UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF FOREST RESOURCES THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES & ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES September 16, 2008 – September 1, 2009 THREE-YEAR GOAL: Increase morale and a sense of community THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - 80% of CFR personnel will pass the People Recognition Test on the website. There will be at least 50% representation of faculty and staff from all operating units at the CFR strategic planning retreat, including representation from all student organizations. At least 50% of CFR faculty, staff and students will utilize a common space in the Winkenwerder, Bloedel, Anderson area. 80% of students, faculty and staff surveyed will have a score of at least 8 on a morale and sense of community survey on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high). ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. By December 15, 2008 2. By March 15, 2009 Ramona Hickey and Sally Morgan Arrange for a college-wide social event in the Winter quarter to compliment the college-wide events in the Fall and Spring of each year. Ad hoc Facilities Committee (Bob Edmonds and Sally Morgan-co-leads) Locate a common space in the Winkenwerder, Bloedel and Anderson Halls and submit to the Resources Committee for approval. ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED A 3. By May 15, 2009 4. By June 1, 2009 5. By June 1, 2009 and by August 15, 2009 6. By June 1, 2009 and by August 15, 2009 The Dean Authorize travel expenses for CFR operating units personnel in remote locations to attend the September 2009 CFR Strategic Planning Retreat. Bob Edmonds and Soo Kim (co-leads), working with an ad hoc Workplace Morale Committee Design a CFR People and Place/Program Recognition Test and a Morale and Sense of Community Survey, distribute them to the CFR community, and analyze and distribute the results to the College Planning Committee. Sally Morgan Send an email invitation to all CFR personnel to attend the September 2009 Strategic Planning Retreat. Sally Morgan Send a specific email to each operating unit requesting that at least 50% attend the September 2009 CFR Strategic Planning Retreat and that the unit sends the names to Sally of personnel attending by September 1, 2009. B THREE-YEAR GOAL: Improve CFR facilities THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - CFR will have upgraded at least six laboratories and three CFR classrooms. CFR will secure at least $_______ in external financial support for facilities. CFR will conduct upgrades using “green” technology or sustainable design considerations for all facilities. ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. By October 15, 2008 Dean Bruce Bare Solicit proposals from the CFR community and select three proposals for directed appropriations for State and Federal funding for current facilities. Cecilia Paul, working with the Sustainability Committee Develop and begin to implement an awareness campaign around approaches to green technology and sustainable design in facilities (e.g., a regular feature in the Straight Grain and the external electronic newsletter). 3. By April 1, 2009 Tom Mentele Develop and present to Dean Bruce Bare a plan that identifies potential foundations and donors to fund facilities and that outlines how each will be approached. 4. By April 1, 2009 Tom Mentele Begin implementation of the donor/foundation solicitation plan for facilities. 2. By February 1, 2009 ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED C 5. By April 1, 2009 6. By September 1, 2009 Bob Edmonds and Sally Morgan (co-leads), working with an ad hoc Facilities Committee Analyze and prioritize what CFR facilities need to be upgraded and report the results to the College Planning Committee. Tom Mentele Report to the CFR on the status of the donor/foundation solicitation plan for facilities. D THREE-YEAR GOAL: Increase funding for the College of Forest Resources (e.g., UWBG) THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - CFR will have $6 million in new private funding, including an increase of 36% in private foundation contributions. CFR will secure $3 million for targeted project support from the State government. CFR will secure $5 million for targeted project support from the Federal government. CFR will allocate 1.5 FTE for grant writing. CFR will increase the self-sustaining revenue stream by 15% (e.g., fee for service projects). CFR will increase grant and contract awards for research by at least 50%. The UWBG will receive 100% secure and sustainable funding for maintenance and operations. ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. By December 31, 2008 2. By December 31, 2008 3. By April 1, 2009 Tom Mentele (lead), Fred Hoyt, Wendy Kelley and Sandra Lier Submit a Strategic Fundraising Plan for UWBG to Dean Bruce Bare. Caroline Rosevear (lead), Rick Gustafson, Tom Mentele and Beverly Anderson, working with a professional grant writer Present to the Deavis Council a strategy for sustained grant writing capacity. Tom Mentele, working with the Development Committee and Dondi Cupp from Corporate and Foundation Relations Identify 12 prospective private foundations to be targeted for CFR funding proposals. ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED E THREE-YEAR GOAL: Create a positive public image, both on and off campus THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - 100% of staff and faculty will be aware of the unified CFR Media Plan and how to interact with the media. CFR will have an electronic newsletter for external constituents. CFR will have consistent branding that reflects the breadth of CFR’s activities and is used by all operating units. There will be a 30% increase in the number of people outside the college who use CFR’s facilities (e.g., UWBG, ONRC, CSF). 