24.964 Phonetic Realization Tone Readings for next time: • Kenstowicz, Abu Mansour and Törkenczy (2000). Two notes on laryngeal licensing. • Kang, Y-J. (2003) Perceptual similarity in loanword adaptation: English postvocalic word-final stops in Korean. Phonology 20. Realization of lexical tone - Mandarin 160 F 140 120 F0 (Hz) 60 L L H H H H H F 140 120 F H H L H H L H (b) H R R 100 60 R (a) 160 80 H R R 100 80 F H L F (c) H H H Normalized Time R (d) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Speech Melody as Articulatory Implemented Communicative Functions." Speech Communication 46 (2005): 220-251. • Substantial variation in tone on syll3 depending on syll2 tone (carryover coarticulation). • Variation in tone on syll3 is larger earlier in the syllable. – transition from syll2, converging on a target for syll3. Realization of lexical tone - Mandarin 160 F 140 120 F0 (Hz) 60 L L H H H H H F 140 120 F H H L H H L H (b) H R R 100 60 R (a) 160 80 H R R 100 80 F H L F (c) H H H Normalized Time R (d) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Speech Melody as Articulatory Implemented Communicative Functions." Speech Communication 46 (2005): 220-251. • Minimal variation in H tone on syll 1 (minimal anticipatoty coarticulation). • Main anticipatory affect seems to be dissimilatory raising of H preceding L. Realization of lexical tone - Mandarin 1-2 m a 3-2 m 4-2 a 140 140 120 120 100 100 80 80 0 50 100 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 2-1 m 160 f0(Hz) f0(Hz) 160 2-2 75 100 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Contextual Tonal Variations in Mandarin." Journal of Phonetics 25 (1997): 61-83. 0 a 2-2 50 100 25 50 2-3 m 2-4 a 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Contextual Tonal Variations in Mandarin." Journal of Phonetics 25 (1997): 61-83. Same points based on data from Xu (1997) • Substantial carryover coarticulation. • Minimal anticipatory coarticulation. Syllable-synchronized sequential target approximation Onset F0 determined by: default neutral value, or preceding pitch target Turning points (delayed due to inertia) Approaching [low] with weak effort Approaching [rise] Acceleration t ge ar ct ] se [ri F0 i am n Dy Deceleration+ Acceleration Approaching [low] [low] Static target time Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. “Speech Melody as Articulatorily Implemented Communicative Functions.” Speech Communication 46 (2005): 220-251. Also, Xu, Y., and Q. E. Wang. "Pitch Targets and Their Realization: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese." Speech Communication 33 (2001): 319-337. Xu and Wang (2001), Xu (2005) • Linear tone targets. • Tone targets are coextensive with syllables. • f0 approaches tone target asymptotically while target is active (no look-ahead). Target approximation - Mandarin 160 F 140 120 F0 (Hz) 60 L L H H H H H F 140 120 H F H L H H L H (b) H R R 100 60 R (a) 160 80 H R R 100 80 F H L F (c) H H H Normalized Time R (d) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Speech Melody as Articulatory Implemented Communicative Functions." Speech Communication 46 (2005): 220-251. • Dashed lines show estimated tone targets for third syllables. Syllable synchronization N-V ratio: Top: Bottom: N<V fan ` nao nan ` ling N=O hao ` miao le `I niao N>V hong ` ma ling min ` 300 200 F0 (Hz) 100 0 300 200 100 0 V-N boundary 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -250 -150 -50 50 150 250 350 Time (ms) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Xu, Y. "Speech Melody as Articulatory Implemented Communicative Functions." Speech Communication 46 (2005): 220-251. • • The same tone sequence (RL) results in very similar f0 contours regardless of the relative duration of V and coda N in syllable 1. Right panels show less consistency when contours are aligned at the offset of V1. Anticipatory vs. carryover coarticulation in Thai • Thai is also reported to