Dynamics and Composition of the Mantle: From the Atomic to the Global Scale Day Lecturer Lectures 2 CLB Mantle Flow- Deformation; Fluid Mantle 2 CLB Mantle Flow- Governing Equations; Theory and applications Tutorial 2: Modelling the geoid and dynamic topography 3 CLB Geoid and Dynamic Topography 3 CLB Dynamics of Plate Motions Tutorial 2: Modelling the geoid and dynamic topography (continued) Earthquakes Short time-scales Volcanoes Long Time-Scales Mantle Convection Topography Result of Plate Tectonics Stress, Strain and Plate Tectonics What is Tectonic Activity? For the Earth we mean the large-scale strains or deformation that occur over geological time-scales. There are other geodynamic processes over shorter time-scales, but for now we will deal only with long-term processes. What are the stresses (or forces) that cause this activity? That is the major question we are trying to answer. What are the magnitude, nature, and origin of the stresses (forces) causing tectonic activity? Types of Geologic Strain Types of Geologic Strain € How do we define strain? Measure of the change of shape and size of a body l l Strain ε= ∂ Stress σ= € F (Pressure) A Strain ε= dx € dx l x x Types of strain = constant High T Strain Elastic Strain (recoverable) creep Slope = ε˙ Yield point Non-recoverable strain € Elastic deformation Apply Yielding occurs Time Release Types of strain Wha t a r e the different types of s t r ai ns? I) Recoverable (elastic) II) Non-Recoverable (permanent) i. Brittle Failure ii. Creep (ductile deformation) Recoverable Strain- mostly associated with small amounts of deformation Small stress ! " Small Strain When Stress (or Force) is released snaps back to original position Stress is proportional to amount of strain (Hooke’s L a w ) Non-Recoverable (anelastic) Strain- Associated with large deformations Large Stresses applied slowly (small strain rate) or fast (large strain rate) Stress is proportional to strain rate Strain rate Brittle Low T € ε˙ Fast ε˙ = dε dt Creep High Slow T ε˙ Quantifying types of strain We need to relate stress to strain for both types of strain. To do so we need the properties of the material (moduli) Elastic Strain is related to the elastic or rigidity moduli (G). σ G= ε Anelastic Strain to viscosity (η). σ η= ε What are some typical values for the solid Earth? Let’s work it out Strain and Strain Rate Elastic ~ .2-.5% Anelastic ~ 100%! Strain rate ~ 10-15s-1 In the Earth clearly the permanent, anelastic deformation is much greater than the elastic strain. But over what time scales? We saw that what type of strain develops depends on the P and T conditions and the strain rate. So what is an appropriate characteristic time scale? Maxwell Relaxation Time i.e. How long before anelastic strain becomes the dominant mode of deformation? Maxwell Relaxation Time ε σG µ τM = = = ε˙ σ G µ time<< τM à Elastic Behavior time>> τM à Fluid (creep) Behavior Let’s get some characteristic values for the Earth: Material G (GPa) (Pa s) Na-Ca glass (250°C) 4 x 1011 25 16 Salt (200°C) 3 x 10 20 Ice (0°C) 1013 4 Upper Mantle (1300 °C) 1020 50 Mantle creep is clearl y the domin ant mechanism of scales t > 1010 to 1011 s ~ 103 to 109 years >> M M (s) 20 2 x 106 17 days 2.5 x 103 90 minutes 2 x 109 300 yr deformation for geological time Maxwell Relaxation Time Material properties strong function of temperature! Age of the Universe 1 byr crust (500°K) creep regime 1 myr τ>>τ M 1000 years 1 year mantle (1500°K) Maxwell Relaxation Time This pictures shows to first order that 1)Only hot planets (Tinterior > 1500 K) can be “active” 2)Crust and near-surface rocks cannot deform by creep on geological time scales In the Earth we have – to first order - the simple picture – of plate tectonics Cold brittle plates over hot creeping mantle we%know?% How do we know? 2ηk 4 πν = ρg gλ ρgτ η= Rebound 2k τ= Isostasy; Post-Glacial € Richmond%Gulf,%Hudson’s%Bay,%Canada% 2ηk 4 πν τ= = ρg gλ ρgτ η= 2k Pel$er&(2 Mantle Convection Mantle Convection Boundary Layers Plates Mantle Convection Continuous generation of dynamical (thermal) + geochemical (compositional) = seismic heterogeneity [including phase transitions (TZ!!)] [Zhao et al., 1997] Research Methods Observational - Modeling (a) Theoretical - Numerical Simulations Experimental - Laboratory Present Past Static Processes Dynamic Processes Governing Equations Momentum- ∂ ( ρ v) + ∇ ⋅ (ρ v) = ∇ ⋅ σ + f ∂t Energy - € ∂T + v ⋅ ∇T = ∇ 2T + H ∂t Mass - ∂ρ + ∇ ⋅ ( ρv) = 0 ∂t € [Tackley, 1999] Non-linear What is right Constitutive Relation? σ = − pI + 2ηe How to solve? Numerical methods for PDE’s Finite Difference, Spectral, Finite element, Finite Volume, etc. Flexibility Grids (geometry, adaptability) Resolution Material property contrasts Speed! Regional vs. Global Boundary conditions Resolution, Speed ª Inputs Nature of problem ª Material properties (from mineral physics) ª α, κ, ρ ª as a function of ª Rheology (viscosity, but not only) ª As a function ª P dependence requires compressibility ª Energy sources (from geochemistry, and …) ª Rate of internal heating ª Basal heating (heat flow coming out of the core) ª Chemical Composition (from geochemistry in a broad sense) Mantle convection Movies http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~gurnis/Movies/movies-more.html http://www.ipgp.jussieu.fr/~labrosse/movies.html Approximations -Infinite Prandtl # fluid: i.e. Inertial forces are not important -Fluid is Incompressible, Newtonian -Properties Homogeneous 2 ∇p − η∇ v = f f = δρg δρ = αρ oΔT ∂T 2 + v ⋅ ∇T = κ ∇ T+H € € ∂t But suppose you€ know δρ ? € € Falling Sphere v Δρ Buoyancy 3 4 πr Δρg FB = gΔm = 3 Resistance 2 2 v ˙ FR = Aσ R = 4 πr ηε ≈ −4 πr η = −4 πrηv r Force Balance: FB+FR=0 1 r 2Δρg v≈ 3 η Actual coefficient varies between 1/3 (inviscid) and 2/9 (solid) Falling Sphere v 2 v≈ 1 r Δρg 3 η Δρ € Object Plume head Xenolith r Δρ (kg/m3) η (Pa s) v 500 km 30 1022 80 km/Ma 10 cm 100 90 km /week 200 How to Solve Stokes.. 2 ∇p − η∇ v = δρ g 2 ∇ Φ = 4π Gδρ Take each variable: [v r,vθ ,vϕ , τ rr , τ rθ , τ rϕ ,δp,δρ] Expand using spherical harmonics, scalar: € and vector fields: [Alterman et al., 1959; Takeuchi and Hasegawa, 1965; Kaula, 1975; Hager and O Connell, 1979; 1981] Aside: Spherical Harmonics The spherical harmonics are the angular portion of the solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates 2 ∇ Φ=0 € Spherical Harmonics Continuing….. m m m m , ϕ vr = a (r )Y Y vθ = bm (r)Y,mθ + c m (r)Y,mϕ vϕ = b (r )Y m , ϕ m m , θ − c (r )Y 1 ∂Ym = sinθ ∂ϕ Y,mθ € ∂Ym = ∂θ [So for example the continuity (mass conservation) equation] m m −2a ( +1)b a˙m = + € r r …. Substitute the expansions for velocity, stress, with those for pressure and density… We end with 6 coupled ODEs …..We could € solve NUMERICALLY… but if we perform a simple variable substitution for each spherical harmonic coefficient ….. We get two nicely defined differential equations [See Hager and O Connell, 1979 and 1981] Propagator Matrices l dy Computing l l l Mantle Flow =A y +f [Poloidal] dλ λ = ln(r /RE ) dt l l l [Toroidal] =Bt dλ €via Propagator matrices These equations can be solved [See Gantmacher] λ l l 0 0 Al λ0 y( λ) = P ( λ, λ )y + ∫ P(λ,ξ )f (ξ )dξ We can now solve for velocities and stresses at any depth once P is known! € Boundary Conditions: Continuity of velocity and stresses at boundary interfaces Use: Free-slip at CMB; Free-slip or no-slip at surface Advantages & Disadvantages -Spectral Solutions VERY FAST! (You ll see) -Can change radial viscosity profile (explore effects of viscosity structure) -Spherical Shell -Predict observables (Geoid, Topography, Plate Motions, Flow (Anisotropy)) -Can explore compressibility (less than 10% effect at long wavelengths) -LACK OF RHEOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY Lateral viscosity variations Plate boundary rheology -MUST ASSUME A DENSITY HETEROGENEITY -No TIME DEPENDENCE So now what? Seismic Tomography- Convert velocity to density---- BUT HOW?! Mantle Density Heterogeneity Model [ Masters and Bolton] Based on Geologic Information-Plate Motion History" Depth = 1000 Km [ Lithgow-Bertelloni and Richards, 1998] Velocity-Density Scaling Birch s law δv=aδρ Factors=0.1-0.5 g s/km cm3 Velocity-Density Scaling Rρ / S $ δ ln ρ ' =& ) % δ lnVS ( Depth If due to lateral T variations: Rρ / S $ ∂ ln ρ ' $ ∂ lnVS '−1 =& ) & ) % ∂T ( P % ∂T ( P Attenuation (anelasticity) decreases value significantly Claim: Cannot be negative Not so! (phase transformations) $ ∂ ln ρ ' $ ∂ ln ρ ' $ ∂ ln ρ ' $ ∂n ' & ) =& ) +& ) & ) % ∂T ( P % ∂T ( P,n % ∂n ( P,T % ∂T ( P Karato and Karki (2001) the three prominent sets of peaks in αme near 410, 520, and 660 km depth. Assuming typical values 〈ρ〉 = Velocity-Density Scaling n R and Lithgow-Bertelloni (2007) Fig. 8. Stixrude Relative variations of density and shear wave velocity ξ (red) and the isomorphic contribution to ξ (blue) compared with the results w i t a t c c r n t v e Predict Geoid Best fitting viscosity structure Lithosphere-10 * UM Lower Mantle-50 * UM Plate Motions Earth’s Stress Field Contributions: Mantle Stresses; Crustal Heterogeneity [Reinecker, J., Heidbach, O. and Mueller, B., 2003] (available online at www.world-stress-map.org) Stress Field LVC+TD0 Fit to observations (Variance Reduction) Azimuth-59% Regime-61% Combined effect of crustal contribution and mantle flow [Lithgow-Bertelloni and Guynn, 2004]