JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. B4, PAGES 6321-6333,APRIL 10, 1991 Dispersion of P Wavesin Subducted Lithosphere' Evidence for an Eclogite Layer DAVID GUBBINS Department ofEarthSciences, University ofLeeds, Leeds, United Kingdom i•OEL SNIEDER, Department of Theoretical Geophysics, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands Cold,subducted lithosphere hasrelatively fastseismic velocity which leadstoearlyarrivals for some event-station paths.Theeffectisverylargeforevents in theTonga-Kermadec deepseismic zonerecordedat certainNew Zealandstations.Theseparticulararrivalsare very high-frequency (3 Hzorgreater) andsometimes resemble twodistinct phases, thelaterarrival appearing at about thetimepredicted by Jeffreys-Bullen tables.DatafromthedigitalstationSNZOin Wellington confirmthe traveltime resultsof the analogstationsand furthermoreshowfrequencies above5 Hz, muchhigherthancanbeseenonanalog records, andupto 4%dispersion in therange1-8 Hz. Energy in thesecond phase (which isoftenabsent at SNZO)ismainly1-2 Hz. Thedigital datasupport theidea,proposed earlier,thattheeffectis caused bypropagation through a thin slabwhichpasses onlyshort-wavelength waves. Theessential features ofthewavepropagation are modeled byacoustic waves in a one-dimensional high-velocity slab;thewaveforms produced by the modelare discussed in termsof the leakymodesof the systemand calculatedby a reflectivity method.A verythin (< 15 km) uniformslabprovides the required dispersion, but the waves areheavily attenuated andwouldneverbeobserved at teleseismic distances; a thicker slaballows theenergy through butdoesnotgiveenough dispersion. Altering thevariation ofvelocity across theslabprovides therequired dispersion if a thickhigh-velocity layer,withwavespeed increasing gradually withheight, isoverlain bya thinlidofevenhigher velocity. Forthemodels considered the lid thickness mustlie in the range6-15 km andbe continuous froma depthof about50 km to the bottomof the earthquake zone.The thicklayercouldarisefromthe thermalanomalyin thesubducted lithosphere; thethinlid maybethegabbroic partof thesubducted crustthat has transformed to eclogite. seismograms forwaves that havepassed throughtypicalslab structures, and Cormlet[1989]hascomputed diffraction ef- INTRODUCTION Deepseismic zonesoccurwhena subducting plate de- fectsfrom slab structuresusinga Gaussianbeammethod, scendsinto the mantle. The plate graduallywarms and but otherwise rather little has been done with full wave the- undergoes minerslogical phasechanges as it descends; re- ory. viewsofsimplethermalmodels aregivenbySleep[1973],and Ansell and Gubbins[1986], hereinafterreferredto as modelsof the mineralogy aregivenby Ringwood [1982]and AG, studiedsomeremarkablearrivalsat stationsin the Helffrichet al. [1989].Seismological studiesof subducted New Zealand network. Waves from events in the Tongaslabshaveinvolvedsourcemechanisms (for example,seeGi- Kermadecdeepseismiczoneexhibitresiduals in excessof ardiniand Woodhouse [1984]for the Tonga-Kermadec zone 10 s relativeto Jeffreys-Bullen (JB) tablesand the appeardiscussed in thispaper);phaseconversions at the interface anceof two distinctP phases:a•uearly,high-frequency, arbetweenthe slaband surrounding mantle[Snokeet al., 1977; rival and a later phase,with lowerfrequency,arriving at Fukaoet al., 1978;Nakanishi,1980;Nakanishiet al., 1981; aboutthe JB time. FigureI givesa map of the regionand Matsuzawaet al., 1986];propagation effectssuchas travel showsthe geometry.AG's resultscan be summarized as timeanomalies [DaviesandMcKenzie, 1969];andfocusing follows: 1. Stations on the east of the North Island of New Zealand effectsof the slab[Daviesand Julian,1972]. Recentwork on tomographic inversion for the P wavespeedin the sub- and the northernend of SouthIsland (their zone3) exhibit duction zone has included refinement of the source locations the fast double arrivals. The correspondingray paths lie [e.g.,Spencer andGubbins, 1980;Creager andJordan,1984; closeto the subducted slab for most of their length due to Engdahland Gubbins, 1987].In manyof thesestudiesthe a fortuitous bend in the zone. fast zonebecomesvery thin and in mostcasesthe width is limitedby the coarse parameterization ofthe velocitymodel. The fast zonemay be so thin that ray theory breaksdown andfrequency-dependent wavepropagation mayoccur. Vidale[1987]hasuseda finitedifference methodto compute 2. Stations on the west side of North Island (their zones 1 and2) are eitherslowrelativeto JB (showing that early arrivals on the east side are not simply causedby bias in the traveltime curve)or are heavilyattenuatedby passage through the Taupo volcaniczone. 3. Arrivalsthroughout therestofSouthIsland(theirzone 4) give variable results. Copyright 1991bytheAmerican Geophysical Union 4. Countingpeakssuggests the earlyphasehasa dominant frequencyof 3 Hz, but the analogrecordingsystem Paper number 90JB02741. may mask higher frequencies. 0148-0227/91/90J$-02741$05.00 6321 6322 GUBBINSAND SNIEDER: DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE to some extent by the quiet borehole installation and large dynamic range of the digital recording system. The Wellington site is relatively noisy compared with someother North Island stations suchas Mangahao (MNG), and it is not as well placed relative to the slab to observe these early arrivals. JB residuals at the Willmore seismometer from suitable sources show a bimodal distribution with one peak around the JB time and one about 4 s early, suggestingthe early phaseis often missedaltogether: the distribution at the quieter site of MNG has a single peak several secondsearly (AG). JB residualsfor WEL from the International SeismologicalCentre (ISC) Bulletin are shownin Table 1, which can be comparedwith the similar table for MNG given by AG. The largest residuals are from events in the latitude range 25-35øS abovedepth 300 km or thereabouts, dependingon latitude. The pattern is similar for many New Zealand sites. Ray tracing confirms that the correspondingray paths lie 10-50 km below the surfacedefined by the deep earthquakes,supportingthe view that the anomaly is caused by fast subducted lithosphere. Station NZO SNZO is only a few kilometersfrom Wellington(WEL) and should exhibit a similar pattern. We approachthe digital data with four specificquestions in mind: 1. How high is the frequency of the early arrival? 