Economic Performance and NGATS NEXTOR 2nd National Airspace System Infrastructure Management Conference 13 June 2006 Dr. Sherry S. Borener Director Evaluation and Analysis Division Joint Planning and Development Office Acknowledgement This presentation includes work performed by a number of organizations and persons supporting the JPDO Evaluation and Analysis Division. GRA, Incorporated Outline • 2025 Aeronautics Activities and Worldwide Demand • NAS Capacity Constraints Analysis – What if we can’t satisfy 3X demand? – Estimating the loss in feasible throughput – Estimating the economic loss • JPDO Cost Workshops • Supplement – Alternative Funding Schemes 2025 Global Aeronautics Activities • 2/3 of world aeronautics industry will take place outside of North America by 2025. • U.S.-International trade in aeronautics goods and services will grow in importance with respect to U.S. domestic trade in goods and services. • American airlines and aeronautics companies will form more partnerships with foreign partners. JPDO Process for Achieving the NGATS 6,000 2 R = 0.67 Delays (>1 Hour) 4,000 2003 2004 2,000 1,000 1,000 $5 $4 Measure PostImplementation Performance, Service, and Cost of Segment 3,000 - ATO Capital Budget Shortfall Baseline and Assess Today’s Performance 2 R = 0.62 $ Billions 5,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 Cumulative $3.2B Projected Funding $2 $1 $0 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Define Concept of Operations; Identify • Define the “What” Future • Architect & Analyze Capabilities and • Define Solutions Outcomes 2006 Airports Enhanced System Operations to Meet NGATS Goals (Operations $) DEVELOP IMPLEMENT Segment 4 DEVELOP IMPLEMENT Self Separation 2025 Automated Maneuvering to avoid Mid-air collisions Exception Handling Services Formation Takeoff & Landings Noise Reducing Operations Environmental Ground Equipment & Operations Revise AIP including Regional Capacity Planning Automated Aircraft Taxi & Surface Management Market for Environmental Credits Comprehensive Airport Program Model Airport of the Future With Transparent Screening Risk Based Screening Integrated Aviation and Border Security Functions Network Enabled Coordinated Response Routine Use of Remote Pilots Refuse to Crash Avionics New Airframes, Materials and Propulsion Near all weather takeoff & landing I BM IB M Security Management & Reporting Enclave Comm. Control (ECC) Support Enclave(s) 397 GBT + Backup F&E 397 GBT + Backup O&M Total Radar Centric F&E + O&M 350,000 Two Aircraft on Same Runway Core Enclave(s) 400,000 DMZ NAS Security Boundary 300,000 18,000 250,000 Non-NAS Entities 17,000 200,000 16,000 150,000 15,000 Staff 100,000 14,000 50,000 13,000 2039 2036 2040 2034 2038 2037 2035 2033 2031 2032 2030 12,000 2029 0 2011 Policy, Portfolio, Roadmaps, and Business Cases Analyze Alternative Solutions and Assess Tradeoffs 2013 IMPLEMENT 2008 DEVELOP 2012 IMPLEMENT Segment 7 Spec 2010 DEVELOP Note: Segments are defined by their operational date Specific start dates and implementation timelines vary by IPT and solution element 2009 IMPLEMENT Segment 6 Spec 2007 DEVELOP FY05 $K Segment 5 Spec 2006 Research , Analysis, and Demonstrations (Research $) 2005 Spec 2028 Spec 2026 Segment 3 2027 IMPLEMENT 2021 DEVELOP 2025 IMPLEMENT Segment 2 Proactive Safety Management Culture with Non-Punitive Data Sharing & Comprehensive FAR Review Security & Safety DEVELOP Spec 2015 Market Based Flow Management (NASDAQ) Performance Based Services Develop EA; Identify Gaps and Overlaps; Determine Research and Program Needs Segment 1 Spec Decouple from Ground Based CNS Vehicles • Execute & Measure FY 24 2024 FY22 2023 FY20 2022 FY18 2018 FY16 2016 FY14 2020 FY12 2019 FY10 2017 FY08 2015 FY06 2014 Define and Implement Incremental Solutions via Segments 2008 Fuzzy logic to manage Weather uncertainty Airspace Weather Score FY04 Capital Investment Plan $3 FY 11,000 10,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Vision • Aircraft can self separate with or without pilots and when necessary control can be assumed from the ground • Customers and operators are fully informed with increased options to selfmanage their ability to meet their needs • All communities are connected into the global air transportation network 2025 – International Harmonization • Successful NGATS implementation will require significant coordination between the U.S. government and industry and foreign governments and industry. • We must develop truly ‘international’ standards for aircraft, required