Field Tours and Conferences










Strategic Planning Committee Meeting,

February 15, Tumwater, WA

Spring Policy Committee Meeting, March

21, Tumwater, WA

Spring Policy Committee Meeting, April 19,

Vancouver, WA

NSF CAFS Annual Meeting, June 26-28,

Bangor, Maine

Review Measurements Approach (RMA),

Meeting (conference call) July 3

Installation Review Committee (IRC),

Meeting July 26, Vancouver WA

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Meeting July 26, Vancouver WA

Strategic Planning Committee Meeting,

September 5, Centralia, WA

Fall Policy Committee Meeting, September

18-19, Kimilche, WA

B. Publications 2009-2012

SMC fact sheets, reports, proceedings, and journal articles produced over the last 4 years are listed in this section. A * preceding the first author indicates a peer-reviewed publication. Many can be obtained from the SMC website; for others contact the authors.



Kantavichai, R. 2009. Effects of Silviculture and

Climate on Wood Specific Gravity of a 55 year-old Douglas-fir Stand in Western

Washington. Master’s Thesis. School of Forest

Resources, University of Washington. 62p.

Shyrock, B. 2009. The effects of urea fertilization on carbon sequestration in Douglas fir plantations of the coastal Pacific Northwest.

Master’s Thesis. School of Forest Resources,

University of Washington. 46p.


Briggs, D. 2009. Research Cooperatives Serve the

Forestry Community. Western Forester.


Briggs, D. 2009. PFC Brings High Tech Tools to

Forestry Sector. Western Forester. 54(4):10.

*Footen, P. W., Harrison, R. B., and B.D. Strahm.,

2009. The long-term effects of nitrogen fertilization on understory vegetation in

Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific

Northwest. For. Ecol. & Mgt. 258(10):2194-

2198. Available at: s/Footen-etal-2009.pdf

*Strahm B. D., Harrison, R. B., Terry, T. A.,

Harrington, T. B., Adams, A. B., Footen, P. W.,

2009. Changes in dissolved organic matter with depth suggest the potential for postharvest organic matter retention to increase subsurface soil carbon pools. For.

Ecol. & Mgt., 258(10):2347-2352. Available at: s/Strahm-etal-2009.pdf

*Harrison, R.B., T.A. Terry, C.W. Licata, B.L. Flaming,

R. Meade, I.A. Guerrini, B.D. Strahm, D. Xue,

A.B. Adams, M.R. Lolley, A. Sidell, G.L.

Waggoner, D. Briggs, E.C. Turnblom. 2009.

Biomass and stand characteristics of a highlyproductive mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock plantation in coastal Washington.

Western Journal of Applied Forestry

24(4):180-186. Available at: s/Harrison-etal-2009.pdf

Page | 43

2012 SMC Annual Report

*Slesak, R.A., S.H. Schoenholtz, T.B. Harrington, and

B.D. Strahm. 2009. Dissolved carbon and nitrogen leaching following logging-debris retention and competing-vegetation control in Douglas-fir plantations of western Oregon and Washington. Can. J. For. Res. 39:1484-

1497 .



*Briggs, D.G. 2010. Enhancing forest value productivity through fiber quality, J. of

Forestry, 108(4):174-182.

*Kantavichai, R. D. G. Briggs, E. C. Turnblom 2010.

Modeling effects of soil, climate, and silviculture on growth ring specific gravity of

Douglas-fir on a drought-prone site in

Western Washington. Forest Ecology &

Management. 259:1085-1092, doi:


*Kantavichai, R. D. G. Briggs, E. C. Turnblom 2010.

Effect of Thinning, Biosolids, and Weather on

Annual Ring Specific Gravity and Carbon

Accumulation of a 55 Year-old Douglas-fir

Stand in Western Washington. Can. J. For.

Res. 40(1):72-85.

*Todoroki, C.L., E.C. Lowell, D.P. Dykstra. 2010.

Automated knot detection on Douglas-fir veneer images. Computers in Engineering and

Agriculture. 70(1): 163-171.

*Langum, C.E., V. Yadama, and E.C. Lowell. 2010.

Physical and Mechanical properties of younggrowth Douglas-fir and western hemlock from western Washington. For. Prod. J.


