PHGN590 Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics Reactor Kinetics J. A. McNeil Physics Department Colorado School of Mines 4/2009 Prompt neutron lifetime vavg = 2.200 µ 10 ^ 5 H* cmês *L; sScattU = .397; sAbsU238 = .363; sAbsU235 = 677; sFissU = 577; PercentU235 = .0072; sAbsNet = H1 - PercentU235L sAbsU238 + PercentU235 sAbsU235; sFiss = PercentU235 sFissU; PromptLifetime = 1 ê Hvavg sAbsNetL µ 10 ^ 6 ;H* micro sec*L Print@" Natural Uranium: tHpromptL = ", PromptLifetime, " ms"D Natural Uranium: tHpromptL = 0.868317 ms SaGSTR = .12; tprompt = 1 ê Hvavg SaGSTRL µ 10 ^ 6 ;H* micro sec*L Print@" GSTR: tHpromptL = ", tprompt, " ms"D GSTR: tHpromptL = 37.8788 ms Delayed neutrons - one delayed neutron group ü Mean lifetime of delayed neutron precursors » H* U235 - List format: Hli,biL, Data from Lamarsh & Barrata, p. 88 *L lDelayedList = 88.0124, .000215<, 8.0305, .001412<, 8.111, .001274<, 8.301, .002568<, 81.14, .000748<, 83.01, .000273<<; tDelayedList = 881 ê .0124, .000215<, 81 ê .0305, .001412<, 81 ê .111, .001274<, 81 ê .301, .002568<, 81 ê 1.14, .000748<, 81 ê 3.01, .000273<<; bTotal = Sum@tDelayedList@@i, 2DD , 8i, 1, 6<D; tAvg = Sum@tDelayedList@@i, 1DD tDelayedList@@i, 2DD , 8i, 1, 6<D ê bTotal; lAvg = 1 ê tAvg; Print@"» b HtotalL = ", bTotal, " » t HavgL = ", tAvg, " s » l HavgL = ", lAvg, " s^-1 »"D b HtotalL = 0.00649 » t HavgL = 13.003 s » l HavgL = 0.0769051 s^-1 » 2 Reactor_Kinetics.nb H* Data from Measurement of Reactor Period handout *L bvalue = .00642; tDelayedList = 8855.72, .00021<, 814.1, .00141<, 86.22, .00126<, 82.3, .00253<, 8.61, .00074<, 8.05, .00027<< tAvg = Sum@tDelayedList@@i, 1DD tDelayedList@@i, 2DD , 8i, 1, 6<D ê bvalue ê Log@2D balt = Sum@tDelayedList@@i, 2DD , 8i, 1, 6<D lAvg = 1 ê tAvg ü Laplace transform method Clear@l, b, LD n = 2.07; vavg = 2.2 µ 10 ^ 5; SfGSTR = 0.083; params = 8l Ø .0767, b Ø .007, L Ø 1 ê Hvavg n SfGSTRL<; sEqn@s_D = HHs ^ 2 + Hl - Hr - bL ê LL s - r l ê LL ê. r Ø d bL ê. params s2 + s H0.0767 - 37 798.2 H-0.007 + 0.007 dLL - 20.2939 d s1@d_D = s ê. Part@Solve@sEqn@sD ã 0, sD, 1D s2@d_D = s ê. Part@Solve@sEqn@sD ã 0, sD, 2D 0.5 -264.664 + 264.587 d - 264.587 1.00058 - 1.99942 d + 1. d2 0.5 -264.664 + 264.587 d + 264.587 1.00058 - 1.99942 d + 1. d2 dvalue = .25; Period = 1 ê s2@dvalueD 39.1336 ü Direct solution Clear@l, b, L, rD eq1 = n '@tD ã Hr - bL n@tD ê L + l c@tD eq2 = c '@tD ã b n@tD ê L - l c@tD n£ @tD ã l c@tD + H-b + rL n@tD c£ @tD ã -l c@tD + L b n@tD L Clear@l, b, LD n = 2.07; vavg = 2.2 µ 10 ^ 5; SfGSTR = 0.083; params = 8l Ø .0767, b Ø .007, L Ø 1 ê Hvavg n SfGSTRL< 8l Ø 0.0767, b Ø 0.007, L Ø 0.0000264563< Reactor_Kinetics.nb soln = Flatten@DSolve@8eq1, eq2, n@0D ã 1, c@0D ã b ê Hl LL<, 8n@tD, c@tD<, tDD; nsoln@t_D = Simplify@n@tD ê. solnD csoln@t_D = c@tD ê. soln; nplot@d_, t_D = Hnsoln@tD ê. r Ø d bL ê. params; t b+l L-r+ - ‰ Hb+l L-rL2 +4 l L r 2L t Hb+l L-rL2 +4 l L r -b + ‰ Hb + l L - rL2 + 4 l L r + ‰ t t b-lL+‰ L Hb+l L-rL2 +4 l L r ü Step negative reactivity insertion L Hb+l L-rL2 +4 l L r L t Hb+l L-rL2 +4 l L r lL-r+‰ Hb + l L - rL2 + 4 l L r ì 2 L r+ Hb + l L - rL2 + 4 l L r 3 4 Reactor_Kinetics.nb ü Step positive reactivity insertion (sub prompt critical) dvalue = +.25; Dt = 10; tvalue = 40; Period = Dt ê HLog@nplot@dvalue, tvalue + DtDD - Log@nplot@dvalue, tvalueDDL; Print@" Insertion of +$", dvalue, " of reactivity gives a period of ", Period, " sec"D horizaxis = StyleForm@"t HsecondsL", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Blue, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 12D; vertaxis = StyleForm@"Log@PêP0D", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Blue, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 12D; plotname = StyleForm@"Log@PêP0D versus Time ", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Black, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 14D; Plot@Log@nplot@dvalue, tDD, 8t, 0, 100<, PlotStyle Ø 88Red, Thickness@.005D<<, Frame Ø True, GridLines Ø Automatic, PlotLabel Ø plotname, FrameLabel Ø 8horizaxis, vertaxis<, ImageSize Ø 600, Background Ø LightYellow, PlotRange Ø AllD Insertion of +$0.25 of reactivity gives a period of 39.133583519 sec Log@PêP0D versus Time 2.5 Log@PêP0D 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 t HsecondsL 60 80 100 Reactor_Kinetics.nb 5 ü Step positive reactivity insertion (super prompt critical) dvalue = +2.25; Dt = .10; tvalue = .40; Period = Dt ê HLog@nplot@dvalue, tvalue + DtDD - Log@nplot@dvalue, tvalueDDL; Print@" Insertion of +$", dvalue, " of reactivity gives a period of ", Period, " sec"D horizaxis = StyleForm@"t HsecondsL", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Blue, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 12D; vertaxis = StyleForm@"Ln@PêP0D", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Blue, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 12D; plotname = StyleForm@"Ln@PêP0D versus Time ", FontFamily Ø "Tahoma", FontColor Ø Black, FontWeight Ø Bold, FontSize Ø 14D; Plot@Log@nplot@dvalue, tDD, 8t, 0, 1<, PlotStyle Ø 88Red, Thickness@.005D<<, Frame Ø True, GridLines Ø Automatic, PlotLabel Ø plotname, FrameLabel Ø 8horizaxis, vertaxis<, ImageSize Ø 600, Background Ø LightYellow, PlotRange Ø AllD Insertion of +$2.25 of reactivity gives a period of 0.00302301 sec Ln@PêP0D versus Time 300 250 Ln@PêP0D 200 150 100 50 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 t HsecondsL 0.6 0.8 1.0 ü Subcritical multiplication Suppose k < 1; therefore each neutron in the parent generation produces k offspring neutrons. If a source is present that delivers S neutrons/sec, then in each neutron lifetime Ns = S t neutrons are delivered by the source. If the source is introduced at time t=0, then the number of neutrons after one lifetime is Ns, after two lifetimes, Ns + k Ns, after three lifetimes, Ns + k (Ns + k Ns). In other words after one additional lifetime, the number of neutrons is increased by the number delivered by the source plus k x the number already present. Thus, after many generations: N=Ns(1+k+k^2+k^3+...)=Ns/(1-k). Thus, introducing a neutron source into a subcritical (k<1) reactor causes the number of neutrons to be multiplied by the factor: 1/(1-k). This can be reexpressed in terms of the reactivity: r = (k-1)/k or k = 1/(1-r), giving the subcritical multiplication factor as (1-r)/r. Suppose k < 1; therefore each neutron in the parent generation produces k offspring neutrons. If a source is present that delivers S neutrons/sec, then in each neutron lifetime Ns = S t neutrons are delivered by the source. If the source is introduced at time t=0, then the number of neutrons after one lifetime is Ns, after two lifetimes, Ns + k Ns, after three lifetimes, Ns + k (Ns + k Ns). 6 Reactor_Kinetics.nb In other words after one additional lifetime, the number of neutrons is increased by the number delivered by the source plus k x the number already present. Thus, after many generations: N=Ns(1+k+k^2+k^3+...)=Ns/(1-k). Thus, introducing a neutron source into a subcritical (k<1) reactor causes the number of neutrons to be multiplied by the factor: 1/(1-k). This can be reexpressed in terms of the reactivity: r = (k-1)/k or k = 1/(1-r), giving the subcritical multiplication factor as (1-r)/r.