Applica'on of 'me series and spectral methods in Solar & Astrophysics Ding Yuan Email: Centre for mathema'cal Plasma Astrophysics Department of Mathema'cs Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) Celes'jnenlaan 200B, bus 2400 B-­‐3001 Leuven, Belgium Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Content • • • • • • • • • Fundamentals of sta's'cs Pre-­‐processing methods Fourier transform Windowed Fourier transform Wavelet Periodogram Date-­‐compensated Discrete Fourier transform Filtering method: 'me and spectral domain Significance tests and noise analysis Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Fundamental of Sta's'cs y = {y1, y2 ,..., yN } y j = x j + s j , where x is a signal and s is a random noise E[y] = E[x] = E[s] = 0; Var[x] = σ 2x ; Var[s] = σ 2s Var[y] = E[y 2 ] − (E[y])2 = E[x 2 ] + E[2xs] + E[s 2 ] − (E[x])2 = Var[x] + E[2xs] + E[s 2 ] = σ 2x + σ 2s (error propagation) E[(s / σ s )2 ] = E[ χ 12] =1, χ 12 is a χ 2 -distribution with 1-degree of freedom E[2xs] ≈ 0 by assuming s are independent. Dr. D. Yx uan, and KU Leuven Time series: sunspot cycle @Courtesy of NASA Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Time series: sunspot waves ysical Journal, 792:41 (7pp), 2014 September 1 Time series (20 points detrending) (a) UF1 (b) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 10 Frequency (mHz) Relative Intensity 0.4 Yua 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Norm. Counts (d) (c) 8 6 4 2 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Norm. Power Baseline-ratio intensity variation of a pixel taken at U1. The red curve is a single harmonic fit to the time series. Other panels are (b) the histo ) the Morlet wavelet spectrum, and (d) the periodogram. on of this figure is available in the online journal.) Yuan et al 2014, ApJ 792 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Time series: flare pulsa'ons Anfinogentov et al. d with amped 2002). n et al. xcited of the 2 140 ∆U Magnitude 120 100 intensity 2007). dment emonypical with a recipiis pronamic ectron roduce mission 80 60 6 4 2 0 40 0 2 4 6 hours from the flare peak 20 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 hours from the flare peak 2.0 Figure 1. The U-band light curve of the YZ CMi megaflare observed on 2009 Anfinogentov et al. 2013 ApJ 773 January 16 (inset). An expanded version of the light curve (black dots) during the decay phase appears in the main solid line shows the least-squares Dr. figure. D. Yuan, KThe U Leuven approximation of the long-term component of the flare profile. Time series: MHD waves T. J. Wang et al.: Propagating low-frequency slow magnetoacoustic w Doppler shift Relative intensity !! Wang et al. 21 009 &A 03 Lprofiles 25 of Fig. 3. Wavelet analysis for oscillation at y = A 150 . a)5Time Doppler shift and relative intensity. Here positive values for the Doppler Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven shift represent the blueshifted emission. b) The wavelet power spectrum D Fig. 4. Wavelet analys are same as in Fig. 3. A raw 'me series 1. Check for faulty data: missing points (zero or interpola'on), outliers 2. Data metrics: uniform or uneven 'me series, mean, variance, histogram. 3. Detrending: moving average, polynomial (exponen'al, linear) fit, running difference. Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven A27 (2010) Outliers (spikes) Type-­‐I outlier: removal by thresholding Chorley 2010 A&A 513 Type-­‐II: jump of mean value Removal by thresholding in deriva've Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven o. 2, 2009 ULTRA-LONG-PERIOD OSCILLATIONS IN EUV FILAMENTS Detrending: polynomial fit (a) 160 (DN/s) 140 120 100 80 Period (hour) (c) 50 100 150 50 100 150 -0.0 -0.1 -0.1 0 10 95% 95% I/Io -1 60 0 (b) 0.1 0.0 100 0 50 100 Time (hour) Dr. D. 150 Yuan, KU Leuven EUV filament and the other i are related, we compare cha amplitudes of intensity varia dataet sets. is A presented Foullon al. This 2009 pJ 