2. Does the high-frequencycontinueto arrive in late parts of the wave train 50S 161ZlE 171Zl 181Zl 1 71Z1•4 Fig. 1. Events used for this study. SNZO is a standard $RO site near Wellington, New Zealand. 5. At Wellington, where two phasesare seenfrequently, two seismometershave operated side by side. The Willmorehasgoodhigh-frequencyresponseand recordsthe early phasewell, but the other seismometer,a Benioffwith poorer high-frequencyresponse,doesnot record it. Comparisonof the known frequency responsesof the two instruments suggeststhe early phasehas dominant frequencywell above 3 or does it have the form of an isolated pulse? 3. Are there two distinct phasesor a dispersedwave train? 4. What kind of structures are responsiblefor the observed precursor? FAST ARRIVALS AT THE WELLINGTON SRO STATION SNZO Data were selectedusing the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) CD-roms distributed by the Orfeus data center. The archive includesall events above magnitude 5.5 from 1980 to 1984. Suitable events were selected Hz. from the latitude-longitude box 20ø-40øS, 170øE-170øW. These resultswere interpreted as slab effects: the thin slab The searchyielded twenty-eightevents,three of which were allows short-wavelengthwavesto travel at the high-velocity unsuitablebecausethe SNZO instrumenttriggeredlate (this but the longer wavelengthsdo not "see"the slab and travel only becameapparentafter scrutinyof the record). Twentyat normal mantle speed. Slow arrivals in zone I have passed five eventsremained;their hypocentersare listed in Table 2. through the slow wedge above the slab; variable arrivals in They cover the full range of events discussedby AG; three the south have left the slab and been subjected to a variety of attenuation and scattering effects so that sometimesthe two-phase nature of the arrival is preserved and sometimes the early phase is lost. AG's study waslimited by the data quality, which wasre- are deep events, someat the extreme north of the zone where the early phaseis observed,and severalvery closeevents. The short-period record was plotted for each event, the time of the first arrival picked,and the residualrelative to JB travel time tablescalculated.The resultwasfoundto agree, strictedby analogrecording.Estimatinghigh frequencyby to a few tenths of a second, with the residual published countingpeaksis very unsatisfactory,and result (5) above, by the ISC for WEL or SNZO (in this time window, ISC from Wellington, suggestsvery high frequenciesare present appears to report WEL in preferenceto SNZO unlessthe that cannot be seenon the paper record. Digital recordingis formerstationfailsto record). The results,shownin Table 2, required for a more quantitative study. The instruments of confirmthe findingsof AG for other stationsin the region. the New Zealandnetwork are now being replacedand digital The residuals are somewhat smaller than for MNG but still recordswill eventuallybecomeavailable. In this preliminary exceed 10 s in two cases. The long-period trace showed study we use the only existing digital station (SNZO), the no evidence of a precursor, and often the arrival was late SeismicResearchObservatory (SRO) site at Wellington. It has only one short-period, vertical component, instrument, the filter is not good for our purpose, and there are problems with the trigger so the first few secondsof the arrival are often lost, but these inadequaciesare compensatedfor relative to Jeffreys-Bullen times. These records were not used. Each trace was filtered to extract specific frequency bands. Resultsfor event 13 are shownin Figure 2. A highpass causal filter with corner frequency at 2 Hz gives the GUBBINSAND $NIEDER: DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE TABLE 1. ISC Residuals for Station WEL from 6323 1964 to 1974 Depth Latitude 0 km 100 km 200 km 15øS 16øS 17øS 18øS 19øS 20øS 21øS 22øS 23øS 24øS 25øS 26øS 27øS 28øS 29øS 30øS 31øS 32øs -1.1(32) -1.9(21) -2.1(3) 1.8(3) 0.1(6) -0.9(11) 1.3(19) -1.9(11) -2.9(9) -1.5(5) -6.8(2) -1.5(3) -1.9(8) -1.1(4) -3.6(15) -1.6(20) -0.8(10) -3.5(10) 33øS 34øS -6.6(9) -3.2(2) ...... ...... 35øS 36øS 37øS 38øS 39øS -4.8(1) -2.0(4) -3.4(3) -1.8(2) 2.5(1) -4.1(1) ...... ...... -1.3(1) 0.1(1) 4008 -0.3(4) -3.3(1) -1.8(3) -0.5(4) -1.7(4) -4.4(6) -2.1(5) -1.5(3) -1.6(6) 0.7(5) -3.7(2) -3.6(3) -3.3(3) -9.6(2) -5.8(1) -4.1(1) 300 km -2.4(4) -3.0(1) -1.8(2) -0.8(2) -1.2(8) -0.4(7) -1.0(5) -2.8(1) -1.6(1) 8.3(1) -6.1(2) -7.1(2) -6.8(2) -5.6(1) 400 km -3.0(1) -2.4(2) -0.8(2) -2.1(1) 0.6(3) -1.3(1) -1.8(1) -1.8(1) -4.5(1) -5.1(1) .... -4.8(3) -4.4(4) .... -2.6(3) -2.3(2) -2.6(1) -2.4(2) -2.1(1) -0.2(3) -1.1(3) -1.8(1) -0.7(2) -1.4(5) -0.8(2) -3.8(1) - 500 km 600 km -2.0(24) -1.7(5) -1.6(5) -2.0(10) -1.8(14) -1.9(9) -0.2(10) - -2.2(6) -1.0(4) -2.2(3) -2.1(10) -2.3(14) -1.3(1) - - - - ..... ..... ..... ....... 41øS 2.1(4) ...... Time anomalies are relative to Jeffreys-Bullen travel time tables. The numbers in parentheses denote the number of observations in each latitude-depth cell. Very fast arrivals occur for depths < 300 km and the latitude range 25ø-35øS. clearest signal and makes the pick easier. A lowpasscausal filter with a corner frequency at 1 Hz was used to search for "normal" arrivals: one appears on the second trace in Figure 3 about 2 s before the JB time. At these close distancesthe seismogramcan be quite complexevenfor a sire- pie Earth model. The theoretical arrivals were calculated for model PREM and compared with the lowpass-filtered traces to search for conventional second arrivals. In many casesthe first significant energy was a depth phase pP or sP, and one is marked in Figure 2 (trace f < 1 Hz). TABLE 2. Events Used for the Study of Digital Data Aø JB,s r0, km Latitude Longitude Depth, km Mb Event Year Month Day Hour Minutes 21.47 19.02 18.56 18.08 17.15 15.90 -4.0* -5.2* -4.1' -11.1' -7.0* -8.5* 596 513 592 322 287 260 -21.466 -23.466 -23.627 -25.096 -25.795 -27.134 -175.451 -177.297 -178.368 -175.569 -176.014 -176.474 68.0 79.0 336.0 37.0 26.8 27.0 6.3 6.7 5.9 5.9 6.4 5.5 16 3 20 13 26 6 1983 1980 1984 1982 1984 1980 3 4 I 3 9 12 21 13 19 7 28 2 7 18 16 15 0 13 44 4 15 41 3 17 Seconds 17.79 31.90 16.74 57.11 35.46 3.30 15.04 13.47 -8.7 -9.7 218 191 -28.159 -29.516 -176.320 -177.228 30.7 33.0 5.6 5.6 19 10 1983 1981 7 11 28 18 1 17 40 37 33.32 48.71 12.99 12.90 -8.2* -7.6* 394 191 -29.335 -29.934 -179.039 -177.741 323.0 33.0 6.0 6.1 8 11 1981 1981 9 12 28 26 17 17 56 5 18.09 32.52 12.15 -9.7 170 -30.573 -178.208 33.0 5.7 7 1981 3 7 23 30 8.40 12.12 11.92 11.16 -2.6 -8.5* -11.2 172 288 159 -30.536 -30.383 -31.485 -178.375 -179.339 -178.660 33.0 238.0 79.0 5.5 6.0 6.0 27 15 14 1984 1983 1982 10 1 3 19 26 28 19 16 3 59 2 52 56.24 21.35 34.59 10.77 -6.6* 132 -32.068 -178.370 33.0 5.7 23 1984 9 17 9 8 52.73 10.74 10.65 9.93 9.76 9.22 8.40 7.28 5.72 4.48 3.72 -9.0 -5.5 -8.2 -5.4 -3.8 -7.0 -6.0 -4.4 -2.0 -0.3 131 128 116 110 90 81 79 51 48 68 -32.091 -32.204 -32.835 -32.788 -33.380 -33.866 -35.346 -37.112 -37.307 -38.220 -178.235 -178.376 -178.791 -179.306 -179.348 179.649 179.960 179.712 177.301 177.399 33.0 33.0 45.8 33.0 33.0 25.2 33.0 34.6 33.0 68.2 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.6 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.9 24 25 18 21 22 17 I 9 2 28 1984 1984 1983 1984 1984 1983 1980 1981 1981 1984 9 9 6 8 8 5 11 12 3 3 22 22 25 4 30 5 29 1 5 8 10 11 10 14 16 4 6 17 12 0 15 43 3 59 6 43 48 46 53 40 16.06 16.51 17.42 34.36 13.92 50.46 46.90 43.71 29.50 47.89 Events are arranged in order of distancefrom the station SNZO. Numbering order is arbitrary. A ø is the distance, JB is the Jeffreys-Bullenresidual, LF is the time of a secondlow-frequencyphase relative to JB (when one was observed), and, and r0 is the maximum depth of the ray path. Latitude and longitude are measuredin degreesand the minus signsindicate south and west respectively. 6324 GUBBINS AND SNIEDER: DISPERSION OF SUBDUCTED LITHOSPHERE Even!•20• :13],recorded in S/VZO Event 7 is shownin Figure 3. Here the lowpassarrival is very difficult to detect, although energy clearly begins to arrive about 2 s after the JB time and builds to significantly abovethe noiseby 185 s. Note that the arriving wave recorded at SNZO doesnot have an impulsive character but rather builds up slowly to an extended wave train. This is not the case at other stations for the same event. The bottom trace in Figure 3 showsthe recordingof the same event at a secondstation, CTAO, in Australia. The waveform is very clean and impulsive, showingthe complexityof pP• the arrival at SNZO is a path and not a sourceeffect. All events were studied and arrivals picked, where possible, on both highpassand lowpasstraces. The picks were based on amplitude rather than frequency changes. The high-frequencyresults reproducedthe picks of the original records; a low-frequency pick was often impossible. The results confirm the general observationthat a 1 Hz signal f> 5 tIz .• arrives near the JB time at SNZO. 335 240 245 JBt 255 frequencyof i Hz, one highpassfiltered with a corner frequency of 2 Hz, and one highpassedwith a corner frequency of 5 Hz. Picks are shown for the first arrival, JB travel time, low-frequency "second arrival", and depth phase. The fourth tracein Figure 2 showsthe resultof a highpass filter with cornerfrequencyat 5 Hz. The clear arrival shows that the precursorcontainsvery high-frequencyindeed. In this study the upper limit of the observedfrequencyis often set by the instrument responseand the sampling rate (20 times per second). This suggestsan instrument more sensitiveto high-frequencywould yield better information. From this study we conclude: 1. The initial phase includes frequencies above 5 Hz. It is remarkable that such high frequenciesshould survive long propagationpaths in the mantle (up to 20ø). Der et al. [1982]find that Q increaseswith increasingfrequency and dependson tectonic setting. Furthermore, Bache et al. [1985]find that Q increases with frequencyand is independent of mantle path above 3 Hz. "Normal" mantle may well have very low attenuation for high-frequencybody waves. 2. The initial high-frequencyis not in the form of a distinct pulse but continueswell into the coda, indicating reverberationswithin structure along the path. 3. Later, low-frequency,arrivals do occur but are often submergedin the noise and may be confusedwith depth phasesor other conventionalsecondarrivalsdue to a layered crustal structure. 4. The JB travel time tables give a generally accurate prediction of the low-frequencyarrival. The deep event 8 (Table 2) is an exception:this may reveal an inaccuracyin the tables for deep events, or mislocation. 5. The waveformsare a path rather than a sourceeffect becauseother stations, suchas CTAO, give clear impulsive arrivals. These conclusionsreinforce those made by AG and show that the frequency of the firstarrivalis evenhigherthan could be measuredon the analog recordings. EVIDENCE FOR DISPERSION Are there two distinct phaseswith different frequencies or a single dispersedwave train? Two phasescan coexist within the framework of ray theory only if one ray propagatesthrough the slab and the other propagatesoutsidethe slab independently. If the structure has significantvariationson the length scaleof the first Fresnelzone,the concept CTAO,unfH[ered of ray theory breaks down and frequency-dependenteffects, such as dispersion,become operative. For example, depth phaseson these seismogramshave relatively low-frequency (i.e., normal 1 Hz energy), they take off with a very different angleof incidencefrom the direct P wave, do not travel near Fig. 3. Short-period seismogramsfor event 7 in Table 2; as in the slab, and can thereforebe regardedas rays independent Figure 2 except for the last which showsthe short-period vertical of direct P. They do not exhibit dispersion. AG suggest componentseismogramat the SRO CTAO in Charters Towers, Australia; the simple waveform showsthe complexity at SNZO is that the P wave splits and part travels through the slab at a path and not a source effect. The P arrival of the CTAO record high speed,retaining high