*Gould, P.J.; Marshall, D.D. 2010. Incorporation of genetic gain into growth projections of

Douglas-fir using ORGANON and the Forest

Vegetation Simulator. Western J. of Applied

Forestry 25(2):55-61.

*Weiskittel, A.R., D.A. Maguire, R. Monserud, G.P.

Johnson. 2010. A hybrid model for intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations in the Pacific

Northwest, USA. Eur. J. For. Res. 129:325-338.

*Briggs, D.G., R. Kantavichai, E. C. Turnblom. 2010.

Predicting the Diameter of the Largest Breastheight Region Branch of Douglas-fir Trees in

Thinned and Fertilized Plantations. For. Prod.

J. 60(4):322-330.

*Vaughn, N.R., E.C. Turnblom, M.W. Ritchie. 2010.

Bootstrap evaluation of a young Douglas-fir height growth model for the Pacific

Northwest. For. Sci. 56(6): 592-602.


*Harrison, R.B., P.W. Footen and B.D. Strahm.

(accepted). Deep soil horizons: Contribution and importance to soil C pools and in assessing whole-ecosystem response to management and global change. Forest


Todoroki, C.L., Lowell, E.C., Dykstra, D.P. and Briggs,

D.G.. Colour maps and models of wood property distributions within Douglas-fir trees. New Zealand Journal of Forestry




Footen, P.W., 2011. The effects of previous nitrogen fertilization on productivity and soil nitrogen and carbon pools of subsequent stands of

Douglas-fir forests in the Pacific Northwest.

MS Thesis. School of forest Resources,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 54 pp.

Vaughn, N. 2011. Decomposing waveform lidar for individual tree species identification. PhD

Dissertation. School of forest Resources,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 160

Page | 44

2012 SMC Annual Report ng-Waveform-Lidar-for-Individual-Tree-Species-



*Vikram, Vikas, Marilyn L. Cherry, David Briggs,

Daniel W. Cress, Robert Evans, and Glenn T.

Howe (accepted 2010). Stiffness of Douglas-fir

Lumber: Effects of Wood Properties and

Genetics. Can. J. For. Res. 41 1160-1173


Vaughn, N.R., E.C. Turnblom, M.W. Ritchie. 2010.

Bootstrap evaluation of a young Douglas-fir height growth model for the Pacific

Northwest. For. Sci. 56(6):592-601.

Harrison, R.B., P.W. Footen and B.D. Strahm. 2011.

Deep soil horizons: Contribution and importance to soil C pools and in assessing whole-ecosystem response to management and global change. Forest Science 57(1):67-

76. Available at: s/Harrison-etal-2011.pdf

Harrison, R.B., D.A. Maguire, and D. Page-

Dumroese. 2011. Maintaining Adequate

Nutrient Supply -- Principles, Decision Support

Tools, and Best Management Practices. Page

33-42 in S.D. Angima and T.A. Terry Best

Management Practices for Maintaining Soil productivity in the Douglas-fir Region. Oregon

State University EM 9023.

Available at: eam/handle/1957/20678/em9023.pdf

Briggs, D.G. Wood quality: growing quantity vs quality value. Intensive Silviculture of Planted

Douglas-fir Forests: in Proc. Opportunities for

Increased Productivity. Sponsored by Center for Intensive Plantation Forestry and Western

Forestry and Conservation Association, Feb

15, 2011, Portland, OR p77-117.

Vikram, Vikas, Marilyn L. Cherry, David Briggs,

Daniel W. Cress, Robert Evans, and Glenn T.

Howe 2011. Stiffness of Douglas-fir Lumber:

Effects of Wood Properties and Genetics. Can.

J. For. Res. 41:1160-1173.

Lippke, B., E. Oneil, R. Harrison, K. Skog, L.

Gustavsson, and R. Sathre. 2011. Life cycle impacts of forest management and wood utilization on carbon mitigation: knowns and unknowns. Future Science: Carbon

Management 2:303-333. Available at: s/Lippke-etal-2011.pdf

Littke, K.M., Harrison, R.B., Briggs, D.G., and Grider,

A.R., Understanding soil nutrients and characteristics in the Pacific Northwest through parent material origin and soil nutrient regimes. Can. J. For. Res. Accepted.

Yadama,V.; Lowell, E.C.; and Langum, C.

