Introduction to C/C++ Day 1 Mark Slater Overview 1. Code Creation and Compilation 2. Variables 3. Object Declaration and Operators 4. Program Flow in C/C++ What is C++? ● ● ● C++ is a general purpose object oriented programming language widely used in the software industry and beyond. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 as an enhancement to the C language ('C with classes') Though comprised of fairly basic syntax and conventions, it is incredibly powerful, especially with the addition of the 'standard libraries'. Anything you can think of to do on a computer can be (but not necessarily should be!) done in C++ C++ has been adopted as the standard for most coding tasks in modern Particle Physics and so it's well worth getting to know! 1. Code Creation and Compilation Writing and Compiling Code As already stated, C++ code can be written using any text editor, but to create the actual programs requires a compiler that creates the machine-readable code #include <iostream> int main() { // Read and print three // floating point numbers std::cout << "Give 3 nums" << std::endl; float a, b, c; std::cin >> a >> b >> c; std::cout << "Your gave... "; std::cout << a << ", " << b << ", " << c << std::endl; return 0; } Compiled Code Raw Code Executable Additional Libs The Hello World Program (Ex. 1) To demonstrate this process, you will create the ubiquitous 'Hello World' program: 1. Create a directory to put your code in 2. Copy the code here into a text editor 3. Save the file as 'ex1.cpp' 4. Run the GCC compiler 5. Execute the program! #include <iostream> int main() { // This is a comment /* This is a Multiline comment */ std::cout << “Hello World!\n”; } return 0; > > > > cd ~ mkdir cppex1 cd cppex1 emacs & #(or vim) > ls ex1.cpp > g++ -o ex1 ex1.cpp > ./ex1 Hello World! > Basic Syntax of a C/C++ Program Before we start looking in more detail at C++ coding, we will just cover the basic syntax of program you've just written Preprocessor directive. In this case, including other code The braces indicate blocks of code, in this case a function #include <iostream> A function definition (see later!) int main() { // This is a comment /* This is a Multiline comment */ std::cout << “Hello World!\n”; } return 0; Every statement in C/C++ must be ended with a semi-colon. This is a frequent cause of compiler errors so watch out! It is good practise to add comments to your code – these are ignored by the compiler but help you explain what you're trying to do, both to other people and yourself a few months on! 2. Variables Introducing Variables The first topic we will cover is variables Variables can be considered as 'labels' to objects or areas in memory They are declared by specifying the object type which can be one of the built-in basic types, e.g.: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ A boolean (true/false) – 'bool' Integer number – 'int' Floating point number – 'float' Double precision number – 'double' Single Character/0-255 number – 'char' Note that numerical variables can also be 'signed' (default) or 'unsigned' Or alternatively, a user-defined type (like classes) Variables in Action (1) Memory Locations #include <iostream> int main() { double a; double b; double c; a = 43; b = 21; c = a * b; std::cout << c << std::endl; return 0; } 43 903 21 To show you how variables work, we'll now go over a basic program that simply multiplies two numbers together It may seem a little basic at present, but it will help a lot when we start dealing with pointers! Variables in Action (2) #include <iostream> int main() { double a; double b; double c; a = 43; b = 21; c = a * b; std::cout << c << std::endl; return 0; } a c b First, the three variables are declared Note that all this does is assign memory locations, NOT actual values - their initial values are junk! Other allocations of memory will not overwrite these as long as they are allocated Variables in Action (3) #include <iostream> int main() { double a; double b; double c; a = 43; b = 21; c = a * b; std::cout << c << std::endl; return 0; } a c b 43 903 21 We now assign values to the 3 variables so they are now initialised The value of 'c' is then printed to the screen using the Standard Library 'std::cout' object as before Variables in Action (4) #include <iostream> int main() { double a; double b; double c; a = 43; b = 21; c = a * b; std::cout << c << std::endl; return 0; } 43 903 21 Zero is returned from the function and the variables are removed Note that, though the memory is now available for reallocation, the values are NOT reset 3. Object Declaration and Operators Variable Declaration and Object Creation ● ● The example you've just seen using the basic numeric type 'int' is an example of 'variable declaration' and the associated creation of an integer object. In C/C++, before using any variable or method it must be declared so the compiler knows how to deal with it.In the basic cases previously, if you removed the 'int x' lines, you would get a compiler error as it wouldn't know what type the variables were when it found them later The declaration of a variable follows the syntax: <object_type> <variable_name> (<initialisation_parameters>) ● This will also create an object of the requested type (i.e. assign the appropriate memory). The important point to remember is: No matter how complicated or simple it is, any variable is still referencing an object! Operators ● In addition to variable declaration, you have also now met the idea of operators. C++ is based heavily on the idea of operators acting on objects. A few examples are: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ Multiplication: a * b Addition: a + b Increment: a++ Bitwise shift/stream: a << b Modulus: % Array: [] Operators have precedence, just like in maths, as well as associativity (left ↔ right) and arity (# of operands). For more info, see: The syntax for this depends on the operator, but a few examples are: <object1> <operator> <object2> (e.g. *, +, -) <object1><operator> (e.g. [], ++) A More Interactive Program (Ex. 2) ● To give you a taste of variables in action, you'll now create a program that asks for two numbers and outputs the product of them. To do this, you will need to use the 'std::cin' variable as well as the 'std::cout' variable. std::cout you have already met in the Hello World program. std::cin works in a similar way but for input: ➔ ➔ ● double b; std::cin >> b; // Fill the variable 'b' with user input Don't worry about either of these at present, just know that: ➔ ➔ ➔ std::cin takes input from the user and parses it to variables std::cout takes variables and outputs them to the screen Both can 'chain' operations together using the '<<' and '>>' operators 4. Program Flow Program Flow ● ● It would be difficult to do much with the language if a program was just executed from top to bottom and you couldn't control what parts of the code were executed There are a number of ways provided