frequencies,while the other part is aligned with the JB time of the SNZO record. travels in "normal" mantle beneath the slab, losinghigh fre- i - ldO ld5 I70jBt 175 GUBBINSAND SNIEDER: DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE 6325 quenciesby attenuation. This view of two distinct geometrical ray paths will be valid only if the width of the Fresnel zone of the rays is much smaller than the length scale of variation in the structure, otherwisethe assumptionsof geometrical optics breaks down. Any observeddispersionwill lack of energy in the bottom left-hand corner of every plot. Figures 4a and 4b give events 13 and 7, for comparisonwith seismogramsin Figures 2 and 3 respectively. Each show indicate The last pair, 3 and 15, are both deep events, with only that this is indeed the case. Dispersion will manifest itself in the seismogramsby a gradual changein frequencyin the precursor,with lower- frequencyenergy arriving after the first onset of highfrequencyenergy. It was impossibleto discern any such dispersionin the analog records. We now examine the digital seismogramsfrom SNZO for evidenceof dispersionin the very early part of the waveform. Each waveform was filtered to pass the restricted frequencybands 0.5-1.5, 1.52.5, 2.5-3.5, 4.5-5.5, and 5.5-6.5 Hz, using a one-passBessel filter which is causal and therefore preservesthe onset time of the signal. An exampleof the resultsis shownin Figure 4 for event 15, a deep event. Dispersion is clearly visible in the filtered traces. Most of it in this case occurs between 1 3-4% dispersion.Events 11 and 26 in 5c and 5d give two more examplesof shalloweventswith about 2% dispersion. 1% dispersion.Ray tracing for the latter two eventsshows that the waves pass below the deepest earthquakes in the zone and, presumably, leave the slab relatively quickly. The dispersionis correspondinglysmall. This range of earthquakesshowsthat dispersionis always present, although the delay is not uniform with frequency. Most of the time-frequencyplots suggestthat the dispersion is prominent between 1 and 3 Hz; there are also "holes" in the arriving energy (at 3.5 Hz in event 15 and at 4 Hz, 168 s, in event 7 for example). This fine structure can arise from detailed layering in the subductedslab as explained in section 5, but no attempt has been made to model it. The energy arriving before the precursorat both low and highfrequency is noise. The dispersion is rather lessthan the JB and 3 Hz. An alternative way to display the dispersionis similar to the multiple-filter techniqueof Dziewonskiet al. [1969],in which time windowsare passedthrough a suite of zero-phase Gaussianfilters with a range of frequenciesand the resulting time-frequency window is contoured. The filters are acausal but the effect on the onset time of the signal is negligible. The plots in Figure 5 have been scaledto equalizethe energy in eachfrequencyband. Figure 5fcorrespondsto event 15 in Figure 4. Frequencyis plotted alongthe horizontal axis, and time is plotted up the vertical axis for an interval slightly exceedingthe length of the precursor. A vertical swath of Figure 5f centered on, for example, 3 Hz, gives the power in the band-passedtrace centeredon 3 Hz in Figure 4. The onset on each trace in Figure 4 can be seen to correspond to the start of significantenergy in Figure 5f. The Gaussian filtering techniqueaveragesin time as well as frequency,so the time-frequency plots give only a smoothed estimate of the seismicenergy. Dispersionappearsin Figure 5f through A?ent #3026'/15f, recorded •h 5W•0 residual or the burst of 1 Hz energy that is often seenon SNZO or the analog records. MODELING OF THE DISPERSION These wavestravel along the strike of the slab for a considerable distance. The variation in seismicvelocity along the slab is assumed to be smooth, like that in normal mantle, and any possible sudden changesalong the ray path, for example due to a break in the slab, are ignored. Velocity variations acrossthe slab are, however,rapid becauseof the compositional anomalies and temperature perturbation associatedwith the subducted lithosphere. Under such conditions we can hope to separate the deflection of the propagation path causedby slowvariations along the slab from dispersion caused by rapid variations acrossthe slab and treat the wave field as a set of (leaky) modes propagating within the slab. The WKBJ approximationfor guidedwaves [Bretherton,1968]justifiesthis approach.We are interested only in the dispersioninducedby rapid variationsof properties acrossthe slab, and not in the path of propagationalong the slab. We therefore model the slab with a plane-layered medium. The data will undoubtedly contain complicatedef- fects arisingfrom any three-dimensionalstructure through which it passes,but generalpropertiesof the dispersionwill depend predominantly on the structure acrossthe path and the distance traveled through that structure. We also choose to restrict the initial modeling to the acoustic case; no S waves are included. In this way we shall isolate dispersioneffectson the P wave and eliminate complicationsin the synthetic seismogramsassociatedwith conversionto $. We do not expect conversionto be high or important becausethese wavestravel at close-to-grazing incidence with the slab surfaces and because we are only interested in the first part of the waveform: any conversion to $ wave energy will travel more slowly and will not arrive •Hz in the first few seconds. The acoustic calculation 152 Fig. 4. Band-passfiltered tracesfor event 15. •ach trace has a bandwidthof 1 Hz, centeredon (kom top down) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and count properly for amplitudes. Energy will be interchanged at interfacesby conversionto and from $ and this will not be includedin our synthetics. We therefore draw no conclusions from amplitudesor relative amplitudesin the synthetics.A more completestudy of the elastic caseis reservedfor later 6 Hz. work. 15t 15• 15• I•0 I•2 I•4 cannot ac- 6326 GUBBINSAND SNIEDER: DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE Event (82066) (13) i , i , i , • Event (81066) (7) , i , i ' ,•.:i• • ;-." ' :•.-.-.:;-; ' ' ...... ß'• .'