show more carryover than anticipatory coarticulation, but there is anticipatory coarticulation (Gandour et al 1994). • Data from one speaker in Nuttakorn (2002) suggests that anticipatory coarticulation primarily affects overall pitch range of tones, whereas carryover coarticulation involves a transition from the endpoint of the preceding tone. Nuttakorn (2002) m aa m aa 300 300 250 250 200 150 100 100 0 50 100 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 aa 50 100 0 50 100 25 50 Duration (% of each segment) M-M 350 m F-M H-M aa R-M m M-L aa 350 300 300 250 250 200 150 100 100 50 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 M-L M-F M-H L-L m 50 0 50 100 Duration (% of each segment) M-M 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 F-L aa H-L m R-L aa 200 150 0 50 100 aa Duration (% of each segment) F0 (Hz) F0 (Hz) Anticipatory L-M m 200 150 50 m 350 F0 (Hz) Carryover F0 (Hz) 350 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 Duration (% of each segment) M-R L-M L-L L-F L-H L-R Images by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Thubthong, Nuttakorn, Boonserm Kijsirikul, and Sudaporn Luksaneeyanawin. "Tone Recognition in Thai Continuous Speech Based on Coarticulation, Intonation and Stress Effects." International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP2002), Colorado, USA, September 16-20, 2002, pp. 1169-1172 . Nuttakorn (2002) m aa m aa 350 300 300 250 250 F0 (Hz) Carryover F0 (Hz) 350 200 150 100 100 0 50 100 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 aa 50 0 50 100 25 Duration (% of each segment) M-F F-F m H-F aa m aa 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 Duration (% of each segment) R-F M-H aa 350 300 300 250 250 F0 (Hz) Anticipatory • Note F-F F0 (Hz) 350 L-F m 200 150 50 m 200 F-H m H-H aa R-H m aa 200 150 150 100 100 50 L-H 50 0 50 100 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 0 50 100 Duration (% of each segment) F-M F-L F-F F-H 25 50 75 100 50 100 25 50 75 100 Duration (% of each segment) F-R H-M H-L H-F H-H H-R Images by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Thubthong, Nuttakorn, Boonserm Kijsirikul, and Sudaporn Luksaneeyanawin. "Tone Recognition in Thai Continuous Speech Based on Coarticulation, Intonation and Stress Effects." International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP2002), Colorado, USA, September 16-20, 2002, pp. 1169-1172 . Anticipatory vs. carryover coarticulation in Cantonese Normalized F0 Tone 4 Tone 1 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 Tone 4 Tone 4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 Tone 4 Tone 5 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 Normalized time Tone 1 Tone 4 Tone 4 Tone 4 Tone 5 Tone 4 Normalized time Examples of co-articulated tone contours of disyllabic words. Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Li, Yujia, Tan Lee, and Yao Qian. "Analysis and Modeling of F0 Contours for Cantonese Text-to-Speech." ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 3, no. 3 (September 2004): 169-180. • Cantonese also shows carryover articulation but minimal anticipatory coarticulation (Li et al 2004). Li et al (2004) 1.4 Normalized F0 1.4 1 1.2 1 2 3 0.8 5 6 4 1 Normalized F0 1.4 1 5 6 4 LL: low-level left context 1.4 1 1 1.2 1 3 6 0.8 2 3 0.8 LH: high-level left context 1.2 1 1.2 2 2 3 5 4 RH: high-level right context 5 0.8 4 6 RL: low-level right context Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Li, Yujia, Tan Lee, and Yao Qian. "Analysis and Modeling of F0 Contours for Cantonese Text-to-Speech." ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) 3, no. 3 (September 2004): 169-180. • Averaged tone contours, divided according to height of preceding/following tone. • “for almost all tones, the beginning section has a much larger variance than the ending one. This suggests that co-articulation from the left tone is more significant than that from the right. In general, the third and the fourth sections have the smallest variance” Anticipatory vs. carryover coarticulation • Predominance of carryover coarticulation is reported in Vietnamese (Brunelle 2003). • Apparently in Igbo also (Akinlabi & Liberman ??, NELS 31), although with an interesting twist (below). Asymmetry in coarticulation Carryover not: anticipatory symmetrical • Xu attributes asymmetry to an imperative to keep tonal gestures in phase with syllables (cf. Goldstein, Nam etc). – i.e. onset of tone gesture coincides with onset of syllable – but what is the syllable gesture? Jaw? • In Browman & Goldstein (1990), there is no gesture coextensive with the syllable. – Why is the offset of the gesture coordinated with the offset of the syllable? Asymmetry in coarticulation Carryover not: anticipatory symmetrical Alternatives: • Syllable rhyme provides a better basis for realization of tonal contrasts because onset may be obstruent, – Only codas in Mandarin are nasals. Different patterns with obstruent codas? – In Mandarin, same pattern obtains with glide onset (Xu ??). • Basic idea: tonal targets are weighted according to position - late targets have higher weights. – variant: tonal targets are only assigned the ends of syllables (cf. Akinlabi & Liberman) - doesn’t work for contour tones. Asymmetry in coarticulation • Xu’s model of tonal realization seems very compatible with a weighted constraint formulation. • Implementation is easier if coarticulatory asymmetries follow from positional weighting of targets. • Targets with extended duration (as opposed to point targets) are required. – Possibly also dynamic targets, but cf. Potisuk et al (1997) who model tone implementation in Thai with sequences of level targets. – Slope targets are motivated by evidence that tone slope is perceptually salient (Gandour 19 Anticipatory tonal coarticulation in Taiwanese - Peng (1997) Low-rising tone (24) Low-falling tone (21) F1 F1 55 33 21 (h) -20 30 80 130 180 230 280 330 Duration (ms) 21 55 33 (i) -20 30 80 130 180 230 280 330 Duration (ms) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Peng, Shu-hui. "Production and Perception of Taiwanese Tones in Different Tonal and Prosodic Contexts." Journal of Phonetics 25 (1997): 371-400. • Only examined anticipatory tonal coarticulation. • Substantial effects for one speaker, smaller but significant effects with others (especially for high falling 51 tone). Anticipatory tonal coarticulation in Kinyarwanda Myers (1998) • Kinyarwanda contrasts L, H, LL, HL, LH • Contour tones only permitted on long vowels umwáana ‘child’ umwaámi ‘king’ umuunhu ‘person’ ururími ‘language’ • Rise for H, HL begin during preceding syllable. C H HL LH 170 130 110 90 ke 170 130 110 90 ke 170 130 110 90 ke V 350 700 1050 1400 1750 350 700 1050 1400 1750 310 600 910 1200 1500 C V Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Myers, S. "F0 Timing in Kinyarwanda." Phonetica 60 (2003): 71-97. Kinyarwanda - Myers (1998) • Rise for H, HL begin during preceding syllable. • Timing of onset of rise as a proportion of the preceding syllable duration: Speaker H HL LH 1 0.317 0.457 1.560 2 3 0.402 0.185 0.182 0.323 1.606 1.325 4 0.336 0.511 1.419 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Myers, S. "F0 Timing in Kinyarwanda." Phonetica 60 (2003): 71-97. • Rise begins about 100 ms before f0 peak. • With word-final, phrase-final H syllables, f0 peak can precede the syllable. Kinyarwanda - Myers (2003) • Kinyarwanda tones also differ from Mandarin tones in that the alignment of the f0 peak within a high-toned syllable varies susbtantially: – Earlier in phrase-final words than in phrase-medial words. – Earlier in phrase-final syllables than in phrase-medial syllables. – H peak tends to be earlier the shorter the distance to the next H (‘crowding’) (no such effect for HL, LH). u|u|i!mi |gwaa≠ ÔeÓ No following H i|a|u!m umNaanaÓ H follows after 