August 7, 2001 File Chris Johnson

August 7, 2001
Chris Johnson
Oaklawn Park Neighborhood
City of Charlotte Project No. 512-01-045
A Neighborhood Input Meeting was held on July 9, 2001 at 6:30 PM. The purpose of
the meeting was to identify infrastructure improvements for the Oaklawn Park Community.
The meeting gave residents the opportunity to participate in the planning process through
comments, suggestions, and questions. The following representatives were present:
Bruce Miller
Carl Jarrett
Jennifer Glotfelty
John Howard
Millicent Powell
Carl Wilson
Candice Leonard
Chris Johnson
Charlotte Engineering & Property Management
Charlotte Engineering & Property Management
Charlotte Stormwater Services
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission
Charlotte Neighborhood Services
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility
Presnell Associates, Inc.
Presnell Associates, Inc.
Highlights from the meeting were:
The project will include the construction of curb, sidewalk, and storm drainage.
The project will also include utility upgrades and adjustments.
The tentative construction start date is August 2002 (Reschuled to March 2003).
During the map presentation, attendees viewed a neighborhood map and discussed
existing conditions as well as presented suggestions and comments for the proposed
conceptual design. These comments included:
Prospective sites for sidewalk and curb & gutter construction include
Jennings Street, Condon Street, Renner Street, Mulberry Avenue, Dean
Street and Fairmont Street, Waddell St..
01553 – Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2001
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Drainage problem locations included 1307 Mulberry Avenue and culvert under
Russell Avenue. Also in back of 1516 Gunn St. (Mary Brooks, property owner)
Will the City pay for easements for sidewalk?
Property owner will be asked to donate any easements required to construct
the improvements.
What will the $1.75 million budget include?
The budget includes engineering and construction. Additional funding will
be provided by the City’s Stormwater Services to address drainage issues.
The next meeting will be held during the month of September and the exact time and
location will be announced within the neighborhood newsletter. The purpose of this meeting
will be to present and discuss the proposed conceptual design.
If you have any additions, or corrections to these minutes, please contact me by
August 14, 2001.
file: 01552 – Meeting Minutes
cc: Attendees
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