!,•':;•!•i,•:::s:: ..s:.-:•::..:.,..•..+... .... ......... ..... ........... ........ 't i -:':-.-•i• .........•i: .-:?' ..:•,':• .... .... 2. 3. 4. 5. :• •. 3. 4. Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Event (81360) (11) , 5. (b) Event (84272) (26) -.-:.:.:-:.:.:-:. i 2. 3. 4. 5. , 2. Frequency (Hz) (C) Event (80104) (3) Frequency (Hz) (d) Event (83026) (15) ii•.:.ii•i•!i!i,'....:' :::'..h.-:':::..' '..,:,',•,•,:• ' ...... ....... . .•f ...... i 1. i 2. i 3. I 4. i J 5. Frequency (Hz) 1. ('e) 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency (Hz) (]9 Fig. 5. Time-frequency plotsfor six differenteventsshowing dispersion.Comparethe plot for event15 with the band-passedtraces in Figure 4. GUBBINSAND SNIEDER;DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE Our simplestmodel is that of a high-velocityhorizontal slab, with thicknessH and wave speedc•, embeddedin an infinite medium with wave speed co. Both materials have density p. The acousticcaseis equivalentto a fluid layer 6327 The vertical wave number in the slab, r/x, is given asymptotically by . J, 7,")t 2 •7F d = wH */• - embedded in an infinite fluid medium. The source is placed (7) at variousheightswithin the slab at a•= 0, where (m,z) are whichfollows from(4) and(23). Thewavelength forther,th Cartesian coordinates with a• horizontal and z downward, overtoneis therefore2H/n: the modesare forcedto fit into with the top of the layer at z - 0. Positioningof the source hasa largeeffecton the amplitudeof the response,but we do the slab. not wish to discussthis in the context of an acoustic model, which will not providerealistic amplitudes.The responseis calculated at a horizontal distance L from the source and Note that frequency appears everywheremultiplied by H, the slab thickness, so that reducing the slab thicknessis equivalent to consideringa lower frequency. Taking co- 8 km s-•, c• - 8.4 km s-• and a 5% velocitycontrast just above the slab. First considerthe modes of the system. Their frequencies are derived from the condition that energy radiates away between the slab and the surroundingmedium, (5) gives a 1% differencebetweeninfinite frequency•,(= w/2•r) and •,H • 30 for r, = 1, the fundamental, correspondingto 1 Hz from both upper and lower interfaceof the slab. The period equation, derived in the appendix, is waves and a slab thicknessof 30 kin. The small parameter, ß tan•-•7 2= 1- 27 (1) where a is definedby (20) and 7 by (21), which may be rewritten as • • (• -•) •, is in this case0.14. Equation (6) giveskill - 0.125, showing that the waves decay exponentially along the slab by a factor of e approximately every eight slab widths, or by a factor of 64 in a typical slab length of 1000 km (corresponding to angular distance10ø, typical of the eventsin Table 2) for 1 Hz waves and H - 30 km. The damping reflects the decay of 1 Hz energy relative to high-frequencyenergy and is severe. where c = w/k is the phasespeedof the mode. Equation (1) determines7 and hencethe phasevelocity of the mode in terms of wH. We are interested in highkequency modes that propagate like body waves close to the phasespeedof the fast slab. These modeshave We require more than 1% dispersionto explain the observations. Equation (5) gives 3% dispersionat 2 Hz, as requiredby the data, for an 8 km thick slab. For a 5% velocity contrast we have e - 0.32. However, the attenuation length is now much shorter, closeto 2H, or 16 kin. These frequenciesare therefore completelyeliminated by passage alongthe slab;the attenuationfactorat 2 Hz is 7 10-2s in 1000 kin! The asymptotic approximation is not very accurate at this value of e, but a numerical solutionfor the roots and 7 << 1. Hence solutionsof (1) e•st with, to leading of (1) reinforcesthe conclusionof very heavy attenuation. order in the small par•eter e, We concludethat although the uniform slab can produce the required dispersionif it is thin enough, the attenuation ; i•=d = (3) associatedwith leakageof energy out of the slab is so great •H e = d '>>1 that the waves would never be observed. This result is con- where• is an integer, the overtonenumber. The phasespeed firmed by the synthetic seismogramsdescribedin the next section. is, kom (2), Our model is a very simple one, and it might be argued that the slab will retain more energy in the real situation. c-c• 1+2• alia (4) However,there is everythingto indicate the contrary: twists Note that the phasespeedis higher than in either of the two in the slab to a lessideal geometrywould losemore energy; P-to-S conversions,not accounted for in the model, would media and is in this limit independentof co. The group velocity is obtained kom (4) by. setting also drain energy from the P wave. The only aspect of the model we can adjust in order to k = •/c, where k is the wave number, •d differentiating satisfy the twin constraints of high dispersionand low atwith respectto •. After somemanipulation this gives,again tenuation is the profile of the slab. We are thereforeforced to first order in e, to considera more complicated structure in order to retain the energy inside the slab. c•=c• 1 2•aH• (5) MODELING The group velocity is, as expected, slower than the wave speedin the fastermedium,and it decreases with decreasing kequency: the high frequenciestravel the fastest. The wave number no attenuation. is real to this order in e and there is Second-order terms must be considered in determiningthe imaginarypart of the wavenumber. They give 2na=ac• d THE WAVEFORMS BY A SIMPLE REFLECTIVITY METHOD Consider a more complex slab structure. The same approach applies in the determination of leaky mode wave numbers, but the period equation must be solved numerically: we losethe simpleanalytical approachof the previous section. Furthermore, the frequencyno longer scalessimply with the slab thickness,although scaleinvariancewith the total thickness of the slab remains. The derivation of the period equationbecomesrather intricate and specializedto 6328 GUBBINS AND SNIEDER: DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTED LITHOSPHERE each slab profile; it is more efficient to use a numerical reflectivity approach. Consider a