UCL Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Service-related research (1998 – 2011)

UCL Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
Service-related research
(1998 – 2011)
Updated: 08/12/15
Anderson, Tamara
Who is accessing our service? An audit of referrals
to an adult outpatient psychology service over a six
month period. (2009)
Addai-Davis, Judy
How accessible is a secondary care psychological
therapies service to people from black and minority
ethnic groups? (2015)
Ahmad, Nadim
A Psychological Needs Assessment of a Community
Clinic Caseload. (2015)
Akbar, Sameena
The views of clients and psychologists about clients
being copied into letters. (2011)
Akinyemi, Sharlene
Investigating attendance at the initial assessment
appointment & the reasons why clients do not
attend. (2015)
Alden, Nicola
Audit of the referrals made between an IAPT service
and Assessment Team and adherence to
procedures for referrals made by IAPT to the
Assessment Team. (2015) due to risk concerns.
Alexander, Natasha
Evaluation of an Intensive Home Support Team –
referrals and recommendations (2001)
Allen, Ruth Allen, Ruth
Students’ evaluation of the usefulness of an
assertiveness training course as a part of a college
LINK Programme (2000)
Allen, Sarah
Evaluation of client satisfaction in an outpatient
psychotherapy setting. (2005)
Andersen, Karen
An audit of access to mental health services for
older adults. (2002)
Anthony, Elizabeth
Service User Experiences of a Therapy Group
Programme in a Private Psychiatric Hospital. (2015)
Arkless, Laura
Satisfaction with an inner city early psychosis
service: the professional’s perspective. (2004)
Arnold, Claire
Assudani, Hanita Ashok
An evaluation of client satisfaction in a large
psychological therapies service. (2005)
Evaluating allocation criteria for High and Low
intensity cases in a North London primary care
psychological service.
Awadia, Alim
The comparative clinical and cost effectiveness of
group and individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
in a psychological therapies service.
Ayres, Rachel
Are clinical and demographic variables associated
with non-attendance at first assessment
appointments in a CMHT psychology service?
Bailey, Alastair
Social skills training for schizophrenia within a
forensic setting: A multiple single case design.
Baird, Laura
An evaluation of an eight session anxiety
management group. (2007)
Ball, Sarah
Evaluation of a staff support group for nursing staff
on an acute inpatient ward. (2010)
Bancroft, Victoria
Exploring the perceptions of ‘Talking therapy’ held
by GPs and professional across three Community
Mental Health Teams. (2010)
Barber, Caroline
An evaluation of patient experience and recovery
enhancing environment in a secondary care,
outpatient adult psychology service. (2015)
Bargiela, Sarah
Evaluating a Mental Health Single Point of Access
Service (2015)
Barlas, Joanna
Qualitative evaluation of an anger management
group in a medium secure unit. (2008)
Barnaby, Ben
A family therapy clinic service development study.
Barnardo, Libby
A qualitative exploration of factors affecting staff
morale in an acute older adult psychiatric inpatient
ward (2005)
Barnett, Sian
A study of inappropriate referrals to the psychology
department of a community mental health team.
Barrett, Pippa
Perceptions of change in the characteristics of
patients admitted to a medium secure unit for people
with learning disabilities. (2002)
Battistella, Stefania
A review of staff members’ experience of
organisational changes in a psychological therapies
service. (2007)
Beadman, Matthew
An audit of the outcomes of a trainee-led
Behavioural Treatments Clinic in an IAPT setting.
Beak, Suzy
Evaluation of a Pre-Therapy Workshop ran Within
an IAPT Service. (2015)
Beardsley, Rachel
An audit of the clinical symptomology amongst staff
who presented at an occupational health service
from July 2000 – June 2001. (2003)
Bennett, Robin
Information leaflet for users of learning disabilities
services. (2004)
Bennett, Sophie
Audit of inappropriate referrals to a West London
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
service: Is there an Unmet Need? (2013)
Beresford, Frances
Accident and emergency services for adolescent
deliberate self-harm (2000)
Bergen, Sophia
An investigation of the impact of an SMS reminder
system on DNA rates at a Central London Recovery
Team. (2015)
Billings, Joanne
Referrals and outcomes in an older adult psychology
service: a comparison of two audits. (2005)
Blenkinsop, Helen
Service users experiences of an assessment clinic
in a secondary care psychology service. (2009)
Blundell, Rachel
Audit: Ethnicity of Referrals to Primary Care
Psychology. (2014)
Bodinetz, Molly
Audit of clients assessed at a refugee and asylum
seekers service in an inner-London psychological
therapies service. (2008)
Bognor, Diana
A clinical psychology service in primary care –
evaluation of an advice clinic. (2005)
Bolton, Heather
Referrals to the psychology department within a
London substance misuse service: An examination
of the referral system. (2010)
Bonathan, Christine
Staff attitudes to employing service users. (2011)
Bostock, Victoria
An audit of the accessibility of a west London
CMHT: Ethnic comparisons (2009)
Bottrill, Samantha
A service improvement study: the provision of a
clinical psychology service in a single GP surgery.
Brady, Francesca
Brauner, Nina
Implementing Training on Autistic Spectrum
Disorders within an IAPT Service. (2014)
Evaluation of staff training on Bengali/Muslim health
beliefs. (2013)
Brett, Emma
An evaluation of service-user satisfaction in a day
hospital setting. (2005)
Broadway, Catherine
A needs assessment for a specialized trauma
service within a primary care setting. (2011)
Brown, Alexandra
How do Clinicians in a Recovery Team decide to
refer to Psychology? (2014)
Brown, Alison
An evaluation of admission onto an Acute
Psychiatric ward for Older Adults: the role of social
isolation (2001)
Brown, Matthew
Evaluating the outcome of an enhanced thinking
skills (ETS) programme in a medium secure unit
Brown, Tracey
Client satisfaction survey: The effectiveness of a
London borough psychology service on children with
learning disabilities and challenging behaviour.
Bruce, Matt
Audit of clinical activity coding and data accuracy in
a child and family service. (2005)
Buckman, Joseph
What are clinical psychologists’ views on
supervising trainees? (2006)
Buckman, Joshua
Burke, Ronan
Burns, Phebe
Butterfield, Rachel
The individual level factors affecting staff’s ability to
cope with organisational change: a qualitative study
of staff in a newly set-up IAPT service. (2014)
Audit into the effectiveness of computerised
cognitive behavioural therapy – ‘Beating the Blues’
programme in a primary setting. (2008)
Staff survey regarding the referral of patients into
Behavioural Couple Therapy. (2014)
The work of a child and adolescent mental health
service: Early findings following the introduction of
the HoNOSCA into routine clinical assessment.