700 fo for Sequence 2, starting 2003 in Figure 5 for Sequence 1, sta by F04. In both figures, the where I is (a) the 12 minut intensity time series in the R CELIAS/SEM 304 Å flux (te first-order CELIAS/SEM 260 dominant periodicities detecte a 50 hr boxcar running average running average in Sequence 10–20 hr oscillations (Time = panel (a) despite the 50 hr box in panel (b). Nevertheless, there are inte time series appear similar, wit for a 4-day interval indicated respective power spectra are (c) and (d) below. As illustrat Detrending: exponen'al fit Anfinogentov et al. ∆U Magnitude 120 100 80 60 4 20 2 10 0 40 The Astrophysical Journal, 773:156 (5pp), 2013 August 20 6 intensity 140 0 2 4 6 hours from the flare peak 0 −10 20 −20 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 hours from the flare peak 2.0 ure 1. The U-band light curve of the YZ CMi megaflare observed on 2009 ary 16 (inset). An expanded version of the light curve (black dots) during the y phase appears in the main figure. The solid line shows the least-squares oximation of the long-term component of the flare profile. 60 30 60 90 minutes from the flare peak 120 Lomb−Scargle periodogram 50 power 0 0.0 Guessed function fitting 40 30 20 10 band emission was almost 6 mag brighter than the quiescent 0 e. As this was one of the longest and most-energetic flares 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 period, min r observed in white-light on an isolated low-mass star, it Figure 2. Upper panel: the short-term intensity variations (gray dots) extracted from the U-band light curve. The solid line shows the best Anfinogentov et of a32 l. 2013 Atime pJ of 746 73 labeled as a “megaflare.” The observations were acquired sinusoidal oscillation, with a period minutes and a damping minutes. Lower panel: the Lomb–Scargle periodogram horizontal dashed line shows the confidence level of 99.9%. h the New Mexico State University 1 m Telescope at the D. Ywas uan, KU Leuven ache Point Observatory, New Mexico, USA. TheDr. star I = 6.88. Subtracting the best-fit power-law function from the 0 Autocorrelat Uniform or non-­‐uniform data • Uniform data (or uniformly interpolated data): FFT, Windowed FFT, wavelet, etc. • Non-­‐uniform data: Periodogram, DCDFT, etc. • Short 'me series (a few oscilla'on cycles): Nonlinear fit (, hdps:// ~craigm/idl/figng.html), Op'miza'on methods (IDL rou', Bayesian inference (Marsh ApJ 2008, 681; Irregui, ApJ, 2011 740). Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven is used alternatively in the following text). The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) Yk = N −1 ! j −i2πk N yj e j=0 , k = 0, · · · , N − 1 # • DFT requires O(N"2) operations; 2 operations, while FFT com ation requires O N • FFT is an algorithm that compute accurate DFT with operations. (N O(NlogN) log N ) operations. Hence FFT is much fast • FFTPACK (Fortran), FFT (IDL), numpy.fft(Python) sufficiently small intervals, therefore • IDL and Fortran FFTfrequency comparison ( ~paulv/fft/fft_comparison.html) ith negligible errors. ram Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven #1: How to use FFT (IDL) Ø d: the vector of *me; Ø xx: the vector of variables Ø n=n_elements(xx); number of samples Ø d=d-­‐d[0] ; *me invariance Ø xx=xx-­‐mean(xx) ; remove mean value Ø dt=d[1:n-­‐1]-­‐d[0:n-­‐2] ; calculate cadence Ø dt_min=min(dt,max=dt_max) Ø '=0.5*(dt_min+dt_max); ensure uniform data Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven #2: How to use FFT (IDL) Ø temp = r(xx) ; calculate FFT Ø if n mod 2 eq 0 then begin ; even number Ø freq = findgen(n/2+1)/(n*') Ø pow_r = abs(temp[0:n/2])^2 Ø phase_r=atan(temp[0:n/2],/phase) Ø endif else begin ; odd number Ø freq=findgen((n+1)/2)/(n*') Ø pow_r=abs(temp[0:(n-­‐1)/2])^2 Ø phase_r=atan(temp[0:(n-­‐1)/2],/phase) Ø endelse Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven #3: How to use FFT (IDL) Ø norm=variance(xx)/float(N) Ø pow_r=pow_r/norm ; Normaliza'on Ø power=pow_r Ø fs=0.01 & Num=1000. Ø d=findgen(Num)*fs Ø xx=2*sin(2*!pi*15*d)-­‐cos(2*!pi*16*d) +sin(2*!pi*30*d) ; A 'me series of freq=[15, 16, 30] Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven #4: How to use FFT (IDL) Without normaliza'on Normalized Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Windowing • Problems in FFT: aliasing (discre'za'on), spectral leakage (finite 'me span) • Windowing -­‐> a) Select a desired range; b) Apply weights to the data; c) Reduce the noise Without normaliza'on Normalized by repe''ve measurements. • Harris, 1978 “On the use of windows for harmonic analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform” Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Windowing Without normaliza'on Normalized Harris, 1978 The selected sequence has to contain sufficient informa'on. Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven function over the signal in the time domain. The window function is only non-zero Windowed FFT (Short-­‐'me FFT) obtained. Mathematically, windowed Fourier transform Sliding DFT is expressed as, over a certain range in time and is padded with zero over most of time. Usually the non-zero part is moving (sliding) over time, therefore the dynamical spectra are Yk,m = N −1 " j=0 j yj wj−m e−i2πk N , k = 0, · · · , N − 1 = {Yk " Wk }(m), (1.89) (1.90) 1. WFFT dynamic ('me-­‐dependent) spectrum. where wj and rWeveals function and its Fourier transform, respectively, k are theawindow the convolution operation. Thereware a number of and (") iin (1.90) denotes 2. It s aEq. rbitrary to choose a proper window idth. normaliza'on Normalized commonlyWithout used window functions, i.e. a rectangle window, cosine bell window, 3. The spectral resolu'on depends on the window width. 4. Different windows produce slightly different spectra. 28 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Windowed FFT window width=1/8 'me span Ø xx=2*sin(2*!pi*15*d)-­‐cos(2*!pi*16*d)+sin(2*! pi*30*d) ; A 'me series of freq=[15, 16, 30] Without normaliza'on Normalized Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Windowed FFT window width=1/4 'me span Ø xx=2*sin(2*!pi*15*d)-­‐cos(2*!pi*16*d)+sin(2*! pi*30*d) ; A 'me series of freq=[15, 16, 30] Without normaliza'on Normalized Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Windowed FFT window width=1/2 'me span Ø xx=2*sin(2*!pi*15*d)-­‐cos(2*!pi*16*d)+sin(2*! pi*30*d) ; A 'me series of freq=[15, 16, 30] Without normaliza'on Normalized Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven , it is related to the Fourier period. Ψ is the normalised & Compo 1998, for details). It must have zero mean Wavelet Transform me and frequency spaces to be admissible as a wavelet ( j − h)δ t Wa v e l e t i s d e f i n e d a s t h e Wh (s) = ∑ y j Ψ [ ] convolution of a time series with a s is one of j=0 the most commonly usedmother mother function to scaled function Ψ. N −1 * N −1 Torrence & modulated Compo, A practical It consists of a* planeiωwave function by a h δ t k 1992): = ∑ Yk Ψ̂ (sω k )e guide to wavelet, BAMS 1998. k=0 Ψ0 (η) = π −1/4 iω0 η −η2 /2 e e , Ψ0 is the original mother function (1.92) mensional frequency that satisfies the admissibility con- er using larger ω0 was found to improve the spectral ood 2000). Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven wavelet analysis are taken from Farge (1992), Weng and Lau (1994), and Meyers et al. (1993). Each section is illustrated with examples using the Niño3 SST. smoothing) or a Gaussian window (Kaiser 1994). As discussed by Kaiser (1994), the WFT represents an inaccurate and inefficient method of time–frequency localization, as it imposes a scale or “response interval” T into the analysis. The inaccuracy arises from the aliasing of high- and low-frequency components that do not fall within the frequency range of the window. The inefficiency comes from the T/(2δt) frequencies, which must be fanalyzed at each Morlet mother unc'on is time step, regardless of the window size