Powered Safe Abort for Autonomous Rendezvous of Spacecraft Louis Breger

Powered Safe Abort for
Autonomous Rendezvous of Spacecraft
Louis Breger∗ and Jonathan P. How†
MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Several recent on-orbit autonomous docking missions have experienced serious
failures requiring immediate safing action. The future of autonomous spacecraft
rendezvous will depend on the ability of docking algorithms to effectively handle off-nominal situations resulting from anomalous system behaviors. This paper
presents a method for online generation of actively safe fuel-optimized rendezvous
trajectories. These trajectories guarantee the existence of known powered abort
trajectories providing collision-free escape, even in the presence of single thruster
failures. Numerous examples are presented to demonstrate the overall benefits of
incorporating these active safety constraints when compared to nominal trajectory
design techniques. A stochastic analysis is used to demonstrate that imposing active
safety as a constraint decreases the overall likelihood of collisions occurring.
On-orbit spacecraft rendezvous is a well-established technology that has been in use since the
Apollo program [2]. Autonomous docking of spacecraft is almost as old [12], first dating back to
1967 and used regularly with the Mir space station. However, the degree of autonomy required
for future missions is expected to increase [1]. Recently, anomalies in robotic rendezvous missions
have occurred on ETS-VII [3] and DART [4, 5]. Multiple anomalies on the ETS-VII mission caused
entries into a safe operating mode, at least one of which resulted in a preprogrammed maneuver to
move the spacecraft 2.5 km from its target. A navigation failure in the DART mission is thought
to have resulted in excess fuel expenditures and appears to have caused an on-orbit collision [5–7].
These recent experiences suggest that autonomous rendezvous and docking would greatly benefit
from the inclusion of additional safeguards to protect the vehicles in the event of failures. Designing
approach trajectories that guarantee collision avoidance for some common failures could simultaneously decrease the likelihood of catastrophic failures in which one, or both, of the spacecraft
are damaged and increase the likelihood that future attempts at docking succeed. Previous work
introduced an approach for finding efficient, passively safe rendezvous trajectories [32]. This paper
builds on that work to develop a method for generating fuel-optimized rendezvous trajectories online that guarantee the existence of known active safe abort trajectories for a large class of possible
spacecraft anomalies.
Research Assistant, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, lbreger@mit.edu
Associate Professor, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, jhow@mit.edu
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Numerous methods of generating and analyzing rendezvous trajectories exist in the literature
and encompass a wide range of rendezvous scenarios [8–13]. These papers consider rendezvous
from many perspectives, often taking into account complicated collision avoidance constraints,
nonlinear rotational dynamics, and fuel efficiency. Another perspective to be considered when
designing trajectories is safe behavior [12, 14–16]. Safety in the context of spacecraft rendezvous and
docking is typically with respect to collision avoidance following some type of failure. For example,
the approach in Ref. [16] creates trajectories which naturally tend to drift away from the target
spacecraft in the absence of thrusting, but which are not fuel-optimized. Alternately, Refs. [12]
and [14] develop the safety circle method, in which a nearby orbit with a relative invariant trajectory
is established that allows safe long-term observation before docking, however this approach is not
fuel optimized and does not propose a specific docking path. A method proposed in Ref. [15]
optimizes both safety and fuel using genetic algorithms. This approach treats safety as a goal rather
than a constraint and thus, cannot assure that the resulting trajectory would be safe. Ref. [11] plans
passively safe trajectories using potential functions, but the approach is computationally intensive
and limited to static obstacles. Various types of safety have been considered in the design of
UAV trajectories, but these focused on creating trajectories that are safe under nominal operating
conditions (e.g., safety from adversaries, uncertain terrain)[17, 18].
This paper defines a safe trajectory as an approach path that guarantees collision avoidance in
the presence of a class of anomalous system behaviors. Previous work [32] introduced a method
generating fuel optimized passive safe trajectories, which guarantee collision avoidance with no
thrusting required for safety. This paper extends the concept to include active safety, in which a
trajectory requires that inputs be applied to keep the system safe in the event of a failure. Note that
this definition of safety is more restrictive than guaranteeing nominal collision avoidance because it
guarantees that no collisions will occur for a range of faults. Active safety requires that the types
of any failures be identified in real-time and that some components of the control system remain
operational so that a sequence of control inputs can be applied.
