Institutional Strategic Planning Council (ISPC) Minutes – Thursday, January 24, 2013

Institutional Strategic Planning Council (ISPC)
Minutes – Thursday, January 24, 2013
205 Welch
Attendees: Sue Martin, Raouf Hanna, Matthew Evett, Walter Kraft, Bin Ning, Melody Reifel Werner,
Colin Blakely, Ted Coutilish, Mike Fox, James Gallaher, Ellen gold, Derrick Gragg, John Lumm,
Matthew Norfleet, Deloitte Representatives
Absent: Carl Powell, Tara Lynn Fulton, Murali Nair
Meeting called to order: 1:00 pm
Agenda Items/Key Points
Review guidelines around developing Strategic Planning Components
Status check in with all Workgroups
Initial discussion and validation of Goals and Objectives so far
Discussion and Actions
All Workgroups presented Goals and Objectives they had developed so far. Discussion was held
after each presentation to further enhance and structure the Goals and Objectives.
Student Engagement and Success
Ø Goal 1: Create and expand purposeful learning opportunities inside and outside
classrooms on campus, in the community and globally.
Ø Goal 2: Support students to achieve timely progress to degree completions by
enhanced academic support services.
Ø Goal 3: Identify and design seamless transition programs and services that facilitate
student persistence and graduation.
Ø Goal 4: Foster a campus environment and culture that support student involvement
and student well-being.
Ø Goal 5: Prepare students to successfully and meaningfully interact with people from
all backgrounds.
High Performing Academic Programs and Quality Research
Ø Goal 1: Anticipate and address growing infrastructure costs of research and
scholarship (lab equipment, data curation, library costs).
§ Objective 1: Support emerging graduate programs with sufficient
information and instruction resources needed to achieve and maintain
§ Objective 2: Complete the standardized classroom technology project.
Objective 3: Provide a stable mechanism for funding large equipment
purchases ($100K+).
Ø Goal 2: Develop a sustainable process for identifying programs to be expanded or
created that serve a demonstrated need of the community/region.
§ Objective 1: Budget to provide funding to support these new programs (e.g.
differential tuition, reduced support for other programs).
§ Objective 2: STEM?
§ Objective 3: GenEd?
Ø Goal 3: Increase research to increase external funding and improve graduate student
§ Objective 1: Increase sponsored programs.
§ Objective 2: Establish endowed chairs that provide research releases.
§ Objective 3: Decrease faculty’s administrative load to provide more
opportunity for research.
§ Objective 4: Increase start-up funding for new faculty research programs.
§ Objective 5: Increase funding for sabbaticals.
Ø Goal 4: Ensure Faculty/instructor pedagogical skills keep up with technological
advances in the classroom and online.
§ Objective 1: Recruit and retain effective faculty.
§ Objective 2: Provide regular training to faculty for use of newest online
§ Objective 3: Increase funds for faculty travel.
Institutional Effectiveness
Ø Goal 1: Foster a diverse, effective, ethical, and respectful workplace that supports
the University’s mission and values.
SMART objectives yet to be defined, but should include such topics as:
ü Effective Quality workplace
ü Living institutional values
ü Respectful / Civil Environment
ü Employee recognition
ü Leadership development
ü Seamless succession planning
ü Effective performance management
ü Relationships with bargaining units
Ø Goal 2: Promote institutional values and pride through effective and transparent
SMART objectives yet to be defined, but should include such topics as:
ü Communications / Academic calendar / timeline / Active sharing of
ü Cross Unit Collaboration/ Synergies
ü Emergency Management planning
ü Image enhancement / Pride in Eastern / University brand slogan: reputation
Ø Goal 3: Streamline our processes and resources to continuously improve operational
effectiveness and fiscal responsibilities.
Note: This goal may overlap with “Sustainable Growth” goals
SMART objectives yet to be defined, but should include such topics as:
ü Alignment of budgeting process with strategic planning & assessment
ü Strategic resource allocation
ü Operational efficiencies / continuous improvement / Review of IT systems
and potential for improvement – Banner etc.