Byrne, Alexandra
Audit of service user access to recovery groups and
psychological therapy in an inner city drug and
alcohol service. (2015)
Cabourne, Jarrod
Investigating attendance at initial appointment and
the effects of an opt-in referral system. (2010)
Cadman, Tim
The Moving Forward group: A thematic analysis of
patients’ experience of a behavioural activation
group. (2015)
Campbell, Mari
Narcissism in the eating disorders: impact on
treatment engagement and drop-out. (2007)
Carlisle, Josephine
Carman, Sarah
An analysis of a pilot therapy group in an Improving
Access to Psychological Therapies service. (2014)
Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
Audit of a North London Primary Care Psychology
Service. (2013)
Carnaby, Steven
Developing a ‘memory and mood’ group for older
people living alone- acknowledging the importance
of effective screening and selection (2001)
Carrington, Robyn
The effectiveness of an educational intervention at
improving clinicians’ attitudes, referrals and clients’
uptake of group treatment within a primary care
psychological service. (2015)
Carroll, Erin
A comparison of cases on the brief and medium
term waiting list in an outpatient psychotherapy
service: do they reflect best practice? (2009)
Carswell, Ken
“We’re all outsiders” – A qualitative exploration of
the role and experiences of link-workers, and an
evaluation of a link-worker support group. (2007)
Casdagli, Lucy
An exploratory study of participants’ experiences of
a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy group for
depression. (2007)
Chan, Jason
The inquiries and responses to service users’
disclosures of previous sexual abuse: an evaluation
of current practice. (2011)
Chan, Mun Yean
Service evaluation of the effectiveness of a one-day
group cognitive behaviour therapy for insomnia
workshop. (2015)
Charles, Matthew
An Evaluation of the Mental Health Clustering Tool
in Secondary Care Psychology: Preparation for
Payment by Results. (2013)
A clinical description of the emotional and
behavioural profiles of and the psychological
Cheung,Catherine Lok Sze interventions for the patients admitted to an inpatient post-acute rehabilitation acquired brain.
Clarke, Anna Churcher
An exploration of factors affecting staff morale
across three inpatient mental health triage wards.
Clarke, Kiri
An investigation of the work within an IAPT service
which falls outside standard IAPT interventions.
Claxton, Melanie
Reviewing referrals to and engagement with
psychological interventions within an Early
Intervention for Psychosis Service. (2015)
Clements, Henry
An audit of the impact of a new 'full booking' system
in an adult psychological medicine service. (2009)
Cockburn, Megan
A Service-User and Staff Evaluation of Three
Psycho-Educational Workshops. (2014)
Cohen, Lisa
An audit of CMHT assessment outcome. (2010)
Colbeck, Katie
Evaluation of a Mindfulness Based Cognitive
Therapy (MBCT) Group. (2014)
Coles, Sarah
Service Audit of referrals to an Adult Psychotherapy
Department (2008)
Collinge, Miriam
An evaulation of the ward treatment environment on
a psychiatric intensive care unit. (2006)
Collins, Pádraig
An analysis of the feedback forms of a psychosocial
workshop set up for caregivers of people with
dementia. (2004)
Colton, Anna
An audit of adherence to an overdose/deliberate
self-harm assessment protocol in a child and family
consultation service. (2002)
Connolly, Lorraine
Women patients’ experiences of mixed-sex
accommodation in a regional and secure provision
and assessment of their therapeutic needs (2000)
Connolly, Lorraine
Team members’ perceptions of clinical psychology
in an adult community mental health service. (2011)
Conroy, Laura
An evaluation of an eight week cognitive behavioural
group for clients with panic disorder in a
psychological therapies service (2009)
Constantinou, Natasha
Cook, Sarah
Cottee, Danielle
Coughtrey, Anna
Evaluation of a CBT skills workshop within a
psychological therapies service. (2007)
Utilisation of Outcome Measures in an Outpatient
Adult Psychology Department. (2014)
An audit of children who present with first episode
psychosis (2001)
Cove, Jenny
Staff Experiences of Psychology Consultation within
a Multi-Disciplinary Team. (2013)
Study to Explore Staff Experiences and Perceptions
of Working with Somali Clients in a Health Care
Setting. (2013)
Coxell, Adrian
Audit report – Quality of the totality of a service
provided for clients (2000)
Coyle, Joanna
An investigation into carer experiences of a memory
clinic service: satisfaction and identified needs.
Creswell, Catherine
The involvement of services in the children of
mentally ill parents: A Community Mental Health
Study (2000)
Crocker, Louise
What is ethnic-sensitivity, how is it operationalised
and how can it be enhanced in a London-based
community mental health team? Staff views on
current and future practice. (2002)
Crockett, Joanna
Prescription for exercise in a community learning
disabilities team – service users’ experiences of
using this scheme. (2005)
Crombie, Tessa
The trainees’ experience of teaching and
supervision within a behavioural treatments clinic.
Cummins, Omar
Risk assessment documentation at a community
mental health team: an audit and focus group.
Cummins, Omar
An audit of asylum seekers referred to psychological
therapy services. (2005)
Curran, Charlotte
An audit of a couples and family service. (2007)
Cutler, Dawn
Who is referred for neuropsychological assessment
in an Older Adults Psychology Service, and what are
referrers looking for? (2007)
Czornyj, Roman
Does a substance misuse group affect the
'readiness to change' of patients in a medium secure
forensic unit? (2009)
Davis, Kavus
Impact of an opt-in and early appointment system on
non-attendance in a community psychology service:
a follow up study (2009)
Dawson, Ruth
An audit of a pre-assessment questionnaire and
attendance of initial assessments in an adult
outpatient psychology department. (2011)
Day, Samantha
A needs assessment for staff support following
patient suicide. (2002)
De Reuck, Tessa
An investigation of non-attendance at a Primary
Care Psychology Service: exploring factors
influencing drop-out between assessment and first
therapy session. (2010)
Deiros Collado, Martha
A comparison of client satisfaction levels across
different ethnic groups within a psychology service
Delmar-Morgan, Rebecca
Client satisfaction in a psychological therapies
service. (2008)
Desiatnikov, Alexander
Domenech, Clare
Domoney, Jill
Development of an Emergency Duty System for a
Complex Care Team. (2014)
Evaluation of a User Satisfaction Questionnaire in a
Tier 2 CAMHS service. (2004)
Group CBT for First Episode Delusions in
Psychosis: Service Evaluation of Feasibility,
Acceptability, Safety and Effectiveness. (2013)
Donner, Benjamin
Mental health professionals’ views and experience
of working cross culturally in a CAMHS. (2007)
Donno, Rose
Demographic and clinical factors associated with
non-attendance in a community psychology service.
Doogan, Catherine
A clinical audit of an out patient psychology
department (2009)
Doughty, Olivia
An exploration of staff attitudes towards the risk
assessment process in a CMHT. (2011)
Downes-Grainger, Elin
An audit of adolescent referrals made to a Child and
Family Consultation Service over a five-month
period. How things were before the appointment of
an adolescent therapist (2001)
Doyle, Claire
Reflecting on the launch of an Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service. (2011)
Drake, Gareth
An investigation into the feasibility and perceived
usefulness among staff and service-users of
introducing the Choice of outcome in CBT for
psychoses (CHOICE) measure to the Intensive
Management of Personality disorder: Assessment,
Recovery, and Treatment (IMPART) service. (2015)
Duffin, Suzanna
An evaluation of a professionals’ views about ‘inhouse’ supervision provided within a CMHT (Tier 3).