or the dominant frequenfrequently used in awindow nalyzing cies present. In addition, several lengths must usually be analyzed to determine the most approprioscillatory signals. ate choice. For analyses where a predetermined scal may not be appropriate because of a wide range ing ofTorrence dominant frequencies, a method of time–frequency & C ompo 1 998, BAMS localization that is scale independent, such as waverou'nes: letIDL analysis, should be employed. Mother func'on ψ (t / s) ^ ψ (s ω) a. Morlet 0.3 6 4 0.0 -0.3 -4 2 -2 0 2 4 b. Paul (m=4) 0.3 0 -2 -1 0 6 4 0.0 -0.3 -4 -2 0 2 4 c. DOG (m=2) 0.3 -1 0 -1 0 6 4 0.0 -0.3 -4 2 -2 0 2 4 0 -2 2 hdp:// 2 0 -2 1 b. Wavelet transform research/wavelets/ The wavelet transform can be used to analyze time series that contain nonstationary power at many dif1 2 Farge, 1992, Annu. Rev. Fluid ferent frequencies (Daubechies 1990). Assume that one has a time series, xn, with equal time spacing δt Mech. and n = 0 … N − 1. Also assume that one has a waveMoortel 2002 A&A 81, 311 letDe function, ψ0(η), that depends on a 3 nondimensional “time” parameter To be “admissible” wavelet, Sych 2008 ηS.ol. Phys. 248, as3a95 this function must have zero mean and be localized in time and frequency space (Farge 1992). An exDr. D. Yuan, Kboth U Leuven 1 2 ample is the Morlet wavelet, consisting of a plane Examples: umbral waves Journal, 792:41 (7pp), 2014 September 1 Time series (20 points detrending) (a) UF1 (b) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 10 Frequency (mHz) Relative Intensity 0.4 Yuan et al. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Norm. Counts (d) (c) 8 6 4 2 0 20 40 60 Time (min) 80 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Norm. Power -ratio intensity variation of a pixel taken at U1. The red curve is a single harmonic fit to the time series. Other panels are (b) the histogram of orlet wavelet spectrum, and (d) the periodogram. s figure is available in the online journal.) Yuan et al 2014, ApJ 792 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven 3-­‐min slow wave & instrumental effect Period (second) 100 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 1000 1000 10 20 30 40 50 60 Global wavelet 200 400 Time (min) 600 200 200 300 300 400 500 1000 Period (second) (a) 27-Oct-11 04:30:01 100 400 500 0 100 200 400 Time (min) 600 500 1000.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Periodogram 200 WFFT: fixed window width for all periods 200 400 Time (min) 300 400 500 Dr. D. Yuan, 600 0.0KU 0.2Leuven 0.4 0.6 50 ! 0 -50 Wavelet: wider window for 400 longer periods 200 300 Histogram Y (arcsec) Values Time series (50) points detrending) -100 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 X (arcsec) Figure 2.4: a) AIA 171 Å image of active 2011 at 04:30:01 is shown with the flux Yuan, 2UT 013, PhD thesis, labels a University bright loop in backgound, u of dark Warwick detaled in Sec. 2.2. A cut that was taken t with aA black bar. to b)mThe trade-­‐off ake brunning etwenn differe at 04:30:01 UT. R2temporal is the first half of R1 spectral and resolu5on covers about 10 cycles of the propagating 0.8 1.0 subtracted time-distance plot D1 . The firs The reliability and efficiency of periodogram was studied in Scargl ere we follow that discussion. The periodogram Py (ω) for an angular f onent ω is defined as Periodogram $% & % 2 [ j yj sin ω(tj − τ )]2 1 [ j yj cos ω(tj − τ )] % Py (ω) = + % , 2 2 2 ω(tj −tτj .) The parameter j − τ ) as j cossequence j sin τ ω(t physical observable at time is defined # # tan(2ωτ ) = sin 2ωtj / cos 2ωtj . j (1.78) j Periodogram is equivalent to least-­‐square fit method that Pis y (ω) τ ensures the time-invariant properties of the power spectrum. in extrac'ng component in uat nevenly ted effec've at any frequency ω. Itperiodic is normally calculated a set of M fre- spaced data. Scargle, 1982 ApJ, Horne & Baliunas 1986, ApJ e frequencies may coincide with the natural frequencies used in the IDL rou'ne: is. hdp:// Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven -compensated Fourier transform that the Py (ωn ) are independent random 26variables (Scargle 1982). In Example: CCD temperature-­‐induced EUV image intensity varia'on A&A 533, A116 (2011) (a) Yuan al. 2011 Fig. 1. a) The field of view overet AR8253 taken A at &A 1998 includes the fan-like structure and is re-sized to the left of interest (128 × 128 pixels) showing the fan-like stru 17 GHz radio emission over AR8253 at 1998-07-01 01 oscillations in sunspots, the possibility of the acou Dr. D. Yuan, Kage U Leuven into the corona has recently been demonstrate Date-­‐compensated DFT • Orthogonal Basis: Orthonormal basis: h0 = a0 H 0 H 0 (t j ) = 1 !N −1 h = a H − a h < h , H > 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 The angle bracket denotes the inner product < y1 , y2 >= 0 y H1 (t coefficients t j ) = cosaω , a way that 0 a1j and a2 are h2 determined = a2 H 2 −inasuch 2 h0 < h0 , H 2 > H 2 (t j ) = sin ω t j < h,H > < −a h0 , h 2h 0 1>=< 1h1 , h12 >=< h2 , h2 > . N ∑ < y1, Fourier y2 >= transform y1 (t j )y 2 (t j ) is com The date-compensated discrete (DCDFT) DCDFT: Every frequency 1 component shares a frac'on of the P (ω) =F (ω)F ∗ (ω) mean value. √ DFT: Only the zero frequency F (ω) = < y, h1 + ih2 > /a0 2, component contains the mean value. √ Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Ferraz-­‐Mello theAJ imaginary un where (∗) denotes complex conjugate, i = −1 1is981 Examples: DFDFT vs FFT Ø xx=2*sin(2*!pi*15*d)-­‐cos(2*!pi*16*d)+sin(2*! pi*30*d) ; A 'me series of freq=[15, 16, 30] Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Advantages of DCDFT and Lamb-­‐Scargle periodogram • Applicable to unevenly spaced data; • Compute the power of any frequency or a selected range instantly ; • Periodogram is associated with a significance test; • DCDFT es'mate the amplitude (power) beder than other methods. • DCDFT could es'mate the phase, amplitude and residue, therefore could extract any frequency component without resort to spectral domain (Harmonic filter). Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Frequency filter • Apply a window func'on in frequency domain • Remove unwanted signal or noise y1 (t) = y(t)∗ w(t) Y1 (ω ) = Y (ω )⋅W (ω ) Y (ω ) = FFT[y(t)] W (ω ) = FFT[w(t)] IDL usage: y1=FFT(W*FFT(y),/inverse); Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Mul'-­‐mode QPP detected with NoRH A. R. Inglis and V. M. Nakariakov: A multi-periodic oscillatory event in a solar flare Inglis & Nakariakov A&A 2009 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven 263 Time-­‐domain Filter: Harmonic filter y1 (t) = y(t) − a − b cos ω t − csin ω t a,b, and c are calculated with DCDFT Ferraz-­‐Mello AJ 1981 Yuan et al A&A 2011 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Removing TRACE orbital periods D. Yuan et al.: Leakage of long-period oscillations from the chromosphereto the corona (a) (b) (c) (d) Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven (e) (f) Frequency vs 'me domain filter • Frequency filter: No clean removal of a single spectral component due to aliasing, • Easy to implement and capable of wide band filtering. • Time domain filter: clean removal • Good at removing one spectral component. Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Noise es'mate in FFT PkN = NYk2 / 2σ 2 is the normalized Fourier power Yk is the FFT of y j σ 2 is the total variance of y j α is the lag-1 auto-correlation coefficient of y j The red noise spectrum is 1−α 2 Pk = 1 + α 2 − 2α co(2π k / N ) Pk = 1 (normalized mean variance) for white noise α = 0. Torrence & Compo 1998 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven χ 22 (17) ⇒” indicates “is disg distribution for the s χ2 (18) 3 a. α=0.00 14 95% 12 Mean 1 100 10 Period (δt) 1 8 6 2 0 b. α=0.70 64 95% 32 16 8 4 2 Period (years) 1 0.5 FIG. 6. Fourier power spectrum from Fig. 3, smoothed with a five-point running average (thin solid line). The thick solid line is the global wavelet spectrum for the Niño3 SST. The lower dashed line is the mean red-noise spectrum, while the upper dashed line is the 95% confidence level for the global wavelet spectrum, assuming α = 0.72. 