TPARKER@MINES.EDU T.E. PARKER Publications Refereed Publications [1-37] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Kelley, M.A., M.S. Jakulewicz, C.B. Dreyer, T.E. Parker, and J.M. Porter, System overview and characterization of a high‐temperature, high‐pressure, entrained‐flow, laboratory‐scale gasifier. Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(5): p. 055106, 2015. Duran, S.P., J.M. Porter, and T.E. Parker, Picosecond ballistic imaging of diesel injection in high‐ temperature and high‐pressure air. Experiments in Fluids, 56(4): p. 1‐12, 2015. Duran, S.P., J.M. Porter, and T.E. Parker, Ballistic imaging of diesel sprays using a picosecond laser: Characterization and demonstration. Applied Optics, 54(7): p. 1743‐1750, 2015. Geier, M. and T. Parker, Electrospray flame synthesis of yttria‐stabilized zirconia nanoparticles. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(47): p. 16842‐16850, 2013. Geier, M., C.B. Dreyer, and T.E. Parker, Laser‐induced emission spectrum from high‐temperature silica‐generating flames. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 109(5): p. 822‐830, 2008. Labs, J.E. and T.E. Parker, A comparison of single shot diesel spray combustion emissions with trends predicted by a conceptual model. Combustion Science and Technology, 179(6): p. 1159‐ 1182, 2007. Geier, M., R.P. Earhart, and T.E. Parker, Elastic light scattering measurements on non‐uniform particle flow fields: Theoretical considerations. Measurement Science & Technology, 18(7): p. 2021‐2032, 2007. Paciaroni, M., T. Hall, J.‐P. Delplanque, and T. Parker, Single‐shot two‐dimensional ballistic imaging of the liquid core in an atomizing spray. Atomization and Sprays, 16(1): p. 51‐70, 2006. Linne, M., M. Paciaroni, T. Hall, and T. Parker, Ballistic imaging of the near field in a diesel spray. Experiments in Fluids, 40(6): p. 836‐846, 2006. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker, Two‐dimensional droplet size and volume fraction distributions from the near injector region of high‐pressure diesel sprays. Atomization and Sprays, 16(7): p. 843‐855, 2006. Labs, J.E., J. Filley, E. Jepsen, and T.E. Parker, A constant volume diesel spray combustion facility and the corresponding experimental diagnostics. Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(3), 2005. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker, Multiple scattering effects on infrared scattering measurements used to characterize droplet size and volume fraction distributions in diesel sprays. Applied Optics, 44(28): p. 6049‐6057, 2005. Yang, W., T. Parker, H.D. Ladouceur, and R.J. Kee, The interaction of thermal radiation and water mist in fire suppression. Fire Safety Journal, 39(1): p. 41‐66, 2004. Dreyer, C., T. Parker, and M.A. Linne, Raman scattering at 532 and 355 nm in atmospheric pressure propane/air flames, with and without liquid fuels. Applied Physics B, 79(1): p. 121‐130, 2004. Spelman, J., T.E. Parker, and C.D. Carter, Fiber‐coupled multiple‐line infrared emission measurements to determine temperature, CO2, and H2O. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 76(3‐4): p. 309‐330, 2003. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker, Diesel fuel spray droplet sizes and volume fractions from the region 25 mm below the orifice. Atomization and Sprays, 13(1): p. 45‐62, 2003. Spelman, J., S. Skrien, and T.E. Parker, Design methodology of a fabry‐perot interferometer used as a concentration sensor. Applied Optics, 41(15): p. 2847‐2857, 2002. JANUARY 2016 1 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Refereed Publications (continued) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker, Least‐mean‐squares algorithm to determine submicrometer diameter, volume fraction, and size distribution width by elastic light scattering. Applied Optics, 41(21): p. 4421‐4431, 2002. Spelman, J., S. Skrien, and T.E. Parker, Power plant exhaust gas simulator for the development of optical diagnostics. Review Of Scientific Instruments, 72(9): p. 3699‐3705, 2001. Spelman, J. and T.E. Parker, Radiative emission measurement of NO in hot, particulate‐laden power plant flows. Combustion Science and Technology, 172(1): p. 23‐33, 2001. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins, A pulsed particle injection system for shock tube studies of powders. Review Of Scientific Instruments, 72(1): p. 263‐267, 2001. King, R.H., T.E. Parker, T.P. Grover, J.P. Gosink, and N.T. Middleton, A multidisciplinary engineering laboratory course. Journal of Engineering Education, 88(3): p. 311‐316, 1999. Parker, T., L.R. Rainaldi, and W.T. Rawlins, A comparative study of room‐temperature and combusting fuel sprays near the injector tip using infrared laser diagnostics. 