Characterization of wood strands from young, small-diameter trees. Wood and Fiber

Science. Accepted.

Devine, WD; TB Harrington; TA Terry; RB Harrison;

RA Slesak; DH Peter; CA Harrington; CJ

Shilling; SH Schoenholtz. Five-year vegetation control effects on aboveground biomass and nitrogen content and allocation in Douglas-fir plantations on three contrasting sites. For.

Ecol. Mgt. 262:2187-2198. Available at: s/Devine-etal-2011.pdf


Hill, Andrew, E.C. Turnblom. Improving modeled predictions of short-term Douglas-fir growth in eastern Washington, USA by incorporating local weather information. Forest Science.

Hill, Andrew, E.C. Turnblom. Using local short-term weather and long-term climate information to improve periodic diameter growth prediction for Douglas-fir growing in pure and mixed

Page | 45

2012 SMC Annual Report stands in eastern Washington USA Canadian

Journal of Forest Research.

Todoroki, C.L., Lowell, E.C., Dykstra, D.P. and Briggs,

D.G Response of thinning treatments on

Douglas-fir veneer stiffness. NZ J. For. Sci.

*Vaughn N.R., Moskal L.M., Turnblom E.C. Tree

Species Detection Accuracies Using Discrete

Point Lidar and Airborne Waveform Lidar.

Remote Sensing 4(2):377-403.

Cross, J., E. Turnblom, J. Calhoun and G. Ettl.

Biomass production on the Olympic and

Kitsap peninsulas, Washington: Updated logging residue ratios, slash pile volume-toweight ratios, and supply curves for selected delivery centroids. USFS GTR PNW.

In Preparation:

Ceder, K. and E. Turnblom. Predicting understory vegetation cover in young, managed forests of western Washington and Oregon. For. Ecol.

& Mgt.

Ceder, K. and E. Turnblom. A set of dynamic models to predict understory vegetation cover change in young, managed Douglas-fir and western hemlock forest of Washington and

Oregon west of the Cascade crest. For. Ecol. &


Turnblom, E.C. and N.R. Vaughn. Using stand density management diagrams for the development of late-successional forests.

For. Ecol. & Mgt.

Shryock, Benjamin, Robert Harrison, David Briggs

The effects of urea fertilization on carbon sequestration in Douglas-fir plantations of the coastal Pacific Northwest.

Devine, Warren, P.W. Footen, R.B. Harrison, T.A.

Terry, C.A. Harrington, S.M. Holub. The effects of vegetation control on nitrogen content and biomass of an 11-year-old bole-only Douglasfir forest on a high productivity site.

Footen, P.W., R.B. Harrison, D. Zabowski, D.G.

Briggs. Long-term effects of nitrogen fertilization on above ground productivity and soil nutrients of Douglas-fir forest in the

Pacific Northwest.

Lowell, E.C., Todoroki, C.L., Dykstra. D.P. and Briggs,

D.G. Effect of thinning intensity on the stiffness of Douglas-fir veneer. To be submitted to Forestry.



Bryce, J. 2012. Nonlinear approaches to predicting diameter of the largest limb at breast height in young, Douglas-fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii

(Mirbel) Franco) plantations growing in the

Pacific Northwest. MS Thesis, School of

Environmental and Forest Sciences, College of the Environment, University of Washington,

Seattle, WA 98195.

Himes, A. 2012. Risk to Long-term Site Productivity

Due to Whole-tree Harvesting in the Coastal

Pacific Northwest. MS Thesis. School of

Environmental and Forest Science, College of the Environment, University of Washington,

Seattle, WA 98195. Available at: s/HimesAustin-Thesis-2012.pdf

Littke, K. 2012. The Effects of Biogeoclimatic

Properties on Water and Nitrogen Availability and Douglas-Fir Growth and Fertilizer

Response in the Pacific Northwest. PhD

Dissertatoin.School of Environmental and

Forest Sciences, College of the Environment,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.

Available at: s/LittkeKim-Dissertation-2012.pdf

Saetern, N. 2012. Multiple Regression Inference of

Yield for Douglas-fir Plantations in the Pacific

Page | 46

2012 SMC Annual Report

Northwest. MS Thesis. School of

Environmental and Forest Science, College of the Environment, University of Washington,

Seattle, WA 98195.