15 10 Mean 5 0 1000 10 4 0 1000 20 Variance (σ2) 2 100 10 Period (δt) 1 midpoint of n1 and n2, and na = n2 − n1 + 1 is the number of points averaged over. By repeating (21) at each time step, one creates a wavelet plot smoothed by a certain window. The extreme case of (21) is when the average is over all the local wavelet spectra, which gives the global wavelet spectrum Torrence & Compo 1998 FIG. 5. (a) Monte Carlo results for local wavelet spectra of white Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven noise (α = 0.0). The lower thin line is the theoretical mean whitenoise spectrum, while the black dots are the mean at each scale sure of the backgrou in the local wavelet al. 1998). By smoothing the can increase the deg increase the signific To determine the DO dependent points. F the power at each fre ers, and the average each with two DOF, of freedom (Spiege wavelet spectrum, on χ22 distributed, yet F points are no longer both time and scale time appears to len wavelet function bro one expects ν ∝ na a to consider is to def such that ν = 2naδ t/ show that this τ is too even though one is correlated, some add The Monte Carlo shows the mean and 4 3 N −1 ) an background speche distribution for the 4 Variance (σ2) s shown that the local ean Fourier spectrum. nts are normally disients (the bandpassed ould also be normally e wavelet power specstributed. The upper the 95% Fourier rede 95% level from the ious section. Thus, at ming a red-noise prote that for a wavelet function, such as the there is only one dend the distribution is FFT and Wavelet noise level Variance (σ2) DOFs, denoted by χ22 termine the 95% con%), one multiplies the 95th percentile value e 95% Fourier confiST is the upper dashed few frequencies now 95% space-time maps constructed from this loop portion in the 171 Å (top) and 193 Å (bottom) channels. T the final peak positions derived from the linear fit. The slopes of these lines give the propagation speeds. mark the location of the row used in the wavelet analysis for periodicity estimation. Long period oscilla'ng in ac've region loops Krishna Prasad et al A&A 2012 Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven False alarm probability in periodogram PN (ω k ) = Py (ω k ) / σ y2 follows exponential distribution. let Z = max{PN (ω k )}, the probability that Z is above a certain power level Pr{Z > z} = 1 − [1 − e − z ]M , M is the number of independent frequencies At a small probality p0 , a random noise generate a power at level z0 , z0 = − ln[1 − (1 − p0 )1/M ] Above level z0 , the power is signficant at a confidence level of 1- p0 p0 =0.01,0.03,0.05, e.g. Horne & Baliunas 1986, ApJ Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Interac've significance test for mul' peaks Yuan et al 2011 A&A z at a confidence level of 1p = 0.95 0 0 riodograms of 171 Å data shown after iteratively subtracting the highest peak in the spectrum w Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Fisher’s randomiza'on test Randomly permute two data, y j = {y0 , y1, y2 ,...yN −1 } ⇒ P yj m yrj = {yr 0 , yr1, yr 2 ,...yrN −1 } ⇒ P yrj m if the time series is better organized in favor of a dominant peak at frequencey m then, P >P yrj m yj m Repeat M times, and in R cases such scenario occur, then peak at m is false at a probalbity of p0 = R / M Linnell Nemec & Nemec 1985 AJ 90, Yuan et al 2011 A&A Starlink-­‐PERIOD package: hdp:// Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven Summary • • • • • • • • • Fundamentals of sta's'cs Pre-­‐processing methods Fourier transform Windowed Fourier transform Wavelet Periodogram Date-­‐compensate Discrete Fourier transform Filtering method: 'me and spectral domain Significance tests and noise analysis Dr. D. Yuan, KU Leuven