Dunn, Barnaby
Audit of provision of community leave in a Medium
Secure Unit. (2004)
Dunn, Josephine
Audit of a child and family consultation service: The
utility of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale,
Paddington Complexity Scale, and Strengths and
Difficulties Questionnaire in exploring referral
profiles. (2003)
Durling, Emily
Client satisfaction in a large secondary
psychological therapies service (2009)
Eastman, Oliver
Evaluation of an anxiety management group in an
outpatients adult psychology department. (2006)
Edwards, Katie
The development and evaluation of an information
leaflet for an outpatient psychosis service. (2015)
Edwards, Rachel
Clinicians’ experiences of working with refugees.
Eisen, Michael
Drop Out from Low-Intensity CBT: Investigating
Rates, Reasons and Predictive Factors in an IAPT
Service. (2015)
Elenbaas, Maaike
Ellis, Rebecca
Ellison, Nell
Endersby, Luke
Clinical Psychologists’ experience and sense of
competence in psychometric. (2013)
An Outcome Effectiveness Study of Multiple and
Mixed Psychological Group Therapy for Common
Mental Health Problems in a Private Hospital
Setting. (2015)
Audit of Referrals to the Psychology Department of
a Community Mental Health Team. (2013)
Audit of attendance at a forensic outpatients service.
Engineer, Renuka
Entwistle, Kirsty
Impact of the common assessment framework on
referral pathways to a CAMHS team: A descriptive
audit (2009)
A Service Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a One
Day, Group Cognitive Behaviour TherapyWorkshop
for Insomnia at a Six Month Follow Up. (2013)
Evans, Jane
Ethnic diversity within a psychological service for
individuals with learning disabilities. (2006)
Evans, Matthew
An evaluation of dietitians’ use of and attitude to
CBT methods after one training session. (2011)
Evans-Jones, Catherine
An evaluation of a 6-week anxiety management
group in a day hospital for clients with long term
needs. (2004)
Evenson, Erik
Short term structured groups at PATS. (2004)
Fairbairn, James
Evaluation of an opt-in appointment system within
an out-patient psychology service. (2007)
Fallow, Kirsty
An audit of level of client problem severity within an
intermediate service (2009)
Farquharson, Lorna
Translating ‘clinical governance’ into clinical
practice. Evaluating outcome and auditing waiting
times for a Community Disability Team Psychology
Service (2001)
Faust, Hannah
Evidence based guidelines for anti-dementia
medication: The impact on primary care referrals to
a secondary service. (2003)
Ferrier, Susan
Why do they stop coming? Reasons for early
attrition in a Child Psychology Service. (2003)
Findlay, Laura
Does the ethnic profile of referrals to an Adult
Psychological Therapies Service reflect the local
population? A service audit. (2011)
Findlay, Laura
Does the ethnic profile of referrals to an adult
psychology outpatient service reflect the ethnic
profile of Brent? An audit of a service. (2007)
Finnigan, Eiryth
Prevalence of abuse among inpatients and staff
response to abuse disclosures. (2006)
Flanagan, Esther
A service evaluation of a mindfulness group for
preventing relapse in depression. (2014)
Fletcher, Helen
Audit of clinical supervision provided to counsellors
and psychologists within an adult mental health
service. (2004)
Fletcher, Sally
Long term needs placement: An evaluation of a new
assessment service within an adult community
mental health team. (2002)
Foley, Siobhan
Nurses and patients experiences of keyworking on a
psychiatric intensive care unit (2009)
Fornells-Ambrojo, Miriam
A carers’ support group in early psychosis: audit,
experience of caregiving and intervention
appraisals. (2007)
Foster, Diane
Evaluation of a laughter group for people with
severe learning disabilities (2000)
Fotopoulos, Christina
Prevalence of psychological distress and evaluation
of health-related quality of life in sickle cell patients:
Comparison of patients in a specialist cognitivebehavioural programme, with those attending
routine outpatient appointments. (2004)
Foustanos, Isabella
Psychological needs assessment: carers of patients
in an early intervention service for psychologies
Frasquilho, Francisco M
The role of peri-traumatic visuo-spatial and verbal
interference on the development of intrusions (2004)
Frearson, Sonya
Review of GP letters and investigation of the
potential of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in
assisting prioritisation of community mental health
team first appointments. (2007)
Freeman, Ed
A formative research study on the provision of a web
based information service for people with dementia.
French, Lesley
Understanding non-attendance at a Child and
Family Consultation Service (2000)
Friedman, Judith
An audit comparing the referral of possible Autistic
Spectrum Disorder to a Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Services Team in 1991 & 2001. (2004)
Friswell, James
Evaluation of a memory retraining group for people
in the early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease and their
carers. (2006)
Fyfe, Sophie
Delayed discharges from and assessment and
treatment service for people with learning
disabilities. (2006)
Gale, Julia
Assessing psychological mindedness in an
outpatient psychology department. (2008)
Garden, Sharin
Parental ratings of change and satisfaction with a
child and family service: Do parents and clinicians
agree on ratings of change? (2003)
Gardener, Charlotte
An investigation of the nature and outcome of
referrals to an inner city community mental health
team (2009)
Gardener, Chelsea
Do-not attend (DNA): Investigating Characteristics of
Non-attendance to Improve Service Provision.
Garraway, Hilary
An audit on the use of self-help materials by clients
attending an outpatient psychology department.
Geddes, Juliet
An audit of supervision and students self-perception
of competence as cognitive therapists on a London
CBT course. (2007)
Gelston, Paul
Process Evaluation of an adult psychological
therapies service in East London. (2015)
George, Nigel
The pilot study into the utility of an insight measure
in predicting engagement with a group
psychotherapy programme (2000)
German, Elaine
Burnout in nursing staff: Is a support group an
appropriate intervention (2001)
Ghossain, Daniel
Development of a Pilot Patient Experience
Questionnaire for Specific Use in an Adult
Secondary Care Psychology Department. (2014)
Gibbons, Joanna
An evaulation of a stress management group in a
secondary care psychology department. (2006)
Giblin, Sharon
A medium secure unit for offenders with learning
difficulties: More ‘offender’ than ‘Learning Disabled’
Gibson, Jennifer
Carers’ Illness Beliefs in an Early Intervention
Psychosis Service. (2010)
Gideon, Nicole
Reflecting the community: An exploration of the
ethnic background of people starting treatment and
of their therapists in a primary care psychology
service. (2014)
Gill, Freya
Audit of the Clinical Effectiveness of a Low Intensity
Treatment Protocol for Generalised Anxiety
Disorder. (2014)
Gingell, Catherine
An evaluation of a new palliative care tool (2009)
Given-Wilson, Zoe
Decision-making at referral of patient suitability for
psychological therapy: Exploration of referral
pathway and factors predicting suitability outcome.