The following sections review a method for generating fuel-optimized trajectories from linearized
relative dynamics and develop a novel approach for guaranteeing those trajectories will be actively
safe. Several examples of active safe trajectories generated for docking with and without invariance
constraints establish that adding safety constraints do not result in significantly increased fuel
use. Next, a stochastic analysis is conducted to verify that safe trajectories reduce the likelihood
of collision in the event of a failure. A method for adding guaranteed robustness to the safety
guarantees is also demonstrated.
Online Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking
This section reviews and introduces notation for optimization-based trajectory generation using
the approaches presented in Refs [8, 19]. A trajectory generated through online optimization can be
designed by choosing the system inputs that produce that trajectory. For a linear system, methods
for incorporating and propagating the effects of inputs are well-known. The trajectory optimization
formulation in this section is presented in the context of linear time-invariant dynamics, but there is
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no inherent restriction in the formulation preventing the use of time-varying dynamics [19]. Given
a chaser satellite whose state is xk at time k, the linearized dynamics of the system can be written
xk+1 = Ad xk + Bd uk
where Ad is the state transition matrix for a single time step, Bd is the discrete input matrix
for a single time step, and uk is the input vector at step k. Typically, in a rendezvous situation,
spacecraft would be in sufficiently close proximity to enable the use of the Hill-Clohessy-Wiltshire
(HCW) equations [20, 30], but GVE-based approaches [21] can be used for more widely separated
situations. Examples in this paper will use the HCW equations and hence the state x is defined as
x y z vx vy vz
where x, y, z, vx , vy , and vz are the positions and velocities of a chaser satellite in the radial,
in-track, and cross-track axes, respectively, of an LVLH frame positioned on the center of gravity
of a passive target vehicle. The input is defined as
ux uy uz
where ux , uy , and uz are the inputs of the chaser vehicle in the axes indicated by the subscripts in
the LVLH frame.
Given an initial state x0 , the state at any future step k is [22]
xk = Akd x0 +
d Bd Ad Bd . . . Ad Bd
Bd 
 .
= Akd x0 + Γk 
where Γk is the discrete convolution matrix. Since the effects of the control on the states are readily
expressed as linear combinations of the inputs, a linear optimization can be formed that optimizes
the constrained control commands and constrains the states of the system. The cost function for
this optimization will exclusively penalize fuel use. In an actual maneuver implementation, it may
be preferable to optimize both the fuel use and the maneuver duration (see Ref. [23]), however in
this paper only fuel use will be considered to simplify presentation and cost comparisons. The cost
of the optimization J is given by
kui k1
where N is the total number of possible input steps and the 1-norm cost is used to capture the
expenditure of fuel used, which is proportional to acceleration and ∆V , from axial thrusters. The
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optimal cost is then given by [33]
J∗ =
u0 ,...,uN −1
kui k1
At each step k, it is possible to constrain the state at that time to lie inside a convex region
Ak xk ≤ bk
where Ak is a matrix and bk is a vector that together capture a set of linear constraints on the state.
Note that the costs and constraints in Eqs. 6 and 8 show an example linear implementation of a
trajectory optimization, but in general the same concepts that will be presented hold for nonlinear
costs and constraints as well. Alternately, the state xk could be constrained to lie outside a region
through the use of binary variables [8]
Ak xk ≤ bk + M yk
kyk k1 ≤ m − 1
where yk is a vector whose elements are constrained to be 0 or 1, and M is a large number on
the scale of values taken by elements of x. This “Big M” method of collision avoidance works by
allowing, at most, all but one of the collision avoidance constraints to be relaxed. A constraint is
relaxed when the binary variable associated with it is set to 1, thereby making the right-hand side
of the inequality very large and guaranteeing constraint satisfaction. Since at least one constraint
is always guaranteed to not be relaxed, collision avoidance is assured (e.g., knowing that one is
outside of one side of a box is sufficient information to guarantee that one is not in the box).
