JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 90, NO. D3, PAGES 5661-5664, JUNE 20, 1985 The Origin of the 100,000 Year Cycle in a Simple Ice Age Model ROELOFK. SNIEDER• NOAA GeophysicalFluid DynamicsLaboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey A one-dimensional nonlinear ice age model developed by J. Imbrie and J. Z. Imbrie was used to investigatethe 100,000year cyclein climate records.It was already known that the model could mimic the 100,000year cycle in the climate response,but it was not clear how this strong responsewas created. It is shown in this paper that the interferencebetween the spectral componentsin the solar heating of 19,000 years and 23,000 years gives rise to an amplitude modulation, and how this modulation is convertedby the nonlinearityto a 100,000year cyclein the climateresponse. 1. INTRODUCTION dy The spectral properties of climate records have received considerableinterest in geophysicalresearch.Geological data show fairly conclusiveevidencethat the climate variations in the past have a pronouncedspectralcomponentcorresponding to a cycle of about 100,000 K. (In this paper, time will always be measured in units of 1000 years, which will be denoted by K = 1000 years.) These climate variations are thought to be paced by variations in the orbital parametersof the earth [see Hays et al., 1976; lmbrie and lmbrie, 1980]. It turns out, however, that the fluctuations in the earth's orbital parametersgive rise to variationsin the effectivesolar heating which have dominant periods only of 19, 23, and 41 K, [see Berger, 1977]. (The 19 and 23 K cycle are caused mostly by the combinedeffectsof eccentricityvariations and precession;the 41 K cycle is causedby obliquity variations.) The 100 K cycle in climate recordscannot be explained by variations in the earth's orbital parametersif the climate respondslinearly to the solar heating. However, in a nonlinear climate systemthe nonlinearitycould give rise to an energy transferwithin the spectrum,which could create a strong 100 K cyclein the climateresponse. Wigley [1976] showedthis explicitly for a simplenonlinear equilibriummodel which essentiallysquaredthe forcing.Birch- l+b dt Tm dy 1- b dt Tm (x- y) x > y (x - y) x < y (1) where y(t) is taken as a negative measure of ice volume. II found a strong 100 K cycle in the climate responsey(t), by usinga realisticheatingfunctionx(t) which containedmost energy in cyclesof 19, 23, and 41 K. They found the best fit with observedclimate variations of the last 150 K by choosing the following parameter setting: Tm= 17 K, b = 0.6. This means that the II systemis highly nonlinear. It was, however, not clear why this nonlinearity gave rise to a very strong 100 K cyclein the response. The goal of this paper is to clarify the sourceof the 100 K cycle. In order to do this, the model was integrated using severaldifferent heating functions x(t). The spectra of the responseswere usedto trace down the origin of the 100 K cycle. 2. METHODS OF ANALYSIS The heatingfunctionsthat have beenusedin this studyare superpositionsof three oscillations: field[1977]showe•thesamebehavior bothfora "halfwave x(t) = A• cos ro•t + A 2 cos ro2t + A 3 COSrO3t (2) rectifier" equilibrium model, as well as for Weertman's ice sheet model. In this paper the 100 K cycle in the model of Imbrie and Imbrie is discussed limbtie and lmbrie, 1980, heareafterreferred to as II.] The model of II is not an equilibrium model; a phase lag between the radiative forcing and the climate responseis allowed. Their model is simple enough to understand what mechanismtransfersenergy to the 100 K cycle. II introduce the nonlinearity by assumingthat ice sheetsdecay faster than they grow. (In II, several reasonsare given to support this assumption.)If the solar heatingis denotedby a function x(t), and if the climate responseis denotedby a functiony(t), then the ice sheeteffectwasparameterizedby II as The frequenciesro•, to2,and to3 correspondto periods of 19, 23, and 41 K. Equation (1) was integrated for 700 K; the last 655.5 K were used to determine the spectral density of the response.The time step and the record length were chosenin such a way that the spectral density was calculated for ro = 2r•/655.5 K and multiples of this frequency,so that the spectral density was evaluated for a period of 109 K. The parameters Tmand b had the same values as in II, that is, Tm= 17 K and b = 0.6, except in the last experiment, where the nonlinearity parameter (b) was varied. The mean of the response was subtracted in order to remove undesirablelow-frequencyeffects.Next, the response was windowed [seeBlackmanand Tukey, 1958] and then Fourier transformed.The plots of the spectraldensity were normalized with respectto the maximum of the spectralcomponents. x Now at Departmentof TheoreticalGeophysics, Universityof Utrecht, The Netherlands. 3. Copyright1985by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper number 5D0095. 