DATE: April 25, 2016
CONTACT: Dean Backos
TELEPHONE: 734-487-4428
Date: May 13, 2016
Time: 5:00 p.m. EDT
Return Proposals Dean Backos
Director of Purchasing
EMU Dining Services
Qualified Operators are hereby invited to submit their proposal to furnish a comprehensive dining service
program for Eastern Michigan University (“EMU”) as per the specifications in this Request for Proposal
(“RFP”). Qualified Operators must have demonstrated the following:
• Ten (10) plus years as a contract foodservice operator including higher education clients;
• Multiple higher education client operations with 15,000+ students; and
• Financial resources to self-fund proposed capital investment and working capital necessary for this
EMU has always self-managed the foodservice facilities on campus. This currently consists of the following
Eastern Eateries – Food court style service, retail priced with meal plans and retail product. Behind
security access.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
6 Eagle Cafes – small, walk-in grab n go operations. Retail products and offer meal plan
Commons – The only “all you care to eat” and anytime dining program on campus. Meal plan
exchange. Behind security access.
Crossroads – Combination of food court options, c-store offered at retail, with meal exchanges.
o Retail & Meal Exchange at the following:
 Hot Food Line
 Deli
 Sushi
 C-Store
o Einstein’s Bagels – Retail only (EMU operated space expires June 2016).
Student Center – Two levels of retail and food court offerings
o Retail & Meal Exchange at the following
 Salads
 Vegetarian
 Pizza
 Mexican
 International
 C-Store
o Wendy’s – Retail only (sub contracted space expires June 2016). New concept is required
to be operational by August 8, 2016 (or per EMU agreed schedule).
o Subway – Retail only (sub contracted space expires June 2016). New concept is required
to be operational by August 8, 2016 (or per EMU agreed schedule).
o Starbucks – Retail only (EMU operates, license expires June 2017)
Catering – Non-exclusive catering on and off campus
Concessions – Stadium (30,000 capacity) and arena (8,800 capacity) concessions for Division 1
athletic events.
Vending Machines (Optional) – Approximately 30 snack and hot beverage machines located
throughout campus (does not include Pepsi bottle vending which is provided by Pepsi via the
pouring rights agreement).
Campus Child Care Meal Service – The Children’s Institute is licensed for up to 120 children, but is
not currently at capacity. EMU is requiring meals delivered per a pre-approved menu cycle
provided by the foodservice operator.
Our strategic objective is for EMU to become a leader in university food services by providing innovative
and exceptional food, venues, programs and services while fostering student development and a sense of
community for our faculty and staff. This important initiative will enhance the EMU experience through the
creation of a welcoming and professional atmosphere; innovative menu design; fiscal responsibility;
supporting fellowship and encouraging continuing education.
EMU is seeking a partner that will invest in the facilities and future as well as provide EMU a financial return
to help sustain the program.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE and SITE TOUR are MANDATORY. A pre-proposal conference
regarding this RFP will be held Tuesday, April 26, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 2:00 p.m. EDT at
the Student Center. All potential Operators are required to attend a conference as the Scope of Work will
be discussed in detail. In addition, a tour of the facilities related to the dining service program will be
provided. All Operators should bring a copy of the RFP as it will be used as a part of the agenda.
Operators wanting additional information regarding the meeting shall contact Dean Backos at email:
1. Proposal must be prepared in accordance with Section 2.0 PROPOSAL FORMAT
REQUIREMENTS. Those proposals which are not in compliance will be deemed non-responsive.
2. The last day for questions regarding this RFP is Wednesday May 4 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. Final
responses will be provided by Friday, May 6 at 5:00 p.m.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Table of Contents:
RFP Terms & Conditions
Pre-Proposal Conference
Due Date
General Format
Submission Requirements
Technical Proposal
Financial Proposal
Evaluation Process
Selection Committee
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University Purchasing Department
Whenever the following words and expressions appear in a Request for Proposal (RFP) document or
any amendment thereto, the definition or meaning described below shall apply.
a. Amendment means a written, official modification to a RFP or to a contract.
b. Attachment applies to all forms which are included with a RFP to incorporate any informational
data or requirements related to the performance requirements and/or specifications.
c. Proposal Opening Date and Time and similar expressions mean the exact deadline required by
the RFP for the physical receipt of sealed proposals in the EMU Purchasing Department.
d. Offeror means the person or organization that responds to a RFP by submitting a proposal with
prices to provide the equipment, supplies and/or services as required in the RFP document.
e. Contact means the procurement staff member of the Purchasing Department or Consultant with
Innovative Hospitality Solutions (“IHS”).
Contract means a legal and binding agreement between two or more competent parties, for a
consideration, for the procurement of equipment, supplies and/or services.
g. Contractor and/or Operator means a person or organization who is a successful Offeror as a
result of a RFP and who enters into a contract.
h. Exhibit applies to documents which are included with a RFP that will become Exhibits in the
binding contract.
Request for Proposal (RFP) means the solicitation document issued by the Purchasing
Department to potential Offerors for the purchase of equipment, supplies and/or services as
described in the document. The definition includes these Terms and Conditions as well as all
Pricing Pages, Exhibits, Attachments and Amendments thereto.
May means that a certain feature, component or action is permissible, but not required.
k. Must means that a certain feature, component or action is a mandatory condition. Failure to
provide or comply will result in a proposal being considered non-responsive.
Required Submittal Forms applies to forms which are included with a RFP for the Offeror to
complete and return with the sealed proposal prior to the specified opening date and time.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
m. Shall has the same meaning as the word must.
n. Should means that a certain feature, component and/or action is desirable but not mandatory.
a. It shall be the Offeror's responsibility to ask questions, request changes or clarification, or
otherwise advise the Director of Purchasing if language, specifications or requirements of the RFP
appear ambiguous, contradictory and/or arbitrary; or appears to inadvertently restrict or limit the
requirements stated in the RFP to a single source.
b. Any and all communication from Offerors regarding specifications, requirements, competitive
procurement process, etc., must be directed to the site (in the form of a
question). Such communication must be received by no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday
May 4, 2016.
c. Every attempt shall be made to ensure that the Offeror receives an adequate and prompt response.