equipage, and operational paradigms. – Because of residual value concerns, this is an issue even for non-international carriers. • Aeronautics companies must bear this in mind, paying more attention to other parts of the world. • This will require placing increased emphasis on the needs of other countries and coordinating with key regions for the continued competitiveness of U.S. industry. Notional NGATS Funding Profiles Profile “A”: No new funds; Live within budget runouts Budget Runout @ 3% $ NGATS Budget Committed Budget 2006 Profile “B”: Moderate constant resource increase required 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Budget Runout @ 3% $ NGATS Budget Committed Budget 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Profile “C”: Major program phases and funding required Budget Runout @ 3% $ NGATS Budget Committed Budget 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2025 Fleet Predictions • Overseas demand for aircraft will by far outpace U.S. domestic demand over the next 20 years – Airbus predicts that 72 percent of the demand for new aircraft though 2025 will be outside of the United States – Boeing forecasts that 66 percent of the demand will be outside of the United States • Of new aircraft needed, the United States will need 28 percent, Europe will need 32 percent, and Asia-Pacific countries will need 27 percent. • Boeing predicts that the world passenger fleet will double in the next 20 years to almost 35,000 airplanes. • The world freighter fleet will double over the next 20 years, from 1,766 to 3,456. • By 2025, there will be more RPKs to/from the U.S. than within the U.S. Aligning Incentives Between Providers and Users Productive Efficiency ATM Costs Users Transparency Budgets User Charges Allocative Efficiency ATM Providers Analysis of NAS Capacity Constraints • We know that there are many facets of National Airspace System (NAS) capacity – Terminals, Runways, Taxiways, En Route sectors • At a macro level, for this analysis, we have lumped capacity into only two categories: en route and airport • What we’d like to see is which of these two categories constrains NAS performance first and to what degree • We also want to investigate characteristics of the traffic when the NAS performance is constrained Capacity Analysis Approach Flights Avg. Stage Length, Avg. Aircraft Seats ASMs Load Factor (available seat miles) Average Stage Length, Average Aircraft Seats Load Factor RPMs Load Factor One single-stage flight consists of two airport operations (takeoff and landing) plus a number of en route operations (ATC communications). The total time required for takeoff, travel through the NAS and landing is calculated for every flight (commercial and general aviation). Average Aircraft Seats (revenue passenger miles) Average Stage Length Enplanements (revenue passengers boarding an aircraft) Capacity Analysis Metrics • “Unconstrained demand” represents the public’s desire for air transportation – The FAA’s Terminal Area Forecast, based on socioeconomic data, does not consider whether future NAS capacity will be sufficient to accommodate all the demand – Capacity constraints will force some of the demand to be left unsatisfied • Our composite capacity metric is “feasible throughput” which is measured in terms of number of flights – Flights are eliminated from the future flight schedule after a specified airport delay tolerance or sector capacity is reached Fred’s Visualization 3X Scenario Results 180000 100% Feasible Throughput 100% % Demand Satisfied Feasible Throughput (flights) 82% 80% 140000 65% 120000 66% 70% 60% 100000 50% 80000 40% 60000 30% 40000 20% 20000 10% 0 0% Unconstrained Demand Both Constraints Airport Constraints Only Sector Constraints Only Demand Satisfied (% of Unconstrained) 90% 160000 Summary of Capacity Constraints Analysis 3X Demand 3X Feasible Throughput (Airports Constrained) 3X Feasible Throughput (Airports and Airspace Constrained) Category 3X Baseline Demand 3X Feasible Throughput (Airspace Constrained) Flights in NAS 173,980 142,782 114,156 112,595 Number of Flights Trimmed N/A 31,198 59,824 61,385 % of Flights Trimmed N/A 18% 34% 35% •Assuming only FAA airport capacity benchmark report airport capacity improvements and no airspace capacity improvements, the portion of demand that cannot be satisfied ranges from 18% to 35%. •Note that the unsatisfied demand for the Airport Constrained and the Airport/Airspace Constrained cases are almost identical. Impact on U.S./International Traffic 3X Demand – Airports/Airspace Constrained Category International Outbound Flights International Inbound Flights International Overflights 3X Unconstrained Demand 8,100 7,400 20,106 3X Feasible Throughput 6,012 5,550 20,044 Number of Flights Trimmed 2,088 1,850 62 % of Flights Trimmed 26% 25% 0% • Approximately ¼ of both International Inbound and International Outbound flights to/from the U.S. could not be satisfied under the 3X scenario. • The impact on International Overflights is negligible. Reduction in INTL flights at OEP Airports OEP Airports 3X Demand – Airports/Airspace Constrained MIA JFK IAH IAD LAX EW FLL ORD PHL ATL DTW MSP SEA MC SFO BOS DFW CLT CVG HNL LAS ME PHX DEN BWI CLE SLC LGA PDX TPA PIT DCA STL MD SAN Average number of INTL flights trimmed at OEP Airports: 89 Average % of INTL flights trimmed at OEP Airports: 25% Average number of INTL flights are trimmed at Top 10 OEP Airports with most INTL Ops:223 Average % of INTL flights are trimmed at Top 10 OEP Airports with most INTL Ops:29% 3X Baseline Demand 3X Airport and Airspace Trimmed Demand - 200 400 600 800 1,000 Airport Operations (Departures + Arrivals) 1,200 1,400 3X Constraints Analysis Yield and Consumer Surplus 836 881 20 yield (2005 cents) 19 946 1072 1220 1332 1625 19.3 Constrained by All 18 Noise Constrained 17 Emissions Constrained 18.3 17.1 16 15 15.1 Terminal-Constrained demand curve at 3X RPM 14 13 12 12.1 Enroute-Constrained 11 10 APO Forecast 9 10.6 2025 600 800 Extrapolated from APO 1000 1200 1400 RPMs (billions/fiscal year) 3X RPMs 1600 9.9 1800 As demand grows while constraints limit supply, prices will rise NXTE 19 NTE 18 FAA Forecast (Mainline+Regional) XTE 17 Extrapolated from APO yield (2005 cents) Constrained by: 16 N - noise X - emissions T - terminal E - enroute TE T 15 14 13 2004 E 12 2017 11 10 2025 2032 Elasticity = -1 600 800 1000 1200 1400 RPMs (billions/fiscal year) 1600 1800 NPV of Constraints Reduction (3X) $180 $160 $140 $120 $100 $80 NPV $60 $40 $20 $0 Noise, emissions, terminal, enroute 2016 noise, term, emiss, term, enr enr 2018 term, enr term 2019 2022 2022 Constraint (year of emergence) enr 2028 3X Constraints Analysis Yield and Consumer Surplus 20 Nothing solved 19 $8.6B 18 $11.0B yield (2005 cents) 17 16 $18.0B 15 $2.1B Emissions solved; +$8.6B consumer surplus (const 2005$) Noise solved; +$19.5B total Noise, emissions solved; +$37.6B Noise, emissions, enroute solved; +$39.7B demand curve at 3X RPM 14 $36.1B 13 Noise, emissions, terminal solved;+$75.8B 12 $32.5B 11 All solved +$108.3B 10 9 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 RPMs (billions/fiscal year) 1400 1600 1800 JPDO Cost Workshops • A detailed “bottom-up” design cost for a program of this complexity, duration, and number of “known unknowns” is not yet practicable • Objective of Cost Workshops are to make first order engineering estimates of: – required total funding – contingency reserves – funding profile shape, magnitude, and duration with acceptable performance outcomes and risks • Continually justify requirements through political and technical reviews Cost Workshop 1 – Key Policy Issues • Who (NASA or FAA) will do the research? – Distribution of funding and people? – Are the combined resources available? • Research should account for international harmonization issues and requirements • Industry wants to work collaboratively to develop specifics of the architecture • Successful execution to the NGATS schedule requires strong linkage & leadership from fundamental research through decision points to certification and implementation • FAA must gain commitment from other agencies Cost Workshop 1 – Key Policy Issues • FAA commitment must be demonstrated – Exploit existing aircraft capabilities, e.g., RNP1 procedures – Develop integrated process representing all FAA players and necessary steps for implementation (including certification) – Harmonize international standards to preclude extra equipage (impacts residual aircraft values) • NAS users have short ROI horizons – Less than one year for existing equipment – Approximately 1 – 3 years for new equipment – Implication: early adopters will need hard incentives • Subsidies, tax breaks, financing options, targeted deployments for early adopters • An NGATS service roadmap is needed that – Specifies required equipage in specific time increments and airspace accessibility – Bundles capabilities with clearly defined anticipated benefits and needed investments – Uses a 4 – 5 year equipage cycle to synch with maintenance schedules Questions?