Suntana, A., K. Vogt, E. Turnblom, D, Vogt and R.

Upadhye. 2012. Non-Traditional Use of

Biomass at Certified Forest Management

Units: Forest Biomass for Energy Production and Carbon Emissions Reduction in Indonesia.

Int. J. Forestry Research . 2012: 1 – 12.

Devine, WD, P.A. Footen, B.D. Strahm, R.B.

Harrison, T.A. Terry and T.B. Harrington. 2012.

Nitrogen leaching following whole-tree and bole-only harvests on two contrasting Pacific

Northwest sites. For. Ecol. Mgt. 267:7-17.

Available at: s/Devine-etal-2012.pdf

Todoroki, C.L., Lowell, E.C., Dykstra, D.P. and Briggs,

D.G. 2012. Maps and models of density and stiffness within individual Douglas-fir trees.

New Zealand Journal of Forestry Sciences .


Vaughn N.R., Moskal L.M., Turnblom E.C. 2012 Tree

Species Detection Accuracies Using Discrete

Point Lidar and Airborne Waveform Lidar.

Remote Sensing 4(2):377-403.

In Preparation:

Turnblom, E.C., J. Bryce, K. Ceder, J. Comnick, N.

Saetern. (IN PREPARATION). Silvicultural

Manipulations Consequences at Stand

Management Cooperative Sites Part I: The effects of initial density in Type I, II, and III installations through growing season 2010.

SMC Working Paper No. N.

Himes, A.J., R. Harrison, D. Zabowski, E. Turnblom,

D. Briggs, W. Devine, K. Hanft. (IN REVISION).

Predicting risk of long-term nitrogen depletion under whole-tree harvesting in the coastal Pacific Northwest. For. Sci. vv: pp – pp

C. Technical Reports, Working Papers, etc.

Cross, J., E. Turnblom, J. Calhoun and G. Ettl.

(Accepted for publication 2012). Biomass production on the Olympic and Kitsap peninsulas, Washington: Updated logging residue ratios, slash pile volume-to-weight ratios, and supply curves for selected delivery centroids. USFS GTR PNW

Turnblom, E., B. Gonyea, others. 2012. Silviculture

Project Installation Review Summary. Stand

Management Cooperative, School of

Environmental and Forest Sciences,

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

98195. 18 p.

Briggs, D. G., N. R. Vaughn 2011. Life Cycle

Assessment of Forest Carbon Balance of

Silvicultural Regimes of Douglas-fir and

Loblolly Pine. National Council on Air and

Stream Improvement. 51pp.

Hann, D.W., A. Bluhm, and D.E. Hibbs. 2011.

Development and evaluation of the tree-level equations and their combined stand-level behavior in the red alder plantation version of

ORGANON. Department of Forest

Engineering, Resources, and Management,

Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.


Harrison, R.B., D.A. Maguire, and D. Page-

Dumroese. 2011. Maintaining Adequate

Nutrient Supply -- Principles, Decision Support

Tools, and Best Management Practices. Page

33-42 in S.D. Angima and T.A. Terry Best

Management Practices for Maintaining Soil productivity in the Douglas-fir Region. Oregon

State University EM 9023.

Page | 47

2012 SMC Annual Report

D. Conferences, Symposia, Workshops


Devine, WD, P.A. Footen, B.D Strahm, R.B. Harrison,

T.A. Terry and T.B. Harrington. 2012. Nitrogen leaching following whole-tree and bole-only harvests on two contrasting Pacific Northwest sites. For. Ecol. Mgt. 267:7-17. Available at: s/Devine-etal-2012.pdf

Filipescu, C., Koppenaal, R., Lowell, E., Briggs, D.

2012. “Assessment of wood quality and fibre properties in intensively managed Douglas-fir plantations using NDT tools.” A presentation by Filipescu at the IUFRO All-Division 5

Conference, Estoril, Portugal (7/8-13/2012).

Maguire, D ., Briggs, D., Jayawickrama, K., Lowell, E.,

Turnblom, E., and Ye, T. 2012. What do we know about the effects of silviculture and genetics on branches/knots: Douglas-fir as a case study. A presentation made by Maguire at the IUFRO All-Division 5 Conference,

Estoril, Portugal (7/8-13/2012).