The inputs at each time step can also be directly constrained using
umink ≤ uk ≤ umaxk
where umink and umaxk are vector bounds on the values of uk . Typically, the minimum thrust at
all times would be −umaxk . A detailed description of the full matrix forms used in linear trajectory
optimizations for space vehicles can be found in Refs. [19] and [8].
This section has reviewed an approach for creating fuel-minimizing trajectories that satisfy
time-varying position, velocity, and thrusting constraints. Applications of these constraint types
can insure that a spacecraft remains inside a line-of-site cone, and arrives at a docking port position
at a particular time with a particular speed range. In addition, the control authority available over
the course of the trajectory can be varied according to desired pattern.
Active Safety
The trajectories generated by the constraints in Section II will satisfy docking requirements and
use minimal fuel to arrive at a rendezvous location. However, as is typical of optimal paths, the
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trajectories will approach constraint boundaries and generally be sensitive to uncertain behavior.
Refs. [24] and [23] describe computationally feasible methods of generating trajectories online that
are robust to process and sensing noise expected under nominal operating conditions, a consideration revisited in Section A. That type of robustness to uncertainty is distinct from the definition
of safety for off-nominal conditions considered herein. This section presents an approach for generating trajectories that are actively safe with respect to a class of system failures. While it would
be desirable to avoid collisions and successfully complete docking in the presence of any system
failure, it is unlikely that such a scenario is possible.
Reference [32] considers passive abort safety, in which thrusters are turned off in the event of an
anomaly. Passive abort provides safe guarantees for a large subset of all possible failures is used,
including guidance system shutdowns, which encompasses thruster failures, computer anomalies,
and loss of sensing. However, because passive abort requires that all safe characteristics arise from
the nominal abort trajectory, it is generally necessary for the safe trajectory to be different from
the optimal trajectory, resulting in increased fuel use.
An alternative to passive safety is active safety, in which a set of thruster inputs is applied
to ensure rendezvous safety. The active response is a set of input sequences that is used instead
of passive safety. The safe input sequence can be designed a priori (e.g., thrust in-track, thrust
radially) and chosen in real-time or optimized at the time the nominal rendezvous maneuver is
optimized. In either case, the safe inputs are known at all times during the maneuver and no
additional optimization is required in the event of a failure. The advantages of active safety over
passive safety are significant: by allowing thrusting in the event of a failure, a significantly larger
portion of the nominal trajectory can be guaranteed safe and the fuel costs of guaranteeing the
safety of the nominal trajectory are reduced. Passively safe trajectories can be considered a subset of
active safe trajectories in which the active input sequence has no thrusting. The primary limitation
of active safety is that it provides safety guarantees for a smaller set of possible system malfunctions
than passive safety. In the case of passive safety, any anomaly in which the thrusters can be disabled
can be made safe. Safety guarantees resulting from an active safety trajectory require that some
thrusters continue to work properly and in the correct directions in the event of a failure. An
extension at the end of this section will show how active safety can be modified to provide safety
guarantees for single thruster failures.
The discrete convolution approach used in Eq. 4 can be used to predict the state of the chaser
at step k in the planning horizon in the event of a failure at time T with a predetermined safe input
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sequence v yields
xF T k =
T −2
Bd 0 × ATd −1 Bd . . . 0 × Ad Bd
d Bd Ad Bd . . . Ad
0 × Bd 
 .