8(5): p. 565‐600, 1998. Parker, T., E. Jepsen, and McCann. Measurements and error analysis of droplet size in optically thick diesel sprays. in Twenty‐Seventh International Symposium on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, 1998. Parker, T.E., J.R. Morency, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins, Infrared measurements of soot formation in diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 107(3): p. 271‐290, 1996. Parker, T.E., M.F. Miller, K.R. McManus, M.G. Allen, and W.T. Rawlins, Infrared emission from high‐temperature H2O(): A diagnostic for concentration and temperature. AIAA Journal, 34(3): p. 500‐507, 1996. Miller, M.F., W.T. Rawlins, M.G. Allen, and T.E. Parker. Observations of H2O formation in the supersonic combustion of H2 by high‐enthalpy air. in 26th Symposium (Int'l) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, 1996. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, D.M.R. Sonnenfroh, and W.T. Rawlins, Measurements of OH and H2O for wall and axial injection in a scramjet combustor. AIAA J. of Prop. and Power, 11(6): p. 1154‐1161, 1995. Allen, M., et al., Velocity field imaging in supersonic reacting flows near atmospheric pressure. AIAA J., 32(8): p. 1676‐1682, 1994. Rawlins, W.T., T.E. Parker, R. Foutter, and M.G. Allen, Time‐resolved infrared emission spectroscopy in high‐enthalpy supersonic air flows. AIAA Journal, 31(3): p. 499‐504, 1993. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker, Vibrational band strengths and temperatures of nitric oxide by time‐resolved infrared emission spectroscopy in a shock tube. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 49(4): p. 423‐431, 1993. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, W.G. Reinecke, H. Legner, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins, High‐ temperature supersonic combustion testing with optical diagnostics. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 9(3): p. 486‐492, 1993. Allen, M.G., T.E. Parker, W.G. Reinecke, H.H. Legner, R.R. Foutter, W.T. Rawlins, and S.J. Davis, Fluorescence imaging of OH and NO in a model supersonic combustor. AIAA Journal, 31(3): p. 505‐512, 1993. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins, Optical diagnostic methods for the study of fuel fouling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 31(9): p. 2243‐2251, 1992. JANUARY 2016 2 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Refereed Publications (continued) 35. 36. 37. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, W.G. Reinecke, H.H. Legner, S.J. Davis, and W.T. Rawlins. An experimental study of supersonic H2‐air combustion in a shock tunnel flow facility. in 24th Symposium (Int'l) on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, 1992. Simons, G.A., T.E. Parker, and J.R. Morency, The oxygen reaction order of SO2 with CaO. Combustion and Flame, 74(1): p. 107‐110, 1988. Parker, T.E., M.D. Forsha, H.E. Stewart, K. Hom, R.F. Sawyer, and A.K. Oppenheim. Induction period for ignition of fuel sprays at high temperatures and pressures. in SAE International Congress and Exposition. Detroit, Michigan, SAE 850087, 1985. Books/Manuscripts 1. King, R., Parker, T., and Grover, T., "Multidisciplinary Engineering Laboratory I Experiments," 2003. 2. King, R., Parker, T., and Grover, T., ""Multidisciplinary Engineering Laboratory II Experiments," 2003. Published Conference Papers [1-58] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Duran, S., J. Porter, and T.E. Parker. Ballistic imaging of sprays at diesel relevant conditions. in ICLASS 2012, 12th Triennial Internationl Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Heidelberg, Germany, 2012. Duran, S., C. Dreyer, and T.E. Parker. Gate time effects on ballistic imaging of diesel sprays. in ICLASS 2009, 11th Triennial Internationl Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Vail, Colorado, 2009. Duran, S., C. Dreyer, D. McMillan, E.B. Walters, and T.E. Parker. Imaging and scattering measurements for diesel spray combustion. in ARO/AFOSR Contractors Meeting. Washington, D.C., 2008. Linne, M.A., M. Paciaroni, D. Sedarsky, T.D. Hall, and T.E. Parker. The structure of the very near field for a diesel spray: Results from a ballistic imaging study. in Fifth Symposium: Towards Clean Diesel Engines. Lund, Sweden, 2005. Linne, M.A., M. Paciaroni, T.D. Hall, E.B. Walters, and T. Parker. Ballistic imaging in the primary breakup region of diesel injector sprays. in ARO/AFOSR Contractors Meeting. Indianapolis, IN, 2005. Linne, M.A., M. Paciaroni, T.D. Hall, E.B. Walters, and T. Parker. The structure of the very near field for a diesel spray: Results from a ballistic imaging study. in ILASS Americas 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Irvine, California: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2005. Geier, M. and T. Parker. Growth of silica nanoparticles in a premixed flame. in Fourth Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute. Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Combustion Institute, 2005. Linne, M.A., M. Paciaroni, T.D. Hall, and T.E. Parker. Ballistic imaging in the liquid core of a spray. in Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis. Annapolis, Maryland: Optical Society of America, 2004. JANUARY 2016 3 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Published Conference Papers (continued) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Labs, J.E. and T.E. Parker. Multiple scattering effects on infrared measurements used to characterize droplet size and volume fraction distributions in diesel sprays. in ILASS ‐ Americas, 17th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Arlington, VA: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2004. Labs, J., S. Lewis, J.‐P. Delplanque, and T.E. Parker. Droplet size and volume fraction distributions in high‐pressure sprays typical of diesel engines. in ILASS Americas 17th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Arlington, Virginia: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2004. Geier, M. and T. Parker. Flame synthesis of silica nanopowder: The role of data reduction for elastic light scattering measurements (els). in Spring Meeting, Western States Section of The Combustion Institute. The Combustion Institute, 2004. Yang, W., T.E. Parker, H.D. Ladouceur, and R.J. Kee. The interaction of thermal radiation and water mists in fire suppression. in Workshop on Fire Suppression Technologies. Mobile, AL, 2003. Labs, J.E. and T.E. Parker. Line‐of‐sight temperature measurements in combusting diesel spray systems. in 3rd Joint Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute. Chicago, IL: The Combustion Institute, 2003. Labs, J.E. and T.E. Parker. Perspectives on NO formation in combusting diesel spray systems. in 3rd Joint Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute. Chicago, IL: The Combustion Institute, 2003. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Droplet size and volume fraction for the near‐injector centerline region of diesel sprays. in ILASS ‐ Americas, 16th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Monterey, CA: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2003. Earhart, R.P., M. Geier, and T.E. Parker. Synthesis of silica nanoparticles in a diffusion flame. in Third Joint Meeting of the US sections of the Combustion Institute. Chicago, IL: The Combustion Institute, 2003. Delplanque, J.‐P., J.E. Labs, C.S. Lengsfeld, and T.E. Parker. Evaluation of the relative time scales of mechanisms controlling fuel droplet behavior in diesel engines. in ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference. Las Vegas, NV: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003. Yang, W., T.E. Parker, H.D. Ladouceur, and R.J. Kee. The interaction of thermal radiation and water mists in fire suppression. in Second National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster Symposium ‐ Science, Technology and Standards for Fire Suppression Systems. Mitaka, Japan, 2002. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Droplet size and volume fraction in the near‐injector region for room ambient and evaporating sprays. in ILASS ‐ Americas 2002. Madison, Wisconsin: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2002. Delplanque, J.‐P., J.E. Labs, C.S. Lengsfeld, and T.E. Parker. Effect of thermodynamic conditions on droplet size in diesel engines: Importance of an advanced surface tension model. in The 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. New Orleans, LA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2002. Yang, W., T. Parker, R.J. Kee, T. McKinnon, and A. Abbud‐Madrid. The influence of water‐mist and thermal‐radiation interactions on the structure and extinction of premixed methane‐air flames. in Second Joint Meeting of the US Sections/ Combustion Institute. Oakland, CA: The Combustion Institute, 2001. JANUARY 2016 4 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Published Conference Papers (continued) 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Spelman, J., T. Parker, and C. Carter. Fiber‐coupled multiple‐line infrared emission measurements to determine temperature, CO, CO2, and H2O. in Second Joint Meeting of the US Sections/ Combustion Institute. Oakland, CA: The Combustion Institute, 2001. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Measurements of post‐combustion gas concentrations for simulated diesel combustion events. in Second Joint Meeting of the Combustion Institute. Oakland, CA: The Combustion Institute, 2001. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Properties of diesel fuel sprays in the near field for room and elevated background temperatures. in ILASS Americas, 14th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Dearborn, MI: The Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2001. Spelman, J. and T.E. Parker. Measurements of NO in high temperature flows: Results from a field test. in Western States Section/Combustion Institute. Golden, CO: The Combustion Institute, 2000. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Properties of diesel sprays in the near field. in Western States Section/Combustion Institute. Golden, Colorado: The Combustion Institute, 2000. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. In‐situ mie scattering measurements of combustion synthesis generated silica particles. in Western States Section/Combustion Institute. Golden, Colorado: The Combustion Institute, 2000. Spelman, J., S. Skrien, and T.E. Parker. Development of a wavelength agile in‐situ gas concnetration monitor for NO and NH3. in 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 99‐0515, 1999. Spelman, J. and T.E. Parker. A non‐extractive NO sensor for power plants. in Ninth Annual Joint ISA POWID/EPRI International Instrumentation and Controls Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida: Electric Power Research Institute, 1999. Labs, J. and T. Parker. Droplet size and volume fraction measurements in diesel sprays. in 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 99‐0331, 1999. Skrien, S. and T. Parker. An in‐situ nitric oxide sensor for use in power plant exhausts. in 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 98‐0403, 1998. McCann, H., E. Jepsen, and T.E. Parker. Near‐field droplet size measurements for a diesel spray at high background gas pressures. in 36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 98‐0150, 1998. Parker, T.E., L. Rainaldi, and E. Jepsen. Infrared measurements of droplets in the dense region of diesel fuel sprays. in 35th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 97‐0121, 1997. King, R., T.E. Parker, T. Grover, J. Gosink, and N. Middleton. Multidisciplinary engineering laboratory experiments,. in 1997 Frontiers in Education Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, #1287, 1997. Jepsen, E., H. McCann, and T. Parker. Near‐field droplet size measurements for a diesel spray at high background gas pressures. in Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute. The Combustion Institute, 1997. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. Measurements of primary particle size and agglomeration in gas phase combustion synthesis of SiO2 . in Fall Meeting of the Western States Section of The Combustion Institute. 1997. JANUARY 2016 5 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Published Conference Papers (continued) 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Miller, M.F., M.G. Allen, W.T. Rawlins, and T.E. Parker. An experimental comparison of swept‐ ramp injectors in a model scramjet flow,. in AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 96‐0845, 1996. Middleton, N.T., S. Glaser, J.P. Gosink, and T.E. Parker. An integrated engineering systems laboratory. in 26th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. 1996. Jepsen, E., L.R. Rainaldi, and T.E. Parker. Characterization of the dense region of high pressure fuel sprays. in Western States Section of the Combustion Institute. Irvine, CA: The Combustion Institute, 1996. Parker, T.E., M.M. Miller, K.M. McManus, M.G. Allen, and W.T. Rawlins. Exit plane and mixing zone measurements in scramjet flows. in AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 95‐0484, 1995. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, M.G. Allen, and W.T. Rawlins. Exit plane water measurement in scramjet flows. in AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 94‐0387, 1994. Parker, T.E., D. Blair, R.R. Foutter, M.E. Fraser, and W.T. Rawlins. Absorption, fluorescence, and scattering in thermally stressed jet fuels. in AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 94‐0230, 1994. Allen, M.G., S.J. Davis, H.H. Legner, P. Mulhall, D.M. Sonnenfroh, and T.E. Parker. Doppler‐shifted nitric oxide velocity imaging in high pressure combustion gases. in AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 94‐0614, 1994. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Infrared radiative properties of rapidly cooling, initially molten Al2O3 particles. in AIAA 29th Joint Propulsion Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 93‐2822, 1993. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Infrared radiative properties of rapidly cooling, initially molten Al2O3 particles. in 20th JANNAF Plume Technology Subcommittee Mtg. Albuquerque, NM, 1993. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Shock tube investigations of optical and kinetic signatures of soot particles. in 20th JANNAF Plume Technology Subcommittee Mtg. Albuquerque, NM, 1993. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, J.R. Morency, and W.T. Rawlins. Infrared measurements of soot formation and droplet sizes in diesel sprays. in Joint DOE/ACS/SAE Diesel Engine Emission Reduction Workshop. San Diego, CA, 1993. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, D.M. Sonnenfroh, and W.T. Rawlins. Exit plane H2O concentration measurements correlated with OH plif near‐injector mixing measurements for scramjet flows. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 93‐0357, 1993. Allen, M.G., S.J. Davis, H.H. Legner, K.R. McManus, T.E. Parker, and D.M. Sonnenfroh. Non‐ intrusive, multi‐point velocity measurements in high pressure combustion flows. in AIAA 29th Joint Propulsion Conference. AIAA 93‐2032, 1993. Allen, M.G., J.F. Cronin, S.J. Davis, R.R. Foutter, T.E. Parker, W.G. Reinecke, and D.M. Sonnenfroh. Plif imaging measurements compared to model calculations in high temperature mach 3 air flow over a sphere. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 93‐ 0092, 1993. JANUARY 2016 6 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Published Conference Papers (continued) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Rawlins, W.T., T.E. Parker, R.R. Foutter, and M.G. Allen. Path‐averaged number density and temperature in high enthalpy, supersonic air flows by time‐resolved infrared emission spectroscopy. in 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 92‐0140, 1992. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, W.G. Reinecke, H.H. Legner, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Supersonic combustor testing using optical diagnostics and a high enthalpy shock tunnel. in 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 92‐0761, 1992. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, W.G. Reinecke, R.R. Foutter, H.H. Legner, and W.T. Rawlins. Optical measurements of mixing and combustion in a high temperature mach 3.0 flow. in 1992 JANNAF Propulsion Meeting. Indianapolis, ID, 1992. Allen, M.G., T.E. Parker, W.G. Reinecke, H.H. Legner, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Instantaneous temperature and concentration imaging in supersonic air flow behind a rear‐ facing step with hydrogen injection. in 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Reno, NV: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA 92‐0137, 1992. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, W.T. Rawlins, and J.C. Person. Experimental measurements of the optical properties of Al2O3 and rocket exhaust particles at high temperature. in 1989 IRIS Meeting. PSI SR‐404, 1989. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Optical shock tube investigations of soot formation at high inert gas pressures. in 17th International Symposium on Shock Waves and Shock Tubes. 1989. Parker, T.E., R.F. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Experimental measurements of the optical properties of Al2O3 and rocket exhaust particles at high temperature. in 18th JANNAF Exhaust Plume Technology Subcommittee. Monterey, CA, 1989. Parker, T.E. Induction period at high temperatures and elevated pressures. in Western States Section, The Combustion Institute. Stanford, California: The Combustion Institute, 1984. Conference Presentations with Published Abstracts [1-19] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paciaroni, M., M. Linne, T. Hall, J.P. Delplanque, and T. Parker. Ballistic imaging for the liquid core of an atomizing spray. in 19th annual meeting of the Institute of Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (Europe). Nottingham University, England, 2004. Linne, M. and T.E. Parker. Ballistic imaging in the primary breakup region of diesel injector sprays. in AFOSR/ARO Contractors Meeting on Chemical Propulsion. Williamsburg, VA, 2003. Labs, J., S. Lewis, J.‐P. Delplanque, and T. Parker. Droplet size distributions in high‐pressure, high‐ temperature sprays. in 56th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society. East Rutherford, New Jersey, 2003. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. Elastic light scattering for vapor phase combustion. in Nanoparticles and Nanostructures through Vapor Phase Synthesis. Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany, Italy, 2002. Earhart, R.P., M. Geier, and T.E. Parker. Synthesis of silica nanoparticles in a co‐flow diffusion flame: Influence of concentration and temperature on particle properties. in Nanoparticles and Nanostructures through Vapor Phase Synthesis. Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany, Italy, 2002. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. Comparative analysis of extractive probes versus in‐situ elastic light scattering applied to particle size measurements for combustion synthesis. in Joint Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute. 1999. JANUARY 2016 7 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Conference Presentations with Published Abstracts (continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Skrien, S., J. Spelman, and T.E. Parker. Development of a wavelength agile in‐situ gas concentration monitor for use in power plant control systems. in 1998 EPRI CEM User Group Meeting. New Orleans, LA., 1998. Rawlins, W.T., M.F. Miller, M.G. Allen, and T.E. Parker. High‐temperature infrared emission spectra and absolute intensities of H2O(2). in Eastern States Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute. 1997. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, J.R. Morency, and W.T. Rawlins. Infrared measurements of droplet sizes in the dense region of diesel sprays. in 15th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems. 1995. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. High temperature ignition of mg‐coated boron particles in a shock tube. in Joint Eastern and Central States Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute. 1993. Parker, T.E., J.R. Morency, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Infrared measurements of soot formation in diesel sprays. in Joint Eastern and Central States Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute. 1993. Parker, T.E., D. Blair, R.R. Foutter, M.E. Fraser, and Rawlins. Optical measurement methods for the study of decomposition and particulate formation in thermally stressed jet fuels. in Joint Eastern and Central States Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute. 1993. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, D.M. Sonnenfroh, and W.T. Rawlins. Scramjet injector testing using OH plif and exit plane water measurements. in Joint Eastern and Central States Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute. 1993. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, and D.M. Sonnenfroh. Exit plane H2O concentration measurements correlated with oh plif near‐injector mixing measurements for scramjet flows. 1992 NASA Langley Aerodynamic Measurement Conference, 1992. Parker, T.E., J.R. Morency, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Optical measurements of soot in the near tip region of a high temperature and pressure diesel spray. in 1990 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting. 1990. Parker, T.E. and e. al. A reacting flow shock tunnel designed for optical diagnostic applications. in Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute. 1990. Parker, T.E., J.R. Morency, and W.T. Rawlins. Soot formation in fuel sprays. in Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute. 1989. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. High pressure soot formation. in Twentieth Fall Technical Meeting, Eastern Section: The Combustion Institute. 1987. Rawlins, W.T., T.E. Parker, R.H. Krech, L.M. Cowles, and A.A. Boni. Soot initiation at elevated pressures. in Nineteenth Fall Technical Meeting, Eastern Section: The Combustion Institute. 1986. Technical Reports [1-32] 1. 2. Linne, M. and T.E. Parker. Ballistic imaging in the primary breakup region of diesel injector sprays Golden, Colorado: Final Report for Army Research Office Project Number DAAD19‐02‐1‐0221, Colorado School of Mines, 2006. Parker, T.E. Diesel spray characterization with ballistic imaging and infrared scattering. Golden, CO: Final Report for Army Research Office W911NF‐04‐1‐0071, Colorado School of Mines, 2005. JANUARY 2016 8 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Technical Reports (continued) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Hsu, K.‐Y., K.A. Kirkendall, T.E. Parker, E. Huelson, and J. Spelman. Optical flame emissions sensor for high‐speed reacting flows. Golden, CO: Final report for Propulsion Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Material Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, AFRL‐PR‐ WP‐TM‐2004, Colorado School of Mines, 2004. Delplanque, J.P. and T.E. Parker. High pressure combustion of transient dense sprays: An experimental, theoretical, and numerical investigation of the relationship between spray physics and nox emissions. Golden, Colorado: Final report to National Science Foundation, NSF CTS‐ 0072967final, Colorado School of Mines, 2004. Labs, J., J. Filley, and T.E. Parker. Combustion characteristics of fatty acid esters found in biodiesel. Golden, CO: Final Report to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines, 2002. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. SiO2 film growth for cigs photovoltaic devices: A low cost and scalable process. Golden, CO: Final Report to the Colorado Advanced Materials Institute, Colorado School of Mines, 2001. Parker, T., J. Spelman, S. Skrien, M. Linne, and R. Shoureshi. An in‐situ nitric oxide sensor for power plant emission control. Golden, CO: Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Colorado School of Mines, 2000. Parker, T., J. Labs, E. Jepsen, and H. McCaan. Infrared measurements of droplets, oxygen, and water in the dense region of combusting fuel sprays. Golden, CO: Final Report to the National Science Foundation (CTS), Colorado School of Mines, 2000. Parker, T., J. Spelman, and S. Skrien. Radiant emission sensors for determining gas concentrations in hot power plant flows: A specific case study for nitric oxide. Golden, CO: Final Report to the Electric Power Research Institute, Colorado Schoolof Mines, 1999. King, R., T. Parker, T. Grover, J.P. Gosink, and N. Middleton. Multidisciplinary engineering laboratory. Golden, CO: Final Report to the US Dept. of Education, Colorado School of Mines, 1999. Parker, T.E., C.E. Otis, D. Blair, and W.T. Rawlins. Measurements of NO in combustor exhausts. Andover, MA: Final report to the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1994. Parker, T.E., et al. Optical instrumentation for high temperature and pressure fuel fouling systems. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Air Force Systems Command, Wright Laboratory, (WL/POKA), Physical Sciences, Inc., 1994. Allen, M.G., et al. Velocity field imaging instrument for supersonic high temperature flows. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Air Force Systems Command, Wright Laboratory, (WL/POKB), Physical Sciences, Inc. , 1994. Rawlins, W.T., H. Du, R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Experiments to determine the effects of atmosphere on the index of refraction of molten alumina (AL2O3). Andover, MA: Final Report to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Lab, Physical Sciences, Inc./ REMTECH Inc., 1993. Parker, T.E., D.M. Blair, and W.J. Marinelli. Ultraviolet fluorescence detection of underground fuel spills. Andover, MA: Final report to the Department of the Air Force, Wright Laboratory, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1993. Gelb, A., B.L. Upschulte, T.E. Parker, and M. Malonson. Reactive alkali hydrides for hydrogen storage. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1993. JANUARY 2016 9 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Technical Reports (continued) 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Allen, M.G., D.M. Sonnenfroh, S.J. Davis, G.E. Caledonia, W. Reinecke, T.E. Parker, and R.R. Foutter. Planar laser‐induced fluorescence system for hypersonic wake flows. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Air Force Systems Command, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1993. Allen, M.G., et al. Instantaneous velocity field imaging instrument for supersonic reacting flows. Andover, MA: Final Report to NASA, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1993. Simons, G.A., T.E. Parker, J.W. Moore, C.L. Senior, and Y.A. Levendis. Combined NOx/SOx control using a single liquid injection system. Andover, MA: Final report to Department of Energy, PSI‐ 2186/TR‐1169, Physical Sciences, Inc. U.S. , 1992. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. High temperature ignition of coated boron particles in a shock tube. Andover, MA: Final Report to Naval Surface Warfare Center, PSI‐2176/TR‐1171, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1992. Parker, T.E., J.R. Morency, R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Infrared measurements of soot formation and droplet sizes in diesel sprays. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Department of Energy (Diesel Engine Working Group), Physical Sciences, Inc. , 1992. Parker, T.E., S.A. Johnson, and Nakamura, T. Feasibility of reheat combustor for chemically recuperated gas turbine cycle. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Southern California Edison Co., Physical Sciences, Inc., 1992. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, R.R. Foutter, D.M. Sonnenfroh, and W.T. Rawlins. Exit plane H2O concentration measurements correlated with OH plif near‐injector mixing measurements for scramjet flows. Andover, MA: Final Report to the Air Force (Wright Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate), PSI‐2178/TR‐1179, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1992. Parker, T.E., et al. Optical diagnostics in supersonic combustion systems. Andover, MA: Final Report to the U.S. Air Force Systems Division, Wright Laboratory, WL‐TR‐91‐2101,, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1992. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Effects of supercooling and melt phenomena on particulate radiation in plumes. Andover, MA: Final report to the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, PSI‐2153/TR‐1136, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1991. Rawlins, W.T., R.R. Foutter, and T.E. Parker. Reaction mechanisms and kinetic rates for soot formation. Andover, MA: Final Report to the National Science Foundation, PSI‐2118/TR‐1058, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1990. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Soot initiation in diesel environments. Andover, MA: Final Report to the U.S. Department of Energy, PSI‐1005/TR‐1068, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1990. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, J.C. Person, and W.T. Rawlins. High temperature optical properties of particulates exhausted from rockets. Andover, MA: Final report to the U.S. Air Force (Rocket Propulsion Laboratory), PSI‐1017/ TR‐958, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1989. Parker, T.E., M.G. Allen, and W.T. Rawlins. Supersonic combustion: Enhanced ignition, mixing, flame holding, and diagnostic concepts. Final report to the U.S. Air Force (Wright Laboratory), PSI‐1041/TR‐759/AFWAL‐TR‐88‐2122, 1988. Simons, G.A., D.O. Ham, T.E. Parker, J.R. Morency, G. Moniz, and A.A. Boni. Alternative SO2 sorbents. Andover, MA: Final Report to Energy and Environmental Research Corp., Subcontract No. 8938‐2, Physical Sciences, Inc., 1987. Parker, T.E., R.F. Sawyer, and A.K. Oppenheim. Thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbons. Berkeley, CA: Internal report to Lawrence Berkeley Laboartories, LBL‐21104, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1986. JANUARY 2016 10 