However, in order to maintain a fair and equitable procurement process, all Offerors will be advised
via the issuance of an amendment to the RFP, of any relevant or pertinent information related to
the RFP response. Therefore, Offerors are advised that unless specified elsewhere in the RFP,
questions received in the site after Wednesday May 4, 2016 at 5:00 pm EDT
may not be answered. All Offeror questions and official EMU’s responses will be published to all
Offerors participating in the process without disclosing the names of the Offeror(s) in these
d. Offerors are cautioned that the only official position of EMU is that position which is stated in writing
and issued by the Director of Purchasing in the RFP or an amendment thereto. No other means of
communication, whether oral or written, shall be construed as a formal or official response or
e. EMU’s Purchasing Department monitors all procurement activities to detect any possibility of
deliberate restraint of competition, collusion among Offerors, price-fixing by Offerors or any other
anticompetitive conduct by Offerors which appears to violate state and federal antitrust laws.
EMU’s Purchasing Department reserves the right to officially modify or cancel a RFP after issuance.
Such a modification shall be identified as an amendment. EMU also reserves the right to waive
formalities and reject all proposals submitted.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
a. Offerors must examine the entire RFP carefully. Failure to do so shall be at Offeror's risk.
b. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the RFP, all specifications and requirements constitute
minimum requirements. All proposals must meet or exceed the stated specifications and
c. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the RFP, any manufacturer's names, trade names, brand
names, information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification and/or requirement are for
informational purposes only and are not intended to limit competition. The Offeror may offer any
brand which meets or exceeds the specification for any item, but must state the manufacturer's
name and model number, if applicable, for any such brands in the proposal. In addition, the
Offeror shall explain, in detail, (1) the reasons why the proposed equivalent meets or exceeds the
specifications and/or requirements and (2) why the proposed equivalent should not be considered
an exception thereto. Proposals which do not comply with the requirements and specifications are
subject to rejection without clarification.
d. All equipment and supplies offered in a proposal must be factory/manufacturer new and of current
production and available for marketing by the manufacturer unless the RFP clearly specifies that
used, reconditioned or remanufactured equipment and supplies may be offered.
e. Proposals and prices offered shall remain valid for one hundred twenty (120) days from proposal
opening unless otherwise indicated. If the proposal is accepted, prices and all proposed business
terms and conditions shall be firm for the specified contract period.
a. The RFP response submitted by an Offeror must be signed by a duly authorized representative of
the Offeror’s organization and contain all information required by the RFP, be priced as required
and be uploaded into the Public Site by Friday, May 13, 2016 at 5:00pm EDT.
Additional requirements can be found in Section 2.2 of the RFP.
b. One (1) digital copy of the proposal is required. Please note that the RFP uploaded to the Public site will be considered the official response.
a. Upon discovering an apparent clerical error, EMU’s Director of Purchasing shall contact the Offeror
in writing and request written clarification of the intended proposal. The correction shall be made in
the notice of award, if the Offeror is the successful Operator. Examples of apparent clerical errors
include (1) misplacement of decimal point, (2) typographical error, and (3) obvious mistake in
designation of unit.
b. All pricing information submitted by an Offeror must be reflected on the required submittal forms.
All pricing information provided in the written Financial Proposal must match the pricing on the
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
required submittal forms. If a discrepancy exists between the documents, the required submittal
forms shall take precedence.
c. Recommendation for award shall be based on the Offeror proposal (1) that complies with all
mandatory specifications and requirements of the RFP (2) whose Technical and Financial proposal,
in its entirety, is ranked first by the selection committee and whose vendor presentation is ranked
highest by the selection committee. EMU reserves the right to recommend the Offeror that best
represents the interests of EMU.
d. When evaluating a proposal EMU reserves the right to consider relevant information and fact,
whether gained from a proposal, from Offeror's references, or from any other public source.
e. Any information contained in the proposal package, regardless of the format or placement of such
information, may be considered in making decisions related to the responsiveness and merit of a
proposal and the award of a contract.
In conducting negotiations there shall be no disclosure of any information submitted by competing
g. A “Letter of Intent” to the successful Offeror shall be made by written notification by EMU’s
Purchasing Department to the successful Offeror.
h. The Director of Purchasing reserves the right to request written clarification of any portion of the
Offeror's response in order to verify the intent of the Offeror. The Offeror is cautioned, however,
that its response shall be subject to acceptance or rejection without further clarification.
a. By submitting a proposal, the Offeror agrees to furnish any and all equipment, supplies and/or
services specified in the RFP, at the prices quoted, pursuant to all requirements and specifications
contained therein.
b. Contract Template – Offeror will provide a fully completed contract document in Word format that
includes all proposed business terms and conditions for EMU review and edit. EMU will provide
any and all edits using red-line / tracking for Offeror review and response or further edit in the same
format. This contract document will not be considered binding until both parties have reviewed,
edited and accepted all edits and fully executed with authorized signatures. Exhibits and
attachments shall consist of: (1) the RFP and any amendments thereto (2) the Offeror's response
(proposal) to the RFP including the Offeror's best and final offer and (3) the Director of
Purchasing’s acceptance of the response (proposal) by "notice of award" (for ongoing provision of
equipment, supplies and/or services) and/or by "purchase order."
c. A notice of award does not constitute an authorization for shipment of equipment or supplies or a
directive to proceed with services. Before providing equipment, supplies and or/services, the
Offeror must receive a properly authorized purchase order.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
d. The contract expresses the complete agreement of the parties and performance shall be governed
by the specifications and requirements contained therein. Any change, whether by modification
and/or supplementation, must be accompanied by a formal contract amendment signed and
approved by and between the duly authorized representatives of the Offeror and EMU’s Chief
Financial Officer or by a purchase order change order prior to the effective date of such
modification. The Offeror expressly and explicitly understands and agrees that no other method
and/or no other document, including correspondence, acts and oral communications by or from any
person, shall be used or construed as an amendment/change order to the contract.
e. The Offeror agrees and understands that EMU’s agreement to the contract is predicated, in part
and among other considerations, on the utilization of the specific individual(s) and/or personnel
qualification(s) as identified and/or described in the Offeror's proposal. Therefore, the Offeror
agrees that no substitution of such specific individuals shall be made before or after award of the
contract without prior written approval of EMU.
