Measuring the Business of the NAS Presented at: Moving Metrics: A Performance Oriented View of the Aviation Infrastructure NEXTOR Conference January 29, 2004 Pacific Grove, CA Richard Golaszewski GRA, Incorporated 115 West Avenue • Jenkintown, PA 19046 • USA ℡ 215-884-7500 • 215-884-1385 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW What business information can be measured for the ATO? How could business information for the ATO be measured? What could the ATO do with business information? GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 1 A LONG HISTORY OF BUILDING BLOCKS ATC corporation pro forma financial statements (1994) 4ATS vs. non-ATS functions 4Division of budget and projections 4Accrual-based income and cash flow statement and balance sheets FAA cost allocation for ATS LOB (1997) 4FAA costs 4Activity measures 4Cost models (incremental costs) 4Use of services Advances in measurement (2003) 4FAA CAS SDP’s for air traffic services 4ETMS flight level data 4Cost models for en route and terminal (developmental) GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 2 WHAT CAN BE MEASURED FOR THE ATO? Activity—Who Uses Services? 4En route (ETMS/HAME/ATADS) 4Oceanic (ETMS/OAG) 4Terminal (ETMS/ATADS) 4Flight attributes (aircraft type, user type, passengers, etc.) Costs—What do ATO Services Cost? 4Total and unit costs by ATO service (time, distance and activity)—en route, oceanic, terminal, etc. 4Comparative production costs (peer groups and time series) 4Alternative cost concepts for SDP’s 4 CAS categories (AT operations, AF operations, capital, overhead and other) 4 Direct/Indirect 4 Fixed/Variable 4 Incremental/common and fixed User Economics 4User aircraft operating costs (Form 41) 4User revenues (segment yield curves from DOT ticket sample) 4User taxes (built from activity, costs, revenues, other parameters and tax rates) GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 3 EFFICIENCY CONCEPTS Allocative (consumption) efficiency—Value to user in relation to resources consumed in producing service 4Lack of real prices limits information on value to user 4Measurement of quality difficult 4 Safety 4 Delays 4Needed for economic decisions on what to produce Productive efficiency—Least cost given desired quality 4Capital-labor trades 4Cost measurement being done with CAS 4Measurement of quality 4 Eurocontrol tracks sum of user charges for air traffic service and delay costs to users 4Relative efficiency can be measured; theoretical or maximum efficiency cannot GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 4 UNIT COST COMPARISONS Flight Flight Costs Costs Peer Groups SDP/Service SDP/Service Same Over Time SDP/Service SDP/Service Costs Costs Peer Groups SDP SDP Costs Costs Absolute efficiency measures are difficult; but relative productive efficiency can and should be measured GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 5 ALTERNATIVE ATS SDP COST ASSIGNMENTS CAS Element Labor Non-Labor ATC Systems Command Center Contract Weather Contract Weather Observations AT Operations Direct User Access Contract Training Academy Training Medical Security Workers' Compensation SSC Labor SMO Labor Accruals and Adjustments Non-Labor National Network Control Center Atlantic Operations Control Center Mid-States Operations Control Center Pacific Operations Control Center AF Operations Telecommunications Flight Inspaction Utilities Maintenance Contracts Logistics Academy Training Workers' Compensation SMP/Compliance ATS Regional ATS Headquarters Overhead FAA Regional FAA Headquarters Acquisition Capital Implementation Depreciation RE&D Other Gain/Loss Accrued Liabilities GRA, Incorporated SDP Nature direct direct indirect direct direct direct direct direct direct direct indirect direct indirect direct direct indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect direct direct indirect direct direct indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect indirect direct indirect indirect indirect Variability Function variable variable fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed variable variable variable variable fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed variable variable fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed fixed operating administration management operating operating operating training training administration facilities administration maintenance maintenance maintenance maintenance operating management management management facilities maintenance facilities maintenance maintenance training administration facilities administration administration executive executive facilities facilities facilities facilities administration administration January 29, 2004 6 MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS Be Flexible: Understand how choice of measures affects results 4Relative ranking of en route facilities differs when unit costs measured by time, distance or units 4Controllable costs 4Allocated costs Align Activity and Cost Data 4Service distinctions 4 Terminal radar vs. tower 4Multiple activity measures 4 ETMS 4 ATADS 4 OAG 4 HAME 4Cost data support monthly measurement A Need to Get Started 4Need agreed-on source data and measures of ATO output 4Relative measures need history 4Data will not improve unless used GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 7 EN ROUTE TOTAL COSTS AND OPERATIONS (MONTHLY) En Route Centers Appear to Have a Large Fixed Cost Component $16,000,000 TOTCOST $14,000,000 Average Total Cost ($62.62/operation) Linear (TOTCOST) A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL Total Cost $12,000,000 $10,000,000 y = 5,153,922 + 34.56x $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $- 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Number of Operations Excludes ZAN GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 8 COMPARISON OF EN ROUTE UNIT COSTS PER ACTIVITY Relative Ranking of Centers Varies with Measure of Unit Cost 180 A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL Normalized Cost Per Hour 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 Normalized TCOST_OP Normalized TCOST_HR 20 Normalized TCOST_MI 0 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Number of Operations Excludes ZAN Costs normalized based on facility with median number of operations: unit cost = 100 GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 9 MONTHLY AF OPS AND AT OPS COSTS AT EN ROUTE CENTERS BY OPERATIONS Air Traffic Operations Costs Vary with Activity, While Airway Facility Operations Costs Do Not $10,000 Total Cost Per Month ($000) A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL $9,000 AT Ops $8,000 AF Ops $7,000 Linear (AT Ops) $6,000 Linear (AF Ops) $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $- 25,000 75,000 125,000 175,000 225,000 275,000 Number of Operations Excludes ZAN GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 10 EN ROUTE UNIT COSTS FOR AT OPS AND AF OPS Cost Per Operation for AT Ops and AF Ops A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL 45 Cost per Operation 40 R2 = 0.2244 35 30 R2 = 0.8645 25 20 15 AT Ops 10 AF Ops Linear (AT Ops) 5 Log. (AF Ops) 0 25,000 Excludes ZAN GRA, Incorporated 75,000 125,000 175,000 225,000 275,000 Number of Operations January 29, 2004 11 THE FLIGHT IS THE MEASURE OF CONSUMPTION Per Flight Measures Terminal Approach En Route En Route En Route ATCT Control User type Flight type Aircraft type Average load Terminal ATCT Segment passengers Segment yield curves Segment aircraft operating costs } Segment aviation tax rates* } Flight distance Flight time Segment revenues User Costs User Taxes SDP activity measures (flights, miles, time) ATO Costs ATO unit costs by SDP Total SDP costs/activity Per SDP Measures GRA, Incorporated Taxes applied to individual flights: passenger segment and ticket tax; international departures and arrival taxes; freight waybill taxes and aviation fuel taxes January 29, 2004 12 AGGREGATION MEASURES FOR FLIGHTS Origin Destination Airport Pair City Pair Airline flight profitability Market Area Domestic International Geographic 4 Northeast Æ Florida Airline system profitability 4 Transcon 4 Intra West Coast 4 Etc. GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 13 SUMMARY ECONOMIC MEASURES A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL Monthly Estimates Flights ATO Costs Terminal Enroute User Costs User Revenues User Taxes Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0 - 300 669,592 $182 $86 $96 $1,189 $2,159 $187 Average per Flight by Flight Distance in Nautical Miles 301 - 700 701 - 1,500 1,501 - 2,500 2,501 + 458,406 250,374 67,761 44,133 $264 $368 $528 $375 $101 $110 $111 $63 $163 $258 $417 $312 $3,086 $7,001 $15,073 $50,587 $6,262 $13,811 $26,924 $94,536 $580 $1,323 $2,449 $10,111 Total 1,490,266 $260 $95 $165 $4,843 $9,240 $895 ATO costs include only CAS costs distributed to en route, oceanic and terminal SDPs. En route costs include oceanic costs. User costs include only aircraft operating costs including ownership; calculated per flight hour. For general aviation, military and other, user revenues set equal to user costs. Includes all user taxes which support more than air traffic programs. GRA, Incorporated January 29, 2004 14 ATS* AND USER COSTS PER FLIGHT BY DISTANCE User Type 0-300 301-700 701-1,500 1,501-2,500 2,501 + All ATO Costs Per Flight $182 $264 $368 $528 $375 $260 User Costs Per Flight $1,189 $3,086 $7,001 $15,074 $50,587 $4,843 ATO Costs as 15.3% 8.6% 5.3% 3.5% 0.7% 5.4% Percent of User Costs Based on CAS costs assigned to ATO SDP's; user costs represent total aircraft operating costs; flights greater than 2,500 miles generally are international and use oceanic airspace and only one terminal activity in U.S. A T A D E V I T A R T S U L IL 18 16 15.3 ATO Percent of User Costs 14 Percent 12 10 8.6 8 5.3 6 All 5.4 3.5 4 2 0.7 0 0 - 300 301 - 700 701 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,500 2,501 + Distance Blocks GRA, Incorporated *Costs for Air Traffic Organization based on FAA CAS January 29, 2004 15 HOW TO USE ATO Must Understand Its Business 4Who uses services? 4What do they cost? 4Components of cost 4Cost drivers Agree on Measure(s) of ATO Service Outputs 4Source data 4Measure(s) 4 Distance 4 Time 4 Activity Align CAS with ATO 4Fold ARA into ATO 4System operations LOB 4Technical operations LOB 4Update other service delivery LOBs GRA, Incorporated Identify Cost Variances 4Aggregate 4By CAS category Understand Trades 4Cost-quality 4Investment-operating Build Analytic Capability 4Cost and activity data 4Distribute all costs to SDPs 4Projected costs 4User taxes attributable to ATO Build Cost Ethos in ATO 4Cost trends 4ATO cost/user cost relationships January 29, 2004 16