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Technical Reports (continued) 32. Parker, T.E., D.I. Rosen, and W.T. Rawlins. IR optical property measurement techniques: Definition and preliminary design. Adnover, MA: Final Report to the U.S. Air Force (Rocket Propulsion Laboratory) AFRPL‐TR‐86‐034, TR‐559, Physical Sciences Inc., 1986. Poster Presentations [1-12] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Geier, M. and T.E. Parker. Flame synthesis of silica nanoparticles in premixed flames: Controlling the onset of particle growth. in 31st International Symposium on Combustion. Heidelburg, Germany, 2006. Labs, J.E. and T.E. Parker. NO formation for diesel engines. in Lean Combustion Technology II: Promise and Practice. Tomar, Portugual, 2004. Geier, M. and T.E. Parker. Flame synthesis of silica nanoparticles in premixed and multi‐element diffusion flames. in 30th International Symposium on Combustion. Chicago, Illinois: Combustion Institute, 2004. Dreyer, C., T.E. Parker, and M. Linne. Evaluation of raman scattering at 532 and 355 nm in rich flames, including effects from liquid fuel droplets. in European Combustion Meeting. Orleans, France, 2003. Dreyer, C., T.E. Parker, and M. Linne. Raman scattering at 532 and 355 nm in rich flames, including effects from liquid fuel droplets. in Joint meeting of Scandavian‐Nordic and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute. Napoli, Italy, 2003. Dreyer, C., T.E. Parker, and M. Linne. Raman scattering at 532 and 355 nm in rich flames, including effects from liquid fuel droplets. in Gordon Research Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Combustion. Queens College, Oxford, UK, 2003. Labs, J. and T.E. Parker. Properties of diesel fuel sprays in the near field. in Gordon Conference on Lasers and Diagnostics, July, . Mount Holyoke College, MA, 2001. Earhart, R.P. and T.E. Parker. Measurements of primary particle size and agglomeration in gas phase combustion synthesis of SiO2. in 27th International Symposium of Combustion. Boulder, Colorado, 1998. Jepsen, E., D. Haack, and T.E. Parker. Near field droplet size measurements for a diesel spray. in 1997 Gordon Conference on Lasers and Diagnostics. Plymouth, NH, 1997. Parker, T.E., S. Skrien, M. Linne, and R. Shoureshi. An in‐situ nitric oxide sensor for power plant emission control. in 26th International Symposium on Combustion. Naples, Italy, 1996. Parker, T.E., L.R. Rainaldi, and E. Jepsen. Infrared measurements of droplets in the dense region of combusting fuel sprays. in 26th International Symposium on Combustion. Naples, Italy, 1996. Parker, T.E., R.R. Foutter, and W.T. Rawlins. Soot initiation and particle growth in the pyrolysis of toluene at high inert gas pressures. in 22nd International Symposium on Combustion. Seattle, Washington, 1988. Invited Lectures [1-13] 1. 2. Parker, T.E., C. Dryer, M. Geier, and J. Labs. Single‐shot raman measurements in diesel spray systems as a tool to differentiate two‐stage ignition. in American Chemical Society 233rd Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, 2007. Parker, T.E. Optical diagnostics for the dense, transient spray. in ILASS Americas 2007. Chicago, Illinois, 2007. JANUARY 2016 11 TPARKER@MINES.EDU Invited Lectures (continued) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Geier, M. and T.E. Parker. Particle synthesis in flames: The process from an optical diagnostics point of view. in Cabot Particle Synthesis Symposium. Albuquerque, NM, 2006. Parker, T.E. Quantitative scattering measurements of condensed phase material. in Optical Society of America Topical Meeting: Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis. Annapolis, Maryland, 2004. Parker, T.E. A perspective on diesel combustion: How well do we understand the process? University of Wyoming, Mechanical Engineering Department, 2003. Parker, T.E. Diesel combustion: Experimental perspectives on spray structure, temperature and nitric oxide. Argonne National Labs, Chicago, IL, 2002. Parker, T.E. Combustion tests for biodiesel fuels in a constant pressure vessel. in 2001 Biodiesel Research Brainstorming Coordination Meeting. Tampa, Florida, 2001. Parker, T.E. Comparative studies of diesel and biodiesel: Initial results from a combustion bomb. in 2000 Biodiesel Research Brainstorming Coordination Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona, 2000. Parker, T.E. Infrared measurements of droplet sizes in the dense region of fuel sprays. University of Colorado at Boulder, 1997. Parker, T.E. Infrared measurements of soot formation and droplet sizes in diesel sprays. The Center for Combustion Research; University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994. Parker, T.E. Infrared measurements of soot formation and droplet sizes in diesel sprays. Air Force Phillips Laboratory, 1993. Parker, T.E. Optical diagnostics for supersonic reacting systems. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991. Parker, T.E. High pressure soot formation. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988. JANUARY 2016 12