The Offeror shall agree and understand that all reports and material developed or acquired by the
Offeror as a direct requirement specified in the contract shall become the property of EMU. No
reports or material prepared, as required by the contract, shall be released to the public without the
prior written consent of EMU.
a. The Offeror is advised that under the terms of this Request for Proposal, EMU reserves the right to
not conduct competitive negotiations of the proposals received in response to this Request for
Proposal. Offerors are advised that proposals, as submitted on the due date, will be the only
means by which EMU’s selection committee will select finalists that will be invited to participate in
vendor presentations.
b. EMU may request clarification regarding the Offerors proposed programs, prices and/or
methodology. All requests for clarification of proposals will be sent to the Offeror in writing from the
Purchasing Department. Written request for clarification will state the desirable submission date of
additional information from the Offeror.
a. Offerors may not contact any other employee, consultant or professional advisor of EMU
concerning this procurement while the proposal and evaluation are in process.
b. Questions may be received through our web-based RFP tool Public Purchase at . Questions and answers will be distributed to all qualified
bidders as soon as possible.
c. It shall be the Offeror’s responsibility to advise the Director of Purchasing at the address noted on
page one of the RFP, if any language, specifications or requirements, etc. or any combinations
thereof, inadvertently restricts or limits the requirements stated in this RFP to a single source.
Such notification must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Purchasing Department
not later than Wednesday May 4, at 5:00 p.m. EDT. A review of such notifications will be made.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
d. The Offeror is advised that the only official position of EMU is that position which is stated in writing
and issued by the Purchasing Department as a Request for Proposal and any amendments thereto.
No other means of communication, whether oral or written, shall be construed as a formal or official
response or statement.
e. All questions submitted by Offerors will be recorded and responses will be distributed to all Offerors.
a. The Offeror hereby covenants that at the time of the submission of the proposal and during any
contract term the Offeror has no other contractual relationships with any party which would create
any actual or perceived conflict of interest with EMU.
The Offeror, including any person affiliated with or in any way related to the Offeror, is strictly prohibited
from any contact with members of the Board of Regents, selection committee members or any
employee of EMU, except EMU’s Director of Purchasing, Dean Backos, and IHS Consultants Rob
Schwartz or Ralph Johns, on any matter having to do in any respect with this RFP other than as
outlined herein. Failure by any Offeror to adhere to this prohibition may, at the sole discretion of EMU,
result in disqualification and rejection of any proposal.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
This document, referred to as a Request for Proposal (RFP), constitutes a request for competitive
proposals from qualified individuals and organizations to provide dining services for EMU in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.
Until final award by EMU, EMU reserves the right to reject any and/or all submittals, to waive
technicalities, to re-advertise, or to otherwise proceed when the best interest of EMU will be realized.
EMU’s anticipated time frame (subject to change) for this solicitation is as follows:
Issue Request for Proposal Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monday, April 25, 2016
Pre-Proposal Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuesday, April 26
Days of Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
April 26 & 27
Last Date for Offeror’s Questions (5:00 p.m. EST). . . . . . . . . .
Wednesday, May 4
Responses to Offerors Questions Issued by EMU . . . . . .
Friday, May 6
Proposals Due (5:00 p.m. EDT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
Friday, May 13
Offeror Presentations at EMU (if invited by EMU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thursday, May 19
Best & Final Negotiations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
On or before May 25
Approximate Contract Award Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wednesday, June 22
(pending Board of
Regents approval)
Operational Start Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... August 1, 2016
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
A pre-proposal conference(s) shall be scheduled to answer any questions pertaining to the Request for
Proposal. Attendance at a pre-proposal conference is mandatory. Proposals from firms that did not
attend a pre-proposal conference may not be considered. The Request for Proposal will be
discussed in detail to gain a clear understanding of EMU’s requirements. A link to the campus map is
included in Section 6.0 List of Attachments and Information Links. Offerors may bring up to three (3)
representatives to participate in the tour of facilities, but up to five (5) representatives may attend the
opening and closing meetings. In the event any special accommodations are needed for any
conference participant, please advise the Purchasing Department as soon as possible so that such
accommodations can be made.
Each Offeror that will be attending the pre-proposal meeting must send notice via email to Dean
Backos at with CC to Rob Schwartz at (Innovative
Hospitality Solutions, EMU’s consultant that is assisting with the facilitation of the RFP process) no later
than Monday, April 25 at 5:00 pm EDT. Responses must include:
Name of firm (parent company and division name, if applicable); and
Name and title of each individual attending the conference and affiliation if not employee of
your company.
Confirmation of receipt of attendees will be sent to each Offeror that confirms attendance.
Potential Offerors will be afforded the opportunity to tour and examine EMU’s dining locations during
the pre-proposal conference.
On the afternoon and morning following the pre-proposal conference, potential Offerors will be allowed
to remain on campus to conduct additional research (“Days of Discovery”). The Offerors may, during
this time, ask informal questions and observe operations. The following guidelines must be used
during the Days of Discovery:
Notification of the Offerors participating in the Days of Discovery and names, titles and contact
information of individuals remaining on campus must be submitted to EMU’s Director of
Purchasing no later than Monday April 25 at 5:00 pm EDT.
Each firm will be restricted to no more than five (5) food service representatives on campus at
one time.
No formal meetings will be held with any members of EMU’s community including
administrators, faculty, staff, students and/or consultants.
No formal intercept or other surveying of students, faculty or staff is permitted. Results of the
recent dining service surveys and focus groups are found in Attachment C.
Communication with EMU dining service staff and/or management is not permitted.