Glazebrook, Katie
The Clinical Utility of an Introductory PsychoEducational Workshop in an IAPT Service. (2015)
Glazer, Daniel
An investigation into the trend of referrals to three
secondary care psychology teams. (2011)
Glover, Naomi
The effectiveness of a short-term psychoeducation
group for carers of people experiencing first episode
psychosis. (2015)
Goldwater, Naomi
The prescriptions of Thioridazine, for managing
dementia associated behavioural problems, by a
Mental Health Service for Older Adults (2001)
Goll, Johanna C
Utilization of a primary care psychology service
among older adults in East London. (2014)
Goodman, Emma
Survey of needs for a new psychology service for
people with severe and enduring mental health
needs (2005)
Goodman, Galya
An exploratory study into substance use among a
population of detained patients with mental illness.
Gore, Lucy
An exploration of patient and clinician views of a
pre-assessment psychotherapy questionnaire used
within a psychology service. (2015)
Goyder, Judith
Working with interpreters and use of translated
materials in Primary Care Psychological Therapy
Services. (2011)
Gracie. Alison
Grayer, Justin
Grayton, Lucy
Green, Lisa
An Evaluation of a Mindfulness Based Cognitive
Therapy (MBCT) for Depression Group, Using a
single case study design. (2013)
Cardiac rehabilitation: a repeated measures
psychological evaluation. (2007)
An effectiveness study of a Pain Management
Programme for Chronic Pain. (2014)
Experiences of a refugee support psychology
service. (2003)
Gregory, James
An audit of a primary care graduate mental health
worker service. (2008)
Gregory, Sarah
An investigation into the experience of attending a
mellow parenting group. (2005)
Griffiths, Alison
An evaluation of a pain coping strategies group for
patients with chronic pain, based on service
utilization. (2011)
Griffiths, Emily
Evaluation of a psychological adjustment group for
people with chronic health conditions. (2014)
Griggs, Jenny
A study investigating perceptions of the role of the
psychologist in a community mental health team for
older adults. (2003)
Gsödl, Marisa
Audit of an older adults mental health service.
Gunning, Agnieszka
An audit of the ethnicity of clients referred to the
Psychology and Psychotherapy Department. (2007)
Guzinska, Hannah
Referrals to the Couples and Family Therapy
Service: referral patterns, attendance rates and the
experiences of clients and referrers. (2013)
Haigh, Laura
Working with clients with psychosis in a Central
London Psychology Service: CBT and the NICE
Guidelines. (2010)
Hall, Anna
A Retrospective Audit of Dropouts from a
Psychology Service. (2015)
Hall, Louise
Can pre-assessment information be used to predict
engagement in a secondary care adult psychology
service? (2011)
Hallings-Pott, Charlie
Focus group assessing knowledge and attitude
towards behavioural interventions in a residential
care setting. (2003)
Hamilton, Victoria
Investigation into the use and development of
integrated electronic note keeping system in an
integrated learning disabilities team. (2007)
Harborne, Alexandra
The role of Cognitive Measures in predicting decline
in functional skills in Dementia: A comparison of the
MMSE and CAMCOG (2001)
Hardy, Amy
‘Copying letters to patients’ policy audit. (2008)
Harman, Guy
Evaluation of a NHS Trust Clinical Psychology
Department Adult Psychotherapy Questionnaire.
Harman, Rachel
Audit of the referrals to the psychology section of a
mentally disordered offenders’ team. (2005)
Harris, Thomas
Satisfaction amongst relatives of older adults
admitted to a psychiatric unit. (2002)
Harter, Catherine
Audit of the quality of referral letters to a severe
mental illness psychology service (2005)
Hartwell, Emma
An evaluation of the double opt-in system for
appointment booking in an out-patient psychology
service. (2007)
Harvey, Hilly
An audit of variables associated with the ethnicity of
clients referred to the psychology department of a
community learning disability team. (2003)
Harvey, Lisa
An evaluation of how the provision of a psychologist,
or psychological input, would be beneficial to an
Assertive Outreach Team working with a homeless
population. (2015)
Harvey, Martin
Service change between 200 and 2005: The impact
on outpatient referrals and treatment decisions
Hassan, Bano
Ethnicity and Level of Psychological Distress of
Clients Accessing a Psychological Service. (2013)
Head, David
Patient satisfaction audit in a child and adolescent
mental health team. (2004)
Heath, Gill
An audit of admission and discharge of older adults
with dementia to an acute psychiatric ward. (2004)
Hebben-Wadey, Alan
Assessment of pilot housebound service for
severely affected Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Patients. (2011)
Hejda-Forde, Sylvia
Client satisfaction with the quality of service
provided by an inner city community mental health
team (2009)
Helen Champion
Referrers’ perceptions of the role and success of an
acute hospital in prevention admissions (2002)
Henderson, Clare
Service-user views about a support unit for people
with learning disabilities. (2002)
Henley, Susie
Audit of referrals to a secondary-care mental health
screening team. (2011)
Hennessy, Richard
A study of new referrals to a community mental
health team for older adults: Examining an increase
in service demand. (2002)
Herlihy, Jane
Post-treatment and follow-up data for a PostTraumatic Stress Clinic using eye movement
desensitisation and reprocessing (2000)
Hickey, Aoife
Families’ Experiences of Systemic Family Therapy.
Hickey, Joe
Audio Recording Therapy in a Psychology
Outpatient Service: An Audit and Qualitative
Investigation. (2013)
Hicks, Kathrin
How do mental health professionals working with
older adults decide whether to refer to the
psychology department? (2006)
Higgins, Andrea
Understanding Psychiatrist’s Enquiry into childhood
physical and sexual abuse in patients with a
diagnosis of psychosis. (2008)
Hill, Beth
Clinical audit of the brief assessment of new
referrals in an out-patient adult mental health
department. (2005)
Hiser, Natalie
Mental health of Young Offenders in a Youth
Offending Team (2001)
Hiskey, Syd
A care programme approach audit of a community
mental health team. (2006)
Hodgins, Rachel
Being sectioned and life on the ward: some
feedback on the experiences of black African and
black Caribbean service users. (2011)
Hodsoll, Sara
A Qualitative Assessment of Client and Worker
Views of Questionnaires used to Evaluate Service
Provision in a Disabled Children’s Outreach Service.
Hogwood, Jemma
Psychological Mindedness: Assessing the
usefulness of a shortened measure within an Adult
Psychology out-patient service. (2010)
Holden, Anneka
The prevalence of personality disorders amongst
patients seen by an Assessment and Brief
Treatment Team in London. (2015)
Holland, Amaryllis
Holly Jones
Hoshi, Rosa
Howley, Sarah A.
Huck, Carlene
Ambivalence regarding change in cognitivebehavioural therapy for HIV risk behaviour. (2005)
A service evaluation of a Mindfulness Based
Cognitive Therapy Group in a Community Mental
Health Team. (2013)
Client satisfaction with the assessment process in a
Psychological Therapies Service. (2010)
An audit of therapy outcomes in an adult
psychological therapies service: Comparing the
effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural and
exploratory sychotherapies in treating moderate to
severe psychological distress. (2013)
Towards the further development of a Dignity at
Work Support Service for NHS staff. (2014)
Hughes, Emily
Discharge from an assessment and treatment
service for people with learning disabilities: is
community resettlement successful? (2006)
Humfress, Harriet
A pilot study of a Tier 2 service in a child and
adolescent mental health service setting (2000)
Hunt, Suzannah
What GPs want; written communication to GPs.
