NAME GW Engineering EXAM I FALL 2010 PROBLEM #1 -25 points YtI USE UNITS of METERS SECONDS and GRAMS Prepare a water budget for the year 2009 for the unconfined sedimentary aquifer that constitutes the basin illustrated below. The basin is surrounded by a topographic divide that coincides with the water table divide. Delineate each item of the water budget and show your calculations on the following page. The unconfined aquifer has a Transmissivity ol 120m2tday and a Specific Yield of 0.12 The climate is such that evapotranspiration is about 90% of precipitation. The basin is residential with approximately 5000 homes obtaining water from domestic wells. Precipitation Stations Annual Precipitation for 2009 was the same as the average annual precipitation for the past century 830 mm A 620 mm B Water Level in meters Measured at the precipitation stations Contoured Water Levels are July 1, 2009 Location c Lhr D ht,6 E AI-5 Jan 1,2009 Dec 31, 2009 850.8 m 849.3 m 800.3 m 798.8 m 751.1 m 749.6 m 100 Stream Gage X 2009 Average Ann ual^Discharge 26 meters"/sec j%,*) .fr 6-*s DRAWN TO SCALE "&?f rl.fti Stream _\ Hydraulic head contsur 1 &set /=Br",A NAME V(Y GW Engineering EXAM I FALL 2010 md"ffas USE UNITS of METERS SECONDS and GRAMS -- f sr.*'"#** 4-F4 Delineate each item of the budget, show your calculations for each, and present the budget. w - t"v\ ' 'bfrN*6u€ giS-:,]'ly"i * ,''" +A3/' r '/ &u'):'u+ t/ ^y'^ ( €T.WN + Swak r6ut41f* FyP$S*Cr.rsailE'+AS ;rt16#-* €Tnl aFtPEr / *,*r-oW{;;^ ^ .o"n" { P: F*Pp r,*,rDffi [,,n,,* #;R==F:*6friT -- Sulor"ff >t. Z a Y,.n.- "# ,)z Gtsoua = i fr, dN !D .FOW Wal {ooohavr.r> zo}e-*L v zoooo'nl4 = lLo*4 5j^ aoovr. SbAdDo t',.rrr \ t - --\<-: (l : [,4 1-ts)-i6,DDq3 1tL\t' $l@t- Sb4ft6s GFL = -\,5e" IjL*-- g'48L71 .i3*'&re & ;,rlt $ **19'dg {r 3t557la''la'3 T\J - OuS - AS - e'Re6 r'-- 11 5. 541- [_rl5,t1z vzl*6'b ^25 a\q{*$bor'ff to1\ + ,":;),- (- +s'4 ?3) = 4\,191 2bz,o7 = z>j 2 of 8 s NAME GW Engineering EXAM I FALL 2010 V€,Y PROVIDE USE UNITS of METERS SEGONDS and GRAMS Delineate each item of the budget, show your calculations for each, and present the budget. TN = ouT , P- 5 &vk ugrr .* AS f. dr{^i5h} + :twqbgf e rfi'ftnpr gr')ou(+ c{./b(trk 6lP* 7,o31xlo4 *5 & (w9 rA5 2 of8 lf46 e','g