to gain this control over the program: ➔ ➔ ➔ ● Conditionals Loops Functions We'll go over each one in turn and at each point, incorporate them in to the growing 'pp6calculator' package! Program Flow – Scope (1) ● ● Before we go into the main ways of controlling program flow, it's important to understand the idea of scope. This refers to 'blocks of code' that are separated from each other by braces. You have already encountered one such code block in the 'main' function Variables declared in one code block will not be visible in an 'outer' block but will be present in an 'inner' block. When the end of a code block is reached, any local variables declared and objects created in that block are destroyed – this is termed going 'out of scope' Program Flow – Scope (2) Variables a and b are declared in the outer block and assigned values #include <iostream> int main() { int a, b; Another variable called 'a' is created (this doesn't affect the previous one!) in addition to a 'c' variable NOTE: This is a very bad idea!! a = 43; b = 21; Values are again assigned to these new variables and the value of 'c' printed (88 in this case) { int a, c; a = 12; c = 88; } With the closing brace, the new variables, a and c, go out of scope and are deleted. Hence, when a is printed, it's the original value of 43. std::cout << c << std::endl; std::cout << a << std::endl; c = a * b; } return 0; This line will cause the compiler to crash as, though 'c' was declared in the inner block, it wasn't in the outer block and so is not present here Program Flow - Conditionals ● Conditionals allows different code blocks to be executed based on the outcome of a simple test. It uses a number of additional operators, including: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ● Comparison: == Greater/Less than: >< Greater/Less than or equal to: <= Not equal to: != The general syntax for this is shown here: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ The 'if' keyword is used The condition must evaluate to true or false Don't confuse assignment ('=') with comparison ('==') if (a == b) { // Do something... } else { // Do something else instead } Adding More Functionality (Ex. 3) ● ● ● We can now control the flow of the program depending on a comparison. In this exercise, you should add to your previous program to get the program to ask the user what operation they want to perform There should be a choice of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You should use the conditional ('if') operation to decide what the user has asked for and also check for problems (e.g. divide by zero, user input error) To check for user input error, you can use the following: if (!std::cin) // check if the input 'failed' Program Flow – Loops (1) ● Loops are very useful for re-using code – a very important practise in all code development, not just C++. Loops allow you to repeat a code block a set number of times or until a condition is met. The first type of loop we will look at is the 'for' loop which has a syntax: for ( <initialisation>; <condition>; <loop_process> ) { <code_block> } ● Some useful points to note are: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Do something 10 times } The initialisation step is performed at the start of the loop The loop continues until the condition evaluates to 'false' After every loop cycle, the process code is run Be careful about the position of the semi-colons! You can use 'break' to terminate a loop and 'continue' to skip to the next iteration Program Flow – Loops (2) ● The other type of loop we will look at is the 'while' loop. This is somewhat simpler than the for loop as it just loops until a condition evaluates to 'false'. The syntax is: while ( <condition> ) { <code_block> } Some useful points to note are: ➔ ➔ ➔ int i = 0; while (i < 10) { // Do something 10 times ++i; } The evaluation of the condition is done at the beginning of each loop The loop will continue until the condition is false, so be careful of infinite loops! As before, use 'break' to get out of the loop and 'continue' to skip the iteration Adding More Functionality (Ex. 3) ● ● Continuing to add and improve our fledgling pp6calculator, you should now use a 'while' loop to allow the user to keep performing operations until they quit. To quit out of the while loop, check for a specific input (e.g. 'q') and use the 'break' keyword You may also need to use the 'continue' keyword when errors in input are found and also use the following to clear the cin buffer: #include <climits> // defines INT_MAX std::cin.clear(); std::cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); // clear the fail flag // clear the cin buffer Note that we will introduce 'for' loops later when we add some statistics based functions Program Flow – Functions (1) ● As mentioned before, its good coding practise to reuse as much code as possible. The main way of doing this in C is through the use of functions that can then be called in other code blocks. Just like a variable, a function must be declared before it can be used: <return_type> <function_name> ( <arguments> ) { <code_block> } ● ● After declaration, the function is called by just giving the function name and the required parameters in brackets. At this point, the program flow jumps to this function until it hits a 'return' statement or the end of it's scope An important point to remember is that variables are passed 'by value' – i.e. the object value passed is copied to the new variable, the object itself is not sent to the function Program Flow – Functions (2) Declare and define a function that multiplies two numbers together and returns the result Note that you have already encountered a function: the 'main' function. This is a special function that is where the program starts, but it behaves in the same way #include <iostream> double multiply( double a, double b ) { return a * b; } void print( double a ) { std::cout << “Result: “ << a << std::endl; } int main() { double a, b, c; This function prints the given number with an additional message a = 43; b = 21; c = multiply(a, b); print(c); print( multiply(a, c) ); } return 0; Note that, the variables here WILL NOT BE CHANGED as the values are copied to the function rather than the objects themselves More Complicated Functions (Ex. 5) ● Now we have a simple system that allows the user to specify the operation he wants to perform, we can extend these operations to more complicated functions Now, try to extract the mathematical operations into their own functions with appropriate inputs and return values HOMEWORK Expand your code to include more complicated maths functions: ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ Calculate the intercept of a line on the x-axis Solve a quadratic equation Calculate the length of 3 and 4 vectors Calculate the invariant mass of two particles Note that you will need to add the 'cmath' header to your program to use the 'sqrt' function