FY 2012 - 2013 Property Taxes Office of the Tax Collector Mecklenburg County, NC Mecklenburg Charlotte Cornelius Davidson Huntersville Matthews Mint Hill Pineville What do property taxes pay for? When you call the police or fire department, play in a park, send your children to public school, check out a book at the library, or eat at an inspected restaurant, you are using services paid for by your property taxes. Your taxes also pay for services to help people move from welfare to work, protect children and senior citizens from abuse and neglect, protect our water and air from pollution, repair and build roads, and much more. Property taxes are the largest source of revenue to fund these services that you count on every day. For more information about Mecklenburg County’s budget, the services funded by your property taxes, and links to the municipal web sites, visit www.MecklenburgCountyNC.gov. What property is taxed? Property taxes are levied on real property (land and buildings), business personal property, registered motor vehicles, boats, manufactured homes, and income-producing personal property. How much will I pay in taxes? The amount of property tax you pay is based on the assessed value of your property. The Tax Assessor determines the value of all taxable property by the first of each year. The tax you pay is based on that value and the tax rate established by the elected city, county, or town officials. (Multiply the tax rate by each $100 of assessed value). For example, the taxes for a home assessed at $200,000 in value is $1,584.40 for County taxes and $874.00 for Charlotte taxes. What are Fire and Police Taxes? Property owners in unincorporated Mecklenburg County pay taxes for police services through the Law Enforcement Service District Tax and for fire protection and emergency services through the Fire Protection Service District Tax. Effective July 1, 2012, Mecklenburg County established five (5) Fire Protection Service Districts in the unincorporated areas of the County. Owners in these areas will find the Fire Protection Service District Tax included in their real estate tax bill. How do I change my address on my tax bill? To change your mailing address for real estate tax bills, please visit http://tax.charmeck.org, click Office of the Tax Collector, Submit a Change of Address to access the change of address notice. For all registered motor vehicle tax bills, contact the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Address change information for registered motor vehicles come directly from DMV. Please change your address within their offices, and they will send the corrected address information to the Tax Assessor’s Office the next time you renew your license tag. FY 2012-2013 Mecklenburg County Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Law Enforcement Service District Tax $12,467,196 - 1% Fire District Tax $3,296,101 - 1% Local ABC Profits $2,938,000 - 1% Investment Income $2,740,000 - 1% Fund Balance $14,000,000 - 1% Licenses & Permits $15,934,200 - 1% Other Revenue $31,752,700 - 2% Fees & Charges $87,187,612 - 6% www.MecklenburgCountyNC.gov FY2013 Mecklenburg County Tax Rate: $0.7922 per $100 of assessed value Police Service District Tax: $0.1937 Fire Service District Tax: FIRE (MCH) - $0.05 FIRE (MCN) - $0.05 FIRE (MDV) - $0.05 FIRE (MHT) - $0.05 FIRE (MMH) - $0.07 Federal & State $150,321,603 - 10% Sales Tax $199,758,000 - 13% Property Taxes $912,350,490 - 63% Total Revenue: $1,432,745,902 How the Money is Used CMS Operating $337,432,664 24% 19% Community Health & Safety 281,211,540 Effective & Efficient Government 182,566,023 CMS Debt Service 154,331,407 Social, Education & Economic 138,798,479 Sustainable Community 133,519,720 9% General Debt Service 122,359,965 9% 12% 11% 10% Pay As You Go 33,988,500 2% CPCC Operating 27,099,486 2% CPCC Debt Service 16,478,118 1% CMS Capital Replacement 4,960,000 1% TOTALS$1,432,745,902 For more details about the FY2013 budget go to www.MecklenburgCountyNC.gov FY 2012-2013 City of Charlotte Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Storm Water $57,730,994 - 3% User Fees & Other Revenue $91,874,756 - 5% Bonds $14,000,000 - 1% Property & Other Taxes $581,504,840 - 35% Public Transit $271,909,809 - 16% Water & Sewer $276,939,427 - 16% Aviation $404,761,352 - 24% www.charmeck.org FY2013 City of Charlotte Tax Rate: $0.4370 per $100 of assessed value ($1.2292 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Total Revenue: $1,698,721,178 How the Money is Used Aviation $404,761,352 Public Safety 321,829,929 Water & Sewer 276,939,427 Public Transit 271,909,809 Public Works 225,847,515 Housing/Economic Development 78,231,737 Administation & General Government 