The following five technical presentations can be downloaded from the SMC website





Update on the Type I installations field sampling, Doug Maguire


Report on Paired Fertilization Study, Kim



Type I Summary, Eric Turnblom


Type III Summary, Kevin Ceder


Final Report Effects of Planting Density on

Branch Size, Jed Bryce


Online SMC Fact Sheets and Progress



E. Software


Sidell, A., R.B. Harrison. 2000. Productivity

Management “Toolbox”

:// reelab/Website/TreeLab_home.htm


Gehringer, K., E.C. Turnblom. 2001. Tree

List Generator Software & Manual: me [download requires password available from Silviculture Project Leader Eric C.

Turnblom]Haukaas, J. 2006. Young Tree

List Generation Database System, available in CD, beta test version, contact

Eric Turnblom for a copy at 206-543-2762


Pittman, S., E.C. Turnblom. 2001. Treelab

Software & Manual



Haukaas, J. 2008. Tree List Generator:

Graphical User Interface. me/


SMC ORGANON and associated DLL’s are available on the ORGANON web site, contact David Hann


) ganon/


CONIFERS is available from the USFS web site, contact Martin Ritchie





FVS contact: Erin Smith-Mateja



F. CD’s

Contact the SMC for copies


2004 RFNRP Publications


Alder Symposium “Red Alder: A state of knowledge” streaming video


SMC 20th Anniversary streaming video

Page | 48

2012 SMC Annual Report


First Adopted: April 22, 2003

Most recent amendment: September 18, 2012


The name of this organization shall be the Stand Management Cooperative (SMC).


The Mission of the SMC is “To provide a continuing source of high-quality data, analysis, and outputs on the long-term effects of silvicultural treatments and treatment regimes on stand and tree growth and development, and on wood and product quality.

ARTICLE III: Scope and Limitations

The territorial coverage of the programs and activities of the SMC consists of forested lands west of the

Cascades in Oregon and Washington, northern California, and coastal British Columbia.

ARTICLE IV: Location and Contact

1. The SMC headquarters are located in the School, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.

2. Contact with the SMC headquarters can be made via a. Web b. Telephone c. FAX d. Email: e. Staff:


206-543-9744 or 206-543-1581



Director: Gregory Ettl (

Megan O’Shea (



ARTICLE V: Membership Categories

1. Land Managing Organizations a. Public agencies and private companies that manage forest land provide funds to support the mission and provide land and operational support for field research sites. b. A Memorandum of Agreement governs the relationship between the Land Managing

Organization members and the SMC. Each member agrees to terms presented in the renewable annual Memorandum of Agreement. An example is presented in ANNEX A. c. Organizations wishing to join the SMC as a Land Managing Organization member do so through a written request to the Director. The application is presented to the Policy

Committee at its next meeting for approval.

2. Analytic Organizations a. Organizations that utilize information gathered through SMC research and stored in its database for the purpose of producing and marketing information, products and service. b. A Memorandum of Agreement governs the relationship between the Analytic


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2012 SMC Annual Report members and the SMC. Each member agrees to terms presented in the renewable annual Memorandum of Agreement. An example is presented in ANNEX B. c. Organizations wishing to join the SMC as an Analytic Organization member do so through a written request to the Director. The application is presented to the Policy

Committee at its next meeting for approval.

3. Institutional Organizations a. Universities, research laboratories, and trade associations are Institutional members that provide scientist time, laboratory and office space and other services to the SMC. Also research grants from external sources leveraging SMC investments in field sites may be received by these institutions or provided by them. b. Organizations wishing to join the SMC as an Institutional member do so through a written request to the Director. The application is presented to the Policy Committee at its next meeting for approval.

4. Supplier Organizations a. Organizations that provide materials and supplies to the SMC or its members may become a Supplier member. b. Organizations wishing to join the SMC as a Supplier member do so through a written request to the Director. The application is presented to the Policy Committee at its next meeting for approval.

ARTICLE VI: Fees & Continuing Membership

Dues and fees are established by the Policy Committee.

1. Land Managing Organizations

Annual dues are calculated by a funding formula established by the Policy Committee.

Membership is retained through payment of assessed dues.

2. Analytic, Institutional, and Supplier Organizations

Annual dues are not assessed. Analytic Organizations and Suppliers must submit a yearly request form to maintain active membership in the SMC. The Policy Committee will vote on membership based on active participation and contribution to the SMC mission.