Huntley, Zoe
Hurley, Anna
Hurn, Holly
Insomnia: incidence and service provision in primary
care services. (2013)
A thematic analysis examining the impact of RiO on
a Community Mental Health Team. (2011)
A one year follow-up study of HSE ‘Management
Standards’ in a London NHS Occupational Health
Service. (2013)
Husain, Kaneez
Audit of referrals received by a Community Mental
Health Team. (2007)
Illingworth, Victoria
Audit of ethnicity and service provision in a crisis
resolution team (2009)
Innocente, Motchila
An investigation of factors associated with retention
and attendance rates in clients referred to
psychology within a substance misuse service.
Isenwater, Wendy
Evaluation of a multi-disciplinary mental health
assessment in a Child & Family Consultation
Service: Exploring the families’ views. (2004)
Isham, Louise
An audit of the epidemiology and service-use of
clients with personality disorder. (2006)
Jackson, Debby
An audit of the service use of clients with personality
disorder accessing a substance misuse service.
Jackson, Jessica
An evaluation of service user involvement within a
north London Community Mental Health Team
(CMHT). (2011)
Jagielska-Hall, Dorota
Audit of length and causes of delays in diagnosis of
Autistic Spectrum Disorders. (2010)
Jamani, Nicole
Service evaluation of a multidisciplinary community
health team for people with leaning disabilities
James, Gareth
Informed Selection of Quality of Life Measures in a
Child Dermatology Psychology Outpatient Service.
Jamieson-Craig, Rebekah
Audit of the psychology department, Gordon
Hospital, Central and North West London NHS Trust
Jay, Zara
A qualitative study of the experiences of women
attending a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy group at a
specialist drug and alcohol service. (2006)
Jeraj, Sarfraz
Drug service retention audit (2009)
Jim, Jenny
A study of under 6’s ADHD assessment clinic:
Diagnosis rates and comparison of the
characteristics of the diagnosed and non-diagnosed
population. (2003)
Johal, Sarbjit
What is a generic mental health assessment?
Exploring the views of service professionals in a
Child and Family Consultation Service. (2003)
Johnston, Fiona
Staff training in ‘ordinary living’ principles: towards
and evaluation (2000)
Joye, Alyssa
An investigation into clinician perspectives on
endings and discharges in Barnet Complex Care
Team. (2015)
Juszkiewicz, Monika
Stress levels on a psychiatric intensive care unit.
Kamboj, Sunjeev
Referrals to an adult clinical psychology department:
A comparison of qualified- and traineepsychologists cases. (2003)
Kaur, Gurpreet
A national survey of systemic working in ‘learning
disability’ services. (2011)
Kee, Sarah Chin Yuen
Managing mental health problems among older
Keeley, Christopher
A comparison of clinical outcomes for two child
development centres. (2002)
Keen, Sarah
An Audit of the ‘Full Booking’ System within an Adult
Psychological Medicine Unit. (2008)
Kember, Timothy
Assessment of service support of recovery on a low
secure forensic ward. (2013)
Khan, Laila
Audit of a joint duty and psychology assessment
rota service within an adult CMHT service. (2010)
Khan, Sabah
Auditing the implementation of NICE guidance on
the provision of psychological interventions for the
treatment of Schizophrenia in community mental
health team service users. (2010)
King, Alex
The impact of service integration on team working in
community mental health. (2003)
Kirsten Perkins
Working with patients with children – a qualitative
study on the opinions of key workers in an adult
community mental health team. (2007)
Knowles, Lucy
Coping correspondence to patients: An evaluation
Kondel, Tejinder
Service satisfaction in carers of partners with
dementia. (2003)
Krjles, Sanya
Characteristics of female patients in an acute
medium secure psychiatric ward. (2010)
Laing, Jennifer
Carers included? A preliminary audit of the
implementation of the Triangle of Care best practice
guidelines in an acute mental health service. (2014)
Laing, Lucy
User evaluation of a dementia support service.
Lapsley, Annie
An audit to investigate the profile of patients seen
within an outpatient adult mental health clinical
psychology department. (2006)
Larkin, Hannah
An Audit of Crisis Plans for Clients with Borderline
Personality Disorder within a Severe and Enduring
Non-psychosis Service. (2015)
Latif, Sara
Accessibility of clinical psychology services in a
community mental health team (2009)
Lawrie, Stephanie
An audit of neuropsychological re-testing in an older
adult psychology service. (2005)
Le Maréchal, Kathryn
An evaluation of student satisfaction at a college for
young adults with learning disabilities (2001)
Lee, Tanya
An analysis of a psychotherapy group on an acute
inpatient ward: “What gets talked about and what is
helpful?” (2007)
Leigh, Fiona
Service users’ views on admission to a psychiatric
ward. (2007)
Leslie, June
Client satisfaction with a primary care psychology
service. (2010)
Levi, Netali
Exploratory study of a NHS Trust risk forum. (2006)
Levy, Irit
Audit of a child and family consultation service:
exploration of waiting times, from assessment to
treatment, across disciplines, and the factors that
are associated with long waiting times. (2005)
Li, Shirley Xin
A 6-Month Pilot Trial to Evaluate a New Web Portal
for Collection of IAPT Outcome Data. (2015)
Lippett, Rachael
To assess the need for a preventive intervention
project to help clients who are parents and their
children. (2004)
Lipton, Michelle
An evaluation of client satisfaction with the North
Islington Drug Service (NIDS). (2008)
Loat, Maddy
An evaluation of a short-term ‘talking group’ for older
adults on an inpatient ward. (2004)
Lockwood, Rebecca
An Investigation: Is Domestic Violence
Underreported in Initial Referrals to the Team? What
patient and Family Characteristics are Associated
with Domestic Violence at the Stage of Referral?
Logathas, Sharmila
A survey to find out how well service users’ views
are represented. (2011)
Lumsden, Virginia
Carer satisfaction with an assertive outreach
service. (2011)
Lurie, Phil
Audit of an inner city alcohol service’s relapse
prevention group. (2014)
Maddox, Lucy
Psychologists’ use of recording and observation of
clinical practice in a psychological assessment and
treatment service. (2008)
Madeley, Laura
GP Satisfaction with a Primary Care Psychological
Therapy Service. (2008)
Malik, Amna
An analysis of equity of access to a Psychology
Service across clients from different ethnic
backgrounds. (2011)
Malins, Amanda
Staff perceptions of working in a community learning
disability team (CLPT) and work-related stress.
Mallindine, Clare
General practitioner referral rates to the mental
health service for older adults at Hillingdon Hospital.