+ Akd x0 +
Bd . . . Ad Bd
Bd 
vk−T −1
where T < k < N , k − T < Ns , N is the number of steps in the nominal plan, and Ns is the number
of steps in the safe input sequence. If k ≤ T then xF T k = xk because no potential failure could
have occurred at that time. Equation 12 can be written more generally as
xF T k
Γk S(T, k)Uk + Akd x0 + Γk−T S(k − T, Ns )Vk ,
T < k ≤ N,
 Ak−N Γ S(T, N )U + Ak x + Γ
k > N,
k−T S(k − T, Ns )Vk ,
d 0
 Γk S(T, k)Uk + Akd x0 + Ad s ΓNs VNs ,
k ≤ N,
 k−N
ΓNs VNs ,
k > N,
Ad ΓN S(T, N )UN + Ad x0 + Ad
T < k − T ≤ Ns
k − T ≤ Ns
k − T > Ns
k − T > Ns
where k is the time step that the failure trajectory is propagated forward to, S(q, Nq ) = diag(I3(q) , 03(Nq −q) ),
In is an n × n identity matrix, 0n is an n × n matrix of zeros, the decision variables for the nominal input are the vector UTk = [ uT0
. . . uTk−1 ], and the predetermined safe input sequence
]. The possible ranges in Equation 13 correspond to the steps before the
VkT = [ v0T . . . vk−1
nominal plan has ended and before the end of the safe input sequence (k ≤ N, k ≤ k − T ), the
times after the nominal plan has ended and before the end of the safe input sequence (k > N, k ≤
k − T ), times before the nominal plan has ended and after the end of the safe input sequence
(k ≤ N, k > k − T ), and the times after the both the nominal plan and the safe input sequence
have ended (k > N, k > k − T ). All four cases must be considered in order to allow for safe input
sequences that are longer or shorter than the nominal plan length.
Active collision avoidance is achieved by adding constraints on the failure states of the spacecraft. Define the set of position states occupied by the target as Tk , which can describe any polytopic
region of position states, convex or otherwise. The safety horizon is the period of time after a failure
during which both spacecraft are guaranteed not to collide. The safety horizon lasts S steps after
the end of the nominal trajectory and is guaranteed by introducing the set of constraints
xF T k ∈
/ Tk ∀ k ∈ {T + 1, . . . , T + S}
The constraints in Eq. 14 are then imposed for T ∈ F where F is the set of every potential
failure time at which the system must guarantee collision avoidance for guidance shutdowns. The
parameters to be chosen in this safety formulation are F and S. This choice of parameters is highly
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dependent on the requirements of a particular space mission. The advantage of choosing to be
safe for a large number of steps and for a long safety horizon is improved likelihood of preventing
a catastrophic failure scenario in which the chaser and target collide. However, imposing many
safety constraints greatly reduces the number of potential solution trajectories and as a result,
likely reduces fuel efficiency. The tradeoff between safety and fuel efficiency is discussed in the
scenarios in Sections IV.
An alternate approach to active safety where the safe input sequence is optimized online can
be implemented by moving the safe input sequence VNs into the decision vector of Eq. 13
xF T k
i U
k 
+ Akd x0 ,
T < k ≤ N,
Γk S(T, k) Γk−T S(k − T, Ns ) 
i U
N 
+ Akd x0 ,
k > N,
Adk−N ΓN S(T, N ) Γk−T S(k − T, Ns ) 
V Ns
UN 
+ Akd x0 ,
k ≤ N,
Γk S(T, k) Adk−Ns ΓNs 
V Ns
i U
N 
+ Akd x0 ,
k > N,
ΓNs 
Adk−N ΓN S(T, N ) Ak−N
T < k − T ≤ Ns
k − T ≤ Ns
k − T > Ns
k − T > Ns
such that the safe input sequence VNs is optimized at the same time as the nominal rendezvous
The implementation of an active safe trajectory is similar to that of the safe trajectory approach
in Ref. [32]. Before entering the trajectory, the spacecraft is assumed to be in a nominal state
(i.e., all systems are functioning correctly). If a fault has not yet occurred, the spacecraft follows the
nominal trajectory, which is given by UN . If a fault occurs during a step that has been guaranteed
to be safe in the event of that fault, then the spacecraft begins using the safe input sequence. For
the duration of the safe input sequence, the chaser and target spacecraft are guaranteed to not
collide. Reference [32] introduced the invariance constraint
xF T k = AN
d xF T k
for k ≥ T
where No is the number of steps in an orbit. If S ≥ No and the open loop dynamics given by Ad
admit invariant solutions then Eq. 16 is sufficient to guarantee safety for any time horizon over
which the dynamics are valid.
Rendezvous Scenario
The rendezvous and docking scenario to be examined in this paper involves a target spacecraft
being docked with and a chaser spacecraft maneuvering to achieve that docking. Figure 1 shows
a target spacecraft that lies at the center of an local frame. A line-of-sight (LOS) cone protrudes
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from the target spacecraft and it is required that rendezvous remain within this line-of-sight cone
for vision-based sensing. At the interface between the LOS cone and the target is a docking port
(rectangular platform). The LOS requirements are
ALOSk xk ≤ bLOSk ∀k = 1 . . . N
where ALOSk and bLOSk describe the states within the LOS cone at a step k in the planning horizon.