ü Optimal alignment of functions / organizational alignment
ü Financial sustainability & stability
ü Use of assessment in decision making (student learning assessment, nonacademic learning assessment)
ü Cross Unit Collaboration/ Synergies
ü Customer service: internal (students, faculty, staff) and external (alumni,
Service and Engagement that Improves the Community
Ø Goal 1: Mutually beneficial partnerships with the community (Alternatively –
Improve Community Partnerships)
§ Objective 1: Create a university/community committee to review, update and
prioritize EMU’s Systems Portfolio audit of community partnerships, events
and programs.
v Compile a complete list/catalogue of all current partnerships,
community events and community programs.
v View this list strategically and prioritize the list (e.g. High, Medium or
Low) in terms of whether the activity is aligned with the mission,
vision and furthering the university’s goals.
v Expand and strengthen community programs and activities that support
EMU’s vision, mission and core values. Eliminate those that do not or
duplicate others.
Ø Goal 2: Positive community perceptions of EMU (Alternatively – Improved
community perceptions of EMU)
§ Objective 1: Create a university community strategic plan. Look for
opportunities to engage community members visiting EMU and where they
live, work, play and dine.
§ Objective 2: Create a FTE position and two part-time student internships to
oversee, enhance and drive community engagement, focused on community
program integration, relevance, assessment and reporting.
§ Objective 3: Create a university fund to support new community
engagements that support EMU's vision, mission and core values. Invest in
public engagement ideas by EMU faculty, staff and students. Choose ideas
that align with the community strategic plan.
Ø Goal 3: Understand the impact that community engagement has on student
success.(Alternatively – Improve understanding of community impact on student
§ Objective 1: Contract for an external study on how community engagements
impacts students’ experiences and future success.
v Hire an outside consulting firm to conduct this study or seek grant
money to fund a faculty scholarly research study.
v Publish and promote study results.
Ø Goal 1: Establish a culture of innovation by recognizing and rewarding new or
creative programs and initiatives.
§ Objective 1: Establish Recognition Awards that emphasize innovation in
areas of the university by _____
§ Objective 2: Implement funding for Innovation Grants in _____ areas by
§ Objective 3: Establish division / department goals for innovative revenue
generation and cost reduction by _____
Ø Goal 2: Create innovative academic programs and new pedagogical techniques.
§ Objective 1: Test the use of MOOCs in _____ different courses by _____
§ Objective 2: Enhance online programs by Offering _____ new fully online
graduate degree programs by _____
§ Objective 3: Integrate _____ New classroom technology by in _____
Ø Goal 3: Maximize innovative use of technology to deliver student services.
§ Objective 1: Integrate _____new technologies into advising and counseling
processes by____
§ Objective 2: Assess and implement new registration technologies by ____
§ Objective 3: Implement ____new technology based student activities by
§ Objective 4: Use e-text books in ___% of courses by ____
§ Objective 5: Become ranked on the top Social Media College list by (in
publication like Student Advisor) ____
Sustainable Growth
University Image / Perception
Ø Goal 1: Score among the top five universities in Michigan in annual Student-View
research (measures awareness and perception of high school students), ahead of
major competitors (CMU, WMU, Oakland, GVSU, WSU).
Ø Goal 2: Improve safety scores in annual Student-View research (second lowest rated
attribute in benchmark average comparison). Include addressing negative perception
of Eastern and of Ypsilanti.
Ø Goal 3: Improve academic strength scores in annual Student-View research (lowest
rated attribute in benchmark average comparison) to top five.
Student Experience
Ø Goal 1: Establish programs to successfully engage second, third, fourth year
students similar to the programs we offer to freshmen. **Add** Programs to
address commuter population.
Ø Goal 2: Build new REC/IM to state of the art fitness/health center to include Snow
Health Center and "health club" style fitness center.
Ø Goal 3: Expand "Eagle Pride" by engaging more current students in campus events
and activities.
Ø Goal 4: Bring back program that had current students participating in recruitment
activities at high schools.
Ø Goal 5: Create "virtual" tour guide experience that captures Eastern's campus and
academic environment with the enthusiasm and passion offered by our tour guides.
Academic Programs
Ø Goal 1: Successful launch of Physician Assistant program.
Ø Goal 2: Encourage growth of successful programs that meet regional market needs
Ø Goal 3: Expand alternative delivery of courses to meet market needs.
(accelerated courses, online courses, adult learners)
Ø Goal 4: Enhance quality of academic programs.
Ø Goal 5: Improve graduation rates to 60 percent.
Ø Goal 6: Develop facilities and operational plans to accommodate growth.
Next Meeting/Adjournment
Small work groups - TBD
Full ISPC meeting – TBD
Meeting adjourned – 3:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Casey Wooster