61,470,415 Storm Water 57,730,994 TOTALS $1,698,721,178 Tax Rate Breakdown: General Fund Debt Payments Pay-As-You-Go Total City Tax Rate $0.360 $0.065 $0.012 $0.437 24% 19% 16% 16% 13% 5% 4% 3% Municipal Tax Districts: District 1 Tax Rate District 2 Tax Rate District 3 Tax Rate District 4 Tax Rate District 5 Tax Rate $0.0168 $0.0401 $0.0526 $0.0668 $0.0279 FY 2012-2013 Town of Cornelius Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Other Revenue $244,576 - 1% Grants & Investments $86,000 - 1% Powell Bill $664,087 - 3% Other Taxes $721,296 - 4% Appropriated Fund Balance $896,401 - 4% Charges for Services & Fees $1,063,900 - 5% http://www.cornelius.org Property Taxes $11,781,205 - 61% Shared Revenue $4,058,725 - 21% FY2013 Cornelius Tax Rate: $0.24 per $100 of assessed value ($1.0322 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Total Revenue: $19,516,190 How the Money is Used Police & Public Safety $5,554,495 28% Debt Service & Capital Projects 3,849,267 Solid Waste & Sanitation 1,896,833 10% General Government 1,720,418 10% Public Works 1,662,617 Parks & Recreation 1,302,804 6% Fire & Rescue 1,218,000 6% Powell Bill 910,649 Tourism & Culture 694,910 Planning 501,199 Storm Water 204,998 TOTALS $19,516,190 19% 9% 5% 4% 2% 1% FY 2012-2013 Town of Davidson Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Powell Bill $280,100 - 2% Other Revenue $35,500 - 1% Charges for Services & Fees $1,422,290 - 14% Other Taxes $2,443,500 - 24% www.ci.davidson.nc.us FY2013 Davidson Tax Rate: $0.35 per $100 of assessed value ($1.1422 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Property & Vehicle Taxes $6,064,747 - 59% Total Revenue: $10,246,137 How the Money is Used Police & Public Safety $1,731,420 20% Streets 1,331,603 10% Parks & Recreation 1,097,875 10% Telecommunications 1,000,000 10% 9% Administration & General Government 951,420 Fire & Rescue 762,228 7% Solid Waste 750,000 7% Building & Grounds 597,605 Contribution to Capital Projects Fund 353,484 3% Economic Development 325,896 3% Planning 311,736 3% Storm Water 285,000 3% Power Bill 280,100 3% Travel & Tourism 263,220 3% Governing Board 154,550 Other50,000 TOTALS$10,246,137 6% 2% 1% FY 2012-2013 Town of Huntersville Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Other Revenue $964,706 - 4% Storm Water $700,000 - 3% Powell Bill $1,450,000 - 6% Grants & Loans $294,000 - 1% http://www.huntersville.org Charges for Services & Fees $1,472,586 - 6% Other taxes $6,661,000 - 20% FY2013 Huntersville Tax Rate: $0.2825 per $100 of assessed value ($1.0747 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Property Taxes $16,865,205 - 60% Total Revenue: $28,407,497 How the Money is Used Police & Public Safety $ 9,319,977 32% Public Works 4,452,725 Fire Rescue 2,462,730 9% Parks & Recreation 2,428,213 9% Debt Services & Capital 2,273,250 Administrative & General Government 1,594,104 Tourism & Culture 1,337,626 5% Powell Bill 1,450,000 5% Governing Board 1,062,037 15% 8% 6% 4% 3% Planning 951,526 Storm Water 700,000 Streets & Transportation 197,909 1% Other 177,400 1% TOTALS $28,407,497 2% FY 2012-2013 Town of Matthews Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Water & Sewer Bond $481,550 - 2% Other Taxes $202,500 - 1% Grants & Loans $145,736 - 1% Fund Balance $533,624 - 3% Storm Water $590,000- 3% Powell Bill $730,334- 4% Charges for Services & Fees $908,896 - 4% Other Revenue $1,233,205 - 6% http://www.matthewsnc.com FY2013 Matthews Tax Rate: $0.3025 per $100 of assessed value ($1.0947 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Property Taxes $10,186,794 - 49% Shared Revenue $5,512,901 - 27% Total Revenue: $20,525,540 How the Money is Used Police & Public Safety $6,231,491 30% Administration & General Government 2,151,150 10% Debt Service 2,016,184 10% Tourism & Culture 1,978,681 10% 1,858,494 10% Solid Waste & Sanitation Powell Bill 1,452,952 7% Public Works 1,425,047 7% Fire & Rescue 1,338,361 6% 3% Storm Water 624,872 Parks & Recreation 457,095 2% Planning 440,657 2% Other 330,000 1% Governing Board 170,556 1% 50,000 1% Economic Development TOTALS $ 20,525,540 FY 2012-2013 Town of Mint Hill Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Water & Sewer Bond $593,975 - 6% Vehicle Fee $175,000 - 2% Restricted Revenue $101,000 - 1% Other Revenue $693,000 - 6% http://www.minthill.com Fund Balance $765,585 - 7% Property Taxes $ 6,020,000 - 57% Shared Revenue $2,210,000 - 21% FY2013 Mint Hill Tax Rate: $0.27 per $100 of assessed value ($1.0622 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Total Revenue: $10,558,560 How the Money is Used Police & Public Safety $3,223,396 Solid Waste 1,915,000 Fire & Rescue 1,533,953 Streets & Transportation 1,236,167 30% 