INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH Maternal and newborn care practices among disabled women Aman Sen, Joanna Morrison, JF Trani, Dhruba Adhikari, Kirti Tumbahangphe ,Tim Colbourn, Bharat Budhathoki, Machhindra Basnet, DS Manandhar, Anthony Costello, Nora Groce Any Disability Disability Frequency Percentage Not Disabled 9,757 71.29 Disability 3,930 28.71 Identification of Severity of Disability Answered 1 2 2 if Woman 3 3 4 Times In every question 1 to 3 times more than 3 times 1 to 3 times more than 3 times 1 or more Categories Non Disabled Mild Disabled Severe Disabled Very Severe Disabled We have used "Washington Group on Disability Statistics" as reference to identify the Severity of Disability Severity of Disability Severity not disabled Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe Total Frequecy 9,757 1,786 1,338 616 190 13,687 Percent 71.29 13.05 9.78 4.50 1.39 100.00 Type of disability of women in rural Nepal (total represents the 28.7% of all women surveyed who were found to have some disability) Physical/mob ility Sensory 8% 27% 19% Learning/Inte llectual Behavioural/ psychological Social 3% Epilepsy 1% 13% Multiple 29% Association of Severity of disability with schooling of Women schooling Coef. Mild -.0446003 Moderate -.1167116 Severe -.1975358 More Severe -.1704682 _cons .5546787 Disability Std. Err. t P>t .0218222 .0247181 .0352242 .0621081 .0085838 -2.04 -4.72 -5.61 -2.74 64.62 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 95% Conf. Interval -.0873747 -.1651624 -.2665801 -.2922086 .5378533 -.0018259 -.0682607 -.1284916 -.0487277 .5715041 All categories of level of severity have significantly less schooling than non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Age of Women Types Obs Mean Age Not disable 9757 31.28451 Mild 1786 Moderate 1338 33.66667 Severe 616 33.81981 Very Severe 190 33.71053 33.61142 severity Coef. Std. Err. t P>t 95% Conf. Interval age .0175958 .0011168 15.76 0.000 .0154068 .0197849 _cons .9540309 .0365779 26.08 0.000 .8823332 1.025729 As should be expected as women get more older likely to be disabled and Age of women is significantly associated with having more severe disability: per year of age Severity of disability association with Parity Type Not Disabled Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe Obs 9757 1786 1338 616 190 Mean 3.27734 3.82587 3.82437 3.96753 3.47368 Severity Coef. Std. Err. t P>t [95% Conf. Interval] Mild .5485285 .0576092 9.52 0.000 .4356065 .6614505 Moderate .5470254 .0652543 8.38 0.000 .419118 .6749327 Severe .6901931 .0929898 7.42 0.000 .5079204 .8724658 Very Severe .1963449 .1639618 1.20 0.231 -.1250427 .5177325 _cons 3.277339 .0226607 144.63 0.000 3.232921 3.321757 Women with mild , moderate and severe disability have higher parity on average Association between severity of disability and any ANC receive Any ANC not disabled No 3,998 40.98 Yes 5,759 59.02 Severity Mild Moderate Severe Very severe _cons Odds Ratio 1.092343 1.316309 1.037111 1.088233 1.44047 Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe 694 462 247 74 38.86 34.53 40.1 38.95 1,092 876 369 116 61.14 65.47 59.9 61.05 Std. Err. .0575991 .08039 .087894 .1634451 .0296529 z 1.68 4.50 0.43 0.56 17.73 P>z 0.094 0.000 0.667 0.573 0.000 [95% Conf. .9850882 1.167812 .8783887 .8107321 1.383508 Total 5,475 40 8,212 60 Interval] 1.211275 1.483688 1.224513 1.460719 1.499777 All the levels of severity of disability have higher percentage of ANC intake but women with moderate disability had significantly higher ANC intake than non- disabled Association of Severity of Disability and Institutional Delivery Institutional delivery No Yes Severity not disabled 8,465 86.76 1,292 13.24 Mild Moderate 1,510 1,153 84.6 86.17 276 185 15.5 13.83 Severe 536 87.01 80 12.99 Very Severe 160 84.21 30 15.79 Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] Mild 1.197558 .0861707 2.51 0.012 1.040035 1.378939 Moderate 1.051252 .0889836 0.59 0.555 .8905465 1.240958 Severe .9778892 .1207913 -0.18 0.856 .7676215 1.245754 Very Severe 1.228473 .2471506 1.02 0.306 .8281645 1.822279 _cons .1526285 .0045588 -62.93 0.000 .1439499 .1618302 Women with mild disability more likely to deliver in a health facility than non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Discarding Colostrum Discard colostrum No Yes not disabled 6,561 67.24 2,899 29.71 Odds Ratio Std. Err. Mild 0.900176 Moderate Mild Moderate 1,242 871 69.54 65.1 494 435 27.66 32.51 Very Severe 120 63.16 60 31.58 P>z [95% Conf. Interval] 0.051921 -1.82 0.068 0.803954 1.007913 1.130298 0.070987 1.95 0.051 0.999388 1.278355 1.23824 0.110056 2.4 0.016 1.040277 1.473874 