80% of stakeholders (e.g., alumni, donors, students, faculty and staff) surveyed respond that they are satisfied with the web page’s quality and relevance. 30% increase in the participation of alumni in CFR events/initiatives, including attendance and/or donations. There will be a 15% increase in the number of PSAs and positive media stories published about CFR. 10% of the public, 20% of the UW community and 50% of other stakeholders surveyed are able to identify the range of CFR’s activities (i.e., CFR is more than cutting down trees). ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. By November 1, 2008 2. By November 15, 2008 and at least twice yearly thereafter 3. By January 15, 2009 Dean Bruce Bare Establish a CFR Communication/Media Committee (CMC) composed of representatives of each operating unit. Cecilia Paul Develop and distribute an external newsletter featuring the breadth of CFR activities. Communication/Media Committee (Cecilia Paullead) Develop and present to the Dean for approval a CFR Media/Communication Plan identifying goals and guidelines for media communication and published and printed materials. ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED F 4. By April 15, 2009 5. By September 1, 2009 FUTURE: By ___________ Jon Diemer (lead), Ivan Eastin, Clare Ryan and Sergey R. Survey CFR stakeholders and analyze and distribute the results and suggestions to the CFR community regarding the quality and relevance of the CFR website. Caroline Rosevear and Tom Wolford Develop a list of alumni stakeholder/interest clusters for use in developing and promoting focused alumni events and hold at least 4 stakeholder/alumni interest cluster events. CPC (Gordon Bradleylead), with input and approval from the CFR faculty Propose to the University Names Committee a change of name for the CFR. G THREE-YEAR GOAL: Take a leadership role in making the College of the Environment successful THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - CFR will have proportional representation on every leadership committee in the College of the Environment (e.g., Dean’s search, Curriculum Committee, Environmental Institute, PMT Committee). CFR will have a leadership role in the College of the Environment outreach activities (especially regarding UWBG and NW Environmental Forum). CFR will play a leadership role in proposed environmental instructional graduate and undergraduate programs (e.g., Conservation of Living Systems, Bioresources). CFR will successfully implement at least 4 major interdisciplinary education and research projects in collaboration with operating units of the College of the Environment. ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. Beginning September 29, 2008 and every other week thereafter 2. By November 7, 2008 3. At the November 10, 2008 CFR faculty meeting Rick Gustafson, representing the Elected Faculty Council (EFC) and serving as a liaison to gather information from the College of the Environment leadership Share College of the Environment updates with the College of Forest Resources community. Rick Gustafson, representing the EFC Convene a half-day forum to provide the CFR community an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding the future of the CFR relative to the College of the Environment. Gordon Bradley Call for a motion to vote regarding whether the faculty wants to participate in the College of the Environment as a core unit or a collaborating unit. ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED H 4. By November 14, 2008 Rick Gustafson, representing the EFC Announce the results of the vote regarding whether the faculty wants to participate in the College of the Environment as a core unit or a collaborating unit to the CFR community. 5. By March 31, 2009 Brian Boyle Complete a scoping exercise to identify issues that expand the NW Environmental Forum to serve the mission of the College of the Environment, and share the results with the CFR and College of the Environment communities. I THREE-YEAR GOAL: Increase the number, quality and diversity of students, faculty and staff in the college THREE-YEAR KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES Within 3 years . . . - There will be at least 300 undergraduate majors (at least 225 in Environmental Science and Research Management and at least 75 in Paper Science and Engineering) and at least 100 minors. 75% of the graduate students will be fully funded. CFR will exceed the UW ___% of underrepresented students, faculty and staff. There will be 200 CFR graduate students. Across CFR, there are enough staff and faculty positions to meet the needs of the college. ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: WHEN WHO WHAT STATUS DONE 1. By December 31, 2008 2. By March 15, 2009 3. By May 15, 2009 4. By September 1, 2009 Michelle Trudeau Review and update the existing Student Recruitment Plan and distribute the results to the Planning Committee and the rest of the CFR community. Planning Committee (Michelle Trudeau-lead) Present to the faculty an updated Student Diversity Plan. EFC (Steve West-lead) Develop and present to the CFR community a Faculty and Staff Diversity Plan. Michelle Trudeau, working with faculty and using the revised Student Recruitment Plan Recruit at least 25 additional undergraduate and 15 additional graduate students. ON TARGET COMMENTS REVISED J K