National Airspace (NAS) Capacity and Performance Models for FAA Strategy Simulator [Lab or Research Group Logo] Dzung Nguyen, Ravi Sankararaman, Dr. Michael O. Ball, University of Maryland, College Park Objective Rho (ρ): Measure of airport utilization Create high level model that relates airspace characteristics to overall airspace performance for use in FAA Strategy Simulator. An airport operation is either a flight departure or flight arrival Average Delay per flight What is Strategy Simulator? t1 O t2 Strategy Simulator is a high level decision support tool for the Federal Aviation Administration to analyze the impact of new technologies for the entire NAS and devise new operational concepts and procedures. Some examples of problems addressed •“Right” combination of demand management and infrastructure investments •New FAA cost-recovery models •Introduction of major new ATC technology NAS- wide cumulative ρ distribution Where does it fit? A day-to-day ρ distribution is created across 32 NAS airports. Ex. Increasing the number of service flights to meet high demands (eg. Christmas) Medium - Level Strategy Simulator Model Overview Reference Demand Fleets & Schedule trips offered travel costs travel times Trip Attractiveness Flight Delays services offered money paid Fleet Finances trips taken Fleets Cargo demand Airport Capacity Enroute Capacity ATC Infra structure Airline Ecology ATC Controllers taxes services & capacity used ρ99 Rho95 Conclusion NAS Performance Model ATC & Airports capacity offered Scheduled flights Market Clearing Effect on GDP Passenger Delays median, 95th and 99th percentile of operations. •ρ95 exhibited better prediction power than the other utilization measures. ρ95 FAA Budgets Aviation Trust Fund * UMD contributions for the model have been circled in red. R&D team consists of UMD, Ventana Systems, LMI, UC Berkeley, VPISU, MIT VMC capacity for airport Scheduled demand for airport IMC capacity for airport ρ95 for airport % time with IMC for airport airport ρ95 for NAS % demand covered by airports airline robustness factor Airspace ρ for NAS Rho95 Passenger delay measure is derived using the Average delay per flight and Probability of Cancellation metric. • ρ50, ρ95 and ρ99 denote the ρ50 ρ Ex. GDP planning or sequencing of incoming flights Low - Level Passenger & Cargo Rho95 Average Passenger Delay Ex. Building a runway to increase capacity High -Level # Operations scheduled during [t1,t2] Capacity (in # operations) during [t1,t2] % of operations with ρ ≤X Strategy Simulator time ρ ([t1,t2]) = Probability of Cancellations Performance Metrics (NAS-wide daily model) Non-scheduled demand for airport (GA Traffic) These functions map NAS capacity and demand into average flight delays and cancellation probabilities as well as passenger delay estimates Ongoing Research Areas Average flight delay Flight cancellation probability airline creep factor Passenger performance metric •Extending the model to weekly, monthly and yearly model •Refine passenger model based on real data •Contribution of Passenger Load factor on flight delay •Incorporation of unscheduled flights •Consider schedule robustness effects