The terminal constraint is
ATermN xN ≤ bTermN
where ATermk and bTermk describe the states the spacecraft must occupy at the end of the planning horizon to achieve safe docking. These constraints can be both on position (e.g., enter a
region within reach of a grappling arm) and on velocity (e.g., dock within a velocity range that
produces acceptable stress on the docking port). In addition, time-varying bounds are introduced
on the maximum thrusting levels in order to ensure large thrusts are not planned for the period
immediately before docking. The safety constraints in Eq. 14 are imposed for the three quarters
of the planning horizon. In the examples, an orbit with frequency n = 0.001 rad/s is used and is
discretized into 20 steps and the set of inputs that can fail is T ∈ {4 . . . 19}. The planning horizon
is a full orbit. The chaser spacecraft, modeled after the mission in Ref. [27], has a mass of 45 kg
and a maximum acceleration of 10−3 m/s2 during the first 17 steps of the plan and 10−5 m/s2 for
the last 3 steps to prevent trajectory solutions with large terminal thrusts. In addition, the docking
constraint specifies that the velocity of the spacecraft at the time of docking be less than 1 mm/s
in each axial direction. In summary, the safety algorithm used in this section is
u0 ,...,uN −1
Eq. (6)
s.t. Eq. (11) ∀ k ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1},
Eq. (17),
Eq. (18),
Eq. (14) ∀ T ∈ F
In these examples, the safety horizon is a full orbit. Any of the design parameters in the safety
implementation can be easily adjusted and in practice one would likely conduct a simulation study
or analysis [28] to find the best combination for minimizing fuel use and guaranteeing feasible
Probability of Collision
To judge the effectiveness of the active safety algorithm introduced in Section III, define a probability of collision metric, Pcol , which is the probability of a failure at any time step during a maneuver
resulting in a collision between the target and chaser spacecraft. The probability of collision is
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Fig. 1: Target spacecraft and docking configuration
given by
Pcol =
P (failure at i | no failure before i) · P (collision occurs | failure at i)
where the probability P (collision occurs | failure at i) is either 1 or 0 and is evaluated by examining
the trajectory followed if thrusters are disabled at step i and checking for future collisions. Assuming
that the probability of a failure at any step in the trajectory is f , then
P (failure at i | no failure before i) = (1 − f )i−1 f
Using the metric Pcol , the effectiveness of the safety approach was investigated by creating a series
of safe trajectories starting from different initial conditions near the target. The initial condition
positions were chosen to create a range of nearby starting points. The velocity vector for each
position was chosen according to the conditions in Ref. [14] to create a safety circle. This creates
a situation where each rendezvous trajectory begins from a safe, invariant orbit within range of a
final approach rendezvous trajectory.
Figures 2 and 3 show the values of Pcol for full-orbit optimized final approach trajectories,
discretized into N = 20 steps. The trajectories are generated using F = ∅ (no safety constraints)
and F = {9, . . . , 19} (guaranteed safe for the last 10 steps of the trajectory), respectively, where
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f = 0.001. These plots show that without safety, the probably of collision for a given rendezvous
trajectory tends to fall between 0.005 and 0.015. However, the addition of safety for half of the
trajectory brings the collision probability for most of the trajectories below 0.001. The same
optimizations were performed and analyzed for a range of other F ranges and the results are
summarized in Figure 4. The dashed line indicates an overbound, P̄col , for the maximum possible
probability of collision, which is the case where every failure during the course of the trajectory
when safety is not guaranteed (i.e., steps not in F) would result in a collision, which is given by
P (failure at i | no failure before i)
{0,...,N −1}\F
The line marked with shows the largest probability encountered in the optimized trajectories
for all initial conditions considered. This is equivalent to finding the maximum height (z value)
in a plot of the type in Figure 3 for each different set F used to create Figure 4. The minimum
(line marked by •) shows that in each case, there were some initial conditions that did not result
in collision, regardless of the steps in F. In those cases, the fuel-optimal rendezvous trajectory is
safe. The average Pcol (solid line), equivalent to averaging the probability heights over an area of
the type in Figure 3, followed a similar trend to the largest Pcol , but was significantly lower. This
indicates that although some initial conditions are particularly prone to collision, on average the
collision probabilities are significantly improved by safety and in no case has the addition of safety
made collisions more likely than in the fuel-optimal case (F = ∅). Furthermore, for this particular
case, the trends indicate that guaranteeing more than the last five steps safe does not significantly
decrease the probability of a collision. This conclusion would be valuable from a mission planning
perspective, because each additional plan step that is guaranteed safe represents a tradeoff in which
computation time and nominal fuel use potentially increase.