stack of N homogeneousplane layers with velocity c,, density p, and thicknessHn. The stack is surrounded on both sidesby a homogeneousspacewith velocity c0 and density p0. An explosivesourceis presentsomewhere in the slab, and a radiation condition is imposedoutside the modelsuntil the syntheticsexhibited the main featuresseen in the data. A secondhigh-velocity layer was added to give a staircasestructure as shownin Figure 6. The wavespropagating in the surroundingmedium arrive at 125 s. Those in the high-velocity lid and those in the bottom of the slab are vis- ible as two distinctprecursors(119 s and 122 s). The total slab. The generatedwavefield is computedusingthe reflec- thicknesswas kept at 60 km and the width of the upper lid, tivity method [Fuchsand Muller, 1971]. The wavefield is H, wasvaried.The lid wasgivenvelocity8.4 km s-x, the expressedas a doubleintegral over slowness p and frequency intermediatelayer8.2 km s-x, and the surrounding medium 8.0 km s-x. The resultingsyntheticseismograms areshown u(r,z,t) -- • d• fo dpAf(a•,p,z)expia•(pr-t) (8) in Figure 6. For H < 6 km there is no precursorarriving with the velocity of the lid: the energy is not retained, as with the case of a uniform where Af has the form Af(•o, p,z)- G ox ,...,•oHNo,¾, px ,...,p•,P,z) (9) A(•oH• (•Hx•x,...,•H•,p•,...,p•,p) •d A = 0 is the period equation. In this expression,r is the dist•ce along the slab (the length of the ray path), z is the dist•ce from the receiver from the •op of the slab, and • is given by I • ""-(c•-P:) slab. For H > 20 km there is no dispersion:energyof all frequenciesarrives at the fast speedcorresponding to the lid. At intermediatewidthsthere is dispersion,as the time-frequencyplots in Figure 7 show. The seismograms havethe appearanceof two distinctpulses rather than a dispersedwave train. The best compromise between dispersionand a substantial precursor is provided by the model with H-10 kin. A more complicated set of models had 10 layers to approximate a smooth velocity variation acrossthe slab. A smooth structure is expected from the temperature variation in the subductedplate. The overall width of the fast (10)zoneis againkeptat 60 km, andthe high-velocity lid is In the numerical examplespresentedin •his paper, the slownessintegral in (8) is performedby a s•raightforwardnumerical quadrature and the frequency integral is realized by a varied in thickness.The lid has velocity8.4 km s-x and the ramp variesfrom 8.0 to 8.33 km s-x. The resultsare f•t is no dispersion, andmostof the energyarrivesat 8 km s-x , Fourier transform. The integrand can be derived using propagator matrices shownin Figure 8. When H = 0 (i.e., there is no lid) there showingthat a fast lid is neededfor dispersionin combina- [Gilbert and Backus,1966]. The readeris referredto Aki tion with the thicker, slower,zone to retain the energy. The and Richar• [1980]for details concerningthe reflectivity precursor,travelingat the lid velocity,is virtually absentup method and the use of propagators. The excitation of the to and includingH = 6 kin. There is almost no dispersion •ave field influencesonly the numeratorG in (9), while the for H >_15 km (the energypropagatesat the fast lid speed) period function • in (9) dependsonly on the material prop- and very little for H > 10 kin. The syntheticswith the most erties of the medium. Assumingthe frequency• to be real, realistic dispersionare obtained with lid thicknessesof 8-10 the zeroes of • on the real p a•s correspondto trapped modes, while the zeroes on the unphysical Riemann sheet ia the complexp plane correspondto leakymodes[Watson, 7•o-layer modelsfor differen•U]ic•ness H 1972]. Note that the frequencyand the layer •hicknessen8 km/s Hdkm ter the integrand in the reflectivity integral (8) only in the dimensionlesscombinationwH• V•. For the simplestcaseof a single layer with the same density p • the surrounding 60 km material •d a sourceat the top of the layer, the wave field at a distance -z kom the top of the slab is given by T u(r,z,t) -- -•e i'/' Z(p,w)&dp (11) 8 knVs where -- \7rT/ )V'(a],p)pei'"(r"-"ø•-') (12) and r•0sin •or• H + irh cos•or•xH •(•'P)= •-,, •o•,S- i(,• +,) •i.•,/ (1•) The period equation(1) followsfrom settingthe denominator in (13) to zero. Numerical resultsfor a uniform high-velocityslab were as Fig. 6. Synthetic seismogramsfor two-layer modelsof the fast predicted by the modal analysis in the previoussection: no slab. Total thicknessis 60 km; thicknessof the high-velocitylid fast arrival could be seenfor a thin slab, and no dispersion H varies. Note the appearanceof three phasescorrespondingto for a thick slab. We studiedprogressively more complicated the three velocities in the model. GUBBINSAND SNIEDER:DISPERSION OF SUBDUCTED LITHOSPHERE 6329 Two-layer model for H=O km I • I • I • I • I • I ß"'":J••.:.....; ......... •........ 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency (Hz) Two-layer model for H=8 km Two-layer model for H=6 kmI I • I • I • I • I • I • I , I • I , I , Il I .... i i ' 2. i ' 3. i ' 4. i ' ' 1 2. 5. Two-layer modelfor H= 10 km • • I • I , I 4. 1 5. Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) I 3. • .•:•..•.:..• I Two-layer model for H=15 km I • I • I • I , I • I ß ..• •.• i i œ. $. •. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency (Hz) Fig. 7. Time-frequency plots corresponding to the synthetics in Figure6. t 6330 GUBBINSAND SNIEDER:DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE . H •o 8 4 k•s •.