Interior Design
Environmental Science
Land Acquisition
Construction Management
September 26, 2001
Jennifer Penick
01553 Meeting Minutes
Oaklawn Park Neighborhood
City of Charlotte Project No. 512-01-045
A Neighborhood Input Meeting was held on September 18, 2001 at 6:30 PM. The purpose
of the meeting was to present the conceptual plans for infrastructure improvements for the Oaklawn
Park Community. The meeting gave residents the opportunity to participate in the planning process
through review of the conceptual plan and making comments, suggestions, and asking questions.
The following representatives were present:
Bruce Miller
Carl Jarrett
John Howard
Kim Wallis
Jerry Roberson
Chris Johnson
Jennifer Penick
Charlotte Engineering & Property Management
Charlotte Engineering & Property Management
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission
Charlotte Neighborhood Services
Charlotte Area Transit System
Presnell Associates, Inc.
Presnell Associates, Inc.
Mr. Miller began the meeting thanking those attending the meeting and introducing the key
officials, neighborhood representatives, and the project team. He then presented a brief overview of
the project’s history and a summary of the minutes from the July 9, 2001 public meeting. The time
line for the project was then provided as follows:
Preliminary Plans complete – early Spring 2002
Third Public Meeting to review Preliminary Plans – Spring 2002
Construction start date – March 2003
Presnell then presented the conceptual plan and showed the areas where the comments from the
previous public meeting had been addressed by addition of sidewalk and drainage improvements. It
was stated that the handout map showed only the sidewalks, but the attendees were encouraged to
come up and view the large display map to see proposed drainage and utility upgrades being
proposed for their area.
During the map presentation, attendees viewed the conceptual plan map and discussed
existing conditions as well as presenting suggestions and comments for the proposed preliminary
design plans. These comments included:
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September 26, 2001
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Additional prospective sites for sidewalk construction include Gunn Street (between
Russell Avenue and Kay Street) and Miles Court (between Mulberry Avenue and Orvis
The property owner at 1307 Mulberry Avenue requests a culvert be provided along her
back property line to replace the drainage ditch. A lot of overgrowth in existing drainage
Resident of 1538 Gunn Street stated that the drainage ditch located between Newcastle
Street and Gunn Street is in need of cleaning and maintenance.
The property owner at 1330 Fairmont noted that the water meter boxes along their
frontage have been cracked. She suggested that they may need to be relocated as this
area is used as a driveway and parking area.
The catch basins and gutters need to be cleaned out and maintained. Property owner
said, street maintenance has requested the replacement of catch basin top slabs as the
clearance between the slab and grate is too close.
The resident at 1413 Russell Avenue stated that a water meter was replaced and the
concrete sidewalk was not replaced following the repair. He requested that this sidewalk
be repaired.
Next door to 1413 Russell Avenue, the sidewalk is cracked and in need of repair due to
heavy truck parking on the sidewalk.
The resident a 1719 Miles Court stated that the debris and overgrown brush in the
drainage ditch needs to be cleaned and maintained.
Ms. Anna Hood requested cutting back brush within Right of Way on Waddell Street
and Gunn Street, and also requested cleaning the catch basins on Gunn Street.
Will sidewalk be placed on both sides of the streets?
No, the city will provide sidewalks only on one side of the streets chosen for
sidewalk addition.
Will sidewalks be added to Patton Street (located across Oaklawn Ave.)?
Not as a part of this project; however, that area will be investigated under a separate
city project (sidewalk improvement program).
Could the city provide a listing of the proposed improvements for each street as the
handout map shows only sidewalk improvements?
Yes, a listing of improvements slated for each street will be included in the next
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September 26, 2001
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The next meeting will be held in early 2002 and the exact time and location will be
announced within the neighborhood newsletter. The purpose of that meeting will be to present and
discuss the preliminary plan design.
If you have any additions, or corrections to these minutes, please contact me by September
27, 2001.
file: 01553 – Meeting Minutes
cc: Attendees
Jennifer Glotfelty, Charlotte Stormwater Services
Carl Wilson, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility
Craig Monroe, City of Charlotte Landscape Services
Charles Able, CDOT
Michelle Alexander, CDOT