To access any of the Eastern Eateries or Commons during regular service hours, normal meal
rates will be charged.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Requests for access to any non-public areas must be scheduled and approved by the Director
of Purchasing. Request for access to “back of the house” operations is not permitted during
preparation and peak service times.
Offerors must complete research and depart campus at completion of the Days of Discovery
which is 5:00 pm (EDT) Wednesday April 27, 2016.
Any information provided by members of EMU’s community shall not be construed as fact and
should not be used in preparation of a proposal. All requests for information must comply with
RFP Terms and Conditions. Failure to comply with the guidelines listed above may result in the
disqualification of the Offeror from this RFP process.
1. Please upload and attach all RFP responses (with any associated documents) in the Public
Purchase website portal on or before the due date – Friday, May 13, 2016 at 5pm EDT.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
To facilitate comparison and evaluation, Offerors must follow the format outlined in this section. Failure
of an Offeror to follow the required format requirements as outlined in Section 2.0 of the RFP will result
in the rejection of the submittal. Proposals shall contain concise written material and illustrations that
enable a clear understanding and evaluation of the capabilities of the Offeror. All printed proposals
must be submitted in three-ring binders or bound. An 8 ½” x 11” format is required with a limit not to
exceed two hundred (200) pages (not including exhibits). Any forms that are included that exceed 8 ½”
x 11” should be folded and inserted into the proposal. Double sided pages are acceptable and typed
font should be no smaller than 11 points. Legibility, clarity and completeness are essential.
Each Offeror is required to submit a Technical Proposal separately from the Financial Proposal.
Proposals must contain the information requested in this section. Specifically, each proposal
submission must include a table of contents and tabs indicating the following sections:
Technical Proposal:
Tab 1 - Signed Cover Letter / Executive Summary – Technical Proposal
Tab 2 - Company Profile, Experience and Qualifications
Tab 3 - Operational Plan – Resident Dining
Tab 4 - Operational Plan – Retail
Tab 5 - Operational Plan – Catering
Tab 6 - Operational Plan – Concessions
Tab 7 – Operational Plan – Vending Machines (optional)
Tab 8 – Operational Plan – Child Day Care Meal Service
Tab 9 - Operational Plan – Future Athletic Training Table
Tab 10 - Operational Plan – New Services Proposed (optional)
Tab 11 - Human Resource and Staffing Plan
Tab 12 - Marketing Plan
Tab 12 - Technology Plan
Tab 14 - Sustainable Practices
Tab 15 - Quality Assurance
Tab 16 - Evidence of Insurability
Financial Proposal:
Tab 1 - Signed Cover Letter / Executive Summary - Financial Proposal
Tab 2 – Market Basket – Retail Pricing
Tab 3 - Start-up Expenses
Tab 4 – Investment Proposal
Tab 5 – Meal Plan Worksheet
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 6 – Labor Summary
Tab 7 – Proforma Worksheet – Years 1 - 3
Tab 8 – 3 year Financial Projections
Each Offeror is required to include the requirement number and requirement statement (in italic font) in
the written proposal preceding the individual response beginning with Tab 2. Example:
1. Provide a corporate overview of the organization including but not limited to the structure and size
of the company, divisions, departments and/or business units, location of head office, and locations
of regional or affiliate office that would be responsible for managing this account.
Offeror Response:
We have three offices…..
Tab 1: Signed Cover Letter / Executive Summary – Technical Proposal
In this section each Offeror is expected to provide a signed copy of a proposal cover letter that verifies
the Offeror has complied with the requirements of the RFP, has received all addenda issued in
reference to the RFP, notes the person (name, title, contact information) representing the firm that is
authorized to negotiate terms with EMU, and is signed by an officer of the firm.
This section should also include an executive summary that highlights key elements of the Technical
Proposal. The executive summary should be no more than three (3) pages in length.
Tab 2: Company Profile, Experience and Qualifications
In this section Offerors are to include concise documentation outlining experience, competence and
financial stability relating to the operation of food services in the college and university sector.
1. Provide a corporate overview of the organization including but not limited to the structure and
size of the company, divisions, departments and/or business units, location of U.S.
headquarters and locations of regional or affiliate office that would be responsible for managing
this account.
2. Describe the structure of subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions or departments of your organization
responsible for the various aspects of this opportunity including internal and external reporting
relationships and proposed interface with EMU. Also list regional managers, area vice
president, the person that has the contractual authority to bind your company (i.e., execute the
Agreement), and an organizational chart reflecting positions and authorities from your
CEO/Owner to the on-site general manager at EMU. Detail the frequency and purpose of onsite visits from regional and senior support staff from your company.
3. Document a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) existing, directly comparable
reference sites that are managed by the same regional team that will manage EMU food
service program. Document the following for each:
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Brief general description of the operation and service provided
Length of service
Approximate annual revenues
Name of regional/district manager
Any investments made by the Offeror during the course of the contract
EMU contact names, email addresses and phone numbers
4. Provide financial resources and capabilities. If privately owned, include three (3) years audited
financial statements and balance sheets (note: tax returns and other financial information from
private companies may be requested at a later date) as prepared by an outside public
accounting firm. If a public company, include your company’s most recent annual report.
5. Provide a description of any and all pending litigation, agreements, or liabilities that may
reasonably be anticipated to have an adverse effect upon the Offeror’s ability to comply with
the terms and condition of the contract or this RFP.
6. Indicate any current or contemplated merger or acquisition of your company with another. If
such activity is underway or contemplated before July 2016, provide information as to the
potential effect of such action on EMU’s operations and/or contractual negotiations.
Tab 3: Operational Plan – Residence Dining
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that describes how residence dining
will be provided at EMU. It should be assumed that this plan will be implemented in year (1) one
(2016/17). The operational plan must demonstrate programs that will be implemented as per the
requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe the proposed programs for the current Eastern Eateries, CrossRoads, and The
Commons (residence dining halls). Program descriptions should include but not be limited to
concepts, menus for each meal period, offerings, brands, floor plans/renderings, marketing
materials, etc.