•s //- • 8•s II-•km • tively, a high-velocity lid above a smoothly varying, slowervelocity layer (again faster than the surroundingmantle) produces the observed dispersionwithout the appearance of two distinct phases. The smooth model is preferred becauseit matchesthe seismograms best and is physicallymost plausible. With better data it might be possibleto relate persistent "holes"in the time-frequencyplots to layeringin the subductedslab, but existing data doesnot justify any further interpretation. A firm result of the theory is the existenceof a very thin high-velocitylayer. The width is constrained by the model to lie between 6 and 15 kin, probably between 8 and 10 km. The one-dimensionalapproximation may make this an overestimate, but the acoustic approxi- H - 10 •m mation is not believedto affect it sincethe wavelengthsof acousticand elastic wavesare the samefor a givenvelocity. The acoustic approximation is unlikely to predict amplitudes accurately and we have avoided drawing conclusions based on amplitude. However, we believe sourceposition relative to the slab to be critical in determiningamplitudes I14 II• II• I•0 I• 1•4 I• I• in the real Earth, as it is in the acoustic calculations. Fig. 8. Syntheticseismograms for rampmodels.The smoothly The same conclusionswould apply to models with the varyingbaseis represented by 10 layers.Notethe appearance of high-velocity "lid" on the bottom rather than the top, but a uniformlydispersed wavetrain and the absence of earlyhigh- it is unlikely that such a high-velocity region should lie at frequencyenergy for fir = 0 and fir = 6 kin. the base of the subducted lithosphere; it is more plausible to have a thin layer on top. The lid has similar thickness to oceanic crust, much thinner than either the lithosphere kin. The time-frequencyplots in Figure 9 showdispersion or the width generally assumedfor the fast seismiczone. rather than separate arrivals. Subductedgabbroiccrust will have low seismicvelocity;it The two-layermodelsdo not fit the data well because must have transformed to eclogite in order to explain the of the appearance of two distinctphases.However,three- observedhigh-velocity, and we think this is the most likely dimensionalstructurealongthe slab may smearout these explanation of the high-velocity lid. H-15 •m •• Helffrich et al. [1989]have performedtheoreticalcalcuarrivalsandproducea verisimilitude of dispersion in thereal data,sothat it is hardto discriminate betweenthe two-layer lations, usingthe Birch-Murnaghanlaw and experimental and ramp models. CONCLUSIONS This study of digital data has given simple answersto the first two questionsgiven in the introduction:the early signal is very high frequency,up to 8 Hz on this instrument, and it continues to arrive well into the wave train. The value of 8 Hz is based on an instrument with 20 times per secondsampling, with a Nuyquist frequencyof 10 Hz, and it is quite possiblethat even higher frequencyenergyis present. The third question, whether there is dispersionor two distinct phases,cannot be answeredwith the same clarity. The band-pass-filteredseismograms show1-3% dispersion,which is rather lessthan both the JB residual(5-7%) data from the laboratory, for the seismicvelocitiesof materials at elevatedpressureand temperature. They conclude that eclogitecannotproducethe requiredvelocityanomaly: they attribute only 0.5% to variation in compositionand 1.75% to temperatureeffectsin the slab. The thin top layer of the slab is expectedto warm up relativelyquicklyand the temperatureanomalywill be very small at depth. If thesetheoreticalcalculationsare right, we must seekan alternative explanation for the high-velocitylid. Stressassociatedwith subductionmay causemineral orientationof olivine in the mantle above the slab, producing anisotropy ond pulse of low-frequencyenergy (usually at about the JB time). This secondpulse is not alwayspresent. We conclude the propagation path produces some dispersion,but that other effectsmay also be present to causemultipathing. with the fastest direction aligned with the shear and the slowestdirectionnormalto the slab[McKenzie,1979].This anisotropywill be difficultto distinguishfrom heterogeneity: seismicwaveswill be travelinghorizontallynear the deepest pointson the ray and thereforemore slowlyfrom both the anisotropiceffectand the decayin temperatureanomaly with depth. The two effectsarisefrom differentregions,one in the top of the slab and one abovethe slab. Somemore sophisticatedobservation,like shearwavesplitting, is needed The dispersionis considerablymore severethan that studied to discriminate between the two. We prefer the eclogite in- and the time between first onset and the arrival of a sec- by Vidale [1987]and Vidale and Garcia-Gonzales [1988]in terpretationbecauseof the similaritybetweenthe thickness broad slablike structures and demands a sharper variation in seismic velocity than they used. The theory showsthat a simple uniform fast slab cannot explain the observations because the energy leaks away. A more complicated structure is needed to retain the energy. A high-velocity thin lid above a thicker layer of slowervelocity (but still faster than the surroundingmantle) produces essentially two arrivals, the first being confined to high- of the lid and that frequency,depending on the thicknessof the lid. Alterna- of oceanic crust. Dispersion requiring about 200 km of propagation throughthe fast layer is observedfrom two eventsbelow 300 km (events8 and 20). Their ray pathslie closeto the slab until the level of the deepestevents,when, presumably, they pass out the bottom. The lid must thereforepenetrate to at least 500 kin. The dispersioncould be caused by propagationbeneaththe receiver,but this wouldrequire energyto reenterthe high-velocitylid after passagethrough GUBBINSAND SNIEDER:DISPERSION OF SUBDUCTED LITHOSPHERE Ramp model for H-O km I • I • I • I • I • 6331 I •.•i!•i•.•..;i!:;•:.j:.......!•:•;::•.•.::•:•::•i.•i.:•;/•.:•...•;•:.•:.:.;.`•:•.:•. ....................... ..... :::qiii•i:?:? ..................................... i i i i i 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency (Hz) Ramp model for H=6 km I • I • I • I • I , Ramp model for H=8 km I I • I • I • I • I • I .................................... ............ i i i i i 2. 3. 4. 5. I i Frequency (Hz) I • I ' i ' 3. i 4. ' i 5. Frequency (Hz) Ramp modelfor H=10 km • i 2. • I • I Ramp model for• H=15 km, I , I • I I • I ::::• .:?'-• •.. ??.............. ..... . .: ' 2. 3. 4. ' 5. Frequency (Hz) i I 2. 3. 4. 5. Frequency (Hz) Fig. 9. Time-frequency plotsfor the ramp models.Note the evendispersionfor the ramp models. 