Design Optimisation Studies for a new beta-decay neutrino mass experiment Why the project? Sparsh Navin, Dr. Y. A. Ramachers AMBER (Anti-Neutrino Mass Balance using Electrostatics and Radioactivity) •Direct neutrino mass measurement The most interesting region of the beta spectrum to neutrino physics is the final 10eV of the energetic electrons emitted from the source. (Accompanying picture shows a tritium source, similar for nickel source) •Beta-decay end point experiment With the present set up it takes more than 2000 years to get close to the end point. •Uses Ni-63 as electron current source to charge capacitor Aim – decrease running time of the •Capacitor is a levitating ball suspended by magnets Electrons that hit the target sphere are detected. experiment •Increase flux (area of source) COMSOL Multiphysics-Electromagnetics module •Based on partial differential equations •Solves using finite element method Model geometry Generate mesh Apply boundary conditions Solve and post process Learning Outcomes: •Target and priority setting to meet deadlines •Reporting and presenting work and findings •Literature search and scientific writing •Working as a member of a research group •Data handling and logging •Decrease capacitance C=ΔQ/ΔV Doubling area of source doubles flux but only increases capacitance slightly (0.6% increase). Major contributor to capacitance of ball is the box around it. R E S 1 source: U C=6.964x10-13F L Two sources (flux x 2) T C=6.301 x 10-13F S Challenges: Greater accuracy in geometry implies more elements in the mesh generated => lesser accuracy of the calculated result (and it takes longer). A fairly accurate geometry without too much detail gives a good approximation. Particle traces show that only electrons with high velocity hit the ball. Bringing the source closer to the ball increases capacitance only linearly but flux increases as shown. In the present set up the source is 5 cm from the ball. Possible extension: spherical source surrounding the sphere =>maximum surface area, moderate capacitance values