Eq. 22 indicates that the overbound P̄col decreases with increasing length of the safe region (i.e.,
fewer steps in F). For the purposes of worst-case safety guarantees, the overbound could be used
as an analytic rule-of-thumb for mission design studies.
Figure 5 shows the fuel-minimizing rendezvous trajectory beginning from a safety circle holding
orbit. The nominal trajectory is marked by • and the trajectories followed in the event failures
occur in the last 3/4 of the nominal trajectory are marked by ×. Several of the failure trajectories
pass through the target spacecraft and would result in a collision, indicating that the nominal
rendezvous trajectory is not safe. Several active safety approaches to optimizing the same initial
conditions as in Fig. 5 are demonstrated in Figures 6-9. Figure 6 shows an active safe rendezvous
trajectory beginning from a safety circle holding orbit. In this case, the safe input sequence V has
been arbitrarily chosen to be an orbit of constant thrusting at 10−6 m/s2 in the −x direction of
an LVLH frame centered on target. The last three quarters of the rendezvous trajectory have been
guaranteed through constraints to be actively safe. In the figure, the nominal rendezvous trajectory
(line marked with •) shows the planned rendezvous maneuver which will be followed in no failures
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Collision Probability Using Safety Circle ICs (No Safety)
in−track (m)
radial (m)
Fig. 2: Probability of a collision occurring for a range of initial conditions with F = ∅ (No safety
Collision Probability Using Safety Circle ICs
x 10
in−track (m)
radial (m)
Fig. 3: Probability of a collision occurring for a range of initial conditions with F = {4, . . . , 19}
(latter 3/4 of trajectory guaranteed safe)
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Analytic Overbound
Average P(collision)
Max P(collision)
Min P(collision)
Probability of Collision (overbound)
# of steps at plan end guaranteed safe
Fig. 4: Probability of collision occurring for various values of F
Table 1: Comparison of various types of safe rendezvous trajectories. Fuel costs in mm/s.
Nominal Cost
Safety Cost
No Safety,
a priori
a priori
occur. Each portion of the trajectory marked with 4 shows a possible path followed by the chaser
in the event that the safe input sequence is used. Constraints guarantee safe collision avoidance for
the entire red portion of the trajectory, however, no safety guarantees exist for the trajectory after
the safe input sequence is enacted. The trajectories marked by × show the how the path drifts
after the end of each safe trajectory. In several cases, the drifting path would result in a collision
at some time in the future. To ensure collision avoidance, Figure 8 shows an active safe trajectory
optimized from the same initial conditions, but with the invariance constraint from Eq. 16 imposed.
In this case, a failure at any step in the last three quarters of the nominal trajectory would result
in the chaser spacecraft entering a safe, invariant trajectory near the target spacecraft. Figures 8
and 9 show the optimized active safe trajectories using the constraints in Eq. 15 without and with
invariance constraints, respectively.
Table 1 compares various approaches for creating rendezvous trajectories with and without
safety using the same initial conditions as the examples in Figures 6-9. The first row refers to
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the fuel cost (mm/s) of implementing the nominal rendezvous trajectory. The second row gives
the cost of implementing a full safe input sequence (mm/s). The last row gives the probability of
collision for the trajectory using the method introduced in Section A. The columns compare the
fuel-optimal path with no safety to the passive safety path and paths using active safety. The active
safety columns labeled a priori use the predefined safe input sequence approach in Eq. 13 and the
columns labeled optimized use the approach in Eq. 15. The columns marked invariant also use the
invariance constraints in Eq. 16. It is notable that for the example in the table, the probability
of collision for the fuel-optimal trajectory (i.e., no safety) is 0.012, but the addition of passive or
active safety to the problem causes the probability to drop to zero. Note that this probability is
predicated on the assumption that a failure is identified within a time-step of its occurrence and
that the thrusters can be turned off (for passive safety) or used nominally (for active safety).