6332 GUBBINS AND SNIEDER: DISPERSION OF SUBDUCTED LITHOSPHERE the mantle, which seems unlikely. This also means the lid must be continuous, without any breaks or faults, for the dispersionto be observedfor so many events. Our model is rather different from that of tIuppert and sent a 10 km fast layer nor, in some cases,a 60 km thick lithosphere.It is generallyhoped that a coarseparameterisation, combinedwith a restriction to 1 Hz frequency,eliminates the effects of small-scale structure, but there is no Frohlich[1981],who studiedarrivalsfrom stationsAFI and guarantee of this, particularly when ISC data is used withRAO, which lie above the Tonga-Kermadecslab, and pre- out examining the original seismogramsfor their frequency ferred a fast lower regionand thick slowerlid, as expected content. The presenceof thin slabswill alsogive the appearfrom the temperature anomaly. It is possibletheir data ance of anisotropy,with rays traveling in the slab yielding could be explained by a model similar to ours, with the fast faster times than those traveling acrossthe slab. Coarse lid on top, but it seemsiraplausible to have the very thin lid samplingof sucha structurecan easily(and erroneously)be interpreted as evidencefor anisotropy. required by our data on the underside. Converted phases require a sharp interface on the slab surface[Fukao et al., 1978; Matsusawaet al., 1986; Nakan- APPENDIX: DERIVATION OF THE PERIOD EQUATION FOR A HIGH-VELOCITY SLAB ishi et al., 1981], and it is difficult to explain sucha sharp contrast by temperature alone, becausesharp temperature Consider the elastic fluid medium described in section 3. changeswould diffuseaway relatively quickly [Sleep,1973; The verticaldisplacementobeysthe waveequation[Kennett, Helffrich et al., 1989]. A basalticlayer wouldform a waveg1983]. Considera planewavewith frequencyw and horizonuide and propagate high-frequencyenergy at low seismic tal wave number k. The vertical slownessin the slab, r/•, is velocity. Such arrivals would be late and therefore difficult to detect in the seismogramsstudied in this paper, although the absenceof a precursorfor the closesteventsin Table 2 suggeststhe fast path is absentat shallowdepthscloseto the receiver. Comparing residualsand deepestpoints on the ray paths in Table 2 showsthat clear precursorsaxe produced by structure at and 80 kin. If the fast zone is eclogite the transformationfrom gabbro thereforeoccur above 80 kin. This compareswell with the resultsof Hori et al. [1985], who find evidencefor a low-velocity channel, interpreted as subducted basaltic crust, to a depth of at least 50-60 kin, basedon P-S convertedphases,but is considerablyshallower defined by V•= c• w2 (14) with a similar equation for the slownessoutside the slab, r/0. In two dimensions (x,z) the verticalmotion wexp[-i (wt - kx)] satisfies the equation 0 2w Oz 2 + V2a•aw =0 (15) with solutionsproportionalto exp [+ir/wz]. Let the slab occupythe regionbetweenz = 0 and z = H. We expectleaky modesin the high-velocityslaband representthem with real frequency,allowingthe verticalslowness to be complex. The matching conditionsat the interfaces z = 0 and z = H axe continuityof vertical displacement, than depthsfoundby Nakanishiet al. [1981]and Matsuzawa et al. [1986]for a low-velocitychannelin the Japanesearc. Either the convertedphasessamplea differentdiscontinuity or the gabbro-eclogite transitionoccursat a differentdepth beneathJapan. To investigatethe Tonga-Kermadec struc- w, and pressure.The latter conditionimpliescontinuity ture furtherwerequireinstruments situatedabovethe slab of (p/r/a) OwlOz. The periodequationfor leakymodesin in order to detect a waveguideeffect;suchan experiment in New Zealandmight well be effectivein determiningthe depth to the transition. Our resultshave consequences for tomographicstudies the slabis obtainedby imposingradiationconditionson the upper and lowersurfaces:solutionsin the infinite medium must take the form of decayingwavestravelingaway from the slab. Applyingcontinuityof w and pressureand elimi- and waveform studies based on ray theory of Gaussian hating w0 givesthe conditions beams. Strong variations of the structure acrossthe slab cause the breakdown ofray theory and related asymptotic methods.Conclusions drawnabout the structureof the slab Ow• =+iw r/---•2w• Oz (16) from ray-geometric methods, including some based onGauswhere theplus sign ischosen atz - H andtheminus sign sianbeams, maytherefore bewrong.Theresults ofHa atz = 0,sothewaves decay away fromtheslab. [1978], using Gaussian beam theory, maypredict theam- Thegeneral solution intheslab may bewritten as plitude of the arrival accurately but do not predict the fre- quencydependence.However, Cormier's [1989]method is wl = A coswr/lz+ B sinwr/lz (17) capable of predicting dispersion. wherethe constants A and B may be complex.DifferenThere are also implications for tomographic inversions. The residuals for these events at New Zealand stations are very large and will be omitted from any tomographicstudy, most of which remove "outliers" of more than a few seconds. tiating and substituting into the two matchingconditions expressed in (16) givesthe periodequationfor the slowness i (r/•!r/o) sinwr/•H+ i (r/,!r/o) coswr/xH Many tomographic studies also use station correctionsand X i(r/•/r/o)sin•or/•H-cos•or/•H - 0 (iS) New Zealand sites have large correctionsfor azimuths along which reduces to the Tonga-Kermadec trench. There is therefore a danger that slab effects will be mapped elsewherein the mantle: 2ir/0r/x (19) the information on deep structure comesmainly from deep events, all of which reside in subduction zones, all of which We define the reducedwave speedd by have anomalous structure. Tomographic studies, such as tanwr/• H - - r/0• + r/•. those by Creagerand Jordan [1984]usinga coarseparameterization,or even thoseof $pakman[1988],cannotrepre- 1 1 = 1 d (20) GUBBINSAND SNIEDER:DISPERSIONOF SUBDUCTEDLITHOSPHERE and the dimensionless parameter7 to replacethe (complex) phase speed as w2 so the vertical c• wave numbers r/0- c• become 1d•' 6333 Giardini, D., and 3. H. Woodhouse, Deep seismicity and modes of deformation in Tonga subduction zone, Nature, 307, 505509, 1984. Gilbert, F., and G. E. Backus, Propagator matrices in elastic wave and vibration problems, Geophysics,31,326-332, 1966. 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