24.961 Problem Set Selayarese is an Austronesian language spoken by some 100,000 persons on the island of Selayar, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. [1] The following is a sample of data from this language. Make a table of the consonants and vowels. Are there positional limitations on the distribution of the consonants? What generalizations can be made about the gross prosodic (syllabic) shape of the words? Stress (indicated by acute accent) and vowel length (indicated by colon) are predictable. Formulate the rules to assign these features. Must they be ordered? [Note: our transcriptions abstract away from rules nasalizing vowels after a nasal consonant and the laxing of mid vowels; j is a voiced palatal affricate; mb, nd, and Ng are prenasalized stops. ] be@nte ba@˘tu ta@˘ma ¯a@˘maN pi@˘so bu@˘laN /ande@Nka sa@ssa/ ka/mu@˘ru kaliha@˘ra po@˘ke go@˘lo/ se@/la je@/ne/ bo@˘mbaN ha@˘taN popcorn rock come in delicious knife moon, month throw lizard nose ant spear dagger salt water wave difficult sa@˘po tu@˘nu Na@˘seN pu@˘la la@mpa kati@ntiN siku@˘ra to@˘ndo/ piha@˘li karu@˘a ka@nre pu@˘e/ sampu@˘lo da@˘re/ bo@mbaN ru@˘a house burn all island go thorn how many/ fence answer eight food grandfather ten monkey bamboo skin two [2] The stress of the following words is superficially anomalous.What other generalizations can be made about these words compared to those in [1]? Does this suggest a possible analysis to regularize their stress? Formulate any rules and indicate any crucial ordering restrictions. la@Nkasa tall mi@ntara tomorrow da@˘tala ha@llasa tu@˘lusu ka@˘tala la@mbere pursue suffer go straight itch long si@Nkulu salu@˘ara maNka@˘sara kasi@ssili be@˘rasa elbow pants macassar mosquito rice 1 ra@mmasa pa@/risi dirty painful su@ssulu burn tu@˘lisi ki@˘kiri sa@˘Ngara write metal file fry [3] The following words contain the locative suffix –aN, the transitivizing –i and the comparative –aN. How do these data bear on the analysis of the anomalous stress? la@mbere lambe@˘raN long longer cf. lo˘@he lohe˘@aN many more lu˘@ara lua˘@raN wide wider cf. pa@/ja pa/ja@˘/aN salty saltier ha@llasa halla˘@si suffer make suffer cf. ru@ppa ruppa@˘i face, meet confront cf. ti@nro patinro@˘aN sleep bedroom a/bo@˘toro gamble pa/boto@˘raN casino [4] Selayarese has many loanwords from Bahasa Indonesian. What bearing do the words below have on the analysis? BI bo@tol a@rus se@nter k´la@s b´ra@s ka@bal ki@kir ki@pas Sel bo@˘tolo a@˘rusu se@ntere ka@˘lasa be@˘rasa ka@˘bala ki@˘kiri ki@˘pasa bottle current flashlight class rice cable metal file fan [5] What does your analysis predict for the stress in the following loanwords? If necessary, revise your analysis. What is problematic about these data? ka@rtu su@rga ba@kri kara@˘tu suru@˘ga baka@˘ri card heaven personal name 2 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 24.961 Introduction to Phonology Fall 2014 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.