Outline Ontology Debugging l —— Debugging Semantic Defects l Background Explanations for the Semantic Defects Unsatisfiable Concepts & Incoherent Ontologies Inconsistent Ontologies l l Zlatan Dragisic and Qiang Liu l l Linköpings universitet, Sweden l l 1 Ontologies based on DL l l l Repairing the Unsatisfiable Concepts l Diagnosis l Pinpointing l Hitting sets with axiom ranking Summary l Concepts: C ⊑ D, C ≡ D Roles: hasMember l 2 OWL ontology maps to DL knowledge base OWL DL – based on SHOIN(D) (ALC + transitive roles, ABox – assertion component l l l Glass-box approach Black-box approach OWL DL TBox – terminological axioms l Find the Explanations for the Unsatisfiable Concepts Ontologies and Ontology Engineering, VT 2011 Individuals: C(a), D(b), R(a, b) →S role hierarchies, →H nominals, →O inverse roles, →I number restrictions) →N Knowledge base: data type properties, data values or data types →(D) 3 4 Semantic defects Ontology defects Three main categories of defects: l Syntactic defects l Semantic defects l Modeling defects l Contradictions in TBox l Contradictions in ABox l l 5 Unsatisfiable concepts & incoherent ontologies Inconsistent ontologies 6 1 Unsatisfiable concepts Inconsistent Ontologies A concept is unsatisfiable iff AI= ∅ l for all models I of the ontology Unsatisfiable concepts can not have any individuals Ontology is incoherent if has an unsatisfiable concept l l An ontology is inconsistent if it has no models Contradiction in the ABox l Animal ⊓ CanFly ¬ l Bird Eagle Animal ⊓ ¬ Bird Eagle ⊓ CanFly ⊓ Penguin Penguin Pingu 7 Outline 8 Example : an Incoherent Ontology Background Explanations for the Semantic Defects l l l l Unsatisfiable Concepts & Incoherent Ontologies Inconsistent Ontologies Find the Explanations for the Unsatisfiable Concepts l l l Glass-box approach Black-box approach Repairing the Unsatisfiable Concepts l l l l DL Reasoner Diagnosis Pinpointing Hitting sets with axiom ranking Summary l What are the root causes of these defects? 10 9 Minimal Unsatisfiability Preserving Sub-TBoxes (MUPS) Explain the Semantic Defects l We need to identify the sets of axioms which are necessary for causing the logic contradictions. l For example, for the unsatisfiable concept “A1”, there are two (and only two) sets of axioms rendering A1 = ⊥ l The MUPS of an unsatisfiable concept implies the solutions for repairing. 11 Remove at least one axiom from each axiom set in the MUPS 12 2 Minimal Incoherence Preserving Sub-TBox (MIPS) Example l l For all the unsatisfiable concepts in the ontology, we have Possible ways of repairing all the unsatisfiable concepts in the ontology: How to represent all these possibilities? 13 14 Minimal Inconsistent Preserving Sub-Ontologies (MISO) Example : an Inconsistent Ontology DL Reasoner 15 Outline l l l l Unsatisfiable Concepts & Incoherent Ontologies l Inconsistent Ontologies Find the Explanations for the Unsatisfiable Concepts l l The Example Seen Before Background Explanations for the Semantic Defects l l 16 DL Reasoner Glass-box approach Black-box approach Repairing the Unsatisfiable Concepts l Diagnosis l Pinpointing l Hitting sets with axiom ranking Summary 17 How to make the program to find MUPS?18 3 Glass-box Approach l Glass-box Approach l By modifying the internals of a DL reasoner for extract and reveal the cause for unsatisfiability. Phase 1 : Clash detection procedure l DL Reasoner l l It gives explanation to why the error occurs. l Use tableaux algorithm by applying transformation rules to individuals in the ontology until no more rules are applicable or an individual has a clash. e.g. find out the axioms in the ontology responsible for the logic contradictions. l For example, an individual belongs to a concept and its complement. Phase 2 : Tableaux trace procedure l Trace back to find the source axioms supporting the clash and determine the minimal sets of support (i.e. MUPS). 19 Glass-box Approach l l Black-box Approach Advantage l 20 l By tightly integrating the debugging with the reasoning procedure, precise results can be obtained. By using DL reasoner as an oracle for a certain set of questions (standard inferences such as satisfiability, subsumption, etc.) Disadvantage l The reasoner needs to maintain extra data structures to track the source and its dependencies, which introduces additional memory and computation consumption. DL Reasoner l Give explanation to the dependencies between unsatisfiable concepts. l i.e. distinguish root from derived unsatisfiable concepts. 