3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice Silicon Solar Cell Design g and Man nufacturing Plan Stude ent B Team SoloLoco 3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice Dev vice Schematic • Surface area = 100 cm^2 • Texture = .1(thickness) • Doping: 1x10^16 cm^-3 • ARC thi thickness k = (500 nm)/4 (Not to scale) • ARC refractive index = (n1n2)^.5 = 2 • Efficiency = 15.21% 3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice PC1D D Simulator and Assu umptions Made • Most parameters remain n at their default value • Texture, Te t re AR ccoating oating add ded • Thickness reduced to 30 um – “thick film” • First front diffusion doping changed to 1x10^19 cm^-3 peak to make p-n junctio on • E Excitation it ti from f ONE-SU ONE SU UN averages iincident id t power from the sun on a clear day • Limited by DC current fflow from solar panels • Limited by lack of energ gy storage technique/device 3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice Tradeoffs • Film thickness vs. lifetim me • Lifetime – lifetime of indiv vidual carrier when struck by y sun • Carrier diffusion length – average distance carrier travels in its lifetime • Carrier C i diff diffusion i length l th = (carrier ( i diff diffusivity i it * lif lifetime)^1/2 ti )^1/2 m be greater than thickness of cell • Carrier diffusion length must • Thicker cells (i.e. (i e wafers)) run the risk of not being useful if thickness > carrier diffusiion length • Cost • Wafers vs. thick films vs. thin films y to manufacture but fare better in • Thin films are most costly original tradeoff 3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice 1. Manufacturing Processes Silicon extracted and purifie ed 2. Silicon is p-type doped (bac ckground doping) 3. Texturing added 4. N-type doping added to ma ake p-n junction 5. Anti-reflective coating adde ed 6. Metal contacts added to “co ollect” current 7. Final cell assembled • Cell is tested and purified mu ultiple times throughout this process • Manufacturing costs are the thing that most affects difference in price between different kinds s of cells • Manufacturing process will o originally rely on fossil fuels but will eventually rely completely on n solar power 3.003 Principles of Engineering E Practice Projected Cap pability of Production an nd Recommendations • Solar cell factories can be operational within 18 months of project appro oval and run at full capacity after another th year • A mature 430 MW solarr cell factory produces about 200 million cells/year an nd creates about 300 jobs • We must implement ma anufacturing process slowly to a o for allow o improvements p o e e ts in technology tec o ogy and a d increased c eased support of project • We must invest in resea arch for converting DC current to AC and for solar enerrgy storage techniques • In the meantime, we mu ust invest in DC household appliances li MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 3.003 Principles of Engineering Practice Spring 2010 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.