2. Describe proposed meals plans structure (without costs) that your firm believes will enhance
residence and non-residence student satisfaction levels, provide flexibility and convey
price/value perception. (Consider all option including semester Block plans, weekly block plans,
declining balance, meal equivalency, etc.).
3. Describe the summer conference services that would be offered, including minimum levels of
service, required headcount and pricing.
4. Describe a proposed program for EMU Athletics (Athletics Training Table). Program
descriptions should include but not be limited to concepts, menus for each meal period,
offerings, brands, floor plans/renderings, marketing materials, etc. Would this be offered as a
separate board plan or cost plus operation?
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
5. In the event that the number of Residence Dining days is extended due to an extension in the
Academic Calendar, emergency or other unforeseen events, describe the services that would
be provided, notice requirements and rate structure (i.e. minimum count requirement, billed at
X% of average daily meal rate).
6. Describe in detail any investment or renovations plans (without costs) that your firm believes
will be necessary to provide the proposal programs. Include an overview of scope of work,
risks, outcomes and timeline.
7. Although all financial projections must be based on the current hours of operation, provide
alternate hours of operations for the resident dining operation that you believe will enhance
student satisfaction. Complete the Hours of Operation worksheet for each residence dining
hall. Include the total number of hours each venue would be open for service during each day
of the week during the academic year. The worksheet can be found in Required Financial
Submittal Form - Financial Project Workbook.
Tab 4: Operational Plan – Retail
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that describes how retail dining will
be provided at EMU. The operational plan must demonstrate programs that will be implemented as per
the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe the proposed programs for Student Center Food Court retail dining outlets. Program
descriptions should include but not be limited to concepts, brands (local, national and/or
regional including rationale for recommending the brands), menus, offerings, retail prices, etc.
It is desired that Student Center provide continuous service through the summer months for
dates mutually agreed with EMU and consistent with the academic calendar. Specifically
address the concepts that will replace the current Wendy’s and Subway operations, including
schedule of build-out to be operational by August 8, 2016.
2. Describe the proposed program for Starbucks located in the Student Center. Program
descriptions should include but not be limited to concepts, brands, menus, offerings, retail
prices, etc.
3. Describe the proposed programs for Crossroads retail dining outlets. Program descriptions
should include but not be limited to concepts, brands, menus, offerings, retail prices, etc.
4. Describe the proposed programs for Eagle Cafe retail dining outlets (Currently six locations).
Program descriptions should include but not be limited to concepts, brands, menus, offerings,
retail prices, etc. for each location.
5. Describe a Dining Dollars (declining balance) meals plan (without costs) that your firm would
implement that would improve non-resident student and EMU faculty and staff participation in
the retail dining outlets. Include any requirements such as systems, infrastructure or otherwise
that would be necessary to implement the proposed plan.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
6. Although all financial projections must be based on the current hours of operation, provide
alternate hours of operations for each retail dining location operation that you believe will
enhance student satisfaction. Complete the Hours of Operation worksheet for the retail
food outlets. Include the total number of hours each venue would be open for service during
each day of the week during the academic year. The worksheet can be found in Required
Submittal Form - Financial Project Workbook.
Tab 5: Operational Plan – Catering
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that demonstrates how catering will
be provided at EMU. The operational plan must describe programs that will be implemented as per the
requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe and provide information on how your firm will implement a tiered catering program
that provides menu options, service levels and price points for all constituents in the EMU
community. One tier should focus on student groups, information gatherings and/or pick up
service. One tier should focus on internal patrons and EMU guests that desire conference
style catering for breakfast, lunches, working lunches and/or meeting break service. One tier
should focus on special event catering for events such as formal dinners, receptions,
celebrations, fund raising or Administration events.
2. Provide sample customer catering guide and menus with proposed pricing in line with current
prices of proposed tiered catering programs. Sample catering guides should include all
catering terms and conditions proposed at EMU. Provide example invoice billing that clearly
shows all added or pass-through costs (disclose if pass-through costs are “at cost” or marked
up), any service fees, gratuities, etc.
3. Describe and provide samples of a formal standard operating procedure (“SOP”) manual that
will be developed and approved by EMU and become part of the agreement. The catering
SOP manual must include but not be limited to ordering procedures, confirmation of orders
with patrons, kitchen and preparation procedures, event standards, service level standards,
billing procedures, uniform standards, staff training programs, sources for staffing for large
events, etc.
Tab 6: Operational Plan – Concession Services
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that describes how Concessions at
the athletic facilities will be provided at EMU. The operational plan must demonstrate programs that
will be implemented as per the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Concessions Program descriptions should include but not be limited to concepts, brands
(local, national and/or regional including rationale for recommending the brands), menus,
offerings, retail prices, etc.
2. Describe how and when you will provide concession services. What are the attendance
requirements and what are the ratios of attendance to concession operations?
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 7: Operational Plan – Vending Machine Services (optional)
In this section Offerors are invited to submit an operational plan that demonstrates how Vending
machine services will be provided, as approved by EMU. The operational plan must describe
programs that will be implemented as per the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Will this service be provided by in-house staff, off-site staff or outsourced to a third party.
2. What equipment (type and brands) will be provided? Confirm only brand new equipment will
be installed.
3. Confirm that similar product and pricing will be provided.
4. Complete the Required Submittal Form - Financial Project Workbook.
Tab 8: Operational Plan – Child Care Meal Service
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that demonstrates how menus and
meal service will be provided to the on-campus child care center and as approved by EMU. The
operational plan must describe programs that will be implemented as per the requirements outlined in
Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe and provide information on how your firm will maintain required minimum menu
requirements. The plan should include proposed menus concepts, service levels, offerings,
hours of operation and daily prices charged for this service.
2. Complete the worksheet found in Required Submittal Form - Financial Project
Tab 9: Operational Plan – Future Athletic Training Table
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that demonstrates how these new
services will be provided, as approved by EMU.
