Institutional Strategic Planning Council (ISPC) Minutes – Thursday, September 25, 2014 205 Welch Attendees: Sharon Abraham, Jim Carroll, Ted Coutilish, Tara Lynn Fulton, Ellen Gold, Raouf Hanna, John Koolage, Walter Kraft, Sue Martin, Desmond Miller, Murali Nair, Bin Ning, Sandy Norton, David Turner, Mike Valdes, Judith Kullberg Meeting called to order: 11:03 am Discussion and Actions: President Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting! She shared that there is a general awareness on campus of the plan and that the plan does describe EMU. Academic Affairs has done a lot of work within the units taking a look at the tasks and metrics of the goals and initiatives considering who owns these pieces of the plan and what resources will be needed. Additionally, official input has been received from Faculty Senate in April of this year. Input was also provided in relation to the theme of Service and Engagement in relation to the Carnegie Classification work that has been completed. Campus forums were also held to provide an update and receive feedback. Dr. Martin asked the group to review this feedback. Public Safety and Sustainability are two areas that need to be incorporated. Upon review of the Goals and Objectives once again, the group felt that there were several current areas where “safety” and “safe” could be incorporated into the goals. For example: Institutional Effectiveness Goal 1: Foster a diverse, ethical, safe and respectful workplace that supports the university’s mission. Also to be included in Institutional Effectiveness is verbiage relating to shared governance with input prior to decision making. Dr. Martin asked for opinion on the format of the template that is presented in the current materials. This template could create consistency and would be used as a mechanism for building an annual reporting system. The template also allows for the determination of resources. If appropriate resources are not available, then these would be considered during budget building. Dr. Martin asked for feedback from the group in terms of using this template/format and how feasible it would be for their areas/departments. Feedback and examples were provided from the group in terms of their processes, goals, tasks, format, etc…. A suggestion was made that “Process Owners” in the plan should be converted to positions and titles, not individual names. All agreed this was a good suggestion. (Action item) There was some discussion to create an annual narrative that would be communicated to campus about the progress and ongoing enhancement to the plan. This narrative would focus on what has been accomplished. When the plan is communicated and updated the more integrity it will have and its ability to guide the University and planning. This is a great way to inform what the priorities are for the institution. Further discussion took place regarding if the ISPC would be the body that continues to monitor the plan, change, modify and enhance as needed or would this be another group of individuals, sub-committee, or Leadership. This will need to be determined and confirmed. (Action item) 1 President Martin added that when the Deloitte Market Study was completed in 2012 it was suggested that this analysis be completed every 4-5 years. The results of a new study would indicate areas of modification of the plan. There was discussion that another Swot analysis and environment scan might be considered as well. Next Steps: The committee was asked to digest the information provided and review the template for use in their areas. Review feedback that was provided by Faculty Senate and the Community Engagement piece. Continue to review the plan for areas and focus that may be missing. Adjournment: • Next meeting date - TBD • Meeting adjourned – 1:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Casey Wooster 2