18% 14% 12% 715,520 7% Other695,000 7% Debt Service (including Water & Sewer) Administrative & General Government 596,200 6% 3% Planning333,492 Parks & Recreation 272,703 Governing Board 37,129 TOTALS$10,558,560 2% 1% FY 2012-2013 Town of Pineville Budget in Brief Where the Money Comes From Charges for Services & Fees $257,000 - 3% Powell Bill $177,625 - 2% Storm Water $330,000 - 3% Grants, Loans, & Investments $140,546 - 1% Other Revenue $1,110,000 - 11% Property Taxes $5,034,839 - 50% Other Taxes $2,902,500 - 30% http://www.pinevillenc.net FY2013 Pineville Tax Rate: $0.32 per $100 of assessed value ($1.1122 combined with Mecklenburg County rate) Total Revenue: $9,952,510 How the Money is Used Public Safety $4,727,545 47% Administration & General Government 2,066,365 20% Tourism & Culture 1,710,975 20% Public Works 640,625 Storm Water 330,000 Sanitation280,000 Powell Bill Other 6% 3% 2% 177,000 1% 20,000 1% TOTALS$9,952,510 How do I pay my taxes? There are five (5) ways to pay your real estate and personal property taxes. Please reference the entire 24 digit bill number when paying taxes. 1. By Internet: Visit http://paytax.charmeck.org to use your credit/debit card or choose eCheck to have payment deducted from your checking account. Official Payments Corporation (OPC) charges a convenience fee to process credit card and debit card transactions. No fee is charged for eCheck transactions. The entire 24 digit bill number is required. 2. By Telephone: Call toll-free 1-877-533-0072 to use your credit/debit card or choose eCheck to have payment deducted from your checking account. Official Payments Corporation (OPC) charges a convenience fee to process credit card and debit card transactions. No fee is charged for eCheck transactions. The entire 24 digit bill number is required. 3. By Mail: Mail both the tax payment stub and check or money order to Mecklenburg County Tax Collector, PO Box 71063, Charlotte, NC 28272-1063. Make check or money order payable to Mecklenburg County Tax Collector. The entire 24 digit bill number is required. 4. In Person: Robert L. (Bob) Walton Plaza at 700 East Stonewall Street. Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (cash, check, or money order only) or West Service Area Center at 4150 Wilkinson Blvd. Monday – Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (cash, check, or money order only). 5. Online Funds are sent electronically to Mecklenburg County Tax Collector’s Office by your financial institution. Banking: Once a payment has been authorized, it may take up to four business days before it is applied to the tax bill. The 24 digit bill number must be entered on the online bill pay account number field to ensure proper payment posting to the tax bill. The payment will be rejected and sent back to the financial institution if the tax bill number is missing or incorrect. Interest will apply if payment is received after January 7, 2013. Tax bill numbers from previous payments must be deleted and replaced with a current tax bill number for each payment. What is the County’s check policy? Checks must have drawer’s name, drawer’s address, check number, financial institution’s name, and MICR number preprinted on the check. Checks must have the current date, numbers printed, the amount paid spelled out, and a signature. Mecklenburg County does not accept starter, counter, altered, or photocopied checks. What are the tax deadlines? Property tax payments (except registered motor vehicles) are due September 1, 2012 and must be paid before January 8, 2013. If mailed, payments must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service (not by postage meter) on or before January 7, 2013 to avoid interest charges. Taxpayers whose payment is received on or after January 8, 2013 will be charged 2% interest for January and an additional 3/4% interest for each month thereafter until paid. Unpaid taxes (except registered motor vehicles) as of January 8, 2013 may be advertised in a local newspaper as being delinquent and an additional fee for advertising will be added. All delinquent taxes are subject to garnishment, levy (seizure), and foreclosure. What happens if my check is returned for non-sufficient funds? A 10% fee, with a minimum of $25.00 and a maximum of $1,000.00, whichever is greater, will be added for returned checks per section 105-357(b)(2) of the North Carolina General Statutes. Still have questions? • Visit our Web site at http://tax.charmeck.org. • Contact the CharMeck Call Center by dialing 311 if calling within Mecklenburg County or 704-336-7600 for calls outside of Mecklenburg County. • To learn more about Mecklenburg County and the services provided, log on to www.MecklenburgCountyNC.gov.