Passive safety requires more fuel for rendezvous than the case without safety, however, active
safety with an optimized safe input sequence has the same cost as the fuel-optimal case. In the
cases where invariance is imposed as a constraint, the fuel cost using active optimized safety is
lower than the passive invariance case, but not as low as the optimal trajectory. Thus, for these
initial conditions, both the nominal trajectory and the safe abort trajectory must be shaped to
achieve active invariance. The cost of safety for the nominal and passive safety trajectories is zero,
because those cases do not consider safety and do not require thrusting for failures, respectively.
In each active safety case, the safety cost is very small compared to the cost of the nominal
trajectory, indicating that it should be possible to implement active safety on a space mission
without significantly increasing the ∆V budget.
Active Safety for Thruster Failures
The active safety approach in Eq. 15 can be modified to guarantee safety for cases of individual
thruster failure by optimizing multiple safe input sequences. Each safe input sequence is constrained
to only use a single thruster direction, or alternately, a single thruster assuming that thrusters act
through the center of gravity. This guarantees that if only one thruster fails, another safe trajectory
which does not use the failed thruster still exists. Thus, in a system with at least two thrusters,
any single thruster failure to the off state will be in the set of possible system failures covered by
active safety. If thrusters in the system can be used to cancel each other (e.g., a system with axial
thrusters) then this active safety extension can also be used in the presence of thruster-on failures.
In that case, the thruster opposite that which failed can be used to cancel erroneous thrusting while
a thruster in another direction can be used to enact a preplanned safe input sequence.
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Fig. 5: Rendezvous trajectory optimized without safety. Nominal trajectory is marked by • and
trajectories followed in the event of failures in last 3/4 of nominal trajectory are marked by ×.
Modifying Eq. 15 to include multiple safe input sequences yields
xF T k =
 Γk S(T ) Γk S(T − k)Hx
  Vx  + Ak x0 ,
 k 
Γk S(T )
Γk S(T − k)Hy
 U
 Ad ΓN S(T ) Γk S(T − k)Hx
  V x  + Ak x0 ,
 k 
ΓN S(T )
Γk S(T − k)Hy
 U
 Γk S(T ) Ad ΓNs Hx
  Vx  + Ak x0 ,
 k 
Γk S(T )
Adk−N ΓNs Hy
 U
 Ad ΓN S(T ) Ad ΓNs Hx
  V x  + Ak x0 ,
s 
ΓN S(T )
Adk−N ΓNs Hy
V Ns
k ≤ N, k − T ≤ Ns
k > N, k − T ≤ Ns
k ≤ N, k − T > Ns
k > N, k − T > Ns
x is the safe input sequence of only x-direction inputs, Vy is the safe input sequence of
where VN
only y-direction inputs, and Hx and Hy are matrices that extract only elements of Γ pertaining
to ux inputs and uy inputs, respectively. The active safety algorithm remains the same, but the
failure trajectory used in formulating Eq. 14 must be propagated using Eq. 15 instead of Eqs. 13
or 15.
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Nominal trajectory
in-track (m)
radial (m)
cross-track (m)
Fig. 6: Rendezvous trajectories using active safety.
in-track (m)
radial (m)
Fig. 7: Rendezvous trajectories using active safety with invariance constraints.
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in-track (m)
radial (m)
in-track (m)
Fig. 8: Rendezvous trajectories using optimized active safety.
radial (m)
Fig. 9: Rendezvous trajectories using optimized active safety with invariance constraints.