21 Black-box Approach Black-box Approach l Dependency detection algorithm l 22 l For each unsatisfiable concept in the ontology, the algorithm returns all its parent dependency unsatisfiable concepts along with the corresponding axioms that link this concept to the parent. Advantage l l l Disadvantage l 23 Reasoner independence, i.e., you do not need a specialized, explanation generating reasoner. Avoid the performance penalty (memory consumption) of glass box techniques. Since it does not follow the standard reasoning procedure, the results are sound but not complete. 24 4 Diagnosis Outline l l Background Explanations for the Semantic Defects Unsatisfiable Concepts & Incoherent Ontologies Inconsistent Ontologies l l l Glass-box approach Black-box approach l l System represented as the set (SD, COMP) l SD – system description l COMP – set of system components Example Repairing the Unsatisfiable Concepts Diagnosis Pinpointing Hitting sets with axiom ranking l l l l Generic method – applicable to a number of domains Find the Explanations for the Unsatisfiable Concepts l l l Summary l SD l COMP – ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6 , ax7 25 Diagnosis l Diagnosis Observations made about the system – set OBS l 26 Naïve approach: Example: A1, A3, A6, A7 – are unsatisfiable Generate subsets ∆ of COMP and check for consistency of l Problem: complexity Diagnoses for our example: {ax1, ax4}, {ax1, ax5, ax7}, {ax2, ax4},… 27 Conflict sets and hitting sets 28 Hitting set example Conflict sets for our example: {ax1, ax2}, {ax3, ax4, ax5}, {ax4, ax7} Conflict sets for our example: {ax1, ax2}, {ax3, ax4, ax5}, {ax4, ax7} 29 30 5 Pinpointing Diagnosis with hitting sets still computationaly too expensive – NP complete Compute set of axioms which need to be removed/fixed l l l Algorithm: 1. Find unsatisfiable concepts 2. Search for MUPS for unsatisfiable concepts 3. Calculate MIPS from MUPS 4. Calculate the pinpoint from MIPS 5. Remove axioms in the pinpoint from the ontology How to find conflict sets? Compute all refutations of Record the AB instances entering the refutation is set of of AB instances used in the refutation then If does not have to be minimal is a conflict set. 31 Pinpointing 1. 32 Pinpointing Find unsatisfiable concepts 2. 3. Search for MUPS for unsatisfiable concepts Calculate MIPS from MUPS 33 Pinpointing 4. 5. 34 Hitting set with axiom ranking Calculate the pinpoint from MIPSs Remove axioms in pinpoint from the ontology l l To do this we need to calculate cores. Cores are sets of axioms occuring in several incoherent TBoxes. Core arity – number of incoherent TBoxes an axiom appears in Core size – number of axioms in the core l Hitting sets generated from MUPS Ranking criteria introduced into the algorithm Optimality based on minimal path rank We are interested in cores of maximal arity (and size) 35 36 6 Axiom Ranking strategies Hitting set with axiom ranking Ranking based on: l Impact analysis l l l User test cases Provenance information regarding change Syntactic relevance Further improvements Focus on root unsatisfiable concepts l 37 Summary Outline l l Background Explanations for the Semantic Defects l l l l l l l l In this presentation, we introduced the existing research work on ontology debugging, focusing on one kind of ontological defects —— semantic defects. l We reviewed different kinds of semantic defects and explanations for these semantic defects. l We reviewed the ontology debugging techniques for Glass-box approach Black-box approach Repairing the Unsatisfiable Concepts l l Unsatisfiable Concepts & Incoherent Ontologies Inconsistent Ontologies Find the Explanations for the Unsatisfiable Concepts l 38 Diagnosis Pinpointing Hitting sets with axiom ranking l l Finding explanations for the unsatisfiable concepts Repairing the unsatisfiable concepts Summary 39 40 References [1] Schlobach S, Debugging and semantic clarification by pinpointing, Proceedings of the 2nd European Semantic Web Conference - ESWC05, LNCS 3532, 226-240, 2005. 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