1. Describe and provide information on how your firm will implement a training table program in
the Convocation Center using the concept drawing (Attachment F) provided as a guideline.
2. How will this plan be implemented? Separate Board Plan? Cost Plus basis? The plan should
include concepts, location(s), service levels, offerings, hours of operation and projected costs
and or prices.
3. Complete the Hours of Operation worksheet for the additional services and include it in this
section. Include the total number of hours each venue would be open for service during
each day of the week during the academic year. The worksheet can be found in Required
Submittal Form - Financial Project Workbook.
Tab 10: Operational Plan – Additional Services
In this section Offerors are required to submit an operational plan that demonstrates how new services
will be provided, as approved by EMU. The operational plan must describe programs that will be
implemented as per the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
1. Describe and provide information on how your firm will implement a new concept, whether a
c-store program, food truck, mobile cars, etc., at EMU. The plan should include concepts,
location(s), service levels, offerings, hours of operation and prices.
2. Complete the Hours of Operation worksheet for the additional services and include it in this
section. Include the total number of hours each venue would be open for service during
each day of the week during the academic year. The worksheet can be found in Required
Submittal Form - Financial Project Workbook.
Tab 11: Human Resources & Staffing Plan
The successful Offeror may be required to employ and manage the food service staff at EMU. Each
Offeror will be required to submit as part of their proposal a human resource plan, which includes but is
not limited to the following:
1. Provide an onsite management organizational chart and the resumes and description of the
relevant experience and skill set of the proposed candidates for all management (including
catering and culinary) positions at EMU.
2. Provide a description of the program your firm will implement regarding student employment to
include but not be limited to recruitment, positions, pay rates, percentage of students making
up workforce, programs for advancement and/or promotion.
3. Provide a listing of corporate resources, educational and training, and staff development
programs that will be implemented for all food service management and line staff working at
4. Describe how your company has worked with unions in the past and what your approach with
this union will be.
5. Confirm that all current EMU employees, whether union or non-union will be given first right of
refusal for all positions filled. (It is understood that your company may require pre-employment
testing and or background checks that may disqualify some current employees).
6. Provide details regarding the benefits package that will be offered to management and hourly
staff members. Also provide the expected employee contribution rates for participation in the
employee benefit program to include the cost to an individual, couple or family participating in
the full benefit program.
7. Acknowledge the fact that the majority of employees are represented by a Labor Union
agreements (FM, CS and PT). A copy of these agreements are included as Exhibit B.
8. Describe a scenario where a subset of current employees remain employees of EMU, under
your supervision and management, either reimbursing EMU for these costs or increasing other
financial returns to EMU to cover these expenses.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 12: Marketing
In this section Offerors are required to describe an operational plan that demonstrates how marketing
will be provided at EMU. The operational plan must describe programs that will be implemented in all
areas (Resident Dining, Retail, Catering and Additional Services) and as per the requirements outlined
in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe how your firm will conduct market research on the campus and in the local area to
determine the recommendations for concepts, brands, programs, events, menu items and
2. Describe how your firm will engage with students, faculty and staff regarding promotions,
advertising, special events, food truck locations, etc.
3. Provide a sample calendar and marketing plan for one academic year for the residence dining
program that will be implemented at EMU. The plan should include but not be limited to
premium meal nights, seasonal promotions, seasonal menu offerings, student events, etc.
4. Provide a sample calendar and marketing plan for one academic year for the retail dining
program that will be implemented at EMU. The plan should focus on increasing participation
and include but not be limited to seasonal promotions, coupons, frequent buyer programs, off
campus vendor delivery programs, etc.
5. Provide a plan on how your firm will “re-brand” EMU food services program to become “EMU
Dining Services” or similar name. The plan should include but not be limited to proposed name,
sample logos, uniform proposal, sample dining services brochure, etc.
Tab 13: Technology
In this section Offerors are required to describe the technology proposed to be deployed at EMU. The
technology plan must describe programs that will be implemented in all areas (Residence Dining, Retail,
Catering and New Services) and as per the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe POS systems that will be deployed to manage dining service sales and inventory.
2. Describe the online catering solution that will provide EMU’s community the ability to order
non-custom catering online. Describe major features, how the system will be deployed,
sample screen shots and how the system will be updated and remain current.
3. Describe how your firm will deploy a web site and online nutritional information for EMU’
community. Provide a site map that includes the pages that will be included, a schedule on
how often the site will be updated and other innovative features that will enhance the dining
service experience.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
4. Describe how your firm will embrace social media to connect and communicate with students,
faculty and staff. What apps will be used, how will they be managed/updated and what
requirement will be desired by EMU to implement a successful social media program?
5. Describe any other technologies that will be deployed at EMU to enhance the dining services
experience and efficiency.
Tab 14: Sustainability Practices
In this section Offerors are to provide a plan for implementing sustainable practices throughout all food
service locations on campus. The sustainability plan must describe programs that will be implemented
in all areas (Resident Dining, Retail, Catering and Additional Services) and as per the requirements
outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe how your firm will maximize recycling (both consumer and kitchen) programs at
EMU food service locations.
2. Describe how your firm will implement local buying practices to support local food suppliers
and growers while reducing carbon footprint.
3. Provide examples and describe how your firm has introduced sustainable programs for
residence, retail, and catering that have resulted in energy management, decreased water
usage, consumer awareness and/or consumer education at similar sized colleges and
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 15: Quality Assurance
In this section Offerors are to provide a plan for quality assurance. The quality assurance plan must
describe programs that will be implemented in all areas (Resident Dining, Retail, Catering and
Additional Services) and as per the requirements outlined in Exhibit A – Scope of Work.
1. Describe how your firm will conduct customer satisfaction surveys in each area. Provide the
number of times surveys will be taken, how the surveys will be deployed, collected and
tabulated, sample surveys for each area, how results will be communicated with EMU and a
methodology for action plans based on responses from the survey results.
2. Provide samples and describe how your firm will conduct internal quality assurance audits for
both in-house and national branded concepts. Descriptions should include but not be limited
to frequency of audits, personnel performing audits, how the audit results will be shared with
EMU and how poor results will be corrected.