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X-fail Traj
in-track (m)
in-track (m)
Y-fail Traj
radial (m)
radial (m)
Fig. 10: Rendezvous trajectories for using active safety optimized for two possible thruster failure
Figure 10 shows an example trajectory using the multi-solution active safety form in Eq. 23 to
solve the safe rendezvous problem for the initial conditions used in Table 1. The left side of the
figure shows the nominal rendezvous trajectory and the safe trajectories that would be used in the
x ). The right side shows
event of a failure in the ±y direction thruster (resulting from using VN
. In this case, a
the same nominal trajectory, but the safe trajectories shown correspond to VN
single optimization has produced two sets of safe input sequences, either valid at any time step
with guaranteed safety. The safe input sequence solutions are
−4.56 × 10−6
3.06 × 10−6
The nominal trajectory in this case requires 13.67 mm/s of fuel, equivalent to the fuel-optimal,
x is 1.43 mm/s and for Vy is 0.96
“unsafe” trajectory. The cost of safety for implementing VN
mm/s, which follows the trend of low safety trajectory costs observed in Table 1.
The algorithm for using passive safety only requires that thrusters be disabled in the event of
a failure and active safety only requires that a predetermined safe input sequence be used. The
implementation algorithm for the modified active safety formulation in this section requires an
additional input from the spacecraft fault detection and isolation system which indicates the type
of fault. In the case of thruster failure, this would also need to include which thruster failed and
the nature of the failure. This additional information enables the active safety implementation to
choose the appropriate safe input sequence to use.
Mitigating Effects of Process Noise and Navigation Error
The safety formulation in Equations 13 and 14 assumes that the state of the chaser spacecraft
relative to the target spacecraft is precisely known. In practice, this relative state is only known to
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Robust Example using previous setup & ICs
– Nominal cost: 13.84 mm/s Safety cost: 2.1 mm/s
– Cost w/ no safety: 13.67 mm/s
Robustness method
– Optimize using
constraints for
multiple ICs
– Choose ICs
to represent
In this case:
– ±0.75 mm/s
radial vel
– ±0.002 mm/s
in-track vel
Fig. 11: Safe rendezvous trajectory with robustness to initial condition velocity uncertainty
within the accuracy provided by the navigation system. Likewise, the propagation used in Eq. 13
is only as accurate as the linear dynamics used to formulate that equation, since the actual vehicle
would be subject to nonlinear dynamics, and disturbances from effects such as drag, J2 , separation
distance, and eccentricity. Equation 13 can also be rewritten to enable time-varying dynamics
or an additional vector of modeled disturbances can be added to the problem without increasing
the complexity of the resulting optimization [19]. This permits a more sophisticated dynamics
model to be used, which could reduce some of the effects of modeling error [25]. To account for
navigation error, the constraints in Eq. 14 can be made robust by posing them multiple times
for a representative sampling of possible initial states that cover the space of likely navigation
errors. Reference [26] introduces such an approach and an algorithm for minimizing the effect of
robustness constraints on the size of the resulting optimization. Figure 11 shows a safe trajectory
optimized using the same initial conditions as those used to create Table 1. In the figure, active
safety with guaranteed collision avoidance for the last 3/4 of the trajectory is used with the addition
of robustness to initial condition uncertainty. In this case, the initial velocity of the chaser is only
known to within ±0.75 mm/s in the radial direction and ±0.0002 mm/s in the in-track direction.
The resulting trajectory requires 13.84 mm/s nominally and the safe input sequence requires 2.1
mm/s. The cost of robustness in this case is less then 2% of the cost of the nominal safe trajectory
without robustness. However, the problem is particularly sensitive to the amount of uncertainty
present in the in-track velocity and can quickly become infeasible for larger uncertainties.
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Safety in autonomous spacecraft rendezvous trajectory design allows abort with guaranteed
collision avoidance for a class of anomalous system behaviors. This paper introduced several online
optimization formulations that guarantee active safety and demonstrated in numerous simulations
that the additional fuel costs are comparatively small, particularly relative to commonly considered
suboptimal trajectories. The active safety approach achieved the same fuel costs as trajectories
without safety while still guaranteeing collision-free escape trajectories for a large class of potential anomalies, including single thruster failures. The safety algorithms presented provide a
fuel-efficient, computationally feasible framework for designing safe mode procedures for multispacecraft missions.
This work was funded under Cooperative Agreement NCC5-729 through the NASA GSFC
Formation Flying NASA Research Announcement. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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