Eastern Michigan University Senate Meeting 1 December, 2015 Agenda A meeting held in open session at 6:30 p.m., room 310B of EMU Student Center Meeting opened at 6:34pm A. B. C. D. E. Opening Roll Call Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Minutes Constituent’s Forum Special Order Speeches (Open to currently enrolled students: 1 hour/total)** Senator Jones-Darling mentioned that it is national AIDS day and there are resources on campus to test for HIV so we can be safe as a community. (Open to all people sitting w/Senate: 3 minute limit/person) F. Guest Speakers 1. Nathaniel Pyle, IFC Representative G. Standing Committee Reports 1. Internal Affairs 2. Business & Finance – No allocations 3. Public Affairs - April 4th is the dragshow. 310A and 310B 7-9pm 4. Academic and Student Affairs – Dec 17th Ypsi Pride committee meeting. H. Executive Reports 1. Student Body President - 13th-18th 24/7 library. Pernicano and Gee. 2. President of the Senate - event planning 3. Judicial Sergeant 4. Clerk of the Senate 5. Director of Services and Events 6. Director of Graphic Arts I. Old Business J. New Business (Each item of Business: 45 minute default**; amend restricted from 10-90) 1. S. Res.102.06 Motion for discussion, discussion opens, motion to table the resolution until next senate meeting to do more research, vote on whether or not to table the resolution (doesn’t pass 9-11), motion to call to question, someone objected the motion, the objection doesn’t pass (6-14), the senate continues to move into a vote on the resolution, there was a tie (10-10), Vice President Martin had to break the tie and she voted to pass the resolution. Resolution passes 11-10. 2. S. Res 102.07 Motion for discussion, passes unanimously 20-0 3. Athletic Commission These senators were all nominated. Moved into vote to establish the committee before the start of next semester to get the ball rolling. Motion for unanimous consent. Passes. These senators were elected by the Senate to be on the Athletic Commission per the bylaws composition. a. Sandler b. Moore c. Jones-darling 4. Upcoming Senate Schedule and Events 1. Culture Shock 7 Dec/15 7pm 2. Board of Regents Day 8 Dec/15 Welch 205, 201 8-12:15pm; 1:30-3:30pm 3. Club Halle 9 Dec/15 6-9pm 4. Last Committee Meetings of the Semester: 8 Dec/15 5:30-7:30pm 5. Coffee with SG 11 Dec/15 10am-12pm 6. SG Retreat: Basketball Game 12 Jan/16 7-10pm 7. Res Hall Crawl 26 Jan/16 8-10pm 5. Provisional Senator Al-Jarba Motion for discussion, motion to call to question, passes unanimously Provisional Senator Al-Jarba becomes Senator Al-Jarba K. Gallery Comments L. Closing Roll Call M. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:58pm Vice President Martin Madame Speaker Judicial Seargent McAllister Clerk Brosnan Senator Amanov Senator Arshad Senator Bandfield Senator Buzrukov Senator Conley Senator Corace Senator Gee Senator Johnson Senator Jones-Darling Senator McKinney Senator Moore Senator Morton Open Roll x x x x Absent x x x x x x x x x x x Closing Roll x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Senator Niemi Senator Pernicano Senator Sandler Senator Starr Senator Sweet Senator Thompson Senator Schaewe Provisional Senator Al-Jarba x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x