3. Describe the quality assurance tools and processes your firm will deploy to ensure
compliance with all health, safety and sanitation standards.
4. Confirm your firm endorses EMU deploying third party QA consultants to qualify adherence
to mutually agreed standards and procedures for the purpose of continuous improvement
and performance risk/reward programs.
Tab 16: Evidence of Insurability
In this section, Offerors are to provide evidence of insurance for this opportunity. The Offeror who is
selected to operate food services at EMU will be required to obtain, pay for and have in place at all
times during the operational period of the contract, insurance coverage as required by EMU as detailed
below. These coverages must be included in the Contract Document. Such coverage will be obtained
from an insurance company authorized and licensed to provide coverage in the State of Michigan.
Insurance and Indemnification
A. Offeror, at its own expense, agrees to provide at all times throughout the term of the
Agreement, through insurance companies with an A.M. Best rating of A or better, all of the
1. Workers' compensation insurance sufficient under the laws of the State of Michigan to
cover all Offeror employees working on EMU’s campus or otherwise fulfilling Offeror’s
obligations under this Agreement. An alternate employer’s endorsement must be
added to include EMU as a location where the vendors are operating. If all dining
service employees are directly employed by Offeror, Offeror’s employees will not be
considered employees of EMU for any purpose, including, but not limited to, workers’
compensation, benefits and disability. In the event that some or all employees remain
as EMU employees and are managed by Offeror, EMU must maintain sufficient and
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
required insurance including worker’s compensation, benefits and disability.
2. Comprehensive General Liability in combination with excess insurance, and Property
Insurance in the combined single limit of not less than ten million dollars
($10,000,000.00), including but not limited to Personal Injury Liability, Bodily Injury,
Broad Form Property Damage Liability, Blanket Contractual Liability and Products
Liability, including food borne illness covering only the operations and activities of
Offeror under the Agreement.
3. Broad form auto liability in minimum amounts of $1,000,000, with coverage for all autos
owned and non-owned. The umbrella limits must also be excess of the auto liability
Offeror shall make EMU an additional insured on its comprehensive general liability and property
insurance policy.
The above insurance policies shall contain a covenant requiring thirty (30) days written notice to
EMU before cancellation, reduction or other modification of coverage. Failure to maintain
insurance coverage as specified above shall be considered a material breach of the Agreement.
Offeror shall require its subcontractors, if any, to maintain equivalent coverage.
Offeror agrees to provide EMU, at Agreement inception and annually thereafter or upon written
request, with endorsements of insurance verifying EMU has been added as an additional insured
for the coverages listed above, in a form acceptable to EMU.
B. Offeror shall indemnify EMU from any loss resulting from the dishonest acts of
Vendor’s employees.
C. Offeror shall defend, indemnify, and hold EMU harmless for any and all Workers'
Compensation claims made against EMU by any Offeror employee(s) or agent(s).
D. Offeror shall indemnify, defend and hold EMU, its Board of Regents, officers, employees
and agents harmless from and against any and all losses, damages or expenses, including
reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from claims or actions for bodily injury,
death, sickness, property damage or other injury or damage caused by any negligent act or
omission of Offeror, its officers, employees or agents. With respect to any loss, damage,
injury or death occurring during the course of the Agreement, this indemnification provision
shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 1: Executive Summary – Financial Proposal
This section should include an executive summary that highlights key elements of the Financial
Proposal. The executive summary should be no more than three (3) pages in length.
Tab 2: Market Basket Retail Pricing
This tab will capture the retail pricing you propose to implement with your first year of operations.
Tab 3: Start-Up Expenses
In this section Offerors are required to submit details regarding any pre-opening or start-up expense
expected by the Offeror.
1. Describe in two (2) pages or less how your firm would implement a vendor transition plan. The
plan should include but not be limited to strategic planning, on-site corporate support, timelines
and provision of services during transition week.
2. Complete the Start-up Expense worksheet and include a printed copy in this section. The
worksheet can be found in Required Submittal Form Financial Projection Workbook.
Tab 4: Capital Investment
In this section Offerors are required to submit details regarding any investments proposed by the
Offeror at EMU.
1. Describe the scope of any and all renovations that your firm is proposing to make at EMU to
enable the successful implementation of the proposed program(s).
2. Describe the process your firm is proposing to complete any renovations or build-out of space.
This section should include be not be limited to a typical design-build project plan,
responsibility matrix and human resource support for project management, etc.
3. Provide a renovation timeline for each proposed renovation and/or build-out that follows these
Phase 1 ( completed before August 8 , 2016 ) – placement of permanent or temporary
franchises in Wendy’s and Subway locations ( Student Center )
Phase 2 ( beginning end of April 2017 and completed August 1 , 2017 ) Renovation of
Student Center – All Franchises , DC 1 and DC2 , and Rackham
Phase 3 ( beginning end of April 2018 and completed August 1, 2018 ) – Build Out of
Convocation Center ( Training Table/ Multipurpose Events Room ) 1st floor and DC3 ( Near
Towers )
Other Phases and timetables (TBD)
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
4. Describe other “non-construction” investments your firm is proposing for EMU.
5. If offering a “signing bonus”, will this be covered by a buy-back agreement and for how long?
6. If offering in-kind donations, will these be valued at “cost” or “retail value”.
7. If offering annual donations or contributions, how will these be adjusted annually throughout
the term of the contract (i.e. CPI index)?
8. Provide evidence that the total capital investment and financial investment included in this
proposal, regardless of type (buy-back or non-buy-back), has been approved by your company
or parent company’s board of directors.
9. Complete the Capital Investment Worksheets for each operation and include a printed copy in
this section. The worksheets can be found in Required Submittal Form - Investment
Tab 4: Meal Plan Worksheet
In this section Offerors are required to submit details regarding the meal plans proposed by the Offeror
to EMU.