Very severe 1.131597 0.180692 0.77 0.439 0.827509 1.547429 _cons 0.441853 0.009854 0.422956 0.461595 severity Severe z Severe 382 62.01 209 33.93 -36.62 0 Women with severely disabled slightly more likely to discard colostrum than non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Initiation to breastfeed Obs 9527 1745 1313 596 183 Initiation to breastfeed Not disabled Mild Moderate Severe Very severe Severity Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe _cons Coef. -21.94063 25.27909 44.97683 183.7674 322.7681 Std. Err. 27.8228 31.4543 45.1159 79.7411 10.9471 t -0.79 0.8 1 2.3 29.48 P>t 0.43 0.422 0.319 0.021 0 Mean 322.7681 300.8275 348.0472 367.745 506.5355 [95% Conf. -76.47726 -36.37585 -43.45672 27.46355 301.3103 Interval] 32.596 86.934 133.41 340.071 344.226 Women with very severely disabled took longer time to initiate breast-feeding than non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Bathtime Severity Not disabled Mild Moderate Severe Very severe Severity Obs 9574 1759 1319 600 186 Mean 889.649 916.0284 845.1948 803.0617 939.7312 Coef. Std. Err. t P>t 26.3794 44.4542 86.5874 56.6241 0.47 0.641 64.10813 -0.69 0.488 91.86118 -0.94 0.346 Very Severe 50.0821 _cons 889.649 161.5959 22.30806 0.31 39.88 0.757 0 Mild Moderate Severe [95% Conf. Interval] 137.370 -84.61182 6 81.2067 -170.1152 5 93.4734 -266.6482 5 366.832 -266.6685 7 845.9221 933.376 no significant differences in time to bathing in each of the 4 disabled categories compared to non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Used Delivery Kit Used Delivery kit No Yes Severity Not disabled 4,574 46.88 1,593 16.33 Mild 934 52.3 301 16.85 Moderate 672 50.22 221 16.52 Severe 298 48.38 79 12.82 Very Seve 91 47.89 35 18.42 Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval] Mild Moderate 0.925337 0.944286 0.06698 0.07821 -1.07 -0.69 0.284 0.489 0.8029481 0.8027972 1.066381 1.110711 Severe 0.761187 0.09884 -2.1 0.036 0.5901536 0.981787 Very Severe 1.104351 0.22199 0.49 0.621 0.7447375 1.637611 _cons 0.348273 0.01013 -36.26 0 0.3289698 0.368709 significantly less of the severely disabled women used a clean delivery kit than non-disabled women Assets Quintile (2nd phase only) Assets quintile poorest second middle next-rich rich Severity Mild Moderate Severe Very severe _cons Not disabled 1,211 12.41 3,166 32.45 920 9.43 394 4.04 144 1.48 Coef. 0.12405 0.06908 -0.13874 -0.10096 1.159212 Mild 141 7.89 506 28.33 184 10.3 82 4.59 19 1.06 Std. Err. 0.031942 0.035901 0.050378 0.090005 0.011854 Moderate 133 9.94 370 27.65 142 10.61 53 3.96 16 1.2 t 3.88 1.92 -2.75 -1.12 97.79 P>t 0.000 0.054 0.006 0.262 0 Severe 77 12.5 202 32.79 46 7.47 13 2.11 4 0.65 [95% Conf. 0.0614363 -0.0012954 -0.2374982 -0.2773931 1.135975 Very Severe 27 14.21 54 28.42 13 6.84 7 3.68 2 1.05 Interval] 0.186664 0.1394547 -0.03999 0.0754746 1.182449 Women with severe disabled are slightly more likely to be poorer than the non-disabled Association of Severity of disability and Neonatal Death Neonatal Death No Yes Severity Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe _cons Not disabled 9,400 96.34 214 2.19 Odds Ratio 1.04402 0.8109274 1.193215 2.233486 0.022766 Std. Err. 0.180072 0.176207 0.31338 0.778652 0.001574 Mild 1,725 96.58 41 2.3 Moderate 1,300 97.16 24 1.79 z 0.25 -0.96 0.67 2.3 -54.71 P>z 0.803 0.335 0.501 0.021 0 Severe 589 95.62 16 2.6 [95% Conf. 0.74455 0.5296926 0.7131216 1.127801 0.0198811 Very Severe 177 93.16 9 4.74 Interval] 1.463942 1.241481 1.996521 4.423177 0.026069 Women with very severe disabled have a higher neonatal mortality rate than the non-disabled but numbers of neonatal death are very small Association of Severity of disability and Stillbirth Stillbirth No Yes Severity Mild Moderate Severe Very Severe _cons Not disabled 9,614 98.53 143 1.47 Odds Ratio 0.7613904 0.7108996 1.222378 1.445835 0.0148741 Mild 1,766 98.88 20 1.12 Std. Err. 0.182834 0.200167 0.38589 0.74073 0.001253 Moderate 1,324 98.95 14 1.05 z -1.14 -1.21 0.64 0.72 -49.95 P>z 0.256 0.226 0.525 0.472 0 Severe 605 98.21 11 1.79 Very Severe 186 97.89 4 2.11 [95% Conf. 0.4755617 0.4093894 0.6584021 0.5297019 0.0126102 Interval] 1.219012 1.234468 2.269445 3.946444 0.017545 Stillbirth rate is higher in very severely disabled and severely disabled women than the other categories but not statistically significant Other findings • Women with Sensory disability less likely to receive ANC • Women with Physical and Behavioral disability more likely to deliver baby at health facility • Women with multiple disability more likely to discard colostrum and more likely to take longer to initiate for breastfeeding than non disabled women Thank you