Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA

Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Logon to the OPeRA system (via the Estates Intranet page)
Once you have logged on to the system you will be taken to the OPeRA Home/Shop Page
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Within the Estates Office
Select the “Cherwell Packaging “
(Double click the icon to launch
the website)
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
You will see a “Connecting to Punchout”
message and after a few seconds the
Webpage containing the University of
Warwick Cherwell catalogue will open
The Cherwell Catalogue will appear as a list of products however a “Search feature” is
available (which you may find quicker and easier to use)
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Using the Cherwell Cleaning Material Requisition form enter the item Code in the Search
Box on the Cherwell website
For our example we will use Product code 9022
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Enter code 9022 in the
search box and press
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Enter the quantity required then select “Add “
The items will be added to your cart
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Select “View Cart” to see the items you have added, if you have more items to add select
“Continue Shopping” and search for the next product.
Keep adding to the cart until you are ready to Submit it in to OPeRA (IMPORTANT by
selecting Submit Cart to OPeRA you are not placing the order with Cherwell at that
point merely copying it over to OPeRA where the rest of the information will be added)
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
The goods from the Cherwell site have copied across to OPeRA where a “Draft Cart has been
created” (If you are adding to your order throughout the day for the same building e.g. DigiLab,
keep the cart as it is, the system will allow you to keep adding items to it until you are ready to
proceed with the order.)
When you are ready to proceed with the
order select “Proceed to Checkout”
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
This takes you to a summary of your order, this is where you will select the
Delivery Address (shown as the Shipping address on the summary) and the cost
centre (shown as Cost Collector on the summary) to be used
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
To change a delivery address select the Edit button in the “Shipping” field
Next click on the words “Click
From the list of addresses select 10
the one you need and SAVE
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
To change a cost code Select the Edit button in the Cost Collector field
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Enter the cost code from the Cherwell Requisition in to the Cost Centre box (all
letters should be Upper Case e.g 61XCAA00)
Select “Save”
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
Once you are Happy with the order you can “Assign” the cart to the
relevant Team Leader Supervisor for approval. Select “Assign” and a
dialogue box will open, from here you can search for the name of the
Supervisor/Team Leader who will approve your requisition
Supervisors/Team leaders who place orders will have the Option to
Submit Cart, this bypasses this section and automatically enters the
cart in to the workflow.
Cherwell Cleaning - Punch-out orders OPeRA
This confirms that the cart has successfully been
submitted to the Supervisor/Team Leader for approval.