EMU currently offers a variety of meal plans that can be seen in detail at the EMU Dining Services
website ( These are defined as “Platinum”, “Gold” and “Silver” and
include a defined number of meals plus “Flex Dollars”. Meals are acquired via a “Meal Transfers” that
currently allows participants a meal value of $7.90/meal in all locations except for Starbucks, Wendy’s
and Subway. This exchange rate will be $8.00 and door rate will be $10.35 for 2016/17. This is not a
required format after 2016/17 year one going forward. EMU is seeking creative solutions to the meal
plans that could be offered.
1. Confirm that Offeror will honor the current meal plan, prices, terms and conditions for the
2016/17 school year.
2. Can the price to the student be lowered without compromising quality? What price would you
3. Describe a proposed meal plan structure, starting with the 2017/18 school year for EMU dining
programs. Meal plan structure that is proposed for each meal plan includes the price to the
student, EMU override and net income to the Offeror for operations. In addition, if
commissions are being proposed on these revenues, provide detail on how commissions will
be calculated, reported and paid to EMU.
4. Describe the billing method for extra service days required due to an extension in the
Academic Calendar or emergency (provide specific formula).
5. Complete the Meal Plan worksheet and include a printed copy in this section. The worksheet
can be found in Required Submittal Form - Financial Projection Workbook.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Tab 5: Labor Summary Sheet
In this section Offerors are required to submit details regarding the staffing plans for all operations
including hourly rates, benefit costs, taxes, etc. This form will generate the labor costs for each
operation in the Financial Proforma, year 1.
1. Detail the planned management, supervision and hourly positions for each operation.
2. Provide an organizational chart for the on-site management team that aligns with the Labor
Summary Sheet.
Tab 6: Proforma Worksheet
In this section Offerors are required to describe the elements that make up the financial proforma for
years 1-3 submitted in the proposal.
1. Describe the commission structure being proposed for payments to EMU. This is in addition to
any override being proposed in the pricing structure of the meal plans.
2. Summarize the financial results anticipated for both the Offeror and EMU during the initial year
of the agreement. Include the commission payments to EMU at the bottom of the form and list
major financial assumptions used to calculate the financial returns.
3. Complete the Proforma worksheets and include a printed copy in this section. The worksheet
can be found in Required Submittal Form - Financial Projection Workbook.
4. Complete the Three-Year Summary worksheet and include a printed copy in this section. The
worksheet can be found in Required Submittal Form - Financial Projection Workbook.
5. Complete the Financial Assumptions worksheet and include a printed copy in this section. The
worksheet can be found in Required Submittal Form - Financial Projection Workbook.
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
3.1. Introduction
EMU expects to receive proposals from firms having complied with proposal submission
requirements as outlined in Section 2.0 of this RFP and that possess specific experience,
resources and qualifications to perform the services outlined in Exhibit A - Scope of Work. EMU
reserves the right to request additional information to clarify a submitted proposal.
3.2. Evaluation Process
The evaluation process will consist of a four (4) level system. Each Offeror must pass Level I in
order to reach Level II and III. Only the finalists will reach Level IV.
Level I – Proposal Requirements
EMU’s Director of Purchasing and IHS Consultants will conduct a review of all proposals
submitted by the deadline to determine compliance with proposal requirements and
mandatory document submissions. Criteria shall be:
Attendance at the pre-proposal conference.
Submission of Technical Proposal on time via PublicPurchase web site.
Submission of Financial Proposal on time via PublicPurchase web site.
Completed required submittal forms provided on USB drive in original format (MS
Word and/or Excel).
Electronic version of the full Technical & Financial proposal published in PDF
Financial submittal forms provided in original Excel (non-protected) format.
Signed cover letter.
Proposal formatted as described in Section 2.0
Evidence of Insurability as required in Section 2.3.
The scoring for this section will be “pass” or “fail”. All Offerors that “fail” to be compliant
with the submittal requirements as outlined in the RFP will be eliminated from further
Level II – Technical Evaluation
If an Offeror passes Level I, the Technical Proposal shall be evaluated and ranked by the
selection committee members on the criteria below:
Company Profile, Experience and Qualifications
Operational Plans
Human Resource and Staffing Plan
Marketing Plan
Technology Plan
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Sustainable Practices
Quality Assurance
Technical Proposal rankings and preferences will be completed and submitted by each
committee member to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Level III – Financial Evaluation
Financial Proposals shall be evaluated and ranked by the selection committee members
on the criteria below:
• Financial Proposal – Overall financial benefit / income to EMU
• Market Basket
• Start Up Expenses
• Capital Investment - Improvements / Renovations
• Meal Plans and override projections
• Retail Plans and commission projections
• Staffing Plan
• Financial Projections
Level IV – Vendor Presentations
Each vendor presentation shall be evaluated and ranked by the selection committee
members on the criteria below:
Compliance with requested presentation information
Proposed on-site management team
Willingness to partner with EMU
Quality of sample Executive Box Lunch
Overall quality of presentation
3.3. Selection Committee
A selection committee will review, evaluate and rank all proposals based on the above criteria.
The selection committee will have only the response to this solicitation to review for selection of
finalists and therefore, it is important that Offerors emphasize specific information considered
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP
Attached to this RFP document are a number of exhibits that define the scope of work, terms and
conditions, responsibilities of each party and other related information necessary to complete a
submission of a proposal according to the guidelines of this RFP. It is the responsibility of the Offerors
to thoroughly read and review all exhibits attached to the RFP.
List of Exhibits:
o Exhibit A - Scope of Work
EMU has provided each Offeror with the Required Financial Projection Workbook Submittal Form that
must be completed and returned in original Excel format with the proposal to expedite the evaluation
Embedded in this RFP document are a number of attachments and website links that provide important
information necessary to complete a submission of a proposal according to the guidelines of this RFP.
It is the responsibility of the Offerors to thoroughly read and review all attachments and use this
information when formulating the response to the RFP.
Attachments can be found in “Eastern Michigan RFP-Operator Folder” at (permission access
required. Contact IHS for access).
Eastern Michigan University
Dining Services RFP