1 syllable ! u|u|i!mi |uniniÓ H follows after 2 syllables. ! • Similar factors affect the timing of f0 peaks for H* pitch accents in English (Silverman & Pierrehumbert 1990) and Spanish (Prieto et al 1995). Kinyarwanda vs. Mandarin • Why does Kinyarwanda work so differently from Mandarin and the other SE Asian languages cited above? • Fewer tones? Only two levels HL. • Asymmetry between L and H - L is phonologically inert. Analyzed by Myers as phonologically absent (cf. Chichewa, Myers 1998). – Realization of L has a low weight? • Behaviour similar to Mandarin can be observed in a 3toned African language, Yoruba (Akinlabi & Liberman). – L, M, H. – M often analyzed as absence of tone. Yoruba • A&M: Simple tones are assigned a target at the end of the syllable. • If there is a sequence of syllables with the same tone, a target is assigned to the end of the last syllable. • Initial mid target. • Interpolate between targets. • Igbo is much the same. 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 a1_68 o w 349.5 a l a 349.75 n i r 350 o r un 350.25 o wa la ni ro run 'he drove Alani to heaven' H( L) H L M Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Adapted from Akinlabi, A., and M. Liberman. "Tonal Complexes and Tonal Alignment." NELS 31 (2000). Tonal anticipation in intonation 5000 0 0 L+H*L- Time (s) H* L-L% Ma r i a nn a m adethe m ar ma l a de 1.70603 • Near-linear interpolation from L- to H* across [meIdD´]. – If H* were synchronous with its syllable, no movement should occur until onset of [mA]. • Note also movement from H* to final L- is ‘early’. Phonetics and phonology of tone • Some patterns that have been analyzed as tone spread are better analyzed in terms of the details of tonal realization. – Kinyarwanda has been described as having lefwtards spread of H tone, e.g. /umusóre/ -> umúsóre (Sibomana 1974). • Many phonological processes have been described that resemble progressive tonal coarticulation, e.g. Yoruba (a) Yoruba rising example ala (LH) ala (L LH) 'dream' (b) Yoruba falling example rara (HL) rara (H HL) 'elegy' (c) Edo (Bini) falling example ekpo (H HL) ekpo (HL) 'bag' Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. • H tone spread tends to be rightwards (Myers). Phonetics and phonology of tone • These processes may well be phonological - in some cases they are neutralizing. But they are also probably motivated by the same constraints that motivate tonal coarticulation. • E.g. In Kinyarwanda, f0 peak for H is early in phrasefinal syllables. In Chichewa, final H retracts to the penult in phrase-final position (Myers 1998). References • • • • • • • • • • Peng, S.-H., 1997. Production and perception of. Taiwanese tones in different tonal and prosodic contexts. Journal of Phonetics, 25, 371-400. Potisuk, Gandour & Harper (1997). Contextual variations in trisyllabic sequences of Thai tones. Phonetica 54. Prieto, P.; Santen, J. van; Hirschberg, J. (1995) Tonal alignment patterns in Spanish. J. Phonet. 23: 429–451. Silverman, K.; Pierrehumbert, J. (1990) The timing of prenuclear high accents in English; in Kingston, Beckman, Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the grammar and the physics of speech, pp. 72– 106. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Xu, Y. (1997). Contextual tonal variations in Mandarin. Journal of Phonetics 25: 61 83. Xu, Y. (2005). Speech melody as articulatorily implemented communicative functions. Speech Communication 46: 220-251. Xu, Y. and Liu, F. (2007) Determining the temporal interval of segments with the help of F0 contours. Journal of Phonetics 35: 398-420. Xu, Y. and Wang, Q. E. (2001). Pitch targets and their realization: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese. Speech Communication 33: 319-337. MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 24.964 Topics in Phonology: Phonetic Realization Fall 2006 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.