Mandy, William
Audit of an East London memory clinic between May
2002 and June 2005. (2007)
Mann, Darshan Kaur
An 34 investigation into burnout, stressors and
clinical supervision in two severe and enduring
secondary care mental health teams. (2014)
Martin, Louise
An audit of referrals to a new psychology service for
older adults. (2005)
Martin, Zoe
Male sexual assault: Prevalence and attitudes
among male Genito-Urinary Medicine clinic
attendees. (2004)
Marzillier, Sarah
The experience of using the CORE outcome
measure for clients and clinicians. (2005)
Mason, Elisabeth
Long term needs: Evaluation of a family education
group for relatives of young adults with recent onset
psychosis. (2003)
Massey-Chase, Rachel
Assessing client satisfaction in a Health Psychology
Service. (2010)
Mayers, Claire
Patient and carer satisfaction with an elderly mental
illness ward. (2003)
McAnena, Caiomne
Evaluation of a CBT on a Psychoeducation group for
clients on a secure psychiatric ward (2001)
McCulloch, Yvonne
An evaluation of a women’s group for women with
learning disabilities (2000)
McFarlane, Fiona
A qualitative exploration of the views about talking
therapy held by members of the Stamford Hill
Orthodox Jewish population. (2008)
McGillion, Jenny
Trauma symptomatology and refugee status. (2002)
McGuire, Ellen
An investigation into the referral process for a
neuropsychological assessment within an adult
mental health psychology service. (2006)
McKechnie, Vicky
An evaluation of a community mental health team
reflective practice group. (2013)
McKenzie-McHarg, Kirstie
People with learning disability: Does possession of
theory of mind affect preference? (2002)
McLoughlin, Katherine
Liaison between a GP Practice and a community
mental health team: the views of General
Practitioners and community mental health team
staff. (2010)
McMennemin, Jelena
The prevalence of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for
borderline personality disorder in a male forensic
inpatient setting, and implications for this treatment.
Mear, Liz
An audit of assessment activity and the impact of a
centralised booking and telephone assessment
clinic in a Primary Care Psychology service. (2013)
Minoudis, Philip
Patients’ satisfaction with the service of a West
London community mental health team. (2007)
Mitchell, Gemma
An evaluation of the process and outcome of
cognitive behavioural therapy groups for depression
at a community day centre: what are group
members’ experiences of the groups, and is group
CBT and effective intervention? (2007)
Monero, Deodato
The evaluation of a school-based activities group for
primary school children with emotional and
behavioural problems. (2005)
Morgan, Ruth
Barriers to accessing talking therapy for young black
male service users. (2007)
Morland, Tristan
An evaluation of the psychology provision at the
termination of pregnancy service in Enfield and
Haringey. (2007)
Morris, Emma
Evaluation of a systemic therapy service within a
CMHT over a pilot period of 6 months. (2004)
Morris, Jenna
Meeting the needs of people with a diagnosis of
schizophrenia within the community mental health
team (2009)
Morris, Steve
How effective is a bed-time setting programme in
young children for facilitating improvements in
nightwaking? Is age an important factor in predicting
generalisation of this learning? (1999)
Morrison, Tamara
An audit into the implementation of a suicide risk
assessment protocol. (2005)
Moss, Philippa
End of Therapy’ audit within a CMHT service in
Greater London. (2015)
Mountford, Victoria
A study of the mental health needs of people with
learning disabilities and the views of a community
learning disability team. (2002)
Mulkerrin, Úna
An evaluation of a pilot pain management
programme for chronic pain. (2011)
Munday, Michael
What is the perceived role of the clinical
psychologist in an early intervention service for
psychosis in London. (2010)
Mundy, Sarah
Ward rounds – how do psychiatric inpatients
experience them? Are guidelines being followed?
Mundy, Sarah
Carer involvement in the recovery of adult
psychiatric rehabilitation clients, carer, client and
staff perspectives and satisfaction. (2004)
Murray, Hannah
An investigation of cultural sensitivity in a psychiatric
intensive care ward in London. (2008)
Mustard, Hannah
An Investigation into the Effectiveness of an IAPT
Service for Older Adults: An Audit. (2013)
Nathaniel-Jones, David
An evaluation of a challenging behaviour workshop
for community care staff (2000)
Nelson, Lorna
Audit of an out-patient adult psychology service.
Neo, Perpetua
Newbery, Julia
Focus group interview with memory 33 clinic staff to
investigate the feasibility of a proposed app. (2014)
Changes in Community Mental Health Teams:
Implementation of the Primary Care Liaison Service
and its impact on the roles and experiences of team
members. (2011)
Newbury-Helps, John
Clients with PTSD referred to a CMHT: do the NICE
guidelines work for them? A clinical audit. (2011)
Newton, Elizabeth
A clinical audit of ward rounds on an inpatient unit
for older adults. (2002)
Nicholson, Lucy
Ward therapy groups: a survey of patients’ and staff
views about a potential new service provision.
Nicholson, Martha
Qualitative evaluation of a social skills group for
adolescents with social communication difficulties.
Ninteman, Aafke
Audit of a graduate mental health worker clinic.
Norwood, Sally
An evaluation of a Hearing Voices group held within
an inpatient psychiatric hospital. (2010)
Nussey, Claire
An exploration of care coordinators’ perceptions of a
local adult psychology service and the impact on the
referral process. (2011)
O’Driscoll, Ciarán
O’Keefe, Fi
Evaluation of a BME Access Service in London.
How well does the service meet the needs of its
stakeholders? (2014)
An effectiveness study of a CBT Anxiety Disorders
Clinic in secondary care with trainee clinical
psychologist. (2010)
O’Leary, Siobhan G.
An audit of musculoskeletal referrals in an iapt
service. (2013)
O’Neill, Marie
Patient satisfaction with a general hospital breast
care clinic (2001)
Olatunbosun, Oluwatosin
Evaluating female inpatients’ experiences of
receiving care on mixed-sex wards and single-sex
wards. (2007)
Olverman, Karen
Audit referrals to an outer London psychology
department (2009)
Orlowska, Danuta
Case allocation in a multidisciplinary child and family
clinic: the views of staff (2000)
Osler, Paul
Prevalence of Down’s syndrome and dementia
within a local NHS Trust (1999)
Owens, Sheena
Audit of referrals to a new adult IAPT service. (2013)
Packer, Rebecca
Increasing participation in participation; making
mutually-meaningful service user involvement.
Pain, Abigail
Evaluation of a ‘virtual’ PTSD Service. (2011)
Pak, Alison
The Enhanced Engagement Clinic (EEC). (2015)
Pallister, Emma
Demographic and referral variables related to first
session attendance: an audit of a sexual health
psychology service. (2005)
Pamich, Abigail
Are particular patient characteristics and/or clinical
factors associated with non attendance? (2006)
Papadopoulou, Andia
Transition from children to adult services for young
people with Learning Disabilities (2000)
Parker, Gabrielle
Referrers’ views of a sexual health clinic: role
tension within NHS systems. (2006)
Parkin, Lucy
Exploring the views of service users at a specialist
service for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals on how
they perceive different talking therapy services
Parrett, Neil
An investigation into the pattern of clinical
psychology referrals in a sexual health clinic in
relation to the estimation of psychological need.
