NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Quantifying and Reducing Demand Uncertainty in Ground Delay Programs Michael O. Ball Thomas Vossen University of Maryland NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Ground Delay Program (GDP) delayed departures delayed departures delayed arrivals/ no airborne holding delayed departures NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR Measuring Quality of GDP NEXTOR Planning and Execution origin airports reduced arrival capacity (stochastic) destination airport throughput into airport airborne queue airborne delay ground delay NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Uncertainty in Arrival Stream slots w multiple flights destination airport airborne queue open slots Sources of uncertainty: cancellations, pop-ups, drift flights Shift in Distribution of Cancellation NEXTOR Notification Time NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR with CDM ave = 44 w/o CDM ave = - 49 Notification time given in minutes before OETD (Original Estimated Time of Departure) Airport = SFO NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR Effects of Compression NEXTOR Algorithm AAL owns but cannot use destination airport airborne queue AAL and UAL swap slots AAL moves flight up Net effect: ¥ win-win for airlines ¥ slots that may have gone unfilled are used flights NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Questions ¥ What is cost of various forms of uncertainty and what is value of reducing that uncertainty? ¥ What is extent and nature of benefits of compression? ¥ Can any changes in approach to planning and controlling GDPs better deal with uncertainty? NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR Planned vs Actual Airport Acceptance Rate AAR: airport acceptanc e rate — rate at which flights landtaairport NEXTOR flights Planned AAR (PAAR) queue destination airport Actual AAR In order to fully utilize arrival capacity, a queue must be maintained to keep the pressure on the airport This is done by regulating the value of the PAAR NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Models ¥ Integer Program —considers only flight cancellations —variables: PAAR in each time period, Pr{k flights in airborne queue at end of period i} —obj fcn: min total exp airborne delay —inputs: flight cancellation prob, overall slot utilization, AAR ¥ Simulation —Considers cancellations, pop-ups, drift NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Airborne Delayvs CancellationProb (IP Model) Exp Num of Open Slots in Program Per-Flight Air-Borne Delay(in min) 8 6 4.5 4 5 2 6 0 7 0 0.1 0.2 Cancellation Probability 0.3 NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR Marginal Effects of Uncertainty NEXTOR in Presence of Cancellations, Pop-ups, Drift (Sim Model) (minutes/flt) Airborne Holding Effect of Cancellation Probability (lambda = 20, drift = [-5,15]) 20 15 10 5 0 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.125 0.15 0.175 Cancellation Probability Utilization = 0.97 Utilization = 0.96 Utilization = 0.95 Utilization = 0.94 0.2 Marginal Effects of Uncertainty in Presence of Cancellations, NEXTOR Pop-ups Drift NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR (Sim Model) (minutes/flt) Airborne Holding Effect of Drift (p_cnx = 0.1, lambda = 20) 30 20 10 0 [-15,25] [-10,20] [-5,15] [-2.5,7.5] Drift Utilization = 0.97 Utilization = 0.96 Utilization = 0.95 Utilization = 0.98 [-1,4] NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR Prelude to Understanding Compression Impact: Delay vs Arrival Times scheduled departure times departure times ground delay NEXTOR arrival times airborne delay Delay(f) = arr_time(f) —sched_arr_time(f) Delay(f) = arr_time(f) —sched_dep_time(f) — dir_en_route_ time(f) Tot_delay = Σarr_time(f) —Σsched_dep_time(f) —Σdir_en_route_time(f) Ł As long as the overall set of arrival times (arrival slots used) remains the same total delay remains the same NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Compression Benefits Compression has filled in holes in the PAAR which has reduced the amount of assigned ground delay Possible system effects: ¥ Holes in AAR have been filled in and total delay has been reduced ¥ There were no holes in AAR so reduced ground delay has been replaced by airborne delay ¥ Uncertainty in the arrival stream has been reduced enabling a reduction in the PAAR required to achieve a given AAR and a reduction in overall airborne delay NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Change in PAAR Policy?? 40 35 PAAR during 1800 Z 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 begin CDM 100 150 200 250 GDP Days 97-99 at SFO 300 350 NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Typical PAARs Used Today PAAR 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 1 2 Time Period (hour) 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NATIONAL CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR NEXTOR Sample PAARs Recommended by IP Mode l PAAR 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 1 2 Time Period (hour) 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7