0148-0227/85/005D-0095 $05.00 RESPONSE TO HARMONIC FORCING FUNCTIONS The system(1) was first integrated with heating functions that contained only one frequency component, that is, only 5661 5662 SNIEDER' ICE AGE MODEL reason forthisis thatthelinearsuperposition of twooscil- lationswithequalamplitudegivesriseto an amplitudemoducos(o•o + 6)t + cos(o•o -- 6)t = 2 cos 6t cosO•ot 0 100 200 300 400 TIME (1000 YRS) 500 600 (3) Resultingin a modulationwith a period givenby - 2n (4) Fig. 1. Time seriesof the heating (dashedline) and the climate response(solidline) for a harmonicforcingwith a periodof 41 K. one of the Ai in (2) was differentfrom zero. This will be called a harmonic heating function. As an example,time seriesof the heating and the climate responseare shown in Figure 1. In this casethe heating occurredonly at 41 K. The spectrumof the climate responseis shown in Figure 2. The main feature of the spectraof the responsesto harmonic heating functions is the strong peak at the frequency at which the systemis forced.The spectralenergyof the climate responseis containedwithin a narrow spectralband (or equivalently, the climate responseis almost sinusoidal)despitethe fact that the system is highly nonliner. This is becausethe climate adjusts itself in such a way that the time-averaged climate is warmer than it would be in the case of a constant solar heating with the same mean. This has the effect that the ice sheetspendsabout the sameamount of time "growing"as it is "decaying," despite the fact that the time constantsfor growth and decayare quite different(see(1)). The fact that the responseis not exactly sinusoidalcan be seenin Figure 2, where the overtonesof the 41 K cyclecan be seenat 20.5 and 13.67 K. These peaks would be absentif the responsewere exactly sinusoidal. The important point of the experimentswith a harmonic forcing is that the spectrum of the responsecontains essentially only the frequencycomponent of the forcing. This indicates that the strong 100 K responsein the II model is not causedby any sort of internal resonanceof the system.As already noted by Le Treut and Ghil [1983], this is becausethe model of II consistsof only one first-order differential equation. The equilibriumsolutionof the II systemis givenby Yeq= x, as can be seen from (1). This means that the transient solution has a much smaller amplitude than the equilibrium solution (Figure 1) [see Held, 1982]. 4. RESPONSE TO FORCING FUNCTIONS CONTAINING TWO FREQUENCIES If a heating function that containstwo frequencycomponents is used, a more interestingresponseis generated.The FREQUENCY (2•'/1000 YRS) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 , , i , , I , This time will be referredto as the "beat period." It has to be rememberedthat the function cos 6t changessign twice in every time interval of length T•, so that the amplitude of the modulation has a period T•/2. This result also holds if the amplitudes of the two constitutive oscillationsare not equal, althoughin that case,the modulation is weaker. The beat period can be calculatedby taking (3) and defining T/= 2•r/(oa o - 6) and T•= 2•r/(Oao + 6),sothat T•- 2T•Tj/IT•- TjI (5) A table of the beat period of three different frequencycombinationsthat were studiedis givenbelow' Case T• T2 1 2 3 19 23 19 23 41 41 218.5 104.8 70.8 The time seriesof the heating and the climate responsefor case 1 is shown in Figure 3; the spectrumof the responseis shownin Figure 4. The amplitudemodulation is clearlyvisible in Figure 3. Note that the climate responsedependsonly on the amplitude of the beat and is insensitiveto the sign of the modulation. This is causedby the fact that the "growth time" of the ice sheetsis so much larger than the "decay time." This has the effect that the climate becomes warmer whenever the amplitude of the beat increases,and this occurswith a period of 109 K. It is thereforenot surprisingthat the most important feature of the spectrumis the strong spectral component at 109 K. This componentcorrespondsto an oscillationwith a period of a half beat time. As already noted, the reasonfor this is that the climate responseis only determinedby the amplitudeof the modulation, but not by the sign of the modulation. This modulation effect is so strong that the 109 K cycle contains even more energy than the 19 and 23 K cyclesat which the systemis forced. Note that the II model behaves similar to the model of Wigley [1976] or the "half wave rectifier" model of Birchfield [1977]. In all thesemodelsthe strong 100 K cycleis generated because a positive responseis in some sense favored to a negative response.The only differenceis that the models of Birchfield and Wigley show a strong responseat the "sum frequency"(correspondingto a period of 10.4 K), whereasthis , 0 100 200 300 TIME 218 109 41 23 400 (1000 YRS) 500 600 - 19 PERIOD (1000 YRSI Fig. 2. Spectrumof the climateresponsein Figure 1. Fig. 3. Time seriesof the heating (dashedline) and the climate response(solid line) for a heating containing only oscillationswith periodsof 19 and 23 K. SNIEDER: ICE AGE MODEL spectralcomponentis very weak in the II system.