Partridge, Lucy
Administering the childhood trauma questionnaire
(Bernstein & Fink, 1998) on mental health wards;
the patients’ perspective. (2007)
Patel, Sejal
Accessibility of a diagnostic memory clinic to an
ethnically diverse population. (2005)
Patten, Emma
An evaluation of the extent to which open-access
workshops increase access to psychological
therapies at an IAPT service. (2014)
Pattison, Hayley
Examining variables associated with non-attendance
to out patient adult psychology appointments. (2000)
Pearce, Alison
Attrition rates in the referral process for a community
anger control group (2000)
Pearson, Jules
An in-house evaluation of an older adults `fall
group’: is it helping to reduce anxiety and
depression? (2002)
Pearson, Martin
Will nursing staff on a LT Needs Unit find the
Camberwell Assessment of Needs - Short
Assessment Schedule useful enough to warrant its
introduction as a routine measure? (2004)
Pender, Sarah
Peppiatt, Anneka
Trainees’ experiences of supervision in an Anxiety
Disorders Clinic. (2011)
Development of a Service-Specific Patient
Experience Questionnaire for Routine Use in an
Adult Psychology Department. (2013)
Phillips, Caroline
Evaluation of a couples’ workshop for people with
learning disabilities. (2006)
Pickup, Graham
Audit of an early assessment service (2000)
Pike, Andrew
Polack, Rebecca
An audit of adolescent in-patient unit referrals to
assist in implementation of a tier 3.5 service. (2014)
An evaluation of Group Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy for Generalised Anxiety Disorder within an
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
Service. (2014)
Pooh, Karen
Evaluation of an Intervention that Promotes the
Mental Health of Family Carers of People with
Dementia in an IAPT Service. (2015)
Pooni, Jyoti
Adult mental health: are service-users satisfied?
Potier, Joanne
A pilot study of Goal Attainment Scaling in a
psychology service for older adults. (2004)
Potter, Chris
An investigation into inappropriate referrals to an
Older Adult Community Mental Health Team (2000)
Pratt, Hannah
Interpreters' experiences of working with mental
health professionals (2009)
Pratt, Polly
The neuropsychological assessment of older adults:
decision making and choice of tests (2000)
Pratt, Richard
Does the prescription of anti-dementia medication
by a diagnostic memory clinic have a positive effect
on the cognitive function of older people diagnosed
with dementia? (2006)
Preisinger, Michael
Developing a better understanding of the frequency
and patterns of parasuicide for a local community
mental health team. (2003)
Prescott, Anna
A service-user and staff evaluation of an inpatient,
managing anxiety group. (2007)
Preston, Lulu
A comparison of actual and perceived ‘air-time’ in
multi-disciplinary team meetings (2001)
Price, Katy
Outcome measurement in a Community Mental
Health Team: staff use and attitudes. (2010)
Pugh, Matthew
Service-user satisfaction in a community substancemisuse service. (2010)
Quarmby, Louise May
An audit of referrals to an adult psychological
therapies service. (2007)
Quigley, Alexandra
Psychology services within an inner city Children’s
Centre: an evaluation of service users’ experiences
of therapy and waiting for therapy. (2011)
Ramadhan, Zeyana
A service audit of a primary care consultation clinic.
Ramsey, Bethan
A needs survey of patients receiving chemotherapy.
Rebecca Johnson
Service-User Satisfaction with Groups Offered on an
Acute Inpatient Ward. (2013)
Reilly, Natalie
Service-users’ experiences of ‘facilitated self-help’
(FSH) for anxiety, within an adult psychological
assessment and treatment service. (2007)
Rendu, Alison
Who is it that doesn’t turn up? (2004)
Revolta, Catherine
An outcome effectiveness study of a CBT based
group intervention developed to prevent pain
chronicity in clients of a Primary Care Locomotor
Service. (2014)
Reynolds, Nicola
Quality of life and needs assessment in two settings
for patients with long-term needs. (2008)
Richardson, Jessica
Admission procedures of people with first episode
psychosis: an audit of their carers’ perspectives.
Richardson, Matt
Evaluating parental satisfaction with multidisciplinary
input from a Child Development Team utilising a
brief qualitative analysis (2001)
Richardson, Matthew
Trying something new: addressing AMH problems in
a child and adolescent psychiatry service. (2006)
Roberts, Louise
What support is required for staff in a community
mental health team following acts of aggression
from service-users? (2013)
Robinson, Lucie
A retrospective survey of children with progressive
sensorineural hearing loss referred to a clinical
psychology service. (2003)
Rodney, Lydia
Audit of Eligibility Assessment Referrals to a
Learning Disabilities Service. (2010)
Rodriguez, Natalie
An audit of the implementation of childhood sexual
abuse training in clinical practice. (2011)
Rowley, Emma
Elucidating the referral and allocation decisionmaking Process of an inner-city Community Mental
Health Team. (2008)
Rowley, Rebecca
Implementing a clinical supervision group for cancer
nurses: A preliminary analysis of nurses definitions,
expectations, hopes and fears. (2004)
Rudge, Susie
First Year Trainees’ Perceptions of Conducting
Home Visits in the Behavioural Treatments Clinic.
Rudhra, Keerthana
How can mental health practitioners accurately
demonstrate their clinical activity on electronic
records? (2015)
Ruiz-Calzada, Luisa
The effect of a new centralised heart attack
treatment service upon patient depression anxiety
Russell, Emma
Evaluation of a mutual support group for old adults
caring for a relative with dementia: A combined
quantitative and qualitative (2001)
Russell, Tamara
An analysis of pathways into mental health care for
black and ethic minorities at a west London primary
care psychological therapies service: entry into the
service, assessment outcomes, and severity of initial
presentation (2009)
Russouw, Lauren
Ryan, Travis
Attainment in Existential Psychotherapy as
Practiced in a Secondary Care Adult Mental Health
Service. (2013)
Factorial Invariance of the Patient Health
Questionnaire and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Questionnaire. (2014)
Sadie, Celia
Predicting outcomes of rehabilitation: an exploratory
study of factors associated with length of stay and
destination following discharge from an in-patient
unit (2005)
Samson, Gabrielle
Investigating the extent to which graduates from a
cognitive behavioural therapy course are able to
implement their training in the NHS. (2008)
San, Abigael
Evaluation of a generic cognitive behavioural
therapy group for adults. (2006)
Sands, Emma
Evaluation of health provider team (2000)
Sapochnik, Manuela
How do GPs decide whom to refer to psychological
therapy, and who they should refer to? (2005)
Satgunasingam, Yamna
Assessing strengths and needs in a mental health
rehabilitation service: establishing a baseline. (2003)
Saunders, Anna
Audit of referrals received to an adult mental health
outpatient department in terms of Axis I and Axis II
disorders. (2007)
Saunders, Henrietta
The evaluation of a risk management group. (2008)
Sawyer, Lucy
Client satisfaction with a locality mental health team
for adults with severe and enduring mental illness.