ARTICLE VII: Voting and Representation

1. Organizations under ARTICLE V, paragraph 1 are voting members of the SMC Policy


2. Each such voting organization designates one individual as its representative on the Policy

Committee and has a single vote.

ARTICLE VIII: Receipt of SMC Database, Research Tools and Services

1. Each Land Managing Organization member receives a. An annual updated version of the complete SMC database b. Electronic copies of the SMC Annual Report and Quarterly Newsletter c. Electronic copies of research papers and technical reports d. Unlimited access to SMC staff for questions and technical support “as available” in consideration of their institutional obligations.

2. Each Analytical Organization member receives

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2012 SMC Annual Report a. electronic copies of the SMC Quarterly Newsletter

3. Each Institutional and Supplier Organization member receives a. electronic copies of the SMC Annual Report and Quarterly Newsletter b. electronic copies of research papers and technical reports

4. All recipients of any portion of the SMC database must comply with the SMC Database Policy


ARTICLE IX: Management

1. The management policies and operations of the SMC shall be vested in a Policy Committee as defined in Article VII.

2. A Director, appointed by the Dean of the College of Forest Resources, University of

Washington, and approved by the Policy Committee, will be responsible for operational management of the SMC. A review of the Director’s performance may be initiated by the Dean every 5 years per University of Washington policy or at any time per request from the Chair of the Policy Committee. Enaction of a review and appointment of the review committee membership are at the discretion of the Dean.

ARTICLE X: Election

1. The term of the Chair of the Policy Committee is 2 years. At the end of the term, which is a Fall

Meeting, the current Vice-Chair will become Chair effective 30 days after the date of that meeting.

2. At this same Fall Policy Committee meeting, a new Vice-Chair is elected and will serve 2 years as Vice-Chair followed by 2 years as Chair.

3. All elections and resolutions, unless specifically provided for, shall require a majority vote of the members in attendance.

4. Fifty percent of the members shall constitute a quorum at any annual or special meeting of the

SMC for the transaction of business. Proxy votes submitted to the Director or Chair of the Policy

Committee shall be included in achieving a quorum.

ARTICLE XI: Powers and Duties of the Policy Committee

1. The Policy Committee defines the dues structure of the SMC and approves annual budgets prepared by the Director.

2. The Policy Committee approves all research activities utilizing funds obtained through the dues assessments.

3. The Policy Committee elects a Chair and Vice-Chair.

4. The Policy Committee consults with the Dean of the College of Forest Resources in appointing the Director and any subsequent reviews and consults with the Dean and Director in appointing

Technical Advisory Committee leaders and hiring staff.


1. Policy Committee. The SMC shall have two meetings of the Policy Committee each year; one in

April (Spring Meeting) and one in September (Fall Meeting) at a specific date and location determined by the Policy Committee. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the

Policy Committee. Notices of meetings shall be sent to all members at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Such notice will be sent to the last known address of the member as it appears in the membership database.

2. Technical Advisory Committees. TAC’s shall meet on dates and places as determined by the appropriate TAC Project Leader. Notices of meetings shall be sent to all members at least 2

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2012 SMC Annual Report weeks prior to the meeting. Such notice will be sent to the last known address of the member as it appears in the membership database.

ARTICLE XIII: Technical Advisory Committees

Each Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is headed by a Project Leader approved by the Policy

Committee. TAC’s provide technical review and advice to the Policy Committee on field activities and research projects being conducted by SMC staff or affiliated scientists. The need for, definition of, and effectiveness of TAC’s will be reviewed by the Policy Committee every 2 years.

ARTICLE XIV: Duties of Officers

1. The duties of the Chair of the Policy Committee shall be to preside at the regular and special meetings of the SMC.

2. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and such other duties as may be delegated by the Policy Committee.

3. The Director shall be responsible for all operations of the SMC, supervision of employees and students. He/she reports to both the Chair of the Policy Committee and to the Dean, College of

Forest Resources, University of Washington.

ARTICLE XV: Property

The real property of the SMC shall be in the custody and at the disposal of the Dean of the College of

Forest Resources, University of Washington for reallocation to other uses at the College. Each member of the SMC own the data collected from its land holdings. The University of Washington acts as an agent for SMC member data for the purposes of collecting and storing said data. The University of

Washington shall be the sole licensor for SMC databases, research tools and other SMC services.