(This spectral componentcanjust be seenat the end of the frequency scalein Figure 4.) This indicatesthat the treatmentof parametric forcing of Le Treut and Ghil [1983] does not apply very well to the II system,sincetheir theory predictsthat the responseat the sum frequencyand the differencefrequency will be of equal strength. The spectraof the responseto forcingfunctionscontaining frequenciesat 19 and 41 K or 23 and 41 K are similar to Figure 4, exceptthat the spectralcomponentsin the climate responsedue to the amplitude modulationsare very weak. 5663 100 200 300 400 TIME {1000 YRS) 500 600 - Fig. 5. Time seriesof the heating (dashedline) and the climate response(solid line) for the sameheatingas in Figure 3, but with b = 0.9. This is becausethe concept of amplitude modulation is only 6. useful if CONCLUSION The nonlinear dynamicalsystemof II has been integrated «T• >>max(T/,T•) usingheatingfunctionsthat weresuperpositions of oscillations with periodsof 19,23, and 41 K. The climateresponseto these This condition is certainly not satisfiedfor cases2 and 3 (see heating functionscontainsessentiallyone frequencyif the the tabulation above). heatingis harmonic.This confirmsthat the 109 K cyclein the responseis not an internal resonanceof the system[see Le 5. VARIATIONS OF THE NONLINEARITY PARAMETER To see the role of the nonlinearity more clearly, several Treut and Ghil, 1983]. If the systemis forcedwith a heatingfunctioncontaining two frequencycomponents,the climate responsehas a pronouncedspectralcomponentthat is determinedby the amplitude modulation of the heating. This effect is particularly strongif the systemis forcedat 19 and 23 K. case,"that is, b - 0.9, are shownin Figure 5. Note the nonlinThe 109 K peak in the spectrumof the climateresponseof ear sawtooth-likeresponse.The shapeof the envelopeof the the II systemappearsthereforeto be causedby an interference climateresponseis not sinusoidalat all, resultingin a climate of the 19 and 23 K cycles,which givesrise to an amplitude responsethat containsmany overtonesof the 109 K cycle. modulation.The nonlinearityconvertsthis amplitudemodulaThis has the effect that for b- 0.9 there is less energy in the tion to a 109 K cycle.Justas in Wigley [1976] or in the half 109 K cyclethan for b- 0.6, despitethe fact that the nonlin- wave rectifiermodelof Birchfield[1977], this happensbecause earity is stronger. a positive responseis favored to a negativeresponse.Note This effectcan also be seenin Figure 6, in which the energy that the 19 and the 23 K cyclesare presentbecausethe comin the 109 K cycleis shownas a functionof the nonlinearity bined effectsof eccentricityand precession lead to a splitting parameter.For b = 0 the 109 K cyclehas zero energy,which of the precession cycleinto two cycleswith periodsof 19 and is only to be expectedfor a linearsystemforcedonly at 19 and 23 K [see Hays et al., 1976]. The nonlinearitythereforeex23 K. For b = 1 the solution of (1) is y(t)= x.... so that in tracts the variations in the eccentricity and transfers the that casethe 109 K cycledoesnot contain any energyeither. energyfrom the 19 and 23 K cyclesto the 109 K cycle.This There clearly has to exist a maximum for intermediateb meansthat it is ultimatelythe eccentricitycyclethat generates values. It turns out that this maximum is attained for b = 0.72. the 109 K cyclein the climaticresponse. It follows that II made a fortunate choice by assuming b = 0.6, because this value is close to the value of b that maximizesthe energyin the 109 K cycle.(It is interestingto 1.0 note that II determinedtheir value of b by fitting model results to real data of the last 150 K without consideringany spectralcomponentseparately.) experiments weredonein whichthe nonlinearityparameter(b) was varied, usingthe heatingfunctionof case1. This casewas chosenbecauseit gaveriseto an extremelystrong109 K cycle. The heatingand the climateresponsein the "very nonlinear FREQUENCY (2a-/1000 YRS) 0 0.1 0.2 ! ! 0.3 0.4 [ ! 0.5 [ 0.6 , 0.2 218 109 41 23 19 PERIOD (1000 YRS) Fig. 4. Spectrumof the climate responsein Figure 3. 0.4 0.6 NONLINEARITYPARAMETER (b) 0.8 1.0 - Fig. 6. Energy in the 109 K cyclein the climate responseas a function of the nonlinearityparameter,for the heatingshownin Figure 3. 5664 S•IœDœR: IcœAGE MODœL Acknowledgments. The author would like to thank A. Oort and S. Manabe for usefulcomments.The researchwas supportedby grant ATM 8218761 A01 from the National Science Foundation. Held, I. M., Climate modelsand the astronomicaltheory of the ice ages,Icarus, 50, 449-461, 1982. Imbrie, J., and J. Z. Imbrie, Modelingthe climaticresponse to orbital variations, Science,207, 943-954, 1980. Le Treut, H., and M. Ghil, Orbital forcing,climatic interactions,and glaciationcycles,J. Geophys.Res.,88, 5167-5190, 1983. REFERENCES Wigley, T. 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