MEAT TECHSPEC REVIEW Ryan Alexander Janice O'Brien Anonymous student CE 20.020 April 8,2008 4/6/09 Impact Use of cattle as source of meat is highly resource demanding zMethane gas emitted from cattle contributes to global warming zEthical issues with treatment of animals zPresence of high levels of synthetic hormones and antibiotics in present-day meat zRisk of contamination during development or slaughter z 4/6/09 Purpose Develop a procedure with tools from tissue engineering that allow for the construction of edible tissue that closely resembles the presentday meat product and addresses nutritional and safety concerns z 4/6/09 3 Step Process 1) Differentiate/Detach Differentiated Muscle Cell Myoblast Differentiation Stent Skin cell line 1 2) Attach Skin cell line 2 3)Exercise 4/6/09 Stent Exercise FINAL PRODUCT 4/6/09 System and Device Overview 4/6/09 Differentiate/Detach Muscle Cell Skin Cells Growth Factors Muscle Precursor Cell Differentiate/ Repress Adhesion Divide lacl repressor Muscle Precursor Cell 4/6/09 Differentiate/Detach Skin Cell (cell line1) Inhibition Growth Factor Receptor lacl Lacl secreter Division Differentiation Adhesion Molecule1 Repressor Producer Muscle Precursor Cell 4/6/09 GF Adhesion Molecule1 Inhibition GF lacl Growt h Factor Secret er Differentiate/Detach GF Secreter GF Receptor Differentiation Division Lacl secreter Adhesion Molecule1 Producer TIME 4/6/09 Attach Skin Cells on Collagen Scaffold 4/6/09 Adhesion Protein Muscle Cells Cell Adhesion Attach Skin Cell (cell line 2) Adhesion Molecule 2 Producer Activator Activator Secreter Muscle Cell Adhesion Molecule 2 Producer 4/6/09 Activator Attach Adhesion Molecule2 Producer Activator Secreter Adhesion Molecule2 Producer TIME 4/6/09 Exercise Exercise Factors Skin Cellss 4/6/09 Muscle Cellss Gain in Muscle Tone Exercise Skin Cells(Cell Line 2) lacl IGF-1 Inhibition IGF-1 Producer Muscle Tone IGF-1 receptor Lacl secreter 4/6/09 IGF-1 lacl Exercise IGF-1 Producer IGF-1 Receptor LacI secreter 4/6/09 PARTS 4/6/09 Differentiate/Detach Growth Factor Secreter Promoter LacI operon Lacl secreter Promoter RBS RBS / MyoD Protein Sequence Adhesion Molecule1 Repressor Producer Differentiation LacI Protein Sequence Sequence BBa_C0012 Promoter 4/6/09 Cl binding site RBS CDH-15 Protein Sequence Cl Repressor Protein Sequence CI HK022 Attach Adhesion Molecule 2 Producer Promoter Promoter RBS NCAM Protein Adhesion Molecule2 Protein Sequence Sequence Adhesion Molecule 2 Producer Version 2 appY binding site RBS NCAM Protein Sequence Activator Secreter Promoter RBS AppY protein sequence BBa_K118001 4/6/09 Version 1 Exercise IGF-1 Producer Promoter LacI binding site RBS IGF-1 Protein Sequence Lacl secreter Promoter RBS Hypertrophy Gene LacI Protein Sequence BBa_C0012 4/6/09 Testing/Debugging z z z Differentiate/Detach: Removal of differentiating system and comparison of before/after muscle cell concentration Attach: Attachment of muscle cells to collagen scaffold indicates system working Exercise: Compare to nonāstimulated muscle cells 4/6/09 Unknowns and Possible Issues • Yield of procedure? • Percentage of floating muscle cells harvested? 4/6/09 Open Issues • Bioreactor or not? • Different pathways? 4/6/09 Go or No Go? 4/6/09 MIT OpenCourseWare 20.020 Introduction to Biological Engineering Design Spring 2009 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: