Sample Alpha Submission

Sample Alpha Submission
About the Documentation Notebook(s):
Nearly every criteria statement on the awards applications requires
documentation. All of this supporting documentation is placed in the
Documentation Notebook.
It's recommended that chapters submit one binder separated by tabbed divider
pages for each section of the awards.
Documentation Notebooks must be 3-ring binders. Please do not overfill the
The Documentation Notebook is the only place to provide supporting documents
and narrative responses. Examples of supporting documents are: meeting
minutes or agendas, thank you letters, photos, news articles, printed programs,
program fliers, program evaluations, and so on.
Documentation must provide evidence that programs were planned
AND implemented.
Joint programming and collaboration is encouraged. However, documentation
must clearly portray the level of involvement of the chapter, and that level of
involvement should be equal to or greater than that of co-sponsors.
Documentation for all responses is required in order to receive credit.
If the Documentation Notebook is not well organized, the awards judge may not
be able to locate the necessary information or give credit for a response.
Assembling the Documentation Notebook:
The Documentation Notebook must begin with a completed and signed cover
The order of the supporting documentation should correspond with the order of
the ALPHA Criteria.
Documentation pages must be numbered. (e.g. Academic Achievement
documentation for #1 on the awards application is numbered AA-1.)
Do’s and Don’ts
Use screen shots of relevant web-based pages as documentation.
Provide sound rationale for NA responses. If the chapter has made a conscious
decision not to address the criteria, state this. If the council cannot address it
because of campus restrictions, limitations, or resources, please explain.
Highlight significant information in a piece of documentation that includes a lot of
Be sure documentation such as governing documents that will be referenced
often include a header/footer indicating what the document is, when it was last
updated, and when it was last ratified.
Insert a piece of documentation that is specifically requested every time it is
requested, in the proper place.
Have someone who is not a member of your chapter review the entry to ensure
they can find each piece of documentation by using your Program Entry
Notebook as a guide. If this person can't find it, the judge probably can't either.
Ensure that all narrative responses are typed.
Clearly label everything.
Think in terms of proof. Ask yourself, "does this documentation prove we met
this criteria?"
Include a complete set of governing documents (copy of the constitution,
bylaws, etc. every time the document needs to be referenced.
Include documentation material unless it is in support of a response to a specific
criteria statement or descriptive question or has been specifically requested.
Extra documentation may hurt a chapter's score if it keeps the judge from
finding the right information efficiently.
Copy and paste segments of governing documents or policies on to a separate
page for documentation purposes. Judges have no way of knowing if this is the
real policy or one the chapter created for the application. Instead, use the full
page from the original document and highlight the pertinent information.
Include website addresses as documentation; judges won't have internet access
as they're reviewing your application.
Assume a flier announcing an event is proof the event actually happened.
Sample Cover Page
Place in the front of your submission binder
Fraternity/Sorority name: _____________________Chapter Designation:
Chapter Contact Information
Name of person submitting report: ___________________________________________
Title of person submitting report:
Email & cell number of person submitting report:
Name of summer contact for chapter:
Title of summer contact for chapter:
Email & cell number of summer chapter contact:
Chapter advisor’s name:
Email & phone number for chapter advisor:
Categories submitted:
Academic Achievement
Leadership Development
Philanthropy and Community Service
Honoring Values
Attaining Brotherhood/Sisterhood
We verify that all documentation contained in this ALPHA Award submission binder is correct and
authentic. The officers of the chapter have completed the documented work.
Signature of Chapter President
Signature of Chapter Advisor
Academic Achievement
Meets Expectations
1. The chapter’s overall GPA meets or exceeds the all men’s or all women’s GPA.
Final Grade Release (FGR)
2. The chapter provides academic programming to new members. This programming may be in
combination with another Greek and/or campus organization, or attendance at a campus
sponsored program. It may include but not be limited to teaching study skills, providing
tutoring, and recognizing scholastic achievement.
New member education, e-mail correspondence, copy of program, or attendance sheet.
3. The chapter provides academic programming to active members (may be the same program
as above).
Member education program, copy of program, or attendance sheet
4. The chapter has established written minimum standards for membership (good standing)
and/or initiation that include a minimum GPA component.
By-Laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description
5. A percentage of the chapter’s budget is dedicated to academic programming.
Copy of budget, letter from advisor confirming that a portion of the budget is dedicated to the academic
programming/success of the chapter.
6. The chapter has established goals related to academic achievement.
List of chapter goals
Exceeds Expectations (4)
1. The chapter’s new members meet or exceed the all men’s or all women’s GPA.
2. The chapter has 10% or more of its members also holding membership in one or more
academic honoraries on campus.
Letter(s) from Honorary/ies, List of member participation
3. Chapter active member GPA is above a 3.0.
4. The chapter’s new member GPA is above a 3.0.
5. Chapter has 20% or more of its members on the Dean’s list (≥3.50 GPA & ≥12 credit hours)
each semester.
6. The chapter seeks faculty assistance with the chapter’s academic programming and
scholarship goals.
Letter from Faculty
7. The chapter has minimum GPA requirements for leadership positions (officers, exec
By-laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description.
8. The chapter has an active officer whose main responsibility is the scholastic enhancement of
the chapter. Such a position has a written job description, including specific responsibilities
and duties.
By-laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description.
Leadership Development
Meets Expectations
1. The chapter educates all members (including new members) on policies pertaining to the
issues of alcohol and substance abuse, underage drinking, and all inter/national policies
pertaining to risk management.
Member education program and attendance sheet, copy or program
2. The chapter hosts at least one non-alcoholic social event per semester.
Description of events with relative correspondence if applicable
3. The chapter provides at least one leadership development program annually, co-sponsoring a
program with another Greek and/or campus organization or attending a campus-sponsored
Member education program with attendance sheet, copy of correspondence for event planning
4. The chapter has at least one local alumna/us serving as an advisor.
Presidents and Advisors meeting attendance, letter from advisor including contact information
5. The chapter has a New Member educator with a written job description including their
responsibilities and expectations.
By-laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description.
6. The chapter has 100% new member participation in Greek 101, and Greek 102.
New Member Attendance List (possibly taken by Panhel/IFC)
7. The chapter’s new member education period does not exceed 12 weeks.
New member education program
8. The chapter president attends monthly president’s meeting.
Presidents and Advisors meeting attendance
Exceeds Expectations (3)
1. The chapter has one or more members who have won inter/national awards (including
Copy of Letter of recognition or correspondence
2. The chapter sends at least one member to a leadership conference or program. Examples of
such programs include but are not limited to UIFI, Leadershape, and Futures Quest, CSM
Leadership Summit, Fraternity Regional Leadership Conference, or National Convention.
Copy of Confirmation to attend
3. The New Member Educator attends the Greek 101 and 102 sessions.
Attendance list (kept by Panhel/IFC)
4. The chapter has a written new member education plan that includes education on the
following topics: Hazing, Academics, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Fraternal Values, Service
/Philanthropy, and Leadership/Involvement.
New Member Education Program
5. The chapter requires at least one chapter officer to attend the inter/national organization’s
annual Convention/Leadership Conference, National or Regional Leadership Academy, or
other officer training.
Copy of confirmation to attend
6. At least 10% of the chapter holds executive office positions in officially recognized student
organizations or as peer mentors, resident assistants, or admissions ambassadors.
List of Organization participation and officer positions.
Philanthropy and Community Service
Meets Expectations
1. The chapter participates in at least one community service project of hands-on assistance
each semester. Examples include such things as Serving at a Soup Kitchen, Habitat for
Humanity, tutoring in schools, mentoring a youth team, participating in Big Brothers/Big
Sisters, ect…
Community Service Attendance list, letter from sponsoring organization
2. The chapter members Each complete at least 8 hours per semester of community service. This
can be in conjunction with inter/national service project, chapter specific projects, or projects
sponsored by other organizations or the University. Note: participation in a walk or thon does
not count toward service hours unless the chapter members helped to plan the event or
volunteered to help run it.
Community Service Attendance list
3. The chapter participates in one IFC/PHC sponsored community service project each semester
according to the requirements set forth by the sponsoring council(s).
Attendance list (kept by Panhel/IFC)
4. The chapter appoints/elects a Community Service/ Philanthropy chair who coordinates all
service projects. This position must have a written job description, including specific
By-laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description.
5. The chapter participates in at least one Philanthropy project each semester.
Philanthropic Event Flyers or Correspondence
Exceeds Expectations (3)
1. The chapter participates in “Nightmare on Greek Street.”
Attendance list, Letter from Panhel/IFC verifying participation
2. The chapter’s members all meet or exceed 15 hours per semester of community service.
Community Service Attendance list
3. The chapter participates in “Delta Days” or National Philanthropy Day.”
Attendance list, letter from organizer verifying participation
4. The chapter averages over $15/member per semester for philanthropic causes. This can be in
conjunction with inter/national philanthropy project, chapter specific projects, or projects
sponsored by other organizations or the University.
Copy of correspondence with beneficiary, break down of philanthropy monies earned
5. The chapter holds an event that at least 75% of the members (new and active) participate in.
Member Attendance List
6. The chapter participates in one cooperative project (i.e. helping out at another organization or
chapter’s event).
Copy of correspondence for planning the event
Honoring Values
Meets Expectations
1. The chapter documents the existence and function of an internal judicial system to enforce
their own values, policies, and procedures. Documentation may include a copy of the policies,
or an email from the national headquarters stating that they do have a system in place.
By-laws, Letter from National headquarters confirming existence of policy with description.
2. The chapter submits all paperwork to IFC/PHC and the Student Activities office within two
business days of an update, or by the stated deadline. (membership updates, organization
registration forms, officer updates, grade release and hazing forms, housing contracts, checkin/check-out/room change forms)
Letter from IFC/PHC
3. The chapter has developed a budget and bookkeeping system for finances. Documentation
should include a copy of the budget and written narrative as to how the books are kept
(Quicken, Excel, Omega Financial, Bill Highway, etc…)
Description, or copy of budget, email from national/regional officer confirming
4. The chapter has yearly executive board training/transition workshop for new officers.
Description of process, minutes
5. The chapter maintains a safe living environment via holding annual fire drills and passing
annual fire inspections with the local fire department.
Letter from Fire Marshall, copy of reports from Fire Drills/Inspections
6. The chapter is in good standing with the University and the inter/national organization for the
entirety of the school year.
Letter from student life
Exceeds Expectations (3)
1. The chapter has been recognized on the inter/national level for achievements. Documentation
may include article in the fraternity magazine, receiving awards (individual/chapter)
Copy of Article, copy of Award
2. The chapter shall be in good financial standing with their inter/national organization and
Copy of recent bill from Nationals / Letter from IFC/PHC
3. The chapter maintains an updated (at least quarterly) website that is linked to the CSM
Student Activities page.
Link to website (OrgSync or privately maintained site), documentation that website has been updated at
least quarterly
4. The Chapter hosts at least one program annually that deals with the topic of diversity and
Social Justice.
Member education program, or minutes from program
5. The chapter hosts at least one values education program annually.
Member education program, or minutes from program
6. Chapter Members participate in training, workshops, or retreats related to diversity (Safe
Zone Training, Delta Days lectures, etc…)
Attendance list, correspondence from sponsoring organization
Attaining Brotherhood/Sisterhood
Meets Expectations
1. At least 50% of the chapter actively participates in Greek Week programs. Attendance at
events counts toward participation.
Attendance list
2. At least 50% of the chapter actively participates in Homecoming Events. Attendance at events
counts toward participation.
Attendance list
3. The chapter participates in at least 8 intramural sports events (at least 4 of which must be
team sports) each semester.
Letter from John Howard or IM office
4. Chapter remains in good standing with the IM sports office (no fights or suspensions).
Letter from John Howard or IM office
5. The chapter has at least one program a year that involves alumni/ae.
Member attendance list, Correspondence for planning event, photos?
6. The chapter has at least one program a year that involves parents.
Correspondence for planning event
7. At least 90% of the chapter members are affiliated with at least one club/organization, Social
service agency/Not-for-Profit, and/or workplace outside of their Greek organization.
List of Member involvement
Exceeds Expectations (2)
1. The chapter participates in 10 or more intramural sporting events each semester.
Letter from John Howard or IM office
2. 100% of the chapter is affiliated with at least one club/organization, agency, and/or
workplace outside of their Greek organization.
List of Member Involvement
3. The chapter actively supports other student organizations/athletic teams. Events such as a
chapter night at the basketball game with 50% + attendance of the chapter, or 50% +
participation in Up ‘Til Dawn letter writing campaign could fulfill this requirement.
Member attendance list, or letter from organizer confirming participation with number of participants
4. The chapter provides at least one program annually on the topic of health and wellness, cosponsoring a program with another Greek and/or campus organization or attending a campussponsored program.
Copy of program, correspondence for scheduling event, or Member attendance list.