Schäfer, Gráinne
Survey of psychological intervention training needs
for staff working in Acute Services. (2014)
Schmidt, Anne
An evaluation of the introduction of an assessment
clinic in a CMHT. (2007)
Schuck, Nikki
An evaluation of a short-term ‘unusual experiences
group’ (or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy group for
positive symptoms of psychosis), in a medium
secure unit, for individuals with a diagnosis of
schizophrenic illness (2001)
Schweiger, Cathy
Stress in the workplace: an audit of a duty system in
a community mental health team (2002)
Seewooruttun, Leila
Audit of the Referral Pathway to Cognitive
Stimulation Therapy Groups in a Memory Clinic for
Older People. (2013)
Seiffer, Anna
How many children and adolescents are being seen
by the adult learning disability service and what are
the parents’ perceptions of these children’s
difficulties? (2001)
Seigal, Anna
Evaluation of an eight-session Anxiety Management
Workshop. (2010)
Serpell, Lucy
An audit of attendance at an inner city child
development team. (2004)
Seth-Smith, Fiona
Experiences of a new model of peer group
supervision in an adult psychology service. (2006)
Shanahan, Lisa
In-patients’ views on the ward’s group activity
programme. (2005)
Shanahan, Niamh
Evaluating the effectiveness of brief CBT
psychoeducational groups for anxiety and
depression within a Primary Care service. (2010)
Shavel-Jessop, Sara
Implementing a bibliotherapy programme as part of
a stepped- care approach: Primary care staff's
experiences, expectations and concerns (2009)
Shearer, Joanna
An evaluation of access to an adult clinical
psychology service and subsequent waiting times.
Sheridan, Joel
Knowledge and attributions of carers of older adults
with Down Syndrome. (2008)
Showghi, Natasha
Audit of referrals to CBT for Psychosis for clients
with a diagnosis of psychotic disorder in a CMHT.
Simmonds, Daniel
Measuring burden and coping strategies in a
psycho-educational group intervention for people
with dementia and their carers. (2008)
Sims, Anna
Psychological Interventions for Physical Illness
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The evaluation of an outpatient pain management
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Skucek, Emily
Putting the child first within an adult service: adult
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social services. (2008)
Slaughter, Jeremy
An evaluation of clients on the Kensington and
Chelsea Learning Disability Register and those
using the Kingsbridge Road Learning Disability
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Smith, Benjamin
The significance of gender in the referral and
treatment of children with behavioural problems
Smith, Fiona
Service users’ evaluation of a psychiatric day
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Smith, Keren
Evaluation of a ten session group intervention for
depression in a day centre setting. (2008)
Smith, Lisa
A survey of the visual arts programme in a Mental
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Sockett, Helen
Service user feedback of a psychological therapy
service in a Home Treatment Team. (2011)
Sole, Shirey
An Audit of Referrals to a High Intensity IAPT
Service: Investigating the Link Between the Source
of Referral and Symptom Severity. (2014)
Spector, Aimee
Increasing first appointment attendance at
community child psychology clinics: A comparison of
reminder methods. (2004)
Stainsby, Matt
Factors associated with adherence to a forensic
inpatient incentive scheme. (2007)
Stavrou, Stavros
Retrospective audit of pathways to care and service
provision in first episode psychosis; within an early
intervention pilot project and a community mental
health team. (2005)
Stefanovitch, Iolanta
Evaluation of a waiting list CBT oriented
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Sterne, Abram
The Old Harlow Study: An examination of case
notes to investigate differences in referrals for Old
Harlow from another Harlow town district. (2002)
Stevens, Kate
Ethnicity recording and waiting list times in an
outpatient adult mental health service. (2009)
Stewart, Mairi
A client satisfaction survey of a community mental
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Stokes, Nicholas
A study of non-attendance in an adult clinical service
Storah, Zenobia
Evaluating equality of access to the psychology
department of an Older Adult Community Mental
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Stotts, Richard
Factors associated with long inpatient stays in an
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Users’ views of a memory clinic. (2002)
Svaanberg, Emma
Exploring the need for psychological supervision in a
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Sweeney, Faye
Evaluation of the effectiveness of an inner city
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Sweeting, Ruth
A psychological mindedness rating scale: An
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Tabraham, Paul
Evaluation of a leisure group for people who have
experienced mental health problems. (2001)
Tadrous, Amanda
Evaluating Client satisfaction in an adult outpatient
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Taha, Ai Yun
Tam, Ka Hang Barry
An audit of clinical outcomes of a psychodynamic
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Taylor, Bethany
Referrers attitudes and knowledge of a local
psychological therapies service: a questionnaire
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Taylor, Emma
Audit of memory clinic from 1996-1998. (2000)
Taylor, Emma L
How many people make a group? The problems of
recruitment and retention in an anxiety group. (2006)
Taylor, Isabelle
Understanding psychologists’ use of outcome
measures in an older adult psychology service.
Teng, Tracy (Chui Kiu)
An Evaluation of the Emotional Eating Group. (2015)
Thomas, Lois
Exploring the views of staff working in Vietnamese
community welfare groups on how their clients
experience mainstream mental health service and
talking therapies. (2008)
Thomas, Neil
Evaluation of a Webster-Stratton Parents and
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Thompson, Erin Hope
Thompson, Sebastien
A Qualitative Study Exploring the Advantages and
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A qualitative examination of care under a home
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Thompson, Victor
Experiences of aggressive incidents and burnout of
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Disabilities setting (2001)
Thorn, Tania
Impact of a community residential rehabilitation unit
on life skills of people with Schizophrenia. (2002)
Thornhill, Hermione
An evaluation of `The College Link Programme’: A
supported education initiative in London for adults
with longer-term mental health problems. (2002)
Thornton, Patricia
Evaluation of challenging behaviour training for staff
working in Learning Disabilities: an attributional
approach. (2000)
Tighe, Andrea
Evaluation of reflective practice sessions for staff on
acute psychiatric wards. (2010)
Tobitt, Simon
An audit of the practice of psychological
interventions by frontline clinical practitioners in an
adult mental health service. (2008)
Todd, Lynda
Assessment of alcohol use in older adults. (2002)
Tomlinson, Emily
An observation of the support processes and
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The Role of the Care Coordinator: Community
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Totman, Jonathan
Turgoose, David
Comparing biopsychosocial complexity factors
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Turner, Helen
A study of “Team Working” following amalgamation
of two specialist learning disability teams. (2002)
Twamley, Iseult
A study of user views of a relatives support group.
Ullah, Rashal
An Evaluation Looking Into the Perspectives of
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Underhill, James
Patients’ experiences of a community-based
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Underwood, Alan
An Evaluation of Clinical Effectiveness of a Recently
Introduced Group Cognitive Behavioural (CBT)
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van Dijkhuizen, Mike
Job satisfaction among forensic psychiatric nurses.
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Delivering effective treatment for PTSD in a north
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