ARTICLE XVI: Conduct of Meetings

The meetings shall be conducted under the rules of procedure contained in M.A. DeVries (1998) The

New Robert’s Rules of Order, 2nd Ed . Signet, NY. When a conflict of interest arises, the member will be recused from voting.


1. Any vacancy in the Office of Chair of the Policy Committee shall be filled immediately by the


2. Any vacancy in the Office of Vice-Chair shall be filled by nominations and vote at the next regular Policy Committee meeting.


The By-laws of the SMC may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the full membership at any regular or special meeting provided notice of such amendment shall have been sent to all members by the

Director at least two weeks prior to such meeting.




COOPERATIVE (copy available upon request)

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2012 SMC Annual Report






I. Data & Database

A. Definition

Data are defined as any measurements of stands, trees, or products (a) developed by the SMC research program or (b) shared with the SMC and another organization and for which the SMC has direct responsibility. The Database is defined as all data resulting from efforts of the integrated program, the Regional Forest Nutrition Research Project (RFNRP), and the Stand Management

Cooperative; for policy matters no distinction will be made among these three sources of data.

B. Data & Database Rules

1. All organizations, member or non-member, have access to data from installations on their own land at any time.

2. Upon request, each SMC member receives a CD copy of the annually updated database.

Updates are generally available at mid-year. Costs of special requests to SMC staff for retrieving, analyzing, reporting, and/or transmitting data will be borne by the Cooperator requesting the data.

3. SMC members have access to all data collected from SMC-supported studies under the condition that the data will not be released to non-member organizations with the exception that a member may temporarily share data with confidentially bound assigns for the sole purpose of having analyses performed for the benefit of the SMC member with the assign allowed to make no further use of the data or analyses.

4. It is recognized that certain individuals and organizations who are not SMC members may desire access to the SMC database for research or other purposes without joining. Requests for data in these situations will be treated on a case-by-case basis. The individual or organization will submit to the SMC Director a written proposal request outlining the analysis planned, plans for use and/or publication of results, and the specific data requested. The proposer must agree to (a) share results of their analyses with the SMC and (b) to provide a review draft of any related publication. The Director will present the request to the Policy

Committee for approval. Upon approval, a formal agreement, including a Licensing Agreement and appropriate fees, will be negotiated by the SMC and the proposing entity through the

University of Washington Office of Software and Copyright Ventures.

5. Data shared with the SMC by other organizations will not be available to any other member or non-member organization without the express permission of the sharing organization. Data shared with the SMC are to be used for accomplishment of SMC goals, and only results and summaries from analyses are to be published. Shared data will be considered as proprietary

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2012 SMC Annual Report information and the designated analyst(s) will take every precaution to ensure confidentiality.

6. Requests for data by Institutional Members are made only through the Institution’s representative on the Policy Committee. This same representative is responsible for making sure that all users within the Institution: (1) are aware of the proprietary nature of the SMC

Database; (2) obtain the data directly from the Institutional representative; (3) do not pass any part of the database to any other party within or outside of the Institution; and (4) secure written permission from the SMC Director to proceed with any analyses. Requests for permission include specific objectives, data required, analysis approach, and intended authors of all planned reports and manuscripts.

II. Publications, Software, Models and Other Works

7. Final reports and manuscripts , software, and presentations based partly or entirely on the

SMC Database are submitted for approval to the SMC Director before authors submit them to journals or other outlets, in order to check for the following items: (1) acknowledgement of the

SMC; (2) co-authorship acceptable to the SMC, including associated UW staff and faculty; and (3) absence of excessive overlap with publications planned by other parties.

8. SMC members are encouraged to share results from their analyses involving use of SMC data. Any publications or products resulting from the use of SMC data must credit that fact.

9. Analyses and software derived in whole or in part on SMC data may not be shared with non-

SMC members except when placed in the public domain.

10. Results of analyses, software, or models based on the SMC database produced by UW faculty, staff, students, and designated analysts appearing in peer-reviewed journals, theses, symposium proceedings, and other media are owned by the University of Washington and administered by the Cooperative Director. SMC members will receive copies of these works.

