EMU Strategic Planning Open Forum Current Strategic Planning Process Dr. Susan Martin and Dr. Raouf Hanna January 16, 2013 Agenda Outline EMU Strategic Plan – Progress Till Date Current State / Future State Assessment Goals / Objectives Development Prep Next Steps -2- Outline July 2011 – December 2012 Institutional Strategic Planning Council (July 2011 – present) Comprehensive Survey and focus groups Market Analysis - Deloitte Units/divisions strategic planning efforts Current State / Future State Assessment – January 2013 EMU Mission, Vision & Core Values – Working on Strategic Themes/Directions now Current assessment of Units' activities to identify Strategic Themes Deloitte’s workshops and focus groups Goals / Objectives Development Prep – February & March 2013 -3- July 2011 – December 2012 July 2011 – December 2012 Institutional Strategic Planning Council (July 2011 – present) Strategic Planning Website http://emich.edu/strategicplan/ Establish effective communication process Review current documents and data Identify internal and external stakeholders Completed Comprehensive Survey and focus groups Analyzed & Synthesized Survey Results Key themes identified and grouped Prepared draft mission, vision and core values Conduct Market Analysis - Deloitte Engage in workshops and focus groups Engage in Units/Divisions/Colleges assessment current activities -5- Strategic Planning Components Each component supports the achievement of the one above it – all components are ultimately linked together in a strategic plan Mission, Vision, & Values Establish guiding principles Strategic Directions/Themes: High level Goals for 5-7 years (working on this now) Strategic Directions/ Themes Tactical activities that must be achieved to accomplish strategic goals (both ST and LT) Key Initiatives & Actions Success measures and targets Measures & Key Performance Indicators -6- EMU Mission, Vision, Values MISSION: (APPROVED/ISPC 10-26-2012) EMU enriches lives in a supportive intellectually dynamic and diverse community. Our dedicated faculty balance teaching and research to prepare students with relevant skills and real world awareness. We are an institution of opportunity where students learn in and beyond the classroom to benefit the local and global communities. VISION: (APPROVED/ISPC 10-26-2012) Eastern Michigan University will be a premier public university recognized for student-centered learning, high quality academic programs and community impact. CORE VALUES: (APPROVED/ISPC 11-13-2012) Excellence – We provide an exceptional environment to our faculty, staff, and students. We improve our performance continuously and strive to be the best in everything we do. Respect – We care for our people, communities and the environment and show respect for the dignity of the individual. Inclusiveness – We create an environment that supports, represents, embraces and engages members of diverse groups and identities. Responsibility – We are accountable – individually and in teams – for our behaviors, actions and results. We keep commitments. Integrity – Integrity and transparency are critical to our institutional effectiveness. We pursue the highest level of personal, intellectual, academic, financial and operational integrity within the University community. -7- Client logo Client logo EMU Market Study Key Findings Kathy Karich, Principal, Deloitte Consulting Dan Meges, Economist, Chmura Economics & Analytics October, 2012 Hyper-competitive Local Market EMU operates in two difficult markets Both core region (greater Detroit) and broader region (Michigan-Ohio-Indiana) are: – Marked by slow employment growth – Historical population decline • Dampens growth of traditional freshman Several large competitors, with high and established market share Near market saturation for many degree programs -9- Tough Home Market = Tight Focus Focus on Brand Management Develop select “centers of excellence” Hone message & image Manage Costs & Efficiencies - 10 - Low Growth Environment - 11 - EMU Profile Core region: – 8.6% of Bachelor’s degrees – 7.5% of Master’s degrees Broad region: – 4.4% of Bachelor’s degrees – 4.7% of Master’s degrees In the period 2002 to 2011 EMU had: – A slight decline in bachelor’s degree market share – A slight increase in master’s degree market share EMU offerings are well aligned towards high- growth & high-wage occupations - 12 - Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: 72% of undergrad degrees aligned to high-growth, high-wage jobs Balanced growth from under-grad to grad over 2002-11 Market share strength across several areas: – Business/Finance – Healthcare Social Sciences Physical Sciences Weaknesses Underweight in International Students Master’s programs slightly below norm for alignment for high-growth, high-wage jobs - 13 - Degree Growth Broad Area 5.0% Balanced Growth Line 4.0% Annual Average Growth 2002-2011 Master's Degrees 3.0% 2.0% Univ of Michigan* Michigan State Univ Central Michigan Univ Eastern Michigan University 1.0% Grand Valley State Univ Western Michigan Univ -3.0% 0.0% -1.0% Wayne State Univ 1.0% 3.0% 5.0% 7.0% 9.0% Eastern Michigan Univ Bowling Green State Univ -1.0% Univ of Notre Dame Oakland Univ Univ of Toledo -2.0% Saginaw Valley State Univ Ferris State Univ -3.0% -4.0% -5.0% Annual Average Growth 2002-2011 Bachelor's Degrees - 14 - Bubble Size Indicates Combined Market Share for Bachelor's & Master's Degrees 2010-11 MSU≈10% Source: Chmura Economics & Analytics Market Space for Growth Some market space exists: Select education occupations—kindergarten, vocational education Specialty healthcare—speech pathologists, physician assistants, sonographers, & health informatics Master’s programs in geology & earth science, public relations & fund raising, and journalism STEM degree demand – growth 30% likely compared to other areas - 15 - Other Growth Opportunities Look at select 2+2 programs in the expanded region Increase international students Smaller markets offer some space – Select graduate level programs – Traverse City Expanding online presence may not drive market share gains - 16 - Smaller Niche Markets Rural markets can be a source of growth – Bachelor’s degree growth 2002-2011 • Saginaw Valley State University ≈ 9% • Ferris State University ≈ 6% Traverse City is exporting students and importing graduates Other rural markets are short on master’s level offerings – Jackson, Fish Lake, Macomb, & St. Clair - 17 - 2+2 Program Space Sub-baccalaureate degree enrollment will grow faster than traditional bachelor’s degrees Outreach to this demographic can offset the decline in traditional freshman – Online, partially online, or other flexible schedule arrangements are important to these adult learners - 18 - Top 15 2+2 Options CIP Code Program Associate’s Existing Degree EMU 2 + 2 Awards 201011 P % Change AS Degrees 2002-2011 HighGrowth & High-Wage 3,722 102% P 3,654 68% 51.3801 Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse 24.0102 General Studies 52.0101 Business/Commerce, General P 1,009 33% 15.0303 Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician P 528 58% 22.0302 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 391 47% 45.0101 Social Sciences, General 347 200%+ 50.0701 Art/Art Studies, General 335 200%+ 15.1302 254 200%+ 26.0101 CAD/CADD Drafting and/or Design Technology/Technician Biology/Biological Sciences, General 194 200%+ 13.1210 Elementary Education and Teaching 179 200%+ P 52.1001 Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General 114 200%+ P 15.0000 Engineering Technology, General 109 200%+ 44.0701 Social Work 106 27% P 50.0408 Interior Design 101 42% P 11.1003 Computer and Information Systems Security 97 200%+ P P Source: Chmura Economics & Analytics - 19 - P P International Growth International students (excl-Canada) are growing fast: – ≈20% nationally over the past 5-years – ≈>30% in Michigan over the past 5-years Michigan is top 10 state for international students – EMU can leverage core strengths • Top programs by size—business, (engineering), math & computer, and physical & life sciences - 20 - International Students Fields of Study % Change 2010-11 over 2009Country Enrollment 10 2010-11 % Change over Enrollment 2009-10 2002-11 Trend Business & Management 155,769 7.1% China 257,558 23.3% Engineering 135,592 6.4% 103,895 -1.0% Other Fields of Study 75,459 -1.7% India South Korea 73,351 1.7% Math & Computer Sciences 64,588 6.2% Canada 27,351 -2.1% n Physical & Life Sciences 63,471 3.5% 24,818 -7.0% Social Sciences 63,347 5.6% Taiwan Saudi Arabia 22,704 43.6% Fine & Applied Arts 37,237 4.0% Japan 21,290 -14.3% Health Professions 32,526 1.3% Vietnam 14,888 13.5% Intensive English Language 32,306 24.0% Mexico 13,713 2.0% n Undeclared 19,898 6.4% Turkey 12,184 -1.7% n Education 16,933 -7.5% Humanities 16,263 -9.6% 9,888 -3.9% 723,277 4.7% Agriculture Total International Students Source: Institute for International Education - 21 - International Challenges International Expansions Change the Equation: Branding and Marketing Pricing and Profitability Admissions and Administration - 22 - Refocus? Educational degrees have hit market saturation at all levels—with only a few exceptions—certificates, bachelor’s, master’s (traditional & online) Contrary to national norms, the doctoral space is more competitive than at the master’s level EMU’s STEM programs are in-demand regionally, nationally, and internationally - 23 - Market Geography High-Growth, High-Wage Alignment Bachelor's 0.4% Norm Norm Expanded Region Hyper Competitive 0.6% n Norm n Norm UoM, MSU, & UoT UoM, MSU, GVSU, CMU, & WMU Oakland County Hyper Competitive 0.4% Norm Norm Oakland, MSU & UoM Wayne County Hyper Competitive -0.1% Norm Norm WSU, UoM, &MSU Genesee County Highly Competitive Limited Market Space Limited Market Space Limited Market Space Market Space Exists 0.1% Norm Norm UoM & Baker 0.7% Norm Norm Spring Arbor & MSU 0.7% Norm Norm Oakland & CMU 1.2% Norm n Norm WMU & GVSU 1.6% Norm Norm MSU, FSU, & GVSU Jackson County Macomb-St. Clair Counties Greater Fish Region Greater Traverse Region Key Competitor STEM Alignment Bachelor's Hyper Competitive Market Space Core Region Market 10-Year Employment Growth Forecast Overall Market Opportunity Low Opportunity Source: Chmura Economics & Analytics - 24 - High Opportunity Competitive Landscape Source: Chmura Economics & Analytics - 25 - Current State / Future Assessment Colleges / Divisions Strategic Plans Colleges / Divisions Strategic Plans Assessment - Approach Review College / Conduct Assess progress towards Division Strategy Interviews completion of strategic Plans where needed planning components Assess Alignment with EMU Mission, Vision, Values Develop Current State Assessment • On Going Process: • Few are in infant stage • Most align with EMU mission, vision and core values • Strategic Directions/Themes are derived from both divisional/units planning and ISPC’s analysis (January 2013) • Goals / Objectives Development Prep – February & March 2013 - 27 - EMU Strategic Plan – Next Steps