These works may be copyrighted by the UW, the authors, or the publishing entity.

11. Non-UW members may also develop and publish analyses, software, or models based on the

SMC database. Copyright, if any, established on any such works remains under the ownership and control of their respective authors (or assignees).

12. SMC members and non-members wishing to use or distribute copyrighted materials must obtain appropriate permissions from the copyright owner(s).

13. The SMC data used in the development of any copyrighted or un-copyrighted works remains the property of the University of Washington and subject to the distribution rules in Section I.

Changes and exceptions to this Policy must be approved by the Policy Committee.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Meetings and Conferences


ue to the size of the meetings and minutes (58 pages) we decided to format them separately.

The can be downloaded directly from the SMC web site

or you can contact

Megan O’Shea , moshea@uw.edy

and she will send you a copy electronically.

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Education and Outreach

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2012 SMC Annual Report

SMC Graduate Students

“Sustainable land and resource management requires an understanding of ecosystems, management skills, a deep conservation ethic, critical thinking skills and an ability to apply systems thinking to complex problems. Our students are instructed and immersed in precisely those skills and qualities, and their careers will help raise our capacity to address these challenges. Loss yields opportunity. As we shed talented graduates, the world churns with fresh energy and determined minds.”

Tom DeLuca, SEFS Director

We entered the fall with 5 Masters and 3 PhD students; by the end of the 2012 4 had graduated.

We entered the fall with 5 Masters and 3 PhD students. By the end of the year 4 graduated.

• Jed Bryce (MS, Turnblom)

• Research Assistant developing report summarizing SMC Type III installation breast height branch diameter trajectories

• Supported by TA, Corkery Chair, CAFS and SMC

• Kevin Ceder (PhD, Turnblom)

• Converted to PhD student after over eight years as research staff with the

Rural Technology Initiative at the UW College of Forest Resources with research focusing on developing dynamic models for understory vegetation development in young, managed Douglas-fir and western hemlock forests

• Developing growth and yield performance summaries of Type III installations

• Supported by SMC and Corkery Family Chair

• Jeff Comnick (PhD, Turnblom)

• Research Assistant developing LOGS style performance reports of SMC Type II installations.

• Supported by ONRC, Corkery Chair and CAFS

• Austin Himes (MS, Harrison)

• Working on SMC Type V sites. Also interested in the effects of fire on soil properties, which might be developed as a project later

• Supported by TA, USFS, CAFS, and Corkery Chair

• Graduated Spring 2012, currently working as research scientists for Greenwood Resources

• Erika Knight (MS Harrison)

• Fall River/Matlock/Molalla LTSP

• Supported by TA

• Graduates spring 2013, currently working as soil scientist for Sealaska Corp in SE Alaska

• Kim Littke (PhD, Harrison)

• Paired Tree Fertilization Trials. Sampled soils and installed & maintained moisture sensors the paired tree installations

• Supported by TA, AGENDA 2020, CAFS, and Corkery Family Chair

• Graduated Spring 2012, internship with Port Blakeley TF, now postdoc at UW

• Nai Saetern (MS Briggs)

• Developing LOGS-style performance reports for the SMC Type I installations

• Supported by TA, SMC, and Corkery Family Chair

• Betsy Vance (MS Harrison)

• Working on the Type V

• Supported by TA and CAFS

• Graduates spring 2013, currently working as soil ecologist/surveyor on Colville NF

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2012 SMC Annual Report

Stand Management Cooperative Staff

University of Washington, Seattle: Gregory Ettl, SMC Director

Randy Collier, Senior Computer Specialist

B.C. Ministry of Forests, Victoria:

Bob Gonyea, Field Coordinator

Rob Harrison, Nutrition Project Leader

Bert Hasselberg, Field Technician

Megan O’Shea, Administrative Specialist

Eric Turnblom, Silviculture Project Leader

William Bizak, Hourly Field Assistant

Louise de Montigny, B.C. Research Forester

PNW Research Station, Portland:

Weyerhaeuser NR Company, Federal Way:

Eini Lowell, Wood Quality Project Leader

Dave Marshall, Modeling Project Leader

Stand Management Cooperative

School of Environmental and Forest Science

Box 352100

University of Washington

Seattle, Washington 98195

Phone: 206-543-9744 FAX: 206-685-0790


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